The daughter fell in love with her father. My husband loves his daughter too much

June 22nd, 2011

Who do they see themselves Russian celebrities? Artist Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya decided to arrange a large-scale photo project, where public and famous people captured with their family in a costume that they like. What came out of it, judge for yourself ...

The Bezrukov couple chose the option of the White Guard family. It seems that the role played in the film "Admiral" still haunts Serezha ...


Sergei Bezrukov - actor
Irina Bezrukova - Sergei's wife, actress
Andrey - Irina's son
Vitaly Bezrukov - actor, director
Natalya Bezrukova - mother
Jim Bezrukov - fox terrier

VERNIKI (XVIII century, France)

Vernik Emil Grigorievich, People's Artist of Russia, chief director of literary and dramatic broadcasting of the All-Union Radio
Vernik Anna Pavlovna, teacher of the music school. Prokofiev, wife of E. Wernick
Vernik Maria Yaroslavovna, 5th year student, wife of I. Vernik
Vernik Grigory Igorevich, 2.7 years old, unemployed
Vernik Vadim Emilievich, journalist, author and presenter of the program "Who is there ..." on the TV channel "Culture"
Vernik Igor Emilievich, Honored Artist of Russia, actor of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov
Dubinsky Rostislav Mikhailovich, actor, art manager, son of Anna Pavlovna


Bondarchuk Fedor Sergeevich - director and actor
Bondarchuk Alena Sergeevna - actress
Bondarchuk Sergey Fedorovich, 11 years old - college student
Kryukov Konstantin Vitalievich, son of Alena Bondarchuk, 18 years old - student
Rudskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna - wife of Fyodor Bondarchuk, freelance artist


Valeria - singer
Iosif Prigozhin - Valeria's husband, producer
Galina Nikolaevna Perfilova - Valeria's mother
Valeria's children:
Anna - daughter, 12 years old
Artemy - son, 10 years old
Arseniy - son, 6 years old


Dmitry Malikov - singer and composer
Wife Elena Malikova with daughters Olga and little Stephanie
Yuri Malikov - head of VIA "Gems" with his daughter Inna and grandson Dmitry

WINE BREAKERS ("The beginning of the 20th century")

Vladimir Vinokur - People's Artist of Russia
Tamara Vinokur - wife of Vladimir, ballerina
Anastasia Vinokur - daughter, ballet dancer of the Bolshoi Theater


Andrey Gordin, 5 years old
Julia Menshova - TV presenter
Igor Gordin - MTYUZ actor
Vladimir Menshov - film director and actor
Vera Alentova - actress

PRESNYAKOV (XX century, 70s)

Presnyakov Vladimir Petrovich, musician, composer
Presnyakova Elena Petrovna, singer, soloist of the ensemble "Gems"
Presnyakov Vladimir Jr., singer, composer
Presnyakova Elena Jr., designer, poetess
Presnyakov Nikita, 11 years old, student of the 6th grade, son of Presnyakov Vladimir Jr.


PIMANOV ("Early Renaissance")

Valentina Pimanova - author and TV presenter of the program "Idols"
Alexey Pimanov - host of the program "Man and Law"
Yuri Evgenievich Melnikov - Valentina's father, architect
Asya Vasilievna Melnikova - mother of Valentina, doctor
Dasha Pimanova - daughter of Valentina and Alexei, TV journalist


Alexey Guskov - actor of drama theater and cinema
Lydia Velezheva - wife, drama theater and film actress
Volodya Guskov - son, 9th grade student
Mitya Guskov - son, 4th grade student


Laura Keosayan - Tigran's niece, MGIMO student
Edmond Keosayan - Tigran's nephew
Tigran Keosayan - director
Alena Khmelnitskaya - actress
Sasha Keosayan - 9 years old, daughter of Alena and Tigran


Natalya Belokhvostikova - actress
Vladimir Naumov - director
Natalya Naumova - actress, director

LAZAREV-NEMOLYAEV ( middle of the 19th century, Russia)

From left to right:
Polina Lazareva, 6th grade student, daughter of Alexander and Alina
Lazarev Alexander Sergeevich, People's Artist of the RSFSR, actor of the Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky
Nemolyaeva Svetlana Vladimirovna, People's Artist of the RSFSR, actress of the Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky
Lazareva Alina, translator, wife of A. Lazareva Jr.
Lazarev Alexander Alexandrovich, Honored Artist of Russia, actor of the Lenkom Theater
Lazarev Serezha, 1.5 years old, son of Alexander and Alina

