Nolina bulbous. Nolina: description, photo, home care

scientific classification
International scientific name

Nolina Michx. , 1802

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Some species are cultivated as decorative because of their unusual appearance.

Among lovers, nolina is often called "bokarney". This is due to the fact that some taxonomists also include the genus Nolin in the genus beaucarneaLem.- Bokarneya of the same family. Some of the common decorative species are known under different names, while in different sources different names are considered correct: for example, the species Beaucarnea recurvataLem. also commonly known as Nolina recurvata (Lem.) Hemsl.(usually it is the first name that is considered valid).

Due to its unusual appearance, nolina has the corresponding names for amateurs - “elephant foot”, “horsetail”. The trunk of the nolina resembles a bottle, from which it also has a third name - “bottle tree”. The thickening at the bottom of the trunk serves to accumulate moisture. Nolina leaves are narrow, long, with a pointed end.


According to the database The Plant List, the genus includes 29 species, 14 of which are found in North America.

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  • Sergienko, Yu.V. The Complete Encyclopedia of Houseplants. - 1. - AST, 2008. - S. 119. - 319 p. - 80,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-045032-9.


An excerpt characterizing Nolin

– Yes, I think you're right... Do you want to see what happened to Harold's son next? she said more cheerfully.
“Oh no, no more! I pleaded.
Stella laughed happily.
– Do not be afraid, this time there will be no trouble, because he is still alive!
How is it alive? I was surprised.
Immediately, a new vision appeared again and, continuing to surprise me unspeakably, it already turned out to be our century (!), And even our time ... A gray-haired, very pleasant man was sitting at the desk and thinking about something intently. The whole room was literally crammed with books; they were everywhere - on the table, on the floor, on the shelves, and even on the windowsill. A huge fluffy cat sat on a small sofa and, not paying any attention to the owner, concentratedly washed his face with a large, very soft paw. The whole atmosphere created an impression of "scholarship" and comfort.
- Is that - he lives again? .. - I did not understand.
Stella nodded.
- And this is right now? - I did not let up.
The girl confirmed again with a nod from her cute red head.
– It must be very strange for Harold to see his son so different?.. How did you find him again?
- Oh, exactly the same! I just "felt" his "key" the way my grandmother taught. Stella thought thoughtfully. - After Axel died, I looked for his essence on all the "floors" and could not find it. Then she looked among the living - and he was there again.
“And do you know who he is now, in this life?”
- Not yet ... But I will definitely find out. I tried many times to "get through" to him, but for some reason he does not hear me ... He is always alone and almost all the time with his books. With him only an old woman, his servants and this cat.
"Well, what about Harold's wife?" Did you find her too? I asked.
– Oh, of course! You know your wife - this is my grandmother! .. - Stella smiled slyly.
I was in real shock. For some reason, such an incredible fact did not want to fit in my dumbfounded head ...
“Grandma?..” was all I could say.
Stella nodded, very pleased with the effect.
- How so? Is that why she helped you find them? Did she know?! .. - thousands of questions simultaneously swirled furiously in my agitated brain, and it seemed to me that I would not have time to ask everything I was interested in. I wanted to know EVERYTHING! And at the same time, I perfectly understood that no one was going to tell me “everything” ...
- I probably chose him because I felt something. Stella said thoughtfully. “Maybe it was Grandma’s idea?” But she will never confess, - the girl waved her hand.
– And HE?.. Does he know too? was all I could ask.
- Surely! Stella laughed. “Why are you so surprised by this?”
“It’s just that she’s already old ... It must be hard for him,” I said, not knowing how to more accurately explain my feelings and thoughts.
- Oh no! Stella laughed again. - He was glad! Very, very happy. Grandma gave him a chance! No one could help him with this - but she could! And he saw her again... Oh, it was so great!
And then, finally, I understood what she was talking about... Apparently, Stella's grandmother gave her former "knight" the chance that he so hopelessly dreamed of all his long life left after physical death. After all, he searched for them so long and hard, so madly wanted to find them, so that only once he could say: how terribly sorry that he once left ... that he could not protect ... that he could not show how strong and he loved them wholeheartedly... He needed them to death to try to understand him and be able to somehow forgive him, otherwise he had no reason to live in any of the worlds...

