Fortune telling on the betrothed before going to bed. Reliable fortune-telling for the betrothed: on Christmas, Christmas time, on Ivan Kupala, at the usual time

Many girls dream of knowing who will be their betrothed. Everyone strives to try various fortune-telling, see a husband in a dream and understand when he will appear in their life. You should learn about the rituals in order to see your fate in a dream on the night from Sunday to Monday.

Such a unique day as Monday is very difficult, since the action of the Moon during this period will be especially strong and clear. Dreams coming from this day will be a reflection of all emotions and mental state of a person, it is these dreams that are closely connected with the family and everyday life. If such a dream has been seen since Sunday, it is long, and there are also many actions that are strongly remembered and there is water, then this is a hassle with the house. Such a dream comes on a difficult day and is the work of the subconscious, this moment serves as a sign of rethinking the events that took place yesterday.

The dreams that have been since Sunday will be a clear warning to a person that in the coming days various family chores may await him. There are two types of dreams on this day, some can be long, while others are mean and short, which determines whether there will be further difficulties, a short dream will be a symbol of a good general state of future days.

It is believed that a dream from Sunday will be prophetic and will be able to tell about many problems in this world, you can see the solution to all problems and find a way out of a difficult situation. Dream Interpretations will clearly be able to indicate the meaning of this dream, although its features will be individual for sure. The dream going on this day is ideal for girls who want to see their betrothed, only for this purpose, a certain ritual should be performed before going to bed.

What to do to make the dream come true

There are several basic rules that almost certainly guarantee a prophetic dream. If they are strictly observed, then the betrothed will certainly appear in a dream:

  • Need to sleep in a room all alone so as not to be distracted by extraneous sounds and rustles.
  • In order to accurately see the prediction and understand what it means, you should put the pillow in the place where the legs used to be, that is, vice versa, and turn it down. You can also turn the sheet over and put your pajamas or nightgown inside out.
  • After reading the cherished words in order for the betrothed to dream, you can no longer talk to anyone.
  • After waking up, you need to immediately write down the dream on a piece of paper, do not forget about the most insignificant details. All this will help to correctly interpret the dream. You can look at the most common dream books to accurately determine the meaning of sleep.
  • It must be remembered that if the dream turned out to be not very pleasant and even frightening, then do not despair, because it can be interpreted in a completely opposite direction.
  • If the dream turned out to be frightening and bad, then you must definitely tell your friends and relatives about it so that the dream does not come true, and the trouble steps aside. In the case when a dream portends happiness, you need to keep it secret and not tell anyone.

Divination for the betrothed

four kings

Under the pillow, four kings from a deck of cards should be hidden and the following words should be said:

"Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream to me."

If in a dream the king of spades visited the girl, then her husband will be a man in adulthood, the king of clubs means a man who has already had to tie the knot. the king of hearts guarantees a rich and wealthy person, and the king of diamonds will be sure to be loved.
You can use another way related to cards:

  • buy a new deck of cards;
  • select all kings;
  • put under the bed
  • step on the cards with your heel;
  • say the words:

"My betrothed is mummers,
I was waiting for you
Come and show yourself."

Rite with candles

In order to see the betrothed in a dream from Sunday to Monday, you should purchase three candles, arrange them one after the other so that one cannot be seen after the other. After that, you should light all the candles and say the following words:

“Candle flame, show me the betrothed!
Show me his image!
Let me see your fate at least in a dream.

Candles must burn out to the very end, after which you need to go to bed.

Dream conspiracies

“Monday to Tuesday, Wednesday to Thursday, Friday to Saturday.
Sunday widow, what dream shall I have?
Give me, God, to see the one with whom I will live forever.

After that, you need to go to bed and not talk to anyone until the morning. After waking up, you should write down the whole dream in detail so as not to ignore the details and analyze the dream.
You can also say words at a party that will help you recognize events for the near future and learn about the possibility of getting married:

“I lie young on the mountains of Zion, three holy angels in my head.
The first sees, the second will tell, the third will tell my fate.

Spruce forest for attraction

Fate can be recognized and seen both on holidays and on certain days and nights, the main thing here is to know who is fortune-telling, what it should be and how to ask. From Sunday to Monday, the night will be very good for girls who are not yet married, only before bedtime she should perform one interesting ritual. The ritual, if it was done and carried out rationally and according to the requirements, will enable the girl to see her betrothed in a dream. Even before going to bed, you should put a spruce branch or a special spruce broom under the pillow, and then cast a spell.

