What did the university mean in a dream? Why do you dream about university according to the dream book? I dreamed that I entered a university

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Why do you dream about the University in a dream according to 6 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “University” symbol from 6 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: University according to the dream book?

University - it’s time to expand your knowledge in the professional field, otherwise in the future you will lack it, which will affect your well-being.

Video: Why do you dream about University?

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Did you dream about the University, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about University in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I've been dreaming about university a lot lately. That I am in my last year of study, I often miss lectures and even exams. In my dream, I worry that they will leave me for another year. I never remember the end of the dream, but the sensations are not pleasant, these dreams are in gray tones. What could this mean?

    Hello, I recently applied to a college and there is a list of applicants, and I need to wait and see until the admissions committee is finished. So, today I dreamed that I entered this college. Why this dream?

    Hello Tatyana, I had a dream in fragments, but I remember them well, in the first fragment I saw myself at the university, I took some papers from the teacher, and there was always a friend next to me, whom I don’t really like in life, and for some reason He always followed me, not next to me, but just after me. In the next story, I was again walking with this friend and suddenly the same teacher suddenly appeared in front of me, only this time she was wearing some big blue glasses, I noticed a new necklace on her and said that it suits her very well, that’s not what this story is about ended. In the next excerpt, we were walking with a friend in the park, it was night, it was dark, there was no light anywhere, we were walking through some large square, and along it there were many benches, only one was free, and we had sex on it! This is where the dream ended. I wrote to you only because I was embarrassed that this is my friend, whom I really can’t stand.

    Good morning
    Already completely too old to study at university...
    So, the girl and I were looking for a place in the classroom, we found it, but in the end it turned out to be a teacher’s place, I don’t remember if they found another one, but during my story I managed to get into a little row like a new girl, defending my rights, in the end it turned out to be a lot of new acquaintances and the road to home with the girls, along the way we came across a lot of dogs, both evil and kind (this is apparently another story 😉
    Good afternoon and Happy Easter!

    I showed up at a foreign (maybe English) expensive university, there was everything: from excellent food, to entertainment in the form of swimming pools, horse races, etc. Also with me was my friend, who is at least 1.2 times smarter than me . Later we met other students. I noticed a beautiful girl with long red hair. The next day I went to get acquainted with her in detail, and after a dialogue (which I don’t remember), we began to use all the possibilities of the institution. We went to the pool. She (I don’t remember her name) was wearing a dark-colored one-piece swimsuit with two horizontal stripes on her chest in blue and lilac colors. We sat in the jacuzzi, a dialogue began (I don’t remember what, I just remember asking “Are you from a family of aristocrats?” to which she answered “Yes”). It was a winter day outside and a snowstorm had begun. The walls in the room were glass, like in skyscrapers; we were on floor 4-5. Suddenly, either wind with ice, or an avalanche hit the opposite wall, broke the glass, and carried us out through the rear window. She slides along the floor to the edge of the “abyss” and at the moment when she extended her hand to me, I grabbed it. She hung, but I held her, her hand slipped and I decided to jump off with her. She falls on her back and cannot move (we fell in the snow), I take her carefully, she begins to moan a little in pain, I tell her “Be patient a little” and take her to the first aid station...
    After that I woke up.

    Hello dear experts. Last night I dreamed that one of my acquaintances was expelled from the university, but he had actually already graduated. I hardly know this friend. I’m studying myself, there’s a session coming up, can you tell me what this means for me?

    Hello experts. I dreamed today that a friend of mine, who had already graduated, was expelled from the university. I hardly know this friend, I just know that he is very smart. And I am at the same university and the session is coming soon. What does this mean to me? Very worried.

    Hello. I sometimes dream that I am in college and I have to take a lot of subjects, but I don’t have time to do anything, and I also see in my dreams a lot of books that need to be read, and these books are on school subjects: biology, history, English, mathematics. And this dream occurs in different variations. Today, for example, I dreamed that I had to take seminar papers at an academic college, and in my dream I asked myself the question: “how can this be, after all, I have already graduated from this college and received a first degree, is there really still some tail left, and how can I to do everything in time, because there is very little time left before graduation.” In real life, I graduated from academic college and received my bachelor's degree in 2010. But I still sometimes see dreams like this. What do they mean?

    I dreamed that I was studying at a large university with my loved one. First I took the exam, and then I watched my lover. It may seem strange, but he lied to his classmates and bragged about his lies to them. He was in military uniform. On stage with public lies, the dream ended.

