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Evgeniy Karymov (Kazhe Oboyma a.k.a. Joe UFO) is a Russian rap artist from St. Petersburg, a member of Saint P Family, a former member of the group Def Joint. Artist of the recording music label “Black Mic Records”, in the past he recorded at “Mediaton”.

A dark horse. The asset includes the patronage of an already established St. Petersburg wave in the person of Smokey Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco.

As for his creative style, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarities with Tical: Capa from SBL, Nigative from Triad. This is what Kazhe is at first glance. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method Man is very popular among us and is quite a decent role model. But Obima is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch your text forward like a snowball and run after the lump that is overgrown with metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Ooima extremely seriously: “Crazy, street man, smokes rubbish, drinks like Satan, fucks chicks - like changing socks. That’s what he reads about.”

When have listeners disliked such fine fellows? If he made the album live up to Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Oboyma is highly regarded by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years now, where he began to seriously study hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, “women, parties and gifts of nature.”

“My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus my sick imagination. Again, I’m inspired by what’s happening around me and what’s going on in my head, and it’s brutal...”

Having listened to his debut album “Issue 1: Inferno”, most of the music for which was written by Smokey Moe, you can be convinced of this.

“I named the album that way because at the time of writing most of the verses I was in such a state. This was last summer, I gave my all to this, I thought that I would just somehow burst into flames from what was happening in my head. Thank God this didn't happen. As for the second part of the title, everything is simple - this is just the beginning.”

The album, contrary to the information we had before, will be released not on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Obema commented on this situation as follows: “At a certain point, I realized that the MDU label and Obima are incompatible. Although some of my tracks will be published by this label in the future, this is nothing more than residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton met me halfway during quite stressful times for me, everything is fine with them, without brainwashing, in any case. This makes me happy".

The release of “Issue 1: Inferno” is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper doesn’t think of stopping: “The verses that I’m writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at many things differently now, now I also take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I didn’t think about it, in my new themes I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to some (that’s the least of my worries), but in any case he will "pump" anyone..."

"Bermuda Triangle"
third studio album (scheduled for release in September 2011)

A dark horse. The asset includes the patronage of an already established St. Petersburg wave in the person of Smokey Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco. In addition, Kazhe is now one of the main hopes of the young but active St. Petersburg label MDU, which soon promises to release his debut.

As for his creative style, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarities with Tical: Capa from SBL, Nigative from Triad. This is what Kazhe is at first glance. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method is very popular among us and is quite a decent object to follow. But Obima is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch your text forward like a snowball and run after the lump that is overgrown with metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Oboima extremely seriously: “Crazy, street man, smokes rubbish, drinks like Satan, fucks chicks - like changing socks. That’s what he reads about.”

When have listeners disliked such fine fellows? If he made the album live up to Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Oboyma is highly regarded by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years now, where he began to seriously study hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, “women, parties and gifts of nature.”

“My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus my sick imagination. Again, I’m inspired by what’s happening around me and what’s going on in my head, and it’s brutal...”

Having listened to his debut album “Inferno Issue 1”, most of the music for which was written by Smokey Moe, you can be convinced of this.

“I called the album that because at the time of writing most of the verses I was in such a state. This was last summer, I gave my all to this, I thought that I would just somehow burst into flames from what was happening in my head. Thank God this didn't happen. As for the second part of the title, everything is simple - this is just the beginning.”

The album, contrary to the information we had before, will be released not on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Obema commented on this situation as follows: “At a certain point, I realized that the MDU label and Obima are incompatible. Although some of my tracks will be published by this label in the future, this is nothing more than residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton met me halfway during quite stressful times for me, everything is fine with them, without braininess, in any case. This makes me happy".

The release of “Inferno Issue 1” is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper doesn’t think of stopping: “The verses that I’m writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at many things differently now, now I also take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I didn’t think about it, in my new topics I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to some (that’s the least of my concerns), but in any case he will "pump" anyone..."

In 2006, the portal included Kazhe Oboyma among the ten most promising Russian rappers. Since then, many promising brothers in the shop have become stars of the first magnitude and earned millions of dollars, while Kazhe is doing his own thing, looking for a unique sound and is in no hurry. He says that not everyone understands him and his work is not for the masses. But the musician found his audience and year after year continues to delight fans with new tracks.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the performer is Evgeny Karymov. The musician was born in 1983 in Lensk, Yakutia. The boy was cramped in a small town, and he tried to expand his boundaries as much as possible, obtaining interesting information from disks and videotapes. As a child, Zhenya thought about becoming an actor and saw himself connected with television or radio.

Kazhe Ooima in his youth (right)

When the time came to decide on his future path in life, the guy decided to leave Lensk and go to study in another city. He chose between Moscow, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg, and eventually settled on the latter. The reason was romantic: his first love, whom he met at sea, lived there. Later, the rapper admitted that he was not mistaken with the city and considers St. Petersburg ideal for his rhythm.

In 2006, Evgeniy became a certified journalist, graduating from the St. Petersburg University of Service and Economics. During his student years, he began to get involved in music, preferring hip-hop and rap.


The stage name Kazhe comes from the initials (Karimov Zhenya) and was invented together with, the musician who produced Obima’s debut album and wrote a significant part of the beats for it. Album “Inferno. Issue 1" was released in 2006 and was noticed by connoisseurs of the St. Petersburg underground.

The performer admitted that the title and content of the album were inspired by the madness that was going on inside him. At that time, friends characterized him as a psychopath who smoked rubbish, drank endlessly and slept with everyone. This is what his texts are about.

“I’m inspired by what’s going on in my head... And it’s tough,” says Kazhe himself.

