How to make kasu from iron cans. Crafts from tin cans - original ideas and their application in interior design (90 photos)

Aluminum cans from beer or other drinks are an excellent material for creating a solar collector. Firstly, it is a thin metal that heats up very quickly and, as a result, quickly heats up the air. Secondly, such cans are made of aluminum, and this metal is an excellent conductor of heat. Perhaps this is the best material for a solar collector that you can get for free.

For the manufacture of the collector housing, the author used plywood 15 mm thick. And as glass, you can use plexiglass, polycarbonate or ordinary glass with a thickness of 3 mm. In order to insulate the collector, glass wool or polystyrene 20 mm thick is used. The design is assembled quite quickly and simply. This device can heat any room, be it a barn, garage or even an apartment.

Materials and tools for manufacturing:
- empty aluminum cans;
- matte paint (heat-resistant);
- silicone or heat-resistant glue;
- drill with a nozzle for cutting large holes;
- plywood;
- a board for creating a box (case);
- fasteners such as "ears" for fixing the collector to the wall;
- glass or polycarbonate;
- a small fan (it can be from a computer power supply);
- differential thermostat;
- puncher.

Collector manufacturing process:

Step one. Preparing banks

First of all, the jars need to be washed and dried well, otherwise all this “aroma” will go into the room when the collector is working. It is best to use aluminum cans, they absorb heat better. You can check what the bank is made of with a magnet, a magnet will not stick to aluminum.

Next, holes need to be made in the banks, for this it is necessary to adhere to the scheme proposed by the author. First, using a nail or other suitable object, three small holes must be punched in the marked places. Next, take a large Phillips screwdriver or a special punch and use it to make holes, as in the photo. With this scheme, the maximum efficiency of the collector will be ensured.
The upper part of the can must be cut and bent in such a way that a “fin” is formed. Thanks to it, air turbulence will form inside the collector, which will allow the air to warm up better.

Step two. We glue the cans
For gluing cans, you need to use glue that can withstand temperatures of at least 200 degrees Celsius. The cans are glued upside down to the neck, they are perfectly suited to each other in diameter. Glue must be applied evenly throughout the circle, if the tightness is broken in the collector, its performance will greatly decrease. How the banks are connected can be seen in the sectional photo.

Thus, it is necessary to form pipes of the required length from cans. In order for the pipe to be even, it is necessary to make a template from the boards, in which the structure will remain until the glue dries completely.

Step three. We collect the frame for the collector
To create the inlet and outlet parts of the box, a board was used, in which holes are drilled using a drill and a special nozzle. You can also use aluminum sheet for this purpose.

The box itself is also made of board, and plywood was used to create the bottom.

After the body is assembled, it must be insulated. For this, fiberglass or foam is suitable. From above, the insulation is covered with a thin sheet of plywood so that the banks do not have direct contact with the insulator.

Step four. Installing banks

Now the cans can be stacked in the case. They are fixed at both ends with two boards, in which holes are cut out according to the diameter of the cans. The boards are attached with glue. To make the structure stronger, you can make an inner wall.

Step five. Collector mount

To make the collector easy to install and remove, you need to install a special bracket.

Step six. Final build step
At the final stage, the collector needs to be painted. The absorber (cans) must be painted with heat-resistant matt black paint. This is necessary for maximum heating of the absorber. The case also needs to be painted to protect against moisture. Now it only remains to glaze the structure, while it is important to remember that everything must be airtight. When using polycarbonate, the sheet must be installed in such a way that it is slightly curved, this will increase its strength.

I want to touch on the following topic. Currently, a lot of beer and other drinks are produced in aluminum cans. These banks are not accepted anywhere, they are thrown into the trash. I am sending you photos that show what beauty can be created from these same jars. First, I made a playground: a sandbox with a fungus and a swing with a semicircular roof. But the children have long asked to make a gazebo. I collected cans myself for three whole years. I tried to negotiate with the janitors in the park, there are three of them. I said that I would pay a ruble per jar, but they refused. So, besides the fact that before that I had been collecting cans for three years, from May to August 2011 I got up every day at 5 am and rode my bike first to the park, and then to the city beach. In total, it took me almost 2,000 cans for the playground and gazebo.

