Michael's Day in June. Michael's name day

According to the church calendar, the date of celebration of Michael’s name day falls on November 21. Michaelmas Day, when gifts are brought to the so-called courtyard or house-elf and greet the winter, has very ancient roots and found its place among the Eastern Slavs. Today this date is of great importance for Christians and it is timed to coincide with the Orthodox holiday “The Council of the Archangel Michael,” which was established in honor of the angels revered by Orthodox believers.

Below you can view a list of dates that are dedicated to this name.

Angel Michael's Day according to the church calendar

All numbers of Michael's name day in the year:

  • January 14 is the day of the martyr Michael
  • January 24 - the day is dedicated to St. Michael of Klopsky (Novgorod)
  • February 27 – Righteous Prince Mikhail of Chernigov
  • March 23 is the day of the martyr Michael of Thessalonica
  • March 27 – we celebrate the day of the blessed prince the great Rostislav - Mikhail
  • April 29 is the day of the martyr Mikhail Vourliot
  • May 15 – name day of Prince Boris, baptized by Mikhail
  • June 3 – name day of Prince Mikhail of Murom
  • June 5 – the name days of two Michaels are celebrated, the Venerable Michael the Confessor, as well as the Venerable Martyr Michael the Monk
  • June 28 - the wonderworker of all Rus', the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, St. Michael
  • July 12 – Martyr Michael the Gardener of Athens
  • July 16 is the day of Blessed Michael of Solvychegodsk
  • July 17 – name day of the Archbishop of Athens, St. Michael
  • July 25 is the day of St. Michael Maleip
  • August 11 - the name day of the Venerable Martyr Michael is celebrated
  • September 9 is the day named after the holy martyr Michael of the Resurrection Stefan (Nemkov)
  • September 19 is the day named after the Archangel Michael
  • October 3 is the day of the martyr and confessor, wonderworker of the blessed Prince Mikhail of Chernigov
  • October 13 – name day for the first Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus', St. Michael
  • October 14 – the name day of Abbot Zoviysky, the Venerable Martyr Michael is celebrated
  • October 15 - Martyr Michael of Kazan
  • November 21 – Council of the Archangel Michael and other heavenly powers, as well as the New Martyr Michael of Chernigov, Blessed
  • December 5 is the name day of the blessed prince, martyr Mikhail of Tverskoy, and the righteous warrior Mikhail
  • December 31 is the day named after Michael the Confessor

Mikhail: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Michael - this name in the ancient Hebrew language means “equal to God” or “like God.” This name is widespread in Europe in various varieties: Michael, Michel, Mihai.

People with this name often try to please others and live in harmony with them. Mikhail can choose something for a long time and think carefully about everything when making a decision. Very often Mikhail is a good friend and comrade. He is honest and hospitable.

Mikhail has a very good sense of aesthetics. They are well versed in art and beauty. The negative side can be narcissism and the desire to achieve perfection (sometimes this manifests itself in a manic form).

Mikhail always has a desire to find his true love. He always puts family first, not work. But despite this, a person with this name often becomes a doctor, lawyer or teacher.

Patron saints of those named Michael

archangel Michael
The days of remembrance were established by the Orthodox Church on November 8/21 - Council of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly powers; September 6/19 – remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh.

The date of the celebration in November also has a non-random origin. It is symbolic: March is considered the first month after the Creation of the world, November is the ninth. To commemorate the nine angelic ranks, the feast of angels was established in November. The 8th indicates the Day of Judgment, when the Council of disembodied forces, headed by the Archangel Michael, will serve the Lord, who will weigh the sins and righteous deeds of everyone on His scales.

Archangel Michael is considered the patron saint of warriors. He is the protector of all Orthodox Christians from visible and invisible enemies and evil spirits. The faith of Orthodox Christians in his help in all troubles, sorrows, and needs is strong. They turn to him with prayers for healing (this is due to his veneration as the conqueror of evil spirits, which in Christianity were considered the source of disease), they also pray to him when entering a new house and when consecrating the house, asking for salvation from thieves and natural disasters. In Orthodoxy, he is also revered as the patron saint of construction and builders.

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Icon of Archangel Michael.
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
Holy Blessed Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy
The Holy Blessed Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy is one of the great Russian Orthodox prince-rulers, representing the greatest example of a statesman’s devotion to his people and the Orthodox Christian faith. Prayer to the Holy Blessed Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy helps in solving problems related to healing from various kinds of diseases. The defenders of the Motherland and their loved ones pray to him. Patron of the residents of Tver and the Tver region.
Mikhail of Bulgaria, warrior

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on November 22/December 5.

