What is liquid thermal insulation. Liquid thermal insulation, material features

Nowadays, thanks to new technologies, there are more and more different modern insulation materials with improved characteristics. Liquid thermal insulation for walls is one of the relatively new developments that will significantly speed up and facilitate the process of wall insulation both outside and inside the building.

Comfort in an apartment or house directly depends on the normal temperature in the rooms, therefore, the vast majority of owners of houses and apartments are thinking about the thermal insulation of walls today. Modern technologies make it possible to provide external thermal insulation of the surfaces of the house, even if the apartment is located on one of the upper floors - for this, not only heaters in the form of plates or mats are used, but also liquid compositions that are easier to use.

As a result of carrying out such thermal insulation work outside the building, the generated heat will be stored inside it, preventing the premises from cooling down in the winter and even overheating on hot summer days. In addition, liquid insulation is able to protect walls from moisture penetration and temperature changes, thereby preventing the erosion of building materials, the appearance of condensate and mold colonies on the load-bearing walls.

What can be attributed to liquid heaters?

Today on the market you can find several types of liquid heaters made on the basis of various materials and differing in application technology.

  • liquid ceramic compositions;
  • liquid polystyrene foam or penoizol;
  • sprayed ecowool.

Each of the materials has its own characteristics, its own "pluses" and "minuses", differences in the field of application. What unites these heaters is the ease of application to the surface, which does not take much time. So, using such materials, the process of thermal insulation of even large areas is quite possible to carry out in just one day.

You might be interested in knowing which one is right for you.

Unfortunately, not all liquid heat insulators can be applied without the use of special equipment. In this regard, it will be necessary to invite specialists who have the technological skills to perform the work and who have special installations for applying liquid material to carry out the work.

Before applying any of these thermal insulation compounds, the surface of the walls must be prepared by cleaning it from dirt and dust deposits, etc. if necessary, making repairs in the form of sealing cracks, protrusions and recesses. However, for some types of liquid insulation, it is not necessary to repair the surfaces, since the applied materials themselves are able to close or fill all the existing gaps, gaps at the joints of building structures and other surface flaws that appeared, for example, during shrinkage of the building. But in any case, the cleaned and prepared walls will have better adhesion to the liquid insulation material, which will improve the quality of thermal insulation and reduce heating costs.

To understand what the various types of such liquid heaters are, and what are the features of their application, each of them should be considered in more detail.

Liquid ceramic wall insulation

Ceramic liquid insulation material in appearance practically does not differ from thick acrylic paint. Nowadays, several compositions are presented on the building materials market with different names, but approximately the same structure and consistency:

  • The binding basis of the compositions of ceramic liquid thermal insulation is a water-acrylic mixture that promotes adhesion of the insulation to the wall and uniform distribution of heat-insulating components on its surface.
  • Additional components are introduced into the water-acrylic mixture, which improve the quality and performance of the heat insulator. Most often, such additives are natural and artificial rubbers, silicone, as well as materials similar to them, which give the composition elasticity and water resistance.
  • Ceramic granules are the main component that helps to reduce the heat loss of the insulated surface. The granules are microscopic in size and perfectly spherical in shape, filled with highly rarefied air (gas), which provides high thermal insulation performance and makes it possible to spread the mixture over the wall surface in a thin layer. Ceramic granules make up 80% of the total volume of the thermal insulation material, so its consistency resembles a thick dough or paste.

A high-quality ceramic liquid heat-insulating material is considered to be one in which, after complete polymerization, the percentage of voids in the layer applied to the surface will be 75-80%, which makes it possible to create an ultra-thin layer with a very high resistance to heat transfer between the wall surface and the outer surface of the applied insulation.

It should be noted that the proportions of the components of this material are in principle approximately the same, regardless of its manufacturer, brand and name. The difference can only be in the quality of the raw materials used and the manufacturing technology of the mixture.

Prices for liquid thermal insulation

liquid thermal insulation

Popular liquid ceramic heat insulators

Today, many different ceramic liquid heaters are produced for thermal insulation of walls and other building structures, and several of them have gained the most popularity and are used most often.

These heaters are divided into brands depending on the purposes, conditions of application and subsequent operation, on the surface materials for which they are intended. For example, some of them can be applied only at positive, and others at negative ambient temperatures. There are materials intended for insulating metal structures, even those covered with a layer of corrosion, or for thermal insulation of brick or concrete walls.

Typically, such a heat insulator is applied in several layers, the thickness of each of which can be from 0.4 to 1.0 mm, and requires drying during the day.

The most popular are the following compositions:


This liquid insulation composition, produced by the Russian company Astratek, has the consistency of a homogeneous suspension, so it can be applied not only with a brush, but also by spraying using spray guns. The heat insulator of this brand is produced for different surfaces - these are "Facade", "Metal", "Anti-condensate", "Universal".

Liquid thermal insulation coating "Astratek"

"Astratek" can be used for thermal insulation of surfaces that warm up during operation to a temperature of 150 degrees, and the elements coated with this composition are able to withstand thermal drops from -60 to +250 degrees. The insulation can be applied in several layers, each of which should be no more than 0.4 mm thick. The total thickness of the coating is usually at least 3 mm.

Prices for liquid thermal insulation MAGNITERM

Liquid thermal insulation MAGNITERM

With these parameters and high-quality application, the manufacturer has set the service life of the material up to 30 years. The suspension consumption per one layer with a thickness of 0.4 mm is 1 liter. by 1.5-2.0 m².

Comparative table of the parameters of the Astratek insulation and two other popular heaters - sprayed polystyrene foam (penoizol) and mineral wool of the URSA brand (average prices in rubles for 2016 are taken). For comparison, the consumption and cost of work during the application (installation) of an insulating layer with equal indicators of heat transfer resistance - 1.5 m² × ° C / W are shown. The average prices in rubles for February 2016 are taken.

Compared parameterType of thermal insulation material
"Astratek" Styrofoam Mineral wool "URSA"
Thermal conductivity W/m C0.0012 0.04 0.044
Achievable thermal resistance, m²×°С/W1.25 1.25 1.25
at layer thickness, mm1.5 50 55
Price 1 l. (1 dm³) in rub.430 1450 70
Consumption 1 m²1.5 kg1.0 l1.0 kg
Approximate cost of additional materials, rub0 500 600
The cost of materials per 1 m² of insulation, rub.645 1450 70
The cost of work 1 m², rub.150 600 600
Total cost of 1 m², rub.795 2550 1270
Costs per 1 m², "Astratek" in comparison with other heaters.1 3.21 1.6
  • "Astratek - Metal" is designed for thermal insulation of pipes for cold and hot water supply. The coating significantly reduces heat loss, prevents the formation of condensate on pipe surfaces, and also reduces the surface temperature of hot pipes.

Heating main pipe insulated with Astratek compound

This heat insulator is also perfect for insulating garage doors, especially since the owner himself can easily carry out this work. To do this, you just need to take a brush, roller or spray gun and apply the suspension to the surface.

  • "Astratek - Facade" - this insulation is used to insulate external walls built of brick or concrete.
  • "Astratek - Universal" is suitable for warming any surfaces: both metal and concrete or brick.

Akterm liquid heaters have excellent characteristics and have a wide technological potential, since the Russian company Akterm LLC produces thirteen different modifications of insulating compounds. So, they can be designed not only for thermal insulation, but also for waterproofing work. It should be noted that this type of liquid insulation material can be applied both inside and outside the building.

Factory packaging of Akterm liquid thermal insulation compound

  • "Akterm - Concrete"

This composition is used for thermal insulation of surfaces made of limestone, concrete and brick, and is able to protect them from freezing and condensation. In addition, the composition of the suspension includes inhibitors against mold and mildew, but it does not contain volatile compounds and organic solvents. Because of this, it can be used to insulate rooms from the inside. So, it is used for:

- Thermal insulation of balconies, loggias and cellars.

- Insulation and insulation of interpanel seams.

- Preservation of heat inside the building and to prevent the formation of frost and mold colonies.

- Waterproofing and insulation of window and door slopes.

  • "Akterm - Metal" and "Akterm Antikor"

These compounds have all the qualities of the above suspension and have the same consistency, but, in addition, the coating they create is vapor impermeable, weather resistant, UV resistant, high adhesion to metal surfaces, and creates a protective coating against burns.

"Akterm" provides both thermal insulation of metal structures and their protection against corrosion

Such heat insulators are used in the following areas:

— Warming of domestic and industrial cold and hot pipelines.

— Creation of a protective coating against overheating of metal structures.

