The meaning of the name Gordey and its fate. Gordey

Gordey is a personal male name, with its basis emphasizing a characteristic trait of its owner - pride. However, in addition to the obvious meaning, there are other interpretations of this nickname - “fast”, “formidable”, “lord”.

Origin of the name

Like others, the name Gordey originated in Greece. From mythological ancient literature such a character as the peasant Gordius is known. He became famous for the fact that once he came to the temple of Zeus, he tied a cart at its gates with a strong, tangled knot that could only be cut (“Gordian knot”).
The Slavic derivative form - Gordey assigned to the men who wear it the glory of proud men. How correct is this interpretation?

general characteristics

Little Gordeyka is balanced, calm and somewhat shy. The charming, strong man (and the little one is in excellent health) is embarrassed to be the first to speak with unfamiliar children, preferring to quietly watch their pranks from the sidelines.

Gordeyushka always obeys his parents, not daring to contradict them; their words will be important to him even in adulthood. The boy is very neat and responsible; he always handles his things with care; after games, each toy is on its own shelf.

The boy’s inherent ability to concentrate helps him greatly in his studies; in class, Gordey is the most attentive and interested student, he catches new educational material literally on the fly.

Despite his natural modesty, Deichik easily makes friends - the children themselves cling to this silent man, feeling his kindness and sensitivity. In a close circle of friends, the young man positions himself as a confident, cheerful, pleasant conversationalist.

With girls, Gora is a courteous and affectionate boyfriend. The mother manages to instill in her beloved child the manners of an intelligent, high-society, educated person. The bearer of the name subconsciously chooses the chosen one who is similar to the parent; he will bring into the house only the one whom he is ready to call his wife.

Positive character traits

Growing up, Gordey remains calm and reasonable, as in his younger years. He carefully thinks through and weighs each of his actions.
The young man has strong-willed qualities, thanks to which he is able to work long and hard to complete the task. Innate hard work allows him to repeatedly achieve great success in his career.

Negative character traits

The self-esteem of the owner of a proud name can play a bad role in his fate. If circumstances develop in such a way that Proud has to bend to his surroundings, the young man may fall into apathy and become indifferent to everything that is happening around him.

Spring Proud is fickle in love. Having married early, he is likely to get divorced soon. However, the second marriage, carried out at a more mature age, will be much more successful than the first.

Zodiac sign

So that the upbringing of a baby named Gordey is not overshadowed by the presence of stubbornness and other negative traits, his birth should fall during the reign of Capricorn.
Mars, which rules the energies of courage and will, is the patron planet of the “formidable” nickname.
The colors of luck for Gordey are black, dark blue, cherry.
A precious talisman that can smooth out fatal vicissitudes is the pomegranate.


Gordeika, Mountain, Gorchik, Gorushka, Gordeyushka, Gordeychik, Gordeechka, Gordyusha, Gordya, Gordyunya, Gordyunechka, Gordysenka, Gordyusik, Gordyunchik, Godik, Godichka, Godya.

Name options

Gordian, Gardzei, Gordiy, Gordobor, Gordomil.

Historical figures

IV century - holy martyr Gordius of Cappadocia.
1892 - 1938 - Ukrainian writer Gordey Kotsyuba (real name - Kotsegub).
1897 – 1981 – Soviet naval admiral Gordey Levchenko.
Born 1989 – badminton player Gordey Kosenko.
Born 1993 – figure skater Gordey Gorshkov.
Born 2008 – winner of the Chinese talent show Gordey Kolesov.

Name day

Those with the name Gordeya, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Gordeya, manifestation in love

Proud, you know how to love sincerely, deeply and reverently. With your characteristic maximalism, you attach paramount importance to your feelings. And if your partner is ready to reciprocate your feelings and at the same time meets all your requirements - both in his external appearance and internal content - love can take over your entire being for a long time and become the meaning of life. At the same time, your desire to dominate, coupled with the inability or reluctance to demonstrate the depth of your feelings, can greatly complicate the relationship for your partner: you are passionately in love, but cold and withdrawn; You are ready to idolize, but at the same time you are constantly being put in your place.