PIEHA ("Spain. XVIII century")

Edita Piekha - People's Artist of the USSR, singer
Ilona Bronevitskaya - daughter of Edita Stanislavovna, singer, TV presenter
Evgeny Timoshenkov - Ilona's husband, producer
Stas Piekha - grandson, singer
Erika Bystrova - granddaughter, student


Natalya Selezneva - People's Artist of Russia, theater and film actress
Vladimir Andreev - People's Artist of the USSR, artistic
director of the theater Yermolova

Egor Andreev - son, employee of the apparatus of the Federation Council
Elena Andreeva - wife of Yegor Andreev, doctor
Alexey Andreev - son of Elena and Egor, 4th grade student, 9 years old

RUTBERG ("Spain. XVII century")

Ilya Grigoryevich Rutberg - Honored Art Worker of Russia, actor, director, teacher
Irina Nikolaevna Suvorova - wife of Ilya Grigorievich, piano teacher
Yulia Rutberg - Honored Artist of Russia, actress of the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov
Grigory Kuznetsov - son of Yulia, 18 years old, student


From left to right:
Flyarkovsky Vladislav Pierovich, head and presenter of the studio "Culture News"
Rozovskaya Maria Markovna, journalist, wife of V. Flyarkovsky
Flyarkovsky Veniamin Vladislavovich, 3 years old, unemployed
Rozovskaya Alexandra Markovna, 9th grade student, actress of the musical "Nord-Ost", daughter of M. Rozovsky
Rozovsky Mark Grigorievich, artistic director of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate"
Flyarkovsky Ilya Vladislavovich, 8th grade student, jazzman
Revzina Tatyana Iosifovna, director and musical director of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates", wife of M. Rozovsky
Rozovsky Semyon Markovich, 5 years old, actor of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates", son of M. Rozovsky

TOMA ("Venice. XVI century")

Svetlana Toma - theater and film actress
Andrei Vishnevsky - ex-husband of Svetlana, playwright
Irina Lachina - daughter of Svetlana, theater and film actress
Oleg Budrin - Irina's husband, theater producer
Masha Budrina - daughter of Irina and Oleg, 13 years old, student

MORTAR ("Ukraine. The middle of the XIX century")

Bogdan Stupka - People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of Ukraine
Ostap Stupka - son of Bogdan Stupka, Honored Artist of Ukraine
Irina Batko-Stupka - wife of Ostap, theater producer
Dmitry Stupka - son of Ostap, 19 years old, student
Ustinya Stupka - daughter of Ostap, 6 years old, student of a dance school


Shirvindt Alexander Anatolyevich - Artistic Director of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, People's Artist of Russia, Professor
Spouse Belousova Natalya Nikolaevna - architect
Son Shirvindt Mikhail Alexandrovich - author and producer of the Dog Show and Naturalist's Journeys
Daughter-in-law Morozova Tatyana Pavlovna - stylist of the TV company "Live News"
Grandson Shirvindt Andrei Mikhailovich - 5th year student of the Russian State Humanitarian University, future lawyer
Granddaughter Shirvindt Alexandra Mikhailovna - graduates from school

Valentin Yudashkin - fashion designer
Marina Yudashkina, wife - manager of the Fashion House
Galina Yudashkina - daughter, 11 years old

Mark Rozovsky, creativity, biography, whose personal life will be presented to your attention below, truly great person. He is a vivid example of human perseverance, strength and diligence. How was the life of this wonderful man? Let's talk about everything in order.


It fell to Mark Rozovsky to be born into a family of Soviet engineers in the turbulent 1937. The future playwright, screenwriter, composer, prose writer, poet, artist and artistic director of the famous theater "At the Nikitsky Gates" was born on April 3 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The revelry of repressions of that period did not bypass this family. When the baby was only six months old, his father was arrested on false charges, and he was forced to spend 18 years of his life in prison.