- Thermal insulation not only of metal surfaces, but also those made of plastic and glass.

- Application of insulation to the roof covering from corrugated board or metal tiles.

— Thermal insulation of cooling systems, air conditioning, ventilation and the like.

— Thermal and waterproofing of motor vehicle bodies.

  • "Akterm - Facade"

Insulation of facade walls with liquid thermal insulation "Akterm"

In addition, this composition has the qualities of a high-quality facade paint, to which various colors can be added. After drying, Akterm layers do not require additional protection from aggressive external influences and mechanical loads.

The scope of this composition:

— Warming of facades of various buildings.

- Thermal insulation of balconies and loggias from the outside.

– Insulation and waterproofing of joints between panels, slabs or building blocks.

- Waterproofing and insulation of window and door slopes.

  • "Akterm - Standard"

This mixture has the same high qualities as the previous materials used for thermal insulation of walls from the outside and from the inside. It is used for the following finishing activities:

– Heat and sound insulation, as well as waterproofing of residential and non-residential buildings.

— Protection of buildings from ultraviolet rays and other negative environmental influences.

- Hydro and thermal insulation of loggias, balconies and basements.

— Warming of front parts of houses.

– Thermal insulation of various pipelines, metal structures and structures.

  • "Akterm - Nord"

This type of coating is on an organic basis and is intended for use in conditions of extreme winter temperatures up to -30÷50 degrees, at which the material does not lose its performance. Such a heater can be used for surfaces made from the most materials.

The scope of this composition is quite wide, from the insulation of the facades of various buildings to any roofing materials, and from metal structures to pipelines.

  • Other compositions of "Akterm"

In addition to the above, Akterm produces special compounds for use in various areas of construction and industry, for a variety of operating conditions:

"Akterm - Volcano"- thermal insulation composition that can withstand temperatures up to +600 degrees. It is used in various areas for application to the external surfaces of buildings or technological installations.

"Akterm - Anticondensate"- protection of surfaces from condensate. It can be used both indoors and outdoors, as it does not contain organic solvents and volatile compounds - this composition is absolutely non-toxic and safe.

"Akterm - paint NG"- thermal insulating mixture, corresponding to the characteristics of the "Standard" composition, but with the flammability class "NG". It is applied on any surfaces requiring especially reliable fire protection.

"Akterm - Fire protection"- refractory properties of this composition comply with the requirements of GOST R 53295-2009. Therefore, this mixture-paint is used to provide special protective qualities of the surface from open flames - where this is necessary.

"Akterm - water repellent"- it is used to protect wall structures from moisture, as it has special water-repellent properties. This coating is used both indoors and for application to the outer surface of walls.

"Akterm - Zinc"- anti-corrosion composition, which provides reliable protection to metal surfaces from the development of corrosion, has increased adhesive qualities.

"Akterm - Plast"- primer-enamel, used for any surfaces, both for metal and non-metal. It is used only for external walls, and combines three functions - a primer that prepares the surface, protection against corrosion and a top coat. Therefore, this composition can be applied even to uncleaned rusty surfaces.


"Korund" is another brand of heat-insulating liquid materials manufactured by another Russian manufacturer, which gives a guarantee for the operation of such coatings for a period of 15 years.

Liquid thermal insulation compositions brand "Korund"

The heat insulator is a fairly dense homogeneous mass, with a high degree of adhesion to any building materials, such as concrete, metal, brick, plastic, glass and others.

Preparation of the composition "Korund" for application

The application of this material is carried out with a brush, spatula or spray gun. If the solution will be sprayed on the surface of the walls, then it should be diluted with plain water. The liquid is poured into the mass in small portions, and then the solution is mixed with a construction mixer.

"Korund" is also subdivided into solutions intended for a specific area of ​​​​construction and various conditions of use. So, mixtures "Facade", "Classic", "Winter", "Fire protection", "Lotus" and "Anticor" are produced.

  • "Korund-Facade", as its name implies, is used for insulation work on the outer surface of walls derived from various materials. The solution can be applied to prepared walls with a layer of 1 mm, at surface temperatures from + 5 to +145 degrees. This heat insulator may well be used as the basis for further finishing.

Thermal insulating paint "Korund" on the facade of a multi-storey panel building

  • "Korund-Classic" applied with a layer thickness of 0.5 mm, and can be applied at surface temperatures from -60 to 250 degrees. The solution is able to eliminate the freezing of walls, the appearance of fungal formations, and prevent the occurrence of condensate. The material gives high protection to surfaces from heat loss, while maintaining normal air and moisture exchange, that is, the walls remain "breathing".

The composition can also be used for warming wooden walls - it has sufficient vapor permeability

  • "Korund-Winter"- this composition is intended for work carried out at air temperatures from -10 to -60 degrees. The solution is used for external surfaces of various buildings erected in regions with a harsh climate.
  • "Korund-Anticor"- this heat insulator is supplemented with anti-corrosion properties, and it is permissible to apply it, including on surfaces covered with a rusty coating. It is perfect for insulating walls and garage doors or other metal buildings. The convenience of using this solution is that it can be applied to an unprepared and uncleaned surface.
  • "Korund-Fire protection"- such a heat-insulating material consists of three layers - primer, fire retardant and finishing protective and decorative. The solution has high adhesion to surfaces, and when dried, it acquires high strength and the ability to withstand the destructive effects of an open flame.
  • "Korund-Lotus"- the composition is used as a covering layer for insulation brand "Korund-Facade". It has water and dirt-repellent properties, which allows you to keep the facade clean and original for a long time. This material is often chosen for processing the walls of multi-storey buildings.

Some heat-insulating materials in the "Korund" line have additional properties:

  • "Korund-Waterproofing" proved to be excellent at protecting interpanel seams from moisture penetration.
  • "Korund-Sanitary" used for the treatment of internal surfaces of walls and floors in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, on balconies and loggias as a reverse waterproofing.
  • "Korund-Foundation" designed for complex waterproofing and insulation of horizontal and vertical surfaces of foundations

The insulating composition "Bronya" is a proprietary development of the Vologda LLC "Innovative Resource Center". It is also made using ceramic material, but the manufacturer presents it as superior in its thermal properties to all analogues already described above.

Another liquid insulation of domestic production - "Bronya"

"Armor" in its consistency resembles thick paint, has high adhesion, heat-insulating and anti-corrosion qualities. This material is also divided into several types, designed to isolate specific areas of the building, or they can be universal. The scope of their application can be recognized by their names. With the help of the liquid heat insulator "Bronya" it is possible to give special insulating qualities to the following surfaces:

- Roofs made of any material.

— Facade walls of residential, public and industrial buildings

- Internal load-bearing walls and partitions.

— External and internal slopes of windows and doors.

Floors indoors, as well as on verandas or terraces.

- Pipelines of cold and hot water supply, gas mains and heating mains located in heated and unheated premises, as well as on the street or underground.

— Ventilation and cooling systems.

- Metal constructions.

Heat-insulating liquid material "Bronya" can be divided into the following varieties - these are "Classic", "Universal", "Standard", "Facade", "Wall", "Light", "Antikor", "Metal", "Fire protection", " Winter", "Nord" and "Volcano". Moreover, each of them is produced in two versions, belonging to the combustibility group G1 or to NG, that is, to the category of non-combustible materials.

In addition to these basic thermal insulation materials, a range of primers are produced for preparing various surfaces and for various operating conditions.

Another series of Bronya compositions is water-repellent and waterproofing coatings made on a polymer basis.

The heat-insulating material is applied to the walls, as a rule, with a thickness of 1 mm, and can be used in a wide range of operating temperatures - from -60 to +200 degrees.

Positive and negative qualities of liquid ceramic insulation compounds

Liquid ceramic insulation has a number of advantages over other insulation materials:

  • A layer of high-quality liquid thermal insulation of 1 mm is equal in its thermal characteristics to a 50÷70 mm layer of mineral wool.
  • The heat-insulating coating turns out to be almost seamless, which in principle cannot be achieved with other types of insulation materials.

  • Insulation compounds intended for internal work are environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for human or animal health.
  • When insulating country houses, which are left unattended in winter, this insulation, in principle, cannot be dismantled and stolen by intruders.
  • Unlike some board materials, liquid heaters are not a source of dust distribution, which is especially valuable for people prone to allergies.
  • The simplicity of the application technology, similar to conventional staining, does not require the use of additional equipment or the invitation of specialists.
  • Ultra-thin application, especially on the inside of the walls, can significantly save usable space.
  • Liquid thermal insulation reliably resists fungal and mold formations, as well as the creation of nests by insects.
  • The long service life of this type without repair and other unforeseen troubles, for example, severe pollution, swelling from excess moisture, rodent attacks, makes this type of thermal insulation an excellent choice for warming a private house.