At first I wanted to cover only the roofs of the swings, the fungus and the arbors with them, but in the process of work my fantasy broke out, and in the photographs you can see what this led to. Now they already go on excursions to me, especially when a lot of people come to Krasavino in the summer on vacation.
Now I'm collecting cans again. A new idea came up: I want to sheathe the walls of a country house so that I don’t have to paint them anymore.

The length of a half-liter can is approximately 16 cm, and a liter can is 20 cm. If you join 5-6 aluminum cans, we will get a meter long pipe. And the banks fit together perfectly. You can even stick them together with tape. Where can such a pipe be used? For example, when installing drainage. Or a drain. And to stiffen the pipe, it is enough to attach all the cans-pipes to a metal rod or wooden rail. As you can see, there are many ways to put the jar to good use.

IN AND. Shmelev.
settlement Krasavino, Vologda region

Three simple rules will help you avoid health problems, avoid cuts and get a beautiful result after all your efforts:

  • Gloves for hands will save from small and large cuts.
  • The container must be thoroughly washed, dried, in other words, prepared for work so that the smell of food from them is not heard.
  • It is recommended to use spray cans for uniform application of paint on the surface of the can.

The preparatory work is done, and you can get to work. Of course, the simplest thing that comes to mind is to make cheerful multi-colored flower pots for your winter garden. Let the brightness of colors give a cheerful mood.

Funny flower pots

The most enterprising housewives have long thought of using tin cans for growing seedlings. But this is not the limit of fantasy. If you choose jars of different heights and sizes and paint them in gold, then you will have reflections of sunbeams in the clearing of the winter garden. Such flower pots will shine like the sun even on a cloudy day. The option of multi-colored jars will create a cheerful mood in the interior of the room.

  • Like any material with which decoration work begins, the jars must be wiped with alcohol or, in other words, their surface must be degreased.
  • Spray paints are the best medium for painting, but acrylic paints are also quite suitable. It is convenient to apply them with a nylon brush.
  • For a flower pot, be sure to make holes in the bottom. For this, a carnation and a hammer will be enough.

If you don’t like plain pots, then using construction tape on the surface, draw stripes, zigzags, different shapes. First, the surface of the jar is covered with the main background color. After it is completely dry, adhesive tape is applied and the intended pattern is drawn in a different color.

Advice: small multi-colored jars are suitable for planting cacti. Create a clearing of cacti with your own hands. For tall flowers, you can arrange cans of aluminum (out of paint).

Decorated material for vases from jars

Natural materials are also used as decor for jars for flower pots. Having decorated a jar with this material, but without holes at the bottom, you can create a beautiful vase:

  • Wooden sticks of the same length are used, tied together with twine. A wooden strip is formed, which is wrapped around the surface of the can, pulled over with a ribbon from above.
  • A birch bark with a beautiful braid on top can be a decoration for a vase from a jar created in an eco-style.
  • The skin cut into thin strips is applied to the surface of the can with a glue gun. Leather vase looks very stylish.

Lace, beads, appliqués, fabric, burlap are used as decor for tin vases. These vases can even decorate a wedding.

Variety of organizers made from cans

Almost every housewife stores small items in empty jars. A great reason to turn them into beautiful and unusual organizers.

You can come up with a lot of ways to decorate the surface of the jar to make a beautiful organizer:

  • The surface is covered with an even layer of paint and varnished on top.
  • Several jars with different dimensions are assembled into a composition: a multi-level pyramid.
  • The entire surface of the jar is wrapped with multi-colored woolen threads.
  • You can also connect the decoration with rhinestones to the decoupage technology.
  • Glued funny animal muzzles will appeal to little organizers of the educational process.
  • An easy way to decorate a jar is to use fabric.

Unusual candlesticks

A sketch of the drawing is applied on the surface of the can. Using a small drill or a nail, the contour of the invented image is repeated. When a burning candle is placed in such a candlestick, the reflection of the lights through the holes will scatter throughout the room, creating a romantic mood.

