How to open a private pool. Outdoor swimming pool as a promising business

How to open a baby pool? It is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Modern parents try to teach their children to swim from infancy. Water has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. Having visited several classes in the pool, the child will already be able to float on the water on an inflatable ring. If the kid used to be afraid even to bathe in the bath, then after visiting this institution he will be able to freely be in a new environment.

  • Where to start your business?
  • Which room to choose?
  • What equipment will be needed?
  • Required personnel
  • What documents are needed to open a pool?
  • How much money do you need to start?
  • How much can you earn?
  • How to attract customers to the baby pool?

The demand for baby pools is really high. But not many companies provide this service. You can take a good position in the market if you are engaged in the development of this kind of business.

Where to start your business?

Even for small children, you can create special activities by dividing them into groups. Recreational activities can take place under the supervision of trainers.

In addition to one direction - swimming for babies, you can offer visitors other:

  • water games;
  • swimming lessons with a coach;
  • classes for pregnant women;
  • health groups;
  • water aerobics;
  • sports activities in the water.

Subsequently, you can expand the complex and open a manicure and solarium, sauna inside it. But in the article we will only talk about the pool for small children.

Which room to choose?

Since you are planning to open a baby pool, you will not need a lot of space for this. As a room, you can choose a small extension on the territory of a children's institution (, developing club,). So you can not spend money on advertising, but look for customers among visitors to nearby places where parents take their children.

It will depend on the financial situation whether you will build a pool room or rent it. Most often, experienced entrepreneurs do not find a suitable place for this business, so they build a new building. It takes at least six months to a year, depending on the number of workers hired at the construction site. The most difficult thing in this process is the formation of a bowl for the pool and all the accessories.

The growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle in our country and in countries near and far abroad is constantly increasing. More and more people are beginning to realize the beauty of active pastime. Someone is playing football in the yard with friends. Someone signs up for a fitness center to improve their shape and change their appearance. Someone decides to take up martial arts, which will help not only significantly improve their appearance, but also allow them to gain self-confidence. In general, everyone finds the sport that is right for him. But in all this diversity, there are such active events that are suitable and recommended for almost everyone without exception. Such sports include morning exercises, running and, of course, swimming. And, if nothing special is required to do the first two, then a reservoir is simply necessary for swimming.

Places where you can swim

In the summer, you can use the nearest natural as a place to practice. Its appearance depends on the specific location. Someone has access to a small river or a pond, someone can swim in a large lake, and someone is lucky enough to live right on the sea coast. Actually, it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that in the summer most people still have the opportunity to engage in water sports. But in the colder months - from autumn to spring - swimming in natural reservoirs is quite problematic. The reason is low water temperature. Therefore, many swimming enthusiasts during these periods move to artificial reservoirs - pools. Of course, in the summer, many of them visit the pools, but it is in the cold season that a real boom is observed.

But in many cities there is a rather unpleasant situation. The number of pools is not enough to meet the needs of all potential customers. In other words, demand exceeds supply. Not everywhere, of course, not in all cities, but in many it is precisely this state of affairs. Although the situation is unpleasant for swimmers, for us - for entrepreneurs - it is, on the contrary, very favorable. After all, we are faced with simply ideal conditions for creating our own business - construction.

What does the client audience of this business look like?

And she looks very colorful and diverse. After all, almost everyone loves to swim in clean and pleasant water. Starting from children of school and even preschool age and ending with the elderly. If your city is experiencing a real boom in the field of water sports, then athletes can become another large category of customers. But, again, it all depends on your particular city. If you look at our vast country from the point of view of the geographical distribution of the popularity of various sports, you will notice an interesting feature. Almost every city is famous for its heroes. Wrestling is popular somewhere, so the entire population is completely engaged in martial arts sections. Somewhere (there are most of such cities) it is a success. And somewhere in fashion swimming. If you live in such a city, you are very lucky, as the circle of potential visitors to your private pool is expanding significantly.

Another large audience of potential pool visitors is corporate clients. According to experts, very often they occupy up to half of the total number of visitors.

How to open a private pool?

It should be said right away that building your own pool is an expensive task that requires serious investments. If we talk about specific amounts, then a large complex with several pools will cost 2-3. Such an object will be relevant in a large metropolis, for example, in Moscow. If we are talking about a regional town, then it is not advisable to invest in such a serious construction. Such an object may simply not pay off. In the provinces, it is best to build medium or even small pools. The creation of such an object will cost 70-100 thousand dollars. As for the payback of this business, then, according to the calculations of the same experts, on average it takes up to three years. That is, it is a kind of medium-term investment. You can't make quick money.

If you are determined to build your own pool, then you should start by finding a suitable room. Its area depends on the size of the proposed artificial reservoir. The most common (and one of the most popular) format is a pool about 20 meters long with 3 swimming lanes. It is better to acquire the premises as property, since starting expensive construction in someone else's building is quite risky.

