Image of the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite, ancient Greek goddess - briefly

According to Homer, the goddess Aphrodite was born near the coast of the city of Paphos in Cyprus and was the daughter of Zeus and Diony (Διώνης). Then the west wind Zephyr pushed her into the sea and after that she emerged naked and beautiful from the sea.

According to Hesiod, Aphrodite was born from foam, which was formed from the seed of Uranus, which fell into the sea off the coast of the island of Kitira, and also with the help of the Zephyr wind, she ended up off the coast of Cyprus, where she came ashore in all her glory.

The beautiful goddess got her name from the word foam (ἀφρός) - Aphrodite (Ἀφροδίτη).

Aphrodite in ancient Greek mythology and religion was the goddess of love, sexuality, beauty, pleasure and childbirth.

The attributes of Aphrodite are the belt, myrtle, roses, poppy, doves, sparrows, dolphin, swans, golden bowl.

Aphrodite goddess of love

Beauty and love have always had great importance in the lives of gods and men.
The beauty of Aphrodite, her grace, passion and love inspired every living being. Everyone wanted her presence. Accompanied by Eros, Aphrodite appeared on Olympus. The gods, seeing the beautiful Aphrodite, could not take their eyes off her, the birds glorified the goddess with their singing. Everyone who saw Aphrodite had hearts filled with love, those who did not obey her were punished by the goddess.

No one could resist Aphrodite, with the exception of three virgin goddesses: Athena, Artemis and Hestia.

Hera, the patroness of marriages, married the beautiful Aphrodite to Hephaestus, perhaps the ugliest of the gods. Hephaestus was the legitimate son of Zeus and Hera, he grew up away from his parents and became a great blacksmith. Hephaestus was a god of fire, unlike the attractive male gods, he was lame, he had very dark skin and a dark beard. Ugliness, however, did not become an obstacle in order to conquer the most beautiful women.

Aphrodite and Ares

Aphrodite was unfaithful to Hephaestus, soon after the wedding, she began dating Ares, the god of war. But there is nothing secret for Helios - the god of the sun, who told Hephaestus that his wife had a lover. In a rage, Hephaestus wanted to kill Ares, but after thinking, he asked Helios not to tell anyone yet, and he himself began to come up with a plan on how to take revenge on the offenders.

First, he forged a thin, almost invisible net and attached it over the bed, then he told his wife that he needed to leave and as soon as her husband left home, Aphrodite sent a messenger to Ares to inform him of Hephaestus's departure.

During a date between Aphrodite and Ares, a net made by Hephaestus falls on the lovers and they are trapped. Here Hephaestus appears with Zeus and other gods and begins to laugh loudly at the helpless lovers. When they were nevertheless released, they dispersed in different directions, Aphrodite went to her homeland, Cyprus, Ares - to Thrace, to the war.

Aphrodite and Adonis

Aphrodite, in order to punish the wife of the king of Cyprus, Smyrna, because she considered her daughter Mirra the most beautiful, inspired Mirra with love for her father. On a dark night, she came to her father in bed, who came from a feast and was drunk.

In the morning, Mirra realized the full horror of mortal sin, ran into the forest and hid there. Aphrodite found her and turned her into a tree, later Adonis was born from the bark of the tree. Aphrodite was amazed at the extraordinary beauty of the boy and, in order to protect him, gave him up to Persephone in the dark kingdom.

When Adonis grew up, he became a handsome man with a beautiful body and a divine face. Persephone fell madly in love with him and refused to give him back to Aphrodite. The goddesses began to argue, Zeus had to intervene and resolve their dispute. Zeus said that Adonis would spend a third of his time next to Aphrodite, the other third next to Persephone, and the rest of the time at his discretion. As a result, it turned out that Adonis lived in the realm of the dead for four months and eight with Aphrodite, who successfully applied her magic belt.

Every time the time came for Adonis to leave the realm of the dead, nature came to life: the fields were green, flowers and trees blossomed and lovely fragrance filled the atmosphere. Aphrodite rarely appeared on Olympus and lived with her young lover in the mountains and forests. Adonis became a hunter and they, along with Aphrodite, rejoiced at their closeness.

