What grass can be sown in August to create a country lawn. Proper sowing of the lawn in the fall - terms and methods of planting Is it possible to plant a lawn in August

Often, garden owners have a question: when to sow the lawn? If the landscaping period falls in the fall, then the fluctuations on this issue are even stronger: is it possible to sow grass in the fall? The answer to this question is yes, you can, but in a certain way, observing a number of important rules.

Sowing in the fall in the usual sense assumes that the seeds will have time to sprout and grow by 7-10 cm before the onset of winter. This method is somewhat problematic in harsh climatic conditions: the bushes do not have time to get stronger, therefore, they may freeze and not overwinter, and in the spring you will not see the desired lawn.

Lawn before winter

In the northern regions in the autumn, the winter sowing of seeds is the most reliable. In this case, the lawn grass will not sprout in the fall, but only in the spring. Seeds are sown before the appearance of a stable snow cover at a time when the ground is already slightly frozen, but not covered with snow.

In winter, the seeds will undergo stratification, which means they will germinate more actively in the spring. The advantage of such sowing is that the lawn grass will form a turf, will have time to get stronger before the weeds sprout.

In addition, if you decide to sow the lawn in the spring, you will have to wait until the soil dries out, and when sowing in the winter, the seeds will be in favorable conditions for moisture-rich soil.

An important disadvantage of winter sowing may be the death of seeds during the onset of cold weather. Such a danger arises if the weather is warm in autumn or warming alternates with cooling in spring.

Also, seeds can be washed away by melt water or die from soaking. As a result, bald spots form on the lawn, especially if the lawn is not level or has poor drainage. Therefore, when sowing before winter, the seed sowing rate should be increased, but not several times, since in this case the seedling nutrition area will be very small, and competition is serious, which can also lead to death.

Every owner of a summer cottage dreams of a beautiful lawn in front of his house. This is easy to achieve if you know about the features of its cultivation. And then it will not be difficult to get the coveted green lawn in front of your country estate.

One of the important points in getting a beautiful lawn is the timing of its planting. Not everyone knows that high-quality lawn grass of optimal height is obtained only if the lawn is planted in the spring or autumn months.

Landscape designers do not recommend planting lawn grass during the summer months. This is due to the fact that dry weather prevails during this period. And, therefore, lawn grass crops simply will not sprout. Therefore, it is best to sow the lawn in the autumn season.

Why is it better to sow in the fall?

In the autumn months, the air is quite humid, while the temperature is moderate. That is, there are practically optimal conditions for the emergence of lawn grass. There is another positive moment in the autumn planting of the lawn - weeds grow worse. All of these factors contribute to:

  • rapid shoot formation;
  • formation of a stable root system of plants.

After some time, the owner will be able to get a beautiful lawn on his site.

If you sow the seeds of the grass mixture at the end of August or September, then you can get a beautiful lawn up to 10 cm high before the first autumn frosts. In order to grow a beautiful lawn from the first time, it is necessary to carry out work to prepare the site on which lawn grass will be planted.

To get a beautiful lawn on your site, you need to prepare the site in August. Lawn seeds should be planted before the end of September. Before planting lawn grass, you need to let it rest for three weeks.

Site preparation involves:

  • cleaning the territory from garbage;
  • all plant remains that are present on it should also be removed;
  • if there are diseased trees or shrubs on the piece of land that you have taken under the lawn, then they should also be uprooted.

After that, the earth must be dug to the depth of a full bayonet shovels. To ease the task of pest control when caring for a lawn, you can pre-treat the site chemically using herbicides. If the site is neglected or has not been cared for for a long time, then it is necessary to process the area where the lawn will be planted at least twice.

Drainage for lawn on wet ground

If the soil in your area is excessively moist, then in this case it is necessary to carry out work on the drainage system.

  1. To do this, remove the upper fertile layer with a shovel and set aside;
  2. After that, the cleared area is rammed, and then covered with pebbles. Instead, you can use broken bricks. You should get a layer 15-20 m thick;
  3. On top of this layer, then you need to lay coarse-grained sand with a layer of 10 cm;
  4. After that, everything should be carefully leveled. For this, a special roller is usually used. If such a machine is not at your disposal, then you can use an ordinary log. When leveling, it is necessary to make a slope towards the paths or the drainage pit;
  5. After leveling is completed, it is necessary to put in place the fertile layer of earth that was removed at the beginning of work.