The basis of your motivation is the desire for an independent position. That is why you always choose the path that no one has taken before. If the direction has not been mastered, it means there are no “authorities”, and no one will be able to correct your actions, indicate how and where you need to move.

As a result, you do not recognize anyone’s right to claim that your opinion is wrong and your choice is not sufficiently justified. It is almost impossible to turn you off the path, to make you doubt your abilities. On the contrary, any criticism spurs you on, provoking you to take even more decisive steps.

What definitely speaks in your favor is the fact that you never try to “shift” the responsibility for your actions onto someone else. If you want to achieve success in singles, you are prepared for the fact that if you fail, you will be blamed for it.

However, a clear mind and courage, which, as you know, “takes cities,” make such an outcome unlikely. Therefore, they believe in you and willingly follow you.

Gordey is a rare male name that came to us from Greece. This name belongs to a complex person, and his character can be as confused as the knot of the same name, but today we will help you figure out what the name Gordey means.

The origin of the name goes back to Greek mythology, to the famous Phrygian king Gordius, whose legend gave rise to the expression “Gordian knot”. According to legend, Phrygia was deprived of a ruler, and according to the oracle's prediction, the first person traveling on a cart to the temple of Zeus was to become king. He was Gordius, and, despite his origin (he was a simple farmer), he became the ruler of Phrygia.

Forms of the name: Gordiy, Gordian, Gordeyka, Gordyunya, Gordya.

Patron symbols of the name:

  • Zodiac sign – Capricorn.
  • The patron animal is the bumblebee.
  • Tree - elm.
  • The planet Mars.
  • The talisman stone is garnet.
  • Black color.

Character and destiny

The meaning of the name Gordey is best reflected in such character traits as modesty, balance, determination, loyalty and hard work. Many of these qualities appear in childhood.

Surprisingly, Gordey is not proud of his childhood. This is a quiet and modest child, a little hard worker who blushes from praise. He is diligent in his studies - it seems that this child’s thirst for knowledge is unquenchable.

But Gordey spends time not only with books. He is very active and energetic and enjoys playing sports. He often achieves outstanding sports results, but because of his natural modesty, he does not tolerate competition.

He doesn't like to be the center of attention, so he won't want to make a name for himself in sports. Only the support of his parents can change his mind, but the boy should not be put under pressure, otherwise he will withdraw into himself even more.

The child Gordey has few friends, but the friendships he made at school often remain for the rest of his life. He is loyal to his friends and is always ready to help.

The name does not imply health problems. If a boy plays sports as a child, he will have good health, and even colds will be rare for him. In adulthood, insomnia and joint problems are possible, but in childhood there is nothing to worry about.

A purposeful character allows a proud man to adhere to the plan he has drawn up in life. He likes to plan and trusts logic more than intuition. Gordey has an analytical mind; it is not difficult for him to make even the most difficult life decisions thanks to his cold mind.

The modest character inherent in him in childhood continues in the life of the Proud man, but with age, self-esteem becomes increasingly important to him. He will not tolerate disrespectful or rude treatment towards him, and although he prefers peaceful resolution of conflicts, if a fight starts, he will not run away from it.

He is distinguished by physical strength and loves to work with his hands. For him, physical labor is the best way to relax and take his mind off problems.

Gordey is often a male intellectual. He can always carry on a conversation, there is never a dull moment with him. Modesty often prevents him from making new friends, but this does not matter to him; old and time-tested friends are more important to him.

A calm and balanced character is a distinctive feature of Gordey. Such men stand firmly on the ground, and no hesitation will be able to upset them. Gordey’s acquaintances appreciate this trait in him, because his confidence is transmitted to everyone around him.

