Program for creating landscape design online. The layout of the suburban area

It is much easier to do all the calculations and projects on paper than directly on the plot of land intended for breaking the garden. In this case, the inevitable mistakes and miscalculations will be much easier for you to correct.

First, you should draw a sketch of the plan of the garden plot at your disposal, and then add all the details to it, in accordance with your ideas.

If the plot is large, break it into separate sectors, which you will combine later. A sketch of a small garden will fit on one sheet of paper. At the edges of the sheet, do not forget to leave margins on which the measurements will be recorded.

Necessary tools for site measurements and drawing up a drawing

measuring tape- it is most convenient to use roulettes 30 m long, they are easy to work with, and ordinary plastic tapes do not twist well.

metal ruler 1.8 m long for measuring short distances.

Pegs, with the help of which they mark the site or fix the end of the measuring tape (a metal skewer for barbecue is perfect for fixing the end of the tape measure).

Pencils, sharpeners and eraser.

Tablet with clamps and graph paper.

First draft drawing.

Write down the dimensions of all the main elements of the garden., such as trees, paths or a garage. Do not draw on the plan what you decide to get rid of.

The easiest way to measure a small rectangular garden. Sometimes the length of its boundaries of the site can be determined by simply counting the number of spans of the picket fence and multiplying it by the length of one span.

Most objects can be plotted on a plan by measuring at a right angle the distance from them to the boundaries of a piece of land.

If the area is irregular, you can stretch the rope cords at right angles to its sides, and then make the necessary measurements.

The first drawing of a future garden plan can be very simple.., only the main measurements should be marked on it. Don't include anything you don't want in your new garden.

An intermediate version of the plot drawing.

Having made the necessary measurements of the site and made the first drawing of the future garden, you can start planning more carefully.

At this stage of work, you can give free rein to your imagination, trying to translate all your desires on paper. Sketches should be drawn to scale.

After the main plan is ready, necessarily drawn in accordance with the actual scale, the most interesting stage in planning the future garden begins. It is at this moment that all your dreams begin to come true. However, in order to avoid difficulties in the future, now all changes made to the plan must be made to scale.

To do this, a rough sketch of the outlines of the garden, made immediately after the measurements of the site, should be transfer to drawing paper. or millimeter. This procedure will allow you to accurately calculate the amount of building materials needed (at least stone blocks and bricks), the length of the boundaries of the site and the size of lawns and lawns.

It is most convenient to use graph paper, which is sold in specialized stores of stationery and art supplies.

If the garden is small, its plan can be drawn on one sheet of standard size; if the site has an impressive size, sketches of its individual parts can be placed on several sheets, however, in this case it is better to draw a general plan on one large sheet of graph paper.

Necessary choose this fit the garden plan on a piece of paper. For most small plots, a scale of 1:50 is suitable (1 cm on the plan corresponds to 0.5 m in reality), for large ones it is more convenient to use a scale of 1:100 (1 cm on the plan corresponds to 1 m of the plot).

First draw the boundaries of the future garden and the location of the house, remembering to depict all the doors and windows. Then put on the drawing everything that you would like to keep unchanged on the site.

All the required dimensions are on the freehand rough sketch that you drew while measuring the area.

Do not put everything that should be removed from the future garden on the drawing.

On the plan given here as an example, a summer garden house is indicated, since it is conveniently located, and it was decided to leave it. The image of an apple tree, located in the upper left corner, was saved at this stage of work, since perhaps this tree could be useful when decorating a garden. However, in the final version of the layout, it had to be abandoned.

Final site plan.

Be prepared for the fact that before the final version of the plan is ready, you will have to draw several sketches.. This is done even by experts in their field. The one who does this for the first time should not save on paper.

To make sure that the decisions are correct, it is better to make several working drawings. You can make the work much easier by making several photocopies of the first sketch, which shows only the main elements of the garden, and using them as a template.

