Why is man the supreme being? Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - Creatures higher than man

The development (phylogenetic) of the organic world on Earth has not stopped, especially human development. A thousand years ago it was not the same as it is now, 5,000 years ago it was even simpler, 10,000 years ago it was close to animals, and 100,000 years ago it was a relative of monkeys. Going even further back, we come to mammals, lizards, reptiles, fish, worms and bacteria.

And man went through all these stages before becoming the current “king” of animals. It is clear that in 1,000, 10,000 years he will be a different being, of a higher type. Since previously we saw only his progress in terms of mass, complexity, intelligence, knowledge and power, we cannot expect anything else in the future. So, we are waiting for higher beings on Earth. There must also be animals on a million billion other planets. What are they? On Earth, their height depends on their ancestral (phylogenetic) age, and on other planets as well. But the age of the Earth is extremely small, especially the age of humanity. Babies, in general, are fewer in number the shorter they have lived. So there are not many infant planets like Earth in the universe. Most of the planets, especially their humanity, have reached manhood, just as the Earth will eventually reach it.

At this manly age animals must be perfect in body, senses, mind, knowledge and power.

This power must be very high. If even now a person hopes not only to conquer nature, but also to travel among the planets and stars of the universe, then how unimaginable will be his true power, and especially the power of mature planetary beings?

But these creatures are not the same; how different animals and people of our planet are. All people will be tall, but the degree of this height is far from uniform. So the perfection of the inhabitants of any planet is not equal: the chosen ones are above the ordinary. But on each planet there are different degrees of election, as if there are different “bosses”. All these people have different degrees of dignity. Its highest degree will belong to the last, chosen of the chosen, the most worthy being of the planet. He, with his council, controls the entire planet. How tall must he be?! This will happen on Earth as well; it happened long ago on the vast majority of planets.

Here is the second major stage of the higher animals of the universe. But each planet is tiny compared to the space surrounding the sun. The planet uses a billionth of the energy of the sun's rays. Why should good things go to waste? The power of planetary inhabitants allows them to use all the radiant energy of their sun. They take over near-solar deserts, build homes there, adapt to new conditions and multiply in accordance with the surrounding solar energy. Their population increases billions of times compared to the earth's. At the same time, the number of consecutive elections and the perfection of the last elected one are growing, i.e. president of the solar system.

Here is the third major level of higher beings: these are the rulers of solar systems. Their number in the known universe (space) should reach the number of suns, i.e. million billion.

Will neighboring groups of suns also unite? They may have common affairs and an elected council with their own chairman.

Spiral nebulae (milky ways) may also unite and give their chosen ones. The entire universe can unite under the control of one being.

You will say: from one extreme spiral nebula to another diametrically opposite, i.e. Light travels through the entire known universe for 200 million years. What kind of relations can there be here, what decisions, what instructions? They are always late and it is better to solve matters with a local mind, a local council, for example, planetary or solar.

But, firstly, time is a conditional concept for all creatures - what is a lot for us is zero for others. Secondly, are there no agents more elastic than the well-known luminiferous ether? This new medium can propagate radiant energy millions and billions of times faster than the known ether. Time is endless. Accordingly, the surprises of the universe are infinitely varied, wonderful and endless.

Of course, all these beings influence each other and are mutually dependent. On every mature planet, the most important thing for an ordinary citizen is the village council (conditionally) elected by him and his president. A president elected not by him, but by his elected simplest presidents, etc. has less influence. The supreme president of the planet has the least interference in the matter. But planetary presidents are not completely free: the solar council sometimes interferes in planetary affairs, etc. Less common is the intervention of the common president of the known universe. What is the intervention of the infinite unknown universe - we do not know, but it probably exists, although we can say that it is infinitely rare. In general, the more powerful and higher the chairman, the less often his power is manifested. But still his power is unimaginably great.

You have only read the beginning of K.E.’s article. Tsiolkovsky.

Happy reading!

An excerpt from the work of the rector of the Kyiv theological schools, St. Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson and Tauride “On beings higher than man, or on spirits.”

Lucifer's fall from the sky. Paul Gustave Doré

Let us now look into the abyss of the dark angelic world. The teaching about evil spirits is worth attention, both because their effects on us are very great and their relationships are too close, and because now is the time of unbelief, which does not allow the existence of these spirits.

What does Holy Scripture say about these spirits? It asserts that there are many of them, and that a fall occurred in them, by which "third part of the stars" heavenly ( Open 8:12, OK. 21:25).

When did this fall happen and how? Holy Scripture doesn't say. From it it is only clear that the cause of this is sin; that this happened through the deviation of the will of the creature from the Creator. In the Second Epistle of Peter ( 2 Pet. 2:4) it is said that the angels sinned. This, on the one hand, proves that sin was the cause of the fall of the angels, and on the other hand, the absurd opinion about the eternal existence of the evil principle is rejected. For if the angels sinned, then there was a time when they did not sin, when there was no lie and there was only truth; there was no evil, but only good. Consequently, according to the teachings of the Bible, the devil is not eternal, but became so in time. There are also hints in the Holy Scriptures about how sin occurred in the world of Angels, and how this revolution happened to it. This type of sin is pride. This is clear from First Timothy: “Let the devil not become proud and fall into judgment” (εμπεση εις χριμα του διαβολου ) (1 Tim. 3:6). The word χριμα has a double meaning: “judgment” and “condemnation.” If we accept the first meaning, then the meaning of this place will be this: “So that he is not subjected to the power of the devil in the same way as a defendant is subject to the power of a judge.” If we accept the latter meaning, then the following meaning will come out: “So as not to be subjected to the same condemnation, the same disaster to which the devil fell.” This last meaning clearly indicates that the cause of the fall of the devils was pride, for the same punishment must be preceded by the same crime. Some people take the word “devil” incorrectly, in the sense of a slanderer, and give this place the following meaning: “So that you, being proud, do not fall under the condemnation of those who slander Christianity, not being Christians themselves.” The words of the text also tolerate this meaning, but the first one is more natural. Where most of the Church Fathers put pride as the reason for the fall of the evil angels. There is also a place, on the one hand clearer, and on the other, perhaps darker, in the Epistle of Jude: “The angels did not keep their rulership, but left their home” (Jude 1:6). In Russian translation: "who have not retained their dignity". What kind of dignity is this? It is obvious that they were entrusted with something to store and some place to live; but they kept neither one nor the other. The Apostle Jude, proving that sin inevitably follows punishment, speaks in passing about evil angels. Christians had the opinion that evil angels were entrusted with the management of this world with their planets, but that they, seduced by the beauty of some human faces, entered into criminal relations with them and forgot to govern the world. It is clear that this idea came to Christians from the Jews, who based it on a misunderstood passage in the book of Genesis ( Gen.6:2–4), where it says that the sons of God (that is, the godly seed of people) were deceived by the daughters of men. If the apostle had this idea in mind, then perhaps in passing, however, this is not entirely worthy of the apostle. Therefore, it is better to assume that he represents his own view here, perhaps partly similar to the way of thinking that existed at that time. He could have had the idea that the angels were entrusted with ruling something, some part of the world, and that they poorly fulfilled this assignment, ruled poorly, no doubt, out of disobedience and willfulness, therefore, at the basis of all this lay pride. And therefore the words of the Apostle Jude represent another hint that pride has cast down evil spirits. The third hint is in the words of Jesus Christ ( In. 8:44). This leads to the idea that their fall consisted of a perversion of the truth, which occurred, without a doubt, from disobedience to God, from pride, as can be seen from his conversation with Eve ( Life 3:4–7). In general, we can say, in accordance with the spirit of the Bible, that the fall of evil spirits consisted in disobedience to the will and was associated with pride, which alone could produce such a terrible division in the world of the Angels; the sin of any weakness would never have produced this.

