How to start a business grapes what variety to plant. Growing grapes in a greenhouse

Grapes contain a huge amount of fructose and glucose. In addition to winemaking, it is widely used in cosmetology and cooking. Viticulture has long been considered a profitable business, however, it is worth noting that this plant is very thermophilic, that is, the regions of the North Caucasus are the most favorable soil for its cultivation in Russia.

In areas where the temperate climate prevails, early varieties of grapes can be grown more or less successfully. In order to successfully grow it, it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature within + 25-30 ° C. If the temperature is lower, then the growing season will be too long, and the early varieties will ripen already during the ripening period of the middle or even late varieties. If the temperature drops to 8-10 ° C within 1.5-2 weeks, there is a possibility of losing the entire crop. Thus, the cultivation of grapes in Russia without the use of cultivation facilities is impractical.

Proper use of greenhouses allows you to grow even southern grape varieties with rich flavors and great appearance.

Benefits of greenhouse cultivation

  1. The quality of greenhouse grapes is much higher than the quality of grapes grown in the open field, due to the fact that it is less affected by pests.
  2. Greenhouse cultivation of grapes does not require the active use of chemicals.
  3. During the cold season, when the overall yield of grapes is reduced, thanks to the use of greenhouses, a high level of cultivation can be maintained.
  4. The use of greenhouses is actually the only way to get a good grape harvest in the northern regions of the country.

Building a greenhouse

Statistics show that the arch type of greenhouse is the most popular for viticulture. In order to fruitfully use the greenhouse throughout the year, it must be built on a foundation. The components of the structure, as a rule, are metal pipes, frames and a profile. Polycarbonate is most commonly used as transparent walls. To avoid wetting the base in the greenhouse, it is necessary to equip a drain.

The price of custom-made greenhouses with an area of ​​100 sq. m. will be about 5-5.5 thousand dollars. If you set out to make it yourself, you can save 2-2.5 thousand dollars, however, for self-construction you need to have quite a lot of experience, otherwise the built greenhouse may not have the necessary characteristics.

Separately, it is worth noting the moment of ventilation. The fact is that the growth of greenhouse plants can stop not only in the event of a decrease in temperature, but also in the event of its strong increase. In particular, at a temperature of about 40 ° C, plants begin to die, since at this temperature various microorganisms are activated that adversely affect plants, therefore, on hot days, the greenhouse must be periodically ventilated.

Today there are two solutions to this problem.

Firstly, you can manually open and close the windows, but this requires increased control.

Secondly, various automated ventilation systems can be used. Their price ranges from 50-100 dollars. However, it is not recommended to completely rely on the mechanism; it is better to use it as a kind of safety net. By the way, automated systems allow you to quite accurately regulate the temperature at which the window will open, as well as the limit of its opening.

All modern ventilation systems have approximately the same principle of operation, which consists in the fact that an oil-filled cylinder expands under the influence of high temperature and pushes out a rod, which in turn opens the window through a system of levers. After the temperature drops, the opposite effect occurs, as a result of which the window is closed.

The second essential point in the arrangement of grape greenhouses is the installation of an irrigation system. Grape greenhouses use a drip irrigation system, the meaning of which is to maintain the optimum level of soil moisture. The daily rate of water should be supplied in at least two or three doses. The cost of such a system will be approximately 100-200 dollars.

grape varieties

Some start-up entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that all varieties of grapes are suitable for greenhouse cultivation. However, statistics show that some varieties, in particular, "December" and "Vostorg", have better performance if grown in open ground.

Greenhouse grape varieties include:

  1. Alphonse Lavalle;
  2. Burmunk;
  3. Zala dende;
  4. Leopold III;
  5. Purple early;
  6. Foster (Greenhouse white);
  7. Frankenthal.

The cost of one grape seedling is $20-30.


A feature of planting vines is that they must be placed at the same distance from each other. Seedlings should be planted along the side walls of the greenhouse.
The most successful time for planting is the period from mid-February to April. You can start about 1.5 months earlier, but for this you need to install an additional greenhouse heating system.

When growing, the following temperature conditions must be observed:

  1. Bud break: in the afternoon - 10-14 ° C; at night - 8-10°C.
  2. Growth and flowering: in the afternoon - 28-30 ° C; at night - 18-20°C.
  3. Rest: During the day - 0-5°C.

