The author of the story is a living hat. Nosov: Living hat

The hat lay on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and painting pictures. Suddenly, behind them, something plopped down - fell to the floor. They turned and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he screamed:

Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

What are you? - asks Vadik.

She is alive!

Who is alive?


What you! Are hats alive?

- See for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He screams like:

Ay! - and jump on the couch. Vovka is behind him.

The hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped. The boys look at her and tremble with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

Ay! Ouch! the guys shouted.

They jumped off the couch and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

- I ho-ho-ho-zhu! Vovka says.

I'll go to my house.

I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I see a hat walking around the room.

Or maybe someone is pulling her by the rope?

Well, go take a look.

Let's go together. I'll take a club. If she climbs to us, I'll crack her with a stick.

Wait, I'll take a stick too.

Yes, we have no other club.

Well, I'll take a ski pole.

They took a stick and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.

Where is she? - asks Vadik.

Over there, by the table.

Now I'll crack it like a stick! Vadik says. - Let him just crawl closer, such a vagabond!

But the hat lay near the table and did not move.

Yep, scared! - the guys were delighted. - Afraid to climb to us.

Now I'll scare her away, - Vadik said.

He started pounding on the floor with a club and shouting:

Hey hat!

But the hat didn't move.

Let's pick potatoes and shoot potatoes at her, ”Vovka suggested.

They returned to the kitchen, took potatoes from the basket and began to throw them at the hat. "They threw them, they threw them, and finally Vadik hit. The hat will jump up!

Meow! - shouted something. Look, a gray tail stuck out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.

Vaska! - the guys were delighted.

He must have been sitting on the floor, and the hat fell on him from the chest of drawers, Vovka guessed.

Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him!

Vaska, dear, how did you get under the hat?

But Vaska did not answer, He only snorted and squinted from the light.

Nikolai N Nosov (stories for children)

Nosov's story: Living hat

The hat lay on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and painting pictures. Suddenly, behind them, something plopped down - fell to the floor. They turned and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he screamed:

- Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

- What are you? Vadik asks.

- She is alive!

- Who is alive?

- Hat-hat-hat-pa.

- What you! Are hats alive?

- See for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He screams like:

- Ai! - and jump on the couch.

Vovka is behind him.

The hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped. The boys look at her and tremble with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

- Ai! Ouch! the guys shouted.

They jumped off the couch and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

- I ho-ho-ho-zhu! Vovka says.

- I'm going to my house.

- Why?

- I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I see a hat walking around the room.

“Maybe someone is pulling her by the rope?”

- Well, go take a look.

- Let's go together. I'll take the poker. If she climbs to us, I'll crack her with a poker.

"Wait, I'll take the poker too."

— Yes, we have no other poker.

- Well, I'll take a ski pole.

They took a poker and a ski pole, opened the door ajar and peered into the room.

— Where is she? Vadik asks.

“Over there, by the table.

“Now I’ll crack it with a poker!” - says Vadik. - Just let him crawl closer, such a tramp!

But the hat lay near the table and did not move.

- Yeah, I was scared! - the guys were delighted. - Afraid to climb to us.

"Now I'll frighten her away," said Vadik.

He began banging on the floor with a poker and shouting:

- Hey hat!

But the hat didn't move.

“Let’s pick potatoes and shoot potatoes at her,” suggested Vovka.

They returned to the kitchen, took potatoes from the basket and began to throw them at the hat. Throwing was thrown, finally Vadik hit. The hat will jump up!

- Meow! something shouted.

Look, a gray tail stuck out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.

- Vaska! - the guys rejoiced.

“Probably he was sitting on the floor, and the hat fell on him from the chest of drawers,” Vovka guessed.

Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him:

- Vaska, dear, how did you get under the hat?

But Vaska did not answer. He just snorted and blinked at the light.

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A fascinating children's story by Nikolai Nosov "The Living Hat" is well known to today's moms and dads, grandparents. They will gladly read this work to their children. Those who are already familiar with the plot should be careful not to reveal the secret ahead of time: why is the hat called alive?! In the story Living Hat, the main characters, Vovka and Vadik, also asked each other this question. And the answer was found! The children overcame fear and showed courage. Young readers will experience similar feelings as they read the story.


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The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and painting pictures.

Suddenly, behind them, something plopped down - fell to the floor. They turned and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he screamed:
- Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.
- What are you? Vadik asks.
- She is alive!

- Who is alive?
- Hat hat hat pa.
- What you! Are hats alive?
- See for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He screams like:
- Ai! - and jump on the couch. Vovka is behind him.

The hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped. The boys look at her and tremble with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

- Ai! Ouch! the guys shouted.
They jumped off the couch and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

- I want to go! Vovka says.
- Where?
- I'm going to my house.
- Why?
- I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I see a hat walking around the room.
“Maybe someone is pulling her by the rope?”
- Well, go take a look.

- Let's go together. I'll take a stick. If she climbs to us, I'll crack her with a club.

“Wait, I’ll take a stick too.”

- Yes, we have no other club.

- Well, I'll take a ski pole.
They took a stick and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.

