A flower named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow. Flowers Flowers named after God


An ancient legend tells that the beautiful Anyuta once lived in the world. She fell in love with her cold-blooded seducer with all her heart. The young man broke the heart of the gullible girl, and Jonah died of grief and anguish. On the grave of poor Anyuta, violets grew, painted in shooting range. Each of them personified three feelings that she experienced: hope for reciprocity, surprise from an unjust insult, and sadness from unrequited love. For the ancient Greeks, pansy-colored shooting ranges were symbols of a love triangle. According to legend, Zeus liked the daughter of the king of Argos, Io. However, Zeus' wife Hera turned the girl into a cow. Only after long wanderings did Io regain her human form. To please his beloved, the Thunderer grew tricolor violets for her. In Roman mythology, these flowers are associated with the image of Venus. The Romans believed that the gods turned men into pansies, who secretly spied on the bathing goddess of love. Since ancient times, pansies have symbolized fidelity in love. Many peoples eat customs associated with these flowers. For example, Polish girls gave their beloved pansies if he left for a long time. This symbolized the preservation of fidelity and love to give. It is no coincidence that in France, tricolor violets were called "flowers for memory." In England, they were a "heart's delight", they were presented to each other by lovers on February 14 - Valentine's Day.


The thin petals of an aster are a bit like the rays of distant stars, so beautiful flower and received the name "aster" (lat. aster - "star"). An ancient belief says that if you go out into the garden at midnight and stand among the asters, you can hear a quiet whisper. These flowers communicate with the stars. Already in Ancient Greece people were familiar with the constellation Virgo, which was associated with the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to ancient Greek myth, the aster arose from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked from the sky and wept. For the ancient Greeks, the aster symbolized love. In China, asters symbolize beauty, precision, elegance, charm and modesty.
For Hungarians, this flower is associated with autumn, which is why in Hungary the aster is called the “autumn rose”. In ancient times, people believed that if a few aster leaves were thrown into a fire, the smoke from this fire could drive out snakes. The aster flower is a symbol of women born under the astrological sign of Virgo.


Latin name the plant received in honor of the son of Genius and the grandson of Jupiter - Tages (Tageta). This character of ancient Greek mythology became famous for being able to predict the future. Tages was a boy, but his intelligence was unusually high, and he had the gift of foresight. Similar myths existed among the Etruscans. Tages appeared to people in the form of a baby, which the plowman found in a furrow. The child told people about the future of the world, taught them to read the insides of animals, and then disappeared as suddenly as he appeared. The predictions of the baby god were recorded in the prophetic books of the Etruscans and betrayed to posterity. In China, marigolds are a symbol of longevity, which is why they are called "flowers of ten thousand years."
In Hinduism, this flower was personified with the god Krishna. In the language of flowers, marigolds mean fidelity.


The Latin name of this plant is associated with the centaur Chiron - the ancient Greek mythological hero - half-horse and half-man. He had knowledge about healing properties many plants and with the help of a cornflower he was able to recover from the wound inflicted on him by the poisoned arrow of Hercules. This was the reason to call the plant centaurea, which literally means "centaur".
The origin of the Russian name of this plant is explained by an old folk belief. A long time ago, a beautiful mermaid fell in love with a handsome young plowman Vasily. The young man reciprocated her, but the lovers could not agree where they should live - on land or in water. The mermaid did not want to part with Vasily, so she turned him into a wild flower, which in its color resembled the cool blue of water. Since then, according to legend, every summer, when blue cornflowers bloom, mermaids weave wreaths from them and decorate their heads with them.


