Repair of offshore underwater pipelines.

22. The Government of the Russian Federation, with the participation of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, interested federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations, ensure the holding of scientific and practical conferences and other events on the implementation of state policy in the field of combating corruption.

a) with the participation of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, prepare a draft federal law providing for the inclusion of persons performing organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions in business companies, whose shares in the authorized capital are directly or indirectly (through one or more legal entities) is owned by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the list of officials provided for in the notes to Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Submit a report on the results of the implementation of this subparagraph by November 1, 2018;

Next time, leading industry companies, representatives of government and the scientific community will gather to exchange views in St. Petersburg on October 2-5, 2018 as part of the International Exhibition and Conference on Shipbuilding and the Development of High-Tech Equipment for the Development of the Continental Shelf Offshore Marintec Russia 2018.

Today, RAO/CIS Offshore has received international recognition, along with the largest events of a similar theme in Aberdeen, Stavanger, Houston and Baku, has taken a firm place in the calendar of offshore oil and gas conferences and is the central industry event of a national and global scale.

Workshop: Russia went offshore

The reform of the taxation of hereditary property also came in handy for Russian families whose property is registered with foreign companies. Previously, it was possible to legally avoid tax when inheriting shares of non-resident companies only by registering them during the lifetime of the testator on a trust or family fund. Starting this year, you can add an heir to the register of offshore shareholders without fear of tax sanctions. And the law on currency regulation and control, which came into force in 2004, does not provide for licensing procedures on the part of the state when acquiring shares in the amount of $150,000 per year.

Having abolished the gift tax, the legislators simultaneously introduced an amendment to the Tax Code, according to which real estate, vehicles, shares, shares, shares transferred as a gift are subject to personal income tax at a rate of 13% from January 1, 2006. So, antiques, currency values, etc. have disappeared from the old list of taxable gifts. Other gifts, as before, are not subject to taxation if the donor is an individual. The provision remains unchanged, according to which gifts received by citizens from organizations or individual entrepreneurs with a value of not more than 2,000 rubles are not subject to income tax.

13th International Exhibition and Conference on the development of oil and gas resources of the Russian Arctic and the continental shelf of the CIS countries

The RAO/CIS Offshore forum has been held in the northern capital since 1993 and is currently a key national platform for discussing issues and making decisions in the development of oil and gas fields on the Russian shelf and the integrated development of offshore hydrocarbon production.

Strengthening the resource potential of Russia in the Arctic, the possibilities of domestic industry and the creation of production clusters, environmental and industrial safety, state support for global energy projects and the expansion of business ties - these and many other issues are on the agenda of the upcoming event.

New Year 7527 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple as a connection of times

Summers (years) of the beginning of 144-year cycles: . 7377. 7521, ... Then the keys for the calculations are the last years of the cycles: . 7376, 7520 ... To check this according to the table of Chislobog's Circle, for example, at the beginning of the onset of the new Slavic era of the Wolf under the auspices of the god Veles, you need to add 5508 to the year from the Nativity of Christ (before the Autumn Equinox) and subtract 7376 from the received (2012 + 5508 \u003d 7520-7376 \u003d 144) We get Summer 144.

Right now, the top management of our country has a very bad choice. If they follow the order, they will be left without a country, and they have no personal guarantees even in theory. They are of no use to anyone but themselves. In principle, they are not needed here either. Bearing in mind those who hold a specific control in their hands, therefore there can be only one, two or three of them in a corporation, and no more ...

Pavel Grudinin: Offshore capital has no place in strategic enterprises

What is it for? After all, the excitement caused by the publication in the United States of the “Kremlin list” has subsided. The Russian "elite" even cheered up a little: they say, the Yankees are only capable of compiling an already well-known list of 210 high-ranking officials and oligarchs. And since there were no sanctions, it seemed that the storm had passed. Meanwhile, I would not underestimate our sworn friends. They are great masters of strangling the victim in a "friendly" embrace.

So the carefree life in foggy Albion seems to have come to an end. So the current government has taken care to save the assets of the oligarchs, who may fall under the blow of English legislation. It is clear that offshore is no longer a quiet, reliable backwater. However, even in this case, the oligarchs are in no hurry to return capital to the Russian Federation, hoping to maintain the usual profitability of their holdings.

Economic security as a mechanism for improving business efficiency

  • Ways to collect information. Systematization of work on collecting information about the counterparty. Information provided by the counterparty itself. Obtaining information from the counterparty's website
  • Obtaining official information from state bodies and registration organizations. Review of official websites of state bodies and information resources presented on them. The use of software systems for collecting and analyzing information (SPARK, Integrum, etc.)
  • Getting informal information. gray databases. Specialized resources by industry and territory. Use of Internet Information Resources for Competitive Intelligence Tasks. Work in chats, blogs, live magazines and other information arrays. Working with the invisible part of the Internet (Internet intelligence)
  • International information resources for collecting and analyzing information on the counterparty. Collection of information on offshore companies. Ways to calculate the ultimate beneficiary
  • Collection of information by operational methods. Conversations with employees and other ways of obtaining information using the "human factor". Motivation of a person for the transfer (disclosure) of information. Visual observation, inspection of premises and terrain
  • Information analysis methods. Overview of automated information systems (AIS) used in enterprises. What can and what are AIS used for. Application of AIS for financial analysis of the company. Formation of corporate databases
  • Algorithm for determining the reliability of counterparties - legal entities and individuals. Formation of a matrix for checking the organization, depending on the amount of the transaction, prepayment and other conditions. Application of the Due Diligence Method in Company Valuation
  • Assessment of the counterparty in terms of tax risks. The concept of "due diligence" in relationships with counterparties. Corruption risks. Threat of conflict of interest and affiliation of employees with counterparty representatives
  • Analysis of the constituent documents of the organization from the position of security. Analysis of attributes and corporate identity. Assessment of the possibility of crisis situations in the company's activities based on statistical methods. Application in practice of empirical laws
  • Types of companies pursuing illegal goals. Forecasting the reliability of organizations based on "raster signs of danger". Formation of partner reliability ratings
  • Security analysis of commercial offers and contracts. Study of the project initiators, their interests and business reputation. Verification of representatives. Studying the mechanism of making a profit. Analysis of the first contact. Behavioral aspects in identifying an unreliable partner

Treasury - a tool for effective company cash management Who is a treasurer? Treasurer's relationship with the cash manager and chief financial officer. Sample Job Description Key Functions of the Treasury Is Treasury a Profit Center or a Cost Center?

