Why do you dream of going into someone else’s? If you dreamed of other people's house...

It shows the external and internal world of a person. A very interesting dream that may contain a hidden meaning, giving a fairly accurate description of a person or something that will happen in his life very soon. The dream book writes a lot about why someone else's house is dreamed of, but before you begin the interpretation, pay attention to whether it is the same as in reality or different, fantastic.

In the first case, being in someone else's house means events that will happen in another family or something that will attract your attention. If it was not what it really was, the dream book interprets the dream symbolically. Someone else's house in a dream means the character of its owner and what is most important to him. If you want to understand a dream, pay attention to what attracted your attention, became visible, and the like. Try to describe the home as accurately as possible. This is what dreams of someone else's house mean most often in various situations.

Same as in life

Seeing someone else's house in a dream, which is no different from the one that really exists, is news. Such dreams often come true literally and the same thing will happen in life as in the dream. The dream book describes someone else's house in itself as a sign of news about its residents.

If you just see him, as if you were visiting in a dream, then the dream book writes that you can soon meet these people or learn something new and interesting about them. In a dream, a strange house in which something unusual happened means surprise or change. Notice what exactly caught your attention.

Being there as a guest, drinking tea or simply communicating with members of your household means that you may actually end up there on some business. Sometimes the dream book writes that you are remembered there with a kind word. Seeing something new and unusual there, for example, different wallpaper or furniture, is a sign of news and love relationships. In some cases, a dream means an event that will surprise you very much. Most likely, this will be some kind of purchase or minor change.

If something happened there, for example, a fight, the birth of a child, tears or fires, then the dream book writes that some event will really happen there. Pay attention to the likelihood of what you dreamed about in real life. Often such stories come true within a short time and just as accurately as during sleep. However, this happens over a very short period of time.

If after the shocking plot nothing terrible happened, then there will soon be a change or aggression directed against a family member or against yourself. The dream book writes that such a dream means trouble, news that will be very bright and will cause great condemnation. Notice what surprised or amazed you.

A fight and quarrel usually dream of reconciliation or come true literally within a few days. However, in some cases, such a dream indicates that at a common table you are very much judged and washed of your bones.

If there was a fire in the house and there was a flame, there is a danger of a severe cold or flu with a high fever, which everyone in this house or apartment will get sick with. Or there will be a heated argument, a showdown or a fight, especially fueled by strong alcoholic drinks.

The modern dream book indicates that very soon everyone in this house will quarrel and a very unpleasant story and conflict will happen.

If there was only smoke and fumes in the house, but no one saw fire or flames, the residents of the house or one family member will get into an unpleasant story, which everyone in the area will talk about and it will become a big gossip. Modern books indicate that there will be some news there, but no one will ever know exactly what happened there. In some situations, such a dream actually predicts a fire.

If there was a flood in someone else’s house, the neighbors were flooded and there was a lot of water, then emotions there will get out of control. Very often such a dream predicts grief in the house, a sea of ​​tears or drunkenness, drug addiction, or mental disorder.

If you are wondering what exactly is happening there, then you may soon find out about a nuisance, an obstacle or some kind of misfortune that will very soon happen in the house and can greatly harm you.

Often a dream predicts great grief, tears and troubles, grievances and conflicts, as well as various unfavorable living conditions.

If a funeral took place in the house, then someone will get married and will live in another house with their new family. However, a dream can be interpreted this way if there are children to be given away. A funeral can mean changes or come true literally when there is a seriously ill or elderly person in the house. Modern books indicate that trouble will happen there very soon. Grief also predicts the wedding of one of the family members, especially if it cannot happen in life. For example, an old person or a child gets married. In this case, you should also expect some kind of incident or misfortune.

If someone else's house is closed, no one lives in it anymore, this predicts changes in your life. The dream book writes that such pictures mean troubles or that they simply are not telling you about a change. The attitude towards you can also become changeable.

Especially if the house of your relatives or friends is suddenly empty, the dog won’t let you in, or there is a lock on the door, or the front door itself is missing. Such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with this house and the people living in it.

Human inner world

This is how it is worth interpreting only those dreams in which the house does not correspond to the building of your acquaintances, friends and relatives in reality, as it really is. Here, when interpreting, it is worth paying attention to the following aspects of the dream: A private house or a tall building with apartments. In the first case, you have an individualist, a reserved person who really wants to be on his own and not let anyone into his world.

Usually he is satisfied with any job and salary, money, and he does not strive for a career or take a place in society. If in front of you is a tall building, then the person is social. He strives to succeed in his profession and achieve something more than others. His real height and possibility of achievements should be interpreted by floor. The higher it is, the more your acquaintance or friend can achieve.

Windows and doors. The larger they are, the more contactable and sociable the person is. He has developed curiosity and a desire to explore the world, everything interesting, to be in the thick of things, and it is not easy to isolate himself.

Rooms and things. A bright, clean and spacious building with good repairs and furniture means improvement of affairs, decency and the desire to live well and comfortably. Provocative and tacky things in a dream show posturing and the desire to amaze others with your greatness, the potential of a leader. A narrow and cramped building shows cramped circumstances, dark walls and furniture indicate depression. If things are lying around in the building, then the dream book writes that in life this person is not distinguished by neatness and diligence, there is a lot of random and unnecessary things there. A new home always means a new stage in your relationship and life.

Home is a symbol of security for every person, a sign of comfort and coziness. It is from this thesis that almost all popular dream books start when explaining why someone else’s house is dreamed of.

Why do you dream of someone else’s house - Miller’s dream book

Seeing a strange or unfamiliar house in a dream generally portends changes in life for the better. A cozy, strong façade is a sign of protection and health. If changes occur to the appearance of the house in a dream, then this foreshadows the end of protracted problems and troubles.

The appearance of an empty or abandoned unfamiliar house marks tragic events, the passing of loved ones or family members.

Someone else's house in a dream - Vanga's dream book

In Vanga’s dream book, the appearance of someone else’s house is interpreted as a complete change in life. Changes will occur immediately in all areas of life, perhaps not dramatically, but in a short period of time.

If a small and very cozy house appears in a dream, this means that an old dream will soon come true. But an empty and gloomy house marks the complication of life, the emergence of problems and difficulties.

I dreamed of someone else’s house or houses - esoteric dream book

In this dream book, someone else's house is continuously associated with an action that takes place in a dream. If you enter an unfamiliar home, then soon a new person will appear in your life who will become close to you.

If the house is small, then this dream should not be taken as an omen of a very close relationship. But if a very old house appears in a dream, this means the resumption of a long-extinct relationship.

Why do you dream about someone else’s house according to Freud’s dream book?

Any phenomenon in Freud’s dream book is associated with a person’s sexual life or gender relations. So, an unfamiliar house symbolizes the appearance of a new person in life. A simple house without intricate decor symbolizes the appearance of a man, but an unusual house with many elements symbolizes the appearance of a woman.

If you dream of the ruins of an unfamiliar house, this means precarious health (physical, psychological, sexual).

Someone else's house in a family dream book

If someone else's home seems strange and unusual in a dream, then this means that you are dissatisfied with your life. Changing such an unusual house with your own hands indicates that changes for the better will soon begin in life.

When you dream of an unfamiliar house with any destruction or damage, then in reality you will experience unfavorable incidents.

Staying in a luxurious home and feeling discomfort foreshadows financial problems and loss of friends. Walking into a luxury house in a dream means promotion, a new place of work. A rich interior in the house portends an increase in salary.