Ancient Greek legends tell how Achilles, the son of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis, fought under the walls of Troy. His mother gave him magnificent armor, forged by the blacksmith god Hephaestus himself. The only weak point of Achilles was the heel, by which Thetis held him as a child, when she decided to dip the baby in the sacred waters of the river Styx. It was in the heel that Achilles was struck by an arrow shot from a bow by Paris. After the death of Achilles, his legendary armor was awarded to Odysseus, and not to Ajax Telamonides, who considered himself the second hero after Achilles. In desperation, Ajax threw himself on the sword. Drops of the hero's blood fell to the ground and turned into flowers, which we now call delphiniums. It is also believed that the name of the plant is associated with the shape of its flowers, resembling the back of a dolphin. According to another ancient Greek myth, the cruel gods turned a young man into a dolphin, who sculpted his dead beloved and revived her. Every day he swam to the shore to meet his beloved, but he could not find her. One day, standing on a rocky shore, the girl saw a dolphin. She waved at him, and he swam up to her. In memory of his love, the sad dolphin threw a blue delphinium flower at her feet. Among the ancient Greeks, the delphinium symbolized sadness. According to Russian belief, delphiniums have medicinal properties, including helping the fusion of bones in case of fractures, therefore, until recently in Russia, these plants are called larkspur. In our time, the plant is often referred to as a spur. In Germany, the popular name for the delphinium is knight's spurs.


The generic name of the plants comes from the Greek word iris - "rainbow". According to ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of the rainbow, iris (Irida), fluttered across the sky on light, transparent, iridescent wings and carried out the instructions of the gods. People could see her in raindrops or on a rainbow. In honor of the golden-haired iris, a flower was named, the shades of which were as magnificent and varied as the colors of the rainbow.
The xiphoid leaves of iris symbolize courage and courage among the Japanese. This is probably why in Japanese "iris" and "warrior spirit" are denoted by the same hieroglyph. In Japan, there is a holiday called Boys' Day. It is celebrated on May 5th. On this day, in every Japanese family where there is a son, many objects with the image of irises are exhibited. From the flowers of iris and orange, the Japanese prepare a drink called "May pearls". In Japan, they believe that drinking this drink will instill courage in the souls of future men. In addition, according to Japanese beliefs, "May pearls" have healing properties, it can cure many ailments.
In ancient Egypt, irises were considered a symbol of eloquence, and in the East they symbolized sadness, so white irises were planted on graves.


The scientific name of calendula comes from the Latin word calendae, meaning the first day of each month. It can be assumed that the reason for identifying the plant with the beginning of a new cycle was its inflorescences, which constantly replace each other during flowering. The species name of calendula - officinalis - is associated with its medicinal properties (from the Latin officina - "pharmacy"). Due to the peculiar shape of the fruit, the people call calendula marigolds. In Russian folklore, an ancient legend about the origin of this name has been preserved. It tells that a boy was born to a poor water family. He grew up sick and weak, so they called him not by his first name, but simply by Snake. When the boy grew up, he learned the secrets of medicinal plants and learned to heal people with their help. From all the surrounding villages, sick people began to come to Zamorysh. However, there was an evil man who envied the fame of the doctor and decided to kill him. Once, on a holiday, he brought a goblet of wine with poison to Zamorysh. He drank, and when he felt that he was dying, he called people and bequeathed to bury after death the nail from his left hand under the poisoner's window. They fulfilled his request. A medicinal plant with golden flowers grew in that place. In memory of a good doctor, people called this flower marigolds. The first Christians called the calendula "Mary's Gold" and decorated the statues of the Savior's mother with it. AT ancient india garlands were woven from calendula and decorated with statues of saints. The calendula is sometimes called the "bride of summer" because of the flower's tendency to follow the sun.

Lily of the valley

The generic name of the lily of the valley is translated as "lily of the valleys" (from the Latin ocnvallis - "valley" and the Greek lierion - "lily") and hints at its habitat. The specific name indicates that the plant blooms in May. In Bohemia (Czechoslovakia), lily of the valley is called tsavka - “bun”, probably because the flowers of the plant resemble round delicious buns.
According to ancient Greek myth, the goddess of hunting Diana, during one of her hunting trips, wanted to catch the fauns. They ambushed her, but the goddess rushed to run. Sweat dripped from her flushed face. They were incredibly fragrant. And where they fell, lilies of the valley grew.
In Russian legends, the white flowers of the lily of the valley are called the tears of the sea princess Volkhva, who fell in love with the beautiful harpman Sadko. However, the young man's heart belonged to his bride, Lyubava. Upon learning of this, the proud princess decided not to reveal her love. Only sometimes at night, by the light of the moon, one could see how the beautiful Magus was sitting on the shore of the lake and crying. Instead of tears, the girl dropped large white pearls on the ground, which, touching the ground, sprouted with charming flowers - lilies of the valley. Since then, in Russia, the lily of the valley symbolizes hidden love. If the snow-white and fragrant flowers of the lily of the valley were personified with something joyful and beautiful, then its red berries in many cultures symbolized sadness for the lost. One Christian legend tells that the red fruits of the lily of the valley came from burning tears. Holy Mother of God, which she shed, standing at the body of the crucified Christ.