The text of the spell is light and consists of the following prayer:

“I lie down on Monday, I put a spruce tree at the head,

Dream of the one who thinks of me.

This was a ritual only for an ordinary girl who was not yet married, and if it concerns a woman who was already married, then such a ritual should be done on Wednesday.

You can also find out about the amorous adventures of your friend on Tuesday night, for this purpose, make a note on paper with the question: Does he remain faithful to you, and put this note under the pillow until bedtime. In the morning, try to immediately and quickly remember your dream, as the answer will be given to you there and you should recognize it right there and immediately, since this is very important for fate.

Simple spells

There are a number of other spells, but the one described above is the main one; in a dream, the betrothed will be able not only to indicate his face, but also to do something special. For the most daring girl, you can use such an interesting experiment, going to bed, you need to wear a white sock, which should only be on the right leg, and not on the left. Then say the following incantation:

"The betrothed mummer, come today in a dream to take off my shoes."

The betrothed in a dream will come for sure to take off the sock, just teach that there were many strange stories with this fortune-telling, the suitors came in a dream, but clung to the leg too hard to the point of pain.

You can see your betrothed in this way, you should take four kings from the deck and come up with a name for each, now put the cards on the table near your head and say:

“Who is my betrothed, who is the mummer, and dream of me.”

If you do this clearly and rationally, then the betrothed may come in the form of a card or with his true face. There are many such spells and fortune-telling, only when you have nightmares on this day, it means that you won’t be able to get married this year, as Slavic wisdom says.

Such unique and amazing rites as divination have long been of interest to women who want to see their betrothed in a dream, today there are a large number of techniques on how to better see your future. It is recommended that 3 days before fortune-telling, forget about meat and fat, and also do not eat eggs, salted and smoked, it is advisable not to drink alcohol.

The day before such a fortune-telling, you can only eat bread, washed down with warm ordinary water, another condition is to feed well everyone who lives with the girl. Also, the girl must sleep alone in her apartment that day, and when the fortune-telling is completed, it is better not to talk with others for 1-2 hours. Here, the emotions and feelings of the girl received in a dream will be of great importance.

Fortune telling on the betrothed can be carried out not only on the night of a number of holidays, but also from Sunday, there is still an interesting way to see in a dream this is to lie down in another place or at a party, and before going to bed, asking yourself where my man is. A dream that a person has seen since Sunday still needs to be rationally explained, if a dream is remembered, this does not mean that one can make plans for the future based on sleep. It is believed that sleep on this day will not carry of great importance and it may not even come true, although many girls can guess from Sunday and see their betrothed.

If a big element was seen in a dream, then routine work awaits the girl, and if there were tears and resentment in the dream, then this is to depression. The joy seen by a girl in a dream will be to solve problems, ice to stagnation in life, and fear to difficulties at work, and this is just a subtle hint of a dream and nothing more. And if something else is seen that day, that is, quarrels or minor problems, then do not be very upset, as the dream may not come true, although it should not be ignored for sure.

Other folk ways

There are a great many very easy fortune-telling about the betrothed. They appeared in ancient times, because even then young girls sought to know their fate and understand when they would get married.

  • Before going to bed, you should weave a padlock into the braid, close it with a key and say the following words:

"Narrowed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, to unlock the lock."

The key should be hidden under the pillow. In a dream, a betrothed should appear, which will help open the lock.

  • You need to cook the jam yourself in advance, pour it into a saucer and put it near the bed for the night. In doing so, you need to say:

"I have all the sweetness."

There will be no release from boyfriends after this.

  • By the bed, you need to put a glass of water, put a wooden spatula across it and say:

"The betrothed - mummers, come to me,
Take me across the bridge."

  • Before going to bed, you need to write the name of the chosen one on paper, kiss him with painted lips and hide the sheet along with the mirror under the pillow. If a young man dreams in a dream, then soon he will propose to the girl, if he is not in the dream, then you should not count on a relationship.

Many girls dream of seeing their betrothed in a dream. And this can be facilitated by special conspiracies. As a rule, they are pronounced just before going to bed on days that are considered the most favorable for divination. First of all, this is Christmas week, Walpurgis Night, Epiphany.

