Happy birthday sayings. Birthday quotes of great people

Aphorisms are almost the best form
for the presentation of philosophical judgments.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

When a stork brought me to my parents, they laughed for a long time and at first they wanted to take the stork, but then they changed their minds and took me.
(author. Famous saying of an unknown child)

What to do with the person who was the first to celebrate a birthday? Killing is not enough.
(author Mark Twain)

Only a fool can celebrate the years of approaching death.
(author George Bernard Shaw)

Why, when we come into this world, no one warns us: "From now on, everything you say can be used against you"?
(author Wiesław Brudzinski)

If you live to be 100 years old, you will live for a long time: after all, after 100 years, very few people die.
(author George Burns)

Tact: the ability to inform guests that the birthday has already ended four hours.
(author Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Someone always has birthdays, but you have to make gifts.
(author Sergey Lobanov)

A good husband never remembers his wife's age, but always remembers her birthday.
(author Jacques Audiberti)

Memory is what tells us that yesterday was our wife's birthday.
(author Mario Rocco)

The surest way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it at least once.
(author Joseph Kossman)

A sure sign of old age: candles for a birthday cake are more expensive than the cake itself.
(author Bob Hope)

Time and the current of the ocean do not spare a single person, but after 30 for a woman, time simply ceases to exist.
(author Robert Frost)

Longevity usually ends quite fatally.
(author Racine)

Not the dead, you should mourn, but the one who is born for a hard struggle with the hardships of life.
(author Euripides)

There is nothing worse than growing old alone. My wife hasn't celebrated her birthday in seven years.
(author Robert Orben)

Despite all the modern advances in medicine, a birthday cure has not yet been invented.
(author John Glenn)

It's nice to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.
(author Frank Hubbard)

If my birth depended on me, it would not have taken place.
(author: Toyshibekov B)

Birth is that portion of immortality and eternity that is allotted to a mortal being.
(author Plato)

Average age: when all you want on your birthday is not to be reminded of it.
(author unknown)

Birthdays are a pleasant thing, but in large doses they are deadly.
(author unknown)

Name days are arranged so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days.
(author unknown)

Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't get.
(author unknown)

Age doesn't matter as long as you drink breast milk.
(author unknown)

The brightest birthdays, as a rule, coincide with the birthday of the birthday person.
(author unknown)

Age is a number whose exact meaning is not known.
(author unknown)

In the life of a real woman, there are at least 3 times fewer birthdays than in the life of a normal man.
(author unknown)

In general, not a birthday, but a commemoration of mediocre years.
(author unknown)

Birthdays are like buses: there are always numbers that you don't expect.
(author unknown)

As for me, only those who are 20 years older than me are so old.
(author unknown)

Live as long as you can. But remember that the first 20 years is the longest half of your life.
(author unknown)

People are like wine: someone turns into vinegar, but the best specimens turn into an ideal with age.
(author unknown)

Some women do not hide their age. And some men remember it.
(author unknown)

The right woman never knows what she would like to receive for her birthday as a gift.
(author unknown)

Thirty-five is a very attractive age. In London, there are a lot of women who have decided to opt for 35 years.
(author unknown)

Like many other women, I'm only 28.
(author unknown)

Looking 50 is amazing! If you are 60.
(author unknown)

Remember only one thing: when you have already reached the top, you will have to run further from the mountain.
(author unknown)

Birthday is the most delicate occasion to invite a girl to eat another piece of cake.
(author unknown)

You can be young only once, but underdeveloped - all your life.
(author unknown)

Inside every adult person there is a younger person who is perplexed about what is happening to him.
(author unknown)

To live means to be gradually born.
(ed. Exupery)


An aphorism is a concise thought said by someone and subsequently repeated repeatedly. Aphorisms, like other statements, decorate a person's speech. What could be more valuable and effective in a conversation than a well-timed catchphrase or pun.

Despite the fact that aphorisms contain a considerable amount of humor, there are quite a few truly wise phrases among them.

An aphorism is a kind of book of a person’s life, from aphorisms you can find out what people of a particular era believed in, about their gods, fears and joys.

The real clear, unquestionable sayings are the units that have passed the test for the most important factor - time, it is these sayings that can be boldly called aphorisms.

Best birthday statuses on Statuses-Tut.ru! In our life there is one day in the year, to which we are ambiguous. Our attitude to this significant day changes as we grow up. Remember when you were a kid waiting for your birthday? They asked their parents to buy the most cherished gift and hoped that he would not be alone. And this moment of unwrapping the gift package, the excitement and joy of the long-awaited gift! And then you ran into the yard to quickly tell all your friends about it! Years pass, and now statuses about your birthday flaunt on your page in classmates! You are giving yourself a gift! Or just order it for your family. Or maybe ask to donate a certain amount for the coveted moped or scooter. And then, with the company of your best friends, you sing songs noisily and cheerfully with a guitar in the yard.