Soon Ares found out about Aphrodite's love for Adonis. He was able to forget his love for her, blinded by passion and jealousy, he turned into a boar and killed Adonis.

There was no limit to Aphrodite's grief, the tears of the goddess dripped to the ground and white anemones and red poppies immediately sprouted...

Who is Aphrodite? The most beautiful of all the Olympic goddesses, before the spell of which people and immortal gods were powerless. The personification of love, spring and endless youth. Poets sang of her beauty, and artists tried to capture it on their immortal creations. The name of Aphrodite is associated with many traditions and legends, which we will learn about in the article.

Aphrodite - what is this deity?

Aphrodite is one of the most revered and beloved. Her importance can be confirmed by the fact that she was one of the twelve great Olympians. Aphrodite is, first of all, the goddess of love and beauty. She is also the patroness of marriage and childbearing, the personification of eternal spring. The forces of Aphrodite were obedient not only to people, but also to the immortal gods, with the exception of Athena, Artemis and Hestia. She blesses women with beauty and gives them a happy marriage, and kindles the fire of true and eternal love in the hearts of men.

Myths about the origin and life of the goddess

The Greek goddess Aphrodite also appears in the myth of Pygmalion. According to legend, he was a talented sculptor who carved a statue of a beautiful girl. The more he admired her, the more he fell in love. When his feeling became so strong that he could no longer cope with it, he began to ask Aphrodite to give him a wife similar to his sculpture. In response to the prayers, the goddess revived the beautiful statue. This girl became his wife.

An interesting myth is how the husband of the goddess Hephaestus found out about her connection with Ares. Angry, he forged a golden net, extremely strong, but thin and weightless, like a cobweb, and secretly fastened it to the bed. Then he told his wife that he was going to be away for a few days. Without thinking twice, Aphrodite called Ares to her. In the morning, the lovers found that they were surrounded by a net and could not free themselves. Soon Hephaestus appeared. Ares was released only by promising to pay a rich ransom, which, however, he never did.

Relations between Aphrodite and mortals

Aphrodite had many lovers among the gods. But she also had a very close relationship with mortals. One of the most famous myths is the story of the feeling of the goddess and the young youth Adonis. He was perhaps Aphrodite's strongest love. Adonis was a talented hunter, the only man with whom the goddess forgot about her beauty. She was afraid for his life and asked to avoid predatory animals. But one day a boar attacked Adonis, set on him by a jealous Ares. The goddess of love and beauty could not help her chosen one, and Adonis died. From his blood grew beautiful flowers - anemones.

Aphrodite patronized those who loved her, but at the same time she cruelly took revenge on those who rejected her help. For example, on the daughter of a priest Mirra, who did not want to perform rituals in honor of the goddess, she sent an unnatural passion for her father. Narcissus, who rejected the love of the nymph Echo, she punished with death.

Analogues of Aphrodite in other cultures

Knowing who Aphrodite is, one can list goddesses from other mythologies that correspond to her. For example, among the ancient Romans, Venus was the patroness of love. Among the ancient Egyptians, its counterpart was Isis, and among the Phoenicians, Ishtar.

In Slavic mythology, there were no goddesses who fully corresponded to Aphrodite. But you can identify it with Mokosh, personifying fertility. According to some mythologists, the Slavic pantheon also had its own goddess of love, the patroness of the family - Lada. However, most reputable scientists consider it a fiction.

The most beautiful in the circle of the Olympian gods

The image of this goddess is surprisingly attractive, and not least because of its duality. She favorably patronizes lovers and cruelly takes revenge on those who deny this high and bright feeling. This is both the embodiment of sin and a sample of the purest beauty.

So who is Aphrodite: beauty or vulgarity, spirituality or sensuality? We can say that Aphrodite is love itself in all its manifestations, earthly and sublime at the same time. And to this day, she remains the most beautiful goddess in the history of mankind.