You can simplify the work if the main plan is on top put on a tracing paper. and try to arrange the elements of the garden by drawing on it.

Even if you don't have a drawing board or a special tablet that artists use, a regular stationery tablet with clips will do just fine.

If you prefer a color image, it is convenient to use transparencies and special felt-tip pens. for retroprojectors or codoscopes.

In this case, unnecessary lines are easily erased with pieces of cotton wool or blotting paper.

Can be cut figurines of basic elements., used in the planning of the garden (pond, flower beds, garden furniture, etc.), from paper, respecting the scale. By moving them around the drawing surface, you can easily find the optimal location for them. However, after the final impression is formed, these objects still have to be painted. If this is not done, the consistency and coherence of the elements in the design of the garden may be lost.

Using the data on the rough freehand sketch while measuring the site, draw the plan of the garden to scale. To do this, it is advisable to use millimetric paper.

Site Plan Tips.

If you don't have drawing skills, try the tips below. They may be helpful to you.

Draw first external outlines of the site., then the position of the house and other main elements of the garden design. Before putting anything on the plan, make sure that the previous measurements are correct.

Following the main elements, draw such details that easy to place on the plan(for example, rectangular flower beds, a round pond or a shed) and the location of which is beyond doubt.

Shade or fill in those parts of the planned garden that you know will remain in the final design (for example, fences and garden paths that you do not intend to change). Those elements in the expediency or location of which there are certain doubts, draw first with a pencil.. In this case, it will be easier to make the necessary changes without redrawing the plan. After their final place is determined, circle their contours with ink and paint over.

In order to draw curved lines and circles, you can use a compass, various round objects, or, which is much more convenient, special bending rulers, the shape of which can be changed.

Special programs for landscape design.

If you have the opportunity to purchase special landscape design software., and you also have certain computer skills, then computer modeling of the site will be a better solution for you than drawings on paper.

With the help of the program, you can design a site without calculating the dimensions at each stage, without wasting time on altering the drawing, as well as on drawing individual objects.

In addition to professional products for designing a site or garden, there are programs designed for ordinary users, it is much easier to learn how to work with them.

Sierra land designer 3D 7.0. - a quality program for landscape design. Great 2D view, lots of design options, distances, area, etc. Huge database of plants, with the ability to add your own options and filter by zone, type of plant. Fairly easy to learn. Suitable for standard landscape compositions.

Quite a decent 3-dimensional view, although all objects are 2-dimensional, but the quality does not suffer. Plus a huge number of objects themselves: pergolas, trellises, gates, etc., there is no need to reinvent the wheel. You can "build" the house yourself, for a more realistic view; windows, doors, stairs are available. It is also possible to design lighting separately. You can see the stages of the landscape by season, as well as see the change in the sun during the day.

Advantages.: Acceptable 3D appearance, easy to use, quick to learn.

Flaws.: Objects are not 3-dimensional, there is no possibility to do individual things.

conclusions.: In my opinion, the best, in terms of ease of learning / quality of the final result, program for 3-dimensional landscape design.

"Our Garden Ruby 9.0". embodies cutting-edge innovative 3D technology and allows you to create a garden using a PC. Feel free to experiment, develop your ideas, and then implement a clear design concept!

Program "Our Garden Ruby 9.0". is a combination of 3D planner, designer and plant encyclopedia. The program is ideal for professional designers, amateur gardeners, as well as for teachers and students of design schools, departments and faculties of colleges and institutes.

"Our Garden Ruby 9.0". allows you to make a plan of the garden plot, embody all the creative ideas of your design project on it and take a walk with a video camera through the created virtual 3-dimensional garden.

You can look and admire your garden at any time of the year and watch how it changes over the course of not only months, but years. The program will be indispensable as a guide to growing and caring for plants!

Program . perhaps the best and most successful version of all 3D applications for landscape design.