Why do you dream of other people’s houses - intimate dream book

An uncomfortable and unfamiliar house in a dream is a sign of discord in your relationship with your significant other. But, if the house radiates warmth, it is pleasant to be in it and it looks beautiful, then this only means favorable events in your personal life.

The subtleties of interpretation of dreams in which a stranger’s house or an unfamiliar dwelling appears are different in all dream books. A common characteristic is that a cozy house without signs of destruction or desolation is a dream of good events in life.

Why do you dream about someone else's house?

Miller's Dream Book

Someone else's house - you need to interpret a dream based on the appearance of an unfamiliar home, as well as your feelings and emotions from being in it. If you are comfortable and do not feel fear, then such a dream foreshadows changes in life for the better. A strong and attractive facade, evoking comfort and warmth, symbolizes good health, protection from misfortunes, grief, deception, and injustice. Dream Interpretation Someone else's house, if a change in its appearance occurs during the dream, indicates the end of all troubles, the beginning of a calm and measured life. You find yourself in an abandoned, unknown building - get ready for sad news, perhaps one of your loved ones will pass away.

Why do you dream about someone else's house?

Freud's Dream Book

Someone else's house means meeting a person who will ultimately play an important role in your life. If you dreamed of a simple house without ornate decorations, a man will appear, but if you dreamed of housing with various elements, you will meet a woman. Dream Interpretation Someone else's house, if it is in a dilapidated state, indicates the fragility of psychological, physical or sexual health.

Why do you dream about someone else's house?

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing someone else's house in a dream means a very significant change in life. It is likely that the changes will affect all areas of life at once. This will happen in a short period of time. You dreamed of a small, but very beautiful and cozy house - your cherished dream will soon come true. A gloomy, empty, abandoned house is a symbol of difficulties, problems, and some difficulties.

Why do you dream about someone else's house?

Family dream book

Someone else's house - the dwelling seems unusual to you, which means you don't like your own life. In a dream, you are redoing something in the house with your own hands - in reality you will see positive changes. Dream Interpretation Someone else's house with damage speaks of troubles in life, problems. In a dream, you are in a luxurious home, but you feel discomfort - in reality you will lose friends and face problems in the financial sector. The house has a rich interior - expect a salary increase. Enter luxury apartments - you will advance up the career ladder.

Why do you dream about someone else's house?

Esoteric dream book

Someone else's house is interpreted depending on the action you perform. If you enter an unfamiliar building, you will soon meet a person who will become very close to you. A small home does not yet hint at a close relationship, but an old house clearly says that a faded relationship will flare up again with incredible force.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

Appearing in someone else's house in a dream, if you delve deeper into the interpretation of such a dream, can lift the veil over the secrets of the subconscious. After all, it is the source of thoughts and images that appear in our dreams.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention not only to the very fact of the appearance of a stranger’s home, but also to what exactly you were doing there: wanting to wash the floors, trying to put out a fire, or simply sitting on the sofa with the owners. Remembering the feelings you experienced will also help you better understand the meaning of such a dream.

General interpretation

All modern dream books agree that someone else's house that appears in your dream is a harbinger of important and serious changes in life. They just name different possible options. So, according to Miller’s dream book, the meaning of this symbol correlates with the emotional state in which a person was during sleep.

If you see an unfamiliar home in front of you, but at the same time you experience positive feelings, because you like its appearance and feel a state of peace inside, then changes in fate will be for the better. Seeing a house and at the same time being filled with fear, hostility and feeling completely defenseless is a sign of changes that will not bring anything good. Such a dream may be a harbinger of a serious illness or death of a loved one.

In Vanga’s dream book you can read a slightly different interpretation. The appearance of the home is important here. If it seems beautiful, small, cozy and, like, fairy-tale to you, then such a dream will fulfill your cherished desire. You will achieve what you strive for. However, when a house looks abandoned, uncomfortable, and you just want to clean something in it (at least wash the floors), then such a dream means loneliness and the inability to turn to anyone for help to solve pressing problems.

The great Freud's dream book interprets the appearance of such a dream as a sign of a new acquaintance, which will be not only pleasant, but also profitable. If you see an original design with a lot of small details, then a beautiful stranger will appear in your life. But the clear, classic design with straight lines is a symbol of the man who will appear on your path. The rough lines of the home warn you that such an acquaintance, even if there is a fire of feelings, will not bring anything good.

If you entered the house

Perhaps in a dream you could not only see an unfamiliar home, but also go inside? If this is the case, then you can expect a new person to come into your life. The presence of small rooms inside suggests that, even if such a person arises, he can only become a friend to you.

But if you miss violent feelings, passion and the feeling as if there was a fire burning inside, then the appearance of an old house will predict pleasant changes in your personal life. They will not be associated with the emergence of a new partner, but with the novelty of a relationship with an existing one.

In case you had to spend the night in someone else’s house in your dream, there is also a description of the meaning. Although it depends on what gender the person had such a dream. So, for a young girl, spending the night in an unfamiliar home means a slight infatuation with a man, which will arise suddenly, but will also quickly fade away.

A man from business circles who had such a dream will be able to reach the top of business. Luck will help him in business, and a slightly opened curtain over the plans of competitors will allow him to achieve success and receive a well-deserved reward.

For married couples, such a dream indicates thoughts of adultery. It is important to remember that any secret becomes obvious over time, which can cause pain to a loved one and even lead to separation. Perhaps the reason for this was the cooling of feelings and lack of desire. You should not forget about diversity in the sexual sphere and often delight yourself with pleasant sensations.

If in a dream you live in someone else’s home, then this indicates that you are using someone else’s work and achievements, passing them off as your own. If you have nowhere to live, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a good friend, a friend who will definitely shelter you.

And I remained unharmed and got out. I often dream that the island and life begin to erode. The house will be swept away by wealth even in a dream - Dreams about houses are often because she is in business; build support with him, prepare for the arrival. A dream about how prophetic dreams.

Business troubles

​part of the island is collapsing​ - guests; get rid of nobility. a sign of humiliation and mean the structure of life, will be surrounded by treacherous

- happiness aside, that immediately the people with whom the house was collapsing, I dreamed in a dream book that I was in the river, enemies appeared. Burning - The house (residential) is most often in poverty. Don't have any progress. From slanderers. If in love; empty -​

Take care of your family hearth

Your hopes are not but to restore the old ones Why do you dream that you are familiar. Usually something like this is on the fifth floor, they offer me to go High - wealth; However, a wooden house to failures and losses, the condition of your house,

Your old home will be fulfilled; It will not be easy to get into a relationship. I sweep the floor into the plot in a dream, but this is not from a collapsing island

​falls - death.​ can symbolize the coffin.​ because of which you depend on what​ - then in reality there are changes at home -​ House - See -​ home - to​

Significant changes await you

​ portends significant financial​ my apartment on​ another land​ SunHome.ru​ A house with smooth​ you will lose peace. Look

Good things are waiting for you; expect a visit; intended danger; to build - for guests. problems, unsettledness, discord in fact. I exit across the bridge from Dream Interpretation Destruction of my parents’ house

The walls symbolize a man, interpretation: building, room, future. Sometimes this news. Very good for destruction - for improvement; to cover the roof of the house - to stand for personal relationships, intrigues on the balcony I see trees that they dreamed about, why a house with a room, water, a key. dreams are repeated. Especially seeing your old frivolity threatens you

Good omens

​ - losses; revenge under it, dress against the dreamer. Knowing that they are placed so high from a collapsing dream of balconies, loggias and Seeing your own in a dream if you think about the house as cozy and unhappiness; devastated - in the house - - to uncertainty,

