Presentation geography 9th grade chemical industry. Presentation on the topic "Russian chemical industry"

Establish correspondence 1. Military-industrial complex A) The transition of military production to the production of civilian products. 2. Melitarization B) Increased production of military weapons. 3. Conversion B) A set of enterprises and institutions of science and technology that produce military equipment, ammunition and weapons. 4. Secrecy factor D) Placing defense factories inside a large enterprise that produces civilian products, placing them in “closed” cities, underground, etc.

Uniqueness of the chemical industry 1. Creation of new materials with specified properties, superior in many qualities to natural products. 2. Resource saving: saving people’s labor and natural raw materials 3. Extensive raw material base, integrated use of raw materials and processed products (industrial waste), which allows chemical plants to be located everywhere 4. Possibility of COMBINATION - creation of chemical plants in which branches of the chemical industry closely interact with other industries: timber chemistry, coke chemistry, petrochemistry, etc.

Industry composition Chemical industry Extraction of mining chemical raw materials - apatites - phosphorites - table and potassium salts - sulfur Basic chemistry Production - mineral fertilizers - soda - sulfuric acid Polymer chemistry (organic synthesis) Production - synthetic rubber and tires - plastics - synthetic resins - chemicals fibers

Answers: 1 OPTION. 1st reason: Availability of raw materials - coke waste 2nd reason: Proximity of the consumer. The Central Black Earth region is an important agricultural region. OPTION 2. Reason 1: Availability of raw materials – phosphorite mining. Reason 2: Proximity of the consumer. The Central Black Earth region is an important agricultural region.

3. Chemistry of polymers Technological process Oil and gas Hydrocarbon raw materials (alcohols, organic acids, synthetic polymers) Polymer materials (synthetic resins, plastics, chemical fibers, synthetic rubber, varnishes, paints, glue) organic synthesis processing

Assignment: Make a description of one of the bases of the chemical industry according to plan Option 1: North European base Option 2: Central base Option 3: Volga-Ural base Option 4: Siberian base Plan: 1. Name of the base 2. Branches of the chemical industry 3. Products 4 Centers Geography of location of chemical industry enterprises

Environmental problems of KhK The petrochemical and chemical industries saturate the atmosphere of our cities with such toxic substances as styrene, phenols, acetone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, chloride and fluoride compounds. In total, about 300 areas with an acute environmental situation have been identified on the territory of Russia. They occupy 16% of the country's area.

The coasts of the Black and Azov Seas, which have unique and healing natural properties, have become an area with an extremely unfavorable environmental situation. It arose as a result of industrial and agricultural pollution of the sea coast. - In the industrial zone of the Kola Peninsula, one of the environmental problems has become industrial and transport pollution of air and water, which causes acid rain, which leads to the degradation of vegetation and tundra landscapes. - An acute environmental problem is observed in the Northern Caspian region, at the site of the Astrakhan gas processing complex. Pollution of the atmosphere and waters, changes in the regime of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, decrease in fish stocks. At the same time, there has been an increase in the incidence of the population, and primarily children. Find and give examples of environmental problems of HC, think about ways to solve them.

Conclusion: Chemicalization is a necessary condition for scientific and technological progress. The chemical industry is a resource-saving industry with significant automation of production and an almost unlimited raw material base. The 21st century, thanks to chemistry, is the century of new materials and products. It is necessary to learn how to turn chemical production waste into “income”.

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Lesson type: Learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: Describe the Russian chemical industry. To form an idea of ​​the sectoral composition of the chemical industry and its location throughout the country. Describe the bases of the chemical industry.
  • Developmental: Continue to develop skills in working with a textbook, with atlas maps, map diagrams and tables, develop the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations.
  • Educational: To form a belief about the need to take care of the environment.

Lesson type: Combined

Teaching methods: partial search, comparison and overlay of atlas maps, cartographic, problem-based.

Logistics support.