Diseases of grapes

Grape bushes, like any other plants, can get sick. To prevent serious consequences, it is necessary to prevent diseases or eliminate them in the early stages. Diseases of grape plants are infectious and non-infectious.

In infectious diseases, healthy grape bushes are infected from plants already infected with viruses, bacteria or fungal pathogens. The danger of infection is that it can lead to the complete loss of seedlings.

These diseases include:

  • Gray rot;
  • Chlorosis;
  • Necrosis;
  • Anthracnose;
  • Cercosporosis;
  • Escoriosis (black spot), etc.

If such diseases are detected, it is advisable to localize and destroy the source of infection, it is also important to observe quarantine.

With non-communicable diseases, there is no chance of infection of new bushes. Such diseases include shedding of berries, rubella, browning of leaves, etc. Their main causes are:

  • External factors;
  • Unfavorable soil conditions;
  • Damage to bushes;
  • Lack of nutrition.

Costs and payback

To start a business for growing grapes in greenhouses, you need about 14-15 thousand dollars, including:

  1. Construction of a greenhouse, warehouse and utility room - 11-12 thousand dollars;
  2. Acquisition of an instrument - 1.5 thousand dollars;
  3. Purchase of seedlings - 1.0 thousand dollars;
  4. Other - 0.5 thousand dollars.

The market value of 1 kg of grapes, depending on the season, ranges from $ 2-6.5. Given the fact that the yield of grapes is about 5 kg / 1 sq. m. The approximate period for the return of the initial investment is about 4-5 years.

The duration of the return on investment in this business is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to sell grapes during the “hot” season, especially if there are no contracts with supermarkets and vegetable shops. During this period, novice winegrowers have to reduce the price of products very much, otherwise the likelihood that it will not be sold at all increases.

More than 820,000 rubles per season can be earned on 20 acres of land and 200 vines! Tatiana's enterprising family, guests of the magazine Reconomica, the seventh year and grows grapes for sale, and sells seedlings. He is also engaged in winemaking, making raisins - a sunny berry gives a lot of opportunities to earn money.

– Viticulture is an art, a well-thought-out strategy and practice, Tatyana is sure, who today shares the history of the family business.

About how they began to grow grapes for sale, about the intricacies of agricultural technology, about the difficulties - Tatyana will tell in detail and with love. She will tell about the costs of laying and maintaining a vineyard, without false modesty she will share income figures. And also - he will give practical advice to those who are looking at making money on the sale of sunny berries.

My name is Svetlana, I am from Ukraine, from the city of Zaporozhye. I will tell you about our family business - about a vineyard that brings good income and joy.

Growing and selling grapes is an art, strategy and practice.

My family is middle-income, but they didn’t think about their own business before. We bought a cottage for barbecue and fishing. And my father felt sorry that the land was disappearing: a sunny plot of 20 acres, a river nearby. On reflection, he decided to grow technical grapes - wine. Why wine? He is unpretentious in care, and we love good wine.

Two families participated in the laying of the vineyard, my husband's and mine, the main participants were my parents, me and my husband. First we planted 10 bushes.

In the early years, 3 kg of grapes were to be obtained from one bush, and up to 20 liters of wine from 30 kg of grapes. Pretty good!

You can also grow table grapes for wine, - we decided, and planted 10 more, then 50 more bushes.

When they were harvesting, they thought: what to do with something? This is how the idea of ​​selling wine and grapes was born.

The art of the winegrower: strategy and practice

The size of the plot allowed growing an average of 200 bushes with a distance between seedlings of 2 m, and between rows of 2.5 m. After 3-4 years, from 20 to 40 kg can be obtained from one bush. The run is great: much depends on the variety, content, methods of formation.

Laying the vineyard: organizing trenches.

Compact planting is also possible - with a shorter distance, with a density of up to 1 × 2.5 m. With the correct organization of the trellis, the method is more productive due to the high yield per unit area. But there are also disadvantages: if, under the usual planting pattern, grapes gain strength by the age of three, when compacted, they already lose it.