Michael of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles - see
Boris (baptized Michael) of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles, Tsar (Baptist of Bulgaria)

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on May 2/15.

The history of the baptism of the Bulgarian people is inextricably linked with the name of this saint. During the reign of Tsar Boris, the country was in distress due to wars with neighboring peoples. The ruler saw the path to peace and enlightenment in Christianity. But before converting the people to faith, the king himself had to accept it. Many circumstances contributed to this. The first to influence Boris was the monk Fyodor Kufara, who was taken prisoner. Then the king’s sister, who had been raised in Orthodox Byzantium, was returned to the family. When Methodius arrived in Bulgaria with his brother Cyril, Tsar Boris was baptized with the name Michael. Following him, the whole country accepted Baptism.

Mikhail Vsevolodovich, Chernigov, prince, martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on February 14/27, September 20/October 3.

Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich considered Chernigov his hometown, although he ruled in different cities. In Novgorod and Kiev - everywhere people treated him with love and respect.

In 1238, the Tatars began to devastate Russian cities and two years later reached the walls of Kyiv. At this time, Prince Mikhail tried to seek help in European countries, hoping to save the country from ruin. The Catholic rulers refused him; they themselves would not have refused to attack Russia. When Mikhail returned, he learned that the Tatars demanded that he come to the Horde to obtain a label-permission to reign. Having received a blessing from his spiritual father, he, accompanied by the boyar Theodore, set off on his journey.

In the Horde, the Tatars demanded that the prince go through fire for purification and worship of the Mongol gods. To this, Mikhail replied that he was ready to bow only to the king, but not to idols. The prince knew how this could end, but was ready to accept martyrdom. He was executed in front of Theodore, but this man did not retreat from fear and temptation, although he was offered to become a prince himself.

The remains of Michael and Theodore were miraculously preserved, Christians buried them, and after some time they were transported to Chernigov.

Michael of Zoviysky (Sevastian), abbot, martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on October 1/14.

Mikhail Kakhetinsky - see.
Gobron (baptized Mikhail) of Kakheti, prince, martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on November 17/30.

Michael of Kiev and All Rus', Metropolitan

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on September 30/October 13.

Mikhail Klopsky, Novgorodsky, Fool for Christ's sake

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on January 11/24.

In 1419, Prince Konstantin Dmitrievich, the son of Dmitry Donskoy, came to Novgorod. The townspeople gladly accepted him. At the meal, the prince drew attention to the man who was reading the book of Job for the guests. The voice seemed familiar to him. Konstantin Dmitrievich approached the reader and exclaimed: “This is Mikhail, the son of Prince Maximov!” This is how people found out who the holy fool was, who once came to the Klop Monastery.

Saint Michael of Klopsky once renounced his noble name and wealth and took upon himself the feat of foolishness for Christ's sake. He lived in the monastery for 44 years, limiting himself in everything, he worked hard. The Lord gave him the gift to work miracles. He created a source of life-giving moisture in lands that suffered from drought. In times of famine he fed people with bread. Supplies were scarce, but they never ran out. All the predictions he made subsequently came true. The exact date of death of St. Michael of Clopes is unknown; it could have been 1453 or 1456.

Mikhail Malein, abbot

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 12/25.

The Monk Michael Malein was born around 894 in the Kharsian region (Cappadocia) and received the name Manuel at Baptism. He was related to the Byzantine emperor Leo VI the Wise (886-911). At the age of 18, Manuel went to Bithynia, to the Kimin monastery under the leadership of Elder John Eladite, who tonsured him into monasticism with the name Michael. Performing the most difficult obediences, despite the nobility of his family, he showed an example of great humility.

After some time, he was awarded the grace of the priesthood. Tirelessly studying the Holy Scriptures, the Monk Michael showed how worthily the priesthood should be united with monasticism, achieved a high degree of dispassion and acquired the gift of clairvoyance. He was very compassionate and philanthropic, could not leave without help and consolation those in need and sorrow, and through his fervent prayers many miracles happened.

After many monastic labors under the guidance of Elder John, the Monk Michael asked him for a blessing for a solitary life in a cave. He spent five days of the week in prayerful concentration and only on Saturday and Sunday did he go to the monastery to participate in Divine services and receive the Holy Mysteries.

