How did the fate of the popular stars of the 90s. Zhanna Aguzarova - from "Bravo" to abstract painting

Many of us remember the 90s with a shudder, and this is not surprising, because at that time a severe crisis occurred in the country, racket flourished, different kind fraud and the active introduction of foreign goods, both in the food and music markets. Despite the deplorable situation in the country, for many musical groups this time became significant in their careers, and it was during this period that many of them gained popularity and released their main hits. Let's remember the brightest stars of the 90s and see how they look now and what they are doing.

Vlad Stashevsky

The main and most successful ward of Yuri Aizenshpis, Stashevsky, as they say, did not think about show business and did not dream of a stellar career. Nevertheless, this career happened, and with all the consequences - fans, hype, hit parades, VIP marriage at gunpoint of journalists and stuff like that. There were so many Stashevsky that it seemed that this guy would be on the air forever. It turned out not so. Vlad broke up with the producer and gradually fell out of the cage. Now the artist is engaged in business and continues to perform. The country is big, there is enough space for everyone.

Bogdan Titomir

The author of the popular expression "People hawala" has long ceased to produce anything for this very people. Or rather, it produces - since 2010, Titomir has released two whole albums, but not to say that the Russians sing songs from there in unison and know them by heart. At the same time, the star of the self-invented style "High Energy" does not lose vigor, still masterfully owning both fingering and rap reading.

Heather Locklear (Melrose Place)

Surprisingly, Heather Locklear's career didn't go downhill after the end of Malose Place. More precisely, she went, but not immediately: until the beginning of the 2000s, the actress kept in the saddle. Thanks for this I must say to another “soap” - “Spin City”, which fed the actress for three whole years. By the way, if you watched the Desperate Housewives series, don't you think that Teri Hatcher and Heather Locklear are similar? If it seems, you know - the role of Susan was first offered to Heather, but she refused. And with this mistake, a black streak began in the life of the actress. First, a breakup with Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora, then a quarrel with her close friend Denise Richards, who had an affair with Sambora behind her back. Then a lot of passing roles in passing projects and problems with drugs. In 2008, Locklear tried to commit suicide but was saved. In 2012, she almost lost her life due to an overdose. It's amazing that, despite all this, Heather looks just fine at 52.

Kai Metov

The author of the hit “Position number tou” is a man of various talents. Not only does he have absolute pitch, Kay (real name Kairat) is also a certified lawyer, and also a graduate of GITIS. With such abilities, you can be calm for the present and future of Metov. He is calm: he keeps a nightclub, does business, while at the same time finding time for concerts and compositions for other artists (“Tea Rose”, remember such a hit? Metova work). It seems that Kai does not have 24 hours in a day, but all 48.

Luke Perry (Beverly Hills 90210)

Now the stars of "Mad Men" and "Game of Thrones" get the main roles in blockbusters, and in the nineties, getting out of the teleghetto to the big screen was rather an exception. Dylan's career from "Beverly Hills" is a vivid example of those ancient times when work in the series was not prestigious. Luke Perry was unlucky, like many others: having fallen in love with millions of girls, he tried to jump a step higher and could not. As a result, self-confidently leaving the series that fed him, Perry returned three years later - because of the money. You can’t call him a complete loser - today Luke is filming a lot, but all this, as they say, is past the box office: films with his participation are released immediately on video (which is an indicator of their second-rate quality), new series live for a maximum of a couple of seasons. One joy is an affair with Jennie Garth, Kelly from, of course, Beverly Hills. The actors who played a couple 20 years ago, having gone through divorces, suddenly began to meet. This is how cinema (or rather, television) comes to life.

Robert Miles

Who doesn't know Roberto Cum? Nobody knows him. And many have already forgotten the pseudonym "Robert Miles". But the melody called Children is remembered by everyone who in the second half of the 90s at least knew how to walk and say “aha”. The quivering piano riff was eaten into the brain after the first listening and remained there forever. Almost 20 years have passed since then, and Demise-Miles has not created anything more hit. But he does not lose heart, he continues to make music, which bears little resemblance to Children. Weird sounds, complex rhythms, atmospheric sounds - and not a single pop tune - that's what Miles' work is now. It is not surprising that it is not in the charts, but last news about the artist are dated autumn 2012. Well, everyone makes their own choice.