Ancient Greek myths attributed divine origin to the lily. According to one of them, once the goddess Hera fed the baby Ares. Drops of splashed milk fell to the ground and turned into snow-white lilies. Since then, these flowers have become the emblem of the goddess Hera.
Among the ancient Egyptians, the lily, along with the lotus, was a symbol of fertility. Christians also adopted love for her, making her a symbol of the Virgin Mary. The straight stem of the lily represents her mind; drooping leaves - modesty, delicate aroma - divinity, White color- chastity. According to Holy Scripture, the archangel Gabriel held the lily when he announced to Mary about the imminent birth of Christ. About the Siberian red lily, or saran in Ancient Russia there was a legend. It was said that she grew up from the heart of a deceased Cossack who took part in the conquest of Siberia under the leadership of Yermak. The people also called it "royal curls."


Since time immemorial in ancient Egypt, India and China, the lotus has been a particularly revered and sacred plant. Among the ancient Egyptians, the lotus flower symbolized the resurrection from the dead, and one of the hieroglyphs was depicted in the form of a lotus and meant joy. In ancient Greek mythology, the lotus was the emblem of the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite. In ancient Greece, stories about people eating lotus were circulated - "lotophages", or "lotus eaters". According to legend, the one who tastes the lotus flowers will never want to be with the homeland of this plant. For many nations, the lotus symbolized fertility, health, prosperity, longevity, purity, spirituality, hardness and the sun. In the East, this plant is still considered a symbol of perfect beauty. In the Assyrian and Phoenician cultures, the lotus personified death, but at the same time rebirth and future life.
For the Chinese, the lotus personified the past, present and future, since each plant simultaneously has buds, flowers and seeds.


According to historical sources, the peony got its name in honor of Paeonia, the area where one of its species originated. However, there are other versions. According to one of them, the name of this plant is associated with the name of the character of ancient Greek mythology - Peony, who was a talented student of the doctor Aesculapius. Once Peony cured the lord of the underworld Pluto, wounded by Hercules. The miraculous healing of the ruler of the underworld aroused jealousy in Esculapius, and he decided to kill his student. However, Pluto, who learned about the evil intentions of Esculapius, in gratitude for the help rendered to him, did not let Pion die. He turned a skilled doctor into a beautiful medicinal flower, named after him a peony. In ancient Greece, this flower was considered a symbol of longevity and healing. Gifted Greek doctors were called peonies, and medicinal plants"peony herbs".
Another ancient legend tells how one day the goddess Flora was going on a trip to Saturn. During her long absence, she decided to find an assistant. The goddess announced her intention to the plants. A few days later, Flora's subjects gathered at the edge of the forest to choose their temporary patron. All the trees, shrubs, herbs and mosses voted in favor of the charming rose. Only one peony shouted that he was the best. Then Flora went up to the impudent and stupid flower and said: “In punishment for your pride, not a single bee will sit on your flower, not a single girl will pin it on her chest.” Therefore, among the ancient Romans, the peony personified pomposity and swagger.


The queen of flowers - the rose - has been sung by people since ancient times. They created many legends and myths about this magnificent flower. In ancient culture, the rose was a symbol of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. According to ancient Greek legend, Aphrodite was born from the sea off the southern coast of Cyprus. At this moment, the perfect body of the goddess was covered with snow-white foam. It was from her that the first rose with dazzling white petals arose. The gods, seeing a beautiful flower, sprinkled it with nectar, which gave the rose a delicious aroma. The rose flower remained white until Aphrodite learned that her beloved Adonis was mortally wounded. The goddess ran headlong to her beloved, not noticing anything around. Aphrodite did not pay attention as she stepped on the sharp thorns of roses. Drops of her blood sprinkled the snow-white petals of these flowers, turning them red.
There is an ancient Hindu legend about how the god Vishnu and the god Brahma started a dispute about which flower is the most beautiful. Vishnu preferred the rose, and Brahma, who had never seen this flower before, praised the lotus. When Brahma saw the rose, he agreed that this flower was the most beautiful of all plants on earth.
Thanks to its perfect shape and wonderful aroma for Christians, the rose has symbolized paradise since ancient times.