Realtime Landscaping Architect. will help you to translate into reality the most daring ideas for landscape design. Using the latest advances in 3D technology, even a novice user can create interesting projects that include elements such as: houses, verandas, fences, plants, ponds and waterfalls.

Program Real Time Landscaping Architect. released by the company Idea Spectrum in 2007 and is intended for landscape design. Consists of three programs: actually landscape design software, photo processing software. (similar to Photoshop) and program for visualizing perspective from a photograph of an object.

The program provides for the possibility of working at three levels: plan, perspective and walk. In addition, it is possible to create a video film based on the results of the walk. Large library of 3D objects, including 3D plants, high-quality 2D objects and plants. Although the library is incomplete, there is the possibility of self-filling.

Good converts not very large objects from 3DS-max and Google Skech Up. And most importantly, a unique possibility of geoplastics. territories directly in the program. The program allows you to create a high-quality dendroplan, path plan, irrigation plan and decorative lighting plan. Implemented night light mode. and much more.

In front of you is quite easy to use online plot planner. But despite its simplicity, with its help you can quickly plan the placement on your site of everything that you want to build or plant.

The site planner set contains all typical buildings. House, outbuildings, sauna, compost heaps, containers, paths, etc. Of the plants in the online planner, there are trees, bushes, lianas, flowers, flower beds. You can plan the placement of lawns, greenhouses, beds with herbs and vegetables.

The scheduler is quite convenient and quickly mastered.

How to use the plot planner

First you need to specify the size of your site. If you do not know the exact dimensions, the program will show the "default" size.
If your site does not have even boundaries, then after planning the main elements, houses, beds, outbuildings, you can fence off the excess part with a fence, which is also in the fence.

How to work with a site plan

On the field you set, you see squares. Thick gray lines indicate squares with a side width of 5 meters. Thin orange with a side of 1 meter.

At the bottom left there are buttons with which you can increase or decrease your plan.

On the left is the control panel. It has all the necessary buttons for operation.

New Plan - You will create a new lot plan.
Save plan - a function to save the plan you created.
Plot size - in the work you can change the size of the area.
Print - print the plan you created on the printer.
Hide trees - after pressing this button, the contours of all trees on the site remain on the plan. Pressing again - returns all the trees back.
Help - call a window with a description of the program.
Close - closes the program.

Let's start creating a plan

You have selected the size of the lot. On the left there is a menu with typical summer cottages. These are buildings, plants and an additional menu - "more". Scroll the ribbon with the mouse, select an object and drag it to your plan.
Removing an object from the plan is done by clicking on the cross on the object itself.
There are also markers for changing the size of the object and its rotation around the axis.

As you can see, working with the plot planner is very simple. For a more accurate layout, you should increase the scale of the plan. Don't forget the squares. These are meters, keeping the scale you will achieve more accurate proportions and ratios of real structures with planned ones.

This site plan was created in 20 minutes by the above site planner online. And repeats an exact copy of the site of the author of the article.

Download plot planner for free>>>

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Making the right choice of design style is possible after studying the terrain, the presence of slopes, slides, to use them when arranging the site with paths, steps,. If there are trees, bushes, then you should determine how they fit into the new landscape. It is possible that some vegetation will have to be removed in order to plant a new one on the territory.

Final planning stage

Having decided on the style, plans, drawings with dimensions are drawn up based on the information received. The area depicted on the monitor screen is filled with elements and objects invented or from the existing library.

You should know that rounded shapes evoke a sense of security, an abundance of vertical lines can create anxiety, and the predominance of horizontal lines has a calming effect.

And then the territory is considered in a three-dimensional image. Some programs allow you to see the landscape when the shade changes during the day, and green spaces in the summer and winter seasons. Using this feature, you can detect errors in order to correct them at the design stage.

Option for planning a suburban area

There are software packages that in the final allow you to calculate the work, determine the total costs for the implementation of the developed project. This process is facilitated by the fact that the interface of most of them is in Russian. There is also in a foreign language, but you will have to search for the crack on the Internet.


