Vice Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy. "He's also a fool"

On the afternoon of September 5, Mikhail Pivnev, a ninth-grade student of school No. 1 in Ivanteevka, broke into the school building with smoke bombs and an air rifle. A teenager shot at a computer science teacher and hit her in the head. The teenager's frightened classmates started jumping out of the windows. Three of them ended up in the hospital.

The lesson ended with resuscitation

The police detained the ninth grader immediately after the incident. Now he is being interrogated. The teacher ended up in intensive care with serious head injuries. According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, the boy had several smoke bombs and a gun with him. In total, four people were injured. Three children were taken to the police with fractures and bruises - the children escaped by jumping out of the office windows.

Employees of the departments for juvenile affairs of the Pushkinskoye Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the presence of parents, are interrogating a schoolboy who brought smoke bombs and pneumatic weapons to the class

They said in the press service.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia claims that the student attacked the teacher with a kitchen hatchet: it was with it that he hit her on the head. After that, he began to scatter smoke bombs and shoot from pneumatics, Interfax reported.

"I came here to die"

The Mash Telegram channel reports that a student burst into the office shouting: “I came here to die!”. He stole an air gun from his father, stocked up on several smoke bombs and decided to take over the school. When he entered the classroom, he ordered his classmates to sit down and shot at the teacher, and then at the ceiling. The bullet hit the teacher in the head.

The school staff immediately called the police. The teenager was arrested. The reasons and motives of the minor are not yet clear.

Delete my life 05.09.17

The teenager's classmates said that Misha had long planned his action just for the fifth of September. On his Vkontakte page, he left the inscription delete my life on 09/05/17, which was noticed by his comrades. Pivnev's classmates did not film what was happening, because they tried to escape from the classroom.

Misha's comrades say that the teenager began to actively share his plans four months ago. He was going to kill the teacher, and then commit suicide. Pivneva's neighbor said that the day before, the schoolboy had promised to stage a terrorist attack.

He told all his classmates this at the end of May. Yesterday I was walking home, and he was standing near the entrance, we are neighbors, he lives below me, and he said that he would arrange a terrorist attack today, and today he wrote in the morning

Teenager's roommate.

Mash notes that the boy was observed by a psychiatrist, as he repeatedly spoke about suicide.

The teenager's sister is sure that he decided to do this because classmates hurt the student for three years. Negative emotions accumulated and spilled out in this way, the sister concluded.

We thought desks had fallen somewhere in the corridor

The children who were at the school at the time of the attack did not know what had happened until the very end. They heard explosions and put forward: that computers exploded or desks fell. After the clapping, they were quickly taken out of school and sent home, the children did not even have time to take their outerwear from the wardrobe. Fire trucks, ambulances and police arrived at the school. It was only at home that the children found out that someone from the ninth grade had brought bombs to the school.

Already at home, the whole class became aware that someone from the ninth grade had brought pipe bombs to the school. He had a conflict with the teacher, and he detonated the bomb. He also hit Lyudmila Yurievna on the head with a hammer. This is a computer science teacher. He also threw a firecracker at the girl, because of this, she fell out of the window. Another girl tried to help her, but she also fell.

Said a student of school number 1.

Mass murder fan at Columbine High

Michael to two high school students who staged a massacre at the American Columbine School in 1999. Then high school students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold injured 37 people, of whom 13 died. They came to the school with firearms and improvised explosives. After the attack, the teenagers were stabbed to death.

On Pivnev's Vkontakte page, one can find enthusiastic notes about the act of two schoolchildren. He wrote that he could be in their place, thought about the meaning of life and his place in it.

He, like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, kept a diary, which, according to relatives, he burned shortly before the attack. Just like American schoolchildren, he recorded videos and uploaded photos showing that he has a weapon and he knows how to handle it perfectly. Moreover, aggressive photos of a teenager gained a large number of likes.

Shortly before the attack, the teenager posted a video in which he parodied the actions of his idols, who killed 13 people. He cut original footage of recordings of American schoolchildren and combined them with his own samples of weapons in the same clothes and in the same poses. Where the boy got such a manic obsession with guys who killed themselves almost 20 years ago is unknown.

Law Enforcement Verdict

Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow region under the article "Hooliganism".