There are practically no disadvantages of such materials. The only thing that can upset the buyer is the poor quality of the acquired composition of an unknown manufacturer, so the choice must be taken very seriously.

The choice of liquid ceramic thermal insulation

To choose a quality material intended for a specific area of ​​construction where it will be used, you should carefully study the characteristics of the composition, which are necessarily located on the packaging or in the accompanying documentation.

Despite the fact that the liquid heat insulator has a rather high price, you should not experiment and immediately purchase the one that is cheaper, in the hope that it will also be able to perform the necessary functions, even if they are not indicated in the instructions.

When purchasing a heater, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The density of the mixture. The material is considered to be of high quality if 1 liter is equal to no more than 0.6 kg - for example, a ten-liter bucket should not have a net weight of more than 6÷6.5 kg. If the mass exceeds the specified norm or is much less than it, then this will be a reason to doubt the heat-insulating properties of the acquired composition.
  • When buying such a heat insulator, you need to look at the bucket in the light and see the stratification of its contents, as the lighter ceramic fraction rises up. The thicker the top layer, the higher the thermal insulation effect.
  • The structural structure of the mixture is also important - ceramic microgranules should be felt in the form of roughness in it. To determine their presence, a small amount of mass is taken on the fingertips and rubbed. If there are no roughnesses, then you should choose a heat insulator of a different brand, or purchase it from a more conscientious seller.
  • You need to pay attention to the color of the mixture, as it should be absolutely white. If there is a grayish or yellow tint, then this indicates the violations of the manufacturing process, and it is not known how this material will behave both during its application and during operation. However, of course, one must also take into account the fact that a color pigment has already been introduced into some formulations, which should be stated in the characteristics of the material printed on its packaging. In this case, the color must correspond to the declared characteristics.

Tips for applying liquid ceramic insulation to the surface

Liquid insulation is quite easy to apply to any surface, so the work can be done independently, following some recommendations:

  • In order for the wall to be smooth after covering it with a heat insulator, it is recommended to treat its surface with a grinder, with a brush installed on it, which will clean the protrusions left after the mortar used for masonry has dried.
  • When applying compositions on surfaces made of ferrous metal, they should be dedusted and degreased. If the heat insulator is applied to non-ferrous metal, then it is necessary to remove the gloss from it and apply a primer to it.
  • The mass of liquid insulation is mixed immediately before applying it to the wall. This process is carried out using a mixer attachment mounted on an electric drill. The mixing time is 6 to 10 minutes.
  • Some formulations that have a thicker consistency are diluted with water. The mass is diluted to the desired consistency, depending on the method and area of ​​application of the material. Dilution proportions are usually indicated on the packaging.
  • Liquid insulation is applied in layers, and the layers should not be more than 1 mm - this parameter depends on the brand of the composition. Each of the layers must be completely dried, and this process takes at least 24 hours.
Video: the use of liquid thermal insulation brand " Magniterm Facade»

Liquid ceramic thermal insulation is a relatively new technology that has not gained wide popularity yet, perhaps simply due to a lack of information for homeowners. Nevertheless, it has excellent thermal performance and can be successfully used in various areas of private construction. With the right choice of insulation and adherence to the technology of its application, you can get the expected result of a significant reduction in the heat loss of the building, which will save you from numerous troubles for many years.

Liquid Styrofoam

Liquid polystyrene foam has many names - they are given to it by the manufacturers themselves: it can be, for example, "unipol" or "mettemplast", but its most familiar and popular name is "penoizol".

Insulation of the walls of the attic "penoizol"

The composition of these materials, in general, is identical and is a modified polystyrene foam.

Unlike conventional expanded polystyrene (polystyrene), "penoizol" has a number of improved characteristics that are especially important for use in residential buildings - this is its low flammability and low content of harmful components. Using "penoizol" and applying the recommended technology for its application, you can significantly speed up and reduce the cost of building a house.

Components, manufacture and application of "penoizol"

  • For the manufacture of this liquid insulation material, urea-formaldehyde resin is used, designed for cold hardening foams, a foaming agent, phosphoric acid and water. Depending on what density of insulation is needed, the consumption of resin added to the composition varies.
  • The constituent components are mixed in a mixer of a special gas-liquid apparatus (GZhU) using compressed air, which helps to turn all the ingredients into a composition that, when applied to the surface, turns into a lush and dense foam.

Penoizol spraying requires special equipment

Sprayed "penoizol", blown out from a special spray gun under air pressure, densely fills all the cracks and cracks on the wall surface, forming a sealed seamless coating. The foam sprayed onto the walls is white with a slightly yellow tint. It lays on the surface in a thin layer, and then begins to expand, filling all the space available to it. Typically, spraying is carried out between the timber frame studs. or between the rafters, if the roof is insulated.

  • The sprayed and expanded mass of foam seizes after 10÷15 minutes, and hardens after 3÷4.5 hours. The coating gains its final strength in two to three days, after the layers have completely dried, and at the same time, "penoizol" acquires all its thermal insulation qualities.

  • Installation of this insulation is carried out in one day, which is three to four times faster than laying thermal insulation material in mats or slabs. In addition, "penoizol" does not require additional auxiliary materials, such as a vapor barrier and windproof membrane, since it itself performs their functions.

Characteristics of the insulation "penoizol"

Table of technical characteristics of the penoizol liquid insulation:

Name of parametersMaximum and minimum values
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m×°С0.028 ÷ 0.047
Density, kg/m³5 ÷ 75
Compressive strength (at 10% linear deformation), kg/cm²0.07 ÷ 0.5
Bending strength, kg/cm²0.10 ÷ 0.25
Tensile strength, kg/cm²0.05 ÷ 0.08
Water absorption in 24 hours (by mass),%10.5 ÷ 20.0
Humidity (by mass), %5.0 ÷ 20.0
Operating temperature range, ˚Сfrom - 50 to +120
Lifetimeup to 50 years

The numbers speak volumes on their own, but some of them are worth looking at in more detail:

  • Thermal conductivity. This parameter is very low, therefore, 80-100 mm of this heat insulator is enough to insulate the walls in order to significantly reduce the heat loss of the house. Such a quality of the material will help to make the heating system of the house much more economical, which compensates for the cost of warming the house in one or two winters.

The thickness of the heat insulator layer is selected depending on the winter temperatures of the region where the insulation will be carried out, and on the design features of the wall.

  • Flammability. Penoizol belongs to fairly safe groups: flammability - G-1, flammability - B-2, smoke formation - D-1, toxicity of combustion products - T-1.
  • Chemical and biological stability of the heat insulator. Fungus and mold do not form on "penoizol", as it is a breathable material that does not retain moisture on its surface and inside the layers. Rodents do not touch it, and insects do not start inside the insulation. The material does not react in any way to aggressive environments and most organic solvents.
  • Adhesion. In the liquid state, "penoizol" is adhesive enough to almost "grow" with the surface on which it is sprayed, as it penetrates into all the recesses and irregularities of any material.
  • The durability of the insulation is guaranteed by the manufacturer - terms are declared from 35 to 50 years. Such a duration of operation was justified experimentally in laboratory conditions, with the help of artificial creation of various multiple adverse effects on the material.

Disadvantages of "penoizol"

This liquid insulation also has its own negative qualities, or rather, one thing, but it is it that stops many buyers - these are substances that are toxic hazards that make up "penoizol".

It cannot be said that "penoizol" is an absolutely environmentally friendly material, since it contains formaldehydes. It is they who, during application and polymerization, emit a certain amount of gases that have an unpleasant odor. And, of course, these substances can not be called useful. However, it would be appropriate to recall here that all non-water-based paints and varnishes exude not very pleasant odors, and after drying and weathering, there is not a trace left of it. So it is with "penoizol" - after the completion of the process of its hardening, the unpleasant "aroma" will also disappear.

Prices for the popular liquid thermal insulation TeploPlus

Liquid thermal insulation TeploPlus

Moreover, according to the manufacturers, the emitted harmful substances have an extremely low concentration. This is also confirmed by the hygienic certificate for such material. Nevertheless, the choice of a heat insulator remains with the owner of the insulated house, especially since there is also a natural liquid insulation on the building materials market - this is ecowool, which will be discussed below.


Ecowool is a natural thermal insulation material used to insulate various surfaces of the house, including walls. It should be noted right away that this heat insulator cannot be unequivocally called liquid, but it can be the main component for a mixture applied in a liquid state.