Funny quotes about the birthday of loved ones!

Another ten years have passed, you have created your family, and now your birthday is fading into the background, since the most important days of the year, after the new year, are the birthdays of your children. You are a little sad, because the years fly by so fast. But there is no need to be discouraged! Just go to Statuses-Tut.ru and choose the coolest birthday statuses! These wonderful quotes will cheer you up and help you look at the world with optimism! After all, life is just beginning! And let your teenage children be surprised at the advancement and coolness of their parents. You are young at heart, and this is the main thing!

For real fathers - statuses about the son's birthday!

You have two daughters and you are anxiously awaiting the results of your ultrasound. Hooray, you will have a son! The long-awaited successor of the family name and the one with whom you can play football and go hiking. Your whole family is preparing for the arrival of a little man. And mom imagines which of you the baby will look like. The long-awaited moment has come, and you men in this big family already two. Share your happiness with family and friends. Just post a status about your son's birthday on your VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page! Let everyone know that your men's regiment has arrived!

Happy birthday in your status!

When the closest and dearest people congratulate you on the holiday, it is always very pleasant. And it is doubly pleasant and joyful when you are congratulated on your birthday. This day is the most significant for any person. This applies to those who have lived to gray hair, and those who are young and full vitality and energy. On this holiday, any congratulation is pleasant, even from strangers, not to mention loved ones and relatives. In order for as many people as possible to know about your wonderful holiday, you need to put the appropriate birthday status on the social network. And, of course, you will not be left without congratulations on your holiday, delicately hinting with your status that it was today that you were born. Let everyone know, it's not just a birthday, it's a turning point for every young family. When there were three of you, dad, mom and you! And perhaps, according to the Buddhists, your appearance was predetermined!

At fifty, I proudly thought: that's half a century! At sixty, I was already scared. Do you know how I met my seventieth birthday? Painted her face black, put on a black African wig, put on black dress and hung a black wreath over the door.

In general, not a birthday, but a commemoration of mediocre years.

When a stork brought me to my parents, they laughed for a long time and at first they wanted to take the stork, but then they changed their minds and took me.

The privilege of the birthday girl is the opportunity to personally wash the dishes after the feast in honor of her birthday.

Birthday is such a holiday when a new annual ring forms under the cerebral cortex.

And yet, the saddest holiday is your birthday! And he always goes through the same scenario - a case of beer, a case of vodka ... a meeting with the toilet ...

Birthdays are a pleasant thing, but in large doses they are deadly.

It's nice to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.

When they remember your birthday it's nice, when they forget it's economical!

Someone always has birthdays, but you have to make gifts.

I am an outstanding person, but still not to such an extent as to remember the moment and circumstances of my birth.

If on birthday parties the name was not pronounced in toasts, then it would be impossible to guess who they are talking about.

As you know, the holiday of childhood is a birthday. And no one will ever get away from him under any weather ...

If it comes to a birthday cake, then it failed.

Name days are arranged so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days.

As a rule, the closest friends congratulate you on your birthday.

A good husband never remembers his wife's age, but always remembers her birthday.

Memory is what tells us that yesterday was our wife's birthday.

With coming of age me! From this day on, I can forget about all the prohibitions of my parents and do what I myself want! To begin with, I put my finger into the socket and lick the swing in the cold!

Only on your birthday do you find out how many unnecessary things there are in the world.

Complete f....ets - this is when you celebrate your thirtieth birthday at McDonald's.

The brightest birthdays, as a rule, coincide with the birthday of the birthday person.

The surest way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it at least once.

Middle age: when all you want on your birthday is to not be reminded of it.

Thank you! Thank you all, it's very nice! I'm really grateful to you! Who was late or forgot, I'm sorry, I already deleted you.

Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't get.

Only a fool can celebrate the years of approaching death.

Life is arranged in such a way that you go to the funerals of those you love, and to the anniversaries of those you cannot stand.

There is nothing worse than growing old alone. My wife hasn't celebrated her birthday in seven years.

I have rightfully come the day of the egoist! Congratulations my love!!!

What to do with the person who was the first to celebrate a birthday? Killing is not enough.

When a stork brought me to my parents, they laughed for a long time and at first they wanted to take the stork, but then they changed their minds and took me.