Based on the materials of the book "All about plants in legends and myths"
Roy McAllister

26.09.2018 16:52

These fish were first discovered in the Atlantic. Previously, they were only seen in Indian Ocean. Information about this is distributed by Zookeys magazine.

American scientists from the University of California conducted research and noticed colorful fish in the reefs of the uninhabited Sao Paulo archipelago off the coast of Brazil. Eyewitnesses said that they had never met marine life of such beauty before. This underwater inhabitant was found at a depth of 120 meters in the "twilight zone" of coral reefs. Scientists named this fish after ancient greek goddess love and beauty of Aphrodite Tosanoides Aphrodite. Her scales in the sun shimmer with variegated colors and it is impossible to take your eyes off her.

According to researchers, fish living at such a depth often have a red color, since the rays of the star do not fall into the underwater kingdom. Scientists conducted a genetic examination of Tosanoides Aphrodite and stated that this species had never been seen before in the Atlantic. Tosanoides Obama, named after former US President Barack Obama, belongs to the same genus. This fish lives near the Hawaiian Islands and reaches a length of six centimeters. Named after the President as Obama expanded territory national park in Hawaii.

Since time immemorial, flowers have expressed human emotions and feelings, as well as spirituality, man's faith and his love of nature. Flowers have been associated with many lore, including the potions of love, health, success and longevity... Not only was the look of the flower important when interpreting meaning or superstition, but the color of the flower and the way it was presented or worn played an important role. .

One of the most famous playwrights in the world, William Shakespeare, often mentioned flowers in his works. In "Romeo and Juliet" there are roses, in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" he wrote about the magic of pansies, and in " winter fairy tale"carnations and daffodils played their role ...

Always and everywhere, flowers were also used for medicinal purposes, regardless of the age of the person. They were brewed, concentrated, inhaled the aroma and rubbed the skin with them.

This article contains the meanings and legends of many flowers, which will allow you to satisfy your curiosity, order a bouquet with meaning, or give your loved ones a charm of fresh flowers.

Agave(Century Plant, West Indian Daggerlog, Rattlesnake-master, False Aloe, American Aloe, Aloe, Spiked Aloe, Flowering Aloe, American Agave, American Century, American Aloe, Aloe, Spiked Aloe, Flowering Aloe, American Agave, American Century, Miracle of Nature, Maguey)

Agave grows in dry and semi-dry regions of tropical America and parts of Europe. The agave is considered to be the Mexican Tree of Life and Fertility because the people of this area make extensive use of this tree.

The popular name "Century Plant" comes from the misconception that Agave blooms one day after a hundred years. Flowering time depends on the energy of the plant and the conditions under which it grows. In warm countries, flowers appear after a few years, while in colder climates it takes 40 to 60 years. After flowering, the tree dies.

Agave juice has disinfectant properties. Water, in which Agave fiber has been soaked throughout the day, will help against hair loss. The Aztecs, at one time, made paper from the leaves of the plant, and the fiber from the leaves turned into a strong thread.

Dried Agave leaves are smoked like tobacco. Leaf extract, rolled into a ball, can be washed like soap. And dried flower stems can be used to make straw that is waterproof.

Agave flower stems are processed to make Pulque wine, which is very popular in northern Mexico. The leaves have also been used medicinally by the Indians of the Southwestern United States, and now Agave is a modern source of steroids.

Alstroemeria(Alstromeria, Peruvian Lily, Ulster Mary, Peruvian Princess, Inca Lily)

Alstroemeria was named after the Swedish botanist Baron Klaes von Alstroemer. The seeds of this flower were among the many seeds collected by Alstroemer on a trip to Spain in 1753.