Aphrodite (Anadiomene, Astarte, Venus, Ishtar, Ishtar, Cyprida, Cameo, Millita) is the goddess of beauty and love, sky, wind and sea.

Golden and eternally young Aphrodite (Venus), who lives on Olympus, is considered the goddess of the sky and the sea, sends rain to the earth, as well as the goddess of love, personifying divine beauty and unfading youth.

Aphrodite is considered the most beautiful of all the goddesses of Olympus and always resides there.

A forever young girl, tall and slender, with pearly white skin and deep dark blue eyes. Aphrodite's face with delicate features is framed by a soft wave of long curly golden hair, adorned with a radiant diadem and a wreath of fragrant flowers, like a crown lying on her beautiful head - no one can compare in beauty to the most beautiful of all goddesses and mortals.

The goddess Aphrodite is dressed in flowing thin, fragrant, golden-woven clothes, she spreads fragrance when she appears, and where her beautiful legs step, the Goddesses of beauty (Ora) and the goddess of grace (Harita) accompany Aphrodite everywhere, entertain and serve her.

Wild animals and birds are not at all afraid of the radiant goddess, they meekly caress her and sing songs to her. Aphrodite travels on birds: swans, geese, doves or sparrows - the light wings of the birds quickly carry the goddess from place to place.

The goddess of love and beauty, sea and sky - Aphrodite gives happiness to those who serve her: she gave life to a beautiful statue of a girl with whom Pygmalion fell endlessly in love. But she also punishes those who reject her gifts: so cruelly she punished Narcissus, who fell in love with his reflection in a transparent forest stream and died of anguish.

The golden apple from the distant gardens herespides is a symbol of Aphrodite, which she received as confirmation of her beauty from the mountain shepherd Paris (the son of the king of great Troy), who recognized Aphrodite as the most beautiful, who is more beautiful than Hera (wife of her uncle Zeus) and Athena (sister of Zeus).

As a reward for his choice, Paris received the help of the goddess in conquering the most beautiful of mortals - Helen (daughter of Zeus and his beloved Leda, wife of King Minelaus of Sparta) and constant support in all his endeavors.

The daughter of her parents - the goddess of the sea and sky - the windy Aphrodite awakens love in the hearts and love passion with her unearthly beauty, and therefore reigns over the world. Any appearance of Aphrodite in fragrant clothes makes the sun shine brighter and bloom more magnificently.

Aphrodite lives on Olympus, sits on a rich golden throne, forged by Hephaestus himself, and loves to comb her lush curls with a golden comb. Golden furniture stands in her divine home. Only love is created by a beautiful goddess, completely without touching any work with her hands.

Birth of Afordita

The story of the birth of the goddess of love and beauty has several true versions, as well as answers to the question about the reasons for the appearance of a feeling of love between people on Earth.

Aphrodite - daughter of Uranus

The beloved and last daughter of the sky god Uranus - Aphrodite was born near the island of Cythera from the snow-white foam of the sea waves. A light, caressing breeze brought her to the island of Cyprus.

Sea foam was formed from the mixing of the blood of Uranus, which fell into the salty waters of the Aegean Sea during the battle between the sky god Uranus and the insidious Titan son Kronos (Kronos, Chronos) - the god of agriculture and time.

This story of the birth of Aphrodite suggests her virgin conception from one father.

Aphrodite - daughter of Cronos

According to the Orphics, sea foam was formed from the blood of Kron himself during his bloody battle with his son Zeus - the god of thunder and lightning - for power in heaven.

Therefore, Aphrodite may be the last and beloved daughter of the god of agriculture and time Kronos (Kronos, Chronos).

According to these two versions, we can conclude that love appears as a result of a struggle, it arises just like that..

Aphrodite - daughter of Zeus and Dione

According to Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the daughter of the Thunderer Zeus and his beloved Dione (goddess of rain), who was born as a pearl from a mother-of-pearl shell.

Zeus is the son of Kronos (Kronos, Chronos), that is, Aphrodite for him can be a half-sister (if she is Kron's daughter) or an aunt (if she is the daughter of Uranus and Kron's half-sister).

When did love start?