  • Map “Chemical Industry”, textbook “Geography of Russia.
  • Population and economy” 9th grade V.P. Dronov V.Ya. Rom, Atlas for 9th grade “Bustard”, presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment – ​​1 min.

The teacher greets the class. The attendants mark those who are absent. The teacher reminds about the topic “Non-ferrous metallurgy”, studied in the previous lesson.

2. Checking homework. – 8 min.

Students receive cards with questions (one card per desk). You are given two minutes to think about the question. Then students answer at a fast pace. If the answer is incorrect, the others correct the answer. The first to correct the mistake is the neighbor at the desk.

(Start the survey in two minutes.)

Questions on cards:

  1. Why is the center of ferrous metallurgy located in Lipetsk? (Lipetsk is located in the KMA iron ore mining area).
  2. There are no reserves of coking coal and iron ore near the city of Cherepovets. However, a full-cycle metallurgical plant was built here. Why? Cherepovets is located in the middle between the iron ore deposits of the Kola Peninsula (Kovdor) and Karelia (Kostomuksha) and coking coal of the Pechora basin. The plant is built on ore and coal flows.
  3. Why was an aluminum plant built in Volgograd? (Aluminum production is energy-intensive, therefore it is located near a source of cheap energy - the Volgograd hydroelectric station).
  4. Indicate the main workshops of a full-cycle ferrous metallurgy plant. (Blast furnace – steelmaking – rolling).
  5. Why were non-ferrous metallurgy factories built in Norilsk (behind the Arctic Circle)? How are raw materials delivered and finished products shipped from Norilsk? (In Norilsk, copper-nickel production operates on local ore. A railway has been built from Norilsk to the port on the Yenisei - Dudinka. Finished products are sent along the Northern Sea Route during the navigation period).
  6. Why were the largest aluminum smelters in Russia built in Eastern Siberia in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk? (Aluminum production is energy-intensive. The larger the plant, the greater the energy consumption. Large hydroelectric power stations operate in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk, the energy of which is cheaper than the energy of small hydroelectric power stations)
  7. Why do the factories of the Urals metallurgical base bring coal from Kuzbass and Kazakhstan, and not from the Pechora basin, located much closer to the Urals? (There is no railway to the Urals from the center of the Pechora Basin - Vorkuta.)
  8. Why are there two metallurgical plants in Moscow? ( These are small metallurgy factories, working on scrap metal and waste from Moscow machine-building plants, and are consumer-oriented.)
  9. Revda, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Karabash are centers of what kind of production? Name another example of a center for this industry located in the same metallurgical base. (These are centers of the copper industry; an example is the city of Mednogorsk in the Urals, since these are cities of the Ural metallurgical base.)
  10. Indicate the metallurgical production corresponding to the industrial center and the factors influencing the location of this production. (Norilsk - copper-nickel, for raw materials; Stary Oskol - electrometallurgical, for raw materials; Revda - copper smelting, for raw materials; Shelekhov - aluminum, for hydroelectric power stations; Nadvoitsy - aluminum, for hydroelectric power stations and for raw materials; Novotroitsk - ferrous metallurgy, for raw materials, )

3. Studying new material. - 24 minutes.

The topic of the lesson is announced. In a notebook we write down the topic of the lesson “Chemical industry”.


The chemical and forestry complex consists of two industries: the chemical and forestry industries. (Slide 3.4)

The chemical industry produces a variety of products.

Russia ranks second in the world in the production of sulfuric acid; in the production of mineral fertilizers - fifth place; in the production of synthetic resins - fourteenth place.

The chemical industry, along with mechanical engineering and electric power, influences the development of scientific and technological revolution through chemicalization.

According to the textbook “Geography. Population and Economy” for grade 9 V.P. Dronov and V.Ya. Rom paragraph 7, p. 33 define what chemicalization is?

(Chemization is the widespread use of technologies and chemical materials in all economic sectors.) (slide 5)

The chemical industry has three features that influence plant location.

