The eyes of a man who killed people. The magical power of sight, capable of killing

Irina Tsaturova from Bratsk, 40 years old, said that as a child she was very afraid of her grandmother Avdotya Ivanovna - she was an imperious black-eyed Cossack who lived in the small village of Irsa, near Irkutsk.

Looking at herself

And the reason for these childhood fears was the strange look of Avdotya Ivanovna - cold and sharp, as if piercing through, reading the most secret thoughts. Irina's grandmother had been a widow in those days for twenty years, and a rumor circulated around the village that the cause of her husband's death was the "bad" look of an old Cossack woman.
Avdotya Ivanovna’s neighbors tried to hide chickens and other living creatures from her dangerous gaze, remembering that several years ago, after arguing with her friend, Irina’s grandmother looked at the duck brood walking in her yard so that by evening most of the fluffy lumps had died ...
When Irina was 13 years old, Avdotya Ivanovna died. And on this occasion, the omniscient fellow villagers said that it was she who "looked at" herself, because the grandmother often and for a long time sat in front of an old mirror, combing her lush hair ...

Stop a galloping horse

After a while, having chosen the profession of a psychologist, Irina began to closely study the phenomenon of the human gaze and, moreover, was able to collect a lot of interesting material on this topic. In particular, she found out that the old tradition of blindfolding a person sentenced to death before execution appeared precisely because of the danger that a suicide bomber, in a state of passion, would harm the executioner with his hateful gaze.
Tibetan monks mastered the technique of physical influence on people with the help of a glance. They also knew how to move objects without touching them, stop a person or animal on the run, and even cause fire.

Dangerous Citizen

In Egyptian Alexandria in pre-Christian times, there was a special caste of hired killers who were able to kill a person with just the power of their gaze.
In this regard, the chronicles of the 1880s of the Sicilian city of Messina seem quite interesting, in which a certain gentleman is mentioned who instilled fear in the inhabitants of this town. The peculiarity of the man was that with his eyes he killed fellow citizens who became objectionable to him. As the chronicle says, once this gentleman, having entered the store, stared into the mirror at his reflection. A few minutes later he was struck by an apoplexy.

Mysterious Rays

Philosophers and sages have believed since ancient times that the eyes of any person emit some kind of invisible rays. Historian Suetonius from Rome at the beginning of the 2nd century AD. e. colorfully described the sunshine that emanated from the eyes of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius. A similar effect was noted by the ancient Russian chroniclers of the Kyiv prince Vladimir, which appeared after his historical baptism. A special radiance of the eyes was attributed to many Orthodox saints, who, by the power of their eyes, were able to cast out demons and heal ailments ...
According to esotericists and followers of the agni yogi teaching (a religious and philosophical doctrine that combines the Western occult-theosophical tradition and the esotericism of the East), from the moment the material world arose, a particle of the original fire is stored in every living being.
Depending on the spiritual aspirations of a person, she is able to direct him to high and noble deeds or burn him in the flame of base passions and desires. For this reason, the radiation of the eyes of some individuals is of a pronounced negative nature, leading to the well-known evil eye among the people. Caligula and Ivan the Terrible, Paul I and Hitler, Lenin and Stalin had a bewitching, heavy look, from which many people felt uneasy.

Death of a scandalous old man

According to the testimonies of many eyewitnesses, it was difficult to withstand the gaze of Grigory Rasputin, the infamous old man, favorite of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, whose eyes hypnotized, plunged into embarrassment and awe.
According to the memoirs of Prince Felix Yusupov, when on the night of December 29-30, 1916, the conspirators who took part in the murder of Rasputin were already dragging his lifeless body to the embankment of the Moika River, the holy elder suddenly opened his eyes, followed by a flash of blood-red light on in a matter of moments blinded his executioners. Some of them became ill. Felix Yusupov, who came to his senses first, fired a revolver at the revived dead man.