Wherever Aphrodite stepped, flowers flourished there. The whole air was full of fragrance. Having set foot on the island of Cyprus, young Aphrodite ascended to Olympus and began to help the gods and mortals in matters of love and passion.

Love of Aphrodite and Adonis

Adonis (Adon, Dionysus, Tammuz) - the son of the king of the island of Crete named Minir and his daughter Mirra, who secretly sinned with her father without his knowledge and was forced to leave Cyprus.

Adonis is a beautiful man, but not a god, because he was born from mere mortals, albeit with the help of the gods.

The gods took pity on Mirra and turned her into a myrrh tree with fragrant resin. From the trunk of the myrrh tree, with the help of the goddess Aphrodite, the baby Adonis appeared, who "was reputed to be the most beautiful of babies."

Aphrodite instantly fell in love with him at first sight and hid the baby with a golden casket, and then handed it over to Persephone (the daughters of Zeus and Demeter, and the goddess of the underworld) to the kingdom of the invisible god Hades (Pluto), who also immediately fell in love with a beautiful boy and did not want to let go him back to earth.

Having matured, Adonis turned into a beautiful young man and none of the mortals was equal to him in beauty, he was even more beautiful than the Olympian gods. Two beautiful goddesses began to argue for the right to spend their time with Adonis and came to Zeus, and Zeus sent them to his daughter - the muse of science and poetry - Euterpe, - more knowledgeable in matters of love.

The muse of science and poetry, Euterpe, on behalf of her father Zeus, decided that the young man would spend a third of the year with Aphrodite, the second third with Persephone, and the third at his own request.

Aphrodite abandoned her husband for the sake of her beloved Adonis - the god of war Ares (the son of Zeus and her half-brother, according to the Greek version), the goddess and the shining Olympus forgot, and the flowering islands of Patmos, Cythera, Paphos, Knid, Amaphunt - she spent all the time with young Adonis , and only he began to matter to her.

Many gods sought her love: Hermes - the god of trade, Poseidon - the god of the ocean, and the formidable Ares tried to return his wife, but she loved only Adonis and lived only in thoughts about him.

The first husband of Athena, the blacksmith Hephaestus (the son of Gaia and Zeus), with a wide torso and strong arms, forged a divine belt for his beautiful wife, thanks to which any man, both god and mortal, went crazy with passion and love. After parting with Hephaestus, the magic belt remained with Aphrodite. The beautiful Aphrodite constantly wore her belt to meet with her beloved Adonis, that he forgot the goddess Persephone and completely stopped going to the underworld of her husband Hades.

Every morning, Aphrodite opened her beautiful blue eyes with the thought of her beloved, and every evening, falling asleep, she thought about him. Aphrodite strove to always be close to her lover, so she shared many of the hobbies of her dear friend.

Hunt Adonis

Adonis and Aphrodite hunted in the Lebanese mountains and in the forests of Cyprus, Aphrodite forgot about her gold jewelry, her beauty, but she remained no less beautiful even in a man's suit, shooting from a bow, like the slender goddess of hunting, the moon and a happy marriage Artemis (Diana ), and setting their dogs on flattering beasts and animals.

Under the scorching rays of the hot sun and in bad weather, she hunted hares, shy deer and chamois, avoiding hunting formidable lions and wild boars. And she asked Adonis to avoid the dangers of hunting lions, bears and wild boars, so that misfortune would not happen to him. The goddess rarely left the royal son, and leaving him, each time she prayed to remember her requests.

Once, in the absence of Aphrodite, Adonis got bored and decided to go hunting to have fun. The dogs of Adonis attacked the trail of a huge old and fearless boar (boar or wild pig) weighing under 200 kilograms and almost two (!) Meters long. With a furious bark, the dogs raised the beast from the pit, where he was sleeping sweetly, grunting softly after a glorious breakfast, and drove him through a dense forest among bushes and trees.