In those difficult years, it was hard for a mother to stay with a small child in her arms without male support. Therefore, she enters into a fictitious marriage with Grigory Zakharovich Rozovsky. The purpose of this alliance was to save the family from further persecution. Therefore, the boy is recorded in the name of his stepfather, although his real father is Semyon Shlienger. Mark Grigoryevich's mother never stopped loving his father, although she had to live with her stepfather all her life.

metropolitan life

When the boy is one year old, his grandmother transports him to Moscow away from the harsh conditions of life in Kamchatka. Here we had to endure the war. Mark Grigoryevich often recalls how his grandmother saved his little one from death. During another shelling, she covered her grandson with her body, and she herself was wounded in the leg.

At the end of the war, in 1944, Mark went to the first class of the 170th Moscow school. She had an excellent reputation. After all, the childhood and study of many famous creative personalities passed within its walls, among which it is worth noting the playwright Edward Radzinsky, the conductor Evgeny Svetlanov, as well as the actors Andrei Mironov and Vasily Livanov.

When the time came to get a passport in 1953, the question arose of what nationality to indicate in it. The fact is that Mark's mother had Russian and Greek roots, and his father was Jewish. Taking into account the anti-Semitic sentiments of those years, the unequivocal decision was made at the family council to record Mark as a Greek.

After graduating from school in 1955, Mark Rozovsky, whose biography was not at all simple, decides to become a journalist. The young man brilliantly passes the entrance exams and soon becomes a student at the Faculty of Journalism of the most prestigious university not only in Moscow, but in the entire Soviet Union. In 1960, full of hopes and creative plans, Mark Rozovsky successfully graduated from Moscow State University.

The very first theater

In his student years, Mark Rozovsky took an active part in a permanent pop group led by director G. Ya. Vardzieli. The group's repertoire consisted mainly of satirical miniatures. In 1957, Mark managed to prepare and show a satirical number "V-Water Lectures", which ridiculed the desire of the authorities to criticize the "separate minor shortcomings" of society that stand in the way of progress towards a "bright future". The bold performance of a promising student was noticed, and since 1958 he has already headed the variety studio at the Our Home University. To enhance your professional level the head of the theater group, Mark Rozovsky, goes to the Higher Script Courses, which he successfully completes in 1964. "Our House" is not inferior in popularity to the famous "Contemporary". The spirit of freedom and the thaw of the 60s hovers here. However, 1969 becomes fatal for the student theater. It is closed by decision of the higher party leadership. After the Prague Spring, productions based on the works of famous Czech playwrights were banned in the USSR, whose freedom-loving work was fond of the young head of the student theater.

creative way

In the 60s, a young journalist Rozovsky Mark Grigorievich worked in his specialty in the magazine "Youth", "Literaturnaya gazeta" and on the radio.

In the 70s, a young, promising journalist was completely captured by theatrical activities. In 1970 he created a theater at the State Literary Museum, and in 1974 he worked as the chief director of the Moscow Music Hall. The young director is actively engaged in productions of leading Moscow, Leningrad, Riga theaters, takes part in variety productions, works in film and television. In 1975, he staged the first rock opera in the USSR, Orpheus and Eurydice, which became a unique phenomenon for Soviet theatrical art.

Rebellious activity

In 1979, Mark Rozovsky, among many progressive writers who criticized Soviet censorship, took an active part in the creation of the infamous Metropol almanac. Known creative personalities, among which Akhmadulina, Vysotsky, Voznesensky, Iskander, Erofeev, did not have access to Soviet print publishing houses. In those days of strict censorship, their manuscripts were rejected or collected dust on the shelves for ideological reasons. The objectionable almanac was subjected to a sharp assessment by the Writers' Union for its anti-Soviet content, and its most active participants were expelled from the Writers' Union. However, Metropol saw the light of day thanks to the American publishing house Ardis. This sensational story with the almanac drew public attention even more to the problems of censorship, against which the works of talented authors unknown to a wide range of readers, who gained popularity after its publication, were directed.

Director Mark Rozovsky created a screened play "Vysotsky's Concert at the Research Institute." With the help of this work, Mark Grigorievich showed Vysotsky the way he really was - understandable, close, his own. This is how the viewer saw him, despite the image of the poet, smoothed and adapted to his own interests, which the authorities tried to present Vysotsky after his death.