The basics of landing

The first years of a vineyard's life are nothing but chores. But they pay off: with proper care, grapes can live up to 60 years.

The main points of planting grapes:

  1. Choosing a place: grapes do not tolerate drafts and excess moisture, loves the sun and warmth.
  2. Before planting, trenches are broken, drainage is laid out, nutrient soil mixture is laid out.
  3. We organized drainage watering - we installed a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm or more. Why drainage? In the first years, the roots cannot reach moisture deep into the soil, and stagnation of water in the root zone leads to diseases.
  4. When planting, the roots of the seedling are straightened, the lateral ones are slightly shortened, covered with soil mixture, watered. The site of the scion should be 3 cm above ground level.
  5. Before planting, a garter support is installed or permanent supports, trellises are organized. This is an art: direction, height, angle of inclination, distance between supports are taken into account.

Planting grapes: planting pit with a drainage pipe.

Without the advice or hands of a specialist, it is better not to undertake the installation of trellises: this is money and seedlings down the drain.

About watering, pruning and rationing

Watering, and also feeding, treating against diseases and pests - there is a lot of work in the vineyard.

We organize drainage watering.

Even four of us to water 200 bushes is difficult. I had to learn all the ways of watering the grapes.

My dad and husband had a lot of fun with experiments in search of the best watering option. Both trenches were dug, and pipes were inserted vertically into drainage pits with rubble.

Drip irrigation was also tested on several rows. The “drop” turned out to be costly, and subsoil irrigation - drainage became optimal.

I'll tell you how to organize it. A trench is dug, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand, a drilled through pipe is laid. The pipe is covered with sand and earth, and the end is brought out above ground level. The system is not suitable for top dressing, but it is easy to irrigate row-spacings and trenches.

Grapes are a delicate matter: it takes too long for beginners to learn from their mistakes.

The basis of the yield and development of the bush is pruning and shaping.

In order not to waste years on experiments, we solved the issue simply: professionals, our friends, were engaged in trimming and shaping.

We didn’t do it for free, but it’s more profitable than losing a bush and crop for free as a result of mistakes. Yes, labor costs should be taken into account.

There are many technicians, they choose the appropriate one for a particular variety, adjusted for soil and climatic conditions.

But varietal characteristics are the main thing: the description of grape varieties often indicates the appropriate pruning method.

Wintering also depends on the method of formation, pruning: by autumn, the wood of the vine should ripen. Vines with unripened wood often freeze under cover.

And about rationing: it is important to ration the harvest. In the first year of fruiting, a couple of bunches are left on young bushes, often one. For what? In order not to "overload" the bush.

The load on the bush is the alpha and omega of productivity. For each variety, it is different - you can also recognize it in any description.

Greed in the grape business is at a loss: an “overloaded” bush will give loose clusters, with small, “goose” berries, which do not ripen well. The bush will give all its strength to fruit formation, it develops slowly, the wood does not ripen by autumn - attacks are possible.

The miser pays twice - the law of viticulture. On young, poorly developed bushes, normalizing pruning is carried out, extra eyes are blinded, and the required number of clusters is left. And the brushes themselves sometimes even cut!

Overloaded vines are prone to disease - we realized this at first when we tried to squeeze the maximum out of the vineyard.

Our varieties: grape conveyor

We settled on 8 varieties and hybrid forms of different ripening periods for the so-called “conveyor line”.

Kish-mish White Flame: incredibly tasty, with a slight “tan”, but whimsical: loves to “pea” and is loved by wasps.

Early table grapes:

  1. Galahad- very early, in the Zaporozhye region ripens by the beginning of August. Frost-resistant, disease resistance is above average. Pleasant sweet taste, not sugary, white color.
  2. - in comparison with Galahard, more picky, but for the sake of taste it is worth the effort.
  3. Catalonia- hybrid form, very early, powerful and persistent. Rich black color, balance of sugar and acid is beyond praise.

Early technical grades:

  • Cabernet Jura- the wine is obtained with the aroma of blackberries;
  • Pinot Tin- wine with a hint of cherry.

Late table grapes:

  • Italy- very tasty, but capricious in care, disease resistance is below average;
  • Red Globe - chic look, but not distinguished by strength and endurance.