But how could an Angel, a being higher and more perfect than man, forget and not understand his relationship to God? How did the first angel, as some fathers thought, come to the idea of ​​fighting with God? Devils appear to be creatures who know a lot; therefore, it is easiest for them to understand that it is impossible to resist God. Meanwhile, they go against God - isn’t it strange? This strangeness disappears when we remember what the secret of the existence of creatures in general consists of. We have seen that the existence of free creatures is associated with the limitation of the Creator; God once and forever renounced unlimited action over free creatures and, as it were, ceded to them a part of His Divinity; made for them, dare we say, self-sacrifice. The evil angels, no doubt, clearly saw this refusal of God and knew that God would never return this one back. Therefore, they could boldly enter into battle with God, knowing that their independence would continue throughout eternity. This is the only way to explain the germ of evil in angels.

Another strange thing: how could these lofty spirits be eclipsed so quickly to reach such malice? And we see that their sin could not have preceded the fall of man too early. Against this, let us remember that in order not to see any country, it doesn’t take much: you just have to turn your face away from it and turn it in the opposite direction, and everything will be lost; so the devil turned away from the light and immediately became darkness. Moreover, the taller the creature, the thinner it is, the sooner, the more both light and darkness are reflected in it.

We said that the angels fell through pride. The Fathers of the Church have particular indications of this pride of angels. Some think that the fallen Dennitsa was given a revelation about the Messiah and Jesus Christ was indicated; but that he did not want to worship Him.

This opinion is based on the words of the Apostle Paul: “When does he again introduce the first-born into the universe?” (Heb. 1:6), which seems to indicate the second appearance in the world of the Son of God; but here παλιν does not refer to the verb “introduces,” but to the verb “verb,” that is, “speaks again.” Others think that the angels, having learned in advance about the creation of man, became jealous and wanted to place themselves, as much as possible, above him.

Did the fall of all spirits immediately follow, or did they fall away gradually? The Holy Scriptures give hints that first one angel sinned, and that he drew others into the abyss. For in Revelation he is shown to be a slanderer, “deceiving the world.” Suddenly the fall of all of them could not follow, for it is impossible for the wills of all of them to suddenly take up arms against the Creator.

That is why the Fathers of the Church thought that first the chief angel fell, and then others who were either subordinate to him, or more friendly with him than others. This fall followed, no doubt, before the fall of man, before the creation of the sensory world, but it cannot be said that it happened before the physical world.

What are the consequences of their fall? God punished them terribly: they were sent into darkness and reserved for judgment of the last day in hell fire ( Jude 1:6, Open 12:9). These are harmful consequences in relation to themselves; it can be assumed that their fall had a tangible effect on nature itself, although Holy Scripture does not indicate this.

If the fall of man could not but produce a revolution in nature, then, without a doubt, the same can be said about the fall of the angels. Thus, the vanity of the creature, to which it obeyed in trust, should, judging fairly, be attributed not to man alone, but also to the angels; and they introduced damage into nature, unless this damage was corrected by God even before the fall of man.

Perhaps, however, it is impossible to put the fall of man in parallel with the fall of angels because the consequences of the first are reversible and final; and the punishment of the latter is eternal. Some church writers recognized the consequences of the fall of the angels as extending to nature itself; and therefore they argued that the human world arose as a result of a revolution that occurred in the Angelic world, in order to correct the resulting shortcomings in nature. An opinion based on nothing!

What is the state of the evil spirits now? An unhappy state, a state of awe and horror. Where are they located? Their place of residence is air. They're called "spiritual wickedness in high places", princes "air power" (Eph. 6:12; Eph. 2:2). How can one reconcile the darkness in which they remain with their aerial presence? So that the air spaces in which they now reside, in comparison with their previous places of residence, are dark and gloomy. For example, if someone were to pass from the solar atmosphere into the earth’s atmosphere, for that latter, without a doubt, there would be darkness in comparison with the first.

In addition, perhaps, due to their organization, the air cannot but be darkness for them; Maybe they could see better on the ground than in the air. So, for example, there are animals for which the darkness of night is the same as daylight for us, and vice versa: day for them is the same as night for us. Hence the word rubbish means both “air” and “darkness,” indicating, that is, the property of these spirits.

What is their structure? The structure of their nature and their relationships is the same, only dark and in disorder. Holy Scripture says that they, just like the good angels, have superiors and subordinates. It calls them by different names: Satan (slanderer, adversary), the devil (slanderer), Belial, that is, the ruler of emptiness, destruction ( 2 Cor. 6:15), Beelzebub – god of flies, unclean places ( Matt. 10:25). One of the most common names given by Jesus Christ is "prince of peace, prince... according to the age of this world" (John 12:31, Eph. 6:12); also called dragon, “ancient serpent” ( Open 12:9).