Energy-informational paradoxes

In 1923, the Soviet scientist, researcher in the field of biological radio communication, Bernard Kazinsky put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but is also capable of emitting electromagnetic waves of a special frequency into space.
Already in the middle of the 20th century, American physiologists tried to prove that if a person's eyes, fixing elementary particles - photons, are able to see the world, then perhaps they themselves can emit these particles, which the wise men of antiquity called simply "rays".
The simplest device is known, consisting of a thin metal spiral suspended on a silk thread, over which a magnetic needle is attached. During the experiment, a person stares intently into the middle of the spiral for several minutes, and then slowly turns his head to the side. Following the changing angle of view ... the spiral also begins to turn, which convincingly proves the presence of some kind of radiation emitted by the human organs of vision.

pupil dilation

In 1989, scientists from one of the institutes of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences conducted an unusual domestic science those times an experiment. His goal was to test the paranormal abilities of the famous Siberian healer Anna Semenovna Lokhatkina in those years. In particular, Lokhatkina was asked to use the power of her gaze to influence the beam of a laser machine passing through a hollow cylinder. A few minutes after the start of the experiment, the space in the cylinder was filled with gray haze, and soon the laser beam ... disappeared! At that very moment, the device that monitored the condition of the healer's eyes recorded the effect of a short-term expansion to the maximum size of her pupils...

Secret techniques

After several years of research and study of documentary materials, psychologist Irina Tsaturova came to the conclusion that it is the pupil that gives the human gaze a special, almost magical power. Even in a weak or sick individual, in moments of danger or emotional stress, the pupils dilate, indicating a short-term release of a large amount of reserve energy.
The fact that the pupils of the eyes serve as the main channel for transmitting energy has long been known to magicians and sorcerers who were fluent in the techniques of hypnosis and the evil eye.
A person's gaze can not only make a certain impression on other people. Being one of the universal means of communication, it can have both a beneficial effect and cause terrible, irreparable harm.

For a person, the eyes are of great importance. Through them, the brain receives 85% of all information from the outside world. And only 15% is accounted for by hearing, touch and smell. But each of us not only sees, but also looks. The look of human eyes is perceived by others not only as a physical, but also as a spiritual component. It can be used to judge the inner world of a person. No wonder the eyes are called the "mirror of the soul."

Everyone's eyes are different. For some they are radiant and clear, for others they are cloudy or sleepy. At the same time, it has long been noticed that a person is able to influence other people with his gaze. Sometimes you can hear: "He looked at me so that even a shiver ran through my body." A look can caress, you can offend or anger. The conclusion involuntarily suggests itself that the inner light emitted by the eyes is material. Therefore, there is such a thing as the power of sight.

There are people whose gaze is simply impossible to withstand. For example, Grigory Rasputin. Everyone who knew him noted the striking property of his eyes. It seemed that one could drown in them and lose one's own self. No one could look into his pupils for a long time. People got lost and averted their eyes to the side.

Joseph Stalin had a similar gift. Those who communicated with him closely, characterized his look as a snake. That is how the leader looked at people, trying to understand their inner essence. At the same time, the formidable head of state did not tolerate when the interlocutor averted his eyes. This was seen as insincerity, indicating dark thoughts.

It should also be noted that a person feels when someone looks at him. As if something heavy and tangible is being pressed against the body. It is very difficult to describe such feelings in words, but each of us has gone through this.

American scientists decided to experimentally test the prevailing idea of ​​the possibility of feeling someone else's gaze on oneself. Their experiment was very simple. In the center of the room, a man was put on a chair, and the other had to stare at him at certain moments. In the case when the subject felt the look, he immediately spoke about it.

This study involved 100 volunteers, and the results were simply amazing. In 95 cases, people felt someone else's gaze directed at them. In this case, there was a slight pressure in the occipital part of the head. It was like a light breeze was blowing.

But these, as they say, are still flowers. But berries - this is when looks can kill a person. A similar gift in the middle of the 19th century was possessed by one of the inhabitants of Palermo (Sicily). As soon as he looked intently at a person, he began to wither not by the day, but by the hour. A couple of days later, death occurred. However, the owner of the creepy look never looked in the mirror.