Late technical grades:

  • Sangiovese- rich taste creates a lot of shades and a pleasant aftertaste.

Time to sell. Costs and first profit

Instead of gradually expanding the assortment, we quickly began to quickly plant everything. The risk was huge: we were lucky that the seedlings took root, lucky that we chose varieties with good returns.

Cabernet Jura is a Swiss industrial variety. And the wine - with a subtle blackberry aftertaste.

We monitored the reaction to care techniques, tasted, identified varieties with the best return and taste. We fell in love with the work, we understood that the vineyard is a living organism with its own temper and needs.

Once you get into the process, it becomes easier. And when you compare costs and profits, it becomes more fun.

Estimated costs for 200 grape bushes (in ruble equivalent):

  • seedlings - 14,000 rubles;
  • 100 columns - 38,000 rubles;
  • 4 km of wire - 28,000 rubles;
  • fertilizers - 5,000 rubles;
  • organization of irrigation (materials) - 12,000 rubles.

Annual costs:

  • 4 times a year treatment against diseases, pests - 10,000 rubles;
  • trimming, shaping - 14,000 rubles.

Total, 121,000 rubles. required start-up capital.

There are two markets next to us, several grocery stores, but it was not so easy to agree. We first brought products for testing - free of charge.

Our communication skills with dad came to the rescue: polite and smiling sellers are remembered. We were known in the market, they returned to us, they recommended us the matter was moving forward.

We sold grapes and raisins to shops, and wine to the market. Then we quickly realized that we lose at least 20% of our profits on wholesale sales.

We went to the market and agreed to rent a place. The rent cost 2,600 rubles. Here we already felt that “the ice has broken”.

The first profit amounted to 260,000 rubles. Subtract the cost of planting a vineyard, watering, pruning, top dressing, rental costs, plus the cost of wine.

Total: net profit amounted to 130,000 rubles.

We went to this for two years, and we consider the income quite good. During this time, we clearly studied the popular varieties, mastered the nuances of the grape business.

In the third year it was easier, the income was more tangible: on average, they reached 280,000 rubles. Net profit - 210,000 rubles.

Costs have become less (pruning + processing + watering + handymen - 70,000 rubles).

About sales, income and sellers

When we decided to trade ourselves, my father's sister retired and took up selling on the market. Talkative, pleasant, she knows everything and will help everyone: she sees who needs grapes, who needs raisins for the heart, and who needs wine from nerves.

Why am I doing all this? To the fact that the component of success is a good seller.

Meanwhile, the vines grew and grew stronger. From 30 to 40 kg of grapes were harvested from one bush: this is what proper watering and high-quality fertilizers mean.

Not for a second did we spare our time and energy. True, it became more difficult to make wine and deal with raisins on our own: there was no strength left, and it became unprofitable.

The issue of marketing was decided as follows: they found an exit to a wine factory in a neighboring city. It became easier, and the fruits of our efforts were felt more and more.

Our vineyard today

Today the vineyard is in its seventh year. Net profit reaches 820,000 rubles. in season!

Sangiovese is an Italian red grape variety. In Italy, in 1st place in terms of planting area of ​​technical varieties.

Parents work less, hire workers - they can afford it. My husband and I live in another country, thanks to them we were able to fulfill our dream.

Dad is expanding the vineyard: now there are more and more new delicious varieties with good immunity. He is a person with good energy and very diligent. For him, it has always been not only earnings, but also a hobby.

They abandoned wine for some time, and now, when there is more time, they resumed winemaking. The point remained on the market: both the profit is good, and the aunt is in business.

Our grapes also travel to the Sea of ​​Azov - there the grapes go, and the wine “flies away”, they also go to the wine factory in the neighboring city.

Girls who make money cooking at home take it apart for cakes and desserts. They even buy leaves for dolma. Another good source of income is the sale of seedlings.

Conclusion. For novice growers

When laying the vineyard, we did not know what we were getting into. We have made many mistakes - don't let our mistakes become yours.

Hybrid form Galahard (Talisman x Delight), selection of the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V.I. ME AND. Potapenko.

Do not hurry. We planted many seedlings at once, having no experience. It seemed to us that 50 bushes of each variety is not so difficult.