The number of unclean spirits must be great already because the word of God warns all people against them and places them in one person as a “legion”: “legeon: like the devil of many, come out” (Luke 8:30).

What is the inner state of their mind and will? The worst thing is: the mind is engaged in slander and lies, and the activity of the will is to destroy everything that is best and especially to be treacherous against people. Firstly, the devil was the cause of the fall of man, who appeared to Eve in the form of a serpent ( Life 3:1). The Apostle Paul here means the devil by the serpent. Further, he spread idolatry and superstition among people, and through this, by the time of Jesus Christ, he enslaved the whole world to himself ( Eph. 2:2).

Acting in this way, he enslaved entire kingdoms, and finally seized almost the entire kingdom of Israel, having previously invaded it several times. Therefore, when one of the pagans converted to Christianity, the apostles said that he was coming from the region of Satan to God; and Jesus Christ, having laid the foundation of His religion, said: “Today the prince of this world will be cast out” (In. 12:31), that is, now love and faith will reign, the presence of which is unbearable for an evil spirit.

Since the purpose of Christ’s coming was to destroy the works of the devil, this evil spirit primarily armed itself against Christianity. In order to deviate Jesus Christ from His intention, or lead Him into evil thoughts, he tempts Him; Seeing his failure in this case, he turns from Jesus Christ to His disciples, and sometimes not without success: this is evident, firstly, from the words of Jesus Christ, Who says to the disciples: "Satan asked to sow you like wheat" (OK. 22:31); secondly, from the fact that He was once forced to call Peter Satan.

However, the disciples of Jesus Christ defended themselves from this enemy; Only the unfortunate Judas succumbed to him forever.

During the spread of Christianity, he also demonstrated extraordinary activity. For example, the Apostle Paul was prevented from traveling ( Acts 13:9). The last experience of his evil activity will appear at the end of the world; there he will reveal all his cunning and cruelty; will raise up the Antichrist, arm him with miracles, and with everything that can be used to attract faith. These are the main activities of evil spirits!

In particular, they act on a person’s mind, preventing him from seeing the truth. The Apostle Paul says that the devil has blinded the minds of many Christians; act on the will of, for example, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira; on appearance, encouraging pride; briefly: Holy Scripture describes them as evil, cunning, and treacherous.

Does an evil spirit act directly on the soul? The sanctuary of the human soul is inviolable even for God Himself. This thought must be maintained. God once gave freedom and never takes it away. But one cannot but agree that an evil spirit can act on a person in the same way that external objects act on him. This is clear from the lives of the saints. It can act on the brain and lower faculties, in a word, on the outer shell of the soul, and not on the soul itself. However, these actions of evil spirits are extremely limited, because their activity is now constrained; they are connected.

The actions of evil spirits on the body in the Holy Scriptures are presented in a very great form. They can possess human bodies and inhabit them. We see this often in the New Testament: both Jesus Christ and the apostles often healed such people. Here is the place for this ( Mk. 1:25–26, 5:8), and many other places. Here we just need to decide the following question: did these people really have evil spirits? Was it not an illness, for example, sleepwalking, epilepsy, and the like? Perhaps the common people considered these diseases to be evil spirits, and Jesus Christ, perhaps, did not want to change the people's opinion? And therefore, is not the whole teaching about spirits an adaptation to the way of thinking of the Jews? No, Jesus Christ and the apostles could not lie. They rebelled against such prejudices, to eradicate which it was necessary to shake the very heart of man, and the opinion about the existence of evil spirits is not such that it would be difficult to convince the people of it.

Perhaps they will say that they did not want to change the people’s beliefs so as not to diminish the glory of their deeds? But for them it was equally glorious whether it was to heal the most important diseases or to cast out spirits. In addition, Jesus Christ could have privately told His disciples that these are not spirits, but diseases; but He does not do this anywhere. The incidents themselves confirm the idea that these were indeed spirits. What, for example, proves the transition of spirits from humans to pigs, if not that they were real spirits? Moreover, the Savior gave both His disciples and all the faithful the power to cast out demons in His name. These expulsions were very frequent in the first centuries of Christianity. The Church Fathers testify to this. Origen concludes the entire activity of Christians of the primal Church in this; the same is confirmed Cyril of Jerusalem and Cyprian, who talk about public incantations; Tertullian and Lactantius, apologists, call on all pagans to look at these actions, performed in the name of Jesus Christ, as evidence of the Divinity of the Christian religion.

Before the coming of Jesus Christ, the power of the devil developed, but Jesus Christ bound him by His death; and he began to get lost; The devil at the time of Jesus Christ, according to one Church father, was like a mortified snake, which fathers give to children for fun, without the danger of being wounded.

Why does the devil want to deal with a person? Scripture says he wants to have dominion over people. What is this dominion for? Because he wants to be in great opposition to God, and since he cannot act on God directly, he acts through people. Is there another reason for the devil's dominance? Eat.

Here it is: 1) The devil is the greatest evil, and therefore he tries to spread evil, for an evil being finds pleasure only in spreading evil. Take, for example, an angry person devoted to drunkenness: he finds it very pleasant to look at people like himself. 2) Holy Scripture reveals little about the metaphysical world; it only said something about the spirits of evil and good. The devil, it says, has left his home. Well, if we assume that a person will take his place? Isn’t it a pity and isn’t it painful for the devil in this case, and is there any reason to deceive a person? 3) For the devil, there is even some interest in his deceit against a person: it is interesting for him, that is, he receives pleasant pleasure from communicating with evil people. There are indications of this from the Church Fathers and a hint in the Holy Scriptures. Jesus Christ says in the Gospel of Matthew that an evil spirit, coming out of a person, passes through dark places, then returns to him, as to a clean and swept house, and takes other spirits with him; This means that it is pleasant for the devil to live in a person; living in a person for him is the same as living in a beautiful house, and living outside a person means living in a swamp, in cramped conditions. We do not know the relationships of all natures; We only know that man occupies the middle in the series of beings: “I am the connection of worlds,” says Derzhavin. So, what is below man and what is above him constitute two opposite extremes. Consequently, for an evil spirit that has fallen into the opposite world, each sphere is painful and unnatural. But as creatures approach the center of these two opposite worlds, this torment decreases, so that in man, as the chain or center of these worlds, it is more pleasant for an evil spirit to dwell than in any other creature of the entire visible or sensory world. The devil, like someone suffering from fever, throws himself from fire into water, and the like. The pagans came to this idea; it was developed by the Alexandrian philosophers: Iamblichus, Porphyry, and others, and why not allow it, especially if devils are not completely immaterial beings? There is a hint of this in animal magnetism; there a person enters into spiritual communication, and through another he gets everything from this world.