Lika Star

The optimal scenario for a scandalous pop artist - to get married, leave show business - Lika Star embodied very clearly. Lives in sunny Italy, brings up children, there is no trace of scandalousness left. Sometimes the singer can be seen in combined nostalgic concerts; Lika sings "Lonely Moon", yesterday's grown-up fans remember their school years and dance selflessly.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

A frame with a lifted skirt from the Playboy video has become the same symbol of the early nineties, like the tunic of Nikolai Rastorguev. It was customary to say about Vetlitskaya that she could not sing, but she was the most stylish in the country. The ability to appear pop and elitist at the same time was a rarity in those days. After releasing two killer albums, starring in "Old Songs about the Main" - which then meant involvement in the major pop league - Natalya gradually disappeared from the radar. She left show business, lives closed, brings up her daughter and does not comment on her past. But such a rich biography is ideal material for super-memoirs: here you have work in Alla Pugacheva's Recital, and trips around the country as part of the division of Mirage group singers, and a ten-day marriage with Zhenya Belousov, and an affair with the oligarch Kerimov, who, rumored to have given her a private jet.

Macaulay Culkin

A beautiful, wonderful, funny boy from the already classic comedy “Home Alone” has turned into a classic loser, whose childhood was ruined by fame and whose family was deprived of money. Having quit cinema at 14, Culkin has been doing incomprehensible things for the last twenty years and every year he looks worse and worse. Either he tried to commit suicide, then he wanders the streets of New York indistinguishable from a homeless person, then he gathers the group The Pizza Underground. The ensemble, led by 34-year-old Culkin, is busy singing the songs of another group - The Velvet Underground - replacing some of the words in Lou Reed's classic songs with the word ... that's right, "pizza". In short, something is definitely not right with this guy. It's a pity.

Dolores O'Riordan (The Cranberries)

The vocalist of The Cranberries all went smoothly and well. A triumph in the group, a happy marriage and motherhood, a lot of money, several houses - what else does a simple Irish girl need. Dolores' singing style can be called specific: not everyone likes these Irish overflows, but Princess Diana liked it - she even burst into tears when O "Riordan sang Ave Maria at one charity evening. At the beginning of the 2000s, The Cranberries fled, and Dolores spent ten years, taking care of children, husband and their three homes.Sometimes I went to the studio to sing or to a concert, but more for the soul than for a career or wallet.Then there were two solo albums and a new album with the group, which sold well only in their homeland, in Ireland. Now Dolores is sitting in the chair of the judge of the local version of the television show "Voice" and does not pretend to be more.

Jason Biggs ("American Pie")

Funny and kind guy Jason Biggs is not a burden to respond to Adam Sandler (with whom he is often confused) and, of course, Jim from American Pie. In general, the actor perceives his starring role and everything connected with Pie with joy. He jokes that now, like his character, he himself is a Jew, although in reality he is Italian (“I look like a Jew, although not a Jew,” says Biggs on Twitter). After the incredible success of American Pie, he starred in comedies, of course, as well as modest independent films, and then moved on to series. And it feels great there. “Anything can make me laugh,” Jason admits in an interview, and then goes to shoot the serious series “Orange Is the New Black”.

Andrey Gubin

A couple of weeks ago, one of the former "shooters" Julia Beretta released a solo disc. Six songs on the disc were written by Andrey Gubin, and this is unexpected and pleasant news for those who remember this artist, but put an end to him. , whose first album with the eternal Tramp Boy sold out in the mid-90s with half a million copies, has been in the shadows for ten years. The last thing you can remember about him is the song of the graduate of the first Star Factory, who has sunk into oblivion, called “Only Gubin is shorter.” They said that Andrei was offended, they wrote that he almost filed a lawsuit against the author. One way or another, this is a thing of the past, and now the artist, who celebrated his 40th birthday in April, continues to sit on the bench, generously writing for others. And you should for yourself.

Patrick Pewdeba ("Ellen and the Boys")

The star of the most popular youth series in Russia in the early 90s recently turned 43. He has changed a lot in appearance, matured, but cannot part with his main role. And what remains for the actor, to whom his character is firmly stuck? After a two-year intermission, the heroes of Helen and the Boys appeared in the mid-90s in sequels: Dreams of Love, Vacations of Love, and, finally, most recently, in Secrets of Love. In order not to be only Nicolas, Patrick Pyudeba takes on any projects - he hosts a TV show, composes and starred in commercials himself. The physiognomy of Nicolas-Patrick looked at the French from advertising posters kitchen furniture and from TV screens - in shows like "Fort Boyard" and "Weak Link". There seems to be nothing to regret, but Patrick is still sad - that he did not get into a big movie. Dream number one has remained a dream, and the shadow of "Ellen" haunts him today: his own morning show on one of the Pyudeba TV channels is paired with ... Lali Menyan, who played Lali, guess where.


