10 inedible mushrooms in Tuva. Mushroom time: know the useful mushroom "in person

Before you put a mushroom in your mouth, you must be sure that you are eating an edible mushroom, as there are a small number of species in the world that are poisonous. Most of them will only cause an upset stomach, but there are those that, if ingested, will cause no small harm to it and can even cause death. Below is a list with photos of the ten most poisonous and deadly species of mushrooms for humans.

Olive omfalot is a poisonous mushroom that grows in wooded areas on rotten stumps, rotten trunks of deciduous trees in Europe, mainly in the Crimea. Notable for its bioluminescence properties. In appearance it resembles a fox, but unlike it, the olive omphalot has bad smell and contains the toxin illudin S, which, when ingested, leads to very severe pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Russula stinging is widespread in the northern hemisphere in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. With proper processing, this mushroom is conditionally suitable for food, but it tastes bitter, with a pronounced pungency. Raw is poisonous, it contains the poison muscarine. The use of even a small amount raw mushroom leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Panther Amanita grows in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. The fungus is highly poisonous and contains poisons such as muscarine and mycoatropine acting on the central nervous system, as well as a number of toxic alkaloids that cause gastrointestinal disorders, hallucinations and can lead to death.

On the seventh line in the list of the most dangerous and poisonous mushrooms in the world there is Foliotina wrinkled - a poisonous mushroom that grows in Europe, Asia and North America. Contains a strong poison called amatoxins, which is very toxic to the liver and is the cause of many deaths. Sometimes these mushrooms are confused with blue psilocybe.

Greenfinch grows in small groups in dry coniferous forests on sandy soils in North America and Europe. Until recently, it was considered a good edible mushroom, but after the publication in 2001 of a report of poisoning when eating a large number of greenfinches (12 cases, 3 of them fatal), it is suspected of being poisonous. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle weakness, pain, cramps, nausea, and sweating.

Sulphur-yellow honey fungus is a highly poisonous mushroom found on all continents except Africa and Antarctica. Grow on old stumps of deciduous and coniferous trees in August-November. When eaten, the fungus causes severe, sometimes fatal poisoning. Symptoms appear after a few hours and are accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, sweating, diarrhea and bloating, sometimes blurred vision and even paralysis.

The thin pig is a poisonous mushroom common in moist deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, gardens, forest belts of the Northern Hemisphere in regions with a temperate climate. The mushroom has long been considered conditionally edible, but now its toxicity has been proven. Prolonged use of thin pigs in food leads to severe poisoning, especially in people with diseased kidneys. Potentially fatal complications include acute renal failure, shock, respiratory failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Amanita ocreata, also known as the "angel of death", is a deadly poisonous mushroom from the Amanita family. Distributed in mixed forests mainly in the northeastern part of North America from Washington to Baja California. Contains alpha-amanitin and other amatoxins that cause the death of liver cells and other organs, as well as a violation of protein synthesis. Complications of poisoning include increased intracranial pressure, intracranial hemorrhage, sepsis, pancreatitis, acute renal failure, and cardiac arrest. Death usually occurs 6–16 days after poisoning.

Pale grebe is the most poisonous mushroom in the world. It is the cause of most fatal poisonings that occur after eating mushrooms. It grows in almost all types of forests in Europe, Asia, North America and North Africa. Likes dark, damp places. Contains two types of toxins, amanitin and phalloidin, which cause liver and kidney failure, and often the only way to avoid death is to transplant them. It is estimated that even half of the pale grebe contains enough toxin to kill an adult human. In addition, the toxicity of the mushroom does not decrease after it has been cooked, frozen, or dried. Sometimes they are mistakenly collected instead of champignons and green russula.

Reading 3 min. Published on 07/24/2019

Did you know that according to statistics, from 800 to 1200 people die from poisonous mushrooms every year? And this number of people is only in our country. To avoid such a fate, the enemy must be known by sight.

The article contains 10 most poisonous mushrooms in Russia.

1. Toadstool pale

One of the most poisonous mushrooms. Most deaths occur due to the use of this fungus or contact with it. Outwardly, this mushroom is difficult to distinguish from russula or champignons.

A pale grebe looks like this: an olive-colored hat with plates on the back, a long leg with a skirt. If such a mushroom is encountered in the forest, it is better not to touch it at all.