    Something was happening, I decided to take a walk. I walk and realize that this is Vorobyovy Gory. I take out my phone, start filming, and say: “Look, across the road is Moscow State University!!!” I remember the color of the building. It's darker than it actually is.

    Hello, today I had a dream that I entered the university to become a historian, I remember that when I celebrated the profession of history, I cried, but it was from joy, as if my soul felt so easy, I remember in the dream that there were many students who did the same, but I didn’t I know it was full-time or part-time, the main thing is that I enrolled because in a dream I was thinking how I was going to pay for training, by the way, yesterday, 02/07/2017, they called me very upset from work, they told me to come and quit of my own free will, I went on sick leave, but not on purpose due to illness, my head hurt badly for 5 days, it turned out to be sinusitis and now I’m being treated, but I can say I’m left without work

    I dreamed about how I took exams in Moscow together with a classmate (I’m not from Moscow), then I went back to my city and my classmate too, then I went back to the university, and so did my classmate, that is, we entered

    Actually, I'm in 9th grade. But I dreamed that I was taking an exam to get into university. And I scored 80 points and they dreamed that I scored a good score. And in the dream they continued to go to hell. As I wanted, I started looking for a university closer to business. And then I said, I was only in 9th grade. And they told me that we will correct it in the documents. And then they asked me to take the test back and I scored 80 points back

    I saw in a dream the university where I am currently studying and at this university they told me that I would only study there for 10 days and would be transferred to another university and I did not want this and cried

  • The dream was like this:
    I was sleeping and they woke me up. I started trying on clothes to go to university. It’s strange, but other students lived in my house. They turn out to be my classmates. Then we headed to the university together. The most important thing there was a woman who was the director of the school where I studied. And the curator was a woman who was a curator at the college.
    (My classmates are all of different ages. Some are 95. Some are 92. Although I myself am 2000.)
    Further in the dream, when we arrived, we lost our classmates. Me and 1 other girl started looking for them. Then I met my mother and brother. They apparently worked there.
    Then we met the curator and together we began to look for the group.
    I don’t remember further. I woke up
  • Hello! I have this problem, I studied for a year at a medical university. Then I was expelled, I took the exams again to get in, but in the end I couldn’t score. And today I had a dream. In a dream, I came to the university to pick up documents, but they told me that they took me to the first year at the 100th faculty, then they gave me books, I asked what kind of books, and the answer was: this is what is needed for the 100th faculty. I don't remember this person.

    Hello. I dreamed that my friend and I (who had already entered this university last year) were standing on its threshold and a woman passing by said to us, “God willing, you too will enroll.” That is, my friend, like me, have not yet entered in the dream . Later, my friend invites me to get into the lineup of guys who have already entered, and we manage to do it, no one even notices. Later the dancing began. The weather was sunny, school starts on September 15th and we have autumn like summer, so yes, it felt like autumn

    I dreamed that I was studying in another college and there my former classmate was showing everything and telling me what was where. I remember that I was sitting there in some classes, if I’m not mistaken it was chemistry, and the teacher was from my real college. And I remember that I also I had a massage in my dream.

    I entered the university and really wanted to study. But after some time my parents arrived and began to dissuade me, saying there was no money to pay. Moreover, it was my father (deceased) who dissuaded me most of all. After which I decided to switch to distance learning and work to pay for university.

A sign that to achieve a higher position in society you need additional knowledge, the lack of which is preventing your advancement up the career ladder.

If you are in college, you will be able to achieve a promotion or higher salary.

Being in the audience means changes in life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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This is what dreams can be done with. This has nothing to do with real studies. The dream is not literal. Such dreams occur when some kind of unsettlement exists (in your case, without work) in life. If you went to college, there is a high chance that you will get a job in this organization. But it won't be very easy.

In this dream, the dreamer compares the quality of her knowledge and skills with the proper and generally accepted level, and at the same time thinks about how her additional academic degree will be useful to her in the future. “Weak” graduates, who also came in a dream to do the same as the dreamer, say that the dreamer needs to pull herself together and properly prepare for the upcoming admission to the university, so that, indeed, she does not end up among those very weak applicants who who have practically no chance of entering a university. And this is precisely what is unpleasant for the dreamer (the dreamer is unpleasantly surprised at the sight of “weaklings”). This is what this dream warns about. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Entering a Medical University while pregnant means you have entered a new period of your life, in which you have little or no experience, and you expect to gain it in the course of your life (as you study at the Medical University). If you hope for due leniency during admission and study, you do not judge yourself strictly, because not everyone can take on such a burden as you have now. If you are thinking of enrolling in an Aviation University, if you do not enroll in a Medical University, you are internally ready to take unjustified risks in your life, since you do not yet have the necessary experience. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation Institute

If you are not worried about the upcoming admission or obtaining a diploma, and are generally far from studying, then the appearance of an institute in a dream may signal that you do not have enough knowledge to perform a certain job.