“According to preliminary data, a 15-year-old ninth grade student came to school with an air gun, which he carried under his raincoat. In the classroom, he took out a weapon and fired a shot at the teacher. As a result, the teenagers got scared and three jumped out of the window, according to preliminary data, one boy had a fracture, two had bruises, the teacher received an open craniocerebral injury. At present, nothing threatens the lives of the victims," ​​the statement said.

Police officers and the National Guard communicate with the minor. The boy's family is considered prosperous. Law enforcement officers find out the motives of the teenager's act.

Today is September 6 in the program Let them say I came here 6 09 2017 watch online in live We are discussing a shocking incident in Ivanteevka near Moscow. It was a typical morning at the start of the school year at the city's oldest exemplary school. A 15-year-old boy came to a computer science lesson in the 9th grade in a black raincoat. Under his raincoat, he had homemade firecrackers and weapons, an air pistol and a kitchen ax for butchering meat. Let's try to restore the chronology of events, find out what happened and figure out why this became possible.

“Let them talk about the last issue of today” - a talk show by Andrei Malakhov - the leading figure of the bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and simple people- in politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Dmitry Borisov

Vice speaker of the State Duma, deputy from United Russia, former anchor of Channel One Pyotr Tolstoy at a press conference said a phrase that was interpreted by many as anti-Semitic. He pointed out that today the “grandchildren and great-grandchildren” of those who “jumped out of the Pale of Settlement” in 1917 oppose the transfer of St. Isaac’s Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church. After a wave of indignation, Tolstoy did not refute his statement, but denied that it was anti-Semitic.

Speaking at a press conference in TASS dedicated to the opening of the Christmas readings “1917-2017: Lessons of the Century”, TV presenter and deputy Pyotr Tolstoy, who now holds the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, said literally the following:

I would like to add on my own behalf that, watching the protests around the transfer of Isaac, I cannot help but notice an amazing paradox: people who are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who destroyed our churches, jumping out there ... because of the Pale of Settlement with a revolver in the seventeenth year, today their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies - continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

In the reports of TASS itself, as well as other state news agencies, these words are not present. They were quoted by Ekho Moskvy. In confirmation, the radio station published an audio recording.

Tolstoy's statement caused indignation of many, including publications in the media and social networks. Petersburg deputy Alexander Kobrinsky called it anti-Semitic and noted that no one in Russia had heard such a thing from officials since the 1980s. In addition, many drew attention to the fact that the words about the "Pale of Settlement" were heard four days before international day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust: On January 27, Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Kobrinsky, like two other deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Boris Vishnevsky and Maxim Reznik, opposes the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral under the control of the Russian Orthodox Church. In addition to him, many of those who have nothing to do with the conflict around the cathedral spoke out.

Dmitry Aleshkovsky, the publisher of the Takie Dela website and head of the Need Help charity foundation, wrote on Facebook:

My Jewish ancestors were just engaged in beating the fascist bastard and restoring churches, and people like Pyotr Tolstoy just destroyed them. What a pity that a fascist in our country is now allowed and honorable.

He also talked about his family and their contributions to Russian history and culture.

Many, like the journalist Alexander Tsypkin, reacted to Tolstoy's words with irony. Tsypkin's post was shared almost 100 times: he simply asks Tolstoy "organizational questions":

Also, businessman and journalist Anton Nosik, one of the most popular bloggers on LiveJournal and Facebook, spoke about the words of the vice-speaker. He accused Tolstoy not only of anti-Semitism, but also of illiteracy, citing another quote from Peter Tolstoy about St. Isaac's Cathedral.

In the same speech, the Nazi speaker of the State Duma said that at present in St. Isaac's Cathedral "Foucault's pendulum is hanging", and "Petersburg intelligentsia leads tours with champagne" on its balcony. If he had limited himself to the first part of this statement, one could assume that he had not looked into St. Isaac's Cathedral since 1986 (Foucault's pendulum was dismantled just then). However, judging by the second part of the sketch, he was never there at all. Because St. Isaac's Cathedral has no balcony. There is a colonnade there. […] No champagne is poured or sold in St. Isaac's Cathedral (as well as anywhere else within a radius of 100 meters from its cash desks), unlike the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, glorious, in addition to a car wash and dry cleaning, for its VIP banquets and corporate parties.

Nosik doesn't think that the main problem Tolstoy - anti-Semitism.