How can we reconcile the devil’s possession of people with Providence? Even if we could not agree, we cannot reject it. True, a person loses his activity for a while. But if the loss of time is also allowed in natural madness, then why not allow it in this? Moreover, we do not know whether time is completely lost? The soul has its own sides that we do not know and which, perhaps, are perfected during madness or demonic possession. That is why there is an opinion among the people that when such unfortunate people are healed, they become kinder; This is confirmed by the Apostle Paul when he commands to hand over the incestuous man to Satan, "let the spirit be saved" (1 Cor. 5:5); They also noticed in some crazy people that the time of their madness was not wasted, for during it they acquired the kind of information that needs to be acquired through labor and learning. There may still be times when it is necessary to stop the activities of a famous person. And this contributes to his perfection, and even more so to the perfection of others. For if the connection between beings is too close, then sometimes it is necessary, as in music, to stop some organs so that others can act more freely. Moreover, the purpose of allowing this in people may also be in other creatures, in evil angels, if not in order to convert them (for Scripture does not speak about this), then in order to prevent their other most disastrous activities, so that That is, the devil, having occupied himself with one person, did not have time to carry out his evil intentions against a hundred or more people. So, from all these reasons it is clear that the devil’s possession of people does not contradict Providence.

Taxonomists previously rejected the idea that evil spirits can have an influence on a person, but now doctors and natural scientists themselves have begun to come to the assumption of this. If planets, for example, the moon, can have an influence on a person, what causes sleepwalking; Saturn - due to distance from the sun - which causes madness, or in certain months there are seizures, the causes of which are remote from us, then one cannot help but believe the influence of evil spirits and the existence of the possessed.

Experience shows that even today there are demoniacs; only our scholarship has not yet explored the possibility of these phenomena. Our scientists write systems, prescribe recipes, but the secrets of nature, how a higher being can act on a lower one, are not explored, or at least have not yet been explored. They haven’t yet explained why a person can scream like an animal and how it can? What is the motivation for such activity? How, from the bite of rabid animals, from touch and glance, does the human soul take the form of an animal and adjust its activity accordingly? Thus, even the language of the future is found in patients; some of them say when an evil spirit has settled in them. All this shows that the devil can act a lot on the lower abilities of a person, and that he could act just as much on the higher activity of the soul if he were not bound.

What is the remedy against the influence of these hostile forces on a person? A Christian has very strong remedies against this; and if he does not drive away this enemy with them, then the reason for this is only his oversight. These means are: prayer, which cleanses the soul, and fasting, which cleanses the body. By these means, a Christian, according to the Apostle James, must resist the evil spirit, and he will flee from it. In addition, the thought of God and a strong desire for good are powerful weapons against the devil. This truth was proven in the first centuries of Christianity, when the very name of Jesus Christ caused the spirits of evil to tremble.

What can we say about witchcraft and magic? Are they possible, that is, is it possible for people to communicate with evil spirits? The Old Testament provides examples of prohibitions against them; therefore possible; The New Testament is silent about this. The Acts of the Apostles only mentions that the Apostle Paul found magic books and ordered them to be burned. There is a general opinion that this message is possible. In almost every village you can find such a person, although these are mostly imaginary sorcerers, and real ones are very rare. In the Middle Ages, many recognized as such were killed and burned at the stake. On the part of a person, this is possible, because he, having fallen under the moral influence of an evil spirit, can also go into physical communication with him; on the part of the evil spirit there is also no impossibility; if he can act on a person indirectly, then it is better for him to have direct communication with him. From the history of Christianity it is clear that personal appearances of good angels to virtuous people were; Why shouldn’t immoral people believe such appearances of evil angels? Their reasons lie in God, but more in people, in their morality. Jesus Christ said: “See heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man” (In. 1:51). This is about good angels. The Holy Scriptures do not speak so clearly about the wicked; it only speaks of their visible appearance at the end of the world. But history presents interesting stories about the meetings of devils with holy people, for example about their repentance, about failure to fulfill the conditions required of them, and others.

What organ of communication do people with evil spirits have? Based on the experiences of warlocks and ventriloquists presented in Moses, this organ should be the nervous system in a person. A person, being in this state, seems to renounce this world and at a crossroads he encounters these wandering creatures. There may be other means for this, for example, herbs, drinks, and more. It goes without saying that this connection is the most reprehensible and happens to desperate people. Women are most susceptible to this, because their nervous system is more delicate and more upset, which is why melancholy, hysteria, hypochondria - nervous diseases - belong to them. It is noteworthy that the end of such people is the most painful. This is how it should be. It is difficult for a soul that has reached the crossroads of the world to return and move into the spiritual world. The nervous system is a network and chains by which our spirit is connected. That is why, when this network breaks through, when the rings of this chain are broken, the soul looks into another world, sees other sides and receives phenomena from other worlds. In this state, extraordinary strength and heat of the blood are manifested. From here some came to the idea that human souls are fallen spirits (Plato). But even without this, a person has a most miserable existence: how many troubles he received from his parents, how much he inflicts on himself and how much he suffers from evil spirits! What awaits these enemies of ours in the future? “Eternal fire,” according to Jesus Christ, “ prepared for the devil and his angel" (Matt. 25:41). Will there be an end to this fire, and what is beyond it? Although the word “eternal” does not always mean eternity, here it must be understood in the strict sense. In ancient times there was an opinion (Origen) that the devil could turn, but it was condemned and anathematized. The atonement of Jesus Christ applies to people, but not to evil spirits. Why does this mercy not extend to them? If anywhere, then here, especially, it must be said that God cannot be not God. If the love of God delivered people, then it would also deliver evil spirits if their conversion were possible. Basil the Great thinks that before the creation of man there was a place for repentance for the devil, but now there is no longer any place: post conditum mundum (humanum) ei obstinctum est paenitentiae locus.