Increase the quantity and assortment gradually, when experience and guaranteed sales appear. Study profitable varieties carefully. And - learn, learn agricultural cultivation. Do not want, once, difficult?

The most effective way is to hire professional growers for strategically important work: trellis organization, shaping, pruning. And the deed is done, and you yourself will learn. Trust me, it pays off!

First of all, look for sales. We were not ready for such volumes, we could not sell everything.

I had to make raisins (out of 20 kg of grapes, only 5 kg of raisins are obtained).

Don't spray. Work in the vineyard, implementation - we did not have so many hands. Wine and raisins take a lot of time and effort, and these are additional costs. Tried to deal with wine vinegar, but it did not work. And they also sold cuttings - they grabbed everything at once. Don't do it!

When we decided not to spray ourselves, but to focus on grapes for wine and food, it became easier. It is necessary to determine the strategy, and then expand the assortment.

Yes, viticulture is a carefully thought-out strategy, calculation of financial resources, organization of the process, self-discipline. And, of course, love for the sunny berry, love for the cause. And - faith in yourself. Optimistic attitude and good luck!

Grapes have long been known for their healing properties. People not only eat it, but also prepare medicines, cosmetics and excellent drinks from it. For commercial purposes, the cultivation of this crop is quite profitable, but painstaking and hard work precedes the receipt of the first tangible income. We will talk in more detail today about how to grow grapes.

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  • 1. Technology of growing grapes
  • 2. How to propagate the culture?
  • 3. Popular varieties for business
  • 4. How to start a grape growing business
  • 5. How much can you earn
  • 6. Starting capital
  • 7. What equipment should be preferred for growing grapes
  • 8. Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • 9. What documents are needed to open
  • 10. Ideal system for taxation
  • 11. Do I need permission to open

The vineyard is always located in a warm and sunny place. The optimal soil for it is light sandy. Usually 2-3 m are left between rows, and not less than 1.5 m between bushes. Rows should be arranged so that they are illuminated as much as possible, preferably from east to west.

A special technology is used already at the stage of planting a plant in a permanent place. Pits are dug, with a pigeon, not less than 80 cm. It is desirable that the width and length be the same. Humus and sand are poured to the bottom, then black soil and wood ash are added. The hole is half filled. The seedling is placed in it at an angle of 45 degrees and again covered with humus, earth and ash. At the end of planting, the bush is watered abundantly.

Correct pruning is extremely important for the culture. There are many guides on the correct formation of bushes. They need to be studied, but in practice, even a thorough study of the theory does not guarantee a novice gardener from making mistakes. Annual timely pruning will provide indispensable practical experience, which will ensure financial success.

For the winter, most grape varieties require shelter or wrapping. Reliable frost protection will ensure the formation of a larger number of fruit ovaries.

There are several ways to propagate this plant. They are chosen depending on the variety, region of growth and the preferences of the entrepreneur.

Not many people know how to grow grapes from seed. This method is rarely used because it takes a long time for the plant to reach seedling size. Seedlings are very weak and whimsical. The slightest mistake in care can lead to the death of the plant. In addition, the seed of a berry does not always take on the properties of an adult plant. As a result, the result may be obtained, which the entrepreneur did not expect at all.

The most proven and therefore popular way is growing grapes from cuttings. In autumn, during pruning, a healthy vine is selected, the diameter of which is 8-12 mm and cut into segments, about 60 cm long. The stalk must contain at least 5 buds. It is cut at an angle at the bottom, the sections are wrapped in paraffin or wax. Planting material is stored in a plastic bag in a cool place until February. Storage temperature should not exceed 5 degrees above zero.

This is followed by a long and painstaking process of rooting cuttings. You can read about its features on specialized resources on viticulture. In the same place, experienced specialists give advice on growing grapes from chibouks.