Not just a young handsome man died, there are several versions of those responsible for his death. The god of war and discord, Ares, abandoned by Aphrodite, or Persephone (the wife of Hades and the goddess of the kingdom of the dead), rejected by Adonis, or angered by the murder of her beloved doe Artemis (Diana), the mistress of all animals on the island of Crete, could turn into a boar.

Hearing the lively barking, Adonis was delighted with the long-awaited entertainment and rich prey. He forgot all the prayers and requests of his beautiful girlfriend and did not foresee that this was his last hunt.

In excitement, Adonis began to urge his horse on and quickly galloped through the sunny forest to where the barking was heard. The barking of dogs is getting closer, now a huge boar has flashed among the bushes. The dogs of Adonis surrounded the huge beast, with a growl they sank their teeth into its thick tarred skin.

Adonis is already preparing to pierce the angry boar with his heavy spear, bringing it over the beast and choosing the best place to strike among the armor (“Kalkan”) made of resin and wool of an adult beast. The young hunter hesitated with a blow, the dogs could not keep the strong fearless beast, and a huge boar rushed at Adonis, very angry and annoyed by the sudden awakening and a swift run through the forest.

The young Adonis did not have time to rebound from the fast evil beast, and the boar - "lonely" with its huge fangs mortally wounded Aphrodite's favorite, tearing the arteries on his beautiful thigh.

A handsome young man fell from his horse among tall trees and his blood irrigated the damp earth from a terrible lacerated wound. A few minutes later, the fearless and courageous Adonis died from blood loss, and the trees rustled with their leaves over his bright head.

Aphrodite's sorrow and the appearance of a rose

When Aphrodite learned about the death of Adonis, then, full of inexpressible grief, she herself went to the mountains of Cyprus to look for the body of her beloved youth. Aphrodite walked along steep mountain rapids, among gloomy gorges, along the edges of deep abysses.

Sharp stones and thorns of thorns wounded the delicate legs of the goddess. Drops of her blood fell to the ground, leaving a trail wherever the goddess passed. And where drops of blood fell from the wounded feet of the goddess, Aphrodite is everywhere. Therefore, the red scarlet rose is considered a symbol of eternal love at all times.

Finally, Aphrodite found the body of Adonis. She wept bitterly over the beautiful young man who died early, hiding his body for a long time in the thickets of lettuce, which to this day brings tears to everyone who touches him.

In order to preserve the memory of him forever, with the help of nectar, the goddess grew from the blood of Adonis a delicate blood-colored anemone - a flower of the wind, similar to red flowers.

About Aphrodite Ancient Greece there are many legends. Is it true that she had several husbands, one of whom was her father? Did the magnificent city of Troy fall because of her machinations? What names are associated with Aphrodite in the myths of various civilizations of antiquity?

Myths of Ancient Greece about Aphrodite

Aphrodite in Greek mythology patronized beauty and love. She was the daughter of the almighty Zeus, and Dione, who lives at the bottom of the ocean, became her mother. It was generally accepted that Aphrodite also arose from sea foam.

Aphrodite was close in position to the cult of Astarte - in she was revered as the keeper of fertility. Her symbol was worshiped in the cities on the coast of Asia Minor and the Aegean Sea. The image of the idol was also found in the Greek colonies in the Black Sea region. In Roman mythology, Aphrodite was embodied as Venus. The most famous cults in ancient times were Aphrodite of Cnidus Praxiteles from the 4th century BC. BC. and Venus de Milo from the 2nd century. BC.

The purpose of Aphrodite was only one - the creation of love. Once there was a dispute between Athena and Aphrodite, when the latter was seen at the spinning wheel. Athena considered that the other was interfering in her affairs and predicted, after which Aphrodite left this craft and took up her duties.

The meaning of the name Aphrodite in ancient Greece

The name Aphrodite came from Asia Minor. Its meaning is unknown, but there are two versions of its origin. According to early tradition, she was born from marriage and Dione. According to a later theory, Aphrodite was created from the blood of the Urals killed by Kronos, who fell into the sea, after which foam formed. In this regard, her second name was Anadyomena, which means "appeared on the sea."