How can a creature get there to this extreme? There is a limit to which, having reached, you cannot return; there is an opportunity, instead of becoming like God, to go against God; this height-abyss is the inalienable property of evil spirits. Man existed for a little while, and yet fell hard; What can we say about the spirit, whose activity is intense and whose anger is extreme? The limit of this possibility should embrace fear in those approaching this line.

Should one desire and seek the appearance of spirits? It is good to wish for a good purpose; it is even necessary to have spiritual communication with them, to listen to their thoughts, desires and advice; but there is no need to ask for a visible appearance, for this is contrary to the order of nature: to desire the appearance of Angels means to desire miracles unnecessarily. Sacred history shows that this is dangerous. If the appearance of an Angel followed, then how to deal with it? A good angel will take action and make his kindness known. But a person must demand evidence, he must demand the confession of Christ. Moreover, it is the duty of a Christian to ask not to appear unnecessarily; everything should have its time. What to do when an evil spirit appears? A Christian should not be afraid, but regret the existence of such high and at the same time such poor spirits. The Guardian Angel, the name of Jesus Christ, prayer and fasting will deliver a Christian from such phenomena. Why did they often doubt the existence of evil spirits? Previously, they believed their existence to the point of excess, but now, on the contrary, especially in the past century during the development of the French Revolution, when they gave no place to anything superexperimental and to God Himself, they doubt it. Eastern religion has extended far and wide the doctrine of evil and good geniuses. This is based on the nature of things; various superstitions polluted the minds and rushed to extremes. The Biblical teaching is one of the most favorable. It introduced us to all this. It told us that faith in spirits is not in vain; it clarified the origin of evil, although incompletely. Having said that evil arose from the freedom of angels, it calmed the spirit of man, for it removed some of the burden from him. The desire of opponents to make people evil forces them to stand on guard together with the assistant assigned to them - the Guardian Angel. On the other hand, Holy Scripture vouches for the importance of man, for around him the whole world of Angels seems to revolve. Representing a terrible revolution, it warns against frivolity and absent-mindedness. Philosophers, having rejected the real existence of evil spirits, accepted the ideal. Kant was content with such a devil.

Note . Some were tempted by Peter Mohyla’s “Trebnik”, which talks about spirits living at crossroads, in bathhouses, rivers, air, lakes, and so on. But this seems to be fair, for why not assume that one spirit likes one thing better and another another? The spiritual world should not be imagined as completely detached from the physical world.

How should we deal with this teaching when instructing the people? The people have a concept of good angels; one only needs to wish for more clarification about the Guardian Angel. For us, the doctrine of the Guardian Angel takes up little space, while it is very necessary for us, and it is closest to us to know about his relationships. In our moral theology there are no duties in relation to the Guardian Angel: it’s a pity! He sacrifices his whole life for us, and we don’t even think about him; if we remember him, then only in prayers and in systems. The people also have a concept of evil spirits, but they remain faithful to the superstitions that remained from the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Do we need to talk about this? Need to. The teachers of the Church advise to beware, but if the Holy Scripture warns, then why not warn in sermons? We need to talk about caution and courageous resistance to these spirits. Let us imagine a family or one member of it possessed by an evil spirit: what a pitiful situation! Here it is necessary, only with caution, to speak and point out the means - prayer and fasting; do not talk about guilt - it is better to lay it on the devil. It is also possible and necessary to say that it is dangerous to joke about sin.

Philosopher N. Bostrom said in 2003 that our universe may well be a computer simulation. E. Musk also joined his opinion. If their assertion is to be believed, then such a simulation must be controlled by someone. And this cannot be accomplished by anyone other than higher beings. Also, I follow this theory, the universe has boundaries, like any computer simulation. Scientists argue that a person is quite capable of finding evidence of simulation if he finds the boundary of his “game.”

Cosmic rays // Photo: ab-news.ru

In order to test these words, German scientists built a kind of simulation of the universe in a quantum computer on a lattice. They paid main attention to cosmic rays, which are born outside the solar system and are fragments of atoms. They have limited power and weaken over time. When reaching the earth's surface, each of the rays has an identical amount of energy. This suggests that they all have the same starting point. And this corresponds to a simulated lattice on a quantum machine.

Biology and alien life

Our genes are inherently “garbage”. They contain only 3% of the human genome. The rest has virtually no meaning for humans. It may well contain some kind of message or “signature of the designer” with an answer to the question “Does life exist somewhere else?” or man was created by a superior being.

Our genes are essentially “garbage” // Photo: 24smi.org

Several Kazakh scientists in 2013 announced that they had found an ordered sequence or some kind of “language” in junk DNA. They argue that it could not have arisen on its own. Although this theory has a right to exist, most scientists in the world immediately rejected it. One of the geneticists, F. Collins, argued that the genes in DNA are a kind of letters of God, which the latter used to create the world.

Physical constant

J. Barrow, a theoretical physicist, says that the universe is an imitation. He believes that even the most advanced civilization has never thoroughly known all the laws of nature. Accordingly, such a “matrix” necessarily contains failures, such as modifications of physical constants. A physical constant is a property that is the same everywhere and always (for example, the speed of light). In 2001, a group of scientists from Australia discovered that the speed of light has changed over time. And this absolutely contradicts the theory of relativity. But, on the other hand, absolutely no one knows why physical constants remain constant no matter what. But this constancy plays a significant role in the existence of the whole world. Some scientists believe that all constants are “tuned” in such a way that life is possible on Earth.

Seed of Life

Francis Crick (creator of the panspermia theory) says that life originated somewhere else in the universe. It was brought to Earth (perhaps even by advanced beings) via an asteroid or comet.

Francis Crick (creator of the panspermia theory) says that life originated somewhere else in the Universe // Photo: fanaticalfuturist.com

In 2013, M. Wainwright told the world community that he had found that very “seed”. To do this, he launched a weather balloon over the UK. He caught a small metal “hair”. It consisted of a shell made of vanadium and titanium. There was an unknown biological substance inside. Again, the scientific community was skeptical about such a find.