The next stage is the acquisition of the bowl of the future. The cost again depends on the size. A medium-sized bowl (20 meters long and 6-8 wide) will cost about 50 thousand dollars. The necessary heating and water purification systems are already included. But lighting and dividing paths will have to be purchased separately. As well as facing tiles, which will cost another 15-17 thousand dollars.

In addition to certain financial investments, to open a private pool, you will need a building permit from the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture and a license from the SES. Obtaining all permits may require additional financial and time costs. Also, do not forget about the supply of water, sewerage and power networks and the conclusion of contracts with the relevant services.

The final stage is recruitment. Of course, a lot depends on the size of your pool. But, in general, the situation with employees is approximately the following. One manager. One accountant. Two administrators. Two medical workers. Two cleaners. And several instructors and swimming coaches. In this composition, your pool will be ready for the initial flow of visitors. And then you will look at the situation and, if necessary, hire certain additional employees. That, in fact, is all. Successful business to you!

Opening a pool is a laborious process that requires large financial investments and the efforts of the founder. Naturally, the game is worth the candle, but not everyone will be able to cope with a large amount of work.

  • Relevance
  • Types of pools and services
  • Room selection
  • What equipment to choose for the pool?
  • Staff
  • What documents are needed to open a pool?
  • How much money do you need to open a pool?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Conclusion
  • Step by step plan to start a business
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a case
  • Which taxation system to choose for work
  • Do you need permits to open the pool
  • Technology for selling leisure services in the pool


Swimming is good for general health promotion, it helps to fight excess weight and correct posture problems. That is why the pools are visited by young and old: babies, their parents, pensioners.

This circumstance makes it possible for novice entrepreneurs to think about creating their own pool. People will be able to spend time with health benefits, and a businessman at this time will receive a stable income.

The number of visitors will depend on what services will be provided. Successful entrepreneurs have developed their business to impressive levels. Every day their complexes are visited by 300-350 people. And on weekends, the number can increase to 500.

Types of pools and services

Before you open the pool, you need to find out what types are:

  • sports;
  • complex;
  • private;
  • included in fitness centers, baths and hotels.

The former relate to those types that are built and provided by the federal authorities at the expense of the budget. The complexes most often belong to educational institutions or enterprises. Therefore, for businessmen, the option of creating a private pool remains. This article is about this type.

To attract more potential customers, you can offer the following services on the territory of the pool:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • solarium;
  • sauna;
  • sports simulators;
  • massage;
  • water aerobics;
  • swimming lessons with an instructor;
  • cafe.

At first, there is not always enough finance to open additional establishments inside the water center itself, so it’s worth waiting until the business starts to make a net profit.

Recently, it has become very popular to accustom babies to water from birth. After all, the pool is very useful, and after a few lessons your newborn baby will be able to dive under the water and stay on its surface with the help of an inflatable ring. The baby pool will help your child overcome their fear of water and feel confident in their new environment. But despite the great demand, there are now very few companies that have this business and provide a swimming pool for babies. Therefore, taking this opportunity, you can open your own business in providing a pool for mothers with their precious children right today using your own business plan.

Pool room

According to the plan, the first thing you need is a room. Its size will depend on the area of ​​​​the pool. But once you open it for newborn babies, you don't need a lot of space.

You can open a swimming pool for babies on the territory of the kindergarten, having concluded an agreement before that. Here you will save on advertising, because mothers who bring their children to kindergarten will quickly find out about your business.

Also, depending on your financial capabilities, you must decide for yourself whether to rent a room, buy an empty facility or start building your own place. As practice shows, you have to build your structure from scratch, because it is very difficult to find a decent room in a good place.

It is very important when building your baby pool to check the construction company that provides you with their services. Only go with a firm that has a good reputation, satisfied customers, and financial strength.

It may take you two months to a year to build a children's pool. The main trouble will be the creation of the bowl itself and equipping it with a modern water filtration system, waterproofing, high-quality lighting and powerful heating.

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Getting permission

Taking into account that this business plan is designed to work with young children, you should take care of all the necessary permissions to open it in advance. The most important thing is the conclusion of the fire inspection and SES, which must be obtained before work begins.

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Equipment for pool and group

If you are using a business plan, you will need equipment that depends on the very specifics of the pool. you can install regular swimming lanes. To make your wellness complex popular, you can also install water slides. Particular attention should be paid to the water purification system. I must say that a more advanced cleaning method is ozonation, not chlorination. After all, ozonated water does not harm children's skin, and adults too. Do not forget also that the room should warm up well at any time of the year. Take care of high-quality thermal insulation.

Since swimming for kids is family (together with moms, dads, grandmothers), you can create special groups that will be trained under the guidance of a specially trained coach.

You can also open groups not only for babies, but also for older children who will learn to swim under the guidance of an instructor.

