Open a nursing home in a private home. New business ideas

The first thing we thought about when we decided to open a nursing home: who is our target audience? We are a commercial structure, and that says it all. We are not addressed by the elderly themselves, whom we then take care of, but by their children or grandchildren. So, before starting construction, we described in detail each group of potential consumers who may be keenly interested in our service and perceive it not as a deal with conscience, but as an opportunity to get out of a difficult family situation.

For the holiday

After the institute, I worked for six years in the city rehabilitation center and I remember very well what happened on December 31 in the department. Having received a referral for planned hospitalization, many brought relatives almost in time for the chiming clock in order to safely leave the city for the New Year holidays. Some people waited for this line for many months. When opening a nursing home, we perfectly understood that relatives would be brought to us at the time of departure on vacation, on a business trip. These people need our service.

"Burned" on the nurses

I also encountered people from this group more than once when I worked in neurology. After discharge from the hospital, a person needs care, and a nurse appears in the house. This experience is not always positive. Sometimes an elderly person did not develop a relationship with a nurse. There were also situations in my practice when, after some time, the family was surprised to learn that the 90-year-old grandfather had married a nurse who cared for him, who immediately presented property claims to the family. And a stranger in the house is always a difficult story.

People who do not live in their home country

These are those who many years ago left for permanent residence abroad, leaving their then young parents here, and people who came to St. Petersburg, whose parents remained in another state (for example, in Belarus) or at the other end of the country. Those who have been living abroad for many years have long had the idea that placing a helpless relative in a boarding house is not a shameful act, but providing him with a certain quality of life. This category of potential clients also did not need any “revision of life values”. They saw a similar way of solving the problem in other countries and were aware that if they found a worthy place in our area, this would be just a manifestation of their concern at this stage. In the summer, when Michurinsky was still undergoing renovations, a family who had lived in England for many years came to visit us. We talked for a long time with a woman who wanted to place her very elderly relative, who lives in St. Petersburg and suffers from Alzheimer's disease, with us. She was then under the supervision of a nurse who came several times a week. It was not possible to transport an elderly person to another country, to organize her life in a city apartment, given that she could no longer run the household herself, too. Our center has become a way out of a difficult situation for the family.

Family Psychotherapy

When we conceived the project, I asked my colleagues, experts in various fields of medicine, for their opinion about it. A confidential conversation with one of my good psychologist friends turned a lot in my understanding of the problem of older people. He has been involved in family therapy for many years. I remember his phrase: "Sometimes you need to separate a family in order to save it." When we opened, I realized how right he was. All the examples that he cited passed before my eyes more than once as “live pictures” literally within a month, while I answered the calls myself. Successful men who brought their elderly mothers from the outback, and they do not fit into life in a big city, nor in the life of elite cottage villages. And if there is also a conflict with the daughter-in-law ... The uncles themselves are twitchy, often families are on the verge of collapse, mothers-grandmothers are torn out of their usual way of life. Everyone should be given a break so that the family can gather their thoughts and decide how to live on. To explain to the grandmother that no one is leaving her is the business of relatives. Sometimes we, together with these men - the heads of such families, chose the words that need to be said to the wife or elderly mother. After all, we are not talking about the fact that, for the sake of peace of mind, young family members of old people are trying to be sent to settlements. Grandma is simply given the opportunity to live outside the city with a cat, beds, dill and parsley. As a rule, our proposal “unloaded” the situation and no one felt that they had been sacrificed.

be in public

When we were working on the "Grandfather's Garden", I often received calls from people who had cancer patients in their families. Not those who needed a consultation with an oncologist, but those whose relatives, having undergone certain interventions for oncological diseases and completed the necessary courses of chemotherapy, found themselves in a stable condition at home. And they began to become depressed - they are completely in their illness. What to do? I was lucky to meet the head of the psychotherapeutic service of our Institute of Oncology and I heard a lot of right words from her. It is very important for these people to be in public, to talk to someone, they need a team. Such people are also clients of our center.

adult children

We thought about this group of potential clients when the center was already working. Parents called whose children, suffering from Down syndrome, have already grown up. They asked if it was possible to bring such a person to us during the holidays. Discussing this topic with a person who worked in a similar center for the elderly in Germany, I became convinced that this is also our target audience. Families understand what the essence of our proposal is - they want to be calm for their child. In addition, such guests willingly help others.