Effective rites

The conspiracy is very effective, so that the betrothed is dreamed, which is pronounced during a special ceremony directly on Christmas night.

With broom twigs

To do this, the girl must pull out several rods from the household broom constantly used for cleaning and tie them together.

On them in the evening before going to bed, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“I want my narrowed mummer, through a bridge made of twigs, to fall into the dream of a servant of God (proper name) and I saw him. So be it. Amen".

The charmed connected rods from the broom should be put under the pillow and go to bed.

With matches

There is another version of this rite. In it, instead of bars, you need to make a well out of matches.

Speak to him in the following words:

“I want my betrothed mummers to come to me, a servant of God (proper name) to drink water in a dream. So be it. Amen".

Similarly to the previous method, an impromptu well should be placed under the pillow and go to bed. A very important requirement of the above rituals is that the girl, after pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, should not talk to anyone.

With water and mug

Various things are used as various magical attributes, which, in combination with a conspiracy, allow you to see your betrothed in a dream. So, instead of a well, you can put a jug of water and a mug at the head of the bed.

Next, say the words:

“My betrothed mummer, if you get tired on the road, get off the road and come to me to drink water.”

After that, you should cross yourself and go to bed.

With comb

A comb plot is very popular, its magic words sound like this:

"My betrothed mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my hair."

This rite requires the girl to go to bed uncombed. Whatever magical conspiracy is chosen, the main condition for its effectiveness is sincerity and faith. Conspiracies aimed at seeing the betrothed in a dream do not negative consequences, so the rites can be performed countless times.

Before fortune-telling for a betrothed, it is important to tune in to a serious mood. If you treat the process lightly, the result will be distorted. The fortuneteller loosens her hair, removes belts, any jewelry (bracelets, earrings), pectoral cross. The room should be quiet and dark. During fortune-telling on the betrothed, it is not recommended to cross your arms or legs. Compliance with the rules will allow you to get the most reliable result. For the prediction to come true, no one can be told about it.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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    Fortune telling on a normal day

    It is not necessary to wait for Christmas time or other holidays to bewitch on a betrothed. These days, fortune-telling is the most truthful, but you can resort to the sacraments on an ordinary day. The best time for divination is the full moon. Well suited days that are traditionally considered women's - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

    On paper

    Suitable for those girls who would like to know the name of their future husband. Various male names are written on several small pieces of paper. Notes are placed in a hat or container. The papers are thoroughly mixed, and one is taken out at random. The name written on it indicates the future husband.

    On rice grains

    Rice is poured into a glass jar. The left hand is held palm down over the container. Then the fortuneteller pronounces the question of interest to her, and takes a small handful of rice from the glass. Grains are poured onto a napkin or piece of paper. If their number is even, the answer is yes. If it's odd, "no".

    On bulbs

    Take a few bulbs. The names of the gentlemen are written on them. Bulbs are placed in water. The one that will give roots faster than others, and indicates the future spouse.


    Several buttons are placed in an opaque bag different color. It is recommended to take buttons of the same diameter, similar to each other to the touch.

    Then you need to mentally tune in to fortune-telling, ask the question: “My dear, where to look for you? ”, and take out one button. Its color will indicate the meeting place with the future spouse:

    • Plain black - at work.
    • Green - in the market or in the store.
    • Brown - in the circle of friends.
    • White - in the distant lands.
    • Yellow is on the way.
    • Metal - the spouse will be a military man.
    • With rhinestones or shiny - in the cinema, club, disco.
    • Blue - indicates a chance meeting on the street.

    Divination on things

    Several gizmos are placed in a felt boot or bag, symbolizing different aspects of life:

    • A piece of sugar - the coming year will be happy, financially secure;
    • Ring - wedding;
    • A scarf is a handsome guy;
    • A rag is a poor husband;
    • Coin - rich husband;
    • Bulb - grief and tears.

    The bag is shaken and immediately, without looking, the first object that comes across is taken out.

    Find out the name of the betrothed by the cards

    The classic deck is shuffled, and then cards are drawn one at a time. Each of them is called any man's name. When the king of hearts appears from the deck, the divination ends. The name said by the fortuneteller belongs to the future husband.