He knows how to control his emotions very well and will never allow them to get the better of him. Tactful and attentive to the feelings of others. His good breeding and good manners make him especially attractive to the fairer sex.

Attaching great importance to quality in his work, Gordey will not stop until he completes the job in the best possible way. He is a perfectionist, even if he doesn't realize it. For him, doing the job properly is a kind of matter of honor. Gordey's bosses stubbornly push him up the career ladder, sometimes even with a fight, because Gordey, out of modesty, refuses promotions.

Love and compatibility

In love, Gordey forgets about shyness. Once in love, he will do anything to win her heart, and often he conquers the most inaccessible target. He has a monogamous character, he is faithful to his woman and considers her his ideal, his muse.

He spares nothing for the sake of his family, regularly pampers his wife with expensive gifts, and generally dotes on his children. Generosity is another attractive feature of Gordey; he will not spare anything for the sake of his loved one.

The name Gordey is compatible for marriage with:

  • Agata.

The secular name Gordey corresponds to the church name Gordy. According to the Orthodox calendar, Gordius celebrates the day of the angel on January 16 and May 22.
Author: Yulia Bibik

Meaning of the name Gordey: The boy's name means "king" (probably). This affects the character and fate of Gordey.

Origin of the name Gordey: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Gordya, Gordeyka, Gordyunya, Gordyukha.

What does the name Gordey mean? The exact meaning of the name Gordey is unknown. The name probably translates as “king”. The meaning of the name Gordey comes from the ancient Greek Gordias. In myths, the owner of such a name tangled the knot so complicatedly that no one could unravel it, and whoever did would take over the world. Gordey is focused on work, he is an ideal employee, because he cannot stand unfinished business. He is very conscientious, so he always tries to act honorably.

Patronymic name Gordey: Gordievich, Gordeevich, Gordievna, Gordeevna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Gordey celebrates his name day once a year: January 16 (3) - The Holy Martyr Gordey, a warrior, declared himself a Christian during the persecution of Christians and, after suffering for his faith, was beheaded in the 3rd century.

Signs: On January 16, on Gordey, you can reprimand someone with seizures, but if this disease was sent by evil spirits, then it attacks cattle with particular force.

Meaning of a boy's name

Character of the name Gordey: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Gordey? He is a man of action, moderate, reserved, judging people by the results of their professional skills. This is a typical “worker bee”, which is very contemptuous of the very concept of intuition, considering it “ladies’ things.” Outwardly, Gordey is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. No one will ever guess about this, even his wife will not believe that Gordey only dreams of cheating on her, but only dreams.

A guy named Gordey is a modest person, a little shy, and an extremely active person. This is the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied a knot, which Alexander the Great cut with his sword. Gordey is peaceful by nature, tries to stay in the shadows, and therefore gives the impression of a timid, indecisive person.

In the sphere of communication, Gordey is an excellent, witty interlocutor, very sociable, balanced, tolerant of other people's shortcomings, and knows how to listen. Very proud is lucky, talented, and quickly achieves a strong position in society. A man with this name has abilities in medicine, journalism, painting and performing arts.

Name Gordey in love and marriage

Gordey is irresistible in the eyes of women, but this does not mean that his family life will be happy, because, accustomed to easy victories, he may be too frivolous about marriage and his promises. Gordey does not attach great importance to family.

Compatibility with female names

The union of Gordey with Agatha, Vasilina, Glafira, Zemfira, Marfa is favorable. The name Gordey is also combined with Thekla. Difficult relationships are likely with Alina, Violetta, Gella, Lina, Maya, Teresa.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In general, Gordey has many chances to succeed in professions related to technology or the exact sciences. The Gordey man is a good leader, not afraid of responsibility and able to take risks. When choosing his path in life, Gordey usually prefers one where everything will depend on his personal efforts, which, however, does not prevent him from working under someone else’s supervision.

Business and career: In his youth, Gordey, despite his disruptive character, will have difficulty earning money. It is of particular importance for him to find his calling, and only after reaching middle age will Gordey finally “set out on the right course.”