The religious cult was assigned the functions of a complex cosmic mechanism endowed with the most powerful energy of love. She was given the following epithets:

  • "Mistress of the Mountains";
  • "Defender of the Seas";
  • "Patron of Mothers"

Aphrodite married people and made childbirth successful. Her power covered both mortal people and heavenly inhabitants. The subjugation of the cult did not include only Athena and Hestia with Artemis.

Those who did not obey the cult were under the threat of wrath. On the island of Lemnos, women refused to worship this idol, for which they were endowed with a goat smell. Husbands ran away from them, taking other spouses as wives.

Incarnations of the Greek Aphrodite

Cults were endowed with a similar meaning in antiquity:

  • Astartes - in ancient Phoenicia;
  • Ishtar - in the Babylonian-Assyrian tradition;
  • - in Egypt.

The cult of Aphrodite was depicted surrounded by wild animals - a bear, a wolf, a powerful lion. All of them were subdued by love caress. The evolution of the characteristics of a religious symbol is gradually taking place. From a fertile ruler, she becomes playful and shy, in this form she takes a place on Olympus.

Born, according to legend, Aphrodite near the coast of Cyprus. This event is reflected in Homer's hymn to Hellas. From here comes her middle name - Cyprus, which means "born in Cyprus."

The belt became a symbol of her power. It contains magical love spells, all-encompassing love, desire. Even the inhabitants of Olympus could not resist this witchcraft cult.

The first place of residence of Aphrodite, who reached the shore on a sea shell completely discovered, was the island of Cythera. But over time, his lands seemed too cramped to her, and she moved to the Peloponnese. Her last place of residence was Paphos on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. It was there that she created her first sanctuary, surrounded by fragrant gardens. The daughters of the patroness of justice - Themis, took care of her clothes and jewelry. Today in Paphos, in the walls of an ancient Roman temple, you can find an image of Aphrodite surrounded by priestesses, bathing in the sea for youth, beauty and renewal.

In the Knossos Palace, which has survived to this day, you can have a relief floor laid out in the form of shells. Numerous ancient burials contained cuttlefish shells, typical of Aphrodite's surroundings. Some of them were made of terracotta.

Family and love affairs of Aphrodite

Aphrodite's father found her good husband- the blacksmith of Hephaestus, a resident. She gave birth to three children Harmony, Deimos and Phobos from marriage. In fact, the father of her children was Ares - an irreconcilable cult of war. Helios found them in the Frankish palace of Ares, but was in no hurry to reveal the secret to Hephaestus.

It was believed that Aphrodite invented brothels. In her temples lived several hundred beautiful women, delighting men.

Hephaestus suspected the adventures of his wife and forged a thin, inconspicuous bronze net attached to the foot of the bed. She hung in a thin cobweb from the ceiling. During the next absence to Corinth, according to Aphrodite "on business", treason was discovered, and Hephaestus told his wife that he was going to the island of Lemnos to rest.

The woman sent for Ares instantly, and they reclined on the couch. Hephaestus found them naked and helpless, wrapped in a thin bronze net. In this form, he presented them to the inhabitants of Hephaestus. He asked for back all the gifts from Zeus, handed over to the wedding, and only after that he promised to release Aphrodite from the marriage bonds.

Hephaestus limped and was ugly. Gave him in marriage Hera - the wife of Zeus. Her goals included a plan of revenge. A number of sources mention the marriage of Ares and Aphrodite.

The sources of antiquity also contain information about the love affairs of the daughter of Zeus with Dionysus and Hermes. There is certain information about the relationship with Zeus, for example, the origin of Eros is questioned. His father is Ares, Hermes or Zeus according to different versions.

In the art of ancient Greece, the statues of Aphrodite were depicted as a woman stepping on a turtle. The philosopher Plutarch argued that in antiquity this gesture meant humility, silence and domesticity.
Aphrodite was distinguished by fertility. The children she bore were both the descendants of mortal men and the inhabitants of Olympia. Among them were Hymenius, the Amazons and Charit. Aeneas, the hero of the Trojan War, was considered the ancestor of Julius Caesar.