As an example of a high spiritual life, the holy hermit began to attract many who sought salvation. In a deserted place called Dry Lake, the Monk Michael founded a monastery for the brethren who had gathered to him and gave it strict rules. When the monastery became stronger, the Monk Michael went to even more distant regions and founded a new monastery there. Soon, through the labors of the holy Abba, the entire Kimin Mountain was covered with monastic monasteries, where prayers for the whole world were tirelessly offered up to the Throne of the Most High.

Around 953, the young man Abraham joined the ranks of the brethren, grew up under the guidance of Saint Michael and took monastic vows from him with the name Athanasius. Subsequently, the Monk Athanasius (July 5) himself founded the famous Athonite Lavra, the first communal monastery on the Holy Mountain. In the construction of the Lavra, St. Athanasius was greatly assisted by St. Michael’s nephew Nikephoros, later the Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros Phocas (963-969), who, while visiting his uncle, met him. After fifty years of tireless monastic deeds, the Monk Michael Malein peacefully departed to the Lord in 962.

Mikhail Mstislavich - see
Rostislav Mstislavich (baptized Mikhail) of Kiev, Smolensk, Grand Duke

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on March 14/27.

In the history of Russia, the name of Smolensk Prince Rostislav Mstislavich occupies a significant place. He lived in the 12th century, when the princes were at enmity with each other. Together with his brothers Vsevold and Izyaslav, Rostislav fought against Yuri Dolgoruky. The struggle for Kyiv lasted more than 10 years. Over the years, Rostislav gained authority among other princes and many of them went over to his side. As a wise ruler, he strove to unite the country. Having become the Prince of Kyiv, he practically stopped all internecine wars. For some time, peace reigned in Rus'. Mstislav began to strive for the Church with all his heart and wanted to go to a monastery. But the priests kept postponing his tonsure, believing that by remaining a prince, he would bring more benefit to people. Rostislav Mstislavich died on March 17, 1167.

Mikhail Muromsky, prince

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on May 21/June 3.

The holy noble princes Constantine and his sons Mikhail and Theodore of Murom lived in the 11th - 12th centuries. Thanks to them, Murom converted to Christianity. While performing this feat, Prince Constantine suffered a severe loss: the pagans killed his son Michael. This happened when he approached the gates of the city to take over the reign of his inheritance and sent his son Michael as ambassador. But in response he received his lifeless body. But when the squad approached Murom, the residents surrendered and submitted to the new prince.

Blessed Constantine did not impose the Christian faith by force. He built two temples and first tried to convince the city elders. But the people were still militant. One day, a crowd approached the princely palace with the intention of killing its owner. Behind closed doors that kept the angry pagans at bay, Saint Constantine and his family prayed to God. Suddenly a voice rang out: “Konstantin! Your prayer has been heard, dare, do not be afraid. I am with you." Then the noble prince went out to the rebels, holding in his hands the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The image was illuminated by a miraculous light, and at the sight of this miracle, people agreed to be baptized. At the site of the murder of his son Michael, the blessed Prince Constantine built a temple in honor of the Annunciation.

Michael Savvait, Edessa, Chernorizets, venerable martyr

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Memorial days were established by the Orthodox Church on May 23/June 5, July 29/August 11.

Saint Michael Savvait suffered because he refused to accept the Mohammedan faith. He chose death, but did not change himself.

Since childhood, Mikhail grew up in a Christian environment. He was born in the city of Edessa in the 9th century. He had believing parents, his teacher was Saint Theodore of Edessa. Having gone to Jerusalem to the Holy Places after the death of his parents, he decided to stay forever in the monastery of St. Sava, which was located in Palestine.

One day he went to the city to sell dishes and other things that the monks of the monastery made. Beautiful things attracted the attention of Queen Seida. But she did not look at the beautiful jugs, but at Saint Michael, inviting him to stay with her. The refusal infuriated her. The queen ordered the monk to be beaten with sticks as an enemy of the Mohammedans, which she told her husband, the king, about. The ruler talked with Saint Michael, after which he invited him to accept another faith. But the monk asked to be released or killed, otherwise it was impossible for him.

The king first tried to poison the Christian, but the poison did not work, so he ordered his execution. The monks carried the body of Saint Michael Savvait to their monastery, where they buried him.