Unlike many other stars of the 90s, Linda cannot be considered a downed pilot: she actively gives concerts, and not at corporate parties, but at full-fledged venues. Shoots clips, records records. But now she does not have hits such as "Crow". And if there is, the general public does not hear them. In the sense that from every iron, as it was with the same "Crow", these songs do not sound. Well, maybe it's not bad - after all, Linda herself never seemed to want to be a standard pop star, but claimed the status of a serious artist.

The outrageous and extravagant soloist of the Kar Men group first called on everyone to “do like him”, introduced the fashion for low and wide pants and taught the phrase “people hawala”, then he began to be considered the main sex symbol of the Russian stage, and then suddenly, at the peak of popularity , went to the USA. What Titomir did there is a mystery, but he soon returned to his homeland, where people's love had already cooled down. Today he continues to engage in music and producing, collaborates with the Peretz TV channel and is quite satisfied with life.

group Ivanushki international

The charming trio and favorites of schoolgirls of the 90s are real veterans of the scene: in 2014, the group celebrated its twentieth anniversary. Kirill Andreev had the most fans, the red-haired Grigoriev-Apollonov was considered the most talented, and the fate of Igor Sorin was tragic: he committed suicide. A new soloist appeared, Oleg Yakovlev - it was with his participation, for example, that the song about poplar fluff "took off". How are things today? Yes, everything is the same: new songs, new videos and even, it seems, new fans.

group hands up

The peak of the popularity of the group "Hands Up" came at the end of the 90s: masculine soloists fervently sang about the baby, which is already time to kiss, and other topics that are equally close to young fans. In 2005, after the release of the 13th album, the popularity subsided, but in 2012 Sergey Zhukov announced the group's new creative plans. In parallel, the singer tried to pursue a solo career, producing, business, and even wrote a book.

Alena Apina

The songs of Alena Apina sounded from every TV and tape recorder - people's love was just huge. But Alena herself dreamed of a strong family and children, because for ten years she could not become a mother. When, finally, the long-awaited Ksyusha was born, the singer left the stage without regret and even refused to communicate with the press for a long time. Today, Alena is taking care of her family and is very happy about it: finally, she can spend as much time with her daughter Ksyusha as she wants. The singer even works as a music teacher at her daughter's school in Odintsovo, teaches children to sing and puts on musicals with them.

Marina Khlebnikova

Last fall, Marina Khlebnikova, the author of the famous "cup of coffee", celebrated a round date - she turned 50 years old. Today, the singer continues to work, and although there are practically no major concerts or tours, Marina is convinced that she will continue to sing in any case, because this is her calling. Periodically, the singer becomes the heroine of the tabloids: for example, the press noted several plastic surgeries and Khlebnikova's excessive thinness.

Vika Tsyganova

Vika Tsyganova released new albums and actively performed until 2011, when she took a short creative break and started her own clothing brand. Today she hardly performs, does a little charity work and a lot - family and home: the singer willingly shows journalists her huge country estate and a collection of hunting trophies - this is her old hobby.

group HA-HA

Another pop musical centenarians: the "Nanais" under the leadership of the permanent Bari Alibasov continue not only to record new songs, but also to perform and even tour around Europe. Despite the fact that this style can already be safely called "nostalgic", the group has a lot of fans: it seems that they have discovered the secret of eternal youth.

Irina Saltykova

Irina Saltykova turned 50 years old, but she continues to appear on the pages of the press - including in bold swimsuits: the star of the 90s has retained just an excellent shape and boasts perfect figure. Irina no longer gives concerts, but she took part in the TV show “Without Insurance” and plans to raise her grandchildren (her daughter Alice recently got married).

Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin today continues to appear frequently at social events, and his last album was released in 2012. Over the past ten years, the singer has been a TV presenter of two music programs, participated in the Stars on Ice project, but most of all he likes to spend time with his family. Valery considers “his” audience to be people over forty years old - that is, those who remember his bright rock and roll past.

Andrey Gubin

Andrey Gubin, who won the hearts of young fans with a song about a tramp boy, has not shared information about his personal life with the press since 2007 - it is only known that he is not married and does not perform on the big stage, but continues to write songs. The singer went through a serious crisis associated with the loss of his father, and for a long time struggled with depression.

Disco 90s: these people were already stars in the last century. And if even 15 years ago they seemed wildly cool and inaccessible, the life of many of them has developed in such a way that you will not envy. What happened to those whose voices we danced to and whose songs we looked forward to on the air of radio stations?

Group "Demo"

The hit "The Sun in Hands" is impossible not to know. Rivers of girlish tears are shed to these sounds, but nothing has been heard about the performer of one of the main songs of the 90s - Sasha Zvereva for more than 10 years.