Nolina is a perennial plant with a strongly swollen bottle-shaped trunk. Its habitat is the territory from Texas to the northern regions of Mexico. Nolina is also called "bokarneya", "bottle tree", "elephant leg" or "pony tail". Previously, the genus belonged to the Agave family, but today it is classified as a member of the Asparagus family. In their natural environment, unusual trees reach a height of 8 m. Indoor nolins are more compact and highly decorative. At the same time, they are quite unpretentious in care.

Plant appearance

Nolina is a succulent perennial with a lignified low trunk. The lower part of the trunk (caudex) is strongly swollen. It is designed to accumulate moisture, as plants in nature live in regions with a long period of drought. Above the caudex is one or more narrower trunks. Lignified parts of the plant are covered with light brown or grayish cracking bark. Under the thin skin lies a juicy green flesh.

Nolina leaves are located in the upper part of the trunk, so that it resembles a palm tree. Solid sheet plates have a linear shape. Rigid surface with embossed longitudinal veins painted in dark green. The length of the leaves is 30-100 cm. In the homeland, plants weave hats from the leaves. They are highly wear resistant. As they grow, the lower leaves dry up and die, and new ones appear from above from the center of the outlet. This is a natural process that does not require additional care.

Under natural conditions, nolina produces flowers. Houseplants do not bloom. Paniculate inflorescences rise above the main part of the foliage. They consist of small yellowish-white flowers with a strong pleasant aroma. After pollination, dry seed pods with rounded flat brown seeds ripen.

Nolina types

The genus includes about 30 plant species. In our country, only a few of them are found in flower shops.

Nolina bent (recurvata). The most common variety with a trunk strongly swollen at the bottom. Such a bottle tree in its natural environment can reach 1 m in diameter. At the top of a thin trunk is a bunch of hard ribbon-like leaves. Most often they grow in an arc, but they can wriggle and twist. The leaf surface is dark green. The leaf length reaches 1 m, and the width is only 1-2 cm. In summer, a well-grown plant can produce creamy paniculate inflorescences.

Nolina long-leaved (longifolia). A low plant with a bottle stem at the top is covered with many very narrow and long leaves. The dried lower leaves do not fall off immediately, but form a lush straw skirt around the trunk, covered with thick cork bark with deep cracks.

Nolina compressed (stricta). The trunk of the plant has a more squat, flattened shape. Young nolins of this species resemble a wide bulb with a bunch of long greens.

Nolina Lindemeira (lindheimerian). Quite a beautiful ornamental plant. From the thickened caudex, long thin shoots grow, over which a dense bunch of dark green winding leaves blooms. Curly mop can reach the very ground, despite the fact that indoor plants relatively quickly reach the height of human growth.


Nolina can be propagated by seeds and lateral processes. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day in a growth stimulator, and then distributed on the surface of sandy-peat soil. They are pressed into the ground and lightly sprinkled with earth. The container is covered with a film and placed in a warm (about + 20 ° C) and well-lit place. Shoots appear within 10-15 days. It is very important to keep them in a well-lit area. Strengthened, similar to small onions, plants are carefully transplanted without picking into separate pots. Sometimes they practice planting 2-3 seedlings together. In this case, they will grow and intertwine with roots, forming a semblance of a single tree with three trunks.

Rooting of cuttings is carried out quite rarely, since they almost never form. Sometimes dormant buds wake up on the caudex. As a result, in addition to the main trunk, several lateral processes are formed. Such a process can be separated and rooted. Cut it off with a sterile blade as close to the trunk as possible. The places of cuts on the handle and the mother plant are treated with crushed charcoal. The cutting is rooted in a container with a mixture of sand, peat and vermiculite. The soil is carefully moistened and covered with a cap. It is necessary to keep the seedling in a well-lit room at a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° C. Roots appear quite quickly, as evidenced by young leaves. The rooted nolina is transplanted into a permanent pot and the shelter is removed.

Transplant rules

Young nolins are transplanted annually, older plants need only one transplant every 3-5 years. The root system of the plant is in the upper layers of the soil, so the pot should be chosen shallow, but wide. You can not immediately take a significantly larger container, it should be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one.