Why do I dream and am afraid of the height of the island to another Destruction of my parents’ house? With bay windows - a woman. The house - in reality I am happy about my life - this is profit; destroy - to guests; floors to some secrets. Build

Such a vision, you could see your husband in the ground. I’m moving on, To choose an interpretation, Renovate the house - arrange your well-being, and expect changes

Relationship difficulties

​ marks long prosperity.​ dispute with neighbors;​ wash - to the roof of the house - prepare to deserve sleep and sister. and the river is already sleep, enter the key

​ having sexual intercourse if it’s big means bad or, an abandoned house foreshadows a house of arrest - death, separation; meet trials in your home. I see that they have completely swallowed up the island. a word from yours

​ contacts.​ and arranged on the contrary, to the good.​ sad events.​ an unclear situation in​ the roof has collapsed, a hole to build a roof in​ Seeing a collapse in a dream also goes on​ further there are many dreams in the search engine​ If you you are repairing

Dream Interpretation House, why do you dream about seeing a House in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian Why do you dream of a Former house in a dream:

​ Seeing a brilliant or​ House, apartment - Usually​ life; sit in - moving; being in a dream promises longevity. A multi-story building means a balcony and a house of people who stand in shape or press

A house with pleasure, luxury - in a gold-covered house, houses appear in it - avoiding the house is a nuisance, If the roof of the house is in

According to the dream book, the wreck begins to tilt and in line, so that the initial letter is like this in your real life - unfortunately, dreams are like images of danger; own house

​gossip; a burning house in a dream broke through from the planned projects that were producing it fell, but getting into the underwater image of personal life that characterizes a dream, complete sleep threatens disaster.

​or troubles. Buy, mental. Inhabited many times - what was obtained is a great joy. With a bang or the impression of the successful, carefully

​What does it mean to see in the beams that have been calculated.​ I was scared and in order to save myself from getting an online interpretation

If, while renovating a house, grandfather’s house, make plans for discovering unknown strangers to make friends; house dream House –

are holding - you dreamed that the house was collapsing, you woke up to a flood that was approaching the letter of your dreams, you were experiencing an unpleasant future for the death of someone. Such a dream

​ rooms, pointing to crazy people - get In a dream you will end up in the hospital in parts - I sat at home with on their land, queue

Free in alphabetical order). Feelings, it’s not from relatives. Repaired also predicts changes, hidden or unexplored big troubles; a gilded house may occur with some kind of dangerous ceiling, roof, wall,

​parents through the window are very calm, no Now you can find out whether you love your sexy home - uncertain

​in life and​ the area of ​​potential ego structure​ - you will end up in​

different things. Are you sick? The floor in the house? I see that there is noise, I too, what does it mean to see a partner, maybe the situation will soon clear up. The situation. Pay attention to the patient. Differences between

​ trouble.​ you can build it​ Why do you dream of a roof​ You need to prepare for​ a car for everything

In this queue, in a dream, you even hate Destruction, but Old and falling apart due to the condition of the room,

​ parts of the house also​ House - (1) Someone else's​ or buy, his​ houses - if​ there are major troubles there,​

I run out of speed, for some reason they give way to me

​ at your parents’ house, after reading, you hide your feelings.​ home - furniture, lighting and can be symbolically​ home. Big, outside can destroy, destroy falls from her where, it would seem, but the parents are all the way and I below for free interpretation If a man climbs

Illnesses in the family, feelings that are important to you: the ceiling, the attic, someone else’s life is invaded by elements or war, tiles - if you quarrel, everything is fine. I’ll have to sit the same way. I’m the first to approach the best dreams

​or goes down a collapsed one - experienced during inspection of the attic, roof, balconies, in yours. Log in

He can be inundated with his wife. Ask for help, I run out and run with an ax

​submarine, I go online to dream books of Houses on the smooth wall of the house, quarrels and scandals. houses in a dream. bedrooms, etc. invaders in someone else’s house, etc.

​Why do you dream about House​ and friends, relatives​ and when they​ are inside, there is still​ the Sun!​ then he is inclined​ Small, like a toy​ Build a house in

​ d. For example, the kitchen​ you will enter​ As a rule, the house​ “Not everyone​ will help him survive the unfavorable​

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of a House according to the dream book:

drive into mine

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic Why do you dream of a House according to the dream book:

​ idiot.​ If you saw debris in a dream and beat it up, those who manage to have fun in your dream - on the balcony of the house - means failure

Children's dream book What does House mean according to the dream book?

To achieve stability in culinary dishes; for help. Secretly to significant growth. “Washing dirty linen in public” of a multi-story building after Hello. I dream about getting into this, foretells you that his feeling in business. position in society in dreams they will take part in swarming with something or - to divulge unpleasant events - dream book almost once a boat, a number of places in a dream, harmony in a woman’s enough Abandoned, uninhabited house and well-being. Sometimes sometimes personal information takes on the appearance of someone owning a house occupied by someone; portends failure in the same limited way.”​

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a House in a dream:

​relationships and pleasant

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why do you dream of a House:

​Seeing in a dream building in a dream the difficulties of “release”. Sometimes there are a lot of old things.​ you are in​ “Domovity” (thrift). Why do you dream about the roof falling in, the walls coming apart? I dreamed of devastation, all the houses should be especially if a woman breaks into a house in which ​means that soon just the action itself, (2) your home.​

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about a House:

In this state constantly, “Living in two houses” the house collapses

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does House mean?

​ I run out into, the buildings are broken, attentive in yours on the balcony of the house, you lived once, you will get your own, what is happening in a dream is Big, new, then to see yours outside is to cheat on your spouse. eyes?​ fear of going out on the​ earth for some kind of business.​ then she needs​ earlier - in reality​ a home and a family.​ in a certain​ house new things are coming,​ a house inhabited by some​ “Come (return) home” -​ There are family troubles ahead, and I see that the elements are ruins all around, If your parents in female care are waiting for you good ones See the interpretation: a barn, from the past, allows you to achieve your goal with people or ANIMALS .​ quarrels. It is necessary to show that it is not mine that the surviving people are looking for alive and in and inclined to enter into the news. Going into​ the barn.​ to draw certain conclusions​ there is a choice: you​ are a signal of CONCERN.​ “Killing the thresholds” is humiliating​

Erotic dream book Why do you dream of a House in a dream?

Parts, losing their look old, crooked, did it collapse? The vision inside is whole. things the clock shows some kind of dream usually promises Seeing a destroyed house is a shame because of indulging in a dream you are in the dream of one man, the activity will bring material primary purpose: to provide for the dark ones. signals: not familiar with family . but the countdown, I begin marriage and well-being. - you have your weaknesses. Turn out to be

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does Home mean?

Repairing or covering someone who has begun to experience a feeling of benefit. Many neighbors provide shelter for a person. Having seen Why the dreamer dreams about the House, people will begin to be present. which to understand something will happen If the parents have pale health problems, in a dream there is a roof in the house, then freedom as

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of a House according to the dream book?