Making little helpers in the kitchen

In the recipe book of every housewife there is some recipe where you need to cut a figure out of dough, cheese, vegetables. Often an ordinary glass is used for these purposes. Then, apart from the circle, nothing can be cut out. Various molds made from aluminum cans will come to the rescue.

Cans of beer, cola will go to work. Smooth strips are cut from the can. Mold templates are prepared and various figures in the form of hearts, stars, rhombuses are assembled according to them. Be sure to leave the ends overlapping so you can join them with super glue.

Decoration for a summer cottage

An unusual decoration in the country can be a musical pendant made from tin cans. It is not difficult to make such a tool:

To work, you will need different sizes of jars. 8 pieces will be enough. A circle of metal is being prepared, an ordinary rope, nails with a hammer.

  • Coat each jar individually with acrylic paint. You can make everything monophonic, multi-colored ones will look more interesting. Make one hole at the bottom of all jars.
  • Through this hole, a rope is threaded into each jar, for all of the same length. The end that will be inside the jar is tied into a knot, retreating from the edge about 10 cm.
  • Bells or carnations or keys are tied to this free tip.
  • Prepared musical instruments are tied to a metal circle.
  • An unusual decoration can be hung on a tree in the garden or on the veranda near the door.

Using glass jars

From small glass jars (from baby food) you can assemble a set for spices. It is enough to remove the labels from the jars and decorate the lids. Inscriptions with the names of spices can be beautifully written on the lids.

From the same jars, you can make a convenient organizer for various household trifles, if you screw the lids of each jar with a screwdriver from the inside to the rear of the upper shelf. You can put small things in a jar, for example, buttons, and close it with a lid screwed to the shelf. Jars will not take up space on the shelf, they will hang under it. You can also hang spices, which will now always be in front of your eyes, you will not need to look for them during the cooking process.

Large jars are more suitable for storing various cereals, pasta, flour. Jar lids can be a decoration. Handles for furniture are suitable for decor, since the choice of shapes is large.

Cosmetic jars are decorated with glitter, which is easy to put on the inside of the jar using PVA glue.

Bold experiments will allow you to create beautiful household items that will become not just ordinary things, but also an interior decoration.

More and more people are striving to optimize the cost of space heating, as the prices for all types of heat carriers are constantly growing. Many install various systems on their plots that operate from free natural sources: the sun, wind, etc. Surprisingly, quite capable units can be made even from junk, useless materials, from the same aluminum cans for drinks.

Using such systems is promising from absolutely all points of view, everyone wins: you and society. You independently (and most importantly profitably) recycle waste, which means you do not need to spend money on their further disposal, and also significantly reduce the consumption of “purchased” fuel (gas, coal or electricity). At the same time, no harmful emissions occur, you do not pollute the environment - beauty.

The good news is that after spending a little time, you get a permanent source of renewable energy, created by yourself, in fact, from recycled materials. Interested?

The main thing is an idea and a clear plan

Canned solar panels are the perfect option for homeowners. By installing such a simple structure on a wall or roof, you can fully provide heat for one of the rooms. Such a collector will help you partially unload the boiler.
The main operation of the entire system is provided by the principle of convection. The air in the jar panels is heated by the sun during the day and, moving, effectively heats the nearby room. And most importantly - none of your friends will guess what this "high-tech" solar battery is actually made of.

It is also important that the whole structure is very light, and this greatly simplifies its installation and dismantling at a height. In addition, it does not increase the overall load on the roof, walls and ceilings.
It is logical that the finished block should be installed on the sunniest side, and best of all at an angle of 35 degrees. Thanks to this placement, more sunlight will fall on the receiver, which means that the house will be warmer.
Do you want to make such an eco-friendly solar collector from beer cans with your own hands? Let's figure it out.


The main materials that will be needed for work: boards (or plywood, 1 - 1.5 cm thick), organic glass (colorless monolithic polycarbonate is also suitable), sealant, any thermal insulation, corner and metal trimmings.