A prerequisite for obtaining a beautiful and high-quality lawn is fertilization of the territory set aside for lawn. It is necessary to use mineral fertilizers, which will allow you to get good shoots of grass next year, which will grow evenly.

Planting lawn grass seeds is not an easy task. This case has many nuances that you should be aware of. To understand how to sow lawn grass correctly, you need to understand the following point - the lawn should be planted in the absence of strong winds. This process begins with watering the earth, for which a sprinkler is used. Then you can start planting seeds, focusing on the following dosage - 40-70 gr. per 1 sq. m. If you chose autumn as the timing for sowing the lawn, then the number of seeds per 1 sq. m. should be increased. In the spring, when the first shoots appear, oversowing can be done in those areas where the seeds did not germinate.

In some cases, when planting, the mixture intended for planting is mixed with earth or sand, adhering to a ratio of 1: 1. However, this practice can be abandoned. To facilitate the task of planting the lawn, use a seeder or a short wave of the hand, moving evenly across the area allotted for the lawn.

More seeds are sown on the path, as well as at the edges of the plot. As an additional measure, you can add peat, which is an excellent fertilizer. When this work is completed, it is necessary to go through the sown area with a skating rink. You need to act carefully, otherwise the wind will blow the seeds. After that, you can water the site of your future lawn by sprinkling.

Regular watering is the key to a beautiful lawn

A beautiful lawn will be on your site only if the soil on which the lawn grass grows is will stay hydrated. Drying out of the soil should be avoided. The lawn needs to be watered regularly. This must be done every day. If you skip watering, this will lead to the drying of the soil, which will negatively affect the future lawn - some young shoots will not sprout, and you will have to oversee. When watering, you need to know the measure. In depth, the soil should be moistened by 10 cm, while there should be no puddles in the area.

Landscaping experts recommend sowing lawn grass by October 15. In this case, you can count on a quick entry of grass crops. The shoots will sprout well and their freezing in the winter will be excluded. With the beginning of the spring period, they will continue their development and after a while will turn into a beautiful lawn.

It is desirable to calculate the autumn sowing of lawn grass so that it gains a height of at least 10 cm before frost. This point should be taken into account when mowing lawns. The last time it should be held at the end of October. After that, all the remnants of the cut grass are removed, and with them the fallen leaves and branches. A garden rake is used to remove them from the lawn.

If clay soil prevails in your summer cottage, and after each rain the water stagnates, then it is necessary to aerate the area where your lawn grows. To do this, they dig the soil to a depth of 10-20 cm in dry weather. The easiest way to do this is with a garden fork. By doing this, water will be diverted into the deep layers of the soil, and the roots will receive a breath of air, which will be reflected in the improved growth of lawn grass.

A young lawn that has appeared on your site must be mowed before the first frost. This should be done immediately after the shoots turn green. If you sowed lawn grass in the first weeks of September, then before the cold snap, the grass will be 10 cm high. This is just what you need. In this case, you do not need to perform a haircut. Everything is limited to the usual trimming of the tips.

Advantages and disadvantages of winter sowing

When planting lawn grass in the fall, you should be aware that the weather during this period of the year brings many surprises. Frost is not uncommon immediately after sowing. To avoid such a nuisance, many gardeners sow seeds after the slight freezing of the soil.

This method of planting a lawn is called winter. The main difference from the autumn one is that the sowing takes place not in September, but in November. Seeds are sown immediately before the appearance of a snow cover at the bottom. So that the seedlings do not die, it is necessary to lay them in the ground when the temperature is above zero outside. After that, the seeds must be mulched using peat chips.


The main advantage of winter sowing is that in the spring the owner of the site can get active seedlings of lawn grass. Freezing in winter is good for them, giving them extra strength. When the snow melts, seedlings receive large amount of moisture which allows them to grow more actively. In addition, with such sowing, it will not be necessary to wait for the earth to warm up well.

By choosing this option for sowing a lawn, next year in the summer you can get a beautiful and dense lawn on your site. Another advantage of this planting method is that the lawn grass that appeared the next year is resistant to high temperatures and frost. In addition, the lawn becomes resistant to pests, which are the main threat to a beautiful lawn.


But along with the pluses for the winter sowing of the lawn have certain shortcomings.

  • If the site has a strong slope, then this lawn sowing option is not the best solution. In the spring, meltwater will wash away the seeds planted in winter.
  • After freezing of the soil, it is rare for the temperature to rise above zero for several days. And in this case, the seeds simply will not be able to hatch quickly and will die in the first frost. The chances of a lawn sprouting in the spring can be improved by increasing the seeding rate in the fall. In the spring, overseeding is carried out in those areas where it has not risen.


