Growing blackberries is a home business. How to grow blackberries for sale? Tips for organizing a business Video: What documents are needed to register a peasant farm

Doing business in the agricultural industry is a very profitable business. Of course, the agricultural business is best organized if there is at least a small plot of land. Therefore, such a line of business would be appropriate for residents of rural areas. It is in villages and villages that there are all conditions for breeding animals and growing various plants. But the lack of information about a particular culture does not allow residents to start their own profitable business.

In this article, we will talk about a relevant and specific business idea - growing blackberries at home. Due to the insignificant prevalence of this crop in garden plots, it is in great demand among the population. Let's first understand the technology of growing blackberries, and then we'll talk about possible channels for its sale.
Blackberry cannot be called a frequent guest on the plot. We are more familiar with such crops as strawberries, currants, raspberries and strawberries. Many people compare raspberries with blackberries. But in terms of yield, raspberries are not even close to black berries.

What is good about growing blackberries?

In recent years, the fashion for growing blackberries at home has been gaining more and more fans. And this fact is logically justified. Growing these berries is no more difficult than other crops. If you follow all the rules when planting and properly care for the plant, then it will begin to bear fruit in the next season. At the same time, the harvest from one bush can reach up to 30 kilograms per season. Find out the prices for blackberries in the local market and calculate the possible profit from one bush. Not bad? And in stores, the prices for these berries are even higher.

How to grow blackberries?

First you need to acquire planting material - seedlings. Blackberries can be propagated by both cuttings and roots. But the root method is more successful. For such a thing in early spring, you need to dig out roots about 15 cm long and 7 cm in diameter. After collecting the material, you can start planting. Roots are planted immediately after collection in the place where they will always grow. The soil in the area where the blackberries will grow should not be too wet. Also, the soil should contain as little sand as possible. To all other natural factors, blackberries are unpretentious.

To get a rich harvest, you need to take care of fertilizing the soil. The best fertilizer for blackberries is the most common manure. You need to add it at the rate of about 3 kilograms per square meter of land. Fertilization of the soil is carried out during its preparation for planting roots. Do not forget about the systematic watering of the plant. This is especially important during fruit ripening and rapid stem growth.

Some varieties of blackberries need tying up the stems. As a support, you can use a metal or wooden trellis. This approach will not only improve the development of the plant, but also improve the process of harvesting fruits. Blackberries are very sensitive to frost. Therefore, in winter you need to take care of the heat for the stems. If they are covered with snow, then there is nothing to fear. But if there is no snow, but the frost is pressing, then the stems should be hidden under plastic wrap.

These are all the main points of the technology of growing blackberries at home. There is nothing complicated in it. You just need to properly plant and constantly care for the plant. If everything is done correctly, then next season blackberries will delight you with a bountiful harvest. Now let's deal with the distribution channels of products.

Let's start making money

So, the first crop of blackberries has been harvested. Now you need to find good ways to sell products. You should start with your work colleagues, friends and acquaintances. It is among them that the first regular customers will appear.

Another distribution channel will be local cafes and restaurants. A large number of such establishments will be interested in buying your product. When the demand for your blackberries increases, it will be possible to arrange the supply of products to shops and even supermarkets.

Among other things, blackberries will become a regular guest on your table. And this is already a success. After all, it is almost impossible to buy it at reasonable prices.

It is no secret that every owner of a land plot would like to profit from it, but in most cases things do not go beyond dreams. Many questions arise, how exactly to implement this idea, how and what crops to grow, how to sell them. Now you will learn how to organize your own profitable blackberry growing business.

If you do not have your own plot, you can rent it. The agricultural business in our time is becoming more and more promising, therefore, with proper organization of the business, you will quickly reach the level of profitability. Again, although an experienced gardener will cope with growing blackberries faster and better, beginners should not give up - this is an interesting, uncomplicated business that does not require a lot of special knowledge.