Mark Rozovsky, with all his work, proves free-thinking and constantly challenges censorship, power, intrigue, meanness. As he himself says, despite the fact that the Constitution protects against censorship, any censor who comes to his theater will be immediately thrown down the stairs.

Theater of Mark Rozovsky

Despite the fruitful work within the walls of many of the country's leading theaters, the idea of ​​​​creating his own theater never left Mark Grigoryevich. In the late 80s, Rozovsky announced the recruitment of actors for his new theater, and in 1983 the stage central house culture of medical workers is opened for the work of the theater-studio "At the Nikitsky Gates". In the same year, on its tiny stage with a small auditorium, only 70 seats, the first performance was released, based on Chekhov's stories "Doctor Chekhov". Further, the audience of this theater saw "Poor Lisa", "Gambrinus", "Red Corner".

At the beginning of its existence, the theater, on the initiative of its leader, was completely transferred to self-financing, but in the difficult conditions of the economic crisis of the 90s, such a functioning of the theater becomes simply impossible. On October 1, 1991, the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate" acquires state status, thanks to which it becomes on a par with other famous metropolitan theaters.

The performances of the Mark Rozovsky Theater are distinguished by a wide variety of genres: from drama to comedy, from musicals to poetic performances, from parables to tragic farces, from classics to modernity. In the small courtyard of the theater, according to the plan of Rozovsky, a platform was equipped for the musical revue “Songs of Our Court”, in which popular songs of the 50s, 60s, and 70s are performed by the theater’s corpse. This open-air musical performance can be enjoyed from spring to the onset of the first cold weather. His popularity began to skyrocket. Therefore, it was decided to create winter version performance in the theater building - “Songs of our communal apartment”. The current repertoire of the theater is represented by 30 performances, each of which deserves special recognition from the grateful audience.

In January 2012, the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate" expanded its holdings at the expense of the building of the former cinema "Repeated Film". There are 198 seats in the auditorium, and the stage is designed according to the latest trends in scientific and technological progress. At the same time, it was possible to preserve the architecture of this building, built in the 18th century, and the features of its historical appearance.

Wives of Mark Grigorievich

The first wife of Mark Rozovsky died in 1988 in a car accident. From this marriage, the eldest daughter Maria remained. She is a talented journalist, an employee of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates". Mark Grigoryevich has every reason to be proud of his eldest daughter. She is his reliable assistant and support, both in life and at work. Maria Markovna's husband, Vladislav Flyarkovsky, is a former political observer on Russian television, now working on the Kultura TV channel. The couple has two sons - Ilya and Benjamin.

After the death of his wife, Mark Rozovsky has a serious relationship with Lana, Svetlana Sergienko, an actress of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates". When Alexandra, their daughter, was 9 years old, the couple divorced. After the divorce, Lana married Andrey Nechaev, the former Minister of Economy.

Mark Rozovsky, whose personal life could not improve in any way, decided on a third marriage. Tatyana Revzina is 25 years younger than her husband. Relations began in the theater. It's kind of an office romance. Tatyana is an actress of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates". The artistic director and the young actress soon began to develop not only a professional relationship. They went so far that both left their families and formed their own cell of society. But, despite the difference in age, the family is now happy.

Son of Mark Grigorievich Rozovsky

Soon, the son Semyon appeared in the newly made creative family. Later, Mark Grigoryevich in an interview admits that he named his son in honor of his own father. Little Senya was born in America at six months of pregnancy. Rozovsky recalls that at the time of his son's birth, he only had $20 in his pocket and had no health insurance. He gratefully recalls American doctors who, despite the difficult financial situation of the family, managed to do everything for Senya to survive and grow up healthy. Semyon is an American citizen. Rozovsky failed to register it in Russia. From an early age, Senya began to appear on the stage of his father's theater. Now Semyon is still in school. So far, he dreams of becoming a doctor, but if he suddenly wants to follow in the footsteps of his parents, no one will stop him.