Michael of Sinad (Phrygian), bishop, confessor

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on May 23/June 5.

Michael Singell (assistant bishop), Constantinople, venerable, confessor

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on December 18/31.

Sinkel is the title of a clergyman. Saint Michael of Constantinople was the bishop's assistant and remained so until the end of his days. He had the opportunity to receive a higher rank - to become a bishop, but he refused.

Spiritual life attracted Mikhail from childhood. An inner inclination or the holiness of the Jerusalem in which he was born, or the influence of Christian parents, may have all combined to bring him to the monastery. Having begun to serve as a monk, he quickly became a presbyter. Many people spoke of him as a good preacher. The Patriarch of Jerusalem appointed him sinkel, entrusting him with the conduct of church affairs.

One day, news came from Rome that Emperor Leo the Armenian had become an iconoclast and was persecuting those who venerate icons. Saint Michael Singel went to him, accompanied by the brothers Theodore and Theophanes. But they failed to convince the emperor to stop oppressing believers. The angry ruler tortured the bishop's assistant and then sent him into exile. When Theophilus replaced Leo the Armenian, the confessor returned, but was again locked in the monastery. The receiver also turned out to be an iconoclast. Only after the death of Theophilus, when Empress Theodora ascended the throne, did he receive freedom. The queen restored the veneration of icons and invited the saint to become a bishop. But Saint Michael Singel chose to serve as an assistant.

Michael of Ulumbia, venerable, one of the founders of Georgian monasticism

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on May 7/20.

The name has an extraordinary influence on every person. Scientists have proven that when it is pronounced, the mood immediately begins to improve, especially if it was said affectionately and friendly. Parents take the choice of their child’s name quite seriously, since his future fate, as well as some character traits, directly depends on this.

The meaning of the name Mikhail

The selection of a male name should be taken no less seriously than the choice of a female name, since it is on the shoulders of the young man that all the responsibility and protection of his future family, relatives and friends falls. The name Michael is considered one of the most sacred and pure, it is sweet-sounding and very beautiful. Translated, it means “one who is like God.” In ancient times, people personified Michael with the Lord, who could not bear enmity or hostility, as well as negative emotions.

Since then the name has become very popular and many boys have been named by it. All parents wanted their children to repeat the fate of the saints, to be just as sincere, righteous, and pure in soul. It is not surprising that in our time Michael’s name day is celebrated, and so often.

Origin of the name

The name Mikhail is pronounced differently in each country. For some it is Michel, for others it is Michael, and for the rest it is Miguel. The name actually comes from the Hebrew Mikael. At that time, people believed that there should be no problems with such children. They are obedient, diligent, agile. In addition, people with this name are distinguished by an extraordinary mentality, they are able to navigate in unfamiliar surroundings and show self-control and strength of character in any situation. Michael's Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, considering such people to be soft, easy-going, and friendly. It is assumed that if a man was named by this name, he will be successful in military affairs and the most successful professions for him will be: lawyer, driver, gardener, livestock breeder.

Features of a person with this name

The character of a man with this name is complex. As a rule, such people are sensitive to criticism, but quickly let go of negative emotions. Also, young people treat their parents with great respect, caring for them and fulfilling their wishes. The Mikhails love children very much and enjoy communicating with them. Women in them are fascinated by their gentleness of character and ability to make concessions. Definitely, the advantages include indifference to alcohol and sociability. Sometimes men become sentimental, which also delights cute girls.

Michael's name day is celebrated many times a year. Some dates are dedicated to martyrs, others to preachers, noble princes, and warriors. The heroes of the occasion, as a rule, do not like to celebrate Mikhail’s name day. But relatives and friends should definitely give a small gift to their loved one, as he will definitely appreciate it. Presents can include bronze figurines, original photo frames, soft toys and much more.

Michael's talismans

Every person knows that, based on the name, you can find out the color suitable for its owner, element, phonosematics and much more. Mikhail makes a positive impression on others. He looks like a kind, gentle, emotional man, capable of supporting his soulmate in any situation, sharing with her all his sorrows and problems. Michael's name day is best celebrated in a calm, family atmosphere. This way the man will feel comfortable and at ease. It is believed that the most successful name will be for children born under the zodiac signs of Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. The most suitable color for a child will be blue, and the sacred stone will be. Touching on the topic of talismans, it should be noted that for Mikhail this is a bear, which is a symbol of courage, bravery and kindness to the people around him.