Materials for the manufacture of ecowool

Ecowool is made from fluffed cellulose fibers treated with antiseptics and flame retardants, that is, to make it more clear, these are wood and minerals. And unlike other insulating materials, ecowool has not a porous, but a capillary structure.

To be more precise, several types of raw materials are used for the production of this insulation:

  • A typographic marriage left over from the printing of magazines and books.
  • Waste in the manufacture of packaging corrugated and ordinary cardboard.
  • Secondary raw materials, that is, waste paper - old books, newspapers, magazines and the like. This type of raw material is considered second-rate, as it has significant pollution and consists of various materials, so the fibers are heterogeneous.
  • Pulp industry waste.

So, ecowool consists of 80% crushed cellulose fiber, 12% of the total volume is occupied by boric acid, which acts as an antiseptic. This substance resists the occurrence of fungus and mold in high humidity. Sodium tetraborate, a flame retardant, is 8% ecowool - it is designed to increase fire resistance and add a mass of insecticidal qualities that will resist the appearance of nests of various insects.

Ecowool fibers become sticky after wetting them, due to the lignin contained in them - this is a natural substance contained in plant cells.

This composition is increasingly used for warming not only residential buildings, but also industrial premises.

Ways of laying insulation based on ecowool

Warming with this material is carried out in different ways:

  • In a dry way, when ecowool is laid in bulk. This technology is only suitable for horizontal surfaces.

  • Laying or installing ecowool pressed in the form of plates - this method can also be called dry, but it is applicable to both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • wet way. In this case, dry crushed cellulose fibers are mixed with water, and then, using a special installation, the resulting mixture is sprayed onto the surface. So floors and walls, as well as roofing from the inside, can be insulated.

The mechanism of adhesion of materials in this method is based on the fact that when wet in cellulose, natural glue, lignin, is activated, and when the composition is blown under air pressure from the pipe, the mixture easily adheres to the surface of the walls, clogging all gaps and joints. When dry, the composition forms a dense, seamless cover on the wall.

Ecowool spraying using "wet" technology

  • The wet-glue method differs from the previous one in that cellulose is mixed not only with water, but also with glue. The adhesive component is added to increase the adhesive qualities of the composition, so the adhesion of the eco-insulator to the surface increases several times. The adhesive composition is most often used for insulation work, as it is more reliable than cellulose mixed only with water. As an adhesive additive, PVA glue and similar compositions are used. They are diluted in certain proportions with water, and then added to the cellulose mixture.

Equipment for applying ecowool

For spraying work, a factory-made apparatus or a home-made version of it can be used.

  • All devices for laying their liquid ecowool insulation work on the same principle and have approximately the same equipment:
  • The plant must have a receiving bunker for laying shredded pulp. In home-made models, its role is successfully performed by a plastic barrel, which is not difficult to find in hardware stores.

  • Agitator. In a home-made installation, an electric drill with a mixer nozzle is used as it. This element is needed in order to fluff the pulp from the compressed state in which it is in the package.
  • The pump, which is necessary for the efficient and fast run of the liquefied ecowool through the hoses. In home-made versions, different models of vacuum cleaners with a blowing function are often used for installation.
  • Corrugated flexible pipes having a diameter of 50 ÷ 80 mm are used as inlet and outlet hoses when spraying material on the surface.
  • There are specialized kits for applying wet pulp, consisting of a pump, hoses and nozzles.

Performance characteristics of ecowool

  • Thermal conductivity. Ecowool, with its high-quality application to the walls, perfectly retains heat inside the building. The thermal conductivity coefficient is only 0.032 ÷ 0.041 W / m × ˚С, and it can be called one of the lowest among the most commonly used insulating materials.

Due to the fact that the material sprayed on the surface forms a continuous layer without seams, the occurrence of cold bridges is excluded. Ecowool is lightweight, usually applied to the walls in a not very thick layer of no more than 100 mm, but it creates excellent insulation for the house. This is due to the naturalness of the insulation, which consists mainly of wood fibers with a capillary structural structure that can hold large volumes of immobilized air inside.

  • Soundproofing. Ecowool is an excellent sound absorber. So, its layer of only 100 mm is able to reduce noise by 60 decibels. This is also due to the fact that the wall covering turns out to be continuous, without seams, since noise waves easily penetrate through the same “bridges” that appear at the joints of plate heaters.
  • Environmental friendliness of the heater. The composition of ecowool was described above, and from this it is clear that the insulation is made from natural materials that do not emit substances harmful to humans.
  • Fire resistance. The liquid composition of ecowool includes flame retardants, which increase the fire resistance of the material. But since it consists mainly of cellulose, it is still impossible to achieve complete fire safety, and it has been assigned a flammability group G2 (GOST 30244).

However, we must pay tribute to the composition of ecowool - it has the property of self-extinguishing, and also does not emit toxic substances when smoldering.

Flame retardants contribute to the fact that during the combustion of the insulation a minimum amount of toxic substances is released. Basically, this is carbon, which does not pose a strong danger to human health.

In the event of a fire, during the thermal decomposition of the insulation, water is abundantly released from its structure, which slows down the spread of fire, turning it into smoldering, and then into attenuation.

  • Adhesion. Cellulose, mixed with water and glue, has a high adhesion to almost any building material.
  • Density. Fluff pulp moistened with glue and water, when applied to the surface and dried, creates a layer with sufficient density to create an air gap between the fibers, which is part of the thermal insulation. The density of ecowool largely depends on the method of its application. So, when laying a wet composition on vertical surfaces, the density is approximately 55 ÷ 65 kg / m³.
  • Moisture resistance. Ecowool cannot be called a moisture-resistant material - it is able to absorb up to 30% of moisture from the total mass. But since this insulation is "breathable", the moisture it absorbs does not linger inside the layers. When dried, ecowool does not lose its original insulating qualities.

Disadvantages of ecowool

This natural insulation also has its drawbacks, which it would also be nice to know about:

  • Ecowool shrinks over time, giving a decrease of about 10% of the original volume. Therefore, when laying it, it is recommended to apply a layer of a slightly thicker layer on the wall than planned.
  • The ecowool layer should not be covered with vapor-proof materials, as it must be able to be ventilated, otherwise it will quickly lose its thermal insulation qualities due to increased internal humidity.
  • In order for such a heater to function for a long time and with the desired efficiency, it is necessary to carry out high-quality installation, in compliance with all technological standards, which can only be done by a qualified craftsman - and this will lead to additional costs.

Video: An example of insulation of facade walls with ecowool

The choice of insulation is up to the homeowner. But in any case, acquiring the material you like, you need to carefully study its technical and operational characteristics and instructions for applying to a particular surface. study the link.

You may be interested in information about the technical characteristics of the insulation

Evgeny AfanasievChief Editor

Publication author 10.02.2016

Liquid thermal insulation is a modern material based on acrylic or water, consisting of hollow ceramic, glass or aluminosilicate microspheres with rarefied air inside, which, after the polymerization process, forms a dense structure with low thermal conductivity and a high degree of waterproofing.

Liquid thermal insulation was previously used only to cover the shuttle skin, but due to its excellent properties, it has become widely used in everyday life when performing construction and repair work for thermal insulation and waterproofing of engineering structures and structures.

Let us examine in more detail why liquid insulation is so popular and what are its competitive advantages over mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam.

Liquid insulation of this class can be used in the production of CMP (construction and installation works), namely:

  1. For insulation of floors, walls and roofs;
  2. To protect the facade from the negative effects of precipitation;
  3. For waterproofing floors in particularly wet areas (bathrooms, car washes, swimming pools, etc.);
  4. For thermal insulation of engineering communications (pipelines of hot water supply and heating);
  5. For sealing interpanel joints in multi-storey panel houses.

Based on the above list, we can say that liquid thermal insulation can be used in almost all areas, however, sometimes this material is recommended to be replaced with an analogue. Let's consider these cases.

In what cases is it more effective to use a different type of insulation

  1. When building houses for cottages, it is better to use mineral wool with a hydro-barrier and a vapor barrier for roof insulation.
  2. When performing waterproofing in rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to use dry mixes, for example: Ceresit CT65.
  3. When insulating the foundation of a building, it is recommended to use extruded polystyrene foam in combination with mastic-based waterproofing.

The main advantages of liquid thermal insulation

Since liquid thermal insulation is a relatively new finishing material on the building materials market, quite a few people still know all the main advantages and advantages due to which this insulation is used in almost all areas, gradually replacing the old type of insulation.

Let us consider in more detail the main advantages of this type of thermal insulation.