What will change in 2018: taxes, insurance premiums, reporting, accounting and a new fee

  • companies on UTII (except for retail and catering);
  • IP on a patent (except for retail and public catering);
  • companies and individual entrepreneurs on UTII and a patent in the field of retail and catering, if they do not have employees;
  • Individual entrepreneurs who trade through vending machines and do not hire workers;
  • Individual entrepreneurs who refuse services and issue strict reporting forms (except for businessmen with employees from the catering sector)

A tax deduction can be received in the amount of no more than 90% of the costs of purchasing fixed assets worth more than 100,000 rubles related to the third - seventh depreciation groups. The deduction also includes expenses for the completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, and technical re-equipment of the OS.

Rao sis offshore 2019 venue

In accordance with the amendments made by Law No. 33-FZ of February 19, 2018 to the provisions of Federal Law No. 140-FZ, any individual who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen or a stateless person has the right to submit a special declaration within the period from March 1, 2018 to February 28, 2019.

The information contained in a special declaration, as well as the very fact of filing an updated declaration, cannot be the basis for conducting a desk or on-site inspection. It is a tax secret and is not used as evidence. Disclosure of information specified in a special declaration is prohibited by law (Article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Course, seminar, training Logistics and foreign trade manager

  • Procurement, production and distribution logistics, their essence and tasks
  • Inventory inventory
  • Supply service at the enterprise. The "make or buy" problem in supply chain logistics. The task of choosing a supplier. Classification of costs associated with procurement activities. Stages of formation of the cost of purchased goods and services. Material and transport and procurement costs, features of accounting and write-offs. Ways to reduce procurement costs, functional cost analysis in supply logistics. Supply lever. Options for the economic justification of strategic decisions in supply logistics

Professional experience: Leading business coach, business coach, teacher-consultant FBK School of Economics and Law (2004 – 2008). Lecturer, senior lecturer at the university (Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow Institute of Economics and Law, Russian State Social University, Moscow Academy of Finance and Law) (1999 –2004). Lecturer, College for the Training of Social Workers No. 327 (1997-2002).

What is the Green Card Lottery in the USA (DV-2019) and how to fill out the application form without errors

After winning, you will have to pass an interview at the embassy, according to the results of which you will be given or not given a Green Card. There is no need to worry about a bad outcome - collect all the documents, prepare for the interview and everything will be fine. I hope this site will help you with this.

An important point - you do not have to pay money to participate in the lottery. If you are offered to pay for participation, they want to deceive you or cash in on you. Below I will provide links to official sites where you need to fill out a questionnaire. You need to pay any money only after winning - this is payment for an interview and some other information.

Pension reform: What awaits Russia after Putin's words

M.D. If there is political will. If we want us to get out of the permanent system of modernization of pension provision, that is, we have been doing this every 2 years over the past 10 years, we will adopt some kind of normative act that tactically solves the problem that is acute today. But since the problem is not solved systematically, every 2 years we return to this. Now we have five years.

M.D. The President is now in charge of what will happen. He showed that he deeply analyzed the issues, and, of course, the positions that he voiced in his speech regarding the current situation with demography, regarding the problems with the solidarity system in which we live, show that before he came out with this statement, he has done a great deal of personal work on this subject, delving deep into it.


Location: Smolny Assembly Hall
Address: St. Petersburg, Smolny proezd, building 1


Arrival of participants

Access to Smolny is carried out according to pre-formed lists.
You must show your passport when entering the building.


Plenary session(speech and discussion)

The meeting is accompanied by simultaneous translation.

Konstantin Vasilievich SIMONOV,
Director General of the National Energy Security Fund

Arkady Vladimirovich DVORKOVICH,
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (invited)

Igor Nikolaevich ALBIN,
Vice Governor of St. Petersburg

Alexey Emilievich KONTOROVICH,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on geology and development of oil and gas fields

Andrey Nikolaevich SHISHKIN,
Vice President of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC

Meeting participants:

Kirill Valentinovich MOLODTSOV,
Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

Evgeniy Arkadyevich KISELEV,
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use

Valery Alexandrovich GOLUBEV,
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom

Andrey Nikolaevich PATRUSHEV,
Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft PJSC

Ilya Emmanuilovich MANDRIK,
Vice President of PJSC Lukoil

Niels Andreas MASVI,
Vice President DNV GL AS

Evgeny Nikolaevich ZAGORODNY,
Vice President for Civil Shipbuilding, United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC

Director of Oil Exploration, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

13:00-13:30 The ceremony of awarding the winners of the first prize of the competition of the Ministry of Energy of Russia

Transfer from Smolny to Mikhailovsky Manege

A bus transfer will be organized for the participants of the event.
Start of departure of buses - 13:00 hours,
end - 14:15 hours.
The landing site will be announced later.


Official opening ceremony of the exhibition.
Tour of the exposition by officials

Location: Mikhailovsky Manege


The ceremony of awarding the winners of the second and third prizes of the competition of the Ministry of Energy of Russia

Location: Mikhailovsky Manege
Address: St. Petersburg, Manezhnaya sq., 2




Vadim Viktorovich RYBALCHENKO, PJSC Gazprom, Head of Department

Marat Faritovich NURIEV, PJSC Gazprom, Deputy Head of Department

Valery Dmitrievich KAMINSKY, VNIIOkeangeologiya, General Director

Vitaly Vladimirovich LITVIN, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC, Deputy General Director for Geology

Responsible secretaries:

Representative of Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Location: Pushkin Hall, Grand Hotel Europe



Geological and economic efficiency of exploration work on the shelf and land of Russia in 2012-2014

Viktor Petrovich ORLOV, Russian Geological Society


Current state and prospects for the development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic shelf

Oleg Ivanovich SUPRUNENKO, VNIIOkeangeologia


Resource potential and directions of geological exploration within the central part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Alexander Petrovich AFANASENKOV, VNIGNI


The current state and prospects for the use of 3D seismic surveys in geological exploration for hydrocarbons on the shelf of the Russian Federation

Mikhail Borisovich SERGEEV, SKF GEO LLC


Calculation of resources and reserves of especially valuable components of oils and gas condensates in the Arctic of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YNAO) and the continental shelf of the Kara Sea

Ivan Ivanovich NESTEROV, Tyumen Industrial University, Scientific and Educational Center, ZSF IPGG SB RAS


Break (coffee)


Modern Airborne Geophysical Surveys on the Russian Arctic Shelf: Technology and Informative Content

Alexey Leonidovich MEISNER, JSC GNPP Aerogeofizika


Prospects for the development of the resource base of OOO Gazpromneft-Sakhalin on the continental shelf

Vasily ANANEV, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC


Prospects for oil and gas potential of the lower structural level of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk region

