August 15th is the birthday of famous people.

The date of birth can greatly influence what a person will become in the future. When drawing up a horoscope, astrologers pay attention not only to the zodiac sign, but also to the person’s date of birth. Every day people with individual character traits appear, and the influence of numbers on the characteristics of personal qualities is very great.

Characteristics of those born on August 15

People born on August 15th are Leos according to their horoscope. This zodiac sign belongs to the Fire element. The fire endowed these people with selflessness and determination. Harmony reigns in their soul. They know how to find balance in many things. These are complete individuals who have equanimity.

Leos are ruled by the Sun. It gave them individuality. Those born on August 15 will not have problems with self-realization: they know what they want from life and themselves. Men will be able to perfectly realize themselves in a variety of professions, and women will fit in especially well where there is an opportunity to engage in creativity.

The planet that is in exile is Uranus. Because of her, Leos often lack independence. The sign is too fixated on what others might think about him, and sometimes he is oppressed by other people's opinions.

On August 15, self-sufficient Leos are born. They do not need someone else's care or excessive attention to their person. For those born on August 15, the horoscope tells them to be independent and self-sufficient. It is especially good if this manifests itself in a person from an early age.

Because of their confidence and determination, representatives of the sign are guilty of hastily made decisions, often poorly thought out. Because of this, they have to face disappointments in life. But this does not become a big obstacle for them. Self-confidence helps you overcome difficulties and unpleasant situations.

This is an open sign. As a rule, he is not shy about his feelings and emotions and is very susceptible to sincerity. He adapts well to the mood of all family members, prefers romance and passion. The sign is undemanding towards people and more often accepts them as they are.

Leos are caring. This applies to everyone, not just those close to them. Nature has not deprived the representatives of this sign of generosity and kindness. They have a well-developed sense of justice and responsibility. Birthday people take their tasks seriously and therefore cope well with them.

Leos are observant. It's hard to fool them - they'll notice. What really prevents them from living is stubbornness. It will be difficult to convince Leo. His opinion is not subject to criticism, except in extremely rare cases. Birthday people tend to idealize everything. They often fail because of this.

Those born on this day are not known for their kindness. Leos get along well with people, but warmth and care are rare for them. Birthday people should pay attention to this and encourage the seed of soulfulness in themselves.

Leos are not at all known as cruel people. They can be generous, merciful, and attentive. It’s just more difficult for them than others to curb the lion’s energy. They do not ask others whether their strong current can destroy everything in its path.

Birthday people have difficulty controlling emotions. They often splash out on those around them like a violent river and drown them in their cycle of colors and feelings. Therefore, Leos may regret their words and actions, said and done thoughtlessly, out of stupidity. Self-flagellation can last a long time.

The sign needs to learn tolerance and be understanding towards other people. Then many problems will go away on their own. But if the Leo representative made a mistake, he is unlikely to make excuses. Independence and independence will always be more important for them. If you should ask something from representatives of this sign, then do it very carefully and tactfully. Otherwise, you may encounter strong resistance on their part.

Birthday people are distinguished by sentimentality. They will not refuse to praise themselves. You can easily become attached to them, which Leos will greet with great pleasure and gratitude. Behind the charm of these tempters it is difficult to notice the nature of a tyrant.

The sign is not at all devoid of a desire to benefit society. It is better if he can simultaneously engage in self-expression. Thanks to his ability to radiate love and be sincere, the birthday person can stand at the head of a large group of people.

Leo can easily abandon spiritual values ​​in favor of material security and luxury. But he tries his best not to do this. Finance is not the main fear of those born on this day. Their anxiety about the loss of funds quickly passes, as it is often completely unfounded.

Strong impressionability can play a cruel joke on Leos. They should be calmer about events in their lives, especially if they are negative. Potential and willpower will allow them to solve most of their problems.

Birthday people have not only good impressionability, but also intelligence. They absorb information that revolves around them well. The more Leo knows, the higher his self-confidence. Enthusiasm and a huge number of all kinds of ideas can lead a sign along an incredible path in life.