If the owner of the site decided to design it on his own, taking into account his own preferences, then the planning program will be his best assistant. He can use it online or download it to his computer to use it completely independently and for free. Moreover, it will completely do without special knowledge about design or programming.

I am looking for a simple (and preferably free) program for drawing a plot plan (plantings, sheds, paths, etc.). There is no need for big bells and whistles, the only requirement is a scale grid that can be printed, for referencing on the ground.
in the Google sketchup, the daughter did not find how to do it
I suspect that the question is from the category of button accordions, then I ask you to poke your nose, pliz!

If you definitely need a grid in order to draw a site plan, then the most correct thing is to use the free SketchUp 8 program. In this case, it is better to move the drawn grid to a separate layer. This will allow you to later view or print your site plan in both grid and non-grid versions. Which can be very convenient. I explain how to make a grid.
It is done like this. Launched SketchUp 8. Customize the toolbars. See screenshot. You can remove the image of a person by selecting it and pressing Delete. Next, for convenience, press the "top view". See screenshot. Move the Pan tool (like the palm of your hand) to the top view a little to the left and down. Take the Roulette Tool. Put it on the green line, press the left mouse button and move the guide to the right. Release anywhere. Type your grid spacing on the keyboard. In this example, 250. Press Enter. The first guide will fit exactly 250 mm from the green axis.
You can do the same for longer, but if you need a lot of guides, you can create them by multicopying. This will facilitate the work and allow you to very quickly create as many guides as you like at the same distance from each other. To do this, use the "Move" tool to hover over the guide and when it turns blue (selected), press Ctrl on the keyboard (lower left keyboard key) and by pressing the left mouse button "drag" the copy of the guide to the right. Press Enter. Type on the keyboard (with the English layout) x10 (or any other number, depending on how many copies you need). Press Enter. You will have ten copies of the guides at the same distance from each other. We do the same by creating horizontal guides parallel to the red axis. The result is a grid with a step of 250x250 mm (although you can set any sizes, including using a rectangular grid). Let's create a new layer. Let's call it "Grid". Select our mesh by clicking "Edit-Select All". The mesh will stand out and turn blue. Click "Window-object data" and in the drop-down panel select the "Grid" layer, click. Now our grid will be in a separate "Grid" layer, and by turning the layer on or off, you can turn the visibility of the grid on or off. By drawing various objects, a house, sheds, paths, flowerbeds, etc. You can create your own layers for each type. It's comfortable.

Every thing we start doing needs a plan. It does not matter at all what you are going to do, because all the details of this or that case should be carefully considered. And when it comes to a garden plot, in this case you can’t do without drawings.

On paper, it is much easier to do certain calculations than on a piece of land. In this case, it is simply impossible to avoid mistakes, and on paper it will not be difficult to correct them.

To create a garden plot plan, you need to draw a sketch of your garden plot plan, and only after that start adding some details to it that correspond to your future actions.

If you have a large area at your disposal, it should be divided into several sectors, which you will eventually connect. At the edges of the sheet, you should leave small margins on which you write down the measurements.

In order to measure your garden plot, you need special tools, including:

  • Pencils, eraser, sharpeners;
  • A metal ruler, the length of which should be 1.8, to measure small distances;
  • Tape for measuring, the length of which must be at least 30 m.
  • Pegs, with their help, you can mark your site or fix the measuring tape;
  • Clipboard;
  • Graph paper.

We begin to make a draft version of our drawing.

From now on, you can fantasize, draw on paper what you would like to see as your new site. When drawing images on paper, do not forget to observe the scale.