    The girl puts under the pillow the kings from the usual deck of cards of four suits. Before going to bed, the words are pronounced: "Narrowed-mummer, come to me in a dream." Depending on who is dreaming, they judge the future husband:

    • The king of spades is an old man, a jealous owner.
    • Chervonny is a young and wealthy man.
    • Cross - military or entrepreneur.
    • Tambourine is a man of dreams.


    You can guess at the betrothed using the layout of Tarot cards. You need to shuffle the deck and pull out 7 cards, each of which will tell about the future:

    1. 1. The first card represents the fortune-teller, her condition and mood to find a husband and find family happiness.
    2. 2. The second card will say when the girl meets her husband. It indicates exactly the time, perhaps the period of life.
    3. 3. The third speaks of the circumstances under which the meeting will take place.
    4. 4. The fourth will describe the personality and sometimes appearance of the future husband.
    5. 5. The fifth card talks about whether this person is destined by fate.
    6. 6. Sixth - how life will develop after the wedding.
    7. 7. The seventh card will give advice about marriage and relationships with a future spouse.

    By hand

    For this divination, you will need the help of a friend. Divination is similar to the children's game "nettle". A friend takes the fortuneteller by the wrist of her left hand and gently twists it in opposite directions. At this time, you need to look at the folds of the skin. In them you can see the outlines of the letter. She will be capital in the name of her future husband.

    Divination for the night

    In the evening and at night, even at ordinary times, divination will be true. After all, in the dark time of the day, mysterious forces are released, hiding in the light of day. Communication with the other world is enhanced, which allows you to get a more reliable result. The most accurate is fortune-telling, carried out from midnight to three in the morning.

    By the church

    Divination is performed only by girls. On a clear moonlit night, they go to a church or chapel that is locked for the night. According to popular belief, one can hear either wedding singing or the sounds of a funeral service. What you hear shows how the ceremony will be next year: wedding or funeral.

    Near the window

    Sitting in their room, listening to the sounds from the street. When all the household members go to bed, they turn off the light and go to the window, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummers, drive past my house.” After some time, passers-by will pass by or vehicles will pass by. If they shout, whistle or laugh, this is a good sign. The husband will be decent and kind. If they pass quietly, it promises the poor.

    For a candle

    It will take several candles. One symbolizes a fortune teller, the rest - applicants for a hand and a heart. Candles are lit, one's own is placed in the center. The one towards which the wax flows from its own and points to the betrothed. If the fortune-telling lamp burns evenly, the fortuneteller should not make a hasty choice. He will be unintelligent.

    With ring and thread

    The question is about marriage. Taken from mother, sister or friend wedding ring. A black thread is threaded through it, the decoration is lowered into a glass. If the ring begins to touch the edges of the glass to the right of the fortuneteller, there will be a wedding. If left - while you have to sit in the girls.

    Having taken out the ring, it is put on any finger for the whole night. Any dream will be prophetic.

    By patches

    You will need multi-colored shreds of fabric. All of them are folded into a box or bag. Then, without looking, any piece of fabric is taken. At the same time, they ask: “What color is my betrothed’s hair? » Similarly, you can find out other information - for example, eye color or even cars.

    Divination in a dream

    Before divination, it is useful to put a pen and a notebook at the head in advance. So that a prophetic dream about love is not forgotten, you should immediately write down its details after waking up.

    For a dream to be true, you need to properly prepare:

    1. 1. Remove icons from the room.
    2. 2. Be alone in the bedroom.
    3. 3. Remove the belt, jewelry, undo the hair.
    4. 4. After pronouncing the words, do not talk to anyone (otherwise the betrothed will not appear).
    5. 5. Keep the fact of divination secret.
    6. 6. Sleep on the contrary - lie with your head where your legs are.
    7. 7. Turn the pillow over too.

    With a frying pan

    The girl puts a frying pan under her mother's bed, but does not inform the parent about it. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller says the words: “My betrothed, mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” If a mother sees in a dream how she feeds some guy with pancakes, he will be considered the future husband of her daughter.

    To the bridge

    Several twigs are taken from a home broom, from which a small bridge is being built. The product is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the girl thinks: "Betrothed, come to me, take me across the bridge." In a dream, she will see a future life partner.