Dates of Mikhail's name day

The people have established the dates when they celebrate Michael’s name day. There are a lot of them, and each of them has its own, unique meaning. In the first month of the new year, name days are celebrated on January 24 (this day was dedicated to the Venerable Saint of Klops). Then it is celebrated on February 27 and March 23. In honor of Mikhail Ulumbuysky, his name day is celebrated on May 20. Then the significant dates are June 3 (Holy Blessed Prince) and July 5 (St. Confessor). The 13th of the same month is dedicated to the martyr, and the 25th to the Monk Malein. Then it is celebrated on August 11 and September 8 (the Holy Blessed Prince Michael). Orthodox name days are also dated October 3, 13, 14, November 21 (Archangel Day). December 5 is dedicated to the great warrior, and the 31st of the same month to the venerable confessor.

It is not surprising that many rulers bore such an unusual name, which combined such different character traits. These include Russian princes, church leaders and powerful emperors. Among the stars there are also many Mikhails - Boyarsky, Porechenkov, Shufutinsky, Dobrynin, Krug, Zadornov and many others.

Church rules separate the concepts of name day and angel day. Michael's name day is the date when the Orthodox Church remembers the saint, and the day of the angel is celebrated when the baptism ceremony of a specific child named by this name was performed. The date of the day of the angel Michael is individual; on this day you can come to church and light a candle, remembering the sacrament. What date is the day of the angel Michael, only the closest people can answer, but the dates of the name day are set by the church.

Name Mikhail: meaning, origin, name day

This name comes from Hebrew and means “god-like.” The bearers of this name have such character traits as activity and integrity. Mikhail has good willpower and excellent health. He is usually smart, but very demanding of those around him. Just like his saint, he strives to protect everyone.

For Orthodox Christians, Michael is a special figure - he is an intercessor for mortals in the face of God, and also leads the heavenly forces in battle against the army of evil.

Michaelmas, celebrated on November 21, is associated with the end of the wedding season. The people loved him very much. It is on November 21 that the Orthodox Church holds the Council of the Archangel Michael, and this is considered one of the most important events of the fall. Michael is the protector of believers from illness and all temptations.

It has long been believed in Rus' that no evil spirits can resist the Archangel Michael, because as soon as he appears, all the evil spirits hide in holes and caves, or fall underground.

Slavic beliefs associated with this day

Depending on the region, Michaelmas was celebrated in different ways. Eg, in Polesie he was respected because they believed that he was a protector from thunder. Therefore, on this day no one chopped, cut or wove anything, so as not to offend the saint. In some areas of Belarus, it was noticed that after Michaelmas, bears hibernate. This day was officially considered the beginning of winter; frosts began from this day. There were signs: if there is frost on this day, the winter will be snowy, if there is fog, there will be a thaw. If the weather is clear on Michaelmas Day, the winter will be cold and frosty.

Michael was also considered the ruler of the souls of the dead. Therefore, everyone who wanted to die easily had to celebrate his day.

Mikhail is a strong and courageous Russian name, closely associated with Christianity. There are several versions of its origin and meaning. According to one of them, the name is translated from ancient Hebrew as “equal to God.” Others believe absolutely the opposite - “no one is equal to the Lord.” In this article we will find out when Michael’s name day is celebrated according to the church calendar, in honor of which saint and what character the birthday boy has.

Name analogues

In each country the name Mikhail sounds differently. For example, in Australia - Mitchell, but in the USA, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and France you can meet Michael, Michel, Mihai, Migey. In Ukrainian the name sounds like Mikhailo. In addition, from the name Mikhail, whose name day is celebrated 67 times a year, some female names that are quite common in European countries are derived: Michaela, Michelle, Miguelina.


In fact, this name is very popular in many countries. Each one has its own history. So, in Russia it has become popular since 1910, and this is associated with Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. Throughout the 20th century, the name maintained a leading position. So, in 2002 it was in 7th place in popularity. Meanwhile, in some Muslim countries it is not welcomed. This is due to the fact that according to their laws, it is undesirable to name a child after an archangel or angel.

Michael's Name Day

Typically, a person's angel day is celebrated on the day of his saint's celebration. There are 67 Michael’s name days in the monthly calendar. Here are the most important of them, and the rest of the dates are dedicated to the new martyrs.