Carelessness, enthusiasm and frivolity can lead to failure. If such character traits predominate, then it is better to direct them in a creative direction. There, Lviv will have the opportunity to roam.

From the age of 7-8, birthday children will understand the importance of order and discipline. In a work environment, they will take a serious approach to business. At the age of 37, there will be a complete change of orientation. There will be an interest in creativity and developing your talents. This will greatly affect relationships with others. At the age of 67, a new restructuring of landmarks will begin. Leos will need to change their lives, add power and prosperity to it.

Features of men

Men born on August 15th are endowed with excellent management abilities by their zodiac sign. People obey them. These are powerful individuals with a sense of tact and dignity. They are always ready to listen to their interlocutor, but will only agree to a truly reasonable and impressive conviction.

Men born on August 15th are distinguished from other representatives of the sign by their cheerful character. They do not skimp on courtship, they are generous and decisive. Show leadership qualities in the union. This is a pronounced owner. He will win back his woman, give him back and win him back again. He will not suffer for a long time or regret anything. Leo can be aggressive in a number of cases.

Lviv is distinguished by high intelligence. In any situation, they behave with restraint, and difficulties, as a rule, do not consider difficulties as a hindrance. They behave confidently with women, which is why they are successful. You can feel safe with them. Leos are loyal, so they will never forgive their chosen one for betrayal. Their feelings are always sincere, it is difficult to resist their pressure.

Women's Character Traits

Women born on August 15th are endowed with a distinctive personality by their zodiac sign. This is walking charisma and an open soul. Leo girls are generous, kind and sweet. Everything about them rests on self-discipline and professionalism.

They face difficulties because their character is ambiguous and contradictory. Birthday girls are proud and self-confident, but at the same time very sentimental. They need understanding and love. Very susceptible to admiration. The need for love is so great that they can demand from their partner complete dedication to feelings and passion, even to the point of abandoning all life values.

Girls are distinguished by their attractiveness and charisma. They will not allow you to doubt their intellectual capabilities. The assessment of society is important to them: most likely, it will come first for the birthday girls. Their worries about their image and reputation can reach the point of absurdity. But all this is easily justified by how brilliantly they can show themselves in public.

In most cases, birthday girls will choose stability and prosperity. They want to trust their partner completely and in everything. For his sake, Leo girls are able to give up a lot. A woman appreciates the effort a man expends on caring for her well-being.

Professional activity

Birthday people are endowed with special charm. These are friendly people who know how to spread the word with their positive attitude. The feeling of superiority over others is alien to them. But they will never refuse to be in the spotlight.

These are people who prefer to try everything in practice. They will not read the instructions or rules of use, but rather try everything in action. This way they can quench some of their thirst for experimentation.

Nature endowed them with leadership qualities and a sense of justice. They approach their work responsibly and do it well. They have an optimistic attitude and pass it on to the team, where they enjoy working. It is difficult for life's troubles to knock them off their chosen course.

The leadership abilities of birthday people allow them to become good leaders. They can often be seen at the head of a community group or large organization. Business will be a good place to develop personal qualities. Those Leos who choose a creative direction will not go wrong.

Science doesn't particularly favor birthday people. Here only those representatives who are distinguished by good perseverance will be able to realize themselves. Leos who are thirsty for knowledge and new discoveries will have a good career.

Love and compatibility

Like true romantics, birthday people are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their loved ones. They strive to create a family, surround themselves with support, attention and care. They will give the same to their chosen one. These are gentle and sensitive people who can sometimes be manipulated. They are susceptible to emotions, which sometimes results in addiction.

Leos get strong and long-term alliances:

  • with Aries;
  • with Sagittarius;
  • with Leos;
  • with Gemini.

Birthday people will have a bright, colorful relationship with representatives of these signs. Each sign will receive the independence and understanding necessary for personal growth. Everyone will share Leo's desire for new achievements. The thirst for a relationship filled with emotions and passion will be completely satisfied. A particularly harmonious union awaits Leo and Gemini. In these relationships, partners will be able to feel each other one hundred percent.

A good relationship can result from:

  • with Libra;
  • with Aquarius.