There are varieties of grapes for amateur cultivation and for commercial cultivation. Best for business:

  • Arcadia. White berry that ripens in 115-120 days. A bunch weighs on average about 0.5 kg, and in some cases it can reach 2 kg. The yield and taste of the variety are at their best, but the berries must be sold on the day of harvest, as they are poorly stored and cannot stand long-term transportation. This is the most popular variety on the market.
  • Laura is the second most popular commercial variety. Positive qualities are good transportability and taste. The yield is slightly lower than that of Arcadia, mainly due to poor pollination of the bushes.
  • Kishmish is radiant. It is one of the seedless grape varieties. Clusters of fragrant berries can weigh more than 600 g. The variety is quite demanding on care and the level of agricultural technology.
  • Kodryanka. The berry ripens quite quickly, but can remain on the bushes for a long time. Dark purple berries can shrink, so the bushes require timely feeding.
  • Hope AZOS. An unusually high yielding variety. Ripens simultaneously with most varieties of this crop. It is well transported and keeps a trade dress.
  • After mastering the agricultural technology of growing grapes, you can do no less exciting business - winemaking. Homemade high-quality wine can bring an entrepreneur no less income than the sale of a fresh product. When cultivating grapes, one must remember that he responds with gratitude to painstaking and hard work, in the form of good harvests that bring considerable income to the entrepreneur.

    video code

    Before you engage in business related to the cultivation of grapes, it is necessary to solve all organizational issues. First you must determine the form of activity. Naturally, if this is a small number of vineyards, then it is advisable to issue an IP. After you have completed this stage, you can begin to search for the land on which you plan to grow grapes. Once the plot of land is ready for planting, you should start buying the most suitable varieties of grapes for the business and special fertilizers and equipment that are needed in this process.

    When planting about 10 thousand grape bushes, literally in 4 years you can get a full-fledged harvest, which will subsequently be sold on the market. On average, about 100 kg of ripe grapes are collected from the 1st bush. If you take 10 thousand bushes, then the harvest can be about 100 tons, and in some cases even more. When selling this amount of harvested grapes, profitability in 4 years will be about 2 million rubles, which will fully recoup all costs.

    Starting a grape growing business is not possible without initial capital, which should be about 50-60 thousand rubles. These funds will be enough to equip the land, purchase all the seedlings and fertilizers. It is also additionally necessary to calculate the cost of renting a land plot, which will require an additional about 10 thousand rubles.

    In the event that you are faced with a grape growing business not on an open land plot, but in a greenhouse, then first of all you should take care of acquiring good greenhouses. In addition, for this type of activity, you must have the following equipment, among which there must be devices for lighting and heating, as well as a special system that provides drip irrigation for vineyards.

    The grape growing business provides for the use of the OKVED code 01.13.1, which provides not only for the growing process, but also for the possibility of further wine production.

    To open a business related to the cultivation of different varieties of grapes in greenhouses, you need to prepare the following documents:

    • IP registration;
    • Notarized application;
    • Document confirming the payment of state duty;
    • Personal information about the entrepreneur.

    Among the various taxation systems for this type of grape growing activity, one should choose a single agricultural tax, which provides for payment to the state of 6%.

    To start this type of activity, you do not need to obtain licenses and certificates.

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    Today's business idea is best suited to rural residents who own a lot of land. Yes, the main component of this business is the land. And the more it is, the better it is, the better. We will talk about grapes, their cultivation, harvesting, processing and subsequent sale. We will tell you how to turn an ordinary plot of land into a prosperous and promising business that will delight and provide for more than one generation of your family. Yes, your own can be a great business idea. We will talk about it in today's material. Let's start.

    What do you need to implement this business idea?

    First of all, decide on the location of your future vineyard. As you already understood, you need a large plot of land. This may be the area near your house or cottage. You can also rent a large plot of land in the field and organize a vineyard there. Of course, even in this case, it is better not to rent, but to buy the land as a property. After all, growing grapes is a long-term business that will bring the first fruits only after one, two or three years.

    It is worth noting that grapes are a heat-loving crop. Therefore, it grows best and gives the greatest yield in warm regions. But you can successfully grow grapes in the middle lane and even in the northern regions. True, it is necessary to build greenhouses with artificial heating and air conditioning. Yes, these are additional costs. But you can't do without it in cold regions.

    The soil on which the vineyard is located largely determines the quality and taste of the future harvest. Even famous French and Italian winemakers agree that it is the soil that plays a decisive role in the future taste of wine. Limestone, sandy, peaty soils will give completely different grapes. Not all winemakers agree with this point of view, but even they believe that the composition of the soil plays an important role in growing grapes.