  • When finishing the facade of a building using liquid insulation, the reduction in heating costs can reach 25-30%.
  • Due to its structure, liquid insulation fully reflects up to 95% of solar and ultraviolet radiation, thereby providing coolness in the room in the summer.
  • When engineering systems (water supply, ventilation, air conditioning or heating) are covered with an ultrathin layer of this class of heat-insulating material, condensation does not form on their surface, which causes corrosion.
  • Do-it-yourself application is easy to do with a conventional roller, brush or spatula.
  • It can be used as an antifungal agent, since it does not form moisture, which is a breeding ground for microorganisms.
  • It can serve as a waterproofing because liquid thermal insulation absolutely does not let water through.
  • Effective protection even at ultra-high temperatures (up to 220 C) without loss of physical properties.
  • Ideal adhesion to any surface (concrete, brick, plastic, wood, etc.).


  • In severe frosts, slopes in a panel house completely freeze through if applied incorrectly or if the manufacturer's recommendations are violated.
  • When using TCM Ceramic, cracks may appear on the facade of buildings, since this manufacturer simply shifts the dew point and does not protect the house of heat loss at all.
  • Liquid thermal insulation Isollat, Astratek is forbidden to be applied to the facade, but can only be used for waterproofing metal structures.
  • When water is diluted above the specified norms, the thermal insulation simply flows off the walls.

The main manufacturers of liquid insulation for buildings (structures) or engineering networks

To date, a very large number of manufacturers have begun to produce ultra-thin liquid thermal insulation. However, a lot of them sell ordinary paint as a liquid insulation. How to make the right choice? We will deal with this issue together and present a rating of the most popular manufacturers of this thermal insulation material.

Liquid thermal insulation Astratek

This material is manufactured by the Russian company NPP Termalkom LLC. All products of the concern have the appropriate quality certificates and a positive conclusion from the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological station. Liquid insulation Astratek easily has the consistency of mastic and is easy to apply with your own hands on any surface using a roller, sprayer or brush.

  • It does not collapse when exposed to atmospheric precipitation, since it has hydrophobic properties.
  • There are no "cold bridges" in contrast to traditional insulation.
  • Non-toxic and meets environmental standards.
  • Does not support combustion, and is completely safe from fire safety.
  • Completely preserves the architecture of the facade and does not steal the usable area.

Liquid insulation RE-THERM

The insulation of this class consists of silicone and ceramic microspheres, which are among the binder based on acrylic and latex. Thanks to this structure, this material has excellent waterproofing properties and at the same time high elasticity and special strength.

The manufacturers of this product promise that the thermal conductivity of 1 mm RE-THERM liquid insulation corresponds to 5 cm of mineral wool.

  • This liquid insulation can be used on various surfaces from concrete and brick to glass and plastic.
  • Demonstrates ideal performance in the temperature range from -470 to 250 C.
  • Fast drying, which is from 3 to 24 hours.
  • High resistance to various mechanical influences, as well as to ultraviolet and infrared rays.
  • It can be used both outside and inside buildings and structures.


This type of coating is specially designed for processing metal structures and engineering structures. Due to its structure, VIOTERM Metal ALLUMA liquid insulation gives the surface a glossy shade and reliably protects the surface from corrosion.

In addition to the above advantages, this ALLUMA coating perfectly retains heat in hot water and heating systems.

  • It is used exclusively for the treatment of metal surfaces as a waterproofing.
  • Demonstrates efficiency at ambient temperatures from -50 C to 250 C.
  • Low consumption, which is only 1 l per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm.
  • When insulating water pipes of hot water supply and heating systems, heat losses are reduced by 30%.
  • The service life of this coating is 10-15 years.

Do-it-yourself method of applying liquid thermal insulation

For high-quality application of thermal insulation, it is necessary to perform the following measures:

  • Clean the surface from dust and dirt, rust and old paint.

When cleaning metal surfaces from rust, it is necessary to clean the surface until an appropriate metallic gloss appears using special abrasive attachments for the grinder. After that, it is recommended to treat the surface with VD-40 to remove various contaminants.

  • Perform preparation of liquid thermal insulation before application.

To do this, it is necessary to dilute a certain amount of heat-insulating material (according to the manufacturer's information) with distilled water. In most cases, it is recommended to add 3-5% water to the liquid insulation.

When mixing liquid thermal insulation with a drill or mixer, the maximum speed should be between 150 and 200 rpm. If this number is exceeded, there is a possibility of violating the integrity of ceramic microcircuits, due to which the thermal insulation effect is achieved.

  • Perform surface treatment before applying thermal insulation

To do this, it is necessary to use an acrylic-based primer, concrete contact, or take a liquid heat-insulating material and dilute it in a ratio of 1: 2 with distilled water. After that, using a roller or brush, apply the primer to the surface to be treated and leave for at least 4 hours for the primer to dry.

  • Applying liquid thermal insulation with your own hands

This stage is carried out using an ordinary brush with natural bristles or using an airbrush. Liquid thermal insulation should be applied in layers, and its thickness should not exceed 0.4-0.5 mm. Complete drying of one layer of thermal insulation occurs after 24 hours, provided that the temperature of the treated surface is not lower than 70 C and the air humidity is not more than 80%.

To achieve the maximum effect of thermal insulation, most manufacturers recommend applying the material in at least 3 layers.

When using an airbrush (spray gun) for applying liquid heat-insulating material, the pressure should not exceed 80 bar, otherwise the integrity of the ceramic heat-insulating microspheres will be violated.

The need to cover different planes with a protective layer with high efficiency has led to the creation of such a unique mixture as ultra-thin thermal insulation.

Scope of application

Initially, this type of insulation was developed to protect the hulls of spacecraft, but later it began to be actively used in other areas of life. It is actively used in the insulation of tanks, pipes, sea and river transport, any metal structures, air ducts from air conditioning systems, bridges, steam pipelines, heating mains, pipelines and boilers.

Thermal insulation is most widely used in the construction industry. With its help, roofs, walls, concrete floors and facades are processed. Walls can be insulated with liquid insulation from the inside or outside. The latter option is considered more preferable, because it is he who reliably protects the building from the effects of precipitation, temperature changes, as well as the appearance of mold and fungi on the walls. Thanks to the use of an insulating mixture, the service life of the structure is significantly increased, and heating costs are also reduced.

In addition, this type of insulation is used where no other option is possible: for example, to strengthen cultural monuments or the facades of old buildings of historical value.
Liquid thermal insulation has also proved its effectiveness in the case of insulation of balconies and loggias.

To do this, it is necessary to coat the walls and surfaces from the inside. The same can be done with attics and window slopes - this will ensure maximum safety of heat in the room. Also, with the help of a suspension, seams in panel structures can be processed.

Insulating mixtures perfectly save space and can be used where there is no ventilation system. Due to this, they are used in the insulation of cramped and basement rooms.

Mixtures are used both for residential buildings and for industrial buildings. With their help, concrete, cement and brick walls are processed, as well as wooden and plastic surfaces. After application, the insulation merges remarkably with the surface, turning into a dense, uniform and smooth protective layer.

The properties and purpose of the composition directly depend on its components.

The liquid suspension consists of hollow microspheres, which can be ceramic, polymer or glass, and a latex, acrylic or polymer binder. Drying on the surface, the mixture becomes elastic and light, increases the strength of the object and perfectly retains heat. In addition to the main components, it may include various additives:

  • clamps;
  • catalysts;
  • fungicides;
  • biocides;
  • plasticizers.

Additional components provide the insulator with specific characteristics and provide it with effective adhesion to objects that will be covered with an insulating mixture.

It is the result of intense action of rarefied air molecules, which are saturated with hollow spheres.

Main characteristics of the material

The insulating mixture is a creamy mass, most often white, in consistency no different from ordinary paint. This makes it possible to use it where other standard solid thermal insulation options are not applicable.

The material can be used in any climatic conditions, it is resistant to the most aggressive temperature changes and is active at temperatures from -60 °C to + 250 °C. The mixture dries completely within a day and has a functional activity of about 15 years.

It has been experimentally proven that 1 mm of liquid insulator replaces masonry in 1.5 bricks or 5 mm of solid insulation.

Application features

Ultra-fine thermal insulation is also called thermal paint or heat-reflecting energy-saving paint. After application, it undergoes polymerization, activating all its useful thermophysical parameters.

The insulator is applied to the object by brush, roller or airless sprayer. If it is necessary to process the external facade of the building, then it is better to do it in the temperature range from +15 °С to +70 °С. Sometimes an application model called "sandwich" is used: when layers of a liquid insulator alternate with thin fiberglass.

