Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. Is there a disaster coming? Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station: history of construction Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station

The largest hydroelectric power station in the world (1972). Located on the river. Yenisei, above the city of Krasnoyarsk, at the place where the Yenisei crosses the spurs of the Eastern Sayan near the city of Divnogorsk. Installed capacity 6000 MW (6 million kW), average long-term electricity generation... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Krasnoyarsk:: Russia Krasnoyarsk village within the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region. Krasnoyarsk village in the Tsimlyansky district of the Rostov region. Krasnoyarsk village in the Omutinsky district of the Tyumen region. See also Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, ... ... Wikipedia

Full name: Branch of JSC Russian Railways Krasnoyarsk Railway Years of operation: 1936 1961, from January 17, 1979 Country ... Wikipedia

In Russian federation. Formed on December 7, 1934. 2401.6 thousand km2. Population 3080.0 thousand people (1998), urban 74.2%. 25 cities, 46 urban villages. Includes Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki Autonomous Okrugs. Center … … encyclopedic Dictionary

Spillway of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station ... Wikipedia

A hydroelectric station, the pressure to the swarm is created by a dam, and the turbine room and the hydroelectric power station building are located outside the dam. Static The water pressure is absorbed by the shield wall, from which the turbine water conduits originate. P. Hydroelectric power station is being built at... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

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Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is the first hydroelectric power station on the Yenisei River. Located 40 km. from Krasnoyarsk, near the city of Divnogorsk. The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station was built in 1972 and in terms of installed capacity (6000 MW) it ranks seventh in the world and second in Russia. The station's average long-term output is 18.4 billion kWh, which covers about half of the Krasnoyarsk Territory's electricity needs. The hydroelectric power station complex includes, in particular, the only ship lift in Russia.

The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station was designed by the Lenhydroproekt Institute.
Construction of the hydroelectric power station began in 1956 after the state commission approved the Shumikha site for the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.

August 8, 1959 - the first cubic meters of rock were poured into the lintels of the first stage pit.

First half of 1961

Left Bank pit

August 10, 1961 - the first cubic meter of concrete was laid in the spillway part of the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station dam.

In total, 5.7 million m³ of concrete was laid during the construction of the dam body.

On September 23, 1963, the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin visited the construction of a hydroelectric power station
Bochkin and Gagarin

In 1965, the motor ship "Krasnoyarsk Worker" brought the sea lighter "Lodma" with the first turbine for the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station to Krasnoyarsk from Dudinka

The first unit of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station was launched on November 3, 1967.
September 13, 1970 - The Krasnoyarsk reservoir reached its design level.
1971 - the last two - the 11th and 12th hydraulic units of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station - were put into operation.
July 26, 1972 - The State Commission accepted the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station into permanent operation with an “excellent” rating.

In 1982, the ship lift was put into permanent operation.

The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is one of the ten largest hydroelectric power stations in the world in terms of installed capacity and is the second among Russian hydroelectric power stations in terms of this indicator.

The image of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is on the reverse side of the 10-ruble banknotes of the 1997 model.

Gravity concrete dam 1065 m long and 124 m high,

Technical corridors inside the dam

View from the dam crest

Ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station

The height of the upper pool at the FPU is 243 m above sea level, the lower - from 141.7 to 152.5 m. The permissible height of the reservoir drawdown from the FPU is 10 meters. The maximum capacity of the spillway during flood is 12 thousand m³/sec.
The reservoir of the hydroelectric power station is about 400 km long and up to 15 km wide, with a depth of up to 100 m.

Road bridge over the Yenisei. Highway M54 "Yenisei"

The dam building of the hydroelectric power station is 360 m long and 31 m wide.

Bas-relief in the hall

The power of the hydroelectric power station is 6000 MW. Average annual electricity production is 18.4 billion kWh.

The building of the hydroelectric power station has 12 radial-axial hydraulic units with a capacity of 500 MW each, operating at a design head of 93 m.

85% of the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Plant's electricity is consumed by the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Smelter (Rusal).
The remaining part of the electricity goes into the Siberian energy system.
In Russian production, the share of electricity from the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station is 2.3%.

I thank the press service of the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station for the tour and provision of archival materials

For any questions regarding the use of photographs, please email.

30 kilometers below the dam is Krasnoyarsk, a million-dwelling city; behind it, 40 versts, is the hundred-thousand-strong closed nuclear center Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26). This is not only a working reactor, radiochemical production, these are mountains and lakes of radioactive waste, hundreds of millions of curies.
I have been to many hydroelectric power stations, but nowhere have I seen such an attitude towards a strategic facility. We calmly drove the car to the upper platform. There is no security, it feels like an abandoned facility. But we remember the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, and downstream the city of a million people is Krasnoyarsk.