Borderline problems with psychiatry

We get calls from a huge number of people where families have an elderly person with various manifestations of senile disorders of memory, intelligence associated with deep atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease. This is also a special group, about which I talked a lot with fellow psychiatrists. It is difficult to ensure the quality of life of an elderly person with such deviations in the format of a working family without exception. And the life of the family itself, forced to constantly think about the safety of the life of an elderly person, is a special story. In most cases, people called who urgently needed help (I'm not talking about the medical aspects of the problem now). There are probably a million other situations that have been or will be told to me. Each is about a different person. Each is a request for help. Those who are simply looking for an opportunity to sell a relative out of hand are a minority. But what attracts attention: almost everyone pronounces the first phrases in an apologetic tone. And only when they hear that they are spoken to without judgment, the tone changes. I devoted a whole post to the problem of internal readiness for the service only because only after analyzing the situation, we were able to figure out how we are going to explain what kind of service we offer. And how we do it - in the next post.

Older people in the modern world make up a significant proportion of the population. According to sociologists' forecasts, this share will grow. Despite the positive European trends of recent years in the social sphere, there is still a negative attitude towards nursing homes in Russia. Opeka is Russia's largest network of private boarding houses with treatment for elderly people in need of care. The activity of the center is based on an innovative approach based on international research in the field of geriatrics and many years of experience of the company.

The main tasks of the center:

  • creation of a favorable and comfortable living environment.
  • high quality of medical and social services
  • organization of interesting pastime for the elderly, raising vitality.

The company's experts, together with the well-known European architectural studio AMD Architects, have developed a universal model of a boarding house for the elderly, taking into account modern requirements for comfort, design and functionality of the facility.
The main focus of the project is to create a comfortable environment for life, communication, recreation and walks in nature.

The complex resembles a small modern village, where each house has its own terrace, garden and view from the window. This impression was achieved through the use of a modular principle in architecture: the building, as a constructor, is assembled from an administrative and medical block, residential modules of two types and living rooms.

The residential modules, designed for four people, are grouped in threes around the living room, forming inflorescences, each of which can function independently, as it has its own service unit, built-in kitchen and rooms for caregivers.

The inflorescences are connected in a single chain and have a common corridor so that the staff can freely pass from one end of the house to the other. At the same time, the entrance to each residential group of premises is limited for a different category of residents. So, according to experts, it is more convenient to conduct treatment and care.

The design of the boarding house is maximally oriented towards nature - the line of the facade is increased due to the many turns and angles, thanks to which the building is organically integrated into the landscape. In accordance with the business plan developed by Opeka, the investment indicators of the project are as follows: the estimated cost of building a boarding house for one hundred and fifty people is two hundred and twenty million rubles at the rate of sixty thousand rubles per square meter.

In one year, the company "Opeka" guarantees an income from investments, taking into account the discount - one hundred and fifty million rubles. In general, the payback of the project will be about six years.

The interiors of residential and public buildings are thought out to the smallest detail in terms of safety and convenience for older people to use. Elevators, ramps, convenient navigation contribute to the creation of a barrier-free environment.

The need for the emergence of such a project in Russia is obvious: the proportion of the elderly population in the country is from 16 to 25% and continues to grow.
A new, modern project will help change the attitude of the elderly, people in need of care and their families to private nursing homes.

The Guardianship project offers a completely new quality of the environment, a different scenario of behavior and a psychology of perception of space, corresponding to a new generation of pensioners and older people who are disposed to communication, with increased demands for comfort.