– Where is she? Vadik asks.
“Over there, by the table.
- Now I'll crack it with a club! Vadik says. - Just let him crawl closer, such a vagabond!
But the hat lay near the table and did not move.
- Yeah, scared! - the guys rejoiced. - Afraid to climb to us.
“Now I’ll frighten her away,” said Vadik.
He started pounding on the floor with a club and shouting:
- Hey hat!

But the hat didn't move.
“Let’s pick potatoes and shoot potatoes at her,” Vovka suggested.

They returned to the kitchen, took potatoes from the basket and began to throw them at the hat. They threw them, they threw them, and finally Vadik hit. The hat will jump up!
- Meow! - shouted something. Look, a gray tail stuck out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.

- Vaska! - the guys rejoiced.
“He must have been sitting on the floor, and the hat fell on him from the chest of drawers,” Vovka guessed.

Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him!
- Vaska, dear, how did you get under the hat?
But Vaska did not answer, He only snorted and squinted from the light.

Dear parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale "Entertainers 03. Living Hat" by N. N. Nosov to children before going to bed, so that a good ending to the fairy tale pleases and calms them and they fall asleep. Once again, re-reading this composition, you will certainly discover something new, useful and instructive, and essentially important. All the heroes were "honed" by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, devoting great and profound importance to children's education. A small amount of details of the surrounding world makes the depicted world more saturated and believable. How charmingly and penetratingly the description of nature, mythical creatures and life of the people was transmitted from generation to generation. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them daily in our everyday life. "Good always conquers evil" - this foundation is built on, like this one, and this creation, from an early age laying the foundation of our worldview. The fairy tale "Entertainers 03. Living hat" Nosov N. N. read for free online is definitely worth it, there is a lot of kindness, love and chastity in it, which is useful for educating a young individual.

The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and painting pictures. Suddenly, behind them, something plopped down - fell to the floor. They turned and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.
Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he screamed:
- Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.
- What are you? Vadik asks.
- She is alive!
- Who is alive?
- Hat-hat-hat-pa.
- What you! Are hats alive?
- See for yourself!
Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He screams like:
- Ai! - and jump on the couch. Vovka is behind him.
The hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped. The boys look at her and tremble with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.
- Ai! Ouch! the guys shouted.
They jumped off the couch and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.
- I ho-ho-ho-zhu! Vovka says.
- Where?
- I'm going to my house.
- Why?
- I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I see a hat walking around the room.
“Maybe someone is pulling her string?”
- Well, go take a look.
- Let's go together. I'll take a club. If she climbs to us, I'll crack her with a stick.
“Wait, I’ll take a stick too.”
- Yes, we have no other club.
- Well, I'll take a ski pole.
They took a stick and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.
— Where is she? Vadik asks.
“Over there, by the table.
“Now I’m going to crack her with a stick!” Vadik says. "Just let him get closer, you tramp!"
But the hat lay near the table and did not move.
- Yeah, scared! - the guys rejoiced. — Afraid to climb to us.
"Now I'll frighten her away," said Vadik.
He started pounding on the floor with a club and shouting:
- Hey hat!
But the hat didn't move.
“Let’s pick potatoes and shoot potatoes at her,” Vovka suggested.
They returned to the kitchen, took potatoes from the basket and began to throw them at the hat. "They threw them, they threw them, and finally Vadik hit. The hat will jump up!
- Meow! something shouted. Look, a gray tail stuck out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.
- Vaska! - the guys rejoiced.
“Probably he was sitting on the floor, and the hat fell on him from the chest of drawers,” Vovka guessed.
Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him!
- Vaska, dear, how did you get under the hat?
But Vaska did not answer, He only snorted and squinted from the light.

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Nikolai Nosov

living hat

the blooper was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and painting pictures. Suddenly, behind them, something plopped down - fell to the floor. They turned and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he screamed:

Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

What are you? - asks Vadik.

She is alive!

Who is alive?


What you! Are hats alive?

See for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He screams like:

Ay! - and jump on the couch. Vovka is behind him.

The hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped. The boys look at her and tremble with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

Ay! Ouch! the guys shouted.

They jumped off the couch and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

I ho-ho-ho-zhu! Vovka says.

I'll go to my house.

I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I see a hat walking around the room.

Or maybe someone is pulling her by the rope?

Well, go take a look.

Let's go together. I'll take a stick. If she climbs to us, I'll crack her with a stick.

Wait, I'll take a stick too.

Yes, we have no other club.

Well, I'll take a ski pole.

They took a stick and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.

Where is she? - asks Vadik.

Over there, by the table.

Now I'll crack it like a stick! Vadik says. - Let him just crawl closer, such a vagabond!

But the hat lay near the table and did not move.

Yep, scared! - the guys were delighted. - Afraid to climb to us.

Now I'll scare her away, - Vadik said.

He started pounding on the floor with a club and shouting:

Hey hat!

But the hat didn't move.

Let's pick potatoes and shoot potatoes at her, ”Vovka suggested.

They returned to the kitchen, took potatoes from the basket and began to throw them at the hat. "They threw them, they threw them, and finally Vadik hit. The hat will jump up!

- Meow! - shouted something. Look, a gray tail stuck out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.

Vaska! - the guys were delighted.