Someone brought seeds for my birthday. Haven't started drinking yet...

What to do with the person who was the first to celebrate a birthday? Killing is not enough.

Only a fool can celebrate the years of approaching death.

My husband gave me a Jeep for my birthday ... But he didn’t tie it with a red bow! MISER!

Why, when we come into this world, no one warns us: "From now on, everything you say can be used against you"?

I always thought that a birthday is such a holiday, and age has nothing to do with it ... It turned out, on the contrary, that a holiday has nothing to do with a birthday.

If you live to be 100 years old, you will live for a long time: after all, after 100 years, very few people die.

I was born in the summer on purpose so that on my birthday there was a barbecue instead of a cake.

Tact: the ability to inform guests that the birthday has already ended four hours.

Birthdays, like Christmas days, are made for disappointment. Always this feigned, pre-scheduled fun - it always blew to the temple: “Have fun, to whom they say!”

Someone always has birthdays, but you have to make gifts.

Today they gave money to dad for his birthday, tomorrow we will go to mom to buy shoes.

A good husband never remembers his wife's age, but always remembers her birthday.

A real man remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is.

Time and the current of the ocean do not spare a single person, but after 30 for a woman, time simply ceases to exist.

Dear teacher, let me go to your first class, but it will be like your birthday...

A sure sign of old age: candles for a birthday cake are more expensive than the cake itself.

On my birthday, at 7 in the morning, I received a text message "Are you in the trash already?".

Memory is what tells us that yesterday was our wife's birthday.

British scientists have shown that those who had more birthdays, as a rule, lived longer

Not the dead, you should mourn, but the one who is born for a hard struggle with the hardships of life.

Middle age: when all you want on your birthday is to not be reminded of it.

The surest way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it at least once.

When they remember your birthday it's nice, when they forget it's economical!

Longevity usually ends quite fatally.

Today is your birthday, which means you need to powerfully break away! After all, you will have a whole year, What would have time to recover a little!

There is nothing worse than growing old alone. My wife hasn't celebrated her birthday in seven years.

I don’t understand birthdays: songs, gifts… Celebrating that you have lived for another year is somehow… false.

Despite all the modern advances in medicine, a birthday cure has not yet been invented.

13-year-old Lesha was presented with a tear-off erotic calendar for his birthday. A year flew by in 15 minutes.

It's nice to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.

A complete fuck .... a fuck is when you celebrate your thirtieth birthday at McDonald's ...

If my birth depended on me, it would not have taken place.

Cheerful Birthday: the sofa gives soft sensations, the thermometer is warm at 38 degrees, the pills are bitter in the mouth, instead of alcohol, everyone wishes health ... oh, I dreamed of such a holiday all my life! :)

Birth is that portion of immortality and eternity that is allotted to a mortal being.

Good friends congratulate you early in the morning. The best call at 3 a.m., yelling "Happy Birthday, bitch!" and then they ask: Well, am I the first???

Birthdays are a pleasant thing, but in large doses they are deadly.

Name days are arranged so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days.

The collection includes quotes about a person’s birthday:
  • Elvis is the king and I am the queen. Did I tell you that my birthday is the same as the anniversary of his death? Madonna
  • Come on, stop. Look, we didn't notice your birthday for four years. You didn't mean it, I respect it. I don't want a fifth. Liquidation
  • There is nothing worse than growing old alone. My wife hasn't celebrated her birthday in seven years. Robert Orben
  • Birthday is a holiday of childhood, and there is no getting away from it.
  • When is your birthday? - Today. - We must not forget to congratulate you.
  • Birthdays?! It's rainy days and black and white cinema. Heath Ledger
  • Only on your birthday do you find out how many unnecessary things there are in the world. Mikhail Zhvanetsky
  • Name days are arranged so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days. Anonymous
  • Middle age: when all you want on your birthday is to not be reminded of it. Anonymous
  • As a boy, I was happy about my birthday, and now you are upset - the numbers are frightening. Ilya Erenburg
  • Happy birthday and all the bullshit you want! Vanilla Sky
  • On their birthday, good boys should be given a list of bad girls.
  • Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life, Pooh! Winnie the Pooh
  • Normal children are given a car for their sixteenth birthday, not a country! How to become a princess
  • Memory is what tells us that yesterday was our wife's birthday. Mario Rocco
  • I won't celebrate my birthday - I'm on a diet.
  • Put the card in front of you, pour and drink I'm with you!
  • One year closer to the gentle embrace of death. Smallville
  • The surest way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it at least once. Joseph Kossman
  • When they remember your birthday, it's nice, when they forget - it's economical!