About the product

Ripe blackberries contain many medicinal and useful substances - ascorbic acid, fructose, sucrose and glucose, B vitamins, macro and microelements. They have a less pronounced sweet and sour taste than raspberries. Not surprisingly, the popularity of this berry in the market is growing every year. In addition, this plant is a wonderful honey plant.

Blackberry is considered a perennial subshrub from the rose family, genus Rubus. The plant is distributed everywhere in temperate and northern latitudes, the favorite halo of habitat is forest-steppe zones, floodplains, mixed and coniferous forests. However, blackberries will also take root well on your site, if the soil on it is light and fertile, and the lighting is sufficient.

6 benefits of blackberries

There are many crops that, with the right approach, can be profitable. Why, say, not raspberries, but blackberries? Here are a few arguments in favor of this wonderful berry:

  1. Firstly, blackberries are not yet as common as others, a berry. You can see everywhere how strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries are grown in garden plots - anything, but blackberries are rarely seen. As a result, we have an increased demand.
  2. One of the main and most significant advantages of berries is productivity. With this parameter, it beats any competitor, blackberries are many times more productive than any similar crop. Say, one bush per season can produce up to twenty-five kilograms of berries! Given that on one hundred square meters, on average, 20-25 bushes fit, you can roughly calculate the volume of the crop - and this is 500-750 kg. In addition, recently breeders have been developing many new, even more productive varieties.
  3. Ease of cultivation and care. Blackberry is an extremely unpretentious crop, therefore it is possible to grow it even for a completely ignorant person in this matter.
  4. High demand entails high prices for the product. Even in the markets, the prices for blackberries are worthy, and there is nothing to talk about shops and supermarkets.
  5. Almost complete resistance of the culture to diseases and pests.
  6. Finally, for the consumer, this berry also has other advantages - a wonderful taste, versatility in use, useful properties.

Of course, one cannot do without a fly in the ointment - the blackberry also has one drawback - it is poorly adapted to winter frosts. But with proper organization of the plantation, this should not be a problem - you just need to find a way to cover your plants in the cold season.

Business organization

So, if you have firmly decided to go into business growing blackberries, first try to soberly assess your material and emotional capabilities, or, in other words, what you generally need:

  1. The most important. Willingness to work and enthusiasm. Growing blackberries is not a very difficult task, but it still requires compliance with the rules of planting, care, etc. After all, the end result - the harvest - will depend on how much effort and time you put into the business at this stage. However, absolutely in any undertaking it is necessary to treat the matter with due enthusiasm.
  2. At the very least, a site where all this will take place. If you already have it, great! If not, do not worry - as we have already said, the loss on rent will by no means turn out to be more than the proceeds. The size of the plot should directly depend on your experience - you should not acquire a huge plot, arrange an expensive plantation on it, if this business is still alien to you. Better start with small areas, fill your hand and calmly expand your possessions.
  3. Cash. Well, where without them? True, the good news is that the initial investment in this business is minimal, and they are quite within the power of everyone. The main thing you will need is money for the purchase of seedlings, material for winter shelter, irrigation devices, and the general preparation of the plantation.

These are the most important conditions that cannot be neglected. So to speak, the basis of your successful business. However, in addition, it can be mentioned that you may need helpers - it will be difficult for one to pick berries, and deal with delivery and packaging, and solve sales issues.

If your plantation is still very small, of course, you can do without help, but with a larger scale of production, this condition becomes necessary. In addition, do not forget that there must be a source of water for irrigation, and it is also desirable that the plantation is located as close as possible to the points of sale.

Cultivation and care

As mentioned earlier, this culture is not capricious, it is easy to care for. There is nothing special in the process of its cultivation. So just read the general information about it.