There's no sign of security at all. Cars calmly rise, people walk and wander wherever they please.

Another problem besides the flooding of land in the reservoir. There are no catching nets here and all the fish that swim up to the station are simply ground up. It should not be...

Another problem. The company engaged in hydraulic engineering research and construction says that under the influence of water over the past 40 years, significant deformations of the riverbed have occurred, resulting in the formation of an erosion funnel, and the rock from the funnel washed over the island opposite the hydroelectric power station. The water now does not leave, but beats against the island, comes back and destroys the base of the dam.

Construction of the hydroelectric power station began in 1956 and ended in 1972. The first unit of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station was launched on November 3, 1967. The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is not only the second largest in Russia, but also the 9th in the world. It operates 12 hydraulic units with a capacity of six thousand megawatts. 85 percent of the electricity generated by the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is consumed by the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter, and the rest goes to the needs of citizens. In total, about 500 people now work at the station and more than 50 percent of them are craftsmen and engineers with higher education.

On August 8, 1959, a granite slab was thrown into the bed of the greatest Siberian river, on which the motto of the monumental construction that had begun was carved: “Submit, Yenisei!”

Beautiful of course
in 1961, the first cubic meter of concrete was laid in the spillway part of the dam, six months later the Yenisei was blocked, and three years later the motor ship "Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy" brought the sea lighter "Lodma" from Dudinka with the first turbine for the hydroelectric power station.

For the passage of ships, the only ship lift in Russia for 2010 was built. The tonnage of vessels transported by the ship lift at the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station can reach 1,500 tons.

the only ship lift in Russia, built in 1976 (officially put into operation in 1982) at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station on the Yenisei River. The ship lift consists of an outport, a lower approach channel, the lift itself and a turntable. The lift is a platform moving along a rail track with a track width of 9 m and having gearing. Each of the track rails rests on a separate overpass. The movement is carried out by electric traction.

To load a vessel into a lift, the platform is lowered below the water level, the ship enters the lift, after which the platform begins to move up the overpass; the vessel is transported “afloat”. At the top point, the platform, together with the vessel, enters a turntable, which moves it to another track, along which the platform is lowered into the upper pool below the water level, after which the vessel can leave the lift.

We were told that it does not work often. The price one way is 200 thousand rubles. And now the lift does not belong to the hydroelectric power station.

swivel mechanism

About a kilometer from the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station there now stands the Glory to Labor memorial complex. It is dedicated to motorists who took part in the construction of the hydroelectric power station. At its peak in 1967, there were 1,120 drivers and 842 vehicles involved.

The door was not broken down, this is how the drivers drove in order to have time to jump out of the cab when the car overturned.

And quite a few drivers died

The hydroelectric power station is located 23 kilometers from the city of Krasnoyarsk, on the Yenisei River, at the intersection of the Eastern Sayan spurs near the city of Divnogorsk.

Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station is the first hydroelectric power station on the Yenisei River, one of the most powerful in the country and the calling card of the city, and depicted on the 10 ruble banknote of the 1997 model.

It all started back in 1954, when the first team of surveyors made their way to Shumikha in order to select the site of a future hydroelectric power station. On September 23, 1955, the State Commission selected and approved Shumikhinsky. And a year later, on the site of the Znamensky monastery, the city of power engineers Divnogorsk appeared. The matter went smoothly; in the shortest possible time, the first cubic meter of concrete was laid, the second, and so on. The commissioning of hydroelectric power plants developed similarly. In 1982, a ship lift appeared.

Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is leader in terms of electricity production in the region, it has a capacity of 6000 MW (only Sayano-Shushenskaya is ahead of it in this indicator - 6400 MW). Moreover, in terms of installed capacity, the Krasnoyarsk HPP is one of the ten largest hydroelectric power plants in the world. The station is distinguished by its trestle-free technology for constructing high concrete dams, regulation of the temperature regime of the dam under construction (the height of which is 126 meters), increasing its solidity and operational reliability parameters, blocking the river in harsh winter conditions and other innovations. The average annual production of hydroelectric power stations is about 17.5 billion kWh, which satisfies more than 50% of the regional electricity demand. In Russian electric power production, the share of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is 2.3%.

The monolithic concrete dam holds back the onslaught of a huge mass of water. In the station part of the dam there are metal pipes with a diameter of 7.5 meters - water conduits through which water is supplied to the turbine. When its level in the reservoir reaches the normal retaining level (NRL), the gates at the spillway dam section open. Soaring, the water rushes along an inclined edge, falling into the Yenisei at a distance of over 120 meters.