Using page 33 of your textbook, list them. (slide 6)

  1. Creates new materials that do not exist in nature. In terms of their qualities, they often surpass natural products. Their use saves labor and raw materials. Therefore, chemical industry enterprises are often created in already established areas, centers of production and consumption of traditional construction materials (machine-building centers and metallurgical bases).
  2. The chemical industry has an almost unlimited raw material base: oil, gas, wood, water, air, etc. Moreover, the same product can be obtained from different types of raw materials. For example, nitrogen fertilizers can be produced from coal coking, water electrolysis, oil and natural gas refining. Therefore, theoretically, chemical industry enterprises can be created everywhere. But today the main chemical raw materials are oil and gas processing products, i.e. specially prepared raw materials. As a result, modern chemistry largely gravitates towards the areas of extraction and processing of these types of raw materials (Volga region, European Center).
  3. Chemical technologies are very diverse. It opens opportunities for complex processing of raw materials.

In notebooks, students write down the main features of the chemical industry. (slide 7)

In the chemical industry and, in its interaction with

combination is widely developed in other industries. It contributes to the formation of various plants: chemical, petrochemical, coke, wood chemical, etc.

Several features of the chemical industry limit its potential ubiquity. These include the high energy and water intensity of many of its industries, especially modern ones. In recent years, the influence of the environmental factor has been increasing, since most chemical production is a strong environmental pollutant.

4. Relax (eye exercises) – 1 minute (slide 8)

Write in your notebook:

Industry composition and factors of location of the chemical industry.

  1. Using fig. 9 “Composition of the Russian chemical industry” on page 35, determine the sectoral composition of the chemical industry. What products does each of these industries produce?
  2. Using table 6 “Factors for the location of the most important production facilities in the chemical industry,” page 36, determine the factors for the location of these industries. (slide 9-10)

Make a table

Industry composition Products Placement factors
Mining and chemical Extraction of salts, phosphorites, apatites. At the places where raw materials are extracted.
Basic Chemistry Acids, alkalis, salts, fertilizers. From raw materials and consumers.
Chemistry of organic synthesis Organic acids and alcohols. From raw materials
Polymer chemistry Synthetic rubber, chemical fibers, plastics and synthetic resins. Raw materials, water, cheap energy.
Polymer processing Plastic products, tires, rubber technical products. From the consumer.

Chemical industry bases. (slide 11)

There are 4 chemical industry bases in Russia:

1. North European

2. Central

3. Ural-Volga region

4. Siberian

5. Consolidation of the studied material – 7 minutes (slide 12-13)

Smash the cities

A) Cherepovets,

B) Kemerovo,

B) Angarsk,

D) Lipetsk,

D) Solikamsk,

E) Bryansk,

G) Dzerzhinsk,

H) Togliatti,

I) Voskresensk,

K) Veliky Novgorod

Into groups depending on their production of mineral fertilizers:

1. complex

2. nitrogen

3. potassium

4. phosphorus

Please note that some cities may be classified into more than one group.

After 2-3 minutes of preparation, those interested are invited to the board (to the map) to complete the task.

2. b, c, d, g, j

6. Lesson summary - 2 min

The most active students are given grades for their work in class.

7. Homework – 2 min. (slide 14)

Homework assignments are given in a differentiated manner:

  1. For the main group of students - Create a table “The largest chemical companies in Russia” (Annex 1), item 7
  2. For students with reduced educational capabilities - paragraph 7 of V.P.’s textbook. Dronova, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya. Roma, A.A. Lobzhanidze “Geography of Russia”, M., Bustard, 2011

In the modern world, not a single branch of heavy or light industry or agriculture can function and develop normally without the use of chemical industry products.

The chemical industry, which uses a variety of mineral raw materials, including oil, for processing, works on the principle of deep processing of substances using chemical methods. Plastic and plastic products, fertilizers for agriculture, explosives for the army and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, medicines and many other useful and necessary things are produced from products produced in chemical industry factories.