If we compare a liquid insulator with solid insulating materials, then there are its following advantages:

  • easy use, which greatly reduces labor costs;
  • long service life;
  • immunity to alkalis;
  • 100% safety and environmental friendliness;
  • active protection against freezing of facades;
  • effective thermal barrier;
  • moisture resistance of the material;
  • preservation of the aesthetics of the processed object;
  • the presence of sealing and waterproofing properties;
  • a noticeable reduction in costs (operational and capital).

The great advantage of such materials is that they practically do not increase the load on the frame of the structure and are able to prevent the deformation of metal elements.

The material has a low flammability. A 1 mm layer of composition applied to any surface replaces about 50 microlayers, inside of which there are substances close in their state to vacuum. This will reliably protect against burns when processing hot surfaces: by pressing your palm against a pipe heated to 100 degrees, a person will not receive damage to the skin.

Being a modern and high-tech method of insulating objects, a liquid insulating mixture, according to the calculations of specialized specialists, reduces costs from 35 to 45% compared to standard methods of insulation.

Manufacturers and assortment

The most popular manufacturers of liquid insulating mixtures in the domestic market are Bronya, Korund, Akterm, Astratek, Izollat ​​and Termolat. Such relatively new brands as Alfatek, Teplomett, Magniterm and others are gaining momentum.

When choosing a liquid heat insulator, it is important to pay attention to its name. On the label with the container, the scope or purpose of the mixture is always assigned. If special active anti-corrosion components are introduced into its composition, then it will be indicated on the sticker.

For example, ultra-thin thermal insulation "Korund Antikor" is very popular. It can be applied directly to rust, after removing loose elements from the surface and strictly following the instructions.

If multiple coatings are required, savings can be made by smearing only the first layer of the object with the anti-corrosion insulator. All other layers are covered with a classic liquid heat insulator, the cost of which is much lower.

Low temperature resistant

If it is decided to purchase an insulating mixture that can be applied to the surface at sub-zero temperatures, then it is advisable to purchase material with the addition "Winter" or "Nord". This allows not to refuse construction even in the cold period.

In such mixtures, manufacturers introduce foam microgranules dispersed in acrylic polymers. Inhibitory, rheological, flame retardant and pigmenting chemical additives are also introduced here. An important condition for the application of such material is air humidity, which should not exceed 80%.


The liquid mixture for the treatment of facade walls also has a special postscript on the label. Having covered an object with such material only 1 time, the consumer receives reliable protection from most aggressive factors.

Modern manufacturers are actively developing new heat insulators that can greatly facilitate the process of construction and protective treatment of buildings. This includes materials that are resistant to the production of condensate, as well as those that can withstand temperatures of more than 500 degrees.

All sellers of heat-insulating liquid mixtures must have special state-approved certificates, and heat insulators themselves must fully comply with any characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

In the modern world, thanks to the latest technologies, various insulating materials appear on the market that have improved characteristics.

Liquid thermal insulation for walls is relatively new development, which significantly speeds up and facilitates the process of insulation.

The advantage is that the material can be used both and.

In addition, anyone can apply thermal insulation, for this you need to arm yourself with just a few things.

You can also pay attention to such heaters as:

Liquid thermal insulation for walls - what is it, pros and cons, difference from conventional materials

In Western European countries, residents insulate their homes exclusively with heat-resistant paints. This method is also beginning to be used in Russia, but so far its popularity does not exceed 50 percent.

But this type of thermal insulation is in increasing demand and, for sure, in a few years, will replace the usual ways of keeping warm for everyone.

According to the classics, basically many construction companies offer to insulate the residential sector with foam plastic, as well as cotton rolls. However, today almost all industrial facilities can no longer do without liquid insulation.

Liquid thermal insulation - characteristics declared by the manufacturer

Cons of an insulator:

  • It is worth storing and transporting liquid insulation with strict adherence to temperature indicators;
  • High pricing policy;
  • It is difficult to correctly calculate the thermal conductivity;
  • In areas with moderate temperature conditions, more than ten balls of paint must be applied, which ultimately increases the consumption of material and significantly increases the cost of the repair itself.
  • Lots of negative reviews, the essence of which boils down to one thing - the insulating characteristics do not even closely correspond to the declared ones. To achieve good insulation, it is necessary to apply many layers of paint.


  • Minimum labor costs at work paint can be applied with a roller or a simple brush.
  • Large-scale objects can be covered in a short time;
  • Heat retention by 40-50 percent;
  • Before painting, it is worth carrying out minor preparatory work;
  • Unlike conventional heaters, the liquid version is considered indispensable at the stage of internal insulation of an apartment or house. They can process hard-to-reach places where the use of rolled or wadded insulation is impossible.. In addition, not everyone wants to use the latest materials because of their volume, which negatively affects the dimensions of the room.

Types of liquid thermal insulation and popular manufacturing companies

The most popular in the domestic market is considered to be liquid thermal insulation from companies:

  1. Actorm;
  2. Corundum;
  3. Astratek;
  4. Teplomett;
  5. Isollat;
  6. Teplosil;
  7. Armor;
  8. Lic Ceramic.

We will consider the types of liquid thermal insulation according to the last manufacturer.

  1. Standard. Standard thermal insulation is applied exclusively in the spring and summer months. Operating temperature range -58 to +500 Fahrenheit.
  2. Ultra. This thermal insulation material is significantly different from the previous version. It has improved thermal conductivity, which is 0.0012. The specific gravity of thermal insulation has decreased several times, as a result, this has affected the reduction of consumables during coating. This mixture does not need to be mixed in liquid form from time to time, all because the microspheres are evenly distributed here.
  3. Thermo. It is recommended to use it when repair work is carried out in winter or late autumn. Designed exclusively for metal surfaces. The application temperature of this type of liquid thermal insulation is from -4 to +122 Fahrenheit. And the operating temperature is from -58 to + 752 Fahrenheit.

What is the difference between internal and external wall insulation

Wall with external insulation

This application technique considered the most effective, because the house retains heat, while the internal area does not change in any way.

An important advantage is the increased ability of external walls to retain heat. Walls that are insulated from the outside cool down much more slowly than walls that are insulated from the inside.

Undoubted advantages:

  1. Minimum heat loss;
  2. Inside the insulation, as a rule, there is a dew point. In rare cases, it can accumulate at the outer edge of the wall;
  3. The wall will never be wet;
  4. Stepa around the entire perimeter maintains a certain temperature, there are no jumps;
  5. The coating reliably protects the wall from seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations, it is not affected by precipitation, which is considered the main cause of its destruction.

External insulation

Internal insulation

This way considered the simplest, however, in terms of functionality, it is significantly inferior to the previous one.

This manifests itself in:

  • Heat loss up to 10 percent.
  • dew point. It is located in the space between the inner wall and the insulation or in the insulation itself, which will undoubtedly lead to the fact that condensate will begin to accumulate and dampness will appear in the room;
  • Walls are not able to store and accumulate heat.

At the stage of performing thermal insulation inside the room, it is more rational to use a vapor barrier film over a thermal insulation ball to prevent steam from entering the insulation.

The place where the thermal insulation will adjoin the structure must be hermetically glued with foil adhesive tape. In this case, it is desirable to make an overlap of several centimeters.

Internal insulation

wall device

The wall pie should consist of:

  • thermal insulation;
  • cement board;
  • battens;
  • timber;
  • Hydro-wind protection;
  • gypsum board;
  • membrane film.

roofing cake, despite its apparent simplicity, must be performed in accordance with certain rules:

  1. The climatic zone and purpose of the house should be taken into account when calculating the thickness of the walls;
  2. To choose a heater, you need pay attention to good sound and heat insulation, reasonable price;
  3. If the purchased thermal insulation does not have special protection against wetting and other negative influences, it is rational to use a special film;
  4. It is essential to properly apply insulation in order to avoid cold spots where heat leakage is possible in the future;
  5. the facade is designed taking into account the requirements for the materials used.

wall device

Preparation for application - installation of battens, sealing gaps, etc.

Liquid thermal insulation applied only on a dry wall, which must first be cleaned of fine dust particles, white deposits of soluble salts, past coatings, and possible fungal infections.

If needed loose and soft areas are removed, cracks are earned with different compositions of cement and plaster.

Also a must removing cement laitance on a concrete surface. This can be done mechanically or chemically.


In order to even out significant defects (chips, as well as deep cracks), it is necessary to use the appropriate putty for interior or exterior work.