Alexander DZYUBLO, Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin


Gennady Ivanovich IVANOV, OJSC MAGE


Tasks and directions of oil and gas exploration in the Arctic waters

Antonina V. STUPAKOVA, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

12:45-13:00 Discussion

Break (lunch)


Alexander Alexandrovich KREMENETSKY, FSUE "IMGRE"


Raw material base of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Russian Arctic and the continental shelf. Development prospects



Peculiarities of Ice and Hydrometeorological Support of Seismic Surveys on the Shelf of the Arctic Seas

Evgeny Uarovich MIRONOV, AARI


Iceberg threats in the Arctic: from study to management

Alexander Ivanovich DANILOV, AARI


Large-scale mechanics of deformation and destruction of sea ice; field research

Viktor Nikolaevich SMIRNOV, AARI

15:45-16:00 Discussion

Break (coffee)


Creation of a drilling complex based on an underwater carrier for geological exploration on the Arctic shelf

Andrey Alexandrovich ASTASHOV, ZAO TsNII SM


Unified System for Information Support for the Security of Economic Activities on the Arctic Shelf (ESIO-Shelf)

Valery Bronislavovich MITKO, Arctic Academy of Sciences


Resource and environmental support for the implementation of the second stage of gasification of the Kamchatka Territory

Vadim Dmitrievich DMITRIEV, Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts


Experience in developing a training program "Operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAS) of small and medium class (weighing up to 30 kg) for the fuel and energy complex

Valery Alekseevich KONURKIN, IPK TEK



Location: Roof Hall, Grand Hotel Europe

Session 1 Projects for the development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic shelf.

Session 2 Projects for the development of oil and gas on the coast of the Arctic zone using the offshore transportation scheme.

Session 3. Projects for the development of oil and gas fields on the continental shelf of the western, eastern and southern seas of Russia.

Session 4. Projects for the development of oil and gas fields on the continental shelf of the CIS countries.


Andrey FILIPPOV, PJSC Gazprom, First Deputy Head of the Department

Vladimir Mikhailovich RABKIN, PJSC Gazprom, Head of Department

Dmitry Sergeevich PRISHCHEPO, Gazprom Neft PJSC, Head of the Production Division of the Offshore Production Department

Andrey Vladimirovich SUETINOV, OOO Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Chief Engineer - First Deputy General Director

Per Olav MOSLET, DNV GL AS, Chief Engineer

Prahoro Yulianto NURCAHYO, Senior Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia

Representative of NK Rosneft

Executive Secretary:

Oksana Lvovna ARKHIPOVA, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Deputy Head of Laboratory

Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Venue: Roof Hall, Grand Hotel Europe

09:30-09:45 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

The main aspects of the design of the facility "Arrangement of the Kamennomysskoe-Sea gas field"

Garry Oganov, Krasnoyarskgazprom neftegazproekt LLC


On the calculation assessment of the stability and deformations of pile structures of ice protection structures

Vyacheslav Borisovich GLAGOVSKII, VNIIG im. B.E. Vedeneev"


Development of minimally efficient fields using advanced technologies for platforms with stretched supports

Prahoro Yulianto NURCAHYO, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia


Features of the interaction of ice formations with ice-resistant structures intended for the development of the Kamennomysskoye deposit

Irina Lvovna BLAGOVIDOVA, JSC Central Design Bureau Coral


Participation of the enterprises of JSC "USC" of Severodvinsk in the construction of marine equipment for the Arctic shelf

Vladimir Stanislavovich ERMAKOV, Zvezdochka CS JSC


Break (coffee)


Influence of the results of engineering-geological surveys on the efficiency of the design decisions made in the arrangement of the offshore technological complex (MTC)

Alexey Alekseevich NOVIKOV, OOO Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk


Seasonal Variability of Tides in the Gulf of Ob under the Influence of Ice Cover

Gennady Nikolaevich VOINOV, AARI


Comprehensive optimization of field development at the conceptual design stage

Dmitry A. MITRUSHKIN, MIPT Engineering Center for Hard-to-Recover Minerals


Benefits of the Integrated Contracting Model (IEPCI) for Offshore Development

Timothy John CROME, TechnipFMC


Predictive Diagnostics - as a key to improving the efficiency of the implementation of subsea production projects in the Arctic

Maria BULAKH, Aker Solutions AS


Modular solutions - a way to increase project efficiency

Dmitry V. KOKORIN, Siemens


Design and calculation of the working process of an oil platform in arctic conditions

Vyacheslav Anvardzhanovich SARYMSAKOV, BSTU "Voenmekh" named after A.I. D.F.Ustinova


Break (lunch)


Kirill Andreevich KOLGANOV, JSC NPO OKB im. M.P. Simonov"


Russian offshore gas turbine unit for use on oil and gas platforms

Sergey Eduardovich KOROTKEVICH, UEC-Gas Turbines JSC


Standardized Subsea Development Solutions

Egil TVEIT, TechnipFMC


Research and development of SPbGMTU for the Arctic program

Gleb Andreevich TURICHIN, SPbGMTU


Realism of Forecasts of the Volumes of Maritime Transportation of Mineral Raw Materials from the Arctic Deposits


PJSC TMK's Innovative Solutions for the Development of Arctic Offshore Fields

Sergei Gennadyevich CHIKALOV, PJSC TMK


Break (coffee)


Experience in transport and logistics support for the Prirazlomnoye project. New challenges and perspectives

Andrey Yurievich SARYCHEV, Gazprom Neft PJSC


The concept of an LNG plant on gravity concrete bases for the Arctic region. Possibilities for localization

Andrew LOOSE


Repair of underwater pipelines

Igor KOPSOV, TechnipFMC


Possibilities of PJSC SZ "Severnaya Verf" in the construction of promising vessels for the transportation of liquid hydrocarbons in the conditions of the Arctic shelf

Konstantin Yuryevich SKUPYAK, PJSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf



09:30-09:45 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Repair of offshore underwater pipelines

Viktor Viktorovich LESHCHENKO, NTC Neftegazdiagnostika LLC


Construction of exploration well No. 1 at the Ayashsky license area in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Alexey Mikhailovich FADEEV, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC


Ice-resistant semi-submersible drilling rig for the Arctic

Gennady Bronislavovich KRYZHEVICH, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


Monitoring of the technical condition of an offshore ice-resistant platform by vibration criterion


Modern offshore equipment for offshore projects

Lev Vladimirovich Sysoev, MORDRAGA LLC


Break (coffee)


An integrated approach to the development of maritime transportation projects in the Arctic

Arto UUSKALLIO, Aker Arctic Technology


Preliminary assessment of the export of oil from the Khatanga region along the Northern Sea Route by an Arctic tanker of the AFRAMAKS class