On each individual stem grows a group of flowers that have three outer petals with a predominant color, and inner petals with contrasting spots. Options are available in a wide range of colors including pink, purple, orange, yellow and white. Alstroemeria hybrids were developed in England and Holland.

Alstomeria's life in a vase can last from 14 to 21 days, despite the fact that the bouquet was bought fresh.


Other name: Hyperstrum

Amaryllis originally grew in the mountains of Chile and Peru. The plant was named after the shepherdess from Greek mythology, described in the idylls of the Greek poet Theocritus two and a half thousand years ago. The name "amaryllis" also means "sparkling".

The amaryllis flower was discovered in 1828 by Edward Frederick Poeppig, a young doctor from Germany, during an expedition in search of plants in Chile.

Amaryllis is associated with the sign of Aries, being passionate, enthusiastic and adventurous in nature. They symbolize luxurious beauty and pride in the language of flowers.

Anemone(Windflower, Smell Fox)

The anemone is originally derived from the Greek word "anemos", meaning "wind", hence the anemone's name is translated as "Wind Flower". Greek legends say that Anemos, the Wind, sends his namesake Anemone, in the earliest days of spring, as a herald of his arrival. Botany has confirmed that they open when the spring wind blows.

According to other Greek myths, Anemone was the name of a nymph whom the Train, the sweet Spring wind, and Borea, the god of the West Wind, were very fond of. Chloris, the goddess of flowers, took her revenge on the nymph and turned her into a flower, which was withering by the time the Train arrived.

Another legend says that anemones arose from Aphrodite's tears when she mourned Adonis. The story goes that Aphrodite, being in love with Adonis, kept him by her side for longer than the gods were allowed to, thus causing Persephone's vengeance. Mourning his death, the goddess of love swore that he would live forever, and the beautiful Anemone flower was born from her tears.


Today, anthuriums are one of the traditional Hawaiian flowers. They were brought to Hawaii from Columbia via London in 1889. English missionaries S.M. Damon.

Translated from Greek, "antus" means "flower", and "oura" means "tail", that is, "a flower with a tail." Anthuriums are also known as "colorful tongues".

Anthurium is native to Colombia and belongs to the Araceae family, which includes 100 species and approximately 1500 varieties of flowers and plants, mostly tropical.

"Flowers with a tail" are distinguished by their durability when cut, depending on the variety, season and climate, they can remain fresh for 45 days.

Aster(Starwort, Michaelmas Daisy, Eye Christ)

Other name: Daisy

In Latin, "aster" means "star", a name also used by the Greeks for a blossom that looks like a star. There are more than 600 varieties of aster, the most popular of which is the Monte Carlo Casino.

Relating to the sacred Roman and Greek gods, asters are the oldest flowers of the first class family. According to one legend, the area bloomed with asters when the Virgin scattered cosmic dust on the earth. Another legend claims that the Goddess Astrea began to scream when she descended to earth and did not see the stars, and asters bloomed where her tears fell.

Known as "Eye Christ" in France and "Starwort" in England and Germany, asters were thought to carry magical properties. The early English name "Starwort" was later changed to "Michaelmas Daisy" as the aster blooms during St. Michaelmas Day in September. Aster flowers were considered symbols of the sacred gods, so wreaths of them were placed on altars. Aster leaves were burned to ward off "evil spirits" and snakes in Greece.

The bites of mad dogs were cured with an ointment from asters, and the aroma of honey was enhanced by placing asters boiled in wine near the hive.

Exists ancient myth about the Iron Age, during which people learned to make tools from iron, which was a manifestation of the god Jupiter. People were indignant at the terrible result of the struggle with such weapons, after which the angry Jupiter sent a flood to the earth. The gods left the earth, and the last remaining goddess Astrea was so saddened that she wished to turn into a star. When the streams of water began to recede, it became clear that they left only mud and slime on the ground. Astrea felt great regret, and she wept for a long time, and the tears falling like cosmic dust turned into beautiful "starflowers" or asters.