Yes, and the songs of the group, except for "The Sun", are not that well known. It turns out that back in 2002, Zvereva and her producer Vadim Polyakov terminated the contract with APC. The Demo clips disappeared from the TV channels, and Zvereva became pregnant. To date, Sasha is the mother of three children, by the way. She gave birth to two - a son and a daughter - from her first husband, a bank employee.

But after she divorced and married Dmitry Almazov (DJ Bobina). In marriage with him, Sasha had another son. Sasha still writes songs, she is an independent artist working with her husband. Zvereva is also the designer of her own clothing brand.

"Ivanushki International"

A group with a 23-year history successfully exists to this day. Its vocalists Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov and Kirill Andreev dedicated their entire lives to this band, without exaggeration. And ... survived two of their colleagues.

Ivanushki International

In 1998, six months after leaving the group, the first soloist of Ivanushki, Igor Sorin, tragically died. Many years later, the producer of the group, Igor Matvienko, admitted that Sorin had drugs, and he may not have endured the stress that fell on him after disconnecting from Ivanushki (although he left the group on his own initiative).

Sorin was then replaced by Oleg Yakovlev, similar in type, who died in June 2017. The singer was hospitalized with pneumonia, he was connected to the machine artificial ventilation, but cirrhosis of the liver complicated the condition of the artist, and he did not get out. It just so happened that, like Sorin, he was already pursuing a solo career. Which, however, he did not develop very successfully. The current vocalist of the group is 35-year-old Kirill Turichenko.

"Hands up!"

Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekhin met in 1993 on the Europe Plus radio in Samara, where both worked as DJs. Later, the musicians met Andrei Malikov, who, having seen talent in provincial DJs, became the group's first producer. The name "Hands Up" is from there - it was this phrase that Alexey and Sergey often shouted at discos because of the DJ console. The group successfully worked in this line-up for more than ten years, but in 2006 Zhukov and Potekhin shocked fans with the news that the group was breaking up.


What exactly caused the breakup is unknown. The musicians themselves admitted that they were tired because of the frantic concert rhythm of work and from each other. And Potekhin, in his later interviews, stated that "Zhukov always wanted fame, but he did not." Now former colleagues do not communicate.

Alexei has his own team. In a few interviews, the musician claims that he was treated dishonestly, defrauding him of the rights to the name of the group and the song: he allegedly signed the papers without reading what exactly he agreed with. Zhukov does not agree with him: however, neither side is in a hurry to discuss the details of the conflict. Sergey successfully tours the country with old songs, standing alone on stage, surrounded by backup dancers.

Lika Star

The performer of the hit "Lonely Moon" has not lived in Russia for more than 10 years. Once the singer married an Italian and went to live in Sardinia with her son from her first marriage. Abroad, the artist gave birth to three more children. She still lives in Italy and does not want to return to her homeland. Now Lika earns by organizing gastronomic tours to Sardinia.


Amazing metamorphoses took place in my mind. I have not considered myself a star for a long time, and in fact, have I ever been one?! Now it seems to me that all this was in another life on another planet. Many things seem ridiculous and ridiculous to me over time, and life in the VIP style is unusual for my character. Yes, being famous is sometimes very convenient, many doors open to you just because you are a star. And you quickly get used to it. But the worst thing in this situation is that you cease to belong to yourself, not immediately, day after day your popularity makes you dependent on it. And there are many, many "buts"! That's it at the moment when I realized that I depend on these "buts", I jumped off this "Titanic"! And sailed to the island of Sardinia, and settled on it far from success! I am happy, and I have the most important thing in my life - love! - Lika Star shared her thoughts on her Facebook.

Andrey Gubin

Once this "sweet boy" drove millions of girls all over the country crazy. He had many fans and, according to rumors, Gubin even started short-term romances with some, which, however, led to 20 years later.


In 2004, the singer suffered a misfortune: she forced the singer to abandon his career. He recorded his last song in 2009, and after that he began to lead a reclusive lifestyle. Now 42-year-old Andrei does not collect thousands of halls, does not give interviews, but continues to write songs. He complains of constant pain and complains that he could not find the only one that would now brighten up his difficult life.

The entire left side of my face “floats”, there are some stripes on my neck ... I don’t feel half of my body, but the doctors say that everything is fine. My lips are turning blue, my whole body is falling apart. But I'm used to it. I constantly feel more attention to myself than before. Unfortunately. This is terrible. I kind of understand why. Of course, walking around with such a face ... Well, your face hurts, guys, how much can you mock? What are you doing? - he admitted in an interview last year with the program “Oh, mommy!”.

Marina Khlebnikova

The star disappeared from show business suddenly. The singer, whose hit "A Cup of Coffee" sounded from every iron, suddenly stopped giving concerts and appearing in public. As it turned out, the artist had a difficult period when she had to provide for the whole family.