A beautiful lawn is the dream of every owner of a summer cottage. If you decide to break a lawn in front of the house, then you can do it on your own at no extra cost. It is enough to purchase lawn grass, which is in any store for gardeners. However, you should be aware that a beautiful quality lawn cannot be obtained quickly, even if you know when it is best to sow lawn grass. If you have sown grass and it has sprouted, that's just great. However, there is no need to relax. The lawn should be regularly maintained, watered and fertilized. In this case, your lawn will quickly turn green and turn into a luxurious lawn that you have been dreaming about.

A properly planted and grown lawn will serve you for a long time. But, wanting to get lawn grass on their site, many, especially beginner summer residents, are faced with many questions, for example: “How to choose and calculate seeds?”, “When is it better to sow a lawn - in autumn or spring?”, “What should be the layout? ”, “How to prepare the soil?”, “How to care for the lawn?”. We will try to answer these and some other questions in the article.

Did you know? The lawn is subdivided into a decorative lawn and a lawn with a special purpose. Of these, we can distinguish: sports, parterre, meadow, Mauritanian, forb.

How to choose the right lawn grass seeds

One of the most important factors for creating the right lawn with your own hands is the correct choice of seed. First of all, you should take into account the intended purpose of the lawn, because each type requires different grasses or grass mixtures. Although the main components of almost all such mixtures are unchanged (ryegrass, fescue, bluegrass and a few others), they differ in the combination and ratio of varieties.

It will also depend on the choice when you can sow lawn grass, because different types have different frost resistance and growth rates (bluegrass, for example, grows slowly in the early years), what will be the height of the planned lawn in your country house (fescue tolerates a short haircut), the quality of the turf (ryegrass is distinguished by good turf), etc.

Different grass mixtures require different soils, may differ in seeding rate and other characteristics. You should look for all the useful information on the packaging and be sure to read it carefully before buying.

Ask the seller if this or that mixture is suitable for your climate, when it is preferable to plant lawn grass - in spring or autumn. When choosing, consider the characteristics of your site (what is the illumination, whether groundwater is present, etc.).

Important! Pay attention to the presence of state or international certificates confirming the quality of the goods.

Lawn layout

You can plan and plant a lawn in almost any corner of your yard. Suitable and shade, and the sun, and a horizontal surface, and slopes, and sandy, and clay soils. Only the amount of material and physical effort required to plant and grow a truly beautiful and green lawn will differ in each case. It is better if it is a sunny place where melt and rainwater does not stagnate.

Before you start sowing, it is better to think over and even sketch a diagram of the future lawn. Decide if you will keep the trees, plant the flower beds, or grow individual flowers. It is necessary to pre-plan the places where the elements of landscape design will be placed, since then it may be difficult to mow the grown lawn.

If you will use a lawn mower, then for convenience, when you sow lawn grass, leave a distance of about 1 meter between it and curbs, walls or fences. Also, do not plant a lawn under a single tree or shrub. It is better to use decorative crumbs for tree trunks or decorate them with ground cover plants.

How to correctly calculate the number of seeds for planting

To calculate the seeding of the grass mixture for each individual type of grass included in its composition, the following formula is used, and the results are summarized. The seeding rate (kg/ha) is multiplied by the percentage of that species in the mixture and divided by the actual seed suitability. Practice shows: in order to properly sow lawn grass with your own hands, it is necessary to increase the consumption of seeds by two or even three times.

If you decide to sow only one type of grass, then simply follow the seeding rate of the selected crop. On average, it is necessary to take 30 -50 g of seed per 1 m².

Important! If you are unable to correctly calculate the required number of seeds, then you can try to find out the germination density of the variety at home. Choose ~100 seeds and plant them at home, and after a week (10 days) check the result.

When to Plant Lawn Grass – Fall or Spring

When answering the question "When to plant lawn grass - in spring or autumn?", It should be noted that there is no consensus on the most appropriate time. Sowing is possible at any time from spring to frost. Some gardeners claim that grass planted in May sprouts better, others that it will turn green faster in summer, and still others are sure that the best time for sowing is autumn.

Just do not go to extremes, do not rush (sowing the lawn in the spring does not occur before the earth warms up) and do not expect snow. When planting in the fall, you should correctly calculate the time. Two options are considered optimal.