Blackberries are not propagated by seeds. Do this either with the help of cuttings or roots. The last method has proven itself more reliably, so it is better to consider it in detail. To prepare planting material, it is necessary to dig up roots with a diameter of 5-7 cm from a depth of 15-20 cm. It is best to plant it (in the conditions of the middle lane) in early spring. There should be no special comments on the soil, the only thing is that it should not be too wet, and the presence of sand in it is also undesirable.

Before planting, the soil must be dug up - 10 cm deep and 10-15 between rows. After that, planting material is planted. The distance between future bushes (as well as rows) should not be less than half a meter.

If you grow varieties with tall stems, make sure that they have something to tie them to. Properly tied stems grow taller and more even, give a more massive harvest. Again, do not forget that in winter the plants will have to be covered. Use special covering materials for this purpose, such as agrotex or spunbond.

During periods of wars and crises, the connection with the earth is felt especially acutely. The moment of truth comes precisely when the usual ties are torn, exchange rates are rapidly changing, banks are bursting, and panic is seizing the exchanges.
At such a time, it becomes more and more obvious that not oil, not gas, and not even the dollar are the true equivalent of values, but everything that is produced by the labor of a person working on the earth.

On the profitability of crop production

Not only a person is fed with bread alone, today's peasant wants to have the benefits that the townspeople have. But earning money in the village is much more difficult. A villager often cannot get a decent price for his hard work. And the point is not at all that it is impossible to organize profitable production in the countryside, but that money must be invested in any modern business, which, with a reasonable approach, will bring a sure income. But in agricultural production it is impossible to multiply them quickly, because the time of turnover is tied to the seasons and the annual cycle. However, there is no risk of losing the invested funds, as it happens on the stock exchange. Someone may object, blaming the weather and prices, but world practice shows that the use of modern technologies makes it possible to conduct profitable production of crop products even in semi-desert conditions. If we talk about profit, then it is quite natural that no one is waiting for you on the market, especially if there are a lot of small private producers or dealers with similar goods there. Therefore, in order to make money, you need to choose the right direction and occupy a free niche in the market, but this must be done immediately in order to guarantee a fair price for products and a return on investment.

I bet on blackberries

I am not a banker and cannot offer money to invest in production, but I know how to earn it by occupying a still free niche. In the first half of the 90s, I planted the first American blackberry bushes in my garden, and I was inspired to do this by an incident that happened to me in the mid-80s in Ukraine. I met in the forests of the Zhytomyr region an abundantly bearing upright bush of a large-fruited unusual blackberry. It had a lot of berries of excellent taste. For a long time I could not forget this forest vision, and as soon as I had land, I started looking for varieties. I already knew about the insufficient winter hardiness of cultivated blackberries, so almost immediately I began to grow it with bushes bent down for the winter with light shelter. I was lucky because I managed to get varieties of intensive type - Evergreen and Thornfree. Already in the third year, the harvest was more than 4 kg of unusual berries with a pleasant taste from the bush. By the fourth or fifth year, the harvest was more than 10 kg, and this despite the fact that from these bushes I received a large number of layering for further reproduction.

