Bach. Institute of Biochemistry named after

Institute of Biochemistry named after A.N. Bach RAS (INBI RAS)- the first biochemical institute of the Academy of Sciences, created
December 18, 1934. Its founders were outstanding scientists - academicians A.N. Bach and A.I. Oparin.

In 1967, for the formation and development of biochemical science in the country and the training of scientific personnel, the Institute was awarded the country’s highest award - Order of Lenin.

Institute students stood at the origins organizations of the Institute of Molecular Biology, the Institute of Protein, the Institute of Fundamental Problems of Biology, the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology of Moscow State University. With the active participation of employees of INBI RAS were organized Russian Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, Russian Society of Photobiologists, International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life (ISSOL).

The history of the Institute is closely connected with the formation and development of the scientific foundations of the food, medical, microbiological, vitamin, enzyme and other industries of our country. The biotechnological developments of the Institute have found widespread application in practice national economy, bringing significant economic benefits.

The following people worked at the Institute at different times: outstanding scientists as: A.N.Bakh, A.I.Oparin, V.A.Engelgardt, A.A.Baev, A.N.Belozersky, A.L.Kursanov, N.M.Sisakyan, A.N.Terenin, A.A. Krasnovsky, Z.V. Ermolyeva, V.N. Bukin, I.V. Berezin, B.F. Poglazov, A.S. Spirin, V.A. Shuvalov, I.A. Tarchevsky and others. World fame The institute has received: the theory of the origin of life; the discovery of the ATPase activity of myosin, which laid the foundations of modern mechanochemistry; deciphering the molecular mechanisms of solar energy conversion during photosynthesis; biochemistry and enzymology of nitrogen fixation; prediction of the existence of messenger RNA and discovery of informosomes; creation of biochemistry of subcellular structures; the discovery of actin and myosin in all eukaryotic cells, which led to the discovery of cytoskeletal structures, and much more.

The Institute's employees were awarded high government and scientific awards– Lenin (6 people) and State Prizes of the USSR (19 people), State Prize of the Russian Federation (1 person), Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (11 people), Lenin Komsomol Prize (4 people), title of Hero of Socialist Labor (7 people). ), Gold Medal named after M.V. Lomonosov (highest award, 2 people) and Gold Medal named after D.I. Pryanishnikov of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1 person), A. N. Bach Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014) and personal awards of the Academy sciences (24 people). The Institute's employees were awarded scientific awards from foreign countries and international organizations (USA, England, Italy, UNESCO, etc.).

Currently main directions of research activities Institute are:

  • fundamental and applied research in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology,
  • studying the mechanisms of regulation and evolution of metabolic processes in cells and organisms,
  • structural and functional studies of macromolecules,
  • research into the biochemical basis of disease pathogenesis,
  • development of new methods for processing and using renewable and man-made raw materials,
  • development of the scientific foundations of new biotechnologies, including technologies for the rational use of renewable bioresources, as well as the creation of new bioanalytical and nanobiotechnological systems for healthcare, agriculture, industry and environmental protection.

June 10, 2015 the oldest biochemical institute of the Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biochemistry named after. A.N. Bach RAS, which is the coordinator of the technological platform “Bioindustry and Bioresources,” noted his 80th anniversary ceremonial events.

Anniversary session took place at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The holiday brought together everyone: employees, students, colleagues, partners and friends of the Institute. Everyone came to congratulate, say kind words and remember the most significant and memorable events in the history of the Institute.

Upon entering the hall, guests were greeted by live music, as well as a unique exhibition, organized jointly with the RAS Archive, where guests could familiarize themselves with exclusive materials related to the history of the Institute.

Before the start of the official part, the guests were shown video chronicles about the life of INBI RAS, created on the basis of archival records.

The official part of the anniversary event was opened by the Director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.O. Popov. Congratulations spoke Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician S.M. Aldoshin, representative of FANO Russia M.Yu. Romanovsky, Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Obn RAS Academician N.F. Myasoedov, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia I.V. Kazeev and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia O.V. Kochetkova, the dean of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University came to congratulate the Institute. M.V. Lomonosov Academician M.P. Kirpichnikov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere I.M. Bortnik, Advisor to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician A.S. Spirin.

The Institute received congratulatory messages telegrams from the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies, Academician V.A. Chereshnev, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science L.M. Ogordova, General Director of the Russian Science Foundation A.V. Khlunov, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board for Science, Member of the Board of Rusnano OJSC S.V. Kalyuzhny, as well as others congratulations from friendly organizations.