Either sow the lawn at the very beginning of autumn (then the grass will have time to sprout before frost, and you can process it for wintering), or wait for the ground to freeze, but before snow (in winter, the seed will undergo stratification, become resistant to diseases and germinate together in the spring).

When people plant lawn grass in the spring, they must take into account the need for regular watering and weed removal, which is more difficult than planting in late summer. Many experienced specialists tend to consider this period to be optimal, since the soil is well warmed up and moistened, there are much fewer weeds than in spring, and the lawn will have time to germinate well before frosts begin.

As you can see, neither the season nor the air temperature at which you will sow grass is of particular importance, each option has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Did you know? The most famous and expensive lawn is the one located near the government building of Canberra (Australia). Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent every year on its maintenance. Several dozen workers daily regulate its irrigation, taking into account the temperature, dryness of the air and other criteria.

How to prepare the soil for planting lawn grass

Regardless of the time of sowing lawn grass, it is imperative to prepare the soil for it. This is one of the most important steps in lawn laying. Remove all debris, stones, branches from the site, uproot stumps. Dig the soil to a depth of about 25 cm. Add sand to heavy soil, clay soil to sandy soil. With low fertility, it is worth taking compost. Also get rid of weeds.

A week before sowing, use a complex mineral fertilizer and spread it evenly over the area with a rake. Level the area, break up large earthen clods. Use a shovel and a rake. Level the soil again with a large board. This will help cut off the bumps and fill the hollows.

Just before sowing, compact the soil with a hand roller or board (in this case, you need to shift it around the site and move from one end to the other).

Important! Whenever you decide to equip the lawn - in spring, summer or autumn - be sure to keep in mind that the site can only be compacted in dry weather, with dry soil. And only 2-3 days before sowing lawn grass, the selected place should be watered.

How to sow the lawn: the process of planting lawn grass

The weather for sowing should be dry, calm. To distribute the seeds evenly, you should divide the plot into square meters and sow as many seeds in each as recommended for the grass or grass mixture you have chosen.

Seeds are embedded in the soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, first they are scattered along, and then across. If possible, use a manual seeder, it is more convenient, but you can also manually plant the lawn yourself. To prevent the seeds from being blown away by the wind, they can be sprinkled with a 1-centimeter layer of peat and rolled.

Lawn care in the country: how to grow a good and dense lawn

It is important to properly care for the lawn, because otherwise it will begin to overgrow and fade. Watering and shearing play a significant role in this process.

Features of watering a country lawn

Immediately after sowing, if the soil is dry, water the area, but carefully, with low pressure, so as not to wash the seeds. During germination and formation of sod, make sure that the lawn does not dry out. Further watering should be regular, but consider the weather conditions.

It is also necessary to water after shearing (to help him recover, give a neat look and richness in color) and feed (to transfer nutrients into a soluble form that is absorbed by the root system of plants). Experts advise watering the lawn in the evening.

In addition to spring or summer planting of plants in summer cottages, planting a lawn in the fall is also relevant.

Before planting the lawn, it is necessary to perfectly level the soil for it. Only on a flat surface will a green lawn have a beautiful view.

After all, it is at this time that the conditions for grass germination are most favorable. Unlike summer weather, the autumn time is devoid of the scorching sun, which has a detrimental effect on planting.

For the southern strip of Russia, September is considered the most successful month, since at this time the humidity of the air is increased, warm rains fall, which helps to strengthen the root system and the productive growth of grass.

For the middle zone of our country in September, it is risky, since the weather at this time is unstable, before the onset of frost, the plants do not have time to get stronger and may not overwinter badly. Therefore, lawns are planted in November. Seeds are sown in the frozen ground, when the snow has not yet fallen. At this time, they still do not have time to germinate, but by spring they sprout well.

Winter sowing has its pros and cons

A plus is the fact that the seeds become stronger with cold. When the snow melts, the moisture necessary for successful growth is formed, the earth has time to rest. The grass that is planted in this crop is much more heat-resistant. At this time, there are no pests that could interfere with the growth of grass.

The disadvantage of this sowing is the fact that the planted seeds can hatch ahead of time and die from the onset of cold weather. This can happen if the weather is warm for a long time in autumn or if warming alternates with cold snaps in spring. In addition, the seeds can wash away the melt water, resulting in bald spots. Thus, for the November sowing, the number of seeds must be increased. If the site has a steep slope, then it should not be before winter, as melt water will wash away the seeds with the top layer of the earth.