Leo will conquer Libra and Aquarius with his leadership abilities. Only the partners will have to immediately agree on who will act as a follower.

A bad union doomed to a quick break will come out:

  • with Scorpio;
  • with Taurus.

It will be difficult to find a common language here due to the tenacity that is characteristic of all representatives. Reluctance to make concessions will ruin all possible alliances.

Those celebrities who were born on August 15th distinguished themselves with their talent and hard work. Among them, 48 people are world famous. People have gained their fame in a variety of fields. Among them are journalists, historians, athletes, philosophers and many others:

Each of the birthday people made their valuable contribution to the development of a wide variety of activities. Each distinguished himself with skill and hard work and was able to realize himself as an individual.

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You value your family very much and are extremely rarely capable of betraying a loved one, but at the same time you have a great sense of those around you and do not allow yourself to be used or manipulated. Therefore, you are happy in your family life and everyone around you appreciates it. Your partner should be a friendly person who is internally strong, not affectionate and not inclined to put pressure on himself. It is for this reason that together you are happy and capable of achieving many goals. You sense betrayal and betrayal a mile away and are ready to give a second chance only if you understand that your partner really showed weakness and did not intentionally take advantage of your kindness.

Work and career of those born on August 15

Kindness, responsiveness and high sensitivity along with emotionality are your greatest strengths. You do not strive for a career; it is important for you that other people feel comfortable and show their best abilities. You will not be able to go over your head for the sake of your goal and, if something goes wrong, you will protect the weak and offended. Therefore, your professions are associated with self-sacrifice and good deeds: rescuer, pedagogical or medical worker, creativity and charity, protection of other people's rights and freedoms, veterinary medicine and everything that creates life and contributes to the manifestation of your best qualities.

Zodiac sign of people born on August 15th: Leo. The sun on this day is usually at 23° Leo. Behavior type: fixed. Astrological element: fire. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope for people born on August 15

Character according to horoscope

They are not interested in details, they are used to focusing on solving large-scale problems. That is why they appear in public wearing the mask of a noble knight and act in such a way as to under no circumstances lose their dignity.

Love by horoscope

Love is a challenge for them. Accustomed to controlling their energy, they easily distinguish between good and bad. They need to learn to listen to another person, learn to share his feelings and experiences.

Their partner feels like a student taking an exam to a demanding and strict examiner. Every open attack on their personal freedom is met with strong resistance, so you need to know how to handle them.

If the partner shows due patience, the tyrant living in them will give way to a gentle and sentimental creature who is not alien to love and admiration.

Career according to horoscope

They are often the head of a family, the director of an enterprise, or head a social group. Only at the “control panel” do they feel completely happy.

Tarot card born on August 15: Devil

Name of the figure: Devil.

The image of the figure: a demon with horns, with wings like a bat, with hooves like a goat, stands on a kind of altar and is a reproach to anyone who dares to approach. A face painted on the stomach indicates that the basest instincts rule over it.

Symbol: man is a slave and completely dependent on matter.

Meanings: magnetism, sexuality, will, unbridled passion.

Analogies: Astrology: Venus in the sign of Libra; Health: sexually transmitted diseases; Professions: banker, stockbroker, money broker, moneylender.

Planet of those born on August 15

Venus (1+5=6): corresponds to love affairs and love, aesthetics, the need for harmony, well-being, peace and tranquility.

Birthday number August 15

Number 1: symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also self-centeredness and superiority. Symbol of success and fame.

Number 5: symbolizes the pentagram, a nervous energy that can turn everything upside down or stimulate it. Characterizes movement, curiosity, action, freedom.


Myopia, aracnophobia.


Astrophysicist, politician, comedian.


Charismatic, fortitude, energy.


Aggressiveness, coldness, prudence.

People born on August 15th are endowed with high charm. Venus, the ruling planet, also gives them attentiveness and flexibility. Those born on August 15 are friendly, hospitable, and emotional. They love to be the center of attention, but are not inclined to demonstrate their own superiority.