Alexandra - Rozovsky's daughter

The children of Mark Rozovsky are as talented as their parents. From a previous marriage, the director has an adult daughter, Alexander Rozovskaya. She is a professional actress. Her ex-husband- actor Dmitry Burukin. Now she is with Denis Shvedov. Young people are waiting for an addition to their new family. Alexandra and Denis serve together in the Russian Academic Youth Theatre. Sasha first appeared on stage when she was 13 years old. Since then, the stage and the audience have not let her go. Now she has a creative upsurge, many interesting roles and offers. Being very young, Sasha at one time was busy in the musical "Nord-Ost" in the role of Katya Tatarinova. On that fateful day, when Chechen terrorists took hostages, she was not supposed to play, but was busy rehearsing. Just before the capture, her mother, the former wife of Mark Grigoryevich Lana, drove by to pick her up. When it all happened, young Alexandra was just on stage. Miraculously, she managed to stay alive, but her best friend died. Sasha could not recover for a long time after the tragedy at Nord-Ost.

Recognition and awards

For unique extraordinary creativity and invaluable contribution to the development of Russian culture and art, Mark Grigoryevich Rozovsky was awarded the highest government and international awards. He was awarded the title of Honored Art Worker and People's Artist Russian Federation, winner of the Literaturnaya Gazeta and Crystal Turandot awards, as well as the winner of the Federation Prize Jewish communities Russia "Person of the Year". Mark Grigoryevich Rozovsky was awarded the Order of Honor, the Chekhov Medal, the Order of Lomonosov, the Star of the Peacemaker. He has many other no less prestigious awards from public and international organizations in his arsenal.

In early April, the famous director of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates" Mark Rozovsky will celebrate his 80th birthday. Family, friends, colleagues - everyone will gather to congratulate this talented person. Mark Grigoryevich, despite his age, has many far-reaching creative plans that he will definitely be able to realize. It only remains for us to wish him health and inspiration, because in creativity there is no way without it.

Mark Grigoryevich Rozovsky is a Soviet and Russian theater director, playwright and screenwriter, composer, prose writer and poet. Since 2004 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, creator and permanent artistic director of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates". Academician of three academies: the American Pushkin Academy, the Russian Academy of Arts and the Academy of Aesthetics and Liberal Arts, a member of the PEN club, twice "Russian of the Year".

Childhood and youth

The future playwright was born in the spring of 1937. Parents, young civil engineers, after graduating from the institute were sent to the Far East, to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, to build a shipyard. There the firstborn was born.

Mark Grigorievich's father, Semyon Shlindman, was arrested on charges of counter-revolutionary activities when his son was not even a year old, so Mark Rozovsky did not have time to remember his parent. Shlindman was rehabilitated after his death. He spent 18 years in the northern camps.

Having heard about the arrest of his son-in-law, little Mark was taken to Moscow by his grandmother. Soon my mother also moved to the capital. The woman remarried colleague Grigory Rozovsky. Later, Mark Rozovsky said that it was a formal marriage of convenience, because my mother continued to love her father until the end of her life. The stepfather adopted the boy: the director bears his patronymic and surname.

The Jewish blood of his father and the Russian-Greek blood of his mother flows in Rozovsky's veins. The grandmother who took her grandson to the capital was Russian, and the grandfather was Greek.

In the mid-1950s, Rozovsky was awarded a matriculation certificate, and he went to the country's main university - Moscow State University, choosing journalism. He received his diploma in 1960 and immediately enrolled in screenwriting courses. Four years later, in 1964, he graduated as a certified screenwriter and director.


The creative biography of the screenwriter and director began in 1958: 21-year-old Mark Rozovsky headed the student theater organized at Moscow State University and called "Our House". Mark Grigoryevich worked as the artistic director of Our House for 10 years: in 1969, the too bold repertoire of the youth theater was not liked by the officials "from culture", and it was closed, despite its popularity.

In "Our House" the young artistic director directed the production "The whole evening, like the damned" - the first performance in the USSR of an absurdist direction. The performance was awarded the prize of the All-Union Festival of Student Theaters and was awarded the main award of the festival in Warsaw. But prizes and awards did not save the theater from closing.

In 1970, Mark Rozovsky created a new theater at the Moscow Litmuseum. After 4 years, he became the chief director of the Moscow music hall and at the same time directed productions for the Theater. , Moscow Art Theater and BDT.

Seething creative energy was overflowing in Rozovsky: the director managed to please theatergoers in Moscow and the northern capital. In the city on the Neva, he staged performances at the Mariinsky, the Theater. Lensoviet. Mark Rozovsky was called to direct the productions on the stage of theaters in Riga and Wroclaw.