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Lawn planting, site preparation

Initially, we will prepare auxiliary means:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • garden rake;
  • manual cultivators;
  • water-filled skating rink (weight is about 50-100 kg);
  • garden cart;
  • fan rake;
  • Lithuanian scythe;
  • watering can;
  • sprayer;
  • scoop;
  • wide boards or hunting skis;
  • pitchfork;
  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • respirator.

Of the means of mechanization, you may need:

  • lawn mower;
  • lawn mower;
  • automatic irrigation systems.


  • manure;
  • compost;
  • black peat;
  • sand;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • grass seeds;
  • chemicals.

Planting a lawn in September requires certain conditions to be met. The site is prepared in advance, namely, it is necessary to let the earth rest for 2-3 weeks. The site is cleared of debris, stumps, diseased shrubs and trees are uprooted, carefully dug up, and weeds are removed. You can carry out a chemical treatment with a herbicide, and if necessary, do it 2 times.

With increased humidity of the site, drainage is constructed. To do this, carefully remove the top fertile layer of soil with a shovel and set aside. Then the cleaned soil must be compacted, covered with broken bricks or pebbles by 15-20 cm, and coarse-grained sand should be laid on top with a layer of 10 cm and everything should be leveled. To do this, use a special skating rink or an ordinary log. The slope is made towards drainage pits or paths. A fertile layer of soil is placed on top, which was removed initially. The lawn area must be sprinkled with complex mineral fertilizers, and the roller should be carefully walked from above. The basis for the future lawn is ready.

Among specialized specialists, not to mention ordinary summer residents, there is no consensus on the timing of planting lawn grass. Some believe that it is better to do this in the spring, others insist that the most favorable period for such agrotechnical event is autumn. So who is right and is there even a side that is wrong?

The reader will be able to determine for himself when it is better for him to plant lawn grass if he familiarizes himself with all the pros and cons and correlates them with the characteristics of the site, the weather conditions in the place of residence in autumn or spring, and takes into account a number of other specific points. For example, own opportunities, free time.

general information

Lawns are classified according to various parameters - structural composition, technology of arrangement and a number of others. To summarize everything, then 3 of their main types are distinguished - ready-made, rolled and seeded. Speaking about the timing of planting lawn grass, the author means the last option, when the owner independently (having previously prepared a certain segment) is planting seeds in the soil.

There are no strict time frames for this. You can start equipping your hundred square meters from the first warm days, as soon as the soil warms up well enough. Such work is usually carried out until frost approaches. But in each area there are specific weather conditions, and for a particular site, its location is an important detail. For example, how windy it is, whether it has a slope.

A comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of spring and autumn lawn planting is based on the author's personal experience. Agree or criticize - at your discretion, the reader. But one thing is certain - this information will give you the opportunity to independently determine when it is better to do this work.

Features of sowing lawn grass


  • Any lawn grass develops quite intensively. Having planted it in the spring, the summer resident will receive a full-fledged "green carpet" on the site already in the same season.
  • There is an opportunity to "correct" the lawn, prompt identification and elimination of errors made during its formation. All shortcomings (for example, uneven planting of seeds) will immediately be visually noticeable as soon as the first shoots hatch.


  • With the onset of the season, there is already enough work on acres - plowing the land, whitewashing trees, fighting weeds and pests that survived the winter. The list can be continued indefinitely, given that in the spring it is often necessary to repair the perimeter fence, replace burst pipes, paint the peeling facade of the house, swings and much more. Will the summer resident have time to plant lawn grass, given that this work is quite voluminous?
  • The soil on which it is supposed to grow a "green carpet" will have to be prepared in advance. Even earlier than under horticultural crops. It is desirable to keep the land "under fallow" from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on local specifics. And this means that agricultural / work will not have to be done in the most favorable conditions - it is cold, the earth is not warm enough and is difficult to process. And the roads have not dried up everywhere yet, so it is often a big problem to get to the site, especially since country buses have not yet entered the routes.
  • The complexity of caring for lawn grass in the spring. Regular irrigation, fertilization, weed dominance control (and with the end of cold weather they develop very rapidly), pests, mowing - all this requires both time and effort.

In order for the lawn to form faster in the spring, it is necessary to feed the root system of the grass with preparations with a high nitrogen content. It contributes to the active development of green mass.