Alexey A. SHTREK, Aker Arctic Technology LLC


Modern capabilities of PJSC "MMK" for the production of rolled products for the development of oil and gas resources of the Russian Arctic and the continental shelf of the CIS countries

Sergey Vladimirovich DENISOV, PJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works"


Creation of an aviation radio-electronic complex for ensuring the safety of the Northern Sea Route and coastal territories through the implementation of the developments of OAO TsNPO Leninets



Application of electric heating systems in marine environments

Kirill Vladimirovich YAKIMOVICH, Pentair Rus LLC


Break (lunch)


Subsystem of hydrometeorological monitoring to ensure uninterrupted performance of marine operations

Konstantin Grigorievich SMIRNOV, AARI


Kvaerner's approach to offshore projects without deviation from plan and budget

Axel TORSDAL, Kvaerner LLC


On the importance of a multidisciplinary integrated approach to the conceptual design of offshore structures

Hilde OSTLUND, Kvaerner Ltd.


Development of a methodology for determining local ice loads on fixed offshore platforms based on test results in an ice test basin

Anatoly Vladimirovich ALEKSANDROV, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


Study of changes in technological indicators of the development of the Kirinskoye field when refining the hydrodynamic model

Anna Evgenievna STOROZHEVA, Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin


Equipment and services for offshore fields

Nikolay Vasilyevich STRIZHOV, OILTEAM Company LLC


Discussion. Closing remarks by the co-chairs


Break (coffee)


Round table sponsor:


Session 1 Localization of the production of offshore oil and gas equipment at the plants of the Russian Federation.

Session 2 Technical means for drilling offshore oil and gas wells.


Alexey Ivanovich NOVIKOV, PJSC Gazprom, Deputy Head of Department

Alexander Yakovlevich MANDEL, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC, Advisor to the General Director

Oleg Yakovlevich SOCCHNEV, PJSC NK Rosneft, Deputy Director of the Department of Scientific and Technical Development and Innovation

Igor Vyacheslavovich SHAKALO, USC JSC, Director of the Civil Shipbuilding Department

Valery Viktorovich BORODIN, JSC "PO "Sevmash", head of production of marine equipment for oil and gas production and civil shipbuilding

Sergey Maksimovich LEUS, OOO Gazprom Flot, director of the branch in Murmansk

Konstantin Voldemarovich MEGRETSKII, Central Design Bureau MT Rubin, Chief Designer

Responsible secretaries:

Stanislav Sergeyevich KURILTS, PJSC Gazprom, Chief Technologist of Office 307/9

Konstantin G. BEREZHNOY, FSUE "Krylov State Research Center", engineer of the 1st category

Andrey Yurievich VETKIN, USC JSC, Chief Specialist of the Maritime Transport Directorate of the Department of Civil Shipbuilding

Thursday, 14 September 2017
Tchaikovsky Hall, Grand Hotel Europe

09:30-09:45 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Import substitution in ship electrical engineering

Dmitry Anatolyevich Tokmakov, ZAO CHEAZ


The main influencing factors and their consideration when choosing an option for an ice-resistant offshore platform for liquefying natural gas from onshore fields

Konstantin Voldemarovich MEGRETSKY, JSC Central Design Bureau MT Rubin


Operational experience of Gazprom Flot LLC on the shelf of the Russian North Seas using modern technical means and technologies

Yury V. SHAMALOV, Gazprom Fleet LLC


Technical and technological solutions for the development of Arctic gas condensate fields using underwater fishing

Yuri Anatolyevich MOREV, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC


How SMART FACTORY technology solutions help meet the challenges of today's industrial revolution

Marcel VELDHUIZEN, Hexagon PPM


Break (coffee)


Promising concepts of technical means for the development of deep water areas of the Arctic seas

Alexandra Sergeevna TERTYSHNIKOVA, JSC Central Design Bureau Coral


Reliability requirements for subsea equipment for the Russian Arctic shelf

Alexander N. CHERNOV, Gazprom design LLC


Underwater robot with rotary screw propulsion

Maksim Sergeevich KRASHENINNIKOV, NNSTU im. R.E. Alekseeva


Global competition in the underwater technical market. On the possibility of creating Russian competitive means of performing underwater technical work

Alexander Vasilyevich KOCHETOV, Colorado LLC


Silicate cement material as an alternative to traditional Portland cement for cementing wells on the continental shelf

Yury Sergeevich UGOLNIKOV, PSK Burtekhnologii LLC


Russian products according to the DNV standard - how it's done


13:00-14:30 Break (lunch)

The use of innovative materials and technologies in the underwater development of natural resources on the shelf in the Arctic

Vadim Nikolaevich ZAZIMKO, Management Company Composite Cluster of St. Petersburg


Development and implementation of structural materials, technologies for their production and welding at Russian factories


Use of the universal lifting tool pr.23750 for the development of oil and gas resources of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation

Sergei Pavlovich MALYSHEV, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


State and development of underwater welding technologies for the development of the sea shelf

Sergey Georgievich PARSHIN, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Creation of a domestic system of underwater production

Viktor Yuryevich SHAROKHIN, Gazprom 335


Creation of a domestic manned underwater vehicle to perform work on offshore main gas pipelines

Sergei Georgievich FOKIN, ANO "Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society"


Break (coffee)


Climate change in the Russian Arctic. New Opportunities for Exploration Drilling in the Barents and Kara Seas

Oleg Yakovlevich SOCHNEV, Rosneft Oil Company PJSC


Analysis of ice safety of mobile drilling rigs in the Arctic seas

Alexander Tevievich BECKER, FEFU


Prospects for the creation of domestic subsea wellhead equipment

Valery Anatolyevich SEROV, JSC Federal Research and Production Center Titan-Barricades


Promising technical means for underwater (under-ice) transportation of hydrocarbons in the Arctic zone

Bogdan Yurievich VASILIEV, St. Petersburg Mining University


Discussion. Closing remarks by the co-chairs


Location: Pushkin Hall, Grand Hotel Europe


Alexander Anatolyevich DUBOVY, PJSC Gazprom, Deputy Head of Department

Dmitry Vladimirovich EMELYANOV, OOO Gazprom Flot, Director of the branch of OOO Gazprom Flot in St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Gennadyevich RACHIN, USC JSC, Head of Directorate of the Maritime Transport Program of the Department of Civil Shipbuilding

Responsible secretaries:

Isai Markovich BELOV, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center", Head of Sector

Anatoly Yurievich VOLKOV, USC JSC, Chief Expert of the Directorate of the Maritime Transport Program of the Department of Civil Shipbuilding