Eros, who in the Roman tradition is Cupid and Cupid, born from the union of Aphrodite and Ares, patronized the war. He was armed with a bow with gold and lead arrows. Launching gold, he bestowed love, lead - he killed feelings. In addition to joy and happiness, he brought torment to lovers.

Hymen became the companion of Aphrodite, creating the bonds of marriage. He descended from Aphrodite and Dionysus creating wine.

He lit the flame of the torch of the marriage union, gave blessing to young people.

Role of Aphrodite in the Trojan War

Every man who approached Aphrodite dreamed of becoming the spouse of the daughter of Zeus. There are mythological sources indicating the unleashing of a war by a Greek progenitor.

She started a dispute with Hera and Athena, which of them is more beautiful. Paris was chosen as their judge, who was promised the most beautiful of women and her love, Elena, as a reward. At that moment, the woman had already been married to the king of Sparta, which led to the military campaign of the Greeks against Troy and the destruction of the city.

It may seem strange to some that Grekoblog addresses such a hackneyed topic as Greek mythology, but since we have the prefix Greko, the position obliges. And if we start, then, of course, with the most interesting deity. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that this is Aphrodite.

Appearance: Gorgeous forever young woman with a beautiful face and body
Symbols and attributes:

Belt with magic power to force love. Of the plants associated with this goddess, it is worth highlighting myrtles, roses, poppies, apples, violets, daffodils and lilies, from animals and birds - sparrows, doves and dolphins.

Strength: Powerful sex appeal, dazzling beauty

Weaknesses: A little self-centered, but with such an appearance, how can anyone judge her?


There are several versions about the parents of Aphrodite. For example, according to Homer, Aphrodite's parents were Zeus and the oceanid Dione. According to Hesiod, Aphrodite was born from the seed and blood of Uranus, which fell into the sea and formed foam. Epimenides believed that the goddess was the daughter of Kronos.

Place of Birth:

There is no consensus about the birthplace of Aphrodite. Although most sources associate her with Cyprus, nevertheless, the inhabitants of Cythera are convinced that in fact Aphrodite was born to them. In the modern era, there is also a misconception that Milos was the birthplace of Aphrodite, which is largely due to the popularity of the statue of Venus de Milo discovered here.

The intrigues of Hera - the wife of Zeus - became the reason for the marriage of the goddess with Hephaestus - although the most skillful of the gods, but still lame and ugly. Some sources also mention marriage with Ares, but this is a much less common version, although Aphrodite gave birth to many children from Ares. But the amorousness of the Greek gods is well known: Hermes and Dionysus also sought connections with Aphrodite, and also very successfully. The existence of a connection with Zeus is not known for certain: although ancient sources deny it, nevertheless, the origin of Eros, one of the children of Aphrodite, raises certain doubts. According to various versions, his father was Hermes, Ares or Zeus.


There were a great many of them from different men - both gods and mere mortals. Of the most famous children of Aphrodite, in addition to the Eros already mentioned above, it is also worth mentioning Hymenia, Charit, the Amazons and even the mortal Aeneas - one of the heroes of the Trojan War and the mythical ancestor of Julius Caesar.

Main temples: In addition to the famous one we have already mentioned, her main sanctuaries were also located in the places of her alleged birth: in Cythera and Cyprus.
Main myths:

Aphrodite was born from the sea foam and was the object of desire for all who dealt with her. Most famous story associated with Aphrodite, that she caused the death of Troy. Being a rival of Hera and Athena in the famous dispute about the most beautiful of the three goddesses, Aphrodite promised the "judge" - Paris of Troy - the love of the most beautiful of earthly women - Helen. It must be said that she fulfilled her promise, but the feeling that arose between the young people, as well as the fact that Elena was already the wife of the Spartan king, led to the Greek campaign against Troy and, ultimately, the fall of the city.

Interesting Facts:

The island of Cyprus still shows many places associated with both the birth of Aphrodite and her rest from divine duties when she was on earth. In recent years, enterprising Cypriots have even brought back from oblivion an adapted version for tourists of some festivals in honor of Aphrodite.