Health and energy named after

Health and talents named after Gordey: A guy named Gordey is ready to exhaust himself with backbreaking work just to achieve what he wants. If Gordey does not stop doing this, he faces severe nervous breakdowns. There is no need for this self-exhaustion: the owner of the name Gordey will already dominate those around him in the most natural way thanks to his strong will.

Talismans of Gordey

  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet Gordeya - Mars
  • Black color
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Treasured plant - carnation
  • Patron - bumblebee
  • Talisman stone - garnet

The fate of the name Gordey

  1. Gordius - Phrygian king. At first he was a simple farmer, but the oracle, to whom they turned for advice, ordered to choose the one whom they would first meet riding to the temple of Zeus on a cart.
  2. Gordiy Semenovich Sablukov (?-1880) – Gordiy – orientalist, professor of the Kazan Theological Academy, expert on Mohammedanism. He owns the best translation (from Arabic) of the Koran of Mohammed.
  3. Gordey Levchenko - (1897 - 1981) Soviet naval leader, admiral (1944). USSR awards: 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Ushakov, 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star.
  4. Gordey Kotsyuba - (1892 - 1938) real name - Kotsegub; Ukrainian writer.
  5. Mark Antony Gordian I Africanus - (159 - 238) - Gordeus - Roman emperor in 238 of noble origin (descendant of the Gracchi). He wrote poetry (even in his youth he wrote “Antoninias” in 30 books).
  6. Mark Antony Gordian Sempronius - (192 - 238) - Gordeus - Roman emperor in 238, co-ruler of his father Gordian I. His library consisted of about 60 thousand books.
  7. Gordian III, Mark Antony Gordian Pius - (225 - 244) - Gordeus - Roman emperor (238-244). The son of Gordian II or, more likely, the son of the daughter of Gordian I.

Name translation

The translation in different languages, like many other names, has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English Gordey is translated as Gordius, in Ukrainian: Gordy, in Belarusian Gordey: Gardzey.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Gordey
  • Genitive case: Gordeya
  • Dative case: I am proud
  • Accusative case: Gordeya
  • Instrumental case: We are proud
  • Prepositional case: More proud

The meaning of the name Gordey eliminates parental doubts regarding the choice. Since childhood, the boy has been giving positive emotions. A smart and modest child finds activities on his own and tries to learn as many new things as possible. A smart boy encourages communication and is shy when he is praised.

Having studied the meaning of the name Gordey for a boy, you can introduce yourself to a strong personality, a powerful character manifests itself in the most important moments of life.

People who are unfamiliar with him may get the impression that a passive, balanced boy is only ready to study the school curriculum. In fact, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, enjoys spending time on the sports field, and achieves serious results. Because of his modesty, he often does not dare to participate in competitions; the support of loved ones is necessary for the young man to decide to perform in front of the audience.

The meaning of the name Gordey for a child allows us to conclude that the talents of a developing personality will manifest themselves in everything. The boy needs to be provided with all-round development: attending sports clubs and creative clubs.

Prefers to avoid conflict situations, especially with the use of physical force, but if necessary, he will give a worthy rebuff. The interpretation of the name reveals a purposeful personality, the young man confidently overcomes obstacles, solves any problems without unnecessary emotions, showing ingenuity and determination.

A man's name sounds proud; self-esteem is of particular importance to its owner. Ready to defend my honor and protect the weak. He feels comfortable in any company, his erudition and wit allow him to maintain relationships with a wide variety of interlocutors. An indisputable advantage is a sense of proportion in drinking alcohol; in addition, company is important to him.

He is in good health and is not afraid of physical work. He tries to be in nature more often, enjoys freedom and landscapes.