A year later, the rapper released the disc “Transformer,” where he collected remixes of songs from the first record. In 2008, Oboyma worked as part of the Def Joint association, where Smokey Mo, Creep-a-Creep, Big D, BMBeats, Jambazi and other St. Petersburg rap artists gather. The musicians jointly release the collections “Dangerous Joint” and BombBox Vol. 2. It was a time of a big gang hanging out without clear goals and production strategies, so the collaboration soon broke up, having managed to give several joint concerts.

Kazhe Oboyma and Basta perform the song “Angel”

In 2009, Kazhe became a participant in the second season of the “Battle for Respect”, a Muz-TV show, where prominent representatives of hip-hop culture, experienced but not sufficiently media, met in battles. Members of the jury, Centr, and others assessed the skills of the participants.

In 2010, the first open air festival “Battle of Three Capitals” took place, an event dedicated to hip-hop in its various manifestations. Kazhe Oboyma was invited there as an expert and judge in freestyle. In the same year, Evgeniy takes part in the rap tribute “KINOproba”, dedicated to the memory and dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the death of the rock musician.

In 2009, Kazhe began collaborating with the Black Mic Records label, and Obima’s discography was expanded with the second album The Most Dangerous LP. Some musicians from Def Joint and . Reviewers noted that the studio album was designed for a young audience and pointed out the similarity of the style with.

The rapper strives for each new album to be different from the previous one. Announcing the third album, Oobima promised to surprise fans with melody and fresh themes. “Catharsis”, released in 2012, consisted of 16 songs, 4 of which had official videos released, including “Angel” feat. Basta, “The ice has broken.”

Kazhe Oboyma performs the song “The Ice Has Broken”

The performer always pays great attention to working on videos, looking for original ideas. In 2015, the official video for “The Streets Are Silent” was released together with.

Over time, the musician began to say that he was “tired of Ooima,” implying that the second part of the nickname carries mega-brutality, aggressiveness and punk movement. Over time, the essence of the pseudonym ceased to coincide with reality, and often the rapper began to introduce himself simply as Kazhe. He connects this with fatherhood and experiencing tremulous moments in life. And the 2016 album is named conceptually - “Farewell to Arms.”

In addition to studio releases, the musician has several singles, mini-albums and collections.

Personal life

Little is known about the rapper's personal life. Evgeniy's wife's name is Ekaterina. In 2015, the couple had a son, Danila. Thus began a new page in Kazhe’s biography: now he considers family the main priority in life. The musician notes that having children greatly influences personality and creativity.

He adores his son, posts photos of them together and calls raising a child a fascinating process. The man admits in an interview that he is very lucky with his wife and thanks her for her patience and perseverance.

Kazhe Clip now

In 2018, the musician released a new album “Aurora”, where you can hear features with Rem Digga, Kripple and Fuze. The clip is true to itself in the manner of performance, but experiments with sound, introducing elements of house rap. The album consists of 10 tracks, and two official video clips were released to support it - “Benjamin Button” and Pussy flow.

Now the rapper continues to make music, performs concerts, and works on new videos. On Instagram, Kazhe wrote that he spent 2018 “absolutely sober” and is confident that 2019 will be his year.


  • 2006 - “Inferno. Issue 1"
  • 2009 - The Most Dangerous LP
  • 2012 - “Catharsis”
  • 2013 - “Coolness”
  • 2015 - “Life hack”
  • 2016 - “A Farewell to Arms”
  • 2017 - “Issue 2: G.R.U.B.O.R.”
  • 2018 - “Aurora”

Evgeniy Karymov (Kazhe Oboyma a.k.a. Joe UFO) is a Russian rap artist from St. Petersburg, a member of Saint P Family, a former member of the group Def Joint. Artist of the recording music label “Black Mic Records”, in the past he recorded at “Mediaton”.

A dark horse. The asset includes the patronage of an already established St. Petersburg wave in the person of Smokey Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco.

As for his creative style, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarities with Tical: Capa from SBL, Nigative from Triad. This is what Kazhe is at first glance. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method Man is very popular among us and is quite a decent role model. But Obima is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch your text forward like a snowball and run after the lump that is overgrown with metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Ooima extremely seriously: “Crazy, street man, smokes rubbish, drinks like Satan, fucks chicks - like changing socks. That’s what he reads about.”

When have listeners disliked such fine fellows? If he made the album live up to Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Oboyma is highly regarded by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years now, where he began to seriously study hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, “women, parties and gifts of nature.”

“My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus my sick imagination. Again, I’m inspired by what’s happening around me and what’s going on in my head, and it’s brutal...”

Having listened to his debut album “Issue 1: Inferno”, most of the music for which was written by Smokey Moe, you can be convinced of this.

“I named the album that way because at the time of writing most of the verses I was in such a state. This was last summer, I gave my all to this, I thought that I would just somehow burst into flames from what was happening in my head. Thank God this didn't happen. As for the second part of the title, everything is simple - this is just the beginning.”

The album, contrary to the information we had before, will be released not on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Obema commented on this situation as follows: “At a certain point, I realized that the MDU label and Obima are incompatible. Although some of my tracks will be published by this label in the future, this is nothing more than residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton met me halfway during quite stressful times for me, everything is fine with them, without brainwashing, in any case. This makes me happy".

The release of “Issue 1: Inferno” is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper doesn’t think of stopping: “The verses that I’m writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at many things differently now, now I also take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I didn’t think about it, in my new themes I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to some (that’s the least of my worries), but in any case he will "pump" anyone..."

"Bermuda Triangle"
third studio album (scheduled for release in September 2011)