Jars preparation

So, first you need to collect the required amount of material. We will need aluminum cans for beer (energy drinks, cola, etc.) To create a collector, 240 × 126.5 cm in size, you will need 234 standard size aluminum cans. Yes, a lot - so we involve all our friends in the process of collecting. Of course, you can not bother and use steel pipes, only their reduced thermal conductivity will significantly reduce the final temperature coming from the collector. Well, of course, you will have to spend a lot on pipes.
We take an empty jar, with metal scissors we expand the hole from the “neck” side - with arbitrary cuts. You can also use a roller can opener and walk along the edge, this will also help to roll up sharp edges.

Bank holes

On the bottom of the jars, there are several through holes with a chisel. Through them, effective air circulation will occur.
You can make holes like this:

Please note that ugly notches must be present. Jets of air, colliding with them, create the effect of turbulence, which means they accelerate and heat up even more. This is exactly what we need.
After completion of the preparatory work, the resulting blanks should be thoroughly washed, since the finished structure, when heated, will emit unpleasant odors. Additionally, degrease the gluing points (neck and bottom), dry the jars thoroughly.

can holder

Before gluing cans into long tubes, it is advisable to make a holder shape ahead of time. It will allow you to fix a string of cans in a level until the sealant is thoroughly strengthened. To do this, it is enough to connect two boards, 2.2 meters long, at a right angle.

Now we cover each jar with a heat-resistant sealant in turn, connecting the bottom with the next neck. You can also solder the connection, only this work is very painstaking. We glue the tube, consisting of 13 cans, and install it in the "form". From above, gently press something on the structure - for greater grip. In total, we will need to make 18 such "pipes".
Grab the structure in several places with plastic ties, for safety, and leave it to dry properly. This usually takes at least a day.


While the tubes are drying, let's start making a wooden box, in which, in fact, they will fit. We will use boards and plywood 1-1.5 cm thick as a frame.
Perform cutting of the material, taking into account the following dimensions of the frame: 240 × 126.5 cm. It is better to make the upper and lower parts of the box of the future collector slightly rounded - on the front side, where the polycarbonate will be attached. At the edges, the height should be 12 cm, closer to the center - up to 16 cm.

box end

Thus, arcuately fixed plexiglass or polycarbonate, along the way, will also play the role of a focusing lens, increasing the luminous flux, and therefore increasing the temperature generated by the collector. To ensure maximum fit of the glass, make a small bevel in the side walls of the box. Then the cracks, and hence the heat loss, will be minimal.

manifold box

Fasten the parts of the box with metal corners, install a supporting bar in the center. Go through all the seams with sealant so that later the heat does not go outside.
Now let's proceed directly to the creation of a frame for a solar receiver from cans. We make holes in plywood measuring 126.5 × 12 cm - this will be the air intake holder. To create perfectly even holes, you will need a special wood crown with a diameter of 54 mm.
Attach two cans in a row to each other, circle the "necks" of each on a piece of plywood, and drill with the appropriate pitch. Such holes need to be drilled 18 pieces.

Plywood for holder

For greater heat transfer, this bar can be duplicated with thin sheet aluminum. Thus, the upper and lower strips are formed. Do not forget to provide through holes in the box through which air will be exchanged between the room in the house and the solar receiver.

aluminum layer

Before laying the jars, line the bottom with foil-coated insulation. Carefully install the tubes from the cans, seal the joints with the wooden plank and let them dry thoroughly again.

Preparing for installation

To ensure the strength of the structure, install a mounting support in the middle. Screw two screws with a flat cap to it - sheets of plexiglass or polycarbonate will rest on them in the center. Their height should correspond to the height of the rounded side slats of the box.

Mounting support

Convenient bolts

Since condensation often forms during constant heating and cooling, it is necessary to provide small holes on the sides for ventilation. After all, not only does moisture destroy the frame, it also darkens the glass with fumes. As a result, less light hits the jars and heating is inefficient. Also, fungus can hang inside, we do not think that you will want to breathe air teeming with spores.
Fit the holes with large plastic head bolts so that you can unscrew and tighten them if necessary.

To increase the degree of light absorption of the panel, we recommend painting the rows of cans black. This can be done quickly with a spray can. Use matte paint because glossy paint will reflect some of the heat it receives from the sun. Choose only heat-resistant paint, as even in the winter cold, the heating of the cans will be significant.
Here's what should happen.