This was used by desperate heads. They ambushed a scary man in an alley, put a sack over his head, and dragged him into a room where they hung mirrors on the walls beforehand. The sack was pulled off the caught one, and everyone ran out of the room, locking the door with a key. The man saw his own reflection, and his own gaze killed him. Thus, the inhabitants of Palermo got rid of the terrible killer.

The look of a person who is in an extreme degree of excitement is very dangerous. What comes out of his eyes can cause irreparable harm to the health of others. This has been known since ancient times. So those sentenced to death were blindfolded without fail. It is also noteworthy that the executioners executing the death sentence always lived very little and died before they reached 40 years of age.

Proof of this can be such a world-famous executioner as John Woods. He personally hanged 10 Nazi criminals after the Nuremberg trials. In addition, he hanged dozens of other criminals sentenced to death. This man was born in 1911 and died in 1950. So the conclusion suggests itself.

The power of the gaze can also be traced in such an unpleasant concept as evil eye. It is not without reason that some people are said to have an "evil eye". What are these people? There is an opinion that a cursed person can jinx it. She did a lot of harm to someone, got a curse and became the bearer of the "evil eye". At the same time, it is inherited. And babies are at the greatest risk. They are the easiest to jinx.

People bearing the seal of the Devil can cause misfortune even against their will. Their eyes radiate an incomprehensible power that destroys the aura of other people and causes irreparable harm to their psyche. Those capable of the evil eye tend to have large, dark eyes and a piercing, unblinking gaze. In Russia, for a long time it was believed that the "evil eye" is inherent in the poor. Therefore, they were always generously endowed not only out of compassion, but also in order not to harm their fate.

And what is the power of sight in terms of modern science? Here one can refer to Bernard Bernardovich Kazinsky (1890-1962). This is a Soviet scientist who spent a lot of time studying biological radio communications and telepathy. He put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but also simultaneously emits electromagnetic waves with certain frequency characteristics. They are what people around them perceive. The retina generates waves.

Ronald Ross (1857-1932), a Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine, held a similar opinion. He even conducted an experiment, to which the scientific world reacted differently. Its essence was as follows: a thin metal spiral was suspended on a silk thread. It was located horizontally and had many turns.

The experimenter looked intently at the spiral, and then began to slowly turn his head, without taking his eyes off the coils. At the same time, a light metal product also began to turn at the same angle as the head. It turned out that the spiral and the gaze had a completely material connection with each other.

Thus, we can conclude that the eye is capable of generating electromagnetic or some other waves. At the same time, some people emit mysterious light rays that have great energy. Perhaps this is precisely the reason for the power of the gaze, which a person has been aware of since the day of his appearance on Earth, but still cannot clearly and clearly explain the nature of this phenomenon.

Recent studies by scientists have shown that human eyes have a powerful bioenergetic effect.

Great Singer's Victims

Once my friend, retired police colonel Vladimir V., who worked in the police for a long time, told me a curious story, - Igor Vinokurov, a researcher of anomalous phenomena, the author of many books about miracles, tells me. - In one of the Moscow research institutes, the head of the leading department, who was distinguished by a quarrelsome character and disrespect for colleagues, suddenly died. Once again, he made some sharp and offensive remark to a subordinate. He said nothing, but looked at the offender so that he suddenly fell headlong on the table and wheezed. Arriving ambulance doctors ascertained death, but could not understand its cause: the chief was absolutely healthy.

The pathologist who performed the autopsy privately told my friend that he had the impression that the heart of the deceased had been taken and stopped by someone, like a pendulum at a clock. The investigator immediately had a suspicion that this “someone” was the subordinate offended by the boss, whose look made such an unpleasant impression that even the battered operative had goosebumps on his back.