After all the cleaning work, you can proceed with the installation of the crate on the wall. Initially, using a plumb line, the rack is mounted at the corners of the wall. Between them it is worth pulling the twine, so that in the end you see the "guitar string" - sagging in this case is unacceptable. After that, vertical racks are attached.


On a new concrete, as well as a plastered wall, heat-insulating material should be applied only a week after it has completely dried. In this case, the permissible percentage of moisture and temperature in the room or on the street should be taken into account.

When thermal insulation is applied to a wall that has been previously painted, first, the old paint is removed from the places of peeling and peeling. If necessary, grinding with a sandpaper is carried out. Choose between medium and coarse grained models.

Insulation of liquid thermal insulation from the inside - detailed installation diagram step by step

  1. Work must begin with the stage of leveling the walls. The brick wall must first be treated with plaster, and then primed. Each next ball of paint must be applied after the previous one has dried. At the final stage, the walls are puttied.
  2. Liquid thermal insulation is applied to ordinary paint, so everyone can do the work. For a high-quality coating, it is worth applying more than one layer of coating. After the latter has dried, you can proceed to the finishing of the walls.
  3. Use a roller, brush or sprayer to apply the finish.
  4. To work, arm yourself with a brush made of non-natural pile, which is used to apply interior and exterior paint to paint a small-sized surface. Before applying the necessary thermal insulation material, the walls are wetted with water.


To obtain the necessary insulating layer, it is important to direct the movements only in one direction.

When applying heat-insulating material to plaster, it is recommended to use a staple, the layer thickness should not exceed 1.0 mm.

Application of thermal insulation with a sprayer

Applying liquid insulation with a spatula

Insulation of liquid thermal insulation from the outside - detailed installation diagram step by step

  • Before applying the heat-insulating material, it should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. If technical devices are used for this purpose, the speed of revolutions cannot be more than 250. If necessary, the liquid thermal insulation is diluted with running water. Mix the resulting mass during operation.
  • Use a layered brush to apply., air or airless type sprayer, while it is necessary to follow the drying technology between different layers.
  • The thickness of the applied coating should be no more than half a millimeter, some manufacturers allow the application of a layer of 0.8–mm on a plastered, concrete, and brick surface. The final coating thickness is determined by thermal and technical calculations.
  • After applying one ball of the material used with a thickness of no more than a millimeter, you need to wait at least a day before applying the next one. Complete drying of the finishing ball depends on their number. Temperature and humidity also play an important role. If necessary, the drying time between coats must be increased several times. The coating will steadfastly respond to precipitation in a day.

External wall insulation

Apply insulation with a brush

Vapor barrier and waterproofing

When insulating, you should pay attention to the vapor barrier, otherwise the surface will become unusable very quickly. The most commonly used liquid rubber, which is a liquid mastic. This is an excellent vapor barrier that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Rubber should be applied in an even layer, its significant advantage is that no seams are formed after use. It is necessary to apply rubber with a sprayer, directly on top of the thermal insulation.. The layer should not be more than a millimeter.

Wall vapor barrier

Waterproofing protects various building structures from moisture penetration. It is easy to apply, does not require special qualifications from workers, and also does not form seams.

The choice of liquid insulation is up to the owner of the house or apartment. But, in any case, when buying the material you like, you need to carefully study the characteristics (technical as well as operational) and the instructions for applying the product to the selected surface.

Useful video

Do-it-yourself wall insulation with liquid thermal insulation:

In contact with

Given the stability of the trend towards a rise in the price of energy resources, the issue of home insulation is more acute than ever. The use of traditional thermal insulation in the form of slabs or rolls inevitably leads to the loss of living space due to the thickening of the walls. A good alternative is the so-called. "Liquid thermal insulation", which forms a very thin layer after application.

With its unique characteristics, liquid thermal insulation is also called energy-saving heat-reflective paint. A noticeable warming effect is already fixed at a layer thickness of 1 mm. Initially, this material was developed for the space industry: in the future, the innovation migrated to other areas of human life.

The process of laying liquid thermal insulation resembles ordinary painting with a brush, roller or spray gun. As a result of contact with air, the composition polymerizes, forming an elastic matte base with good thermal performance. The insulation acts as a kind of "thermal mirror", creating reliable temperature protection.

The main components of heat reflective paint are:

  1. Filler. We are talking about hollow microscopic spheres made of ceramics, glass and polymers, inside which there is rarefied air. The filler may differ in chemical composition, fraction size and percentage of components.
  2. Binder. Most often we are talking about a polymer substance of an acrylic or latex type.

Along with the main ingredients, modifications of liquid thermal insulation often contain various additives, which affect the intended areas of application. Due to differences in composition, the material may have a variety of properties, which must be taken into account during the preparation of the base and during application. Especially widespread is liquid insulation in the construction industry. Along with the effect of thermal insulation, it is able to protect walls from moisture: this prevents the erosion of building materials, the occurrence of condensation and fungus. Another area of ​​application of warm paint is the thermal insulation of pipelines.

How liquid insulation works

There are three options for heat transfer:

  1. Thermal conductivity(energy exchange between areas with different temperatures). The composition of thermal paint includes no more than 20% of substances that support thermal conductivity.
  2. Convection(distribution of heat by the material itself). Liquid thermal insulation includes predominantly hollow microspheres that do not participate in convection.
  3. Radiation(transmission of thermal energy to the surrounding space). Microscopic spheres have a reflective and scattering effect. As a result, the surface of the insulation acts like a thermos.

Types of liquid thermal insulation

Currently, the insulating materials market offers several modifications of liquid thermal insulation, which differ in their composition and installation method:

  • Ceramic.
  • Expanded polystyrene (penoizol).
  • Ecowool.

Each type is characterized by the presence of its own specific qualities, which affects the areas of their use. A common advantage is the simplicity and speed of application: this allows you to process large areas within one working day.

Externally, ceramic liquid thermal insulation resembles thick acrylic paint. Although this type of insulation is represented by several varieties with different names, their composition and consistency are generally the same:

  • Binder. For these purposes, a water-acrylic solution is used, which increases the degree of adhesion of the material to the base and the uniformity of the laying of heat-insulating particles.
  • Additional components. Contribute to improving the performance of thermal paint. Basically, we are talking about natural and artificial rubbers, silicone resin, etc. This allows you to make the insulation more elastic and moisture resistant.

A sign of good quality ceramic liquid thermal insulation is the presence of 75-80% voids inside the solidified material. As a result, an ultra-thin region is formed between the base and the outer film, which inhibits heat transfer. The ratio of the individual components of the material remain almost unchanged in products from different manufacturers. The difference can only relate to the level of quality of the raw materials used and the manufacturing technology.

The advantages of ceramic thermal paints include:

  • Super thin layer. Good quality liquid thermal insulation 1 mm thick has the same thermal performance as 50-70 mm mineral wool. This is especially appreciated for internal use, because. there is no reduction in living space.
  • No seams. As a result of laying thermal paint, a seamless coating is obtained, which allows you not to worry about additional moisture protection. No other insulating material has such properties.
  • Environmental friendliness. The composition of heaters does not contain components harmful to human health and the environment. The same applies to dust, which is often emitted by board materials.
  • Safety. Liquid thermal insulation applied in compliance with all regulations cannot be stolen by intruders, therefore it is safely used for insulating external structures.
  • Ease of installation. The application procedure is no more complicated than conventional staining, and can be implemented independently, without the use of additional equipment and the invitation of specialists.
  • Resistance to biological influences. The material is not afraid of fungus and mold. It is also not interesting for harmful insects and small rodents.
  • Durability and ease of operation. Liquid insulation after hardening does not need periodic repairs, does not swell and does not absorb dirt.

Weaknesses of these materials are practically absent. The main thing is not to buy suspiciously cheap formulations, which usually indicate that they are fake.

There are a lot of names for liquid polystyrene foam: they are assigned by direct manufacturers. The most common names for this material are unipol, mettemplast and penoizol.

The composition of the liquid foam:

  • Urea-formaldehyde resin (often contains cold curing foams).
  • Foaming agent.
  • Orthophosphoric acid.
  • Water.

The percentage of resin affects the degree of density of the insulation. To mix the ingredients, a special gas-liquid apparatus operating on compressed air is used. As a result, all components of the composition are brought to the state of bulk saturated foam.

Penoizol is applied by spraying with a special spray gun. As a result, it is possible to achieve dense filling of cracks and cracks in the wall. The finished coating is characterized by tightness and lack of seams. The foam is white with a slight yellow tint. Initially, a thin layer after laying rapidly expands in all directions, filling the niches. Quite often, the internal voids of wooden frames or the space between the rafters are filled in this way.