According to the dream book, the institute symbolizes your wrong behavior. You chose the wrong tactics, so you will not achieve your goals.

Enter a higher education institution

Why do you dream about the institute you are planning to enroll in? The sleeping man has clearly defined his goal. Now he needs to gain the necessary knowledge and experience. According to dream books, he still doesn’t have enough of them.

Dreaming of admission

For schoolchildren, the interpretation of dreams is positive. The dreamer will have a good rest in pleasant company.

Why might you dream that you did go to college? This means that you are a purposeful person who will definitely achieve his goal, if you just don’t leave the chosen path.

Learning process

In this case, the interpretation of dreams will depend on whether the dreamer was in classes, was taking a test, perhaps he dreamed of being expelled, or was receiving a certificate for academic success.

To begin with, it is worth reviewing the interpretations given today by the following dream books:

  • dream book of the 21st century;
  • wanderer's dream book;
  • Adaskina's dream book.

How do interpreters view the institution?

This symbol is controversial. Depending on which source you prefer, you can receive either a positive prediction or a warning of danger.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dreaming about the educational process

Studying at an institute in a dream means you may well achieve more, but this requires a little more knowledge and skills.

Being in the institute building means you will get a new, better-paid position, or your salary will simply be raised.

Being in the audience means changes are coming in the dreamer’s life.

Wanderer's Dream Book

This source believes that a dream in which you were among your fellow students in classes or lectures indicates that you lack the attention of your friends.

Also, a dream about a higher educational institution promises the sleeping person new life challenges.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskina

In a dream, you wander around the institute building, look into classrooms, libraries, laboratories - you yourself understand the need to gain new knowledge, you decided to improve your skills.

Seeing a student at a boarding house, like in ancient times, will make you feel delighted with what is happening in the world around you. You will be able to eliminate all negative emotions from your life.

How else do dream books view studying at the institute?

I dreamed of a graduate of a boarding house of past times

In a dream, you may see yourself passing a test; what could such a vision mean? Life will present you with some kind of test. The dreamer will face a certain difficulty and will need to persevere and overcome it.

If you are expelled, you will make a mistake related to your work and you will be demoted.

Expulsion also threatens trouble in real life. Because of your unprofessionalism, you will mess things up and spend a lot of time trying to correct the situation.

Interpreters also view studying at a medical institute negatively. The Dream Book from A to Z sees the emergence of a difficult life situation, the cause of which will be the difficult character of the sleeping person.

A dream about an exam indicates that the sleeping person is giving in to difficulties. He is afraid of some difficult situation in real life.

It’s good if in a dream you still passed the exam. This means that your ingenuity and mental abilities will help you overcome any obstacles that come your way.

If you don’t pass the exam at the institute, you will actually be busy trying to restore your reputation with management. Engage in self-improvement and try not to make any more annoying mistakes.

Everyone's at the prom

Often in a dream you may dream of a prom. If you graduated from a higher educational institution a long time ago, then you are tormented by nostalgia for ancient times. I would like to meet old friends, feel the atmosphere of the cheerful life of carefree students.

Attend the ball, have fun, receive a diploma - you have reached a certain height. Perhaps they realized themselves as a parent, or reached the maximum in their career. Such a dream suggests that you should think about what to do next. The main thing is not to stop there.

But if you dream about prom, then you may act rashly, and this will lead to a negative result. Make sure that you have enough experience and knowledge to implement your plans.

Find out from the online dream book what the University means in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about university in a dream?

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


University - Successful promotion.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why the University is in a dream?

University - Opportunities; what you are studying.

Dream Interpretation of Sergei Karatov

The meaning of a dream about the Institute

If you dreamed of a university, then quick promotion awaits you.

See also: institute, dean's office, department.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the University according to the dream book?