Friday, 15 September 2017
Pushkin Hall, Grand Hotel Europe

09:30-09:40 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Experience of technical supervision of FAU "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping" for oil and gas equipment of offshore oil and gas facilities

Pavel Olegovich AGAPOV, FAU "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping"


Technical solutions to ensure the functioning of offshore technical facilities for offshore development in the Arctic

Alexander V. SVIRIDOV, JSC Central Design Bureau Coral


Running vibration of ships in ice conditions

Isai Markovich BELOV, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


Development of a conceptual design for an Arctic tanker with a nuclear power plant

Gennady Fedorovich DEMESHKO, SPbGMTU


Break (coffee)


Experience in creating the first Russian vessel-gas duct on a dual-fuel mode - innovative technologies for the transfer of water transport in the Arctic to liquefied natural gas from offshore fields

Nikolai G. KIRILLOV, St. Petersburg Mining University


Influence of hydrological and ice conditions on the layout of promising cargo terminals and ports in the polar regions

Roman Alexandrovich VINOGRADOV, AARI


Investigation of the drift of ice formations using radio beacons in the Eurasian Arctic - experience and prospects

Igor Vladimirovich BUZIN, AARI


Icebreaker with improved characteristics of ice breaking with horizontal ice teeth - RF Patent 2017

Yuri Arsentievich CHASHKOV, LLC "UltraMarine"


Discussion. Closing remarks by the co-chairs


Location: Pushkin Hall, Grand Hotel Europe


Anton Aleksandrovich ZUBKOV, State Corporation Rosatom, Project Manager of the Block for Development and International Business

Vasily Sergeevich USTINOV, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Head of the Kurchatov Complex for Nuclear Transport Energy Technologies

Executive Secretary:

Vladimir Evgenyevich MALYGIN, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Krylov State Research Center, chief designer

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Location: Pushkin Hall, Grand Hotel Europe

09:30-09:45 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Technological reserves of the State Corporation "Rosatom" for the development of the Arctic territories

Anton Aleksandrovich ZUBKOV, Rosatom State Corporation


The role of FSUE Atomflot in organizing year-round navigation on the Northern Sea Route to ensure access Russian products to the Pacific markets

Vladimir Grachavich HARUTYUNYAN, FSUE Atomflot


Monitoring of the technical condition, maintenance and repair of underwater pipelines and cables. Organization and holding

Alexey Evgenyevich REMIZOV, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC


Autonomous nuclear sources for power supply of deposits

Alexander Olegovich PIMENOV, JSC "NIKIET"


Scientific and technical problems of integrated environmental monitoring and forecasting of the state of the environment and objects in relation to promising technologies for oil and gas production in the Arctic

Alexey Yurievich KAZENNOV, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"


Break (coffee)


Design solutions for a mobile unit for the processing of associated petroleum gas into synthetic oil

Vladimir Evgenievich MALYGIN, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


Mathematical modeling of facilities for development and development of fields in the Arctic zone and shelf”

Nijat Shaddykh ogly ISAKOV, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"


Automation of monitoring the technical condition of technical means of energy infrastructure for the development of deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Ivan A. KOLESNIKOV, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"


The effectiveness of the use of high-tech monitoring tools for the implementation of global energy projects and for providing technical control of areal and extended facilities on the Russian continental shelf and in the Arctic, as well as the prospects for the use of UAS "HORIZONT AIR S-100" to measure the thickness of ice along the route of the icebreaker on the example of the implemented research

Olga Yuryevna ZHUK-TRIPOLITOVA, OJSC Horizont


Autonomous data centers of mobile and container type



FNPP based on a floating power unit with reactor plants KLT-40S

Mikhail Mikhailovich TARASOV, Rosenergoatom Concern JSC


Round table sponsor:


Georgy Ruslanovich GOLOVANOV, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the Legal Department

Vladimir Ivanovich DIMITROV, PJSC Gazprom, Deputy Head of Department

Nils Andreas MASVI, Vice President, DNV GL AS

Anastasia Viktorovna DEMENKOVA, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC, Head of the Department for Legal, Corporate and Property Issues

Nikolai Aleksandrovich VALDMAN, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center", Head of Sector

Mikhail Nikolaevich GRIGORIEV, Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Denis Mikhailovich GORDIENKO, VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Deputy Head of the Institute

Responsible secretaries:

Kristina Yulyevna BALYKOVA, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center", engineer

Head of Department for Monitoring and Designing Environmental Safety

Elena Viktorovna DEMAKOVA, Marketing Manager, DNV GL AS

Session 6.1. Legal regulation of the development of offshore oil and gas resources of the Russian Federation and CIS countries

Friday, September 15, 2017
Tchaikovsky Hall, Grand Hotel Europe

09:30-09:45 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Permits for Offshore Projects: Legislative Limitations and Possible Solutions

Anastasia Viktorovna DEMENKOVA, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC


International legal regulation of geological study, exploration and development of oil and gas fields in the Caspian region

Georgy Ruslanovich GOLOVANOV, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation


Air temperature requirements in standards for material selection



Problems of application of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation and interstate standards in the design of load-bearing structures of MNGS

Vitaly V. NOSKOV, JSC Central Design Bureau Coral


Problems of Updating the Rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for Safety Assessment and Risk Analysis of Marine Operations

Nikolai Aleksandrovich VALDMAN, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


Break (coffee)


Mechanisms for launching economic growth on the example of the development of the Norwegian shelf

Nikolai Sergeevich KONDRATENKO, Rosneft Oil Company PJSC


Experience in developing national standards in the field of MNGS design

Igor Yurievich BARDIN, Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering VolgogradNIPImorneft


Economics and Finance of Costs and Compensation in Oil Spill Response


Quality management technologies in the development of offshore oil and gas fields

Valery V. SIDOROV, Russian State University of Oil and Gas THEM. Gubkin


Risks of a subsoil user during the development of the licensed area "North-Caspian area

Yuri Georgievich BEZRODNY, Branch of LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "VolgogradNIPImorneft"


The main problems of fire safety regulation of offshore oil and gas field facilities

Anna Vitalievna MORDVINOVA, VNIIPO Ministry of Emergency Situations


Improving legislation in the field of state regulation, examination and supervision of the industrial safety of offshore oil and gas facilities

Rafael Rafkatovich USMANOV, Union of Industrial and Environmental Safety Specialists

13:15-13:30 Discussion. Closing remarks by the co-chairs
13:00-14:30 Break (lunch)

Session 6.2. Ensuring industrial and environmental safety of work in the development of oil and gas resources of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation

09:30-09:40 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Safety of infrastructure projects in the Russian Arctic

Vladimir Yakovlevich BOREIKO, VNII GOChS (FC)


Creation and putting into operation of a complex of air monitoring of the extended infrastructure of the Arctic and other regions based on unmanned aerial vehicles with a takeoff weight of more than 7 tons (with a payload of up to 2 tons)"

Daria Sergeevna GUSCHINA, JSC NPO OKB im. M.P. Simonov"


Computational and experimental studies in ensuring the design and safe operation of platforms, terminals and hydraulic structures

Vyacheslav V. MAGAROVSKY, FSUE Krylov State Research Center


Conceptual approaches in the framework of the strategic environmental assessment of the development of the Arctic

Ivan Danilovich BADIUKOV, OOO Krasnoyarskgazprom neftegazproekt


Break (coffee)


Radar satellite monitoring as a necessary tool for ensuring environmental safety and controlling ice conditions during drilling operations in offshore areas

Sergei Andreevich ZUBKOV, Institute for Environmental Design and Surveys


Forecast of possible environmental risks and development of programs of environmental protection measures on the terms of PPP

Mikhail Nikolaevich GRIGORIEV, Gekon LLC


Implementation of the environmental protection strategy at the Temryuksko-Akhtarsky license area of ​​LLC NK Priazovneft

Alexander Vladimirovich SHMAKOV, NK Priazovneft LLC


Issues in Modeling the Impacts of Burning Oil Spills

Valentin Ivanovich ZHURAVEL, National Medical Center "Risk Informatics"


Comprehensive provision of environmental safety for offshore facilities operating in the Arctic region

Pavel Yurievich PETROV, Vineta LLC


Break (lunch)


Waste management during the construction of wells on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk using floating drilling rigs. Practice of application of legal requirements

Mikhail Leonidovich TsEMKALO, Gazprom Fleet LLC


New experimental capabilities to ensure the design and safe operation of platforms, terminals and hydraulic structures

Vyacheslav V. MAGAROVSKY, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


Strategy for the development of energy-efficient technology of multi-purpose mobile modules to ensure the safe operation of objects of extraction, transportation and processing of natural resources in the Arctic

Vladimir V. ROENKO, Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


Engineering solutions for fire protection of stationary oil and gas platforms on the Arctic shelf

Alexey Vladimirovich MIRONCHEV, St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia




Break (coffee)


Increasing the fire resistance limits of building structures of the oil and gas complex in the hydrocarbon fire regime

Marina Viktorovna GRAVIT, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Electrostatic intrinsic safety control and monitoring system with cargo operations management functions, ensuring fire safety of operations during the development of oil and gas resources of the continental shelf

Teona Baturovna DZHIOEVA, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center"


Improving individual and collective means of rescuing personnel of offshore structures in the Arctic

Victor Nikolayevich ILYUKHIN, Association for the Development of Search and Rescue Equipment and Technologies


Development of special clothing to increase the effectiveness of protection of personnel of offshore facilities of the Arctic shelf

Vladimir Evgenyevich RODNIKOV, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC


Discussion. Closing remarks by the co-chairs


Sponsor of the Youth Forum:



Elena Borisovna KASYAN, PJSC Gazprom, Head of Department

Andrey Vladimirovich SUETINOV, OOO Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Chief Engineer - First Deputy General Director

Andrey N. GUSTOY, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC, Deputy General Director for Organizational Issues

Oleg Borisovich ARNO, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, General Director

Valery Mikhailovich IVANOV, Gazprom Fleet LLC, Deputy General Director for Human Resources

Responsible secretaries:

Natalia Aleksandrovna ANISIMOVA, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Director of the Center

Arseniy Valerievich MITKO, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the North of the AAS, Member of the Presidium of the AAS

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Location: Conference Hall, Mikhailovsky Manege



Elena Borisovna Kasyan, PJSC Gazprom, Head of Department


Features of the development of oil and gas resources of the continental shelf

Dilijan Allahverdi oglu MIRZOEV, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC


Brainstorm “Me in 10 years. Ideal conditions for my professional development”


Brainstorming presentations “Me in 10 years. Ideal conditions for my professional development”


Discussing the results of brainstorming


Break (coffee)


Panel discussion. Feedback on the results of brainstorming.



Representative of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin


Report on the work of the Svalbard International University

A.V. Marchenko, professor at the University Center on Svalbard (Norway)



Representative of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University


Report on the "SITRA project" (Safety of industrial development and transport routes in the Arctic) (MIPT + UNIS + MU)

R. Taylor, Memorial University, St. John's (Canada)



Representative of the State University of the Sea and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarova



Representative of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Break (lunch)


Panel discussion. Feedback on the results of brainstorming


Implementation of the Master's Program "Offshore Drilling" at the Tyumen Industrial University

Vladimir G. KUZNETSOV, Tyumen Industrial University


On the experience of training specialists for the development of the Arctic shelf at the Murmansk State Technical University

Mikhail Viktorovich VASEKHA, Murmansk State Technical University


Preparing students at the Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Technology

Sergei Vladimirovich VERBITSKY, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SPbGMTU)


Production of arctic diesel fuel from associated petroleum gas

Roman YAKOVENKO, South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova


Ice-resistant stationary platform of the Kamennomysskoe-Sea field

Damir Vinirovich KHALIULIN, Gazprom dobycha Yamburg

16:00-16:30 Break (coffee)

The specifics of conducting complex engineering surveys for offshore technological complex (MTC) facilities (on the example of the Kirinsky block fields)

Alexey Alekseevich NOVIKOV, OOO Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk


Alternative technical means for transporting hydrocarbons from the fields of the Arctic shelf

Vitaly Vladimirovich VINICHENKO, NEFU


Environmental measures to localize oil spills at sea in ice conditions

Maria Dmitrievna FILIPPOVA, NEFU


Reduction of ice loads from offshore ice-resistant fixed platforms (OIRFP) using structural solutions

Ivan Egorovich STRUCHKOV, NEFU


Influence of glacier movement on the process of well construction in the sea and the coastal zone of the Arctic

Dmitry Petrovich Efremov, NEFU


Substantiation of the method for obtaining synthesis gas from associated petroleum gases

Ivan Nikolaevich ZUBKOV, South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova


Polyfunctional Catalyst for the Synthesis of Arctic Fuel from Syngas

Alexey Nikolaevich SALIEV, South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova


Properties of synthetic arctic diesel fuel

Svetlana Vladislavovna NEKROENKO, South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova

17:50-18:00 Discussion
Friday, 15 September 2017
09:30-09:40 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Promising applications of light-alloy drill pipes in the conditions of the Far North and the Arctic