This natural material can be used to insulate various building surfaces, including walls. It is only partly referred to as liquid materials, because. the main components are applied in a liquid state. 80% of the material is crushed cellulose fibers, and 12% falls on boric acid, which has antiseptic functions.

Application of liquid ecowool

Ecowool perfectly resists fungus and mold even in conditions of constant humidity. It contains a flame retardant (sodium tetraborate), which protects the substance from fires. The fibers of the material acquire a specific stickiness after soaking due to lingin (a natural component that is part of the plants). With the help of ecowool, you can insulate both residential and industrial premises.

How to calculate the consumption of liquid thermal insulation

To avoid wasting extra money and avoiding pauses in the workflow, before laying thermal insulation, you need to accurately calculate how much material is required.

Factors to consider:

  1. Base material.
  2. Surface condition (rough, smooth).
  3. Number and thickness of layers.
  4. Total area.
  5. Application method.
  6. weather indicators.

An example is the determination of the consumption of liquid insulation "Korund Classic". 1 liter of thermal paint is able to cover 2 m² (with a layer thickness of 0.5 mm) or 1 m² (with a layer thickness of 1 mm).

It is also important to provide overrun losses , which affects the method of application:

As can be seen from the example above, surface roughness and the use of a spray gun increase material consumption. It is also of great importance which surface is being processed (vertical or horizontal). When insulating walls, an adjustment should be made for the appearance of sagging (approximately 5%). The qualifications of the worker are of great importance: a professional master is able to use the material more economically.

Calculation of liquid thermal insulation consumption depending on wall materials

Liquid wall insulation

The most practical option for wall insulation material, according to experts, is ceramic liquid thermal insulation . This is facilitated by its thermal characteristics, ease of application and the minimum thickness of the insulating layer. Liquid ceramic thermal paints can have a varnish and water base. The latter option is designed for interior work at positive temperatures.

To insulate facades and other surfaces located on the street, lacquer ceramic thermal insulation is used. The material is very convenient for isolating surfaces of complex configuration and hard-to-reach areas. These procedures can be carried out independently, without the involvement of professional craftsmen. The construction of frames and other space-reducing structures is not required.

Sequence of operations:

  1. Foundation preparation. The smoother the wall, the less thermal paint will be required for its design. It is necessary to remove the old finish from the surface of the base and remove bumps and protrusions. For these purposes, you can use a grinder with a special circle in the form of a metal brush. If the irregularities are very large, the wall is plastered (indoors it is better to use a dry gypsum mix).

    Preparing the base of the wall before applying liquid thermal insulation

  2. Primer. The final stage in the preparation of the base is the application of a deep penetration primer. This procedure is carried out after the plastered areas have completely dried. When insulating metal surfaces, they are pre-cleaned of dust and degreased.

    Priming walls before applying liquid thermal insulation

  3. Composition preparation. It is necessary to knead the liquid insulation before laying. For this procedure, you will need a drill or puncher with a mixing nozzle. Stirring is carried out for 6-10 minutes. In some cases, when the consistency of the substance is very viscous, a little water is added to the container. Indications for proportions are usually contained in the instructions.

    Preparation of ceramic liquid thermal insulation

  4. Application. Thermal paint is laid in stages, layer by layer. The thickness of one application is no more than 1 mm. When insulating thin concrete or brick walls, approximately 5-6 layers will be needed. If the walls are thick enough, then the number of applications can be reduced to 3. Before each new approach, a pause is made to completely dry the previous styling (on average, for 12 hours). The final layer dries for at least a day.

    Application of ceramic liquid thermal insulation with a roller

To achieve uniform distribution of the composition, it is recommended to use as an application tool foam roller . For faster application of thermal paint, you can use an airbrush. If the isolated area is small, it is treated with a wide brush with natural bristles. On top of the liquid ceramic insulation, it is allowed to glue wallpaper and paint.

You can also watch a video on this topic:

With a general similarity, the application of liquid ceramic thermal insulation to external surfaces has some differences:

  1. Material selection. If any ceramic paint is suitable for internal insulation, then work on the street involves the use of exclusively varnish-based materials. Most often, such heaters are marked with a special mark "facade" (for example, "ASTRATEK facade").
  2. Wall preparation. Requirements for the preparation of external surfaces are more stringent, because. in addition to bumps and old finishes, here you have to deal with efflorescence, mold and fungus. After cleaning the surface, it is treated with an antiseptic and liquid to remove efflorescence. If necessary, the wall is leveled with cement plaster (gypsum mixture will quickly collapse in conditions of high humidity).
  3. Padding. After the plaster is completely dry (it takes up to 7 days), the outer wall is treated with a special facade primer. Surfaces with a low level of absorbency should preferably be treated with a “concrete-contact” type agent.
  4. Solution preparation. Immediately before use, liquid thermal insulation must be mixed well to form a homogeneous paste. If a mixer is used, its speed is set around 300 rpm. Too thick can be diluted with a little water.
  5. Painting. For applying thermal paint, choose dry, calm weather, with an air temperature of at least +5 degrees. Do not operate in strong wind, rain, fog or frost. The base of the wall must be completely dry. Ceramic facade insulation is applied in layers with a brush, spatula or sprayer. It is desirable that the humidity of the air does not exceed 65%. The optimal thickness of one layer is 0.5 mm (on plastered, concrete and brick surfaces it can be increased up to 1 mm).

As a rule, facades are finished using scaffolding and ladders, which provides for compliance with safety rules when working at heights. Each individual layer of liquid thermal insulation dries for about a day. How long it takes for the finished insulation to dry completely depends on the number of layers laid and weather conditions. The coating is able to resist rain well after 24 hours. At the end of the work, all tools are washed well in water.

Video with instructions and tips for applying liquid thermal insulation:

This is the second most popular type of liquid thermal insulation.

There are three varieties of it according to the method of use:

For the insulation of private dwellings, the option with reusable cylinders is usually used. Their contents must be thoroughly shaken before use. Thus, air layers are removed, which creates conditions for a uniform distribution of the composition during installation. Of great importance is the temperature of the liquid foam in the cylinders. The mixture behaves best at temperatures from +20 to +50 degrees.

Cylinders with liquid thermal insulation

Penoizol laying can be implemented in three ways:

As a result of warming with liquid foam, all cavities and niches are filled, including small irregularities and cracks. The setting of thermal insulation begins 20 minutes after blowing. Styling strength increases within 3-4 hours; the final polymerization occurs in a week. It takes a month for the material to fully acquire the required configuration and performance characteristics.

Pipes insulated with liquid thermal insulation

Liquid thermal insulation can be used to equip gas pipelines, oil pipelines, hot and cold water supply lines, heating circuits, sewers, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In addition, pipes of refrigeration and freezing installations are insulated in this way. As a result, a noticeable reduction in heat loss and protection of communications from aggressive mechanical and chemical influences is achieved. In this way, it is possible to insulate not only straight lines, but also sections with a complex configuration (turns, branches, fittings, various fittings).

For these purposes, separate lines of ceramic heat-insulating paints for pipes are produced. The product can be applied to metal, steel and cast iron substrates, even if scale and rust are present in places. The composition of the material includes acrylic polymers, empty glass ceramic balls, corrosion inhibitors, anti-corrosion and auxiliary additives.

Operating procedure:

Liquid heat insulators for pipes are distinguished by fire and environmental safety.

Thanks to competent floor insulation in combination with high-quality heating, maximum comfort is achieved in the room. It is convenient to combine liquid thermal insulation with a system of warm floors. By treating the concrete surface in this way, the maximum reduction in heat loss is achieved. In addition, thermal paint is often used in rooms without floor heating. We are talking about shopping and office centers, warehouses, parking lots, etc.

Technology for applying liquid thermal insulation to the floor base:

The price of liquid thermal insulation

Having become acquainted with the advantages and technology of applying liquid thermal insulation, you need to arm yourself with information about its cost. On the building materials market, thermal paints are presented in a significant variety. If we talk about ceramic liquid insulation, then the cost of its most popular brands (Korund, Bronya, Keramoizol) on average ranges from 375-475 rubles / liter. As for penoizol, it will cost about 1200-1800 r / m³.


Considering liquid thermal insulation as an option for warming your home, you have to make a difficult choice between convenience and high cost. Indeed, a simple tile foam or mineral wool will cost many times less: however, it is much more difficult to mount them than liquid heaters (in this case, the base inevitably thickens). When it comes to insulating hard-to-reach areas or surfaces with a complex configuration, thermal paint is out of competition.