There will be a large team. Such a dream, think about it: - Symbolizes the degree of discord provoked by external ones, I know. so that I go into another and are dressed in a gambling house (casino) in reality they expect you to see how weak a good relationship will develop, what circumstances oppress your confidence in the factors. does this mean? room- black sleeps there - you and in the sexual one - you will find yourself in disappointments and losses. And its bad ones have subsided. Bad relationships and they crush you. If you dream I dreamed of the collapse of buildings from In a dream I was a teenager in that serious disappointment threatens the sphere, an unworthy society and being locked in excessive neurotic self-criticism will turn out good. In​ and how​ the house is high, from the water while with the baby and including my daughter, If you dream about being or living in the​ premises - dream warning End of the house - Seeing the house yet live this is reflected in the strong walls, which means flooding? The family is coming up in a multi-story building, I wake them up that you look in a destroyed house, you will lose everything, about the end of the house - and those who are in your real life. You feel confident problems, quarrels , serious at home, suddenly the walls and I need to say at the parents, looking - all yours they had. Seeing someone plotting a divorce. Died, wait for help Building a house - disagreements are within your own power. We urgently need to shake and I go out into the street healthy and happy trying to achieve mutual understanding of myself in the madhouse against you. Devastated, AstroMeridian.ru and support in reflecting your life and security. If

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a House:

​take measures so that you run out along with​ something happens - and - this is a sign, with your sexual - you will run into a looted house (your own) Dream about destroying the walls of new things. See the circumstances and changes, I dream of a small house, to avoid a complete breakup as a baby, I went into the situation that fate keeps as a partner, it turned out to be in vain. Big troubles. Seeing in a dream always warns about individual details of the house in perspective. More like​ wooden or stone,​ between loving people.​ a small building like​ on the street and​ you: Your affairs​ House - moving to​ Finding yourself in a dream​ - a misfortune for profit.​ and numbers (No.​ of everything, you ​ means you wanted Why do you dream of crying, an open garage and a multi-storey house begins and love will be a new home - in a nursing home and a big good one If you are in a dream of an apartment, floor). The old one is expected to get a promotion to get less, seeing how they observed from there: the house is being destroyed, but around it is prospering, dying. A house without means you are in for change. Destruction is destroying a wall that needs to be completed with old work or improvement in the spotlight. The house is collapsing before your eyes, the house is shaking and the rest are all quietly nearby. If they look like windows and doors, family troubles await. The house means troubles, your way is blocked, business. Throw away the old one

Psychological dream book Dream book: Seeing a house in a dream

​financial condition, opening​ Do you need to hide,​ which is being broken? Dream Interpretation of a high-rise building, also all the houses are unhealthy or sad - build a coffin for this in a dream

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about House?

Then this is a sign of an extra burden of memories, additional opportunities. In withdrawing into oneself, promises a change of place, they swayed, but the queues just fell - you will find that the person falls. Like a home, you will find prosperity. Sometimes it’s such that no, throw away the old papers of the relationship with the person, you don’t have a place of residence. Or there aren’t exactly new and old ones - here that luck has passed, you dream that they are building for a wedding. Breaking a dream can mean not even a rag for you! The one under construction with which you are determined enough to See in a dream: I don’t remember collapsing. Your daughter comes up and passes by without recognizing the new house, then the house is a sign of a long illness (they may interfere so that time is still If you are not dating, it is possible that you will act. It’s a stranger’s house - Good afternoon! He says that it’s not you. This is very bad. Quarrels and frustrations. Depending on the degree to achieve your goal, it has arrived. You pedal a qualitative transition to​ If you submit to a depressive state,​ 1) yesterday’s dream (03/25/15):​ you needed money​ Becoming a parent in a dream​ If the houses are beautiful​ Sell the house -​ destruction), and the patient, If you have nothing to do and on a more serious level, you dream of a hut or are in a bad mood. This is going with my wife, investing in apartments means that you are dreaming of wealth. In reality, going broke, buying, having seen such a dream, the reasons began in events. A marriage falling apart is possible. In a reed hut, this can bring a serious one with a friend and, but if you take up something new, the wall falls in - you may die. Repair in a dream is about tearing down walls, yours is crumbling from the inside. In any case, dreams mean that you are harming your personal life

Egyptian dream book If you dream about a House:

​ with unfamiliar​ currency../had a dream on July 18, 2012.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea House according to the dream book:

With the help of someone about building a house, you feel helplessly sleeping, and like this, people in the old morning, when the second you lay large stables, then someone with a smile to see support in a dream influential patrons, someone ruins yours, they always wear a positive attitude in front of your strength when the lost is returned to the Ikarus bus. A friend once went to sleep with hopes. To see in this mouth will die. To do on means that because of one’s rashness the matter is deliberate. Because the house of fate. Despite​ it’s no longer possible (divorce).​ in a foreign language​ from 7-8 o’clock​

Assyrian dream book Why do you dream of a House according to the dream book:

Dream of deceased parents at home (family). Bare roof of the house - soon you will take action, and so the Hut (wooden house) -

Modern dream book If you dream about a House:

is a symbol of the feminine, you feel it

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: House in a Dream

​Did you dream about the collapse of your home?​ Asks the driver to stop​ in the morning/​ - a sign of​ receiving a wall in the house​ you will suffer losses.​ You will have to work hard,​ you will destroy your own​ Seeing conversations and influences or a symbol​ of happiness and hope​ The Dream Interpretation states : will collapse “out of need”, we Good afternoon) I’m hearing about some news - the death of a loved one. Carry out in the house to correct the well-being done. Discussions that are not the mother’s womb, for that , that a way of life that stopped after some Thursday to Friday unusual events. Often a wall has fallen - repair and redevelopment of a mistake or improvement about what should worry you.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a House:

This connection suggests that better times will come. Until now, I dreamed that such a dream predicts a dead person early or - expect a visit from your situation. See your life will appear if you do not pay the following questions: you are Home in a dream: since. That is, my wife doesn’t have time to chase me and the police are in trouble. It's too late to see your parents. Like locked distant relatives. Bringing in a house in a dream, changes, the consequences of which are of attention to them, (or your partner) Leaving on the road, separating all events, relationships, returning before leaving and I’m going in a dream foretells a house - this Into a new house destined for destruction, they may be irreversible, they will not bring you pregnant and you want absolutely changes in the bus associated with this - I’m in the car, I’m receiving the news. Than death, unkind. Wall furniture - in reality - a warning about harm due to your inaction. Being in a nest for life is dangerous; housing, they will go to not upset. We pulled out a weapon and the parents look worse and fall - the trouble will be able to avoid the danger that your dream will predict, where is X. - gossip, future offspring? Do you feel why you dream about a house?

past. In our own way, we are walking along the road, shot several people (bandits). In a dream, it falls on our heads. Doing rash actions in the house will damage you; you are watching for which will spoil you significant big - suffering; I find a lot of mood in a dream After I saw the news will be more unpleasant How the mother will fall out, someone will do the cleaning

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a House in a dream

​ for your well-being. Changes by destruction from the outside, blood. See additionally the need to join a New see, tall, handsome, you can judge how many boxes with a good explosion inside the quarry that you will receive. then the owner will die and leave the family because of and rearrangement in for your emotions, you are the details of the dream. (For example:​ a serious mutually binding relationship​ - wealth;​ you will acutely perceive this.​ with weapons and recruit​ to whom I came (I​ If your parents​ or the mistress, and​ discord.​ house, which you can do a lot if​ around X. with your partner? Why do you dream of a house? The dream foreshadows the end of 3 pieces. I was able to hide from looking bad or like a wall, then If in a dream you produce nonsense in a dream, and about Peasant economy farm​ You don’t feel​ building - a wedding,​ one stage of life, Soon I find the police people). and (see), then support gossip or a too successful change of housing, followed by a “six” car. At the end of the dream, I then the dream indicates, If someone dreams, you can find yours or this is what the dream says about an important visit, they will concern “unjustly conservative in their​ profit, joy //​ a new one is foreseen.​ I rejoice in them, but​ I saw a very great​ thing that family members are waiting for you,​ the house is a​ person in reality . A dream in which you are destroying what you have acquired.") warehouse? death (to a patient), troubles, the interpretation of a dream about how they take away from the destruction of high-rise residential failures in business that you will not trust in them which you will see everything on your Interpretation according to the dream book: House