Despite this, this name is most often associated with the Archangel Michael. It was he who overthrew Dennitsa and fought with the fallen angels. This is one of the most revered figures in many religions. If a person does not know in honor of which saint he should choose a name, he can do it himself. Whoever from this list seems closest to Mikhail is his patron.

Chief of the Seven Archangels

In a number of biblical books you can find information that Archangel Michael is the head of the holy army of angels and archangels. It should be understood that the name is not allocated as a separate structure. The entire expression “Archangel Michael” consists of 5 different words: “arch angel mi ka el”. It literally translates as “senior messenger like God.”

Of course, speaking about Michael’s name day, one cannot fail to mention that the Archangel is the most majestic and most important in the three main religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Moreover, the first mentions of it can be found among the Chaldeans. He commands the angelic army, boldly fights with Satan, but at the same time he always guides those who have left the path of life and encourages them to take decisive action. The day of celebration of Michael's name day falls on Michael's Day - September 6 (19) and November 8 (21). You can turn to the most warlike archangel for help. He is believed to be the closest to God. People who sincerely pray to Archangel Michael always receive advice and help from him.

Little birthday boy

Mikhail is a very inquisitive, diligent and reasonable kid. He will get along well with both adults and children. Little Mishenka loves hugs and kisses, he simply needs his mother's love and care. From childhood, the baby grows up to be a real protector and warrior. He is brave and very responsible. In elementary school, Mikhail may begin to be lazy. At this moment it is very important to monitor his lessons. If you manage to instill a love of science from childhood, then Misha will happily attend school and do his homework. The child will grow up quite independent and a little stubborn. It should not be surprising that he will always have his own opinion on any event.

Negative traits

According to the church calendar, Michael’s name day is celebrated on November 21 in honor of the most warlike archangel. And therefore, of course, a guy with this name looks very brave and courageous. But despite this, Mikhail is very vulnerable. He has a hard time coping with losses and failures. He does not trust people and treats everyone with great caution. Misha does not like criticism and rarely returns to those who have already offended him once. Earning his trust is not easy, but it is quite possible. Don't be surprised that Mikhail will be wary of you at first. After some time, when he realizes that you are a good person, he will begin to trust you.

Love relationship

Finding a soul mate is not the most important thing for Mikhail. He is so charming that he is rarely deprived of the attention of women. But it’s quite difficult for him to decide on a serious relationship. He loves to flirt and be the center of attention. At the same time, he does not make empty promises and always sticks to his words. Mikhail is a good family man and father. He enjoys spending time with his family and making sure they don't need for anything. He will take care of his family, but at the same time he may be capable of treason. If the relationship between Mikhail and his wife cools down, he will not destroy the family, but will easily find solace on the side.

Positive features

According to the Orthodox calendar, Michael’s name day is celebrated 67 times a year, and this is due to the fact that many great people bore this proud name. For example, Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy is a Grand Duke who was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church even in 1549. Despite the fact that his forces were not enough, he bravely fought the Principality of Moscow and the Novgorod Republic.

So, it can be argued that Mikhail is very brave and fearless. He does not avoid conflict and rarely runs away from a fight. Men who proudly bear this name have a strong will and well-developed logical thinking. In addition, Michael may exhibit the gift of clairvoyance and excellent intuition.

Few people know, but Nostradamus, an astrologer famous for his prophecies, was called Michel, or in our opinion, Michael. Before he was recognized as a soothsayer, he suffered a lot of persecution and ridicule. Despite all this, he continued to predict people's destinies and publish annual almanacs.

But even if you question Nostradamus’s gift of clairvoyance, it’s hard to argue that he really was a great man. He was well acquainted with mathematics, medicine, astronomy, philosophy and spoke several languages ​​well. All this is excellent confirmation that Mikhail is a capable guy with great potential.

Day Angel

According to the Orthodox calendar, Michael’s name day is celebrated on November 21 (8 according to the old style). On this day, you should definitely go to church and pray to your patron. This is also a great time to rethink your life and draw the right conclusions. It is on the day of the angel that the connection between the birthday person and his saint is especially strong, prayers will be heard, and wishes will soon come true. The tradition of celebrating this day has been known for a long time, and the day of the angel was celebrated with special trepidation and anticipation. For every person, the meaning of his name and the day of the angel are very important. For a long time, children were given names from the calendar, and for good reason. By turning to your patron for help, you can really get it.