About yield

When I told gardeners that the yield of blackberries can be measured in buckets, they frankly did not believe me, and our horticultural literature only supported distrust. Here is a quote from the book "Raspberries and Blackberries" by Professor I.V. Kazakova: “At the Maikop Experimental Station of VNIIR
L.A. Gruner conducted an economic and biological assessment of a number of blackberry varieties of foreign breeding. In the conditions of the foothills of the North Caucasus, the most winter-hardy varieties with upright shoots were Wilsons Early, Lawton, Erie, Kittatini. They are able to withstand frosts - 20 °C ... -22 °C. All varieties with creeping shoots are weakly winter-hardy. Complex resistance to the main fungal diseases - anthracnose and rust - was shown by varieties McDonald, Thornfree, Wilsons Earley, Flint. Eri, Kittatini, Lawton varieties (1.5-2.5 kg of berries from a bush) are allocated to the group of the most productive ones.
If I had not seen Ukrainian forest blackberries with my own eyes, and even more so modern commercial varieties of garden blackberries, then after such an assessment, I would never grow them. But today, when I have 15 years of experience behind me, a collection of two dozen varieties, and the harvest from Thornfree in the conditions of Samara with the use of shelter exceeds 20 kg per bush, I cannot agree with the results of these studies. I will only say that most of what was recommended by the researcher as the most fruitful was bred in the middle of the 19th century. These half-forgotten varieties have not been used in gardening for a long time. But Thornfree, bred in 1966 at the University of Maryland (USA) by Dr. Scott, is widely grown in industrial production in Europe. And this is not accidental, because its yield is ten times higher than that of the mentioned varieties. Frost resistance down to -25 °C, the berry weighs 5-8 g, while in Erie, Kittatini, Lawton it is 3-3.5 g. Today, this variety is grown by amateurs in many gardens in Russia, and when sheltering shoots for the winter, even in the middle lane, yields from 15 to 25 kg per bush at the age of 5-6. This is evidenced by the experience of amateurs from Ufa, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd and even Gorno-Altaisk. Varieties of intensive type have a similar yield: Thornless Evergreen, Black Satin, Smutstem. Moreover, the yield increases with the age and power of the bush. Leonid Vasilievich Balabaev from Samara in the summer of 2007 collected an average of 18 kg of berries from Thornfree from a five-year-old bush. In 2008, the harvest was 21.5 kg per bush. The yield also depends on the latitude of cultivation. Significantly higher yields of the Black Satin variety are collected by Natalya Puzenko from Volgograd. Varieties of Black Satin and Thornfree are also grown near Moscow, only the bushes are less developed due to lack of heat, part of the crop does not have time to ripen, falling under frost, but what remains is much more than on any raspberry. Therefore, in the north, bushes are planted in the sunniest place, and in the Volgograd, Rostov, Astrakhan regions, they try to place plantings in more shaded places, because the berries at the ends of the shoots become smaller and bake in the sun.

Yield culture

We plant bushes of thornless varieties with intervals between bushes of 1.5 m and between rows of 1.7 m. Thus, there are about 40 bushes per hundred square meters. It is easy to calculate that even if the yield is halved, then in the 5-6th year the plantation will produce 400 kg of berries per hundred square meters or 40 t/ha. Of course, a covering crop cannot be grown on many hectares, since shelter and collection are quite laborious work. But even a harvest from several acres more than pays for all costs and brings a good profit. This tasty large berry is not on today's Russian market. I do not take into account the frozen berry coming from Europe. A frozen berry changes its original quality so much that it is difficult to recognize it. Therefore, a bucket of fresh berries sold at retail in Volgograd is valued at 2,000 rubles, and a glass of blackberries in Moscow costs 250 rubles.
Selection and cultivation are carried out by Americans and Europeans. But we ourselves can produce it in any quantities. This is facilitated by productivity, large-fruitedness, transportability, high palatability, practically the absence of diseases and pests, the absence of thorns of industrial varieties and the absence of offspring, drought resistance (due to the most powerful root system), and the free market. There is only one drawback - low winter hardiness, but today large-fruited raspberries grow in many gardens, the winter hardiness of which also leaves much to be desired (it is necessary to bend the stems under the snow and easily cover them). And for a plant covered with snow, it is absolutely indifferent - 20 ° C or - 30 ° C. Shelter guarantees a full harvest of both crops. Only blackberries give many times more than the most fruitful raspberries, not inferior in quality, and perhaps even surpassing it in some way. Even despite the lower winter hardiness and the need for shelter, it is less costly and laborious. The production of this berry is easier than the production of potatoes, and the yield of potatoes from one hundred square meters is comparable in weight to the harvest of blackberries from the same area. That's just a bucket of potatoes is cheaper than a bucket of blackberries. Even wholesale prices can be profitable for production. It is even better if people do business on a cooperative basis or a large, strong family.
In this article, I only covered a little of what I discovered. This culture is worthy of a separate book. It is well studied, dozens of foreign universities work with it, many articles and books on agricultural technology, scientific research, management have been published, there are data on patents on varieties, annual international scientific conferences of scientists and manufacturers are held, materials are published on hundreds of English-language websites of farming and scientific institutions. Domestic books about blackberries are most often written in the quiet of offices and are far from practice and world science.