The soil for bokarney should have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction, light structure and good breathability. The mixture can be made up of:

  • river sand (2 parts);
  • peat land (1 part);
  • leaf land (1 part);
  • leaf humus (1 part);
  • sod land (2 parts).

Nolina prefers a dry transplant, that is, a week before and after the procedure, the plant is not watered. During transplantation, a part of the old earthy coma should be removed, and the roots should be inspected for rot. Cut off damaged areas. Drainage material is poured into the bottom of the pot, and the space between the roots and walls is filled with the composed soil mixture. You can't deepen the caudex.

Home Care

Nolina is not very difficult to care for, but certain rules are mandatory.

Lighting. Nolina needs long daylight hours (12-14 hours) and bright lighting. At least a few hours a day, direct sunlight should fall on it. Even on the southern windowsill in the summer heat, burns do not appear on the leaves. Plants can be exposed to fresh air, but must be carefully protected from drafts and sudden cold snaps at night.

Temperature. In summer, nolinas feel good at + 22 ... + 27 ° C. It can withstand even more intense heat. For the winter, plants provide a dormant period. They are kept in a cool room with a temperature of + 12 ... + 14 ° C. If it is not possible to provide a cool wintering, you need to put the flower in the most bright room or use fitolamps.

Humidity. Nolina prefers normal or slightly high humidity. In a room with dry air, especially near heaters, the tips of the leaves may dry. Regular spraying and bathing under a warm shower will help to cope with the problem. Water for these procedures must be well purified, otherwise limescale will appear on the leaves.

Watering. Bokarnei should be watered moderately. The soil between waterings should dry out by half or more. Due to the fluid accumulated in the caudex, the plant can exist for up to a year without watering. In autumn, watering is significantly reduced. In winter, you can do without them at all, but only when the temperature drops to + 10 ... + 15 ° C. If the soil is regularly flooded, the roots will suffer from rot and it will be very difficult to save even an adult plant.

Fertilizer. In spring and summer, nolina is fertilized twice a month with mineral complexes for succulents. The diluted fertilizer is poured into the soil at some distance from the trunk so that burns do not appear. It has been noticed that with frequent watering and fertilizer, nolina foliage develops better. If you water the plant less often and limit top dressing, the caudex grows faster.

Possible difficulties

Some care mistakes can be understood by the appearance of nolina. If the trunk is very long, this indicates a lack of lighting. When the tips of the leaves dry up, you should start moistening the air. During the winter, the trunk can dry out and become wrinkled. This is a natural process, in the spring the plant will accumulate moisture and swell again.

A tree from the Needle family, previously it was classified as an agave.

In nature, nolina is found in desert areas in Mexico and the southern United States.

The second name of the plant is bokarneya.

Because of this, in stores you can see the inscription on the price tags nolina bokarneya or nolina bottle tree.

Nolina is a small tree, with a significantly swollen base of the trunk. In this place, the plant accumulates water, which allows it to survive drought. Nolina leaves are thin. In the heat, they shrink into a tight bundle to reduce the area of ​​​​evaporation and retain moisture.


There are 9 types of nolina. All of them are quite similar to each other, but at the same time they have certain differences.


Nolina thin - a plant with a spherical trunk at the base and long narrow leaf plates growing in bunches at the crown. The tree rarely blooms, blooming red or bright pink flowers.

sticking out

Nolina sticking out is very similar to the previous species, but its leaves are more rigid, because of which they do not hang down gently, but stick out high enough, for which the tree got its name.

Bocarnea bent nolina

Bent Nolina (Nolina recurvata) - the most common form grown in an apartment. The second name of the recurvata beaucarnea (Beaucarnea recurvata). The trunk is greatly expanded, and if the tree grows in nature, then the diameter of its base reaches 1 m. At the top, the trunk is thin. It is crowned with a bunch of stiff, ribbon-shaped leaves. They are arched and twisted, directed to the bottom.

The color of the leaf plate is dark green, and its surface is glossy. The length of the leaves reaches 1 m with a width of 1-2 cm. Large plants give inflorescences that have the shape of a panicle and cream color.


Nolina compressed (Beaucarnea stricta) has a squat, somewhat flattened shape. Young trees are more like bulbs. The dried leaves do not fall off, but fall, clinging to the trunk, from which it begins to resemble a haystack.