The power of the killer gaze has long been known. One of the most notorious cases occurred at the beginning of the last century in Paris. At that time, the singer Massol enjoyed great success on the stage of the Italian Imperial Opera, distinguished by a gloomy character and a heavy look from under hanging eyebrows. Once, when he sang the aria “The Damnation” from Halévy's opera with his eyes raised to the ceiling, the machinist who moved the scenery upstairs fell right on the stage and died on the spot. Another time, during a performance, the singer accidentally lingered on the bandmaster with his eyes. He almost immediately felt ill and on the third day died from an unusual nervous attack. For the third time, Massol was advised to sing while looking at the empty box. But later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting merchant from Marseilles, who was late for the start of the performance. He died the next day. After that, the opera was permanently excluded from the repertoire, and Massol left the stage.

Indian yogis and magicians of Tibet, as a result of long training, acquire a gift called "vazitva", that is, the ability to tame and even kill wild animals. And experienced trainers say that an animal can be stunned with just a glance, without resorting to verbal commands.

From the KP archive

The ability of the famous psychic Rosa Kuleshova to see objects at a distance of three meters with her eyes closed and to read letters in sealed envelopes confirms that the gaze can be penetrating, remote and even pass through opaque objects.

The historian notes that Leo Tolstoy's gaze “shone through” the interlocutor like an X-ray, and Joseph Stalin's gaze forced him to lower his eyes and paralyze his will. There are people who can even affect photographic film with the power of their gaze. One of the most famous is the American Ted Sirius. In the presence of a special commission, he looked intently at the photograph, memorized it and looked at the photographic plate. When the film was developed, a vague and blurred image similar to the original was found. Later, experts observed similar phenomena in people suffering from severe visual hallucinations.

Witch Secrets

In order to reveal the secret of the evil eye, Igor Vinokurov decided to find the witch and find out "production secrets" from her. In a remote village near Vladimir, he found grandmother Tamara, about whom there were rumors that she was causing damage. Contrary to the notions of terrible witches, Baba Tamara looked like a good fairy from children's fairy tales: a round face, a snub nose, kind blue eyes.

It's easy to mess up, she said. - You need to vividly, in the smallest detail, imagine the “object” as sick or dead, and then, when you meet, look at him intently, mentally sending him curses.

Using the recommendations of the sorceress, the researchers decided to repeat the experiment in the laboratory. Oleg Dubov, Doctor of Physical Sciences, bioenergy therapist, acted as the "sorcerer". He acted with the power of thought on distilled water in a sealed ampoule. Physical measurements were striking: the mobility of water molecules increased and its electrical conductivity increased.

The scientist spoke about the technology of his "witchcraft" as follows: - "At first I tried to" swing "the oxygen atoms. I imagined their nuclei as fireflies, around which glitter electrons revolve. Imagining that I had a silvery stream flowing from the top of my head along the spine, and then to the tips of my fingers, I directed it to these firefly nuclei. And they themselves, overflowing with energy, began to repel electrons and throw them out of their orbits.

"Spoiled" people

In the old days, when the power of the gaze was taken very seriously, a list of diseases caused by the evil eye was even compiled. Adults are affected by thinness, tumors, paralysis, convulsions, blindness, gluttony or impotence. And children - insomnia, nausea, headaches, epileptic seizures, consumption. People who have been spoiled begin to experience unconscious fear even before the first signs of illness appear. Later they are given out by a yellowish or grey colour face, then they begin to experience pain in the stomach, they constantly vomit. In children, the first symptoms of the evil eye were considered sudden pallor, uneven pulse, fever, sweating, and lack of appetite.

Eyes emit rays

Is it really possible to destroy health and even kill with a glance?

Of course, - Vladimir Hokkanen, director of the Institute of Information and Wave Technologies, confirmed. - Numerous experiments in many scientific laboratories around the world have proven that the gaze has a powerful bioenergetic effect. The eyes emit radiation in the millimeter wave range of extremely high frequency and therefore are able to influence others. So, for example, many of us are able to physically feel the gaze of a passerby walking behind us. Experiments have shown that during such "sessions of hypnosis" our electrical resistance changes.