Alina Ildarovna SHAKIROVA, Ufa State Oil Technical University


Design and logistical study of a transport model for supplying hard-to-reach northern regions of the Russian Federation

Maria Valentinovna VOROPAEVA, SPbGMTU


Evaluation of the Possibility of Production of the Bottoms of Gas Tanks of Small Capacity by Cold Drawing

Roman Sergeevich MUDRIK, SPbGMTU


The concept of a universal research vessel (UNIS) of high ice class for operation in the Eastern Arctic

Yulia Vladimirovna BYCHKOVA, St. Petersburg State Medical Technical University


Modeling the impact of a drifting ice field with supports of offshore structures using special elements

Dmitry Alexandrovich PONOMAREV, Maria Dmitrievna SMIRNOV, SPbGMTU


An integrated approach of Gazpromneft-Sakhalin in ensuring environmental safety in the course of geological exploration work on the shelf of the Russian Federation

Natalia Bogdanovna MARINEVICH, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC


The role of public-private partnership in the development of the Arctic deposits

Tatyana Alexandrovna ANDREEVA, SPbGMTU




Break (coffee)


Building an information modeling system for MNGS projects

Vasily Dmitrievich BAYAZITOV, Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin


Multifunctional mobile complex of transport and technological machines for the Arctic

Roman A. DOROFEEV, NNSTU R.E. Alekseeva


Laboratory studies of thermal deformation of frozen soils using fiber-optic sensors with a Bragg grating

Yuri Gennadievich KONDRASHOV, VNIIG named after V.I. B.E. Vedeneev"


The concept of underwater development of fields on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation. Subsea production complex of the Kirinskoye gas condensate field

Yaroslav Sergeevich CHUPCHIN, Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk


Amphibious autonomous complex of machines for year-round exploration and drilling operations on the Arctic shelf

Valentina Evgenievna OBREZKOVA, NSTU im. R.E. Alekseeva


Application of technologies for the development of offshore gas condensate fields using subsea separators, compressors and pumps

Artem Dmitrievich PANYCHEV, OOO Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk


Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in the Kola support zone of the Russian Arctic

Karolina Basharovna SUNNA, Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin




Break (lunch)


Comprehensive development of the Pechora Sea fields using the Prirazlomnaya OIRFP

Aryslan Yunirovich BIKTYAKOV, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC


Development technologies for gas condensate fields in the southwestern part of the Kara Sea

Vadim Evgenievich RAZHEV, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC


Implementation of a monitoring and alarm management system for the control and safety systems of the Prirazlomnaya platform

Ivan Viktorovich MOKHNATKIN, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC


Utilization of drill cuttings with the production of technogenic soil in the conditions of the Far North

Svetlana Sergeevna TARASOVA, Tyumen Industrial University


Hybrid local thermal stabilization system based on microchannel heat exchangers and thermoelectric converters

Location: Conference Hall, Mikhailovsky Manege


Vsevolod Vladimirovich CHEREPANOV, PJSC Gazprom, Head of Department

Vadim Evgenyevich PETRENKO, PJSC Gazprom, Head of Department

Vladimir Stepanovich VOVK, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC, Counsel

Thor Christian ANDVIK, Director of the project "Technology for the Arctic and cold climates"

Responsible secretaries:

Anatoly Borisovich SUVALOV, PJSC Gazprom, Chief Specialist of Department 30-7/9

Vladimir RYASHIN, NORWEP, Regional Manager in Russia

Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Conference Hall, Mikhailovsky Manege

09:30-09:45 Opening remarks by the co-chairs

Under-ice technology for the development of oil and gas fields is the key to the hydrocarbon reserves of the shelf of the Arctic and the Far East

Vadim Evgenievich PETRENKO, Gazprom PJSC


Strategy and technologies for underwater development of a field on the shelf of the Arctic

Erik SJOLIE, Aker Solutions


Well completion and workover technologies

Bjorn BILL, Interwell


Experience in the development of the Prirazlomnoye oil field

Ralif R. GILFANOV, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC



11:00-11:30 Break (coffee)

Unique offshore drilling technologies to save costs and reduce risks in challenging environments

Ramzy REZK


The current state of designing the development of the Kamennomysskoe-Sea gas field

Sergey Yurievich KUROPATKIN, Gazprom dobycha Yamburg


Fight against oil leaks from underwater wells. Subsea pipeline repair technologies

Igor KOPSOV, TechnipFMC


Offshore air and gas compressors, dryers and blowers are best-in-class and reliable products for the oil and gas industry





Break (lunch)


Kirinskoye gas condensate field - offshore energy

Vladimir Alekseevich KROKHA, OOO Gazprom dobycha shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk


Kvaerner design solutions to ensure that large-scale offshore projects are completed on budget and on schedule. Design solutions to reduce the cost of construction of facilities for the conditions of the Ob-Taz Bay

Dmitry KAZAKOVTSEV, Kvaerner


The latest concept of an LNG plant in the Arctic



The experience and methodology of the work of Gazprom geologorazvedka LLC on the study of the upper (bottom) part of the section in order to prevent risks when drilling offshore wells

Vladislav Nikolaevich KHOSHTARIYA, Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC




Break (coffee)


Main Ice-Hydrometeorological Conditions of the Russian Arctic Shelf
Dmitry Arsenievich ONISCHENKO, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC


Creation of a regulatory framework to ensure the development of offshore oil and gas fields

Andrey Vladimirovich MARICHEV, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC


Ensuring the integrity of production facilities with protective anti-corrosion coatings

Ekaterina Mezhentseva, Jotun


Technical solutions for the installation and laying of communications on platforms and the experience of Oglaend System

Irina Veryuzhskaya, Project Director, Oglaend System


Experience in drilling development wells at the Kirinskoye field

Maxim Viktorovich MAKSIMOV, PJSC Gazprom


Discussion. Closing remarks by the co-chairs



Opening remarks by the co-chairs


Problems of well construction using an underwater drilling complex and ways to solve them

Alexander Sergeevich OGANOV, Russian State University of Oil and Gas THEM. Gubkin


Creation of a drilling module equipment complex for an underwater drilling complex

Sergey Anatolyevich DUSHEV, JSC Afrikantov OKBM


Blowout prevention equipment of an underwater robotic drilling complex as an object of mechatronics

Igor Viktorovich KOVSHOV, JSC "FSPC "Titan-Barricades"




Break (coffee)


Underwater complex for transportation, installation and maintenance of underwater equipment for various purposes

Evgeniy Evgenievich TOROPOV, JSC Central Design Bureau MT Rubin


Robotic complex for seismic exploration of hydrocarbons under ice
Vyacheslav Borisovich SEMENOV, JSC "TsKB MT" Rubin "