Industrial cultivation of blackberries

The potential yield of blackberry and its hybrids is 3-4 times higher than that of raspberry, and in terms of its biochemical properties it is not only not inferior to raspberry, but also surpasses it in some biologically active substances.

Blackberries are incomparable in taste and have healing properties. As medicinal raw materials, fruits, leaves, inflorescences, shoots, and roots are used. It is used for inflammation of the kidneys, liver, diabetes, dysentery, neurosis, gastritis, gastric and intestinal bleeding, eczema, pneumonia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, as a wound healing, tonic, sedative.

Blackberry is characterized by high potential yield - up to 20 t/ha

Blackberry fruits have a delicate peculiar taste and aroma, sugars and acids are very harmoniously combined in them. They provide high-quality processed products: jams and jellies, marmalade, juices and extracts, wine and drinks. Great for quick freezing and food coloring. Despite the undeniable benefits of blackberries, there are still not many industrial plantations of this valuable crop. Blackberry and its hybrids have not gained distribution among farmers and in home gardening, since there is no modern information, cultivation experience.

Almost all agricultural producers associate the perception of blackberry only with its numerous wild forms: gray blackberry (R. caesius L.), Anatolian blackberry (R. anatolicus Focke), bristly blackberry (R. Hirtus Waldst et Kit), etc., which are found in large numbers in forests. Blackberries bloom much later than raspberries, which completely eliminates damage to flowers by spring frosts. The flowering period of one flower is 3-5 days, and plants - 15-20 days, but there are varieties in which new buds appear after the first berries have ripened. The shape of the berries depends on the type and variety, it is round and cone-shaped. The color of the berries is black, purple, red, dark purple, yellow and even white.

Quality blackberries

The first cultivars of blackberries appeared in the USA in the middle of the 19th century, and at present this country is the world leader in blackberry breeding. At this time, at least 30 varieties of blackberries have already been introduced into the culture there. Unlike wild species, these varieties can bear fruit in the early stages, and the fruiting period stretches for a long time. The berries are dense and large, they are stored well even when fresh. In total, 16 thousand hectares of plantations are allocated for blackberries in the United States, from which at least 34 thousand tons of berries are harvested annually. Productivity with good agricultural technology in a number of varieties can reach 16-28 t/ha. Recently, blackberries are beginning to spread in Europe. In all countries where blackberries are grown, it has significantly replaced raspberries, since it significantly surpasses them in terms of yield, transportability and healing properties.

Features of blackberry cultivation technology

Blackberry can be considered one of the most undemanding berry plants, it prefers, like raspberries, well-lit areas, but is able to tolerate some dimming. It is less demanding on soil fertility than raspberries. It can be grown on different types of soils, but on fertile, well-drained, moist, not waterlogged soils, light and medium loamy mechanical composition, its yield increases significantly. Due to its deep root system, blackberries are more drought tolerant than raspberries.

Industrial blackberry plantation grown on a trellis

The root system of most blackberry varieties and hybrids penetrates to a meter depth, and the main part of the root is located in the upper 60 cm. Therefore, it is advisable to deep loosen the soil before planting. The calculation of the doses required for fertilization should be done based on the analysis of the soil of each specific area. As the main fertilizer, it is recommended to apply 15-30 t/ha of humus or compost, 100-150 kg/ha of superphosphate, 40-50 kg/ha of potash fertilizers. Fertilizers mix well with the soil. After that, they are introduced after 2-3 years, limited to spring nitrogen feeding at the rate of 20-25 kg of ammonium nitrate or 10-15 kg of urea. In the future, on medium-nutrient soils, 6-8 kg of humus or compost, 50-60 g of ammonium nitrate, 90-100 g of superphosphate and 25-30 g of potash fertilizers are annually applied to one fruit-bearing blackberry bush (preferably without the use of chlorine-containing fertilizers).