Nolina Nelson (Nolina nelsoni) - the tallest plant species. The trunk is almost invisible. The color of the leaves is slightly bluish.


Nolina matapskaya has an average height. Dry leaves, do not crumble, create a wide skirt that helps protect the trunk from the scorching sun in the heat.

This species, like Nelson's nolina, is rarely grown at home.


Nolina Lindheimeriana (Nolina lindheimeriana) - an attractive tree with a very decorative look. Several thin shoots emerge from the thickening in the lower part, crowned with a very dense bunch of leaves. The leaf plates of a dark green color have a sinuous shape.

A bunch of leaves can grow to a considerable size and reach the ground. At home, culture grows to human height in a short time.

Long-leaved Nolina (Nolina longifolia) is characterized by long and very thin leaves that do not fall and create straw skirts. The tree is usually branched and of small height. The bark on the trunks is cork, covered with deep cracks. The plant has taken root in parks on the Black Sea coast.


Small-fruited Nolina (Nolina microcarpa) - a plant without a pronounced trunk, giving numerous inflorescences of a nondescript look. The color of the leaves is light green.

Features of care

Care must be carried out competently, without it the tree will quickly begin to wither.

Temperature Regarding temperature, the culture is unpretentious. In nature, in places of growth, the temperature in the summer months reaches +50 degrees, and in winter it drops to +10 degrees. The ideal temperature is from +20 to +25 degrees.

In winter, it is optimal to lower the temperature to a temperature of +10 to +12 degrees, so that nolina can go into a period of rest and rest.

Lighting The species is found in desert areas and therefore loves bright light. Place the indoor flower should be on windows facing south or southwest.

If there is not enough light, then the tree begins to lean towards the light source, which leads to a curvature of the trunk and damage to the appearance of the plant.

Watering Nolina rarely needs to be watered.. She, like a desert dweller, stores moisture and gradually consumes it, from which an excess of water will only harm the plant.

Excess water, unlike drying out, poses a serious danger to the tree.

In summer, watering is enough 1 time in 7-10 days. In winter, the interval between watering increases to 15-20 days.

Optimal watering bottom way by immersing the pot with the plant in a bucket of settled water for 30 minutes.

Humidity Humidity in the apartment culture is indifferent. Nolina tolerates even very dry air. To remove dust, the leaves are simply wiped with a soft cloth dampened with water.
fertilizers Top dressing is optional. The plant feels good and quickly grows in size even with poor soil.

If it is decided to apply fertilizers, then it is necessary to give preference to the mineral complex, which is diluted in an amount 2 times less than indicated in the instructions.

Fertilization should be carried out only during the period of active watering and no more than once a month.

If desired, you can trim the crown and thereby form its special appearance.


Young, actively growing plants are transplanted 2 times a year as they outgrow their pot. Mature trees are transplanted once every 5 years. Nolina root is shallow, and therefore a pot for her should be flat with sufficient holes for high-quality drainage. The best pot material is ceramic.

A layer of expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the tank, then half of the soil is poured, a plant is placed and the rest of the soil is poured.

Soil for nolina requires loose. It needs peat, leafy soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:2.


The plant can be propagated seeds or cuttings. It is quite difficult to do this at home.

When propagated by seeds, they are sown in late February - early March. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for 2 days in water. Those that have surfaced should be discarded, as they are unsuitable for sowing. Seeds are planted in the same soil as for adult plants and covered with glass to create the effect of a greenhouse. For more information on propagating nolina by seeds, see here:

Sprouts appear in 2-4 weeks. The glass is removed when the first leaves appear. Nolina from seeds grows extremely slowly. However, knowing how to grow nolina from seeds can be successful.

The plant rarely produces side shoots.. The shoot selected for propagation should be cut near the base and sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ground cinnamon.

After that, you need to leave the escape to dry for 5 hours.

Then it is planted in the ground and covered with a jar to create the effect of a greenhouse.

The pot is placed in heat and the plant is ventilated, removing the jar 1 time in 3-4 days. After the roots are formed, new leaves appear; and this is an indicator that you can remove the jar.

Possible problems

If the leaves of the nolina grow smaller and turn pale, it’s time to transplant it, because the tree has become crowded.