University - Dreaming of university buildings, auditoriums, lectures - these are dreams of receiving important and necessary information.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

University (institute, university) - The time has come to expand your knowledge in the professional field, otherwise in the future you will lack it, which will affect your well-being.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about the University?

Studying at the university - rapid promotion and an incredible career take-off awaits you. Imagine that you are graduating from a dream university, receiving a diploma, shaking hands with professors.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

I dream about the University, what does it mean?

University (institute) - This is a generalized image of those places (including schools, colleges) where the dreamer studied... A repository of accumulated knowledge. Seeing your former university means meeting with classmates, old memories, longing. Seeing an unfamiliar educational institution means gaining some new knowledge.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

What does a dream about Universities mean?

If you dreamed of a university, this is a generalized image of the places where you studied, a repository of accumulated knowledge. Seeing your former university in a dream means you will meet classmates and have nostalgic memories. If you dreamed of an unfamiliar educational institution, then you will soon improve your professional level and quickly move up the career ladder.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream about the University?

If you see in a dream that you are studying at a university, this dream means a quick promotion and career take-off. Imagine a university building. You go inside, walk along wide, bright corridors past classrooms where classes are held, then enter a large, bright hall. There are a lot of people there and there is excitement. The presentation of diplomas will begin now. University graduates, one after another, rise to the stage and are solemnly presented with diplomas. Here they call your last name. You go up on stage and are presented with a diploma with honors. The audience greets you with applause. You give a speech in which you thank the university teachers for the excellent education you received.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see the University, what is it for?

1. If in a dream we are at a university, this illuminates our personal potential and learning abilities. In real life, we may not be academics, but we may be subconsciously aware of our ability to successfully connect with like-minded people. 2. Since the university is a place of higher learning, our attention is drawn to the breadth of experience and increase in knowledge that is available to us. We need to move away from the mundane and ordinary into specific areas of knowledge and awareness. 3. Spiritual Knowledge and the ability to use it is achieved only at the University of Life.

It’s not difficult to understand why the university is being dreamed about. Just like a school or institute is a generally accepted symbol of knowledge. If a person saw his own university in a dream, a meeting with old friends awaits him, but a foreign educational institution means new knowledge, dream books prophesy.

"Universities" of Miller's dream book

For those who are actually students, seeing their university in a dream is a sign that something new will come into their lives.

If you dreamed of something that could not happen within the walls of the institute, you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, and you want to change them.

Entering a university - joy is already on the doorstep

In a dream, you entered university - you will be pleased with the news that some important request has been granted, the Spring Dream Book predicts.

Do you dream that you are studying at university? You have a difficult, but promising and well-paid job ahead of you.

If you see your relative or acquaintance among the students, this is the person who will help you cope with difficult tasks.

Celebrating admission to university in a dream means pride in one’s successes, the Lunar Dream Book prophesies.

Help your best friend or girlfriend do the same - you will participate in the fate of this person and in everyday life.

Expulsion as a symbol of grief

A dream in which you were expelled for poor academic performance is a sign of a difficult period in your professional field, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

If you dreamed that your best friend was expelled, you are facing demotion or a large fine.

I dream that my friend was expelled from the university for absenteeism, but you are not there - a warning dream. Life gives you a chance to correct your mistakes.

In a dream, you are expelled from the university for arguing with the dean or rector - you subconsciously feel your guilt, but do not want to admit it. This gets you into a lot of trouble.

If you stole and destroyed documents about your expulsion, this will lead to problems with government officials.

Being a teacher is a sign of success and achievement

In a dream, are you working as a teacher at a university that you yourself once graduated from? You may soon have the opportunity to change your profession to a more promising one.

To see that you kicked a chattering student out of a lecture means that you will be able to defeat your competitors, despite their insidious plans, Tsvetkov’s dream book pleases.

I dreamed that you, a dean or even a rector of a university, would achieve unprecedented success in places you never even dreamed of.

Taking an exam in your dream means you will “get on your feet” very firmly, and your authority will soar very high.

“From session to session...” or difficulties await you

Dreaming that you are taking an exam is a symbol of a difficult stage in life, the Lunar Dream Book upsets you.

Did you see yourself sitting at a desk in the classroom listening to a lecture? If the topic was interesting and understandable to you, the difficulties you encountered will soon pass, but if you did not understand what the teacher was talking about, be patient, difficulties will darken your life for a long time.

If you dreamed that you couldn’t find your place in the audience, in reality you had put a load on your shoulders that you couldn’t bear.