Can painting

Leave to dry again.
Finally, the turn came to fix the polycarbonate sheets. We advise you to mark the locations of the screws on them and drill holes ahead of time on a flat surface. Since if you immediately screw them into the structure, simultaneously bending in an arc, the glass may burst. Better take your time. When cladding with glass, do not tighten the screws too much, again, due to the risk of damage.
Then you need to equip the inlet and outlet air outlet in the panel with an adapter. It should be long - the thickness of the wall of the house. It can be made with your own hands from a metal-plastic pipe of a suitable diameter. Firmly press the adapter to the manifold with a pad with bolts.

blower hole

To hang on the wall, screw the mounting hooks to the back of the panel. They can also be made with your own hands from cutting sheet iron.

Mounting hooks

Construction device

Coat all external elements of the box with a primer with an antiseptic and enamel paint so that the wood does not decompose under the influence of microorganisms, water, light and temperatures.
Before hanging the finished panel on the wall (or roof) of the house, through holes should be drilled in it. Through them, heat exchange will occur between the panel and the interior of the house. Schematically, the whole structure looks like this:

To ensure intensive circulation inside the panel, you need to install a fan at the inlet. So the air will pass through the system faster and, heating up, rise up - towards the room. In order to properly accelerate the air injection, it is necessary to use a powerful fan with a capacity of at least 200 m3 / h.

When creating designs of much smaller size, it is quite possible to get by with a cooler from a broken computer. True, the heat transfer of such a mini-installation will be small.

How is she at work?

According to the measurements of people who have tested such panels in operation - on sunny days in winter, the temperature inside the collector reaches 60 - 70 ˚С (even with a slight minus outside). Given the slight heat loss and temperature drop during the distribution of heated air inside the room, such a panel may well provide a comfortable 20 ° C in the room. It is clear that heating is limited to the outside of the room next to which it is installed.

Heating system

Such a panel can be used for autonomous heating of any outbuildings on a site remote from the main building and communications. Just install it at a slight angle next to the building, connect the connecting sleeve and heat up completely free of charge.

The only drawback of this installation is the dependence on the degree of insolation in the region. In winter, it is naturally lower, so this system can only be used for heating during the daytime. And in the evening you still have to start the boiler. But as an additional source of heat - it is quite effective.

Also, such a collector does not provide for the accumulation of heat, therefore, in order to keep the temperature longer, it is advisable to install plugs on the air intakes and close them at night. In the summer, when there is no need for heating, you need to shade the panel and keep the plugs permanently closed.
By the way, with the help of such "honeycombs" you can heat water, do you want to know how?

We heat water

By a similar principle, you can make a water heater. It can also be used only during the daytime, because. the water will be heated by the sun to a temperature comfortable enough to bathe. This will allow at least a little to unload the boiler or boiler. It is also possible to successfully apply such systems in places where it is not possible to conduct gas or provide heaters with other fuels.
To do this, you have to do a whole separate installation. Schematically, the design will look like this:

We heat water

The figure shows a structure with a total area of ​​up to 5 m2. Its frame is made of wooden beams sheathed with plywood sheets. The manifold panel is made up of 600 aluminum cans assembled in the manner described above. It is tilted 35 degrees from the vertical axis.
The lower part of the structure is located in a pit, 1.5 meters deep, 2.7 by 1.2 m in size. It is lined with hollow foam blocks and carefully insulated with a layer of expanded polystyrene. A water tank with a capacity of 300 liters is placed inside. Around it, as a heat accumulator and distributor, a sprinkling of small boulders is provided. Through the ventilation duct on the left, the air heated by the panel flows down and transfers heat to the stones. This movement is intensified thanks to the built-in fan with a power of at least 125 watts.

Many products are packaged in cans, such as coffee, various canned vegetables and fruits. But how many crafts can be created from these jars, which can become a decorative decoration for an apartment or cottage. Consider examples of how to make crafts from tin cans with your own hands.

A variety of crafts from tin (aluminum) jars.

Pots and vases

If beautifully painted cans, they are perfect for growing seedlings and breeding indoor plants. You can paint the jars with bright colors, one in gold, the other in silver, the third in a blue tint, etc.