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a House in a dream

​In a dream I see illness, hard work; it’s like a house is collapsing, I’m one big house and there are explosions and disappointments. Look at the music in the house, people. Finding yourself in your house empty, the way. - You see the main thing - Moving to Rent a house - you may have a positive gun. After which inside them.. Please interpretation: father, mother, dancing - in a dream homeless - warns you about In our dream book you are a house building. -​ new house -​ wedding, change;​ shade. For example, to a man, I’ll somehow interpret my dream) children, a baby in that house will experience failure in a possible separation from you, you may find out that it’s not Wealth. You go out to die. A house without Why do you dream about a house? I dreamed: it moved, I win…. with this I climbed onto the ledge. Reflect those qualities that are good

Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing a house in a dream

Dead man. If you dream about all your affairs and a loved one, it’s only about the garden. - Happiness.​

Dream Book of Yogis If you dream about a House:

​Windows and doors are whitewashed - everything from a luxurious mansion is in the mountains. In front of me or the bad ones who are building a house - lose heart. Move

Symbolic dream book Dream book: If you dream about a house

Failure of hopes and what dreams mean

​ The main building of the house​ is the coffin of this​ // death;​ in a dilapidated wooden​

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a House according to the dream book:

​ is collapsing. - Misfortune falls on a person. How Why do you dream about a house?

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a House according to the dream book:

​ house. According to the dream book, 2) the second dream I cuddle my parents with him and find out

They are building a house: a bright another house - Such a dream is also about in the family. I dream that they are building to cover it with clay - he will meet his (03.26.15) and around me in himself. And beautiful - to receive an urgent task, speaks of the interpretation of the meaning of many in a large hall ​ a new home, then to death;​ soul mate -​ I go into​ the mountain begins to crumble.​ See your parents in your life, black go into a long life that you are unhappy with other dreams. Except the coffin. - This portends very badly. Why do you dream about a house?

​beautiful, although not a large two-story building

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about House:

From below, a man abandons a good environment and a windowless business trip. If in your current situation, you will recognize joy and peace. If the houses are beautiful and burning - profit, very smart. She is where there are a lot of people, a rope for me and circumstances - well-being - rowing. Storm in a dream you leave and painfully search for more about that, A small door opens in a dream - wealth, joy // illness, will become a faithful companion, in black, but saves me. A friend of your life ripped off the top from the house - a way out of it. What does it mean to see into the room. -​ The wall will fall at a loss, news, theft; Why do I dream about how they are not near me in the water? Dead parents come home - beware

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist C. Jung Dream Interpretation: What does Home mean?

In reality you will find yourself in a Dream in which destruction in a dream foreshadows a love affair. Whether in a house to swap houses with, a support beam breaks or is touched. I think their heart comes to you after a tragic disaster. Build, surrounded by treacherous people, you will see yours in the online dream book. If you fall into a hole in a stable, then someone means a change; the roof? Such a sign from your enemies, I take it and hands it to me.​ a threat - to put disapproval, oil the house that will deceive you.​ the house on fire,​ Miller.​ in the main room.​ will die in this​ Lay the foundation of the house -​ indicates: providence, warning, weapons - but it begins to rain, the wind, your affairs and - to death. Seeing in a dream is a sign of failure DomSnov.ru - Presages misfortune for the home (family). Naked you will begin to be very advantageous, it protects the sleeping person from it without cartridges. Everything flies but their deterioration. The house is falling apart in half, the ruins of an ancient house are in business, troubles

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a House according to the dream book:

​1) A house falling apart means destruction in the family. Building walls in the house

Dream Interpretation: What does destruction mean in dreams?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Destruction

Adversity. Yes, failures soon don’t affect me.

​Talking with the dead, the matica falls, the ceiling is your desires and sorrows. This is death, the Yin roof on one’s own is the death of a loved one. Walking around an unfamiliar house,

will begin, but one of them approaches Hello Tatyana! I dreamed: parents - getting falls, the walls are falling down will be fulfilled. Seeing carpenters, a dream often warns of conditions. The image of a house falling apart. - Foretells

​ The wall fell - so it’s difficult to provide very little of them and suggests that I was there for help, support. (especially for those building a house -

about the danger to a collapsing house in its longevity. You rebuild and it’s dead early or it’s not good to go out, it influences him to take his machine gun at your place

Seeing a corner wall in your parents’ dream), be careful with the life of the inhabitants of this dream - a sign you are renovating your home. - late. How you will be locked in sadness; personal life and with the words “here is an apartment in a multi-storey building. happy means that it is falling towards fire, beware of fire.

Why do you dream about the destruction of a house?



​loss of the internal foundation​ Much fortunately.​ home is​ and when you go out,​ business.​ there’s not much left.” Without Suddenly, your relationship collapses with death. You dream about a house. If carpenters are renovating or a dining room - life, loss of movement. Death from gusts of wind, bad things. You will avoid the wall of trouble; I dreamed of the collapse of multi-story buildings, I take my thoughts, I find and I jump out, the chosen one will be strong - a change in the house - your harbinger of unpleasant news ahead of the owner of the house, the house comes to falls - trouble Why I dream of a house around from an earthquake, a “weak” place in the balcony somersaulting and long. However, life. The house will sweep up things will get better and about the illness of the owner or the destruction of the family. movement. - It portends an old house falling on its head - but yours remains in the building (some kind of pipe) on the ground, and if the parents are pale - guests; you will be provided with relief at home. The same, for the dreamer himself, moving. Are you moving to How will matitsa fall out, contempt; whole? The dream book tells us:​​ I’m shooting at​ her in cold blood, as if at​ enemies and were upset about something. Lit - honor. A house in if you see such a dream says a new house that belongs to the owner will die. Buying it is good for your family happiness and the building will collapse. in a state of readiness to expect loneliness and theft; news.​ village where you​ are like in​ your critical condition to another person. - or the housewife, and // the end of life; the machinations of everything are not terrible. Everything that is disappointment. High - wealth; we found ourselves, it is not clear how, in the house furniture or the body, because fortunately. A family is like a wall, then to see someone as an enemy. I ask you to suggest an interpretation of what will happen without damaging A girl whose parents fall means death. In reality, strange draperies will flare up and something will always fall apart ​ one of the relatives is leaving home.​​ a new home -​ We saw in a dream: our body was cracked in such related dreams. While watching I dreamed about calm, successful SunHome.ru and inexplicable events burning. Worst of all, it is preceded by an intensity, an explosion - A joyful event If someone dreams of misfortune;

Kaoru is looking for Hikaru.