The boarding house as a holiday home, located in the resort area and in demand among a wide range of clients, is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Increasingly, boarding houses function as places for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled. Naturally, such objects have certain specifics, special requirements are imposed on them.

How to organize a boarding house: key points

Let's make a reservation right away that the launch of such a project requires large investments.

First, location. Boarding houses are usually located in picturesque places with good ecology, often near clean rivers and lakes.

So, in order to open a boarding house for recreation and permanent residence, it is necessary to choose a suitable territory - to buy or rent land. Improve if necessary.

Second, building and infrastructure. As a rule, in addition to the main building, where the guests will live, it is necessary to have additional ones: medical, leisure, etc.

Third, the staff. If you manage a boarding house that offers not only comfortable accommodation, but also medical procedures, you will need a staff of qualified specialists with medical education.

How to open a nursing home? Starting a business in this niche requires substantial costs, especially when it comes to the elderly and the disabled. So, all rooms should be equipped as conveniently and safely as possible. Qualified medical personnel, proper catering and leisure are required.

How much does it cost to organize a boarding house for the elderly

At the start, to organize a boarding house for the elderly, an amount of at least 40 million rubles will be required. The return on investment, if the business processes work well, will be approximately 5 years.

Are you interested in this niche, but is it too expensive to open a retirement home from scratch? Take advantage of ready-made business offers. Keep in mind that buying an existing boarding house in the Moscow region will be significantly cheaper than developing such a project on your own. This segment is just being formed, however, in the Altera Invest catalog you will find current business options in this area.

How to open a nursing home: registration and approvals

The difficulty here is that the owner must be licensed to provide a wide range of medical services. Registering with the tax office is only the beginning of the journey. In addition, you will need to go through a number of instances to obtain approval from:

  • fire supervision
  • health services
  • local health department

An entrepreneur can obtain permission to carry out activities after the premises where the boarding house is organized will comply with the entire list of standards of each organization.

How to organize a boarding house for the elderly: documents

To obtain the necessary permits, contracts with all suppliers and certificates of conformity are required.

Another important task is to settle legal and financial issues with the Pension Fund and the Department of Social Protection. In particular, to agree with local authorities on the transfer of payments to the account of a boarding house for the elderly.

They are the same age as us, although they have not yet had children. And they live, unlike us, not in their own (albeit borrowed apartment), but in a private house with my friend's grandfather.

Every time we and a company of young families like us plan a trip to a restaurant, a trip to nature, or even just a joint evening walk, this couple has a serious problem - with whom to leave grandfather? The fact is that, being at a venerable age (something around 86 years old), grandfather is in fairly good physical shape, does not complain about his heart and joints, but suffers from an ailment that is popularly referred to as senile dementia. In order for you to understand what this disease is, remember a cartoon character named Abraham Simpson, the father of Homer Simpson, and everything will immediately become clear. My friend's grandfather can easily forget that soup is being cooked on the stove and go to bed. Can knock over a slop bucket and calmly walk around the apartment. Do not move the damper when it starts to melt the stove and much more, even more abruptly than what I have just listed. That is, leaving him alone even for a short period of time is, to put it mildly, unsafe. They do not take him to specialized hospitals, and they are ready to take him to a nursing home only if his real estate is re-registered as an institution. As you remember, my friend and his wife live in the property.

In general, he is not particularly angry with his grandfather. He takes care of him to the best of his ability and is used to the fact that he constantly needs to keep his ear on his toes.

The only problem is if the parents cannot come to sit with their grandfather, and this happens quite often (busy work schedule), either he or his wife, and sometimes both have to give up the already rare meetings with friends in a cafe or in the bosom of nature . It is understandable, if we can easily bring our child to the parents for the evening or even give it to a private kindergarten with a night stay, then an elderly person, and even with oddities, will not work anywhere.

It was this fact that once prompted me to think about how many young families are in a similar situation? Not being able to leave an elderly person alone even for one evening, they deny themselves the small joys of life.