Having fallen in love, a shy young man changes beyond recognition. This means that he is ready to do anything for the sake of his chosen one. First love is a spectacular girl, whose attention is not at all easy to achieve. But the purposeful, talented guy easily manages to outperform his rivals. Knows how to look after and behave with dignity in any society. Prefers long-term relationships based on trust and mutual understanding, fidelity is of particular importance, and does not forgive betrayal.

A breakup can cause short-term depression; he withdraws into himself, under no circumstances complains, or seeks compassion. A woman feels comfortable next to a decent man, a monogamous woman does not have casual relationships, and turns the life of her “muse” into a fairy tale.

Love has a special meaning for a man and is a source of inspiration.


Shyness is not an obstacle in his personal life; rather, on the contrary, after the wedding he turns into a caring, attentive family man, aggression on his part is excluded. A self-confident woman is considered the ideal companion for a timid man; opposite characters will allow you to achieve harmony in a relationship. The appearance of a wife is of particular importance to a creative person; he does not skimp on his wife’s wardrobe.

After the birth of the child, not a trace of shyness remains; for the sake of the family, he is ready to do anything. Children are an incentive for him. This often means that after the birth of the first child, he is rapidly moving up the career ladder. Finds time to help his wife around the house and play with the children. For the full development of children, she considers it necessary to purchase a pet.

As a rule, the family belongs to the wealthy category; the children and wife are not denied anything. He does not neglect his elderly parents, and always finds time to spend time together. Patiently listens to their instructions, although he makes decisions relying solely on his own intuition.
Be sure to find time to go to the theater together; art is an integral part of life.

Generosity is an invaluable quality; it organizes unforgettable holidays that remain in the memory of guests for a long time. The house is always full of friends, they are charged with positive energy. Sincerity and the ability to pay attention to everyone are the basis of a special atmosphere. An adult man prefers to spend his free time in solitude, studying the collection, which is an integral part of the life of a creative person.

Business and career

A creative person needs to realize his abilities; he can become a famous artist, dancer, or journalist. A diligent and intelligent employee deserves recognition from management and colleagues. He achieves material well-being quite quickly. The workaholic never ceases to amaze with his activity.

Restraint and the desire to solve all problems on your own can cause a nervous breakdown.

He does not strive to become a leader, which means he is satisfied with the role of a conscientious performer. If your professional activity is not related to creativity, you will definitely find time to realize your abilities: drawing, music.

Justice is of particular importance; he can get carried away with politics; intelligence and confidence allow him to acquire a worthy status in society.

Origin of the name Gordey

There are several options for answering the question of where it came from and whose name parents choose. One version is the Greek origin of the name Gordey. According to legend, the peasant tied the cart with a special knot at the gate of Zeus; it was simply impossible to untie it, only to cut it. The etymology is ambiguous. The history of the Slavic peoples contains facts about family ties with Gordomil, Gordobor. In any case, the secret of the name is associated with a proud, purposeful person.

Characteristics of the name Gordey

The characteristics of the name Gordey reveal the pros and cons of a strong personality. It is safe to say that there are much more positive qualities. The optimism of a calm man is transmitted to others, and you feel confident around him.

A true masculine character is a rarity; he also knows how to listen and admit his mistakes. Friendship is of particular importance; a man is surrounded only by loyal, trusted people. He does not wait to be asked for help; the support of his loved ones is a matter of honor for him. He does not take revenge for betrayal and meanness; he prefers to simply exclude communication.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: garnet.
  • Name day: January 16 (3).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name: Capricorn.

Famous people

  • Gordey Gorshkov - figure skater;
  • Gordey Kosenko is a badminton player.

Different languages

The translation of the name Gordey usually satisfies young parents; there are several versions: “king”, “formidable”. It is often necessary to know exactly how it is translated into foreign languages,

  • in Chinese 戈尔杰伊 gē’ěrjiéyī.
  • in Japanese 誇りに思う.

Name forms

  • Full name: Gordey.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Gordeyka, Gordya, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.
  • Declension of the name – We are proud, I am proud.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Gordey.