People born on August 15th are primarily practitioners. Theory and science are not their strong point. They love to experiment and comprehend the unknown. Such people are responsible, efficient, and not devoid of leadership qualities. They are responsive and fair. Those born on August 15 are always full of perseverance and optimistic. They know how to get out of the most difficult life situations with their heads held high.

What is the zodiac sign on August 15

Leos are born on August 15th. Each of them is self-sufficient. Representatives of the sign do not like to be under guardianship. They strive for independence from a very early age. Lviv is distinguished by a tendency to make hasty decisions. Disappointments are common in their lives. But almost always, representatives of the sign manage to overcome life’s troubles.

In the family, Leos are flexible and sincere. They openly express their feelings and love romance. Leos require little from their partner: acceptance of their interests, loyalty, devotion. For this, representatives of the sign are ready to repay in full. Leos born on August 15th are caring and generous.

The strong point of the representatives of this sign is their sense of justice. They are characterized by responsibility and observation. Idealism most often hinders Leos in life. Stubbornness causes many problems.

Diseases of those born on August 15

The main enemy of Leos born on August 15 is overeating. Indulging in very tasty but completely unhealthy food leads to the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Endocrine disorders are also common among representatives of this sign.

Leos in old age may suffer from the effects of physical inactivity. But excessive physical activity also does not improve health. For harmony of spirit and body, it is important to observe moderation in everything, from food to training.

Work and career of those born on August 15

Leos born on August 15 become excellent performers and fair leaders. Representatives of the sign often choose a business area for themselves. Many people find themselves in creativity. Science submits only to individual Leos, the most consistent, patient, assiduous, knowledge-oriented.

Leos born on August 15 are advised by the stars to beware of enmity. And to quickly achieve goals and constructive cooperation at work, it doesn’t hurt to learn how to compromise.

It was on August 15, 1688 that the Prussian king Frederick William I was born, turning a second-rate country into a powerful and influential power. This ruler prepared the way for the life and leadership of the state of Frederick II, who further elevated Prussia among the states of Europe. Paying special attention to the army, Frederick I even received the nickname “sergeant major on the throne.”

Another birthday person on August 15 is Napoleon Bonaparte, who was born on the island of Corsica in 1769. In the future, the emperor graduated from the artillery school and was assigned to the provincial garrison. The further life, political and military achievements of Napoleon I have become the subject of study by many historians.

The Scotsman Walter Scott was also born on August 15, 1771, and later wrote the famous novels Ivanhoe and Quentin Durward.

In 1780, on August 15, Pushkin’s beloved Evdokia Ivanovna Golitsyna was born, who was called the “night princess” in the world.

Golitsyna received this nickname due to her habit of sleeping during the day and staying awake at night, since one Dutch gypsy woman predicted Evdokia Ivanovna’s death at night.

In 1863, Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov, known to all the world's engineers who design aircraft and ships, was born. In Soviet times, Krylov was awarded the Order of the Hero of Socialist Labor for his services in engineering, mechanics and mathematics.

People who were born on August 15 in the 20th century

Boris Mikhailovich Sichkin is a famous and popular Soviet theater and film actor who played the role of Buba Kastorsky in The Elusive Avengers.

People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ivanovna Khityaeva, who participated in the filming of the legendary films “Ekaterina Voronina”, “Quiet Don” and “Virgin Soil Upturned”.

The famous composer Mikhail Tariverdiev, who wrote the music played in “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!”

It was on August 15, 1934 that jazzman and composer Georgy Garanyan was also born.

On this day, the famous Sylvia Vartan was born - a singer and actress who was born in Bulgaria, but lived most of her life in France.

In 1962, on August 15, to the delight of his parents, the leader of the Mango-Mango group, Andrei Gordeev, was born.

And many fans around the world celebrate the birthday of Hollywood film actor Ben Affleck on this date.

On August 15, many famous athletes were born: basketball player and Olympic champion Kara Walters, Igor Kassina, a gymnast who represented Italy at the 2004 Olympics, Zsolt Niemczyk, a fencer from Hungary, and gymnast from Ukraine Liliya Podkopaeva.