  • Take your first drawing and transfer it to special drawing paper. Using this procedure, you can easily calculate the length of all site boundaries and the amount of materials you need, including bricks and stone blocks.
  • In this case, it will be much more comfortable to use graph paper, which can be purchased at specialty stationery stores.
  • If your garden plot is small, it can be easily placed on one sheet. In another case, if the plot is large, you should make sketches of its parts, which are then connected, or immediately make a general plan on a large sheet of graph paper.
  • When choosing a scale, it should be borne in mind that the site plan must fit on one sheet. In most cases, with small areas, the ideal option is a scale of 1:50. If the area is large, it is recommended to use a scale of 1:100.
  • First you need to draw the boundaries of your garden, as well as the location of the house. Only after that you can draw all the elements that you want to see in the future.
  • You already have all the dimensions on the rough sketch that you made before.

Also, before you draw your master plan, you may need to make some rough sketches. Even professional specialists cannot create the final plan of the garden plot the first or second time. And if you are doing this plan for the first time, you should not spare paper.

Sierra land designer 3D 7.0

You can create several photocopies of your first sketch, which will allow you to apply additional elements to the copies and save your time.

An excellent option is to apply tracing paper to the main plan, with which you can arrange the elements of your future garden.

In the event that you want to make a color drawing, you can use transparencies.

If you have free time or desire, you can cut out special figures of the main elements from plain paper that you will install in the garden. When moving such figures along the drawing, it is much easier and easier to determine the place of installation of one or another element.

Consider a few tips from professionals for planning your garden plot:

  • First of all, you should draw the outer boundaries of the garden plot, and only after that the location of the house, flower beds, or other objects.
  • Then draw elements that can be placed effortlessly on your plan. These are objects that will not change the territory of their location. A house should be included among such objects, indicating all its windows and doors. This is necessary in order to finally see the full view of your site.
  • First, it is recommended to draw with a pencil, which will help you easily make further changes.
  • Use compasses or special bending rulers to draw circles.
  • Do not use long labels in the plan, as they take up a lot of space, making it much more difficult to apply objects.

Program Our Garden Rubin

In addition to all of the above, relief is of particular importance. If you have a flat area, then you should not mark it on the drawing. In another case, if there are ups and downs on the ground, then such moments must be indicated on the sketch. An excellent option would be geodetic survey, but not every person has the opportunity to conduct it. As a result, you should do this work yourself.

It is not at all difficult to determine which direction this or that bias has. To do this, stand at the highest point of your site and look around. To determine the size of this slope, you should use the water level, which can be easily done by hand. To do this, extend the water hose from the highest point of the slope to the lowest point, then raise the ends of the hose one height and run some water into the hose. As a result, the difference that will be between the height of the column in two pieces of hose, and the size of this slope.

Do not forget to put on the plan all the communications that exist on the site.

  • First you need to specify gas, after it electricity, water, and sewerage. And only now it should be noted on the site of the place where you will enter communication data. Such a process is necessary in order not to harm them during gardening.
  • If you are going to plant your site, in this case, you can make a real map of your garden from the plan. It is possible to note special zones on the plan, including rocky or wet soil, strong gusts of wind, and others.

To date, there are a large number of programs that allow you to make a simulation of a garden plot on a computer, which is much more convenient than on paper.

With the help of such a program, you can design your site, and do not count the dimensions at each stage of work.

Among these programs it is worth highlighting:

  • Professional products for site design;
  • Programs for ordinary users.

Very popular and convenient Sierra land designer 3D 7.0. This program provides the user with a large number of different options, has a large database of plants, and allows you to add your own design options. The advantage of this program is a 3-dimensional view, ease of use. In addition, to use this program, there is no need for special knowledge and skills, because it is quite simple.

Second option « Our Rubin Garden 9.0”. This program is the embodiment of innovative 3D technologies. Here you can experiment, and fully open your imagination.

In such a unique program, you can easily create a plan for your garden, and fully embody on it all the ideas that exist in your design project.

Third program real time Landscaping architect, is the best version of 3D. With its help, you can create interesting projects that include a large number of elements.