She connected her life with her beloved man, but, in her opinion, he was oppressed by being "Marina Khlebnikova's husband." The wounded husband could not find a job for a long time, and she even had to go on stage 20 days after giving birth. Then the singer completely attached him to show business, which she regretted later:

My mistake was that I decided to bring him into my field of activity. He released the album “Cats of My Soul”, and I didn’t get a penny for it, I didn’t know about it either in my sleep or in my spirit. And when I saw later, from which persons and banks he took loans! And then the article “Khlebnikova’s husband stole 500 thousand dollars from Joseph Prigogine” comes out. I’m afraid to approach Joseph, I haven’t seen a penny of this money! Marina said in an interview.

By the way, Khlebnikova is still performing and recording new songs. Marina does not have pages on social networks, so many have simply forgotten her.


The scandalous group, consisting of two teenage girls Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina, depicting same-sex love, simply blew the minds of Russians with their songs. Their songs were known by heart not only by teenagers, but also by adult men and women, not without reason in 2003 the girls even took third place at Eurovision.


However, the girls grew up, and in 2011 the group ceased to exist. Now Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova are pursuing solo careers. The first lives in the USA and is engaged in creativity designed for the American public. In the summer of 2013, Lena Katina got married, and two years later she gave birth to a son.

Yulia Volkova gave birth to two children - a son and a daughter - from different husbands, but she did not stop singing. The singer also became interested in plastic surgery, increasing her lips and breasts. Last year, the singer admitted that

The doctor stretches out a leaflet: "The first stage of papillary cancer." My first thought is: “Who will the children stay with?” I decided to be treated in Moscow, so that, if anything, I would not die alone abroad, ”she said. - When all this happened, I know that many people said: “Yes, what can she do there, she should at least stay alive”. They thought that I was already everything - not a person, but a disabled person. Or maybe I won't survive at all. I changed my phone number and started life over again.

"Dirty scammers"

You may be surprised, but "Scammers" is still touring. True, the group turned from a trio into a duet. First, Igor "Garik" Bogomazov left the group and took up a solo career. The departed one was replaced by a new soloist Andrey Repnikov. However, in 2016, he had a serious accident, fell into a coma, and underwent rehabilitation for about a year. However, Repnikov never returned to the group, so now he works as a loader. Sergei Amoralov and Vyacheslav Zinurov continue to perform together. The team is often invited to retro-style concerts.

The official date of the group's creation is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the guys performed at the Dancing City festival in Cherepovets. The first hits of the group were called “Girls are different”, “Mani-Mani”, “Pay attention”, “Summer is”. In 1999, one of the most famous compositions of the group appeared - “Love me, love”.

Style Records


In 1999, Irina Nelson, already popular at that time, came up with the idea to create a dance pop project. So she became the soloist of the Reflex group. In addition to Irina, Olga Kosheleva and Denis Davidovsky joined the team. Their group made a small sec-revolution: their songs and videos excited millions of hearts.

True, a few years later Denis and Olga left the team, and Grigory Rozov and Alena Torganova came in their place. Now Nelson and Toganova, as before, perform together. In the updated line-up, they shot two videos for the songs "I will be your sky" and "If the sky is not for us." Among the most famous songs of "Reflex" are the compositions "Nonstop", "I Love", "Dancing", "The Stars Wept", "It's hard for me to speak", "Maybe it seemed". It is them that the whole country knows and sings to this day. Irina Nelson, meanwhile, has already had a grandson. Also last year, she found herself at the center of a scandal when For Services to the Fatherland. Many felt that the singer did not deserve it.

About some performers who in the nineties were the kings of Russian school discos, nothing has been heard for many years.

Other stars are still "afloat" - they participate in TV shows, record new songs, or even experience a second wave of all-Russian fame.

We invite you to find out how the life of the pop stars of the 90s.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Natalya Vetlitskaya was one of the most beautiful women on the post-Soviet stage. And also one of the most daring - it was for her that Fyodor Bondarchuk shot a video for the song "Look into your eyes", where in one of the frames the make-up artist powders the star's ass. Since 2013, Natalya Vetlitskaya left her career and settled with her daughter in Spain. However, the star does not let herself be forgotten and periodically shares her opinions on her Facebook page.

Natalya Vetlitskaya - "Look into the eyes"

Andrey Gubin

The main object of sighing of all girls in the 90s, Andrei Gubin ruined the lives of those of them who were given the name "Lisa" at birth for decades: as soon as you introduce yourself, the interlocutor immediately begins to sing his hit. Gubin wrote many wonderful songs, but at some point he disappeared from television and radio broadcasts. In the middle of the 2000s, it turned out that the singer was seriously ill.