Barrier the design is made up a gravity concrete dam 1000 meters long, reaching 125 meters in height, a hydroelectric power station building 430 meters long, a ship lift and open switchgear devices (OSD), the voltage of which is 220 and 500 kilovolts. The machine room accommodates 12 hydraulic units. The generator receives the mechanical energy of water from the turbine, which it converts into electricity. It goes through busbars to step-up transformers, and then to outdoor switchgear, then through transmission lines the electricity reaches consumers.

The operation of the units is continuously monitored by the “brain center” of the hydraulic station - the central control panel. On the left bank there is a ship lift of a longitudinally inclined type with a rotating device. Transportation of vessels from one pool to another is carried out using a self-propelled ship-carrying chamber.

The hydroelectric dam forms Krasnoyarsk reservoir. The mirror area is 2000 sq. km., and the volume is 73.3 cubic kilometers.

After the launch of the hydroelectric power station, even the summer heat is not able to warm up the water below the dam; its temperature does not rise above 13°C; in winter, the polynya behind the dam does not freeze, stretching for almost 200 kilometers. The station design did not take into account some environmental factors- it was assumed that the length of the ice-free polynya would be about 20 kilometers; but in fact it spreads further than Krasnoyarsk, which has a significant impact on the ecology and climate, softening it and saturating the air with moisture. Hydroelectric power stations are also criticized for large areas of flooding of valuable land and large-scale population migration.

However, the grandeur of the structure does not fade, and on the territory of the station there is an open museum, dedicated history of the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.

In 2012, there was a fire at the station, the fire was brought under control and the incident did not affect the operation of the station.

hydroelectric power station is most visited attraction in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - hundreds of people come to see the spillway every day.

is one of the ten largest hydroelectric power plants in the world. Isone ofbasicXmanufacturerthelectroenergy inSiberia. Hydroelectric power stationlocated40 km fromcitiesKrasnoyarsk,in the place where the deepest river in Russia - the Yenisei - crosses the spurs of the Eastern Sayan.

The installed capacity of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is 6000 MW, in Russia only the Sayano-Shushenskaya is ahead of it. Average annual production is 18.3 billion kW/h. In Russian electricity production, the share of OJSC Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station is about 3%.

With the commissioning of the station into permanent operation in 1972, a new life began in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and throughout Siberia. The gigantic volumes of generated energy became the basis for the creation of the largest production facilities in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical and woodworking industries. Enterprises were built one after another, and along with them cities developed dynamically and new villages appeared.

JSC Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station still confidently occupies a leading position in the industry, which is confirmed by the results of numerous studies and professional assessments. For example, according to a recent study conducted by the NP Market Council, based on the results of the second quarter of 2013, the Krasnoyarsk HPP, in terms of economic efficiency, ranks first among generating companies in the wholesale electricity and capacity market of the Russian Federation. Effective, reliable operation of the enterprise is ensured through a whole range of measures - technical, economic, social.

Among the most important production measures is the implementation of an investment program for the technical re-equipment of hydroelectric power stations. Since 1991, company specialists have been modernizing and reconstructing the main and auxiliary equipment of the station. Among the largest projects, of course, it should be noted the reconstruction of all 12 hydraulic units and open switchgears of 220 and 500 kV. To date, eleven hydraulic units with a total installed capacity of 5500 MW and an open switchgear of 220 kV have already been completely modernized. The investment program includes not only major projects aimed at developing the existing power capacities of hydroelectric power stations, but also many other technical measures that also ensure safe, reliable and stable operation of the power facility. This includes the modernization of an automated commercial accounting system, the introduction of equipment diagnostic monitoring systems, the introduction of a hardware and software complex for seismometric monitoring of hydraulic structures, and more. We intend to fully complete the hydropower technical re-equipment program by the end of 2015.

In terms of its scale, the production development program of JSC Krasnoyarsk HPP has practically no analogues in the Russian hydropower industry. Its implementation makes it possible to increase the reliability of the station, the quality of energy supply to consumers, the competitiveness of the company and, accordingly, the investment attractiveness of the business. Financing of technical re-equipment is provided from the enterprise’s own funds.

The staff of JSC Krasnoyarsk HPP is 550 people. Of these, 41% are people with higher professional education, the average age of workers is 43 years. In addition to traditional social support measures, the company offers employees additional guarantees. For example, paying part of the interest on mortgage loans, providing housing for rent. Through involvement in key business projects, an opportunity is provided to reveal the professional and intellectual potential of employees.

A controlling stake in Krasnoyarsk HPP OJSC belongs to the largest Russian private energy company EuroSibEnergo (part of the En+ Group).

Address: Russian Federation, 663090, Krasnoyarsk region, Divnogorsk