In 1983 with light hand Mark Grigoryevich, a new theater appeared in Moscow, called "At the Nikitsky Gates". On his stage, a talented director staged performances based on compositions,. Walked on the stage and performances based on the plays of Rozovsky.

Sophisticated Moscow theater-goers remember the brilliant performances of Doctor Chekhov, Romances with Oblomov, and Mein Kampf. And the musical and dramatic performances “Songs of our yard” and “Songs of our communal apartment” have become the hallmark of the theater.

The plays of Mark Rozovsky "Red Corner", "Triumphal Square", "Red Corner" were staged on the stages of the Soviet Union and Europe. The play "Kafka. Father and Son" was seen by the audience of the New York theater "La Mama", and "Red Corner" was staged in Düsseldorf and Bonn.

One of the first in the USSR, Mark Rozovsky took up the production of musicals. Thanks to him, in the mid-1970s, Soviet viewers saw the rock opera Orpheus and Eurydice. In the same year, he staged The Story of a Horse on the stage of the BDT. Later, the musical was taken to the repertoires of the theaters of Broadway, London and Stockholm.

In 2016, in collaboration with Yuri Ryashentsev, Mark Rozovsky staged a musical based on the novel Dear Friend.


The name of Mark Rozovsky is also known to viewers. Theatrical performances were first filmed in the late 1970s. The first swallows - films-performances "Who is who?" and Moral of Pani Dulskaya. In 1982, the sensational television play "Chair", filmed by Rozovsky, was released on the screens. The main roles in the film went to, and.

In the mid-1980s, viewers saw the TV show "Goldfish", which was based on the works,. The film was the last work for. The main characters were played, and.

Under the 1980s, the director drew a line with the television play "History of the Horse." The brilliant production was overshadowed by a scandal: the staging was done by Rozovsky, who was invited to the BDT. But after the first act was staged, Tovstonogov intervened, made changes in the first and staged the second act.

In 1990, Mark Rozovsky directed the comedy Passion for Vladimir based on his play. The tape about the staff of the research institute, against the will of the director, organized a concert of a disgraced bard at the institute, fell in love with the audience.

Film by Mark Rozovsky "D" Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"

Mater is the author of scripts for 12 films and TV shows. Among them are the most popular movie hit "D" Artagnan and the Three Musketeers, directed by him, and the aforementioned "Department", "Goldfish", "History of a Horse" and "Passion for Vladimir".

Mark Rozovsky teaches. At the Institute of Russian Theater, he heads the workshop of the acting department. The first specialty - a journalist - was useful to the master: Rozovsky is a member of the Writers' Union and the PEN club. More than 2 hundred of his publications, 12 books of memoirs and poetry collections appeared in print.

Personal life

The playwright and director have been married 4 times. From the first unions he had daughters Masha and Sasha.

The fourth wife of Rozovsky was Tatyana Revzina, who gave birth to the master's son Semyon. Revzina and wife, and associate of Mark Grigorievich - she is the director and musical director of his theater.

Daughter Maria Rozovskaya, like her father, received a diploma in journalism from Moscow State University and works in her father's theater: she directs the literary part. The youngest daughter of Alexander Rozovskaya became a theater actress.

Mark Rozovsky now

Mark Georgievich continues to work in the established theater and pleases the audience with new productions. In 2016-17, theater-goers saw the performances of The Wolf Man and ... and the Circus! on the stage of the Theater at the Nikitsky Gates. The first was based on essays, the second was based on a story.

The year 2018 was marked for the master by an ugly scandal that erupted after the arrival of the former artist Fatima Abaskulieva on the program “Live”, who accused the director of rape. According to Fatima, this happened 12 years ago, after which she left the theater.

In the same issue of the Malakhov project, the master was accused of sexual harassment by another theater actress, Ekaterina Kmit. Her "story" is 11 years old.

Mark Rozovsky did not respond to Malakhov's invitation, but commented on what had happened. According to him, it is impossible to overcome "obscene" with the help of vulgarity, and it is necessary to resist filth not with "yellowness", but with art.