2. Amanita Stinky

The fungus is very similar to the pale grebe. The color and size are almost the same, only the color is much lighter. This species of fly agaric lives in damp, dark places.

They poison her less than pale grebe. All because of the nasty smell of rotten meat. Such a mushroom is not what it is, it is even unpleasant to hold it in your hands.

A very toxic mushroom, after eating it kills a person in 5-9 minutes. It is easy to distinguish, has a brown cap with white flakes and a small thickened stem.

The flesh of the mushroom is white, with an unpleasant odor. The fungus grows in almost all climatic zones of Russia.

Mushroom - bringing death. The content of poison in this mushroom is greater than in the most poisonous fly agaric. Mushroom is small. The hat is 4-6 cm in diameter, the stem is short and thin.

The talker belongs to agaric mushrooms. The color of the mushroom is white, there is a powdery coating on the cap. The flesh is white on the cut turns red.

It is found in the same places where the common fox lives. false fox very similar to its edible counterpart.

The main differences of the poisonous mushroom: the leg is thinner than a real chanterelle; plates on the leg do not pass; the color is bright orange (real chanterelles are lighter); grows singly. The poisonous fungus gives off a strong unpleasant odor.

Poisonous representative of the boletus genus. The cap of the mushroom is fleshy, porous, off-white or gray in color.

The fungus is easily identified by its stalk. It is a bright crimson hue, sometimes with a yellow tint. In the context it acquires a blue tint.

It is almost impossible to distinguish a poisonous variety from an edible russula. It is an agaric mushroom with a pink or red cap and a white stem.

The only difference is that the flesh on the cut darkens over time. The poisonous mushroom is also called nauseating russula, as it causes persistent disturbances in the digestive system.

This beautiful mushroom is listed in the Red Book because of its unusual structure in the form of a cell. It has a red cap and a nauseating smell of marsh rot.

It is unlikely that anyone will want to collect and eat such a mushroom.

This forest dweller is the strongest hallucinogen. The fungus grows in large colonies of several dozen individuals.

Gymnopilus has a characteristic appearance: these are bright orange small mushrooms on a thin stalk. They are sometimes confused with some edible mushrooms. Gymnopilus must be bypassed, you can not even touch it with your hands.

This mushroom never grows alone, in its colonies there are from 7-12 pieces. Valui false outwardly is very similar to its edible counterparts. The only distinguishing feature is the pungent smell of horseradish.

In Russia, there are a large number of poisonous mushrooms. To avoid becoming a victim silent hunting» must be observed important rule: It is forbidden to take unfamiliar mushrooms!

Be attentive and careful!

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is a favorite time for mushroom pickers. What a pleasure to wander through the forest, when the summer heat had already subsided, there were much fewer annoying mosquitoes and midges. And what a beauty at this time in the forest! The trees are turning into bright autumn colors, the first yellow leaves are spinning in the clear air. Around it is quiet and calm, only the rare voices of birds break this idyll.

And this is what we came here for: a birch stump or an old trunk of a fallen tree, all strewn with light brown mushrooms. How much almost childish joy the found treasures bring to the mushroom pickers! But be careful! It is good if we know all the mushrooms very well, because among them there are also poisonous ones that need to be unmistakably recognized.

In total, about 30 species of dangerous mushrooms are found on the territory of our country. They have different levels of toxicity. There are so-called conditionally edible, which, when properly prepared, become completely harmless. And there are those that are classified as deadly poisonous - these are very dangerous mushrooms.

A particular danger lies in the fact that many of them disguise themselves as edible, and you can distinguish them only with sufficient experience and knowledge. This publication presents 10 species of poisonous mushrooms. Almost all of them belong to the lamellar group, that is, they have plates on the underside of the cap.

Pale grebe (Amanita phalloides)

Belongs to the category of deadly poisonous mushrooms. Its habitat is forested areas located in southern regions countries where it occurs throughout the summer and early autumn.

The mushroom is quite large, forms a wide hat 10-15 cm in diameter, convex, pale greenish-olive in color. Young grebes resemble champignons because of the cap's curved down edges, which later becomes almost flat.