The ripening of blackberries is not simultaneous, so the picking of berries is carried out in several steps.

Blackberries can be planted in spring and autumn. In the southern zone with mild winters and warm long autumn, autumn planting is desirable, since the plants have time to take root before the onset of frost, and in the spring they start growing early and develop faster. In the northern regions, planting is carried out in early spring, in order to avoid freezing. Especially dangerous are snowless periods with alternating frosts and prolonged thaws. Landing is carried out in pits, the size of which is determined by the planting material. Seedlings of upright blackberry varieties are placed every 0.8-1 m with a row spacing of at least 1.8-2 m.

Option for fixing blackberry shoots on a trellis

Varieties that grow weakly, when fanned, are placed in rows every 2-2.5 m, formed according to the system of double-sided and one-sided weaving - every 2.5-3.5 m. The distance between rows should be at least 2-2.5 m. Most varieties of blackberries require trellis when cultivating. Typically, a creeping blackberry trellis consists of three wires located at a height of 0.9, 1.2 and 1.5 m.

There are many ways to place plants on trellises. The simplest is the fan formation in one or two directions. The first is used for low-growing varieties, the second - for vigorous ones. The fan method of forming a bush, in which shoots are placed separately, which bear fruit and grow, is used both for creeping blackberries and for upright ones. This formation allows you to increase the distance between the bushes up to 3-3.5 m.

In the first year after planting, young shoots are tied to trellises, directing them obliquely in one direction. in the summer of the second year they will bear fruit. New shoots, as they grow, are tied up and directed in the opposite direction. For upright varieties, the trellis may consist of a lower wire at a height of 0.7-0.8 m and two upper wires at a height of 1.5-1.7 m at a distance of 50 cm from one another. All shoots are located between them, and so that the wire does not diverge, it is fastened at a distance of 2-2.5 m from one another. All side shoots, except those that grow towards the wire, are cut off. Despite the fact that the potential yield is lost, a narrow, neat row of plants is formed. This makes it easier to care for them and harvest.

Supporting structures must be strong to avoid their lodging under the influence of strong winds.

For more intensive use of the land area in the cultivation of creeping blackberries, the vertical formation of stems that bear fruit is also used. In this case, the distance between plants in a row is set to 1.5 m, which makes it possible to double the number of plants per unit area. In each bush, 6-8 fruiting shoots are left, which are placed on a trellis, but almost vertically and close enough to one another. In early spring, the stems are cut at a height of 1.5-1.7 m. The emerging shoots are also temporarily placed on the trellis to the right and to the left of the fruiting stems; next spring, the best of them are tied vertically to the fruiting wire.

Agricultural technology of culture is simple, but has its own characteristics. Blackberries bear fruit on two-year-old shoots, which then die off. After harvesting, they are cut out, removed from the site and burned. Pruning blackberries includes shortening the shoots left for fruiting, removing damaged, underdeveloped shoots. In erect varieties, the stems are shortened in autumn at a height of 1.6-1.8 m; in creeping varieties with tops - at the point of inflection. In May-June, the formation of growing shoots is carried out. Usually 6-8 pieces are left on one bush (or 12-16 pieces per 1 m of a row), removing all underdeveloped ones and those that go beyond the row line. In the future, all emerging shoots when they reach a height of 8-10 cm are cut off. A very important event that increases the yield of the next year is tweezing, or removing the top of the shoot.

Well-developed blackberry plants eventually fill all the space allotted to them.