Beautiful crafts from tin cans - vases. Cork cardboard should be wrapped around the container. Choose in advance a stencil with a beautiful image of animals, birds, patterns. Then apply the pattern to the cork. You will get vases of a light coffee shade with a black pattern on the outside, inside you can cover it with the same black paint.

Advice! Before you paint the jar, you should degrease it with an agent that contains alcohol. Acrylic paints or in a spray can and a nylon small brush are suitable. Also don't forget to make 2-3 small holes in the bottom of the jar (with a nail and a hammer).

Regular tape is easy to use as a stencil. With it, you can draw rhombuses, zigzags and other patterns on a tin. You can first cover as a base with spray paint, for example, gold, and when it dries, mark the strips with adhesive tape and paint them with acrylic paints.

Original ways to use cans

If you wrap a jar with birch bark, it will become unrecognizable and fit perfectly into the eco-style.

Dry branches can be cut to the same length, then tied with ordinary twine at 2 levels to tie a container, you get an unusual vase.

Containers can be wrapped with various materials: leather, braid or metallic threads. Fix them with glue.

Lace, colored bows, ribbons and applications on jars look interesting. Even a wedding can be decorated with small aluminum containers covered with snow-white lace and artificial flowers on top.

Shelves and original organizers

There are many ideas and instructions for making crafts from aluminum containers.

In the hallway, it is convenient to attach empty jars to the wall for storing small things: gloves, keys, small hats. From above you can hang long scarves.

Original packaging for towels can be created in the bathroom. Rolled towels of different colors fit perfectly in separate compartments on the wall. The top of the container can be decorated to match the same tone of the bathroom walls.

Jars for craftswomen will be a real gift. An organizer can be placed on the wall, where in each cell there are 1-2 skeins of thread and yarn. Always look for a long time in a bag, the yarn can get tangled.

If you cut off the bottoms, the containers can be used in a different way. Bulky scarves, socks, mittens and other accessories are conveniently stored inside jars.

An interesting option is several cans, for example, 7 pcs. connect with a wide ribbon and hang on the wall (wardrobe). Inside you can put women's silk scarves and scarves.

Tin coasters

A small master class on making crafts from cans. To use the tin in the kitchen, you need to thoroughly wash it, then clean it well if there are sharp edges. Top can be painted, sealed with colored paper, decorated with bows (ribbons). It will make a great stand for storing forks and spoons.

A creative stationery stand for schoolchildren and students can also be created from aluminum containers. A "pyramid" of 10 cans, fastened together and painted to match the overall design, will become a convenient stand for pens, felt-tip pens, a mobile phone, pencils and other small things. Such a device must lie in a horizontal position.

For the kitchen, you can fasten several tin containers without a bottom to accommodate bottles.

Lamps and creative candlesticks

Designers and craftsmen offer another non-standard solution for using jars as shades for lamps. This option is suitable for loft-style design, as well as industrial or rustic.

You can create a candlestick, which, with the help of a nail and a hammer, is decorated with an unusual pattern, ornament (flower, sun, star). The outer side is better to paint in a monochrome bright color.

Such night lamps with handles can be hung in the country as lanterns.

Original planters

Fantastic drawings, patterns are appropriate to express in vases or planters. There are no limits to creativity here. If you make small holes on the sides in the containers, then hanging flower pots with plants look beautiful, for example, on a balcony or a summer house wall.

How to use tin can lids?

Folk creative craftsmen offer to decorate each cover in an original way, to apply a drawing on it. Then hang a stick on the cords, on which fasten 3 long threads with lids. Fasten beautiful beads between them.

Skittles for a summer residence

Decorate jars with bright mischievous pictures, faces or animals. When friends gather, it is convenient to play bowling. A ball, a paper ball can be thrown in turn into such containers. This is to amuse guests in nature.

Tablets in the garden

Another entertainment is to hang signs with names on the branches. From below you can hang beautiful glass balls, metal elements to ring in the wind. You can embody any of your ideas, we offer photos of crafts from tin cans.

Photo of crafts from tin cans