    You can read about different types of soil, as well as technologies for growing grapes in the relevant literature. It would not be difficult for us to describe all this in this material. Not at all. And we would gladly do it, if not for one "but". It's just that this topic is so voluminous that it cannot be contained within the framework of one article. Not every book can accommodate all these technologies. Moreover, new ways are constantly emerging that promise to give an even greater harvest. Therefore, this item is left for you to study on your own.

    There are many technologies. As well as the purposes of growing grapes. Some of you dream of selling fresh fruits and making good money on it. Others dream of setting up their own small fresh juice factory. Still others will even aim at the wine market and open a small winery.

    The next step after soil preparation is the purchase of grape seedlings. It is best to purchase this product not somewhere in the local market from dubious sellers, but in a trusted place. For example, other entrepreneurs involved in vineyards. Just choose those that do not work in your area. Nobody likes competitors. Grape varieties should be chosen based on goals. Some varieties are suitable for obtaining tasty marketable fruits, others for making juices, and still others for making fine wines. It makes sense to buy seedlings abroad. Then you have a chance to become the only player on the market offering customers unique grape varieties. And this is a serious advantage.

    Grape seedlings are planted in autumn or spring. These are the best periods when there is every chance that the grapes will take root and give a good harvest in a few seasons. After 1-3 years, one grape bush can produce up to 50 kg of berries. A five-year bush can bring about 80-100 kg of crop.

    Now count how many hundreds of tons of berries you can collect even from your own land located at the house? Given the average cost of one kilogram of grapes - about 150 rubles - you can approximately calculate the potential income. One bush can bring up to 15,000 rubles per season. And if there are several hundred such bushes?

    Of course, you need to consider the cost of fertilizing the soil, the wages of workers (during the harvest), etc. But, in any case, growing grapes is a very promising and profitable business. In addition, you will always have enough fresh and tasty berries on your table. So to speak, a double benefit.

    Sales of finished products

    Fresh grapes can be sold through your own network of outlets, through partnerships with local supermarkets and fruit shops, through your friends and relatives (no one has canceled word of mouth). It would also be nice to place ads on the Internet and create thematic groups on social networks. You can also work with juice and wine factories. Good ingredients are always in demand. Well, another option is to use these resources for our own production of juices and wines. The choice is yours. We wish you a successful business!

    Grapes are one of the most popular types of berries that are presented in our food markets. This business is seasonal, unless, of course, greenhouses are used, but at the same time it is profitable and requires little labor to organize it. A huge number of grape varieties allows you to work in the market even with high competition, since you can grow and sell unique varieties of this berry.

    In the grape business, it is very important to find markets. You should not limit yourself to selling grapes at the local grocery market, as an option, you can agree on its sale to juice factories, grocery stores, or to nearby wineries.

    It is most profitable to sell grapes in the off-season, since its price is higher during this period, but this can only be realized when building greenhouses, and during the season prices on the market fall, but at the same time, this berry is bought the most.

    Site selection and soil preparation

    The first thing you need to start organizing a vineyard is the selection and marking of a place for planting it. The best place to grow is considered sunny areas that are not covered by large trees. Shading leads to a decrease in yields, which in turn will affect profits. Sandy soils are most suitable for planting grapes.

    For markup under the buttonhole, you need to focus on the following values. The distance between the rows of grapes is about 2-3 m. The indentation of one bush from another in a row is about 1.5-2 m. Such parameters must be observed so that the grapes do not obscure neighboring bushes.

    Typically, planting pits are 0.8m x 0.8m x 0.8m in size. When digging, the soil is sorted, so, for example, the fertile topsoil is poured separately, and clay and loam separately. We will subsequently use the first type of soil to fill the pit.

    Usually, the preparation of pits for planting grapes is carried out in advance, approximately 2 to 3 weeks before planting seedlings.

    All pits are filled with a substrate of fertilizers and other additives that provide high soil fertility. After that, the pit is abundantly watered with water so that the soil sits a little.

    How to plant grapes outdoors

    Planting grapes involves a whole technological process, which subsequently ensures a high yield of the plantation. So, let's talk in more detail about the substrate and its components, since many novice businessmen are interested in this issue.