I remembered the good old Hollywood movie "Cocoon", in which the main characters were people living in a private nursing home. I thought - why not open something like that? Given the solvency of the bulk of our fellow citizens, the main emphasis can be placed not on permanent, but on temporary stay - from several hours to a month. And you can call it something like "Center for the temporary stay of the elderly." Thought, counted and received the following.

The minimum sanitary standard for living space per person is 6 square meters. Thus, in order to accommodate at least 10 people at the same time in our center, a room with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters is required. Considering that the guests in the room, in principle, cannot be alone, a reasonable conclusion arises - the area should be at least 100 square meters. It may be a spacious private house or a cottage, but I think it would be better to rent one of the buildings of the children's camp in the suburbs. In our city, these camps after the end of the summer season and until the spring of next year, when preparations for the races begin, are practically empty. Clumsy attempts to attract adult vacationers during this period invariably end in drunkenness, debauchery and fights of these vacationers and, as a result, a headache for the camp administration. At the same time, our contingent (subject to proper control) is no longer capable of such things.

What is especially important, the suburb is a kind of remoteness that allows you to relatively fearlessly take the elderly out into the fresh air, arrange joint games, entertainment, etc. As the camp administration told us, renting a small (two-story) block with a total area of ​​230 square meters will cost 35,000 rubles a month. I draw your attention to an important detail - this room is annually tested by the SES and firefighters, that is, it is equipped with everything necessary, including a fire alarm. At the same time, the room has a small kitchen, a lounge with armchairs and a TV, and even a mini-gym, equipped with albeit dilapidated, but still workable equipment for sports and recreational procedures.

All utility bills are borne by the camp administration. My concern is the registration of a legal entity, recruitment (preferably with medical and pedagogical education), supply and advertising (in the beginning, to a minimum - announcements at bus stops, social networks, etc.).

Given the lack of experience in entrepreneurship and a certain social orientation of this business idea, I believe that I can count on support from the municipality. Our city has a program to subsidize start-up entrepreneurs. The maximum amount of a gratuitous subsidy is 300 thousand rubles per recipient.

All initial calculations, of course, need to be rechecked. I’ll study “HOBIZ.RU” - I’m sure that I still missed some important points. At the moment, it turns out that if you manage to get a grant and agree with the camp administration, the cost of a daily stay in the center (subject to 100% occupancy) should not exceed 1200 rubles. This amount (it includes 3 meals a day) is not unbearable and exorbitant for our city, especially since discounts can be prescribed in the price lists, the size of which will depend on the frequency and duration of stay in the center of a pensioner.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

Many people are faced with the issue of caring for elderly relatives. Not everyone has the opportunity to devote enough time to the elderly. Constant work, household chores, take away all your free time.

Elderly relatives require attention, care, and most often, constant medical supervision. Therefore, modern nursing homes are an excellent option for permanent, comfortable living for the elderly.

In this article, we will talk about how to open a private nursing home.

This business is quite attractive in terms of profitability, and little competitive. Therefore, it is cost-effective even in times of crisis.

nursing home business plan

Before starting a business, it is worth determining the level of competition. If, say, you live in a small town, and there is already a nursing home in it, then most likely your business will not be profitable. After all, a relatively small part of the population uses the services of shelters for elderly relatives.

If you live in a big city, then opening a private nursing home makes sense. And this business idea can become profitable if you correctly approach its organization.

How to open a nursing home for the elderly and disabled? What is needed for this?

Elderly people require proper care and attention. It is private nursing homes that can provide old people with care, interesting pastime and excellent comfortable living conditions.

Unfortunately, in our country, the attitude towards shelters for the elderly is negative, many believe that sending relatives to such institutions is not humane. But this is an erroneous opinion, in fact, everything is not so. Modern nursing homes are well-equipped for living quarters, where excellent qualified staff work, which will provide care and special attention to each guest.