Independent existence of reality

Everyone knows that a video game creates itself when its participant looks at a certain area of ​​the game. Otherwise it doesn't exist. Reality may well “work” according to the same principle, existing differently only when a person looks directly at it. This theory has its origins in quantum mechanics. Thus, subatomic objects in most cases are particles and waves: light, particles close to the electron. While these objects are not observed by anyone, they are in a dual state. But, the moment they begin to be measured, they “magically” turn into a wave or a solid object. This principle underlies everything that exists in the world. Agree, this is very similar to the principle of the existence of an artificially created world.

Space code

S. Gates, a theoretical physicist, also claims that we exist in some kind of simulation. He started talking about this when he started working on the superstring equations. Geis saw the code that had been developed by her R. Hamming and thought that the basic coding might somehow relate to the functioning of the universe. Gates was surprised by this unexpected connection. He said that all these codes may well be distributed in nature. If this is indeed the case, then our world is the embodiment of the film “The Matrix”.

Basic coding may somehow relate to the functioning of the universe // Photo: galaxysss.com

Holography principle

J. Maldacena in 1997 suggested that our world is just a two-dimensional hologram. At the same time, such a hologram is absolutely flat, but we still perceive it in three planes. Gravitons (tiny strings) vibrate and build our holographic universe. If someone finds evidence for this theory, they can connect Einstein's theory of gravity with quantum mechanics. And there were such attempts. For example, Japanese researchers considered the position of the horizon, the internal energy of a black hole and other phenomena characteristic of a three-dimensional dimension. They then made calculations of the same phenomena only for a two-dimensional world without gravity. And the result was exactly the same. This proves that the universe may well be flat if time-space is flat.

The universe shouldn't have existed

If you believe the results of some studies, then the universe should not have existed for more than 1 second. The Big Bang should have generated identical amounts of antimatter and matter. However, for some reason, more matter was created, from which the universe was formed. None of the scientists can fully explain this act.

...And the gods grumbled: the Creator forbade lower beings to use force instead of words on higher beings, but people do not remember the prohibitions, and those who remember do not honor everything.

And the gods decided: the hour of man has come. He walked contentedly on the earth, contentedly considered himself its owner and master. We gave birth to it, we will kill it.

And the gods said: Go, Messenger, and restore heavenly justice on earth.

And the word of the gods became flesh, and the Messenger bowed before the gods and descended to earth.

With a glance and a light touch, he could kill everyone he met, without distinguishing between age and gender. But the Messenger was disgusted by this. There are too many people, this is firstly, and secondly, they know how to hide: until you find everyone, until you double-check countless secluded places... These couples in love are an unusually strong people: once they get down to business, they won’t even grow grass. Like Deucalion and Pyrrha, who, while doing so, managed not to notice the global flood... and if at least one such couple survives, that’s it, they’ll have to start all over again. The Messenger did not want bad work, no, this is the fate of people who invent gods for themselves.

He thought for a long time about how best to exterminate humanity, made plans and refuted them. And finally I remembered the speeches of the Wingless Oracle, the builder of anthills, who could solve any problem if he had two days to think. He said this: “there is no worse killer than a person; nothing can resist him, not even another person...”

The Messenger mentally agreed with the Wingless Oracle, and then mentally asked another question: what, in fact, prevents people from destroying themselves?

And the answer was obvious - nothing interferes, people are simply multiplying faster than they kill, they do not have enough weapons for serious wars. But it’s not enough because it’s expensive... Equipping three soldiers on a campaign means selling all the grain from the community allotment, the entire harvest in a good year. And if you equip it, what will you live on after that? It’s scary to even think about how to raise not three or thirty warriors, but an entire army into battle...

But the Messenger knew more than any man and had already decided how to get around this obstacle. He went to where human tribes lived most closely and most often fought, to where nature had already been tamed and divided, where neighbors interfered with each other’s lives, rather than helping each other to survive. Having chosen a larger settlement, he looked at the blacksmith. The envoy easily proved that iron is better than copper and even bronze, if there is a lot of it - however, more than one day passed before a person finally understood how to get the ringing gray metal from swamp slurry, and not from meteorite star stones. The envoy stayed a few more weeks to supervise the work, but the people turned out to be very understanding in this regard and the first time they forged an ax suitable for battle. Calm for the bloody future of this people, the Messenger visited the neighboring regions and presented the secret of iron mining to the local blacksmiths. With cheap iron, people will be able to arm significantly more warriors, battles will become much more brutal, and after a while humanity will simply slaughter each other.

It’s simpler and much more accurate, the Oracle was right.

To be sure, the Messenger walked through less populated regions, here and there hiding iron sacraments from some peoples and granting them to others: where people do not need to fight for a place in the sun, they will cut themselves out of envy.

The wars did not start immediately, but soon enough. Convinced that humanity did not have much time left, the Messenger climbed the heavenly stairs and appeared before the gods. The gods listened to him, rewarded him for his work and allowed him to disappear. They believed the plan was successful and would soon lead to success.

People also believed in this, and their faith fed the gods for a long time.

But not forever.

...And the gods grumbled: the sons of men have weapons, they have a thirst for murder, they are engaged in destroying themselves more persistently than anyone else - and yet there are no fewer people, the earth still groans under the weight of what they have done.

And the gods saw: a man is following the right path, but he is not going fast enough, sooner or later he will commit suicide, but if this happens not early enough, the whole earth will follow him.

And the gods said: man must move faster along the right path. Go, Messenger, and tell him about this.

And the desire of the gods became flesh, and the Messenger bowed before the gods and descended to earth.

Confident in choosing the right path, the Messenger did not ask anyone for advice. Why was he given a part of divine justice, if not so that he could make a decision himself! Earthly creations can understand each other's thoughts and characters better than the gods, but to know the secrets of the universe - oh no, there is no one to equal the gods.

A person must move along the path of self-destruction faster. This is the word of the gods.