    First, sand and humus are poured into the bottom of the pit, and somewhere around 2 buckets of earth mixed with 1 liter. wood ash. The last component provides the soil with useful trace elements. Then it's all mixed. At the same time, you should have about half of the hole filled. Next, a layer of 10 - 15 cm from the fertile soil, on which the seedling is installed and sprinkled with earth. Further, to the top, the space is filled with earth, humus, sand and ash. After that, it is plentifully watered with water about 2 buckets.

    The seedling itself is usually set at an angle in the direction of the supporting structures. Usually, such structures are a metal profile located at a distance of about 3 meters from each other. A wire is stretched between the profile, with a step of about 40 cm between rows. The posts themselves are installed in pits to a depth of about 0.8 - 1 m and can be slightly concreted to create a more stable structure.


    As you can see, the grape business implies that its owner has specialized knowledge, since otherwise you can get only a part and not 100% of the yield of a particular variety.

    In the full cycle of caring for this plant, you can include:

    • watering, especially on hot days, it is advisable to wet the soil.
    • soil loosening. For the best effect from watering, you can loosen the top level of the soil a little, especially if you have clay soil.
    • pruning grapes, it is done to reduce the load on the bush and with this technology, the grapes bear fruit in large clusters.
    • processing of leaves and grape bushes themselves for the prevention of plant diseases.
    • obligatory preparation for the winter period.

    Growing grapes in greenhouses

    What you need to know about the greenhouse version of this business? It has a number of differences and advantages, but at the same time it requires large financial investments and maintenance costs for the greenhouse.

    The business of growing grapes in greenhouses requires the purchase and installation of a greenhouse complex, which includes:

    • actually the greenhouse itself with a ventilation system.
    • drip irrigation system, powered for example from a barrel.
    • equipment of the greenhouse with lighting fixtures;
    • installation and installation of heating devices.

    Here are the main temperature indicators that should be provided for the most optimal cultivation of grapes:

    • during the period of kidney formation - during the day 10 - 15 degrees, at night - 8 - 10 degrees.
    • during the growing season - during the day 22 - 27 degrees, at night - 14 - 16 degrees.
    • during the ripening of berries - during the day 28 - 30 degrees, at night - 18 - 20 degrees.

    As you can see, grapes are a heat-loving plant and it will be necessary to spend a lot of money on heating to keep it in a greenhouse, so this business, even in a greenhouse, usually starts around April to minimize the cost of its maintenance.

    The best grape varieties for the market

    When drawing up a business plan, you will have to choose among a huge number of different types of grapes. First of all, you need to choose the varieties that are most popular among buyers. Also, do not forget to consider whether these varieties are adapted to our climatic conditions.

    Here is a list of the most suitable grape varieties for outdoor cultivation:

    • Arcadia. These are white grapes with clusters of 500 - 700 grams. Ripens within 115 - 120 days. Sells very well in grocery markets.
    • Laura. White grapes with bunches 600 - 800 grams. Ripening time - 110 - 115 days. Characterized by high productivity.
    • Kishmish seedless. Pink grapes have a bunch size of 200 - 600 grams. Ripens - 125 - 130 days. Great view for trading grapes in the market.
    • Kodryanka. Purple berries with clusters 400 - 600 grams. I mature over a period of 110 days. This variety tolerates transportation well, while maintaining a good presentation.

    The first two types of grapes can also be grown in greenhouse conditions.

    In greenhouses, the following varieties are also additionally bred:

    • Song. White grapes with large clusters up to 1 kg. Ripens about 107 days.
    • Bulgaria sustainable. Grapes of an amber hue, ripens somewhere in 120 days.
    • Transparent. Yellow grapes with Muscat taste, ripening period - 115 days.
    • frankenthal. Black berries with a pleasant taste. Ripens within 150 days.

    Conclusions. Grape business is a very promising topic that allows an entrepreneur to work out various markets for products, and the demand for this product is very high. But to grow this berry in a business format, you will need to study the characteristics of different grape varieties, determine the optimal planting technology and follow the correct plant care regimen.

    Have something to add? We are waiting for practical advice and comments from the owners of farms in which this berry is grown, which will be useful for beginners.