Toadstool leg white color, stretches up to 12-15 cm long. Just below the cap there is a characteristic ring resembling a fringed skirt, and at the very bottom of the leg there is a thickening. The smell and taste of the fungus are absent. Pale grebe a bit like edible mushrooms such as russula and Champignon, with insufficient experience, it is easy to confuse them. Even eaten 1/3 of the fungus causes fatal poisoning, and no processing methods eliminate the toxic effect. The danger is also in the fact that signs of poisoning appear no earlier than 6 hours after consumption, and sometimes even after 2 days.

Fly agaric white or spring (Amanita verna)

Throughout the summer, spring fly agaric grows in forests. The hat is white, up to 10 cm in diameter, semi-spread shape with a slightly ribbed edge. The pulp has an unpleasant odor.

Fly agaric white. Photo from wikigrib.ru

The leg is also white, 7-12 cm long, hollow, covered with flaky scales, has swelling in the lower part. The ring on the leg is wide, slightly striped.

The fungus belongs to the class of deadly poisonous. It is easily confused with white float, but it should be remembered that the latter does not have a ring, and there is no smell.

Fly agaric panther or gray (Amanita pantherina)

Occurs in the second half of summer and autumn. The cap of the mushroom is up to 12 cm in diameter, in youth it has the shape of a bell, but then becomes prostrate. Its color varies from light brown to olive, the entire surface is strewn with multiple white spots. The flesh is also white with a repulsive odor.

Fly agaric panther. Photo from wikigrib.ru

The thin and hollow leg reaches 13 cm in length. It narrows at the top and thickens at the bottom. Mushroom looks harmless fly agaric gray-pink however, it is deadly poisonous. Poisoning occurs quickly: in the period from 20 minutes to 2 hours after eating.

Red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

Distributed quite widely. It is common in any forests, especially birch forests, where it grows singly or in small groups.

This is a large and beautiful mushroom. On a high thick leg, surrounded by a ring, there is a large bright red hat (sometimes orange), dotted with numerous white spots. In young mushrooms, it is rounded, but later acquires a plano-convex shape.

Amanita muscaria is not considered deadly poisonous. It has intoxicating and hallucinogenic properties. Such signs may appear 20 minutes - 2 hours after taking a large amount of mushrooms. Mushroom looks a bit like russula golden red. In small doses, fly agaric is used as a medicine.

To eliminate all the risks of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, you can grow guaranteed edible ones on your site or even on your balcony. In our market, which unites large online stores, there is an excellent assortment planting material. Choose what you like in the section.

Oyster mushroom Colombian 90 rub

Truffle Italian/White 120 rub

boletus 120 rub

White breast (real) 120 rub

Poison Row (Tricholoma pardinum)

In late summer and early autumn, it occurs in deciduous, especially oak forests, but can also grow in pine forest. The hat is off-white or pale gray in color, from 4 to 12 cm in diameter, from convex it becomes almost flat, and the edges are wrapped inward. Leg white up to 8 cm long, about 3 cm in diameter. It has a pleasant taste and smell, similar to flour.

Very poisonous mushroom. After eating it, the symptoms of poisoning appear after a period of time from 1.5 to 4 hours. Row poisonous can be confused with earthy gray row.

Bordered Galerina (Galerina marginata)

Mushrooms usually grow in small groups in forests on heavily rotted tree trunks throughout the summer. The cap of the mushroom is 1-4 cm in diameter, the color is dirty yellow-brown, from bell-convex it gradually becomes almost flat. Leg 2-5 cm long, thin, thickened below, with a yellowish ring, above which it is as if sprinkled with powdery coating.

The gallery is bordered. Photo from wikigrib.ru

One of the most poisonous mushrooms. Galerina bordered can be confused with summer honey agarics.

Sulphur-yellow honeycomb (Hypholoma fasciculare)

Usually likes to settle in large groups on rotting trunks of coniferous trees, on old stumps or near them on the ground. It occurs throughout the summer and until late autumn.

False honeysuckle. Photo from wikigrib.ru

The cap is 2-7 cm in diameter, in young fungi it has a bell-shaped shape, then prostrate, the color is yellowish or brown-yellow, gradually darkens towards the center. The leg grows up to 10 cm, thin, light yellow.

The pulp of the mushroom is light, has a bitter taste and a rather unpleasant odor. From others honey agarics this mushroom differs in the color of the plates under the cap: they are greenish in the false honeycomb. Signs of poisoning occur 1-6 hours after eating.

Yellow mushroom (Agaricus xanthodermus)

Its other name is the yellow-skinned stove. The fungus is common in forests, as well as city parks and squares, where it grows rapidly after rains.