I foresee the dissatisfaction of Russian Jews with the fact that the deputy chairman of the State Duma turned out to be a Nazi speaker. But, I think, it is no less a problem for Russian citizens of any nationality that the deputy chairman of the parliament from the ruling party is so insane and stubborn. By the way, he is also a fool: for his exit from the closet as a Nazi speaker, he chose that one week of the year when it would be wise for the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of policemen, guards and Vlasovites, both by blood and ideological, to remain silent.

The head of the public relations department of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Borukh Gorin, also spoke about the situation, his words are quoted by Ekho Moskvy. In his opinion, the vice-speaker's statement is "inadmissible." Besides, it's illogical.

He talks about great-grandchildren and speaks like a great-great-grandson of a man who at one time was anathematized by the Orthodox Church of Russia. Does this mean that he bears the same responsibility for what happened in the 17th year with the churches of the Orthodox Church, when they were destroyed, of course, not only by Jews, but by people of different nationalities and religions? And among them, of course, there were a huge number of Tolstoyans who destroyed churches, including because of the ugly attitude that the then Orthodox Church showed to the great humanitarian thinker, the great writer of the Russian land, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. This, so to speak, is simple, if you already remember family ties.

Boruch Gorin considers Peter Tolstoy's accusations against the Jews untenable:

If a person ascribes views to a national group solely because of its national origin, then, of course, these are not just generalizations, but nationalist generalizations, in this case anti-Semite. Separately, it can be noted that this does not correspond to reality in any way, because there are no common views on the return of St. Isaac's Cathedral, not only among the Jewish community of Russia, but among the Jews of Russia as individuals.

Pyotr Tolstoy himself denies that there was anti-Semitism in his words, although he does not deny that the phrase was actually spoken at a press conference. He wrote about it on Facebook.

Twitter reacts to Tolstoy's words mainly with jokes.

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Name: Peter Tolstoy (Petr Tolstoy)

Zodiac sign: Twins

Age: 48 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Growth: 194

Activity: TV presenter, journalist

Family status: married

Famous Russian TV presenter, journalist, producer, politician, public and statesman, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Peter Tolstoy comes from the oldest family of Russian aristocrats. He is a descendant of the great classic Leo Tolstoy and is the great-great-grandson of the writer on his father's side, Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy.

On the mother's side - Olga Tomar - Peter Tolstoy, among other things, has famous ancestors with a rich family history. The five-time great-grandfather of the TV presenter Stepan Vasilievich Tomara was a member of the nobility of the Pereyaslav district and a collegiate adviser, the richest man of his time, who owned the Kovrai estate, which was called the pearl of the Pereslavl region.

The maternal great-grandfather of Peter Tolstoy, Mikhail Lvovich Tomara, was a famous orientalist. Together with his wife Olga Mamontova, he lived most of his life in Sukhumi.

TV presenter Fekla Tolstaya is Peter Tolstoy's second cousin, and the famous writer Tatyana Tolstaya, along with her son, the famous Russian blogger, designer and entrepreneur Artemy Lebedev, are distant relatives of the TV star.

However, the biography of Peter Tolstoy is not only the glorious history of his ancient family and a luxurious family tree with names that are known throughout Russia: Peter Olegovich himself achieved a lot, glorifying his big name.

Pyotr Tolstoy dreamed of being a journalist since childhood. After graduating from secondary school, he entered the international department of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov. In the memory of teachers, Tolstoy was remembered as a diligent student with great career ambitions.

Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy took the first steps in his Olympian career in the French newspaper Le Monde, in its Moscow edition. Peter worked and simultaneously taught in practice French, and 2 years later - from 1994 to 1996 - he got the opportunity to work in the France Presse bureau in the capital. During his stay in France, Tolstoy improved his level of journalistic qualifications at the Higher School for the Training of Journalists, which is located in Paris.

The experience of foreign colleagues Peter Tolstoy soon applied in the field of domestic journalism. In 1996, the 27-year-old journalist became the deputy editor-in-chief of one of the most progressive Russian television companies at that time - ViD. Tolstoy led the information service, produced the program "Scandals of the Week" and at the same time hosted a program on the TV-6 channel "In the World of People", hosted by Vlad Listyev before him.

In 2002, the head of the capital's Third Channel, Andrei Pisarev, called Tolstoy to host the information and analytical program Conclusions, and after 2 years, the ambitious journalist himself took the place of the general director of the three-ruble note.