Andrey Gubin - "Liza"

Lyubov Uspenskaya

From the late 70s, Lyubov Uspenskaya sang in a restaurant in Brighton, and in the 90s she returned to Russia and began performing with the songs "Cabriolet", "I'm Lost" and others. The editorial office of find out.rf recalls that at the beginning of the 2000s, almost nothing was heard about her - until Uspenskaya began working on the Channel One show. After returning to show business, her name regularly appears on the pages of the tabloids: Uspenskaya, who is already over 60, is being blamed for numerous plastic surgery and "beauty shots".

Lyubov Uspenskaya - "Cabriolet"


After the super-successful hit “The Wind Blowed from the Sea,” Natalie disappeared from the radar for several years. The singer was engaged in raising children and at home (she has three sons). However, in the noughties she returned to the stage: she recorded a dubious track with Nikolai Baskov, and then repeated her initial success with an impossibly catchy song “Oh my God, what a man!”

Natalie - "The wind blew from the sea"

Irina Nelson

Irina Nelson started at the dawn of the 90s under the pseudonym "Diana", but did not have much success. In the 2000s, she became a member of the Reflex group and, among other things, recorded the hit “Go Crazy”. Irina Nelson was remembered in 2017, when she quite unexpectedly received a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, with the wording "for services to the development of culture."

Video for the song "Go Crazy" by Reflex

Yuriy Shatunov

After leaving the group "Tender May", Yuri Shatunov left Russia, but did not give up music: he was educated as a sound engineer. After returning to his homeland, he recorded several albums, including the new hit "Grey Night". In 2015 he received an award for his contribution to Russian show business. Lives with his family in Germany.

"White Roses" - the immortal hit of the group "Tender May"


Kirill Tolmatsky, the producer's son, who became famous in the late 90s under the pseudonym Decl, has changed a lot since then. Now he has changed his pseudonym to LeTruk, instead of hip-hop fashionable in the past, he records music in the dancehall genre, works with Western and Asian musicians, and at his leisure sues the rapper Basta and swears at him on Twitter.

"Blood is my blood" - one of the main hits of Decl

A sad addition: on the night of February 3, 2019, Decl died from sudden cardiac arrest.

Arkady Ukupnik

Arkady Ukupnik became a legend of the 90s and a model of kitsch. Who does not remember his immortal hits about the passport and about "Sim-Sim, surrender" (the latter, by the way, painfully resembles the song of the Army Of Lovers group and deserves a place in our rating of Russian plagiarisms)? The editors of the site notes that in the 2000s, Arkady tried himself as an actor - he played in "Chicago" productions by Philip Kirkorov, and also organized jazz festivals.

Arkady Ukupnik's song "about the passport"

Sasha Zvereva

A cheerful girl who in the 90s sang in the Demo group about “The Sun in Hands” gave birth to three children and has been living in Los Angeles since 2014. Since 2011, Sasha Zvereva has been pursuing a solo career as a singer and DJ and has managed to record three albums. True, there were no big hits on them.

Clip of the group Demo "The sun in the hands"

Bogdan Titomir

Bogdan Titomir was a real sex symbol of the 90s. At first he performed as part of the Kar-men group, and later took up a solo career. His biggest hit is "Do Like Me". In addition, a cover of Sofia Rotaru's song "Chervona Ruta" was popular as part of the project "Old songs about the main thing" by Konstantin Ernst. In the 2010s, Titomir continues to record songs and appear at parties, but so far no big hits have been heard from him.

"Chervona Ruta" - Bogdan Titomir

Tatyana Bulanova

Tanya Bulanova in the 90s was known as the "singer who cries." Among her then hits, most of them were about the hard female lot. At some point, the producers decided to change her image and recorded the cheerful song “My Clear Light” with a deliberately kitsch video: kokoshniks, spindles, and other attributes of a “Russian woman”. In the 2000s, Bulanova returned to the stage in the Channel One show and it turned out that her timbre was the same as that of Patricia Kaas.

Tatyana Bulanova on the show "Just Like"

Alena Apina

Evgeny Osin, the author of the hits “The girl in the machine is crying” and “I don’t believe”, so beloved by courtyard romantics of the 90s, at the beginning of his career performed under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory, for some time he sang in the famous Bravo group, while he Valery Syutkin was not replaced, later he created the Avalon rock group and only in 1991 began his solo career. Deciding to play on the nostalgia of listeners for the 70s, he recorded several songs with a guitar with simple lyrics: love, girls and betrayals. Among the admirers of Yevgeny Osin's work was President Boris Yeltsin - at one of the singer's concerts, he went up on stage and enthusiastically began to rock to the song "Yalta".