Yellow champignon. Photo from wikigrib.ru

The hat of adult mushrooms is wide, becomes bell-shaped, white or light gray. Leg length from 6 to 15 cm, white, at the bottom has a thickening with a white two-layer ring. When cooking, a strong carbolic (“pharmacy”) smell appears, rather unpleasant.

The mushroom is poisonous, but not fatal. The stove is somewhat similar to others Champignon, For example, sh. ordinary and field, but it can be easily distinguished by the smell during the cooking process.

Brown-red lepiota (Lepiota brunneoincarnata)

Another name for this fungus is the scaly umbrella, which grows in southern Russia. Usually it can be seen in meadows, but it is also found in cities: in parks and on lawns.

Lepiota brown-red. Photo from wikigrib.ru

The mushroom is medium-sized - the diameter of the cap is not more than 6 cm. The leg is low, thick, has a fibrous ring. The hat is grey-brown or creamy-brown on top, strewn with dark scales, with age it acquires a convex-prostrate shape with pubescent edges. A highly poisonous mushroom with a high cyanide content. It is easily confused with other species. umbrellas(z. blushing, motley).

Satanic mushroom (Boletus satanas)

A tubular fungus belonging to the genus Mushrooms. In our country, it grows in the Caucasus, in the southern regions of the European part and in the south of Primorsky Krai, where it settles in forests. Forms a symbiosis with trees such as, beech, and others. Similar to edible oak tree(poddubnik), it is easy for an inexperienced mushroom picker to make a mistake.

A large mushroom with a pillow-shaped hat up to 20 cm in diameter, light gray or ocher-white. On the underside, a sponge is visible, consisting of tubules with red stomata. The leg is 10 cm long, thick (up to 6 cm in diameter), yellowish, has a red mesh in the lower part. Old mushrooms emit a very unpleasant odor.

In some habitats it is considered conditionally poisonous, and with appropriate processing it is eaten. However, there is no reliable data on the safety of this fungus, so you should not conduct experiments on yourself and your loved ones.

When picking mushrooms, you need to be careful and careful. Never take a mushroom if you doubt its safety. The following video tells about the ten most poisonous mushrooms found on the territory of the CIS countries.

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Mushrooms occupy an important place in human life. Without penicillin and yeast, our existence would be more difficult. The tradition of eating them is not common in all countries, since they are a difficult product for digestion. There are more than 100,000 species of them, some of which are dangerous to humans.

Accurate global statistics on the number of people affected by fungi are not kept. So it is impossible to say for sure which of them is the most dangerous, with complete certainty. Even spoiled pickled edible mushrooms pose a threat. At the slightest suspicion, they should be thrown away, in extreme cases, boil over low heat for at least 30-40 minutes. Botulinum toxin, which is destroyed under such conditions, is one of the most toxic substances in the world, and was previously used as a biological weapon.

In addition, they can absorb harmful substances, so you should not pick mushrooms near roads and industrial facilities. Some members of the list 10 most poisonous mushrooms in the world and during heat treatment do not lose their dangerous properties. And drinking alcohol only worsens the situation in case of poisoning, despite the prevailing opinion. So the main rule is: "Do not try unfamiliar mushrooms!".

10. Waxy talker

The waxy talker is rare. But at the same time, it has a pleasant taste and is similar to edible pods. Its main difference is the presence of watery circles on the cap. The waxy talker contains the substance muscarine, which is found in fly agaric and other types of talkers. Symptoms of poisoning appear within 20-30 minutes. This is vomiting, pain in the abdomen, confusion, etc. Depending on the situation, the lethal dose is from 10 to 80 grams of this fungus.


Approximately half of cases of fly agaric poisoning are fatal. It is difficult to confuse it with edible mushrooms. But young specimens of this species are similar to champignons, from which they differ in an unpleasant odor and the presence of a volva (a bag-shaped cover located at the very base of the fruiting body of the fungus), often hiding in the ground. With increased humidity, this fly agaric begins to secrete mucus, which does not add to its attractiveness. Signs of poisoning appear within half an hour. This is profuse sweat, heat, salivation and vomiting. If timely medical care is not provided, most often death occurs from cardiac arrest.