Drying of the tips of the leaves means that the tree is too dry; to fix the problem, you need to water the plant and wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.

Check out this video for some more helpful tips on how to prevent nolina problems:

When the trunk of a tree wrinkled after a long break in watering he needs resuscitation. To do this, nolina is urgently placed in water for 1 hour, and then treated with a solution of succinic acid at a dosage of 0.1 percent.

Most pests are not able to gnaw through the leaves of a plant, but sometimes such enemies can attack it:

  • spider mite;
  • scab;
  • mealybug.

plant benefits

It is also worth settling a tree at home due to the fact that it will improve the home microclimate.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of nolina, the following occurs in the house:

  • air enrichment with oxygen;
  • air enrichment with ozone;
  • air enrichment with air ions.

The plant also releases phytoncides that destroy pathogens of respiratory diseases.

Nolina is not only an interesting, but also a useful houseplant.

Nolina types


This perennial tropical plant belongs to the Agave family (Agavaceae). It grows naturally in Mexico and the southern United States. Nolina is often called bokarney. This is a relatively small genus with about 30 species. Let's briefly review the main types.

Nolina longifolia (Nolina longifolia)

The plant is powerful. In adult plants, a cork-like bark covered with cracks. The trunk is several meters high, covered with a kind of "skirt" of old dry leaves.

Bent Nolina (Nolina recurvata)

A plant with a bottle swollen tree-like stem, expanding downwards and slightly branched. Usually, in an adult tree, the stem in girth reaches 1 meter. At the top of the stem are ribbon-like linear leaves collected in a rosette. The leaves are sinuous, leathery, dark green in color, reach 1 meter in length, 1-2 cm wide. In the people, the bent nolina is also called "elephant's leg" for the size and shape of the trunk or "pony tail" - for a thick bunch of curved long leaves.

Nolina Lindheimeriana (Nolina lindheimeriana)

Locals call this nolina "devil's lace", as it is easy to get tangled in long dense old leaves. One of the lowest representatives of the species with an almost unexpressed trunk.

Nolina matapskaya (Nolina matapensis)

This "bergas tree" is a low plant up to 1.8 m in height. Old leaves do not fall off immediately.

Nolina is a desert plant, its closest neighbors are cacti. It has a shallow root system, a strongly swollen trunk (caudex) that stores water and allows the plant to survive in areas where it rains 1-2 times a year and long leathery leaves that trap moisture from the air.

Nolina in indoor floriculture

For amateur flower growers, Bent Nolina (hereinafter referred to as Nolina) is of interest. The remaining species grow exclusively in nature or in a greenhouse.

Nolina is an exotic, highly ornamental plant. If you want to buy nolina, get ready that in 5-7 years from a plant bought in a store that fits easily on a windowsill, a huge plant will grow that takes up a lot of space and will have to be placed on the floor. Also, do not expect flowering from nolina. For her, flowering at home is a very rare exception, we can say that she does not bloom in a city apartment.

It should be noted that nolina is not a ficus or a palm tree, and when we talk about high decorativeness, we mean special, unique and very exotic decorativeness. Not everyone likes nolina, but if you liked it, consider it forever. And certainly, an adult plant will not leave anyone indifferent. So, before purchasing, look at his adult photos on the Internet and think about whether both you and nolina will fit in your apartment.

The undoubted advantages of nolina, in addition to appearance, include its unpretentiousness and ease of care. It is hard to imagine a more unpretentious plant, desert cacti against the background of nolina - sissies.

But still, there are features of care.

Nolina care at home


Nolina is a desert plant. The optimal temperature regime for its maintenance: in summer - 20-25 degrees, in winter - 10-12. But, as indicated, nolina is not a sissy, deviations from the desired temperature regime are allowed, make sure that in winter the temperature does not fall below 7 degrees. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the street or to the balcony, protecting it from possible precipitation.


Nolina loves bright sunlight. It is good to put a pot with a plant on a south or southwest window (if the plant is an adult and does not fit on the windowsill, then place it as close to the window as possible). Shading is not required - an excess of light will not hurt noline.