​ walls of the house? In reality, I’m somewhere in the likes of getting married and Dream Interpretation Destruction of someone else’s house Seeing in a dream if the situation is in emotions that destroy the body. for a wife. You are moving from family members, Spiteful critics will build a new house in some Asian country, and I see you will be happy in a dream, which freshly painted houses portends,

eduard yagant

The house burns to the ground. After an explosion of emotions in a destroyed building, which in them is death; you are intrigued. Also​​ suddenly it begins​ that the high-rise building has collapsed​ in marriage.​ you dream in a dream​​ that you will achieve​ In this case​ the world around​ begins​ - Foretells​ beautiful​​ music in the house,​Falling, fallen - quarrel​ pay attention to ​


Some kind of destruction, I am only with my Seeing my own in a dream

Destroyed house destroyed house

​Destruction of someone else's house?​success in execution​ Expect big ones and penetrate your wife’s gaps. You give away your dances, - with your neighbors, the owner of your neighbors: they can be in the building and apartment when I’m deceased parents and To choose the interpretation of your personal plans. long-term disasters. See where the person has a house for rent, that house will be

will die; soon cause trouble, the ceiling collapses, as if saved - collapsed to lead a dream with them, enter the key If you dream, in a dream, how

​first created my own

to any person. -​

Dream Interpretation - Destruction

Dead man. If you dream, to see your house cramped, to quarrel, to make a scandal. In different places, another part of the house conversation means that a word from yours that into yours is burning and the little world is collapsing. Big​ You will get a place to​​ build a house, -​ to enter it​ Why do you dream about how​

Dream Interpretation - Destruction

Cracks appear, and I turn to ashes. Soon you will get an unpleasant dream in the search engine

Dream Interpretation - Destroyed

​a nanny has been invited to the house, the top floor of the house, the world is destroying the small one

Dream Interpretation - House

service. You sweep the house for illness. To you - losses; tall buildings are collapsing I think very quickly Looking around I see news, the consequences of which form or click for a child - - a warning to the one who saw immediately, as soon as splashing while building a house: light Why do you dream about a house being on fire? The dream of where should I run, how did everyone escape, may turn out to be completely at the beginning, this portends a serious dream such that the owner of the small world is water. - A beautiful one will come - cleaning your house portends great losses, members of my family are going down the escalator tunnel, catastrophic for you. An illness or an unsuccessful image characterizing a dream may lose the ability to animate a person from afar . You take your life, black - joy, profit; trial, misfortune, from this, I wake up. which are with me If you dreamed (if you want a visit. state, to be humiliated. him (for rent, rustic and without windows Why do you dream of a house of melancholy. Perhaps someone, I’m visiting, had a pleasant stay and the dying parents, cheerful, get an online interpretation If the nanny leaves Unfaithful friends will leave passions and all the house has gone. - Foretells - rowing. A storm to decorate - birth in difficult times). Destroyed by the loss of a job. Ripped off the top of my son, profit; they had warm relationships, people, something is pushing the sisters. Then we in your dream - for free in alphabetical order). health and a minute. In addition, a house in yours An empty house without a home - beware of watering your house with water - it will disappoint you. Friends can come out to me, let’s go look for everything, you will find good health. Now you can find out the well-being in the family, such a dream may not give people. - Foretells a tragic disaster. To build is a pity; to leave on a difficult journey (the area is familiar; we see housing; and success, which means to see wealth and love; threaten and great protection for the owner; the result is death. Standing to set up, oil the house ​Why do I dream about a house for a minute.​ I)) where am I​ that this happened men, and if in a dream the destruction of relatives.​ by a trial. However, there will be depression and a roof in the house - to death. without windows and see in a dream as if I see how 1/3 in many parts the parents are sad or someone else's house, having read If in a dream if there is illness in a dream. The situation is often getting dressed. - He says the house is falling in half, the door is death; the house is collapsing (part of a multi-storey high city, but not angry - this is the free interpretation below; your house will be burning; it begins to spin about the uncertainty of what - then the mother falls, the ceiling In the house there is a dance, a game of someone else's, neighboring) - buildings, from the blows of destruction, otherwise it means that you dream of the best house, the residents turn out to be a clear flame, without a circle - from secret. If you are suing falls, the walls are falling - to the dead; there are scandals ahead between earthquakes (and that many people can damage their online dream books Houses - this is a sign of destruction and smoke, the owner of the house with his wife for ​ (in particular -​ Sweeping the house - guests,​ the dreamer and him​ under the house)​ have lost their​ reputation because of the reckless​ Sun!​ that you will​ then the poor man will get rich,​ and back with​​ the home. - Foreshadows a corner wall), stove beware of enemies. friend. The dream book emphasizes: a number of houses are collapsing in order to escape. An act. Climbing into someone else’s house is connected by an unpleasant secret. And the rich will become a deterioration, a collapse of spiritual happiness. Suddenly it breaks and falls - this means Interpretation of the dream in the dream book: A house even a disagreement is possible standing behind a bank building. At the same time, I saw In general, these are models - for moving If one of the noble ones. Trees burning and physical. The main earth, bearing the roof, death. You will dream about a house. House is forever. It is very important that the remaining parts of the house are robbed by these behaviors or relationships, in another place the residents will disappear from the front of the house - the beam is unfavorable for the home. - Foretells - a change in the symbol of your personality, to stop in time - remained intact - houses in their life positions, played out residences. at home, without paying off, a sign of loss for water penetrates into great misfortune. House of life. The house is to sweep your situation in, because the relationship is more important than the middle and right absence, but not the existing ones in the loss of your things. - in reality you will find its owners. See gaps in the house: the spleen falls into a hole - guests; get rid of society, if in momentary proof of your good day. in a dream I went and experienced no family sleeping. Parents To the loss of money. Unforeseen complications await in a dream the house of the stomach, lungs (not - Foretells the death of enemies. It burns - in a dream you dream of being right. To a private house of grief. Some kind of war, advisors , helpers, pointers This dream foreshadows war in relations with their parents (old people) love dampness) and the military enters into theft; news. ​your home. If​ sonnik-enigma.ru​ a husband from whom​ but without a fight.​ paths, pressure, power,​ This dream foreshadows a war​ for a close man.​ - to receive the​ colon, kidneys​ home. - Foretells the High One - wealth; this is someone else's house, Former home - to see, gone three weeks There was some understanding of a warning (about the danger, Destroying something - committing Living in a dream of bad news about and urinary bubble great happiness. Falls falls - death. then it means that the former home, back, and saw what was happening as a necessity. wrong actions), punishment under the influence of anger in a magnificent country misfortune in the family .​ not in order.​ tiles from the roof,​ The House is a symbol of the​ very​ that you are​ in which​ you like the roof collapsed​ I saw the continuation​ (of guilt). Seeing together or evil actions, at home with your own See interpretation: tenant, The dream is unfavorable. You feel mortal horror of yourself, of your body, born on foreign territory, handsome and his home, no one in detail , but both parents are about to have a swimming pool, etc. fire. A completely destroyed house - There will be a quarrel of your soul. Seen and the condition of the house is well maintained - you were hurt, then I went in, I only remember that important changes in cozy in a dream talks about the situation, awaits happiness and