This member of the list of the 10 most poisonous mushrooms in the world is very insidious. The action of its toxins begins to manifest itself after a long period of time, from 2 to 24 days, with highly likely leading to death. Therefore, until the 1960s, it was considered edible, and only a whole series of poisonings forced scientists to carefully study the composition. This mushroom is found in Europe, Ukraine and Russia. It is very difficult to distinguish it from other varieties of cobwebs, so it is easier not to collect them at all.


This fungus is one of the most dangerous mushrooms on the planet from the entire genus of fibres. Most often found in deciduous and mixed forests of Europe and Asia, in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Usually it is confused with russula and champignons, which leads to poisoning. Visual impairment, chills, vomiting and other signs appear within 20-30 minutes. A person can die if first aid is not provided in time. This effect is given to mushrooms by the substance muscarine, which is also found in red fly agaric. But in Patuillard's fiber box, it is about 20 times more.


Compared to the red fly agaric, it has a less flashy appearance. So it can be completely confused with edible mushrooms. This is especially true for young specimens. It is so poisonous that there are usually no insects near it. The amount of muscarine and muscaridine in it is several times greater than in the red fly agaric. In addition, it contains other dangerous substances: scopolamine, hyoscyamine. For these reasons, the panther fly agaric is included in the ranking of the most poisonous mushrooms on the planet. Most often, the use of these mushrooms in food leads to death due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and cardiac arrest.


The genus of cobwebs includes about 40 species of mushrooms, only a part of which is edible. They are similar to each other, so it is better to walk past them if you cannot reliably determine the edibility of the mushroom. The cobweb beautiful contains orellanin. It destroys the kidneys, lungs and locomotor system. Moreover, symptoms usually appear one or two weeks after poisoning, when the changes are irreversible, which leads to death even with medical assistance. This fungus is found quite rarely, mainly in coniferous moist forests, especially along the outskirts of swamps.


On the fourth line in the ranking of the most dangerous and poisonous mushrooms on the planet is Galerina fringed. It is dangerous primarily due to its similarity with edible summer mushrooms and is able to deceive even experienced mushroom pickers. In Russia, the bordered galerina began to appear more often due to climate change. Before that, she met in countries where mushrooms are collected very little: Japan, North America, Iran. It grows mainly in coniferous forests, so for safety reasons it is better not to collect mushrooms in them at all. Moreover, it may well be crammed into a cluster edible mushrooms so be careful when collecting them. Symptoms of poisoning with bordered galerina are thirst, the appearance of convulsions, etc. They appear 10-14 hours after it enters the body. The greatest damage is done to the liver, without timely medical care, there is a high probability of death.


The unsightly appearance of this mushroom most often makes mushroom pickers simply walk past it. But still, cases of poisoning are recorded, and half of them end in the death of a person. The brown-red lepiota is extremely poisonous, one of its caps is enough to get a lethal dose of toxins. It contains cyanides and nitriles, for which there are no specific antidotes. The first signs of poisoning appear after 10 minutes, and within half an hour a person can die from cardiac arrest. Ambulance most often for such a period simply does not have time to get. Some sources claim that the main hallmark This fungus has an odor similar to that of orange syrup.


This mushroom is definitely not to be confused with others. It is also called the devil's tooth, but appearance it simultaneously resembles a confection and an ordinary mushroom splattered with blood. The Bleeding Tooth is found mainly in Europe and North America, but it can occasionally be found in our forests. It feeds both on substances from the earth and on insects attracted by its sap. In the future, it may find application in medicine, as it has antibacterial properties and thins the blood. Some sources claim that just licking it is enough to get a lethal dose of toxins, so this is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world.

1. Pale grebe

Death cap - the most poisonous mushroom in the world. It rightfully ranks first among the most dangerous mushrooms on the planet. Compared to other mushrooms, exactly. This is due to its similarity with many edible mushrooms: champignons, russula, etc. It contains several poisonous substances. Symptoms of poisoning appear within 6 to 24 hours. Usually it is vomiting, colic, muscle pain and diarrhea. Only 30 grams of this fungus is enough to cause severe consequences for adults and a guaranteed death for children.

For a picture of poisoning with a pale grebe, a false period of relief is characteristic. After a few days, the symptoms disappear and it seems to the person that everything has passed. At this time, the destruction of the body continues. It is better to refrain from picking young champignons, as it is extremely difficult to distinguish them from the pale grebe.

The most poisonous mushroom on the planet | Video