    On a horseshoe

    In this divination, a horseshoe and a twig from a new broom are used. Attributes are placed under the pillow. The betrothed appears in a dream in the form of a rider. If there is no real horseshoe, you can replace it with a symbolic one - for example, by making it out of cardboard.

    On the twigs

    Branches are taken from three trees - birch, willow and apple trees. It is advisable to pick them up from the ground. If there are no dry branches, you should carefully break them off the tree, asking the tree for forgiveness. At home, three branches are tied with a thread pulled out of their clothes. Before going to bed, they need to be put under the pillow, and then the fortuneteller will see her betrothed.

    Advice! If the branches had to be broken off, as a token of gratitude to the tree and an apology, you can hang a satin ribbon on the branch. Or put a bun at its roots.

    Other options

    There are alternative divination options in which special attributes are placed under the pillow (their action is similar to those described):

    • Instead of twigs, three bay leaves are placed. With the words “My betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream! » The fortuneteller goes to bed.
    • A jar of jam is placed at the head of the bed. In this case, the girl will see in a dream a young man who is already in love with her.
    • At the head of the bed before going to bed, a well of matches is formed. They say the words: "The betrothed-mummer, come to drink some water."
    • A girl sleeping in a new place says before going to bed: “In a new place, dream of the groom to the bride.”

    Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

    Soothsayer buys a new castle. From Tuesday to Wednesday, a ceremony is held: over a container filled with spring water, the lock is held and closed. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    "The betrothed-mummer, come, ask me for a drink."

    In a dream, her future husband will come to her.

    Saturday divination

    On a piece of black fabric wax candle circles are drawn on both sides. Their diameter should be approximately equal to the bottom of the glass. On one side in a circle the name "Rafael" is applied, on the other - his name. Four crosses are drawn around the circles in the same places: top, bottom, right and left.

    Before going to bed, the fabric is placed under the pillow. The spell is cast:

    “Great Lord, from age to age, glory to Thee in the highest. I resort to You, Father, Your servant (name). Send me Your Angel, whose name is inscribed in a circle of pentacles. Let him show me my betrothed. Glory to Thee, Lord. Amen, amen, amen."

    Before conducting this fortune-telling, it is necessary to fast for three days.

    Tuesday night

    Take three bay leaves. The names of angels are written on them - Ananias, Azariy and Misail. Leaves are placed on the windowsill in the bedroom. Before going to bed, the words are pronounced: “From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill. Whoever dreams of me, let him appear to me in a dream.

    Christmas and Christmas divination

    January 6 is a special day, Christmas Eve. On the night of Christmas, as well as Christmas time (from January 8 to 18), you can find out your fate. It was believed that at this time, mysterious forces rush into the human world. In the period from Christmas to Epiphany, unclean spirits lose their power, and divination turns from sin into mere fun.

    The most accurate days for divination are Christmas Eve, the old New Year(January 13), as well as Epiphany Christmas Eve, celebrated on January 18.

    On a towel

    On the night before Christmas, a white towel is hung out on the street, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummers, come and wipe yourself off.” If the fortuneteller picks up a completely dry towel from the window in the morning, then this year the wedding is not planned. If it is wet, it prophesies an early marriage.

    On the old New Year, an armful of firewood

    Girls and guys in the old New Year take at random an armful of firewood and carry it into the room. It counts the quantity. If the firewood is an even number, the one who brought the armful will marry or get married. If it is odd, it will remain single for now.

    with sock

    On one leg, the girl puts on a sock or stocking. The second is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the words are pronounced: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me, come take off my shoes.” Well done, who dreams, and there is a future husband.

    With comb

    Without combing her hair, the girl puts a comb or comb under the pillow. The words are pronounced: "My betrothed, mummers, come to comb me." In a dream, a fortuneteller will see her future spouse.

    With salt

    This method can cause intestinal disorders. But some fortunetellers still use it. Divination consists in the fact that before going to bed a thimble of salt is eaten, and washed down with a thimble of water, while the words are pronounced: “My betrothed, mummers, come give me a drink.”

    Find out the name of the betrothed from passers-by

    On the night before Christmas or on the old New Year, you need to go outside and go to the nearest pedestrian intersection. Now you should wait for late passers-by. When the first man appears, under any pretext they will find out his name. That will be the name of the future spouse. Guys can perform a similar ceremony on female passers-by.