Another myth is known from Greek mythology. Every year, Aegeus, the king of Athens, had to send seven young men and seven maidens to the king of Crete, Minos. There they were sacrificed to the Minotaur, a creature with a human body and the head of a bull. One day, the son of Aegeus, Theseus, decided to go to Crete himself as a sacrifice, hoping to kill the Minotaur. Theseus told his loving father that when he returned, he would raise white sails instead of the black ones he set sail.

Theseus really got to the island of Crete, where he fell in love with Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos. With her help, he entered the labyrinth and killed the Minotaur, but upon his return to Athens, Theseus forgot to raise the white sails. Watching the black sails, King Aegeus thought that his son was dead and killed himself out of sadness. In the place where his blood flowed, purple asters grew, as a result of the spell of the sorceress Medea, who was once his wife.

If you decide to order delivery certain colors, but did not find them in the catalog, just call the flower salon and our florists will collect for you a bouquet of any flowers to your taste.

Read the continuation with stories about other colors in the following articles marked "first letters".

Alternative descriptions

Flower from the flower bed

. (iris) perennial herbaceous plant

Kilometer Candy

Threads for knitting, embroidery

Opera by Italian composer Pietro Mascagni

The most iridescent flower

Tale of G. Hesse

Creamy toffee or "golden key"

Photo diaphragm


Flower, symbol of the Virgin Mary

Flower, symbol of France

Candy variety

Kasatik in the flowerbed

Lilac flower

In which flower is the rainbow hidden?

Flower, symbol of the Virgin Mary and her sorrow

Flower, symbol of the state of Tennessee

Candy that loves to stick to your teeth


Sweets "Golden Key"

minor planet

Woman's name

Thread grade

garden flower

Opera by the Italian composer P. Moscagni

Tomato variety

Suitable tooth extraction candy

Essential oil plant (kasatik)

Threads or flowers

dark blue flower

bright flower

Candy "Kis-kis"

. "candy" flower

Kasatik in the flower garden

Kasatik in a different way

flower and candy

Kasatik in the garden

blue flower

Both flower and candy

. "Kitty Kitty"

large blue flower

Bright flower and candy

Candy "Kis-kiss"

. "Golden Key"

Tooth extraction candy


Threads or, say, flowers

candy cane

bright blue flower

Culinary "Golden Key"

Threads for embroidery

In which flower is the rainbow hidden?

purple flower

Candy stuck to your teeth

Candy "Kis-kis" and a flower in a flower bed

flower bed

iris flower

The flower is just sweet

flower with candy name

Sabelnik among flowers

Variety of "stretchy" candies

Flower, candy and thread for embroidery

flower or candy

Flower bed with candy name

From the garden flowers

Flower, candy or thread

Kind of candy or thread

flower or candy

Threads or candy

flower or string

flower plant

ornamental plant

Flower from a painting by Van Gogh

Spring Flower

Flower, thread, iris

plant, thread

Flower in the flower bed

Variety of viscous candies

flower, iris

Candy variety

herbaceous plant

Photo diaphragm


Opera Mascagni

In Greek mythology, the goddess of the rainbow, the messenger of Zeus and Hera

Perennial garden flower

. "Golden Key"

. "Kitty Kitty"

. "Kis-kis" (candy)

. "candy" flower

In which flower is the rainbow hidden?

Flower bed iris

Candy "Kis-kis" and a flower in a flower bed

Candy "Kis-kiss"

Culinary "Golden Key"

M. about. name plant Iris, killer whale, cockerel, songbird; biglamis, lesser piskulnik; flavissima, wolf cucumber; furcata, kasar (t?) ka; germanica, blueberry, pigtails, carp; pseudacorus, iris, lepeshnik, chikan, cockerels, wild tulip? erroneously ir, calamus: ruthenisa, koshanik, field daisies? sibris, bells, chistyak, hare cucumbers, bear cucumbers, pikulnik, pevnik, magpie flowers, chemennik. Eye rainbow, iris, rainbow captivity

The flower is just sweet

Iris flower in a flower bed

Candy, flower and thread for embroidery

Type of thread for embroidery

Flower and name of toffee candies

What kind of candy will get your teeth stuck in it?

What kind of candy sticks to your teeth?

What kind of candy sticks in your teeth?