However, as the new decade dawned, his career began to decline. He got married, and after the birth of his daughter, he began to drink. New creativity did not appear, there were no concerts. Osin was interrupted by performances at corporate parties, but in the end the cash flow dried up. The wife left with her daughter, and the singer slipped into the black abyss of alcoholism. Now he is struggling with addiction to alcohol - with varying degrees of success.

Evgeny Osin - Crying girl in the machine

The nineties will now forever remain a time of nostalgia for those who are now in their thirties. Songs that annoyed me during my school years now evoke the warmest memories of my youth. Unfortunately, some artists are no longer alive, and they will not record new hits. The editorial office of find out.rf offers to remember the stars who passed away too early.
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When we look at celebrities, we usually think that these people are definitely doing well. What could possibly be wrong with them? They are rich and famous, attend various social events and concerts. Not life, but raspberries. But the stars are people like you and me, with the same problems and unexpected twists of fate.
Some suffer from serious illnesses, others suffer from a broken heart, others struggle with alcoholism and drug addiction. Today we want to tell you about Russian stars 90s with a difficult fate.

Marina Khlebnikova, 52 years old

The superstar of the 90s carefully concealed troubles in her personal life - Marina tried to maintain the image of a carefree artist, and, by her own admission, she did not want to complain about the whole country. But there were plenty of reasons to complain. The singer's first husband, guitarist Anton Loginov, was a fictitious spouse: producer Bari Alibasov arranged the wedding of his ward in order to keep her in the Integral team - Marina found out about this when she was already married. The artist tried not to remember this and certainly not to discuss marriage with journalists. However, the second marriage also turned out to be unhappy, despite the fact that this time the marriage was concluded out of mutual feeling. Khlebnikova married Mikhail Maidanich, the general director of the recording company Gramophone Records, from whom she gave birth to a daughter, Dominika, in 1999. True, soon after the girl was born, Maidanich left the family. Parting, as the singer herself said, was accompanied by quarrels and beatings, after which the artist even ended up in the hospital.

Troubles in his personal life were accompanied by health problems, which eventually forced Khlebnikova to leave the stage. A dental cyst that has grown over many years without treatment caused chronic sinusitis, which made it more and more difficult to sing ... Now the artist is raising her daughter.

Andrey Gubin, 43 years old

Behind the success of the "tramp boy" was the artist's father, Viktor Gubin, who was involved in both producing Andrei and supporting him in general. Andrey, soft in character, relied on his father in everything, so the artist took the news about the deteriorating health of Viktor Gubin painfully. In 2007, after the departure of his father, Gubin did not just stop performing - he ended up in a neurosis clinic, trying to cope with stress and insomnia.

Now Andrei does not perform and does not release new songs. The musician admits that he is not in the best shape for going out, although he regularly writes songs.

In September, Gubin was embroiled in a scandal with his supposedly illegitimate son. 21-year-old Maxim from Moscow claimed that his mother gave birth to him from his beloved musician, but the DNA test did not confirm the paternity of Andrei Gubin.

Alexander Aivazov, 44 years old

Remember the romantic songs "Where Are You?", "Moon Butterfly" and "Lilies for Lilies"? Outside the stage, the musician Sasha Aivazov was not at all romantically addicted: last year, his wife and son left the artist due to drunkenness. However, Aivazov refused to agree to a divorce and went to a drug treatment clinic. Now the family has reunited, and the artist vowed not to touch alcohol.

Alcohol adversely affected the career of a successful singer. Now Aivazov continues to write songs, but does not release hits.

Shura, 42 years old

Who would have thought that the crazy and flamboyant Shura, who was associated by the audience with the eternal carnival and extravaganza, would leave the stage due to serious and tragic events in his life. For seven years, the artist fought testicular cancer, undergoing chemotherapy and a long rehabilitation. After treatment, the artist weighed 140 kilograms! But the fight against the disease was not the only test of the artist, who believes that the cause of cancer was his severe drug addiction. Shura became addicted to drugs in the wake of popularity, when there was no one to suggest how best to spend the first large fees. Now the artist does not communicate with his "friends" of his turbulent youth, prefers solitude and dreams of children - last year the musician admitted that he plans to ask for help from a surrogate mother.

Marina Volkova, 42 years old

17-year-old Barbie broke into show business with the song "You Paint Your Eyelashes." The producers made big bets on the young and charismatic artist, but she chose to build a personal life: the girl escaped from the tutelage of managers and jumped out to get married, breaking the contract. According to Marina, in those years, she least of all wanted to work 24 hours a day under the supervision of producers who forbade her to communicate with young people and girlfriends. Volkova later tried to return to the stage, but she failed to build either a career or a personal life. Now the former Barbie is not married and is as far as possible from show business, with which she once connected the future - Marina works as a personal secretary.