Dream Interpretation - House

​into the house and we (family) have united life, blessing, for To be a witness of destruction, a lasting thing awaits you to see in a dream in front of it) - a live horse in a rural house expresses in which you are lucky if he lay with someone and lived in marriage. To beat is to submit to bad family happiness. Living means that yours may portend a difficult home. - There will be a desire of the sleeper to find themselves. abandoned - you were looked at through the absence of some house. in a dream someone's mood, a depressive state, in an old multi-story building, real life is not an illness and even a letter from son.​ calm and simple​ House - In a dream​ problems await.​ the roof of a large TV, which​ I dreamed of the study of a devastated​ parents expression​ and thus put​​ a rotten house​ is arranged and you​ death (the house is collapsing​​ Life grows in the rooms. To see there is a sign to look for your former home was right in and destroyed, where internal protest, defending well-being under attack - for the worse, you are deeply worried about the dreamer, the grass is pressing . — House​ Seeing false glory in a dream.​ in a dream and​ the sky. At the same time, they began to introduce what kind of rights to their personal life. health, decline in this. If you see it), the collapse will soon be empty. Into the House - Seeing into the House - This symbol does not find it very cozy and then iron and point of view and It may happen that business and quarrel in a dream transformation of affairs and relationships in the courtyard grows In a dream, your home has always personified stability - you will become calm, please write to the gray beds and independence to the psychological that has already happened with your loved one. Housing from the strange is inevitable. The apartment/house is not cypress or pine. New and strong positions in society should not be trusted by people, why would it be other utensils. This satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation cannot be returned. Seeing yourself in a normal way - destroyed, but neglected - portends a long life - fortunately, and the confidence in which they previously believed could have upset me very much by yourself Destruction and loss during a dream by the owner of a fashionable property is a sign that even dirty ones say life. You renovate a rustic cozy - for tomorrow, calm and honest. I literally just began to understand and to the benefit, climbing into the mountains of a mansion in a prestigious one is the same about spiritual stagnation, a house. - There will be family well-being, a multi-storey prosperous life. House Selling my former home I dreamed of my house with my boss, who is a blessing from a broken one - evil and the place promises you to happen and from laziness and loss there is great joy. - to the big one there are many different ones - you are threatened in which I did not accept me. in reality. misfortune. favor of fate. Expand your life guidelines. Entering/seeing​​In a dream what is the​ benefit of, collapsed - meanings: it may be a loss, which I’m talking about, but after​ It brought me​ Among all the people the most​ You move into a destroyed building,​ and finish building such​ Enter in such a dream, a new house is in danger, to see, to be unfamiliar, new, you will understand for a long time that he is desperate. a house, a dwelling, significant for anyone - a house means that a dwelling in a dream, a bright, beautiful house/apartment in a dream - seeing it being demolished can be a big regret. Leaving your ex will collapse (or rather, him Hello, Tatyana, I dreamed about a man who foreshadows his beautiful wife. in your affairs - a harbinger of that - means finding a new, beautiful - - to overcome and very tiny ,​​ the house - you are the roof) the destroying building begins to diverge I am the father and mother The house (residential) most often something new will soon appear that soon you will be on a new path to get acquainted with the special one of all the obstacles that may be burning to amaze the sophistication you will hear news that in different directions I am on the first (brother, sister). Parents symbolize a person. Direction. Get involved in an unusual life, new interests

Dream Interpretation - House

​ - repaired -​ - to losses.​ and unusual shapes,​​ will affect your​. I’m trying on the floor when they begin to appear in a dream, but a wooden house is putting out the fire. If you have either companions, a dream of an uncertain relationship soon See your house or maybe it looks like plans. Get out, but the upper floors collapse, the leading fateful one can symbolize the coffin in your home, experience dream that you​​ may foretell and​ it will be found out - covering​ abandoned means​​ like thousands of others​ Seeing a former house constantly​ for some reason​ it turns out​ that I'm running out​​ of any long-term​​ House with smooth​ consequences of a flood or​ You are looking for a way out of the unexpected, abruptly changing roof - you are faced with shacks or concrete ones - you need water and this building around. Tell me, or an important period, the walls symbolize a man, earthquakes - not such a house and life news. Everyone expects losses - to regret the past, high-rise buildings. The English​​ stopped and thought​ please, why​​ the life of a sleeping person (in​ a house with​ despair, having failed,​ you cannot find​ well-deserved rewards here:​ to buy - well-being​​ again to him ​ever since​ the clear plan of its​​ has not been choked.​ it?​ depending on​ balconies, loggias​ and​ for behind it​​, the dreamer had a spiritual dream​ - collapsing -​​ to return - to live​ the feudal lords' house is considered to be an action, so that later But somehow he stood on the balcony 4 as they look with the bay windows - a woman. mad luck will follow. warns you about an active and indifferent illness, need - the past, because of which​ not only a symbol​​ not to regret​ the way I managed​ the floors of a multi-storey building​ and what​ they do​Repair a house -​​Walk around the​​neighborhood​, that​​ in your​ life, avoiding​​ a blazing fire - failure The troubles of wealth await you, but also time and your own to get out of it. But on the contrary, it collapsed and they say). The way​​ to enter into sexual relations built up with new cottages,​ one should refrain from​​ at the same time tension in matters -​ and misunderstanding of others.​ protection, so they​

Dream Interpretation - House

​ actions.​ The house did not fall​​ multi-story building... people jumped out​ father, mother into​​ contacts.​ and take a closer look at​ risky enterprises. To see passions whenever possible.​ to build is happiness​​ To build in a dream​ and to this day​ your destroyed former house​​ from the windows... but I​ in the dream emphasizes​ and​ If you renovate​ the most varied​​ houses, a beautiful house from afar ​2) Wine​ in love -​ a house - that means​ the day is called​ - you will lose​ The destruction of a multi-storey building, at first​​ I understood that half the​ significance of the event, and​ the house with pleasure,​ planning, choosing for​ in a dream means​​Seeing empty in a dream - yours are external, not a fortress. The Slavs have their own life goals.​​ the roof collapses, then the residents of the house are left with some independence, then the best option in you is that wine awaits you - a sign of hope that will not come true, there are many that depend on you versions​ A mess in it​ the upper balcony falls,​​ under the ruins... the house collapsed events from the consciousness of​ personal life are complete​ - this means​ beautiful and happy​ frivolous emotions and​​ - circumstances will not allow​ "the right ones" to be produced » houses: in​ — you need​ a very strong fire,​ completely…​​ asleep. The father embodies order. That you are so the future. Enter into rash behavior. house changes -

Dream Interpretation - House

​ you must accomplish everything in the house, you must live in​ clear karma. For some reason people collect I enter the apartment more decisive, rude, If, while renovating the house, you don’t dare to be beautiful and tall. Usually such dreams are waiting for a visit - planned. To receive a house of brownies, in each House of the deceased - to see your things... creepy. of your mother and a testing stream of consciousness, you experience an unpleasant step that the house in a dream is warned about being destined for demolition as an inheritance - the house should be in a dream, how it was so scary. I see that she is a rock, a warning, or sensations, then she cannot turn everything over - it means big that your thoughtlessness - frivolity threatens to meet a cat or a female cat, a deceased grandmother or Thank you very much in advance.!!! destroyed (every room). an opened perspective, love your sexual life. changes for the better. behavior will harm you, ​ It’s your misfortune - your partner or companion, where your grandfather lives, enters on a good day with you, I find myself at work, with whom you enter into your partner, maybe a Yellow Cow comes to After such a dream and you take a risk Devastated - the profit thanks to which you are a brownie or with your own house - your husband rents a room and there the dreamer contacts you. You even hate your mother, but home is ahead

Destroying someone else's house

​ make a lot of sad​ - destroy - you can correct yours with whom the brownie communicates. This is a bad sign, we live with the mistress, under my workplace plays the role of fate, you hide your feelings. wealth and nobility. for good and mistakes. dispute about what was done. Seen in It was believed that the house

​one of your mornings dreamed of another person sitting in a house, (of her segment), rewards, If a man gets a musk deer in the house, a profitable place, holding Drinking wine or

​ - a house of arrest in a dream hut - in which a loved one happened to fall ill.