  • You do not have to waste time on large-scale preparation of a plot of land for lawn grass. Any summer resident knows how much work has to be done in the spring before starting to plant annual garden crops. In this regard, autumn is preferable. After harvesting, there is time to take care of the lawns, especially since during the summer period the main agrotechnical activities have been carried out (plowing, fertilizing, etc.), therefore, the territory has been sufficiently ennobled and well-groomed. This means that it is almost completely prepared for the “green carpet” arrangement.
  • The saturation of the soil and air with moisture is optimal, and the summer heat is no longer expected, and the temperature is set for the most favorable vegetation. From this point of view, planting lawn grass in autumn is, of course, better.
  • During this period, the growth of weeds slows down significantly, and then the growth of weeds stops altogether. This means that it consumes less and less nutrients from the soil. This favors a more intensive formation of the root system and contributes to the development of its shoots (if it is planted at the very beginning of autumn).
  • As soon as favorable weather sets in in the spring, the summer resident constantly experiences a shortage of time. In a relatively short period, so much needs to be done that there are literally not enough hands for everything. And if lawn grass is planted in the fall, then after the snow melts, it will not require any care - it will immediately please the owners of the site with a wonderful “green carpet”.
  • Grass planted in late autumn develops rather rapidly with the onset of spring. Consequently, weeds will not be able to “strangle” its strong shoots.

  • The complexity of the choice of grass mixture. It is necessary to select the seeds of only those plants that will safely endure the winter, and in this particular region. Details about the choice.
  • If the amount of precipitation in winter is small, you will have to think about artificial soil insulation in the area where the lawn is laid out. Naturally, and to take appropriate measures. For example, cover with peat, lay spruce branches on top. All this requires time, which in autumn, as a rule, is not enough.
  • One of the disadvantages of planting lawn grass before winter is that it is extremely difficult to change the end result. After the spring shoot of sprouts, it remains only to state what happened and how. That is, "what has grown, has grown." The issue of adjusting the lawn is quite specific, it requires a professional approach, and sometimes, with significant shortcomings, all the work done in the fall has to be redone almost from scratch. Those who are engaged in the arrangement of the "green carpet" for the first time, need to be especially carefully prepared, and first of all, to be savvy in terms of theory.
  • Restrictions related to the terrain. If the site has a slope, then planting grass in the fall is pointless. In spring, melt water will easily wash out of the soil and carry away most of the seeds.

Autumn is a three month period. When determining the start time for sowing lawn grass, you need to focus on weather forecasts. It is best to start it when the days are warm and the precipitation does not fall as intensely. But here, too, there is a nuance concerning specific dates. To get a really “strong” lawn on which grass that is resistant to the local climate develops, it is advisable to plant its seeds in soil slightly touched by frost.

What does it give? During the winter, they fully adapt (or, as they say, undergo stratification), so in the spring they will sprout together, and the shoots will easily endure any diseases.

The vegetation that is planted in the fall will have to endure severe tests in the form of low temperatures, nutrient deficiencies, and oxygen. Based on this, it is recommended to plant not just one type of lawn grass, but several, and choose the specimens that are most resistant to winter conditions. Then the chances are greatly increased that most of the representatives of the flora will safely survive the cold season.


There is no fundamental difference whether to start planting lawn grass in spring or autumn. Each period is characterized by both advantages and a number of disadvantages. Therefore, only you, dear reader, will have to decide the issue with the timing of the implementation of your plans for landscaping the territory. When it is more convenient, then proceed to ennoble the site.

And yet, most experts are inclined to believe that the best period for sowing lawn grass is the end of summer. The reasoning is simple - there are at least a minimum of weeds, the soil is almost completely ready, the weather is settled, and the seeds have time to germinate and take root reliably before the first frost.

Lawn grass, like all garden plantings, needs to be fed throughout the summer season. From the end of summer, it is necessary to limit (and gradually exclude from the “diet”) the use of nitrogen-containing drugs. This chemical element (as well as its compounds) reduces frost resistance. But supplements based on phosphorus and potassium are just right. For example, superphosphate, wood ash, humus.

Regardless of the period chosen for landing, you should focus on calm weather. Or put up artificial fencing of a segment of the territory on which a "green carpet" is being organized. Lawn grass seeds are so light (and sowing means spreading them around) that just a slight gust is enough for them to migrate to another place. Therefore, we are no longer talking about the formation of a lawn as such. Grass will grow anywhere, randomly. This is something you shouldn't forget.

After all the seeds are planted, the place on which the lawn is settled should be watered abundantly. How much time it will take - half an hour or two - is determined individually for each site. The criterion for sufficiency is the penetration of water into the soil by at least 25 - 30 cm. This is easy to control with a strong twig or a piece of thick wire.