...Once upon a time, a man wished for fast legs so that the prey would not have time to elude the hunter, came up with a goddess with four quick legs - and tamed the horse. Then he wanted to rush even faster, and harnessed a couple of horses into a light chariot, of course, without depriving the gods in this matter either. Then the man climbed onto the horse and mounted the chariot, but turned the hunting bow against his relatives, and succeeded a lot - after all, the god of war, who struck lightning from the same chariot, could not help but help him. The relatives, however, turned out to be not stupid and soon learned, with the support of the gods of the earth, crafts and order, to build ramparts and mighty walls from which they could throw insults and darts at mounted and charioteer warriors.

And what the tips of those darts and arrows were - stone, copper, bronze or iron - meant little. This method of war was no longer suitable, the Messenger saw: there was a lot of noise, it lasted a long time, and the cat cried for those killed.

What is a wall, the Messenger asked - and looking at the line of heavily armed warriors, he answered: a shield and a shell.

What breaks through the shell? The messenger looked again at the furious slaughter of the two troops and confidently answered: a spear and a dagger.

What does the shield overcome?

The messenger watched for a long time as the armored infantry scattered the enemy army, drove it across the entire battlefield to the city walls, where they killed it in front of their relatives - and then, snarling and shaking their bloody weapons, retreated back, because stones were flying at them from the walls, darts and arrows, and although only one in ten reached the target, the warriors who stood below could not answer even one in a hundred. And then the Messenger said: the shield can be overcome by many blows if they are strong and directed from different directions.

The messenger smiled softly as divine justice revealed how to apply this answer to a question pleasing to the gods.

He took the guise of a hermit-scientist and appeared to the leader of the army, which always beat enemies in the field, but could not take the city walls. He did not speak briefly or pompously, he explained for as long as was required, and then two more times so that it dawned on people: you need to fight not with weapons, but with your head.

And the leader, who had a fairly smart head, sent soldiers to cut down the forest and build battering rams and large wooden towers on wheels, as well as dig tunnels and make reliable embankments along which the battering rams and siege towers could approach the necessary parts of the city walls.

The messenger admired the fall of the city, but was not distracted by the massacre that followed it. He still had to convey the true secrets of the war to other tribes, so that no one could feel safe behind any walls.

And where people lived, there were no safe places.

Confident that the task was completed, the Messenger climbed the heavenly stairs and appeared before the gods. After listening to him, the gods rewarded the Messenger for his efforts and allowed him to disappear into oblivion. And they themselves, calm and patient, remained to wait until the plan bore fruit.

They believed that the fruits would be exactly what they needed.

People believed in this, and their faith fed the gods, and even more so, it fed human affairs. And even the groans of the earth subsided, muffled by other groans, to which the gods listened with pleasure, not responding otherwise than with meaningful silence.

But years and centuries passed, and silence meant less and less.

...And the gods groaned: people have an annoying way of betraying the most wonderful plans to the blue flame. This makes it hard for them themselves, and yet a person is ready to cause harm to himself, just to make someone else feel even worse.

And the gods noticed: the blue flame, in which the secret plans and good intentions of those who were destined to rule burn, flares up from tiny sparks of stellar wisdom and human stubbornness. And the fuel for this flame is human feelings and passions: greed and ambition, nobility and courage, envy and malice, love and devotion... qualities that cannot be taken away from a person without destroying him. The gods were ready to wait until humanity destroyed itself, but the blue flame of vanished hopes interfered with the wait.

And the gods said: appear, Teacher, and take away the blue flame from people, so that the plan will be fulfilled as planned, and not as it should be.

And the thought of the gods became flesh, and the Teacher bowed before the gods and descended to earth.

Star wisdom, of course, was known to the Teacher. It shed starlight on everyone who lives under the night sky, who sees the semi-precious pattern of distant luminaries on the black-blue velvet of the sky. Curious people, the undisputed descendants of the monkey, which at the hour of creation fell under the hot hand of the gods, sometimes saw in this pattern the Higher Plan of Creation and, to the best of their limited understanding, interpreted it, applying it to earthly affairs. The teacher knew the true price of such interpretations, but this product was sold and bought by people who did not need outside advice, preferring to consult with the silent firmament and the no less silent gods that lived on the other side of the heavens.

The teacher was not going to argue with the fortune tellers. He needed something else. Deprive people of the blue flame.

The sparks from which it flares up are generated by stellar wisdom and human stubbornness. Even the gods cannot deprive people of the latter; to over-obstinate a person - yes, they can do it, the Teacher can do it, but this must be done with EVERYONE living! it’s easier to kill, but the Messenger himself did not take on such a task... To deprive people of the stars, to close the sky for them, - the Teacher thought about this, even conducted several experiments, but the idea had to be abandoned: deprived of the opportunity to see the sky, people found stars for themselves in in the depths of the sea, in forest grass and other unsuitable places, and the ghostly flame kindled by the reflection of the starry font had the same contemptuous blue hue.

Then the Teacher came from the other side. Since you cannot take away the flame from people, you can take away the color from the flame. As a last resort, give another, harmless color in return.

A real teacher does not teach anyone anything, but encourages students to learn independently, thereby each of them can and should surpass the teacher, and this does not humiliate him, but elevates him.

The teacher was real - how could it be otherwise, after all, the gods themselves called him to earth - and he very carefully selected his students. If you throw copper filings into the fire, the fire will weaken and turn from red to green; if you add sulfur and phosphorus, it will flare up bright white and go out almost immediately... The color depends on what and how to burn it. If you allow the flame of human aspirations to burn freely, as the gods have hitherto done, doing nothing, it will often be blue, this is already understandable; and if you feed him special, selected... firewood, so to speak? If, following the ancient example, we turn Nadezhda - not into a goddess, no, this will only lead to a war between the gods, among whom a blue flame will appear - but into the divine element? Yes, it’s difficult, yes, it’s unusual - and yet people have made up things about gods and other things, if you feed them the right stories for a long time - they’ll believe them like little ones. They will want to believe.

They will want to hope for a better fate, and what is better, as we know, the gods know best. The gods have already decided WHAT is better, but they have no need to inform people about this; Man is no stranger to the silence of the gods; people know how to interpret it for the better for themselves...

What is the hope for a better fate bestowed by the gods?

The Teacher waited until the disciples brought the first fruits of their teachings, different externally, but similar internally - which is not surprising, it was not for nothing that there was only one Teacher - and was convinced of the success of the mission. The flame that the followers of the new teachings kindled in the hearth of their souls was pearly white. Nothing to do with that blue flame in which the past hopes of the gods disappeared.