Dana Borisova, 41 years old

In his personal life, Dana is unlucky. Having parted in 2007 with her daughter's father, businessman Maxim Aksenov, the TV presenter tried to find love on the show "Let's Get Married!", where she chose entrepreneur Alexei Pankov, who turned out to be a gigolo.

In the summer of 2015, Borisova married businessman Andrei Troshchenko - this marriage was her first official marriage and so far her only one. Then the blonde said that she had finally found "the one", but ... six months after the wedding, Troshchenko and Borisov divorced. At the same time, Troshchenko left his wife in her own car. Borisova announced the theft, as her husband did not answer calls.

As soon as discussions of Dana's divorce subsided, it became known about her drug addiction. In the spring, Dana's friends - TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and musician Prokhor Chaliapin - tricked her into rehab at Koh Samui. Borisova until the last thought that she was participating in the filming of a reality show in Thailand. It turned out that Dana was waiting for a clinic, conversations with a psychologist, yoga and complete isolation on the island.

At the clinic, Dana tried to use psychotropic drugs that she secretly brought with her, declared that she was being held by force, and in the meantime, in Moscow, they discussed at what point the situation with Dana got out of control. The former boyfriend of the TV presenter Alexei Pankov stated that Dana had been addicted for many years, and in 2014 she had a heart attack.

Dana herself believes that her addiction originates from her youth, when at the age of 16, on the advice of her mother, she began to take sleeping pills regularly. Dana began using psychotropic substances with her PR director, the late Tim Brick, who passed away in 2016.

Be that as it may, Dana managed to recover: she returned from the island sober and enlightened, ready to help other addicts. But in Moscow, another test awaited Borisov: ex-husband, having learned about the drug history, sued her for custody of her 10-year-old daughter Polina. Dana assures that her daughter is opposed to her and answers the phone only to insult her mother.

The latest gloomy news related to Dana today was rumors about an attempted suicide by Borisova. Allegedly, the TV presenter took potent drugs, which she was prescribed as part of the drug addiction treatment, and then she herself called an ambulance. Dana denied this and stated that she really called the doctors, but she had no thoughts of suicide. “I have been sick for the last three weeks. A terrible dry cough worsened. She drank a large amount of medicine prescribed by a doctor and felt ill. I called an ambulance, and I was washed,” said Dana. It remains for us to wish Borisova a full recovery from all illnesses.

Evgeny Osin, 53 years old

The courtyard romantic of the 90s has lost its former enthusiasm, and alcohol is to blame. Osin sought solace in drinking after falling into depression after a divorce. His only daughter Agnia stayed with her mother, and for some time Osin taught music at the girl's school in order to communicate with the child. Eugene tried to produce a teenage group with the participation of his daughter, but did not achieve success. As a result, due to alcoholism, Agnia completely stopped communicating with her father.

In August last year, it became known that Aspen's condition was catastrophic. The footage of the program "New Russian Sensations" on NTV shocked. In front of the camera - a man with a slurred tongue, apparently after a long binge, is preparing for hospitalization. A little later, the doctor said that a delay in treatment could cost the artist his life. Information appeared that Aspen was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, but Osin himself denied this.

Having been discharged from the hospital - with or without cirrhosis - Evgeny Osin ... returned to his usual way of life. In the spring, he turned to the police with a statement about unfamiliar drinking companions who robbed him. At the end of the summer, Osin went to the hospital, and from there he went to Koh Samui to the clinic, where they helped Dana Borisova. True, Aspen did not like Thailand because of the strict regime and restrictions. But nevertheless, the rehabilitation, despite the patient's dissatisfaction, gave results: in the studio of Andrei Malakhov, the musician appeared sober and fit.

Chris Kelmi, 62

Another patient of the Asian rehabilitation clinic is musician Chris Kelmi. Since 2011, news about the artist has been associated exclusively with his drunken antics and crimes. Kelmi was deprived of his license for drunk driving, but this did not stop the artist: he continued to drive drunk and already without a license, for which he was imprisoned several times for several days. In 2014, Kelmi became the culprit of a serious accident in which the motorcycle driver almost suffered, and a few months later the drunk artist was taken to the hospital right from the street - he fell asleep on the bench.

In 2015, the drunk Kelmi appeared in the studio of Andrei Malakhov, and a couple of years later Dana Borisova decided to take on a colleague. At that time, the musician's condition was critical: Kelmi survived more than 10 epileptic seizures and several strokes. After a month of rehabilitation on Koh Samui, Kelmi decided to return, but he had another seizure at the airport, and Chris remained on the island, where he is still.