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Necessary costs

Starting your own business requires a good plan and a lot of expenses. At the initial stage, you will need from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. If you do not have the necessary finances, but you really want to open a swimming pool for babies, you can draw up a business plan and invite a private investor to familiarize yourself with it, or take the necessary amount on credit.

To get to know about you, you need to spread information about the new water complex. First, this can be done in the area where the pool is located. This may be the distribution of leaflets in mailboxes, in antenatal clinics, in hospitals.

It is important to create an interesting and colorful website, because mostly young mothers are looking for the necessary information on the Internet. Therefore, you will not interfere with the quality promotion of the site. Distribute an ad on special Internet portals that are dedicated to the upbringing and health of children.

Nowadays, more and more people are oriented towards a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, everything connected with it is promising and profitable in terms of creating your own business. One of these areas is the construction of a swimming pool along with a number of related services.

Complex services

Practice shows that the presence of a pool alone will not bring the project to a successful level. It is necessary to organize a complex of related services. So, it is desirable to offer at least the following services:

  • water aerobics;
  • water games;
  • sports training;
  • classes with babies;
  • classes with pregnant women;
  • work with the health team.

Over time, pedicure, manicure, massage, sauna, gym, etc. will be suitable as additional services.

Children's swimming pool

An excellent addition to the general set of services will be the construction of a children's pool. Although it can be considered as an independent project. In this case, in addition to typical equipment for pools, you can purchase water slides for babies.

Please note that in no case should water purification with chlorine be used in such a pool. The skin of the baby is too sensitive to its effects. It is necessary to purify water only by ozonation. For this, a special installation is purchased. And of course, how to open a children's pool without a proper ventilation system. She needs special attention.

Remember that children always visit the pool with their parents or grandparents. If the pool is designed not only for babies, but also for older children, you should offer the organization of recreation for adults accompanying them.

Stages of business project implementation

A swimming pool business plan does not cost a small investment. For the construction of the complex, it is necessary to allocate at least 2 million dollars if a modern swimming pool is to be built. Therefore, it is better to implement the project in large cities, where there will be a large flow of visitors and investments can quickly pay off. For the construction of a swimming pool in small towns, it is worth focusing on budget projects of no more than 100 thousand dollars.

The pool is a medium-term project that will pay for itself in about 3 years. The pool business plan is formed according to the following main points:

  • market research;
  • registration of the enterprise;
  • selection of a construction site;
  • construction of an object;
  • choice of equipment;
  • recruitment;
  • formation of marketing policy.

Company registration

You can register an enterprise in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice depends on the scale of the project, the nature of the investment, the number of founders. Please note that sports facilities are eligible for benefits from the state. These documents are easy to obtain, which cannot be said about other permits.

Before building a pool, you must obtain permission from the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning. Practice shows that this can take more time than the construction of the complex itself. Then you need to conclude agreements with utility providers. After that, it is imperative to obtain permission from the State Fire Supervision and SES.

Selection of a place for the complex

Further, the business plan of the pool involves the choice of a place for the construction of the complex. Since it will offer mass consumption services, it is logical to look for a place in the city center or in large residential areas. Pay attention to the fact that there is a convenient transport interchange nearby, it is easy to drive by car, and there is also a place for parking equipment.

For a large project, at least 50 acres of land will be required. They can be rented, but then it is better to include the right to purchase it in the terms of the contract. This is a medium-term project, so there is too much risk of investing in construction on foreign land. The ideal option is to own it.

Construction and equipment

On average, the construction of a pool takes about three years. If you use a standard project, this period can be reduced by about half. In this case, the complex is delivered disassembled and assembled in a year and a half. Such a decision would cost about one million dollars.

Before installing equipment for the pool, pipelines and utilities are laid. These works will require a million rubles. A typical pool is a 1.5 m deep bowl and three lanes of 25 m each, equipped with a heating and filtration system. This piece of equipment will cost approximately $40,000. Facing work should also be included in the pool's business plan. For a square meter of laying tiles or mosaics, craftsmen take $ 100

From the equipment you will need starting pedestals, dividing paths, lighting. Separately, it is necessary to purchase equipment for modern water purification, which will cost 30 thousand dollars. Another 3 thousand dollars will be required if an additional bath or sauna is built.


To operate the pool, you will need two types of employees:

  • administrative and managerial staff;
  • production composition.

Of the managers in the complex, a financial director and an accountant must work. The production staff is quite wide. You will need:

  • administrator (3 people);
  • nurse (1 person);
  • water aerobics trainer (2 people);
  • swimming instructor (3-4 people);
  • technician to control the operation of equipment (2 people);
  • laboratory assistants for monitoring the composition of water (2 people);
  • cloakroom attendant (2 people);
  • cleaner (3-4 people).

Marketing policy

Separately, it is necessary to think over the scheme for the implementation of subscriptions and discounts for regular customers. Particular attention can be paid to corporate clients - this guarantees a stable income.

All of the above information suggests that it is better not to take on the project for novice entrepreneurs. It will require significant investments, which will not return soon.