Grant Demirchoglyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, agreed with this:

Ophthalmological studies have shown that the eye, like any unique optoelectronic system, can work not only to receive a signal, but also to emit it. After all, the very shape of the eyeball and retina, resembling a parabolic mirror, confirms the possibility of back radiation from the eyes of the so-called "rays of vision". The return radiation coming from the eyes is short-wavelength and therefore can be penetrating, like an x-ray or a laser. It can affect the central nervous system, the brain and the functioning of the whole organism. It is known that there are points on the iris of the eye that are responsible for the work of all internal organs. This is used in iridology. If it is proved that the rays coming from the eyes are of the same nature as the laser, then one will have to believe in the existence of heroes of fantastic stories that can incinerate a person with a glance.

Photos from open sources

Which of us in childhood did not revel in reading about the feat of Perseus, who killed Medusa Gorgon, whose gaze turned all living things into stone! Who did not freeze with sweet horror, reading Gogol's "Viya": "Raise my eyelids." Someone may have heard of a basilisk whose gaze also carried death. But, as we know, fairy tales do not appear out of nowhere. (website)

Legends, legends

The English official Karsten, who served in India at the end of the 19th century, pulled the native by the hair and beat him. He got up and did not run away, but, grinning, fixed his eyes on the Englishman. The next morning, Karsten woke up feeling overwhelmed. By evening, he fell off his feet. Head lobes, insomnia began, appetite disappeared. In four days, the young man turned into a wreck. By the end of the first week, he lost his speech, and by the end of the second, he died.

Cornelius Agrippa (a German scientist of the 16th century) wrote in his work “Occult Philosophy” that “there are women in Illyria who are able to kill with a glance those who will be looked at in anger.”

In Paris at the end of the 19th century, during a sensual performance by the singer Massol of the aria "The Damnation" from Halévy's opera "King Charles the Sixth", the stage worker, whom the singer looked at while singing, died of a broken heart. Some time later, during the second performance, the bandmaster died.

The opera was not given for a long time. Massol agreed that he would look at the box, which would be deliberately left empty. Alas, the merchant from Marseilles, who was late for the beginning of the performance, was very surprised and delighted to see such excellent empty seats. After the third death, a shocked Massol left the stage.

The power of the gaze

Scientists at the Canadian University of Queens decided to test whether it is really possible to feel the look. The experience was extremely simple. The subject sitting on a chair had to give a sign if he felt that the person standing behind him was stubbornly looking at him, and not at the ceiling. The percentage of "guessing" was 95%, which is far beyond the statistical error. So the look is really material?

The fact that, no doubt. From the look of Stalin, many were covered with cold sweat. It was impossible to endure Rasputin's gaze. “He has a heavy look,” they say about some people. Yes, and we often turn around for no reason and face eye to eye with a person looking at us point-blank. And the look of some people can really do harm.

Ivan Kupchinsky, who studied anomalous phenomena back in the second half of the 19th century, met a man who claimed that he was able to kill a bird with a glance. As proof, in front of Kupchinsky's eyes, for a minute he looked at the chicken he bought, until it fell dead.

Photos from open sources

Remote "eye strike"

Scientists involved in bioenergy problems see nothing special in this. Back in 1923, the Soviet scientist Bernard Kazinsky, a pioneer of biological radio communication, hypothesized that the human eye is capable of not only receiving, but also emitting electromagnetic waves into space.

This "eye strike" can affect the functioning of the central nervous system, brain, whole body. A particularly strong energy release occurs at a time of emotional stress. That is why it has long been customary at the time of execution to blindfold a person sentenced to death or put a bag on him. Apparently, the executioners were afraid of the look of the convict full of hatred, not only for moral and psychological reasons.

For reassurance, let's say that people who can intentionally kill a person with their eyes are extremely rare. Usually these are followers of Eastern philosophical currents, who have devoted their entire lives to self-improvement, and use their weapons only in the most exceptional cases. And our neighbors, if they are capable of anything, is to cause us a short malaise, and then only if we really piss them off. Therefore, we will be careful and extremely polite with them.