Loading system from an underwater terminal in the conditions of the northern seas
Alexander Isaakovich FRUMEN, SPbGMTU


Discussion. Closing remarks by the co-chairs


Wednesday, September 13
Great Hall of the Academic Council, VSEGEI
09:30-10:00 Registration

Oleg Vladimirovich Petrov (FGBU “VSEGEI”)
Morten. Smelror (NS Norway)


Participation of Rosnedra and VSEGEI in international projects to study the geological structure and assess the mineral resources of the Arctic, Far Eastern and inland seas of Eurasia

Oleg Vladimirovich PETROV, FGBU “VSEGEI”


Geological mapping and exploration of the Norwegian Arctic

Morten Smelror (Norwegian HS)


BGR activities in the Arctic region: CASE Program “Structural Events in the Circumpolar Arctic” and PANORAMA Program “Assessment of the Fuel Potential of the Arctic North Atlantic and Adjacent Marine Areas”

Volker Steinbach (Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany)


US Interagency Plan to Estimate Alaska's North Slope Hydrocarbon Reserves

Walter Guidroz (USGS)


Scientific activities of KIGAM in the Arctic region

Si Yoon Kim (Korean Institute of Geological Sciences and Mineral Resources - KIGAM)

11:30-11:45 Break (coffee)

Tectonic maps in the international projects "Atlas of Geological Maps of the Circumpolar Arctic" (TeMar) and "Deep processes and metallogeny of North, Central and East Asia": problems and prospects

Sergey Pavlovich Shokalsky (FGBU “VSEGEI”)


Multi-scale geological and cartographic model of the Subpolar zone of the Russian Federation and adjacent water areas as a basis for developing a model of the geological development of the Arctic Basin and its continental margins

Nikolai Nikolaevich Sobolev (FGBU “VSEGEI”)


Experience in building three-dimensional models of the earth's crust and upper mantle, structural-tectonic maps of the subarctic part of the Urals and adjacent regions (based on new methods for the integrated interpretation of geophysical fields and modern computer technologies for grid modeling)

Petr Sergeevich Martyshko (Institute of Geophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


Deep Structure of the Earth’s Crust in the South Okhotsk Basin According to Multiwave Seismometry Data

Sergey Nikolaevich KASHUBIN (FSBI “VSEGEI”)


Geological structure and prospects for oil and gas potential of the continental margin of the East Siberian Sea

Yulia Borisovna Barabanova (MAGE)


Results of a comprehensive study of the Triassic of the Eastern Arctic: sedimentology, paleogeography, hydrocarbon systems

WITH ergey Dmitrievich SOKOLOV, GIN RAS


Features of the deep structure of tectonics and geodynamics of the Arctic sector of Russia

Aleksey Sergeevich EGOROV, St. Petersburg Mining University


Structure, composition and evolution of the Amerasian basin in the Arctic according to geological and geochemical data



New Data on Tectonics and Evolution of the Amerasian Basin

Andrey Alekseevich CHERNYKH, VNIIOkeangeologiya

14.00-15.00 Break (lunch)

Seismic knowledge - white spots on the map of the Arctic

Oleg Evgenievich Smirnov (FGBU “VNIIOkeangeologiya”)


Results and prospects of the international project EMODNET on geological mapping of the seas of Europe

Daria Vladimirovna RYABCHUK, FGBU “VSEGEI”


Creation and monitoring of volumetric regional seismogeological models of the Arctic, Far Eastern and inland water areas of Eurasia in order to study their geological structure and assess the resource potential

On September 12-15, 2017, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 989-R dated June 15, 2013), the 13th International Conference and Exhibition on the Development of Oil and Gas Resources of the Russian Arctic and the Continental Shelf will be held in St. Petersburg - RAO /CIS Offshore 2017. Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency on subsoil use, as well as the Government of St. Petersburg and the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute".

In 2017, the Forum is preparing a large-scale exhibition exposition and a rich business program.

The key thematic areas of the business program are priority issues for the development of the Arctic and the Russian continental shelf. PLENARY SESSION Implementation of offshore projects is a driver of industrial and economic development. Within the framework of the RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 business program, issues related to geological exploration and development of fields on the Arctic and Far Eastern shelf, the regulatory framework, and opportunities for effective international cooperation will be discussed. The delegates will pay close attention to the development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic and on the continental shelf, the development of the resource base, the creation of a modern fleet for the development of schemes for the sea transportation of oil and gas resources, and the energy infrastructure for the development of fields in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

Annual meetings of the Youth Forum are held within the framework of RAO/CIS Offshore, and 2017 will be no exception. In addition to discussing promising developments of young scientists and students, the meetings will touch upon topical issues of training personnel for offshore oil and gas production.

The main areas of the exhibition exposition are geology, exploitation of offshore oil and gas fields, underwater operations and underwater pipelines, ships and offshore structures, industrial and environmental safety, communication and navigation systems, engineering and services. Among the main participants of the exhibition are the leading companies of the industry - Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Sevmash, Gazprom Neft Shelf, NPP Okeanos, Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex, Oglaend System (Norway), Svarog, Redaelli SSM, VNIIOkeangeologiya, Okeanpribor Concern, OKBM Afrikantov, GAZPROMNEFT-SAKHALIN , Aker Solutions AS (Norway), Novomet-Perm, St. Petersburg Mining University, etc.

Due to the importance of the event for the industry, the world's leading companies and media are sponsors and partners of RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 - General sponsor of the event - PJSC Gazprom, Official sponsors - PJSC NK Rosneft, Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company), PJSC " Gazprom Neft, Sponsors – DNV GL, OOO Gazprom transgaz St. Petersburg. The official news agency is the flagship information resource of RIA Novosti as part of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA.
The organizers of RAO/CIS Offshore are: the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Gazprom PJSC, VO RESTEK LLC.

The RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 exhibition is held from 12 to 15 September in St. Petersburg, Russia.

You can see the exhibited products and sections of the exhibition below, in the "Additional Information" block. The full list of RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 participants is posted on the official website of the exhibition and is constantly updated. You can also find exhibitors from the previous year there. The business program of RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 is usually published closer to the start of the event.

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We recommend during the exhibition period on How to get to the Mikhailovsky Manege exhibition center can be found in the catalog of places or on the site's official website. Use also Google Maps, which allows you to build routes using public transport.Do not forget to check the place and dates of the exhibition on the official website and in the calendar of the exhibition complex. The event can be rescheduled, canceled, combined with a similar project. We draw your attention to the fact thatExpomap is not an event organizer and is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the information provided.