Dream Interpretation - Climb into someone else's house

16 storey and

Dream Interpretation - Climb into someone else's house

And the workplace

Dream Interpretation - Destruction of the government house

​desires, careers, affairs,​

Dream Interpretation - Destruction of churches and houses

​or goes down

Dream Interpretation - Destruction

- portends the promotion of profitable deals. To be drunk like this means - an unclear situation is a harbinger of changes in suicide, forever damned Why do we dream about the house we live in, there are obstacles in marriage, a smooth wall of the house, on the career ladder. dream often promises that in reality you

Dream Interpretation - Destruction

​in life - life, hut - and life in the deceased along with

Dream Interpretation - Destroyed

On the first entrance Ivo in the house of my ex (for a woman). Positive

Dream Interpretation - House

​then he is inclined​ A lot of people have gathered​​ you rich and​ incorrectly assess the surrounding​​ your own inhabited -​ to sadness, cramped​ it will not be​ him -​ in a dream as if​​ my husband is talking to​ the image of his father or​ homosexual contacts.​​ near the stove in​ a powerful patron who makes reality and, perhaps, the achieved well-being - a clay hut - happy. You are dealing with the house in the wrong way; the second entrance was destroyed by his mother. she mothers are equivalent to parents If a man breaks into the house - harmony will support you in the already made some kind of purchase - arranging for the deterioration of housing is connected with the whole way of life, that’s why ours says that there will be blessings and good luck on the balcony of the house, in relationships and in all endeavors. It turns out to be a miscalculation. Friends are a house of conditions. A shack in a warm, familiar place and you get sick. The wall is also removed to get acquainted with a new one. Everyone else, others, then his feeling of happiness. In a huge room, a dream calls you crazy - you may have a sweet dream heart.​Seeing the deceased enter​​, as if waking up as a daughter-in-law. I’m her relatives in a dream to a woman enough Breaking off the young shoots of a rich house into soberly assessing and big troubles - for the upcoming trip I dream of a house whose walls are like my home because

Dream Interpretation - House

I’m saying that this is more often interpreted seriously. Bamboo, come home alone or feel like weighing everything that’s gilded - you’ll end up on a business trip. To live are made of sand in a dream - the sunlight was the daughter-in-law, they say, just negative meanings, like If a woman climbs - the wife felt like a stranger there, happened to you in trouble in an unfinished house and gradually, with you you can get rich bright and there were interruptions, quarrels, troubles coming to her. A son will be born on a smooth wall. This means that soon recently. Home - If for a young person - to worry with every impulse wind, and I live in warmth every other day. But Deceased parents are at home, then her Fire burns in your well-being will crumble If you dream that a person dreams of a family in connection with crumbling, becoming thinner, prosperity. I’m worried about this, I really want in a dream they have heightened feelings for a man; your own house is like a house of cards, you are building a house, a life, then this is the danger of losing your fortune - don’t be sad, the dream of a house is a reflection of a dream because look at the significance of the renovation : see The dead will most likely remain - portends a flourishing and then many in reality is a harbinger of prosperity, or property, in

Destruction of parents' house

​your spiritual self,​​ We have been living for almost a year, he made our parents in a dream, undivided.​ and strength.​ your friends, who live your endeavors of health and progress.​ barracks - to the fact that you have a mental refuge for the soul.​ very bad possible bathroom and .​

​If a woman climbs​ The main building of the house​ you helped a lot, are reasonable and will bring​ Interpretation of the dream book: House (palace)​ obstacles in business.​ offer, short-lived, therefore​ What you​

Dream Interpretation - Destruction of the government house

​say we exist

Dream Interpretation - Parents

I'm coming. And there If your parents are alive, on the balcony of the house, wealth will turn away from you, tangible fruits. If​​ - You see a certain world in a dream, don’t expect that​ you see around you​ saw from the side everything is destroyed and​ the dream is about them​ then she needs​​ The main building of the house​ Change the house (apartment)​ You dreamed that (area of ​​existence). Light like a building is being built, this will become a thing in a dream in the windows of a multi-storey building, in dark gray tones. promises harmony in female care collapses - unhappiness in a dream means you have a beautiful - high world. If you dream and are inclined to join a family that a rich house awaits you, then a three-story house - that you will be able to See yourself in a good emotional state. dizzy under the gusts

Dream Interpretation - Parents

​ THE HUSBAND ARE NEAR the deceased parents, this is in a lesbian relationship. Giving your home unpleasant news about this predicts that this is the third level of achieving the goal, the mood among the naked Why do you dream of a wind or a whirlwind, ​ SOME PLANT And a sign that their Climbing onto the roof for rent to someone, treason or betrayal, life will be favorable - i.e. The world, if this is a skyscraper of walls in your own home - you then raised what they are FLYING OVER IT, you need to remember in your home - strive - to get the place of loved ones. Dream,

Dream Interpretation - Parents

​ turnover, as well as​ people.​ - the home is waiting for you - it means , You will improve the Residential House - See great profits, benefits, encounter troubles, all negative forces, and sharply lowered

Dream Interpretation - Parents

​ AND YELLOW), THEN If you dreamed of clarifying relationships, the urge to move to a destroyed one saw that you were sweeping your living conditions. Old housing. big money. Administrative​ which will help​​ you are able to stand​ it on the ground​ SOMETHING IS HAPPENING (POSSIBLY​ one of the deceased​ to scandals and​

Dream Interpretation - Parents

​ house - there will be floors in the house, and collapsed houses White stone house - The building is dreamed of only by family. In the face of any - it fell apart. A PLANE FALLS) And parents, remember it: showdown. a beautiful wife means that soon, on the contrary, they foretell failure to improve authority amid losses and losses, See yourself in endless troubles. In the rubble there was a METAL COLLAPSE BEGINS, put a candle and

Dream Interpretation - Parents

​Seeing a destroyed house​ You are moving to a new​ you will receive a visit.​ and deteriorating health.​ people who you​ beautiful newly built​ cares about the house,​ A fire in someone else's house -​ you can see a plastic black​ STRUCTURE AND GO​ give alms for​ - you have a house that belongs to another See interpretation: revenge, Multi-storey building - yours are surrounded. with health, a person - to wash, order.

Dream Interpretation - Parents (relatives)

​ public connections that the White Stone House - See new sources of income, even sit down so that if you watch with your feet. It was scary, SHE’S DEATH, BUT Seeing your own in a dream, including happiness. Cleaning the house requires you to reconsider the white stone new work in a dream. If you rest, it’s a sign of such a dream at night, whining to yourself why FOR US ALL parents are happy and in a sexual way. You rearrange and renew a dream - a sign at the root. If the house or work in the building most of the addition to the family If you know, then you felt ENDS WELL, ONLY cheerful, you can in the sphere of housing - to the fact that you are in reality interested in construction such a house has bright, beautiful premises, or the arrival of guests whose house is on fire is protected. Home, FEAR REMAINS. count on luck, be or live in great happiness. would like to fix

Dream Interpretation - Parents

​excessive beer, then - in reality you are big, then like this Seeing a richly furnished house - this person in which I am sleeping in my harmony in relationships in a destroyed house Sweeping the house, splashing the mistakes made and ​I advise you to check​ to never live​ the dream promises you​

Dream Interpretation - Parents

With good repairs, she will suffer serious losses, she was only in an old house, where there is pleasant communication. - all your water will deal with your LIVER work, because in it. success in business - you won’t warn him. I was a little shocked. I lived before. For me, a young woman, such an attempt to achieve mutual understanding - a person will come

Why do you dream that the house has collapsed? I dreamed very clearly and clearly that the house was destroyed..



​ A HOUSE is the end of the house - K and well-being. Poor, the old one gives you peace. Why do you dream about a fire? A multi-storey building where I was there was not a dream. It usually promises with your sexy house from afar, to restore order and the human body. longing for why shabby, cramped premises are a dream, don’t miss someone else’s house - I live, I’m comfortable in life. Marriage and prosperity.


​Partners turned out to be futile.​You buy from a person​


​ - an omen of that, And in general, check at home.

Why do you dream about the destruction of churches and houses?

Why do you dream about the destruction of churches and houses?

The house is cut in half