If the plant does not get enough sun, it will not die, it will simply reorient its growth in the direction of the light source. To avoid curvature of the top, it is recommended to rotate the pot from time to time. There is a special recommendation on how to do this - after all, a similar problem exists in other plants. Once every 1-2 weeks (if you really want to, then you can do it more often) rotate the pot clockwise by 45 degrees. If the plant is still bent in any direction, turn the plant to the light with the right side and leave it until it straightens up. Then we rotate the pot in the usual way.

Watering nolina

Limited. What nolina absolutely cannot stand is overflow. There is a joke among flower growers that you can only kill nolina by overflowing - an ax will not help (and indeed, mechanical damage to nolina is not terrible, unless, of course, it is cut into pieces).

In summer and spring, watering is very moderate, no more than once every two weeks. Don't forget to drain the water from the pan! The lower the temperature, the less frequent the watering should be. In winter, you can not water at all - there is a sufficient supply of moisture in the thick trunk, and the leaves are able to extract water from the air. But if you notice that the trunk seems to have wrinkled, and to the touch it has become less elastic - water the plant.

If the plant is still flooded, and it even rotted - do not rush to throw it away, what to do in this case will be described below.

Air humidity

Doesn't matter. The plant does not require spraying, but if you really want to, you can spray the leaves, the main thing is that moisture does not get on the stem.

The soil

Lightweight with good water and breathability. If you make soil mixtures yourself, then take 1 part of clay soil, 1 part of leaf humus, 0.5 parts of sand, 0.5 parts of fine expanded clay or gravel. You can use the Cactus soil mixture by adding expanded clay or gravel to it. It is good to add pieces of charcoal or broken pieces of activated charcoal to both store-bought soil mixtures and those prepared on your own.

top dressing

Only in the summer period fertilizers for cacti.

Nolina transplant

How often to transplant

Young nolina are transplanted every year in the spring into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. As the plant grows, it is transplanted less and less. A plant that is 20 years old is almost impossible to transplant. This is done in the most extreme case, when there is simply no other way out - if the plant is heavily poured, the trunk rots, and there is a suspicion that the root is also rotten, if somehow the pot was overturned and the plant just fell out of it, or nolina just already won't fit in the old pot. Otherwise, just from time to time in the spring we change the top layer of the earth.

Nolina pot selection

We will especially note which pot is suitable for nolina. The pot should be small and wide, always with holes at the bottom. Usually such pots have a size where the width and height ratio is 1:3 (for example, the height of the pot is 7 cm, the width is 21 cm). Drainage is required, occupying at least 1/3 of the volume of the pot.

But it happens that we have already bought a plant, but there is no suitable pot. Even if you have already removed the nolina from the soil, you can safely leave it without planting for 1-2 days - there is enough water in the stem so that the plant does not feel any particular discomfort. But if for one reason or another you want to transplant the plant immediately and your plant is not large, it does not matter either. Take any sufficiently wide pot and fill it with expanded clay so that there is as much space left for the earth as in a pot of the required shape. (We give an example of calculations. Suppose we have a pot of any depth with a diameter of 30 cm. 30:3=10 - the estimated height of the desired pot. 10:3=3.33 - drainage in an "ideal" pot. 10-3.33=6.67 ). So, no matter how high the pot is 30 cm in diameter, we fill it with drainage until you have about 7 cm left for the earth.

All these, at first glance, complex activities are done because the root system of nolina is superficial, it does not go deep. All the land that is not occupied by the root system will turn sour, which will not benefit the plant.


Now let's get down to landing. Remove the plant from the old pot and carefully inspect the stem and root system. If you brought it from the store and it is heavily flooded, leave it to dry for several hours. If the roots and stem are rotten, take a sterile sharp knife, carefully cut off the damaged areas and sprinkle with crushed activated charcoal. Fill the drainage with soil, making a mound in the middle. Lightly tamp the soil, then gently straighten the roots around the mound and sprinkle with earth, keeping the plant upright. It is more convenient to do this together. In no case do not deepen the stem! Only roots should be in the ground. Even if the stem on one side is damaged and has lost its decorative effect, do not try to hide cosmetic defects by hiding them underground or laying the plant on its side - this is absolutely unacceptable. As it grows, the flaw will become completely invisible.

Lightly tamp the ground again. Most likely the plant will be unstable. This is easy to fix by lining the stem with clean pebbles or some other pebbles.