At the beginning of the 17th century, an industrial revolution took place, which marked the beginning of the rapid development of this industry. Sulfuric acid, being the first product of the chemical industry, is still produced in large quantities in many countries around the world. England, France and Russia are considered to be pioneers in this area, although German scientists have had a great influence on the development of scientific potential in this field of science. By the beginning of the 20th century, the largest part of the chemical industry was concentrated in this country, which allowed the country to confidently enter the First World War. Today, the world leaders in the development of the chemical industry are rightfully considered to be the USA, Germany, Great Britain and, of course, China, which is dynamically and rapidly developing this industry.

Nowadays, both organic and inorganic chemistry are important branches of science. Every year many scientific discoveries and industrial revolutions occur in these areas. Scientists around the world pay special attention to work in the most significant areas:

  1. Development of drugs for the treatment of rare and serious diseases.
  2. Development of polymers and plastics.
  3. Deep non-waste processing of oil and petroleum products.
  4. Creation of more advanced semiconductor substances that make it possible to effectively use the planet’s existing reserves.

In our country today the following areas of the chemical industry are dynamically developing:

1. Petrochemicals, the development of this industry makes it possible to increase the share of exports of oil refinery products to foreign countries.

2. Production of fertilizers for rural and farm enterprises.

3. Pharmacological industry, the most popular and promising direction in the modern world and Russia.

Option 2

The chemical industry is the processing of raw materials using chemicals (oil, minerals). It is the production of this industry that makes it possible for people to use plastic products in everyday life, the production of hazardous substances for other types of industry, fertilizers for agriculture, and new products in pharmaceuticals.

Chemical production began at the beginning of the 17th century. Previously, there were also attempts to use chemicals, but people still knew very little about it. First, sulfuric acid was invented, which is still very popular in production. The first sulfuric acid production facilities were opened in France, England and Russia. Great popularity and mass production was organized for soda ash. With its use, the production of textiles and glass began. German scientists made their contribution to the development of the chemical industry. Much new research was carried out there and the prospect of the invention of chemical weapons appeared. It was the Germans who managed to create the first poison gas.

What does the chemical industry produce? This includes the production of medicines, petroleum products, black gold, which Russia’s mineral resources are so rich in, the creation of new types of fertilizers for agriculture, and the production of plastic and plastic products. After all, we cannot imagine our modern life without plastic products in everyday life, in the country, in the automotive industry, etc. To expand and ensure high-quality work of chemical enterprises in Russia, specialists with higher education are trained in many educational institutions of the country. Research work continues to create new chemical discoveries that are so necessary for modern life. Very important components of the chemical industry are paid to the space industry, where Russian scientists work together for the benefit of our country.

The chemical industry is well developed in other countries. The USA, England, and Germany are considered major producers of chemical products. By working together to create new chemical production products, scientists from leading countries are making their contribution to the development of chemical science.

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Lesson 33. Chemical industry

20.08.2014 10822 0

Goals:Study the features of the chemical industry. Show its importance in the Russian economy. Reveal the features of the location of the chemical industry. To develop the ability to draw up a diagram of inter-industry connections in the chemical industry and analyze a map of the chemical industry.

Equipment:Map "Chemical industry", collection "Chemical raw materials".

During the classes

I.Organizing time

II.Checking homework

Students receive cards with questions (one card per desk). 2 minutes to think about the question. Then students answer at a fast pace. If the answer is incorrect, the others correct the answer. The neighbor on the desk has the right to correct the mistake first.

Questions on cards:

1. Why is there a large center of ferrous metallurgy in Lipetsk?(Lipetsk is located in the iron ore mining area KMA (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly)).

2. There are no reserves of ore and coking coal near the city of Cherepovets. However, a large full-cycle metallurgical plant was built here. Why?(Cherepovets is located in the middle between the iron ore deposits of the Kola Peninsula (Kovdor) and Karelia (Kostomuksha) and the coking coals of the Pechora basin, the plant is built on ore and coal flows. When building a plant, the cost of raw materials or fuel would increase the cost of metal, since the wages of workers The north is 2-3 times higher.)