Filmography (director)

  • 1977 - "Who's Who?"
  • 1978 - "Morality of Mrs. Dulskaya"
  • 1982 - Department
  • 1985 - "Goldfish"
  • 1989 - "History of the Horse"
  • 1990 - "Passion for Vladimir"
  • 1992 - "Gambrinus"
  • 1999 - "Two Nabokovs"

Filmography (screenwriter)

  • 1967 - "Seven notes in silence ..."
  • 1972 - "Blue Hares, or Musical Journey"
  • 1974 - "Adventures in a city that does not exist"
  • 1978 - "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"
  • 1978 - "Be ready, Your Highness!"
  • 1982 - Department
  • 1985 - "Goldfish"
  • 1990 - "Passion for Vladimir"
  • 1992 - "Gambrinus"
  • 1999 - "Two Nabokovs"

Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (1960) and Higher Script Courses (1964). Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1976). Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Since 1958, he directed the student theater of Moscow State University "Our House", which became widely known.

After the closing of the theater "Our House" in 1969, he staged performances at the Moscow Art Theater, at the Bolshoi Drama Theater in Leningrad, at the Riga Theater of Russian Drama, at the Opera and Ballet Theater. Kirov, at the Academic Theatre. Pushkin, at the Theater. Lensoviet in Leningrad, in the Theater. Mayakovsky, in the puppet theater. S. V. Obraztsova, at the Polsky Theater in Wroclaw, in cinema, on television and on the stage.

Collaborated in the "Literary newspaper". In 1969-83 he worked in the magazine "Youth", where he led the popular headings of satire and humor.

In 1975 he staged the first rock opera in the USSR, Orpheus and Eurydice.

In 1983, Mark Rozovsky organized the Studio Theater "At the Nikitsky Gates" and became its artistic director. Staged performances: "Poor Liza", "Doctor Chekhov" (1983), "History of a Horse", "Romances with Oblomov" (1992), "Uncle Vanya" by Chekhov (1993), etc.

Prizes and awards

  • Honored Artist of Russia
  • Laureate of the Literaturnaya Gazeta Prize (1975)
  • Winner of the "Crystal Turandot" award in the 1992/1993 season. for the production of "Uncle Vanya" by A. Chekhov at the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate"
  • Order of Honor (1998)
  • Prize "Venets" (for a great contribution to modern drama and theatrical life of the country)
  • Moscow Prize, Prize "Recognition" of the Moscow International Television and Theater Festival.
  • Chekhov medal (2005)
  • Laureate of the National Prize of the Russian Federation "Russian of the Year" (2006)
  • Public awards:
  • Order of Lomonosov, Star of the Peacemaker



  • 2008 - Heavy sand - Eagle, pharmacist


  1. 2009 - Sincere recognition. Igor Starygin (documentary-biographical film dedicated to the activities of Igor Starygin)

Voice acting

  • 1978 - D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers - vocals (song "Spies of the Cardinal")


  • 1977 - "Who's Who?" (teleplay)
  • 1978 - "Morality of Mrs. Dulskaya" (teleplay)
  • 1989 - History of the horse (teleplay)
  • 1990 - Passion for Vladimir

written by

  • 1967 - "Seven notes in silence .." (documentary)
  • 1972 - Blue Hares, or Musical Journey
  • 1974 - Adventures in a city that does not exist
  • 1978 - D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers
  • 1978 - Get Ready, Your Highness!
  • 1982 - "Chair" (teleplay)
  • 1985 - Goldfish (teleplay)
  • 1990 - Passion for Vladimir
  • 1992 - Gambrinus (teleplay)
  • 1999 - "Two Nabokovs" (teleplay)


  • 1992 - Gambrinus (teleplay)



  • Live Newspaper Theatre: Scenarios for propaganda teams. M., 1970 (Library "To help amateur art"; No. 24)
  • Song about Danko: Musical and poetic fantasy based on the early works of A. M. Gorky. M., 1984


  • Show director. M., 1973 (Library "To help amateur art"; No. 22)
  • Dedication: From the experience of one studio: Reflections and documents. M., 1976 (Library "To help amateur art"; No. 22)
  • Transformation. M., 1983 (Library "To help amateur art"; No. 23)
  • To Chekhov... M., RSUH, 2003
  • The case of "horse stealing" - M.: Vagrius, 2006
  • The invention of the theatre. M.: AST: Zebra E; Vladimir: VKT, 2010