Business registration

Before you start this activity, you need to draw up all the nuances in accordance with the law. To begin with, it is worth registering with the tax service as a legal entity.

This business requires a medical license. To do this, you must have staff with the appropriate education. Or the owners themselves must have a medical education, confirmed by a diploma.

Premises for opening a private nursing home

The choice of premises is a responsible task. For a shelter, a room, for example, a former recreation center or a sanatorium, is suitable. The area should be large. It is also desirable that the boarding house is located in a quiet, ecologically clean place, because old people love peace and a beautiful view from the window.

One or two people can be accommodated in one room, no more. Old people should be comfortable to feel at home.

There must be a big dining room. It is best to have 3-4 meals a day.

Bathrooms. You can equip separate bathrooms in each room or make a shared toilet and shower on the floor. I recommend you the first option, the old people will be more comfortable.

Mandatory presence of a medical office. Elderly people are often sick, so your shelter should have solid medical care and care.

It is also desirable to diversify the gray everyday life of the elderly. Organize a dance studio, it favorably affects the general condition. You can also equip the living room for joint pastime.

Nursing home staff

Elderly people require attention and constant care, so it is very important to approach the choice of staff very responsibly.

If you are planning to open a private nursing home, then it must be modernly equipped for the comfort and coziness of its guests.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel. It is important that the people who will take care of the elderly be patient, honest, friendly, benevolent, sensitive and attentive. In no case should you be rude and upset the elderly, always fulfill their requests, do everything to make the residents comfortable.

Also pay attention to the education of your employees. It is desirable to select people with medical education and psychologists.

Nursing home equipment

It is very important to provide the elderly with comfortable living conditions that are as close to home as possible.

  • Beds. Buy special beds with the function of changing the position, this will provide the vacationer with a comfortable sleep;
  • Mattresses. They must be with the function of protection against pressure sores. This is important, because often living in a boarding house, people with disabilities;
  • Bathrooms. Equip bathrooms and toilets according to all the rules. The floor must be non-slip and insulated. Also, bathrooms should be equipped with everything necessary for the comfortable implementation of all procedures, because many old people cannot move independently;
  • Handrails. Be sure to equip special handrails around the entire perimeter of the room for safe movement around the territory of the boarding house;
  • Elevators. Mandatory presence of an elevator. It is difficult for older people to move up the stairs, especially since disabled people can also live in the boarding house;
  • Emergency personnel call system. Be sure to equip in the guest rooms, as well as in the bathrooms, special signal buttons. Old people often need help, so they can always get it in time.

In addition to all this, it is necessary that there is a round-the-clock pharmacy on the territory of the nursing home, because old people often get sick. Read more about it on our portal.

Entertainment for the elderly

The organization of leisure for the residents of a nursing home is a responsible matter that cannot be neglected. Despite their advanced age, old people, like children, want to have fun. Therefore, organize a variety of recreational courses for them. For example, checkers and chess tournaments, watching entertainment TV shows. Abroad, very popular are frequent dance schools located on the territory of nursing homes. You can adopt this interesting idea. Here, you will find a detailed .


It is very important to correctly build an advertising concept. This is necessary in order to attract customers. You can place ads in the media or on the Internet. It is also desirable to create your own website, where the address of the nursing home, prices and living conditions will be indicated. You can provide additional photos.

How to register in a nursing home parents or relatives?

In order for people to be able to live in your boarding house, you will need to provide a package of necessary documents:

  • Application from close relatives;
  • Copy of passport, SNILS, TIN;
  • For disabled people - a certificate of assigned disability groups;
  • A certified copy of the medical record and insurance policy;
  • Additionally, you need to sign an act of material and household inspection, internal regulations.

Payback periods and costs

  • Premises rent and repair;
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • Expenses for registration and obtaining licenses;
  • Staff salaries;

Approximately opening a private nursing home will cost you from 100 thousand dollars.

But after a few years, you will recoup all costs and get your profit from the business.

I wish you success!