3. Why was an aluminum plant built in Volgograd?(Aluminum production is energy-intensive, so it is located near a source of cheap energy - the Volgograd hydroelectric station.)

4.Indicate the main workshops of a full-cycle ferrous metallurgy plant.(Blast furnace - steelmaking - rolling.)

5. Why are there two metallurgical plants in Moscow?(These are small metallurgy plants, working on scrap metal and waste from Moscow machine-building plants, and are consumer-oriented.)

6. Why were non-ferrous metallurgy factories built in Norilsk (behind the Arctic Circle)? How are raw materials delivered and finished products shipped from Norilsk?(In Norilsk, copper-nickel production operates on local ore. A railway has been built from Norilsk to the port on the Yenisei - Dudinka. Finished products are shipped along the Northern Sea Route during the navigation period.)

7. Why were the largest aluminum smelters in Russia built in Eastern Siberia in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk?(Aluminum production - energy-intensive. The larger the plant, the greater the energy consumption. Large hydroelectric power stations operate in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk, the energy of which is cheaper than the energy of small hydroelectric power stations.)

8.Why do the factories of the Urals metallurgical base bring coal from Kuzbass and Kazakhstan, and not from the Pechora basin, located much closer to the Urals?(To the Urals from the center of the Pechora basin - There is no railway in Vorkuta.)

9.Revda, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Karabash are centers of what kind of production? Name another example of a center for this industry located in the same metallurgical base.(These are centers of the copper industry, an example is the city of Mednogorsk in the Urals, since these are cities of the Ural metallurgical base.)

10. Indicate the metallurgical production corresponding to the industrial center and the factors influencing the location of this production.(Norilsk - copper-nickel, from raw materials; Stary Oskol - electrometallurgical, for raw materials; Reveda - copper smelting, raw materials; Shelekhov - aluminum, near the hydroelectric power station; Nadvoitsy - aluminum, from hydroelectric power stations and from raw materials; Novotroitsk - ferrous metallurgy, raw materials.)

III. Learning new material

-The chemical-forestry complex consists of two large industries - chemical and forestry (see next lesson). What unites these industries into one complex is that they both use natural (mineral and plant) raw materials.

The leading role is played by the chemical industry, which is a vanguard industry along with energy and mechanical engineering, as it determines the development of the scientific and technological revolution through the chemicalization of the economy.


- The chemical industry is differentoiother industries have a number of features. Working independently with the text of the textbook (study D., p. 144; study A., p. 146), identify 3 features of the chemical industry.(I. The chemical industry creates new materials with specified properties that save raw materials and human labor; 2. The chemical industry has an extensive raw material base (minerals, water, air, wood). One product can be obtained fromdifferentspeciesraw materials;3. Chemicalindustry makes it possible to comprehensively process raw materials and obtain a variety of products.)

After discussing the results of this stage of work, the teacher organizes the second stage - determining the factors for locating enterprises and their geography.


-Working with the text of the textbook (study A., pp. 146-147, map Fig. 43; study D., pp. 145-148, fig. 47, table 33; map of the atlas “Chemical industry”), fill out the table "Chemical industry":

Main bases of the Russian chemical industry:

1. North European

2. Central

3. Ural-Povolzhskaya

4. Siberian.

Working with the map, fig. 48, p. 149, uch. D., and use the textbook text to determine:

1. What raw materials does this base have?

2. What industries are represented here?

3. What problems does the base have?

It is necessary to identify bases rich or poor in natural resources; bases with large chemical complexes; the most promising bases, as well as bases with environmental problems.

The work can be given to a group of 4 people. Each student works with one chemical base, and then the results are discussed as a group.


According to school D.: §28-29;

According to school A.: §32, p. 146-148.

Leading task

Prepare a report on industrial forests in Russia.