    Traditional divination with a mirror

    Refers to forbidden, terrible divination. Unlike other methods, it is carried out exclusively at Christmas time. For divination, you will need two mirrors and two church candles. It is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Mirrors are placed on the table opposite each other.
    2. 2. Candles are placed and lit at the same distance from them.
    3. 3. The girl asks her betrothed to come to her.
    4. 4. Next, you should peer into the reflection in the mirrors. At first, the appearance will be blurry, but then it will become clearer.
    5. 5. When the image becomes noticeable, the words are pronounced: “Church me, churn! ".

    If the fortuneteller decides to interrupt the rite, both mirrors are quickly placed on the table with the reflective surface down. The light turns on in the room.

    On spoons

    Divination is carried out at home by several girls. For the ritual you will need:

    • Spoons (the number depends on the number of participants in fortune-telling).
    • The corresponding number of strips of white paper up to 2 cm wide and up to 30 cm long.
    • Wax candles.
    • Large flat plate or tray.
    • New towel.

    The ceremony is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Each of the participants in fortune-telling sits in a circle, lights a candle in front of her.
    2. 2. The host puts a plate with spoons and paper in the center.
    3. 3. Those present join hands and say the words of the spell three times: “Brownie, brownie, if you are here, answer on a spoon, if not, do not open any.”
    4. 4. Each of the participants should take one piece of paper and ask questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer (for example, “Will I get married this year?”, “Will my future spouse be rich”?).
    5. 5. The stalk of the cutlery is placed in paper folded in half. Both ends are then wrapped around the spoon.
    6. 6. The device is scrolled until the paper strip completely wraps around the handle. Then the spoon is placed on the tray.
    7. 7. The presenter covers the cutlery with a cloth and quickly turns the plate in a clockwise direction. After making a few turns, she throws back the towel so that each of those present will take the spoon, the handle of which is directed at her.
    8. 8. If the strip of paper releases freely cutlery- the answer to the question is positive. If the spoon remains inside the paper, the brownie answers “no”, the questioner’s wish will not come true.

    Through the snow

    They take out the water and pour it under the nearest pole. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “I will pour snow, I will wash myself with white. Show me what my betrothed is." Having said a plot, they take a handful of snow and rub their cheeks with it. Then the snow goes home. If a handful is loose, melts in a matter of seconds - the future spouse will be calm and docile. If the snowflakes sparkle, sparkle, a marriage full of love and happiness awaits the fortune-teller. If the snow turns into a lump, the husband will be strict and intractable.

    On slips of paper

    For the ceremony you will need:

    • Small slips of paper.
    • Water container.
    • A piece of candle.
    • Half of a walnut shell.

    The names of gentlemen are written on pieces of paper. Notes are glued to the inside of the bowl, but in such a way that they are not wetted with water. To do this, the container is half filled with liquid.

    A candle is attached to the shell and lit. The resulting structure is gently lowered into the water. Then they observe: to which name the “boat” will sail, that will be the name of the betrothed. If the shell does not come close to a single note, there will be no wedding this year.

    Divination on St. Andrew's Day

    On the day of St. Andrew the First-Called (December 13), divination is particularly accurate. At this time, the girls observe fasting and ask the Apostle Andrew for the gift of a good spouse.

    on the fence

    Takes place after sunset. The witch walks along the fence and counts the stakes. The words are pronounced: "Rich, poor, widower, bachelor." On which of the words the fence ends, that will be her narrowed one.

    If dreamed ex-husband and behaved kindly - this indicates that spiritually, relations with him are completed. Soon the lady will fall in love with another person. You can find out about this by guessing again, but not earlier than in a month.

    Sometimes the fortune-teller sees the future spouse, can distinguish in detail the details of his appearance. But in the dream you can't see the face. Experienced fortune tellers emphasize: this also indicates the remoteness of the meeting with the narrowed in time. A meeting with a man will occur no earlier than in a few years. In this case, fortune-telling is recommended to be repeated a year later, at Christmas time or at another time suitable for divination. A girl can remember other details of what appeared to her in a dream - clothes, manners, voice.

    Learn about the groom on Ivan Kupala

    The holiday is celebrated annually on the night of 6 to 7 July. Kupala night is considered the most magical of the year. Divination at this time is most reliable.