In 2005, Konstantin Ernst himself invited Pyotr Olegovich to work on Channel One. The journalist took with him the entire team of his program "Conclusions" in support. In fact, "Sunday" became its continuation, only on Channel One. It is worth noting that the former leadership of Tolstoy was not offended by the journalist. Petr Tolstoy, even for a certain period of time after switching to Channel One, continued to work on Channel Three as Deputy General Director.

"Sunday" soon made Peter Tolstoy famous throughout the country: in 2007, for his work as the host of the famous project, the journalist received "TEFI" - the main television award in Russia, which can be called the journalistic "Oscar".

Since 2007, Pyotr Tolstoy has been a member of the Academy of Russian Television, and was also awarded the Golden Pen Award in the field of journalism.

From April 2013 to June 2016, Pyotr Tolstoy, first together with Alexander Gordon, and then single-handedly hosted the political talk show Politika on Channel One.

From September 2014 to July 2016, together with Ekaterina Strizhenova, he worked as the host of the well-known talk show "Time Will Show". In addition, an ambitious journalist on the same Channel One led a project with a name that seemed to hint at the kinship of the presenter with the legendary writer - “Tolstoy. Sunday".

After being elected to the State Duma in the fall of 2016, Pyotr Tolstoy had to leave television and concentrate on work in the legislature.

Pyotr Tolstoy was elected to the State Duma of Russia in September of the year before last, having won a landslide victory in the Lublin single-mandate constituency of the capital. In October, at the first plenary session of the State Duma, Tolstoy was elected deputy chairman of the supreme legislative body of the Russian Federation.

Last January, Petr Tolstoy headed the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

It is worth noting that the love of viewers for the host Peter Tolstoy cannot be called nationwide. There are critics who accuse him of partiality, distortion and outright propaganda in favor of the current Russian government. However, the journalist, apparently, never tried to please everyone and spoke very sharply, characterizing the opposition. Admirers of the journalist and politician call him a true patriot of the country, not afraid to say out loud what many think.

For example, a whistle was cut out from a report about Vladimir Putin's speech after the fight between Emelianenko and Monson. Commenting on the plot, Pyotr Tolstoy very harshly said that it was the defeated American opponent of the Russian bear who was booed, and not the Russian prime minister at all, as many believed.

Another scandal regarding the statements of the host occurred after the participation of the actress and head of the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation Chulpan Khamatova in the election campaign of Vladimir Putin. There was talk that the actress did it without much enthusiasm, but Khamatova herself did not comment on the rumors. But Tolstoy spoke out on this subject, calling one of the authors of such assumptions a scoundrel and unequivocally hinting that such individuals call for revolutions that have never brought anything good to the country.

Petr Tolstoy was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine because of his statements about the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, as well as military operations in the East of Ukraine.

In February 2015, attackers set fire to country house famous TV presenter in the Volgograd region. It was not just a house, but a whole estate, which the descendant of Leo Tolstov had been arranging for 10 years. According to the investigation, the arsonist was the ex-driver of the TV presenter, who thus took revenge on Peter for his dismissal. The estate flared up like a match, and burned down completely. The losses from the fire were estimated at several million rubles.

Last January, Tolstoy, commenting on the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church, said that, watching the protests around the transfer of the temple, he could not help but notice a paradoxical fact: the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of "those who destroyed Orthodox churches, having jumped out from behind the Pale of Settlement with a revolver in the seventeenth year, "continue the work of their ancestors. These statements provoked a protest from the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Russian Federation and accusations of Pyotr Tolstoy of anti-Semitism.

Opposition deputies of the St. Petersburg parliament Maxim Reznik and Boris Vishnevsky joined the voices that condemned the journalist, accusing him of inciting ethnic hatred. And Borukh Gorin, a representative of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Russian Federation, regarded Tolstoy's words about Jews as anti-Semitic and considered his statements "open anti-Semitism."

Pyotr Tolstoy is married to Daria Evgenievna Evenenko. The couple legalized the relationship as soon as the journalist received a diploma higher education, October 3, 1992.

At the moment, the couple live in Moscow and raise their daughter Alexandra, who was born in 2000. Peter greatly values ​​his family and protects her from excessive attention and prying eyes of the annoying press.

The personal life of Peter Tolstoy developed happily, but he talks about it very reluctantly, preferring to be frank only on topics of politics and socially important issues. Familiar families note that the famous TV presenter and politician have a strong family and a reliable rear.