Satisfied with what had been accomplished, the Teacher ascended the heavenly ladder and handed over the story to the gods along with the fruits. The gods listened to him, looked at each other, nodded and allowed him to dissolve in the Music of the Spheres.

From now on, people believed, and their faith fed the gods.

And the gods believed in the success of the old plan, and although the fruits of human faith had a different taste than the previous ones, the blue flame forgot the way to heaven. On earth it still flared up from time to time, but the collapse of the earthly plans of the gods was the least of their interests.

So time passed.

...And the gods shouted...

No not like this.

The gods were bored with the waiting, which brought fruit, brought them constantly, only the taste of these fruits was not what the gods prepared for when becoming gods. The gods were also tired of waiting for who knows what, or rather, they know what, but they don’t know how long. The gods saw that their servants were doing everything they could, and even more, but even these efforts were not enough.

The gods themselves got down to business.

Incarnate greatness, incarnate power, incarnate power, incarnate truth, incarnate element - they descended the heavenly staircase into the world of people. They started with news about what, how, why and why would happen. And when people, according to the old monkey custom, did not listen to the words and laughed at them, the gods, who were just waiting for this, changed the robes of orators to the armor of warriors and the scrolls with speeches to clubs, axes and swords.

This is where the story ends.

Well, of course, the history of the gods, whose else, since these lines are revealed to you? For many centuries, the celestial gods sat on the other side of the sky, feeding on the faith and deeds of people, taking comfort in the Creator’s precepts about who should be the highest and the lowest. And people, absorbing the advice of the servants of the gods, temporary aliens from heavenly heights, at this time learned to fight and constantly improved this skill. To fight with weapons, to fight with reason, to fight with faith - and win, because the reward for the winner was life.

The gods are not used to losing, but they are not at all used to fighting.

People, not knowing the secrets of the universe and the covenants of the Creator, successfully used their own gifts - faith, science and weapons - against higher beings. And life was the reward for the winners.

M. Survasev

For a believer, God appears to be a supreme being. In this regard, the following diagram can be constructed. The mouse does not consider a person to be a being of a higher order, because it does not have a complex of ideas to understand this “fact”. If a person has arrogated to himself the right to arrange things according to ranks and degrees, then it is natural to assume that there is a being in relation to which a person is like a mouse. Further, a person does not have sufficient knowledge and skills to understand this. A person does not understand that he does not understand. He is not even able to recognize the presence of a higher being. The question arises, what boundaries and conventions must a person overcome in order to go beyond this misunderstanding and cognize a higher being. However, all human activity is devoted to overcoming the “human in man.” People are busy fighting with “themselves”: prejudices, body flaws, and so on. Man creates and goes beyond himself, into the world of the incomprehensible and unknown. This is a manifestation of the creative principle of nature. Novelty is a condition of existence. Then, we can say this: the concept of God (the highest being) is an allegorical designation (expression, name, description) of the creative principle of nature. If you understand what nature creates, then the concept of God becomes redundant, superfluous.

If there is a supreme being, then there is nothing new in nature. Everything exists simultaneously, including the supreme being. In addition, it must have a body. The question arises: why is the supreme being not discovered? Why isn't he there? In contrast to this, if nature creates, then man comes into contact with the “supreme being” every time, mastering new space, materials, and so on. That is, every creation of a new body is an acquaintance with a higher being. And the supreme being is the entire surrounding world, all the bodies surrounding a person. Since there is no abstract environment, but there are concrete bodies or their combinations. Then each individual body is a supreme being. And this is so: every body exhibits the properties of a “supreme being”.

A higher being is also impossible for the following reason. In the process of his activity, a person destroys the possibility of a competitor appearing in the form of a person. Creation is simultaneously destruction. A person destroys conditions for another person, for a competitor. It leaves behind a space, in the physical sense, cleared of conditions for the emergence of a new person. If a humanoid supreme being had been in the past, it would have destroyed the conditions for the re-emergence of man. That is, there was no man in the past. How so? In relation to any body, you can find a more developed body, but in relation to a person, not. However, such a conclusion is based on the fact that a person considers, for example, plants to be inferior to himself. Each body exists in its own series of development: plants, mushrooms, stones, and so on. The assessment is carried out among others of their own kind. Therefore, man is not some kind of absolute measure? One can imagine a number of living beings as a whole. Putting a man on top. Then what about the planet as a body? Is it possible to consider a person “higher” than the planet? No.

Let us cite one more circumstance that destroys “human values”: every body at the moment of interaction and action is a higher being. In the moment of action, every body is a supreme being. The direction and timing of the mouse's escape depends on the individual. However, running away is a process, an action. A mouse running away from a person can crush a cockroach, that is, it can be a superior being in relation to the cockroach. Action is a manifestation of being. We are talking about specific interactions of individual bodies. Then, speaking about planets or mice “in general” and about the highest, we move on to groups of bodies. That is, we can try to talk about humanity as a whole as a higher being. It is possible, of course, to define all people as one body. And we will see the dissolution of the concept of “higher” in specific physical phenomena and processes. Outside of human consciousness it is meaningless. It is not applicable to physics and other natural sciences. Conclusion: the concept of a “supreme being” exists only as a “concept” and acts only in the human mind. Limits of applicability exist for any phenomenon.

Humanity as a whole has the properties of an independent being, an independent body. It follows that the “supreme being” can be human society as a whole. Let's say. Humanity as a body responds “naively” to external stimuli through trial and error. Takes on faith a set of rules and methods. This is a consequence of the fact that humanity is a member of a community of other communities of bodies. The highest being can be the Earth, since humanity adapts to earthly conditions? The solar system has its own logic, independent of humans. Therefore, this logic is cognizable by man. Only that which is different is knowable. If human activity is forced, then there is a higher being. But then there is no being. Since this is determinism, predestination. Uncertainty is a necessary condition of existence.

The consequence of the absence of a higher being is the limited capabilities, knowledge, and abilities of any person. It is necessary to show and prove by examples that the capabilities of any person are limited. Including famous and influential people. This will help show that you can influence any person, any processes: both in the yard and on the opposite side of the earth. This is the best proof of the effectiveness of actions.