Place the plant in a shady spot for a couple of days and do not water. If nolina has been poured, and especially if some of its parts have suffered from decay, do not water for 1-2 weeks.

Increasing the decorativeness of nolina with the help of group planting

Nolina is decorative in itself. But with the help of a group planting, it can be turned into a plant that is simply fantastic, unlike anything else.

This can be done very simply by planting several plants in one pot at once, usually 3-5 copies of approximately the same age. We plant the plants so that their stems slightly touch.

As the stems grow, they will grow together into one powerful trunk of bizarre outlines. Moreover, there will be as many tops as there were in the mother plants. They can be located on the same level, or maybe one or more plants will be slightly behind in growth and the tops will be at different levels, which is perhaps even more interesting. The result will be one plant with a very thick, powerful wrinkled trunk of a very interesting configuration and several bunches of long narrow leaves falling down the trunk like green foamy waterfalls.

Nolina pests and diseases, typical problems

Nolina is a resistant plant, it is almost not damaged by pests, diseases and problems arise due to care errors and are mainly cosmetic.


Nolina is rarely affected by pests. But with a lack of lighting or an excess of moisture, thrips, scale insects or spider mites can pose a danger to it. Most often, the spider mite presents a problem - it can infect nolina in very hot, dry weather, having moved from other plants. In this case, after you have removed the pests, simply increase the humidity. To do this, it is enough to spray the leaves with warm water 1-2 times a week.

Remove pests with a cotton swab moistened with soapy water, and then treat with a preparation purchased at the garden center, for example, aktelik. But, I repeat, nolins are rarely affected by pests.


All nolina diseases are associated with overflow or lack of light. Adjust the watering, if necessary, transplant the plant, as indicated above, put it in the sun - and there will be no problems.

Common Problems

The leaves have lost elasticity, dry. The reason is high temperature, dry air. The solution is to lower the temperature (you can simply move the plant away from the window for a while), increase the humidity of the air.

The stem is wrinkled, the tips of the leaves dry out. The reason is lack of moisture. The solution is to water the plant.

Leaves turn brown and fall off. The reason is excess moisture. The solution is to reduce watering, if the situation is critical - transplant.

Too slow growth. The reason is not enough food. The solution is to feed the plant.

Stem decay. The reason is overflow. Solution - remove the rotten parts and transplant, as indicated in paragraph 4.

The trunk does not grow in thickness. The reason is the lack of light, overflow. Water less often, increase lighting.

Nolina breeding

Vegetative propagation

Nolina can be propagated by side cuttings. For an amateur grower, this method is of no interest, since in the conditions of a city apartment, the lateral processes of the nolina appear extremely rarely, their rooting without special conditions is only theoretically possible. And if you already have a lateral process, it is better to leave it on the plant to increase decorativeness than to have the dubious joy of losing it while trying to root.

Reproduction by seeds

At home, it is possible, but only on condition that you got high-quality seeds. Here, perhaps, the most reliable of the simple methods of seed propagation of nolina will be given.

Take a wide flat vessel, pour 2-3 cm of sand or fine perlite on the bottom (vermiculite is not suitable for germinating nolina seeds), then 2-3 cm of a mixture of light soil for cacti with sand and crushed activated charcoal, top 1-2 cm of sand. Spill everything with a solution of epin and zircon. Soak the seeds of nolina (they are quite large, 3-4 mm in diameter) in a solution of epin and zircon for 5-10 hours, then simply spread them on the surface of the sand and cover tightly with cellophane. Place in a warm place with a temperature of approximately 25 degrees. Ventilate and remove condensation from the film at least once a day.

Seeds germinate very unevenly. As the seeds hatch, wait for the root to grow slightly, and gently guide it down with a toothpick. Never separate the seed from the sprout. It must give the new plant all the nutrients and dry out on its own. A month after the germination of the first sprout, change the film cover to an inverted plastic container with holes. Make the first pick for plants that have reached 2 months of age. Plant in pots no earlier than six months later.

Before proceeding with seed propagation of nolina, think about what your desire really is. If you need new plants, buy them better - young nolina is inexpensive. If growing a plant with your own hands is a pleasure - good luck, you will succeed.