The main milestones of the 80-year history of the Institute’s development were highlighted in his speech by the Director of INBI RAS, Corresponding Member. RAS V.O. Popov. IN report Vladimir Olegovich remembered the outstanding scientists who worked at the Institute and their great achievements in the development of biochemical science. In 1967, for its services in the development of domestic science and the training of scientific and teaching personnel, the Institute was awarded the country's highest award - the Order of Lenin. The director spoke about modern areas of research and described the prospects for the development of the Institute as part of the recently created Federal Research Center “Fundamental Foundations of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

As part of the anniversary event, part of the Rostec State Corporation, on the development of a line of biodegradable materials and products for strategically important industries of the Russian Federation. The products will be used for the needs of medicine, aviation, agriculture, construction, oil production and even 3D printing. An agreement on cooperation in the field of biotechnology development on the part of RT-Chemcomposite was signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of RT-Chemcomposite Alexey Kuzmitsky.

For the anniversary of INBI RAS our own video and audio congratulations and greetings were sent by honored employees, veterans of the Institute, foreign partners and colleagues.

At the end of the ceremonial meeting, the guests of the holiday were shown a plot which touched upon both the history of its glorious past and the main modern areas of research in various fields of enzymology, molecular biology, biotechnology and biomedicine.

At the end of the official meeting, congratulations continued in the fountain hall of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where a festive buffet awaited the guests.

Welcoming speeches were made by representatives of the Bioengineering Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Ecology and Evolution. A.N. Severtsov RAS, JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fiber with an Experimental Plant", State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific and Technical
Institute of Interdisciplinary Information", Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Research Institute of Nutrition, Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiologically Active Substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biochemical Physics named after. N.M. Emanuel RAS, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry named after. V.N. Orekhovich, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms named after. G.K. Skryabin RAS, Institute of Immunology of the FMBA of the Russian Federation, Institute of General Genetics named after. N.I. Vavilov RAS, Institute of Crystallography named after. A.V. Shubnikov, Institute of Plant Physiology named after. K.A Timiryazev RAS and many others.

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Biochemistry named after. A. N. Bach RAS
International name

A. N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry Russian Academy of Sciences


Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. Corresponding Member of the RAS Popov V. O.

Legal address

Institute of Biochemistry named after. A. N. Bach RAS- establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Conducts fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of biochemistry, as well as in related areas of physical and chemical biology, biotechnology, biomedicine and other life sciences.

Institute of Biochemistry, USSR Academy of Sciences was organized by the decision of the General Meeting of the USSR Academy of Sciences on December 18, 1934.

The management of laboratories and individual areas of research was carried out by prominent biochemists: A. N. Bakh, A. I. Oparin, V. A. Engelgardt, A. N. Belozersky, N. M. Sisakyan, A. N. Terenin, A. A. Krasnovsky, S. E. Severin, V. L. Kretovich, V. N. Bukin, I. V. Berezin, D. L. Talmud, B. A. Talmud, M. N. Lyubimova, A. I. Smirnov, Z. V. Ermolyeva, D. M. Mikhlin, B. A. Rubin, N. I. Proskuryakov, A. G. Pasynsky, P. V. Afanasyev, B. N. Stepanenko, R. V. Feniksova, V. B. Evstigneev, A. A. Shmuk, S. D. Balakhovsky, S. M. Prokoshev, L. V. Metlitsky, A. L. Kursanov, A. A. Baev, B. F. Poglazov, A. M. Kuzin, A.S. Spirin and others.

In 1944, the institute was named after A. N. Bach.

After the death of A. N. Bach, the institute was headed by his student and collaborator A. I. Oparin (1946-1980).

Currently, the institute includes 2 departments, 23 laboratories, 3 groups, and a scientific and educational center. The Institute has created and is actively operating a testing laboratory accredited in the GOST R system for technical competence and independence (accreditation certificate ROSS.RU 0001.21ПУ39, valid until June 16, 2015) for analyzing the quality of food products (alcoholic products for authenticity, activated carbons, essential oils). The scope of accreditation of the Testing Laboratory of INBI RAS includes:

Vegetable oils and products based on them; Natural essential oils (obtaining a chromatographic profile); Products of the wine, distillery, and alcohol industries; Activated carbons; Fats for special purposes (cooking, confectionery, baking, milk fat substitutes). Emulsifiers; Products from the production of soft drinks and mineral waters; Drinking water, natural water, waste water; Atmospheric air; Soil and bottom sediments.

For activated carbons, a complete analysis of powdered and granular activated carbons is carried out in accordance with GOST 4453-74 "Powdered wood brightening carbon", GOST 20464-75 "Active carbon AG-3" according to the following indicators: appearance, fractional composition according to GOST 16187, total pore volume for water according to GOST 17219-71, adsorption activity for iodine, adsorption activity for methylene blue, pH of aqueous extract, mass fraction of ash according to GOST 12596-67, mass fraction of moisture according to GOST 12597-67, mass fraction of water-soluble ash, mass fraction of iron compounds , mass fraction of water-soluble iron compounds, uniformity coefficient (GOST 51641-2000), bulk density, content of toxic metals arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead. ASTM analyzes are also possible.


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