This technique promotes the awakening of lateral buds, the formation of branches, which leads to an increase in the fruiting zone. Tweezing is a must when growing upright blackberries. In the first year of the life of the shoots, when they reach a height of 90-120 cm, the first pruning of the top is carried out by 7-12 cm. After the growth of the side shoots, they are shortened by 40-50 cm. Such pruning does not allow the shoots to grow very long, makes the bush more compact. In most creeping varieties, the main fruiting zone of berries is formed in the middle part of the shoot. Therefore, the apical ends of the stems can be cut off without the risk of a strong reduction in yield. When removing half or even most of the shoot, the size of the berries often increases.

Blackberries are demanding on moisture, the greatest need for it is after flowering, during the ripening of berries, the optimum soil moisture is 65-70% of the total moisture capacity. To obtain high yields, it is necessary to apply organic and mineral fertilizers, the application volumes should be adjusted in accordance with soil fertility. Blackberries are demanding on soil mulching with organic matter with a layer of 4-5 cm. Cultivation is carried out regularly as needed, and the soil is kept clean from weeds.

The blackberry crop is harvested gradually, in several stages, as the berries ripen. Unlike raspberries, blackberries are almost not deformed during harvesting, they are distinguished by better transportability and are stored longer at zero temperature. After harvesting, the row spacing should be loosened to a depth of 5-10 cm, and water-charging irrigation should be done. Weakly resistant blackberry varieties in the northern regions must be covered for the winter. To do this, before the onset of autumn frosts, the stems are removed from the trellis, tied into bundles and bent to the ground with the help of hooks, then covered with straw, plant debris, earth, etc. In one place, blackberries can grow and bear fruit for up to 15 years.

High quality blackberry fruits obtained in compliance with all elements of technology

Blackberry, in comparison with other fruit, vegetable and berry crops, is one of the few resistant to diseases and pests, capable of producing products that can really be called environmentally friendly, organic. Prelimi 150 to 600 rubles/kg (depending on the implementation period) blackberry production is cost-effective and highly profitable.

Unfortunately, such a valuable berry crop as blackberry has not yet taken its rightful place in the industrial production of berries. In our country, only a few amateur gardeners and enthusiasts have it on their plots, its varietal set is very limited, which is explained by the lack of domestic varieties and a large shortage of planting material of the best varieties of foreign selection. Nursery growers are increasingly turning their attention to this crop and, overcoming all the difficulties of acquiring planting material abroad, have already begun the production of their own seedlings. Therefore, in the coming years, blackberries, as a fairly promising crop, have a great future in Russia.

Undoubtedly, one of the most profitable and promising sectors of the agricultural business is the cultivation of berries for sale. And this is not surprising, because adults and children love tasty and juicy fruits. Moreover, they are useful to our body. Of course, growing berries as a business is a laborious and costly process. But, if you are not lazy, this business can bring good profits.

What berry is best grown in Russian climatic conditions in summer and winter?

To better understand which berry to grow on an industrial scale, it is important to take into account the state of the market and climatic conditions in your area. The main risks in the berry business are the unpredictability of weather conditions and the human factor.

With a well-organized business profitability can reach 40-300% . And, on the contrary, if you underestimate the specifics of growing berries, you can completely go into the "minus".

1. Raspberries

Raspberry so popular for its taste and health benefits that it is grown in many garden plots. It is not particularly picky about soils, it grows on any soil, however, it does not really like salt marshes.

The best conditions for growing raspberries are:

  • sandy soil with mulching (coated in the form of a surface layer of peat or humus);
  • sunlight;
  • moderate humidity.

These indicators must be taken into account when developing a business plan for growing raspberries.

In addition, assuming a business on a grand scale, it would be nice test different varieties plants, choosing from them the most promising with higher profitability in local conditions.

Berry bushes are planted in the north-south direction, with a row spacing of 1.5 meters. Given that this plant is perennial, bushes need to be replaced every 8-10 years, but this is with good care.