An unpretentious exotic nolina will decorate a large apartment or a country house, it will be more than appropriate in an office building.

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Some species are cultivated as decorative because of their unusual appearance.

Among lovers, nolina is often called "bokarney". This is due to the fact that some taxonomists also include the genus Nolin in the genus beaucarneaLem.- Bokarneya of the same family. Some of the common decorative species are known under different names, while in different sources different names are considered correct: for example, the species Beaucarnea recurvataLem. also commonly known as Nolina recurvata (Lem.) Hemsl.(usually it is the first name that is considered valid).

Due to its unusual appearance, nolina has the corresponding names for amateurs - “elephant foot”, “horsetail”. The trunk of the nolina resembles a bottle, from which it also has a third name - “bottle tree”. The thickening at the bottom of the trunk serves to accumulate moisture. Nolina leaves are narrow, long, with a pointed end.


According to the database The Plant List, the genus includes 29 species, 14 of which are found in North America.

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  • Sergienko, Yu.V. The Complete Encyclopedia of Houseplants. - 1. - AST, 2008. - S. 119. - 319 p. - 80,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-045032-9.


An excerpt characterizing Nolin

- Is there a letter from Nikolenka? Maybe! cried Natasha, reading the affirmative answer in the face of Anna Mikhailovna.
- But for God's sake, be careful: you know how it can hit your maman.
- I will, I will, but tell me. Won't you tell? Well, I'm going to tell you now.
Anna Mikhailovna briefly told Natasha the contents of the letter on the condition that she not tell anyone.
“Honest, noble word,” Natasha said, crossing herself, “I won’t tell anyone,” and immediately ran to Sonya.
“Nikolenka…wounded…a letter…” she said solemnly and joyfully.
– Nicholas! - only Sonya uttered, instantly turning pale.
Natasha, seeing the impression made on Sonya by the news of her brother's wound, for the first time felt the whole sad side of this news.
She rushed to Sonya, hugged her and cried. - Slightly wounded, but promoted to officer; he is healthy now, he writes himself, she said through tears.
“It’s clear that all you women are crybabies,” said Petya, pacing the room with resolute long steps. - I am so very glad and, really, very glad that my brother has distinguished himself so much. You are all nurses! you don't understand anything. Natasha smiled through her tears.
- Have you read the letters? Sonya asked.
- I didn’t read it, but she said that everything was over, and that he was already an officer ...
“Thank God,” Sonya said, making the sign of the cross. “But maybe she deceived you. Let's go to maman.
Petya silently paced the room.
“If I were in Nikolushka’s place, I would have killed even more of these Frenchmen,” he said, “they are so vile!” I would have beaten so many of them that they would have made a bunch of them, ”Petya continued.
- Shut up, Petya, what a fool you are! ...
“I’m not a fool, but those who cry over trifles are fools,” said Petya.
– Do you remember him? Natasha suddenly asked after a moment's silence. Sonya smiled: "Do you remember Nicolas?"
“No, Sonya, do you remember him in such a way that you remember well, that you remember everything,” Natasha said with a studious gesture, apparently wanting to give her words the most serious meaning. “And I remember Nikolenka, I remember,” she said. I don't remember Boris. I don't remember at all...
- How? Do you remember Boris? Sonya asked in surprise.
- Not that I don’t remember - I know what he is, but I don’t remember it like Nikolenka. Him, I close my eyes and remember, but there is no Boris (she closed her eyes), so, no - nothing!
“Ah, Natasha,” said Sonya, looking enthusiastically and seriously at her friend, as if she considered her unworthy to hear what she was about to say, and as if she was saying it to someone else with whom one should not joke. “I once fell in love with your brother, and no matter what happens to him, to me, I will never stop loving him all my life.
Natasha looked at Sonya with curious eyes and was silent. She felt that what Sonya was saying was true, that there was such love that Sonya was talking about; but Natasha had never experienced anything like it. She believed that it could be, but did not understand.
Will you write to him? she asked.
Sonya considered. The question of how to write to Nicolas and whether it was necessary to write and how to write was a question that tormented her. Now that he was already an officer and a wounded hero, would it be good of her to remind him of herself and, as it were, of the obligation he had assumed towards her.