    Since any divination takes away the spiritual strength of the fortuneteller, after the ceremony it is useful to wash yourself with holy water and go to the temple. This will clear and restore energy.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been mine main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

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    It all started when I ordered a personal...

Even our great-grandmothers and their ancestors tried to lift the veil of the future and find out what exactly awaits them in their personal lives. One of the most common divinations for a betrothed are rituals that are performed before going to bed, since it is in a dream that a person becomes most susceptible to contact and communication with the other world. There is no doubt that it is the supernatural forces that make it possible to touch what is hidden from us. In this article, we will look at some of the most truthful and popular fortune-telling about a betrothed in a dream.

Fortune telling on the betrothed in a dream with a comb

In order to tell fortunes about the betrothed, you will need to conduct a small ceremony before going to bed. This fortune-telling will be most effective on the night from Thursday to Friday, especially if it coincides with the full moon or with the growing moon.

Before going to bed, put on a clean white shirt and sit in front of a mirror. An indispensable condition will be that your body should be reflected at least to the waist. Let your hair down, take a comb in your hands and start combing yourself, saying: “Betrothed mummer, I’m dressing up for you, good for you. You come into my dream and start a conversation. Tell me your name, tell me when we meet. I will wait for you and be together. I conjure you with almighty forces: appear in my dream. Amen".

Further, according to the ritual of divination by the betrothed with a comb, one should lie in bed and light a church candle at the head of the bed. Place the comb under the pillow. We draw your attention to the fact that on the day when fortune-telling is performed, it is necessary to go to bed before midnight, since otherworldly forces come into contact exactly at this time.

Fortune telling on a betrothed in a dream on paper

For this ritual, the night from Friday to Saturday is perfect. Fortune telling on paper should be carried out exactly from 10 to 11 pm. At 11 o'clock you should already go to bed and fall asleep to see what the other world wants to show you.

For this ritual, you will need salt, two large sheets of paper, a lock of your hair, a church candle, a red satin ribbon and a needle. In the evening, strip naked and let your hair down. Take a piece of paper and cut it into several equal pieces, on each of which a man's name should be written. On one of the pieces of paper write "stranger", this is in case none of the written names matches the name of the future betrothed.

Further, in order to tell fortunes about the betrothed in a dream, you should put the remaining whole sheet of paper under the pillow. Lay out sheets of paper with names on it. Pour a pinch of salt on top of them and put a red ribbon across them, and a strand of your hair on it. Light a church candle at the head of the bed. With a needle, you should prick your ring finger, squeeze a drop of blood out of it and blot the ribbon with it.

At the end of the ceremony, read the following love plot: “My blood is hot, my spirit is strong. My desire to see you and know your name is great. Come into my dream and show me your face. Fate foretold us to be together, so tell me how to get to know you. Let it be my way, let it be! Amen".

Then go to bed, and when you wake up in the morning, put your hand under the pillow and pull out one of the pieces of paper. Whose name will be written on it, such a name will belong to your soulmate.

Fortune-telling for a betrothed in a dream will be most effective and true if you know how to remember dreams. Very often in the morning it is difficult for us to remember what exactly we saw in night dreams. And so that your dreams are always pleasant and bright, do not forget to press the buttons and

04.03.2014 10:30

Of all types of card divination, divination on simple playing cards is the most accessible and easiest ...

Fortune telling, as an opportunity to open the curtain that hides the secrets of the future, has been practiced for more than a dozen generations. Most often, at the same time, young girls want to know with whom they will have to connect their lives, see the image of their future, or find out his name. Fortune telling on the betrothed in a dream - in what ways is it done, how are these rituals performed?

Divination methods

There are several ways of divination, in which the image of a betrothed girl appears to her in a dream:

When carrying out all the rituals, the girl needs to keep the intention to conduct a secret from others. She should be alone in the bedroom. Immediately before fortune-telling, you should focus on the ritual as much as possible, and after pronouncing conspiracies, do not say anything out loud until the morning.

The sheet on the bed should be turned upside down, the pillowcase on the pillow and pajamas or nightgown should be turned inside out. Lie down with your head in the opposite direction from the usual position.

Dream interpretation

Sometimes a girl dreams of a fortune-telling ritual, performing which she wants to see her betrothed.

Dream Interpretations interpret this dream as follows: