Stonecrop (Sedum): varieties and species with photos, care, planting, reproduction. Stonecrop prominent - autumn flower

The genus includes up to 650 species, mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Pubescent or glabrous with glandular or simple hairs, straight or ascending, sometimes forming mossy cushions or tufts, annuals, herbaceous perennials and shrubs.

The foliage is diverse in shape, color and size, alternate, whorled or opposite. Stonecrop inflorescences are usually apical, sometimes lateral, corymbose, flowers are rarely solitary, yellow, white and pink, sometimes red or blue.

Recently it was a large genus (600 species), which outnumbered some families in its abundance. After the isolation of radiol, stonecrop and other plants, there are approximately 300 species. In horticulture, there are 100 species of the genus.

Types, varieties of sedum (sedum)

Agrotechnically, sedums belong to two groups:

The first group is stonecrops, which prefer sandy and poor soils. As a rule, these are forms that form carpet thickets.

Stonecrop (sedum) white

Under natural conditions, it is found in Russia, Western Europe, the Caucasus, North Africa. White stonecrop got its name for the fragrant white flowers.

Perennial, bare plant forming low mats 5 cm tall. The bases of the stems of white sedum creep along the ground. Panicled inflorescence. White sedum flowers on short stalks.

Sedum white grows well in partial shade, as well as in a sunny place. The typical coloration appears only on poor soils.

Undemanding plant. All of the varieties listed below withstand the harsh winters of the middle zone of our country. Stonecrop white is used as a ground cover plant.

There are garden forms, as well as varieties, of the most common varieties:

"Coral Carpet "- bush no more than 5 cm tall, reddish foliage.

"Atoum "- a hemispherical shape, from above with flat foliage, reddening in the summer in the sun.

"Faro Form "- a low variety with tiny leaves, forming rugs 1 cm in height. The inflorescences are also very short. It turns red in summer and then turns brown.

"Hillebrandty " is a large green variety that turns orange-red in summer.

Forms of white sedum

Stonecrop white small-flowered - ground cover, with green foliage and snow-white flowers. Non-flowering mats 2 cm, flowering 4 cm.

Stonecrop white wall is a profusely flowering and tall plant, with purple and bronze leaves and pinkish flowers.

Sedum (sedum) hybrid

Under natural conditions, it grows on rocks, in the steppes, in clearings. Sedum hybrid is common in Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia.

Perennial plant forming mats 15 cm high. The rhizome is horizontal, slightly lignified, cord-like. Stems branching, numerous, green.

The foliage of the hybrid sedum is alternate, green, spatulate, obtuse above, coarsely serrated. Sedum hybrid blooms in July-August. Winter-hardy.

Drought tolerant, relatively slow growing stonecrop.

"Immergrunchen "- a green variety with light yellow flowers.

Stonecrop (sedum) caustic

Homeland is the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, the Caucasus, North America.

Perennial plant, forms ground cover sods. Stems are rounded, branched. The foliage of stonecrop caustic is dark green, fleshy, arranged in the next order. Foliage is not shed in autumn, it remains for the winter. Sedum has golden flowers.

Stonecrop caustic has a variety of forms, differing in size and shape of the flower. There are forms with yellow leaves.

"Minus "- a low form with small foliage.

Sedum caustic unpretentious, frost-resistant. Used on rocky hills. The plant reproduces by self-sowing.

Stonecrop (sedum) Kamchatka

It grows in Japan, Korea, the Far East on rocky slopes.

The rhizome of the Kamchatka sedum is woody, branched, thick. Stems simple, ascending. The foliage is alternate or opposite. In culture, different forms, white-edged and variegated. Sedum Kamchatka is beautiful during the flowering period, when dark stems contrast with yellow flowers. The plant is combined with many other plants. Likes to grow in partial shade, in the sun, on moisture-intensive soil.

The species is very variable in nature; different forms and varieties are known in culture. The most common species is Kamchatka flower-bearing stonecrop and its variety "Weihenstephaner Gold", which is distinguished by lush flowering, but its flowers are greenish-yellow and small.

Stonecrop Kamchatka variegated - slow-growing form, foliage with a cream border. In the bright sun, the edge of the leaf turns a little pink, gives a three-color color.

"Golden Carpet - bright green foliage and yellow flowers.

It is found on rocky slopes, as well as in subalpine meadows. Distributed in Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus.

Perennial with creeping rhizomes. The foliage is fleshy, dark green, ovate-wedge-shaped. The inflorescence of false sedum is dense, corymbose. Petals purple or pink, lanceolate, acute.

Stonecrop false common in culture. Winter hardy groundcover. Very powerful stonecrop for small slides, can suppress delicate species. Looks great on carpet beds, flower beds and mixborders. Stonecrop false is good for planting on terraces.

Stonecrop false is the most common stonecrop in gardens. There are many varieties.

"Album"- with green foliage and white flowers, flowering is weak.

"Album Superboom"- Green foliage, white flowers.

"Bronze Carpet"- with bronze leaves and pink flowers.

"Salmoneum"- salmon-pink flowers.

"Erd Blueth"- reddish foliage and purple flowers.

The second group of plants are plants that give preference to nutritious loams. These are tall forms that form extensive thickets, blooming profusely. This group includes all sedums (sedums) and stonecrops.

Homeland - Korea, Japan, China.

Perennial with tuberous roots and straight stems. The foliage of the prominent sedum is large, sessile, oval or spatulate. The flowers are pinkish-lilac. Blossoms in September 35 days.

Sedum prominent grows well on fertile soil with good moisture, in the sun. Winter-hardy. An excellent plant for flower beds. It goes well with large stones and low conifers.

Many varieties have been obtained in culture, however, the natural form is also common in gardens.

"Iceberg "- 35 cm tall, with snow-white inflorescences, blooms profusely in August.

"Diamond "- a variety with pink flowers, decorated with bright anthers and pink fruits.

"Neon "- 35 cm tall, with catchy pink inflorescences.

"snowquin " And " Stardust - with white flowers.

Sedum telephium is common in Russia, on sandy soils, among shrubs and in pine forests.

Perennial plant, with aerial part. Tuberous roots. Stems solitary, 60 cm tall, erect, light green, simple.

The foliage of sedum telephium is numerous, pressed to the top, almost sessile, obovate, wedge-shaped at the base. Inflorescence dense corymbose. Petals are purplish red. Blooms in July.

Sedum telephium is a fast growing plant. This beautiful stonecrop also grows in Russia, in its southern regions.

Variable plant, several subspecies are described.

Garden forms and some varieties are popular in culture:

Sedum "Munstead Dark Red "- red stems, green foliage and purple flowers.

Sedum" Matron "- a tall, powerful plant with large, gray-green, leaves on purple stems, with pink inflorescences.

Sedum" PinkJevel "- with green foliage and pink flowers.

Sedum" Rosie Glow "- a variety with bluish-green foliage and pink flowers, etc.

It grows on rocks, near-channel sands, and also on pebbles. Distributed in Russia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, North India.

Perennial herbaceous plant. Roots cord-like, thin. Leaves are gray, flat, opposite, obovate. Sedum Evers petals are red, purple. Stamens shorter than petals, anthers purple. Flowering occurs in July. In spring it grows in May.

Winter hardy plant. Likes sunny places. In autumn, when the foliage falls, a skein of stiff, dark stems remains. Evers Sedum grows very slowly.

Here we consider species that belong to two genera - sedum (Hylotelephium) And stonecrops (Sedum). Some stonecrops and stonecrops are visually very similar and are found under the same name - stonecrops. The most striking sign for their difference is the flowers - in stonecrops, the flowers are always star-shaped at the time of flowering, and in the sedum, the flowers are bell-shaped.

Location of sedum (sedum)

The plant is photophilous, put up with only a little shading, the coloring of the leaves of some species in the sun is bright and juicy, and some even acquire a blush.

In conditions of lack of illumination, the plants cease to bloom and stretch very strongly, losing their decorative appearance. Stonecrops should be placed so that in the fall they are not covered with tree leaves. In the spring, they cannot break through the recession layer. Sedum is drought tolerant. Grows in one place for 5 years.

Soil for sedum (sedum)

All sedums are unpretentious, they develop well on any soil with the introduction of a small amount of compost soil or humus.

Some species of stonecrop and sedum grow in mountainous areas and on stony soils. There are species that grow in nature on screes and on sandy slopes (caustic), on limestones (Caucasian sedum), under pine forests (sedum poplar, three-leaved). Stonecrop blooms brighter and better when grown in well-fertilized soil.

Fast-growing ground cover (sedum false, Spanish) love fertile soil - ordinary, loam. When planting other species, you need to do with sand, ash and compost.

Care for sedum (sedum)

The hardiest sedums in the middle lane are white, caustic, recurved, false and prominent. But Spanish, Lydian, Evers, Siebold require shelter in snowless, harsh winters. Some stonecrops have a wide range, so their varieties will have different winter hardiness.

In the garden, all sedums are prone to overgrowth. After 4-5 years, they need to be divided or cut to maintain beautiful, even carpets. After six years, stonecrops such as Spanish stonecrop, stonecrop prominent, may need "rejuvenation". This operation consists in removing old shoots.

During the flowering period of sedums (Siebold, Evers, thin-leaved), it is recommended to cut off the inflorescences so that the appearance of the carpet does not deteriorate.

When caring for sedum, frequent weeding should be considered, because sedums are not competitive with weeds. But sedum is an exception, as it is itself aggressive.

Almost all sedums (sedums) are drought-resistant, so they need to be watered only in dry summers and in the first period of time after planting.

Large sedums are cut off after the first frost, or dried stems are removed in the spring, because some gardeners like the winter look of faded sedum inflorescences.

Diseases and pests of stonecrop (sedum)

The plant almost does not suffer from diseases. But, large broad-leaved species, for example, a prominent stonecrop, are sometimes damaged by caterpillars of real sawflies.

In wet weather, stonecrop is prominent, common, can be affected by infections that appear as spots on stems or leaves. Affected parts must be cut and burned.

Of the pests, on large stonecrops, aphids are sometimes found.

Reproduction stonecrop

Cuttings, seeds and division of the rhizome.

It is necessary to sow seeds in spring or autumn, in boxes or bowls that are placed in a greenhouse or dug into a garden bed. Seedlings are small. When the first leaves are formed, the seedlings dive into the beds. Stonecrop is a cross-pollinated flower, and seedlings do not retain their varietal characteristics. Seed propagation is used in breeding.

Sedum cuttings

The easiest, fastest way to reproduce. Very often, cuttings are used to propagate plants of the first group, their shoots form aerial roots, which, in contact with the soil, easily take root. Even the smallest shoots that fall to the ground during the division period can take root.

Large sedums, for example, ordinary, red-dotted, prominent, multiply by dividing rhizomes. They are dug up in the spring and the rhizome is cut so that the delenka has roots.

Sedum use

The plant is suitable for creating carpet compositions, ridge borders. Tall species are used with great success in groups and mixborders, some species are cut. Sedum looks great on rocky areas.

In order to properly position stonecrops, you need to understand that most of them are not bred because of their flowers. First of all, a decorative effect is created by a different colored foliage structure. Stonecrop leaves come in different shades of golden, green, silver, dark red, bluish.

You can make a flower garden only from stonecrops. Place low, carpet varieties in the foreground. In the background, stonecrops of the second group (hybrid, false, Evers, Kuril). Stonecrops of the third group are planted in single specimens or in small groups. Stonecrop Carpathian and prominent looks very good, they do not fall apart, retain their vertical shape. Such a flower garden will be decorative until late autumn. Lush, bright flowering of stonecrops will decorate your site.

Stonecrops are indispensable for miniature rockeries. They are made in small containers. The markets now sell a variety of plastic planters suitable for mini rockeries. As a rule, stones are laid in them and stonecrops of different shapes are planted, and they are supplemented with several young ones.

Stonecrops also help out in cemeteries, when decorating graves in a sunny place.

Many types of sedum are excellent honey plants. Golden sedum honey is one of the best varieties, has good taste and healing properties.

Stonecrops, sedums, mosses, saxifrages and ground covers -

flowering plants at different times.

Click the left mouse button on the heading of this block to see the proposed varieties.


Stonecrops, mosses and young


Stonecrop hybrid Cherry truffle.

Height: 40 cm.

Throughout the season, the leaves change their magical color. In spring they are purple with a brown tint, and in late summer, cherry tones turn into chocolate. In August, red flowers in corymbs enhance the beauty. Landing only in the sun, then the color of the foliage will be bright and saturated.

Price: 250 rubles.


Stonecrop telephium Matrona.

Height: 40 cm. Hat: 12 cm.

A dense compact, very elegant bush will adequately decorate any sunny flower bed. The stems are straight, powerful, dark, purple. Fleshy greyish-green leaves acquire a red edging along the edge. From July begins a magnificent pale pink bloom. The whole bush will be covered with umbrella caps. Sedum leaves have been widely used in folk medicine.

Price: 200 rubles

Sedum Kamchatka Variegatum.

Height: 15 cm.

Bright, very interesting ground cover variety. Most valued for the color of the foliage: green-bluish, with a bright cream border. In the bright sun, the border turns pink, an even more interesting three-color pattern is obtained. It blooms very profusely, with bright yellow flowers from June. Young flowers often have orange tones.

Price: 200 rubles.

Stonecrop Lemon ball.

Height: 15 cm.

A golden ball with a lemon tint will decorate any sunny corner. The fleshy and soft needles will be covered with yellow flowers in summer. Gradually, the ball grows, forming a dense elegant rug.

Price: 200 rubles.


Stonecrop bent Chocolate ball.

Height: 15 cm.

Bright, pretty, ground cover variety. Thanks to needle-like bronze-chocolate twigs, the tussock is very similar to a chocolate Christmas tree. From July it blooms with yellow corymbs. The contrast is great. Will decorate any sunny corner in the garden.

Price: 200 rubles.


Malochai Mirsinites Alpinist.

Height: 25 cm. Flower: 2 cm.

Evergreen curly plant with semi-recumbent fleshy, rhombic-shaped shoots of blue color with a bluish bloom. In May-June, it becomes more beautiful, thanks to lemon-yellow inflorescences, which rise in an openwork at the tips of the stems. Grows well in full sun and partial shade. Afraid of stagnant water.

Price: 200 rubles.

Sedum Rubens Lizard - Lizard.

Height: 10 cm.

The evergreen fleshy tussock forms many creeping shoots, as if dozens of small reptiles have gathered in a friendly mischievous company. The tops of the leaves in the sun take on an ash-pink color, which enhances the beauty of this unusual sedum. Does not tolerate stagnant water.

Price: 200 rubles.

Sedum bent Blue Forest.

Height: 15 cm. Peduncle: 7 cm.

Perennial ground cover plant forms a continuous carpet. The leaves are juicy, evenly needle-shaped bluish-blue. The flowers are golden yellow, collected in almost spherical inflorescences. Blooms in July. Grows in full sun, tolerates some shade.

Price: 150 rubles.

Sedum or stonecrop false variegatum-Tricolor.

Height: 10 cm.

Creeping ground cover perennial. A highly decorative variety with variegated leaves, having three shades, which justifies its name. The leaves are green with a creamy white border, which in the sun acquires an uneven wine-red color along the edge, with pale pink inflorescences.

Price: 150 rubles.


Sedum Siebold Variegated.

Height: 15 cm.

Creeping ground cover perennial. Highly ornamental variety with variegated leaves. Delicate creamy yellow and pink shades are added to the bluish-green color of the leaves. The flowers are small, pink, appear in late summer or autumn. Shoots with leaves freeze completely in winter, but young, fast-growing shoots appear in spring.

Price: 200 rubles.

Evers stonecrop.

Height: 5cm.

One of the most interesting types of stonecrop. Perennial ampelous herbaceous plant with fleshy leaves of a light gray shade, which turn purple by autumn. It blooms from July until frost with lilac-pink corymbs. Likes sunny places.

Price: 150 rubles.

Sedum hybrid Kamchatka.

Height: 15cm.

perennial herbaceous plant withlodging shoots forming a dense carpet of soil. It blooms profusely in June with yellow flowers collected in apical corymbose inflorescences. Flowering lasts 30 days: spectacular, rich. It grows well in the sun, easily tolerates partial shade.

Price: 150 rubles.

Stonecrop acri is caustic.

Height: 4cm.

An extremely ornamental plant.Dense bushes from twisted fleshy, juicy stems. Blooms profusely in June-July, about a monthalmost sessile flowers, forming a bright golden thick carpet. An indispensable plant for creating bright curtains.

Price: 150 rubles.

Sedum-sedum false Rose bud.

Height: 25cm.

An unpretentious perennial plant for creating carpet beds. Prefers a sunny location. It blooms from June to August with abundant bright pink corymbs.

Price: 100 rubles.


Sedum hybrid Xenox Orange.

Height: 35 cm. Flower: 5 cm.

Spectacular ornamental variety with purple-violet leaves. From August, the shield flowers are first pink, then acquire a charming orange color. Throughout the season, a compact bush will delight with its beauty.

Price: 350 rubles.


sedum common Autumn Charm

Autumn charm.

Height: 30cm.

Decorative variegated variety. Its distinguishing feature is a wonderful carved leaf with uneven white strokes. The scutes are pinkish at first, then white.

Price: 250 rubles.

Stonecrop-Sedum prominent Karl.

Height: 50cm. Flower diameter: 15cm.

Upright perennial herbaceous plant. Inflorescences of bright pink color, very good for cutting. Grows in sunny areas. Decorative throughout the season, but the finest hour comes at the peak of flowering, from August.

Price: 100 rubles.

Sedum prominent Neon.

Height: 35cm.

A very unpretentious and common plant. The leaves are light, fleshy, gray-green, elongated, serrated. Charming flowers-shields of bright lilac color. Planted in sunny areas. Flowering begins earlier than other stonecrops, from July.

Price: 150 rubles.


Saxifrage paniculata.

Height: 10cm.

A perennial plant in elegant rosettes forms silvery pillows, blooming from May to July with white inflorescences. The leaves are narrow, pointed, serrated, blue-green, fleshy along the edge, with lime protruding along the entire edge. A compact hummock will decorate any corner in the garden in the sun or partial shade.

Price: 100 rubles.


Saxifrage inlaid.

Height: 10cm. Peduncle: 20cm.

Perennial ground cover plant. It has silver-gray leaves covered with white scales of lime, which is why the saxifrage has an almost bluish color with small teeth along the edge, its rosettes form a beautiful compact pillow-shaped group. Peduncles covered with numerous small white flowers.

Blooms in June up to 20 days. The saxifrage grows well in the sun, in partial shade.

Price: 100 rubles.

Stone-breaking Umbrose Variegata.

Height: 8cm.

Perennial evergreen herbaceous plant. The leaves are light green with beautiful pigmentation. Blooms from mid-June to July, about 30 days. Peduncles 25 cm high with numerous small pinkish-white flowers collected in a spreading panicle inflorescence.

Price: 100 rubles.

Saxifrage Moss White.

Height: 10 cm.

This is a hybrid species, belongs to the moss saxifrage. It forms delightful dense evergreen cushions that bloom in May-June. The pedicels are thin, with several white bells on them. It is better to plant in partial shade than in sunny areas.

Price: 100 rubles

Mossy saxifrage Arends.

Height: 10cm.

This is a hybrid species, belongs to the moss saxifrage. It forms delightful dense evergreen cushions that bloom in May-June. The pedicels are thin, on them there are several crimson-red bells, which, when fading, become pink, white. It is better to plant in partial shade than in sunny areas.

Price: 100 rubles.


Rejuvenated lime.

Rosette: 8-10 cm.

Smooth pointed leaves with red-brown tips. Landing in the sun, in the shade the color is lost and turns pale.

Price: 100 rubles.

Youthful stone rose.

Rosette: 20cm.

This is an unusually interesting plant, translated from Latin it means "forever living", although the people also called it "hare's cabbage". It can grow in almost any soil, in the sun and partial shade.

Price: 100 rubles.

Cobweb young.

Rosette: 10 cm.

A plant with thick succulent leaves forming globular basal rosettes. The flowering period is June, it throws out a thick peduncle. After flowering, the mother plant dies, leaving many basal children. This is natural selection.

Price: 100 rubles.

Rejuvenated roofing Glauka.

Rosette: 20 cm.

Rosettes of leaves are spherical, slightly flattened, wide open, with crimson strokes at the tips. The leaves are green with a gray-silvery bloom. Blossoms in July-August 45 days. Sun landing.

Price: 100 rubles.

Youth is spherical.

Rosette: 8 cm.

The leaves are green, fleshy, their ends in sufficient light can be red or reddish. The shape of the rosette is round, like a ball, compressed, dense.

Price: 100 rubles.


Young Chameleon.

Rosette: 15 cm.

The color of this variety varies with light.

Green, pink, crimson colors may be present.

Price: 100 rubles.


Lilac time was young.

Rosette: up to 20 cm.

Young leaves always look fresh, as if they had just grown out of the ground. The lilac-pink hue acquires its saturation from green only when planted in the sun. It is better to protect all succulents from excess moisture, then they will always delight you.

Price: 200 rubles.


Rejuvenated roofing Ruby.

Rosette: 7-10 cm.

The leaves are dark red, the peduncle is up to 30 cm. The flowers are lilac-pink. Flowering in June-July. For sunny places.

Price: 100 rubles.

Ground cover plants:

Chistyak spring.

Height: 10 cm.

In April - May, many bright yellow flowers pop up above the glossy heart-shaped leaves. A mini onion bulb wakes up early in spring, but already in June the ground part dies off (like in tulips, crocuses) deepens, resting until next spring. Different from other primroses: more leaves and color on one tussock.

Price: 150 rubles. 5 onions.

Snyt ordinary Variegata.

Height: 25 cm.

Unpretentious, aggressive motley beauty grows strongly. Looks great in the garden under the trees, where nothing else grows, as a border. The main thing you need to pay attention to is that from the seeds of Variegated Snotweed, during self-sowing, Snyt sprouts with simple green leaves. Therefore, be sure to cut off the flower stalks. If you want to limit it in a certain area, then planting should be carried out in a container: in a bucket or in the lower half of a cut barrel, which is not completely dug into the ground, leaving the sides. Used in medicine, cooking.

Price: 200 rubles.

Chistets - woolly stakhis Sheep ears.

Height: 30 cm.

The decoration of the plant is the leaves: thick and elongated with a thick silvery pile. To prevent the beautiful ground cover aggressor from spreading, it is necessary to regularly cut off excess shoots, and most importantly, remove all inflorescences that do not represent beauty.

Price: 150 rubles.


Tenacious creeping Burgundy Glow.

Height: 10 cm. Panicle flower: 15 cm.

The most beautiful variegated variety, constantly changing the color of light green leaves - pink, reddish, coral, white, cream and yellow spots, or brown-purple, brown-green, sometimes with a white border. Spring flowering, about a month with blue panicles, enhances the beauty of the leaves. They look very colorful in light partial shade.

Price: 200 rubles.

The chocolate girl is a creeping tenacious.

Height: 10 cm.

In late May - early June, bright blue flower stalks rise from rosettes, which will cover all leaves for two weeks. The variety is valuable all season for its chocolate foliage. If there is a need to quickly close an empty piece of land, you will not find a better plant. We can say that tenacious is a flower for lazy gardeners, as it is unpretentious, adapts well to various soil conditions, and is undemanding to watering. Plant in the sun.

Price: 150 rubles.

Price: 150 rubles.

Fuopsis - pink rug.

Height: 20 cm.

Another great groundcover to decorate a rock garden or rockery in the sun. Fragrant pink flowers are similar in shape to semicircular umbrellas, consisting of miniature five-pointed stars with long stamens extending outside the flower. It blooms from June very abundantly and colorfully.

Price: 200 rubles.

Laminaria speckled - Silver lighthouse.

Height: 15 cm. Flower: 5 cm.

Queen among ground covers in a shady garden. Fantastic silvery-white leaves with a light green openwork rim around the edges make for a magnificent carpet of unusual color. It blooms in May-June with dark purple caps and becomes even more beautiful. Widely used in cooking and as a medicinal plant.

Price: 150 rubles.

Cymbalaria - wall linaria.

Height: 10 cm. Flower: 1.5 cm.

A perennial unpretentious creeping, ampelous low-growing plant that forms a dense carpet of tiny ivy-shaped, purple-bottomed leaves and beautiful blue-lilac flowers. It blooms constantly from June, the flowers look like snapdragons. It is used as medicinal and in cooking.

Price: 150 rubles.

Iberis Gibraltar.

Height: 30 cm.

This is an interesting groundcover.Very fragrant and amazingly elegant. purple flowers, collected in corymbs. It begins to bloom in May, up to two months. Iberis grows anywhere with little watering, preferably in the sun. After flowering, cut the plant back to 1/4 and after a short break, flowering will resume.

Price: 200 rubles.


Iberis Gibraltar Chameleon.

Height: 30 cm. Flower: 5 cm.

Semi-shrub aesthetic and very showy plant.
The leaves are evergreen. Chameleon flowers constantly change their color: white-lilac-pink, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Blooms profusely from April. During flowering, the inflorescences almost completely cover the leaves. After flowering, cut to a third of the length so that the plants remain compact and bloom again.

Price: 200 rubles.

Gypsophila creeping Pink.

Height: 15 cm. Flower: 1 cm.

Dwarf groundcover, rug. In June-July, the entire bush is covered with pink flowers floating in the air. After flowering, the upper part is cut off, the plant rests for a while and again pleases us with abundant flowering. Afraid of stagnant water.

Price: 200 rubles.

Purple prunella.

Height: 20 cm. Flower: 3 cm.

Price: 150 rubles.

Chernogolovka Prunella White.

Height: 20 cm. Flower: 3 cm.

Unpretentious winter-hardy perennial with a creeping rhizome. It blooms from June in large panicles, consisting of several bells. Prefers sunny places. If wilted flowers are regularly removed, the view will be more attractive, and flowering will last longer. Considered an aggressor, but remains gentle and shy.

Price: 150 rubles.


Chernogolovka Prunella pink.

Height: 20 cm. Flower: 3 cm.

Unpretentious winter-hardy perennial with a creeping rhizome. It blooms from June in large panicles, consisting of several bells. Prefers sunny places. If wilted flowers are regularly removed, the view will be more attractive, and flowering will last longer. Considered an aggressor, but remains gentle and shy.

Price: 150 rubles.


Budra ivy - Variegated.

Height: 15 cm. Aggressor: requires restraint.

The ground cover beauty has a lot of advantages for appearing on your site: a spectacular white border with pink tan marks, in cooking for its original aroma that combines notes of sage and mint, healing valuable essential oils, and vitamins A, B and C, a large amount of potassium, organic acids, tannins, grows rapidly and is unpretentious. In the people it is called grass-magpie. The flowers bloom in May, they are lilac with a dark spot. Planting in partial shade, because in sunny places it grows worse and its aroma is weaker. Can be used for planting in hanging pots, and for the winter - in the ground. Just remember that budra does not tolerate the bright sun!

Price 200 rub

Carnation-grass Toronto.

Height: 15 cm. Flower: 2 cm.

Very beautiful perennial unpretentious groundcover with narrow, elongated gray leaves. From June, the plant is completely covered with white flowers with a showy raspberry with a red ring in the center. Grows in sunny places.

Price 150 rubles

Volzhanka pygmy Noble spirit.

Height: 10 cm. Diameter: 30 cm.

Compact, ground cover, rounded bush; blooms in white-cream panicles from June to July. Unpretentious and grows well only in shaded areas, a magnificent foreground dwarf.

Price: 250 rubles.

Veronica filiform ground cover.

Height: 5cm. Flower diameter: 1cm.

It has thin creeping shoots that take root easily, covered with light green rounded leaves. Blue flowers with dark veins are solitary and rise on long stalks from axillary leaves. Due to its rapid growth, the plant has gained fame as an aggressor. It grows well both in the sun and in the shade, partial shade. It blooms constantly, but with short breaks.

Price: 100 rubles.

Alpine soul - mountain thyme.

Height: 10 cm. Flower: 2 cm.

Beautiful tasty, healthy!

The ground cover beauty from the end of May will delight with fragrant purple flowers that will cover the entire clearing. Widely used in cooking. Will decorate any sunny corner in the garden.

Price: 150 rubles.


Creeping thyme.

Height: 20cm.

Ground cover semi-shrub. Thyme blooms from May to late August. Admiring the touching beauty of the charming low perennial, it is hard to believe that it was considered only a spicy garden herb. This is one of the best void-filling crops, perfect for creating a vibrant low but lush backdrop.

Price: 100 rubles.

Phlox decumbent Variegata.

Height: 20 cm. Flower diameter: 1.5 cm.

Graceful specific perennial, ground cover plant. The leaves are dark green with a whitish-pink border, in the sun the border becomes bright pink. It blooms with pink umbrella-shaped inflorescences: May - June (25-35 days). A bright and colorful spot will decorate any sunny corner of the garden.

Price: 200 rubles.


Phlox subulate Candy.

A cushion-like rug of styloid phlox can enliven any shady corner of your garden. Five-petaled star-shaped flowers (purple-pink with a white edge) sit densely on creeping shoots and almost completely hide the leaves. It blooms from mid-May to mid-June, again and less abundantly - in August - September. It is a real decoration of flower beds, flower beds. I believe that in the shade, partial shade, the phlox is more saturated and more beautiful.

Price: 150 rubles.

Phlox subulate blue.

The beginning of spring.

Height: 15cm. Flower diameter: 2.5cm.

A cushion-like rug of styloid phlox can enliven any shady corner of your garden. Star-shaped flowers with five petals (blue) sit densely on creeping shoots and almost completely hide the leaves. It blooms from mid-May to mid-June, again and less abundantly in August-September. It is a real decoration of flower beds, flower beds. I believe that in the shade, partial shade, the phlox is more saturated and more beautiful.

Price: 150 rubles.

Phlox subulate Thumbelina.

Height: 15cm. Flower diameter: 2.5cm.

A cushion-like rug of styloid phlox can enliven any shady corner of your garden. Five-petal star-shaped flowers (bright pink with red strokes in the middle) sit densely on creeping shoots and almost completely hide the leaves. It blooms from mid-May to mid-June, again and less abundantly - in August - September. It is a real decoration of flower beds, flower beds. I believe that in the shade, partial shade, the phlox is more saturated and more beautiful.

Price: 150 rubles.

Phlox splayed, Canadian.

Blue Moon

Height with peduncle: 30cm. Flower diameter: 2.5cm.

Undersized creeping phlox tussock of spring flowering smaya - 25-30 days of a bright blue hue with a dark eye and notched petals, with a delicate aroma. This species grows well in sun and partial shade. After flowering, it is necessary to cut off annually everything that has faded and dried up. The bush quickly recovers and soon overgrows with new shoots.

Price: 100 rubles.

Periwinkle lesser Illumination.

Height: 15 cm. Flower: 2 cm.

The brightest of the golden-variegated varieties, a beautifully flowering evergreen ground cover shrub with a branched stem about 60-80 cm long, is able to form extremely dense uniform carpets. Preferred planting in partial shade, although it grows in more sunny places.

Price 200 rub

Periwinkle large Variegata.

Height: 10 cm. Ground cover.

The big one is the little brother of the small one. Really bigger - his leaves are a little longer and much wider, decorated with a pure white border and spots. Occasionally, this variety also has completely white leaves. Grows best in full sun or light shade. Periwinkle is considered not only an original and pretty plant, but also a magical flower that has the great power of love, wealth and family protection.

Price: 250 rubles.

Periwinkle small blue.

Creeping ground cover plant. Periwinkles easily take root from any node of the stem and take root everywhere along the path of their distribution. They are famous for their simple charming flowers that appear directly from the axils of the leaves in early or mid-spring, and then single flowers can be seen throughout the season. The bright blue color looks great on the shiny green leaves. Grows in shade, partial shade.

Price: 100 rubles.


Periwinkle small variegated white-green.

Height: 10cm. Flower diameter: 2cm.

Creeping ground cover plant. Periwinkles easily take root from any node of the stem and take root everywhere along the path of their distribution. They are famous for their simple charming flowers that appear directly from the axils of the leaves in early or mid-spring, and then single flowers can be seen throughout the season. Bright blue color looks great on variegated leaves: shiny, light green, with a white-yellow border. Grows everywhere.

Price: 200 rubles.


Periwinkle small White.

Height: 10cm. Flower diameter: 2cm.

Creeping ground cover plant. Periwinkles easily take root from any node of the stem and take root everywhere along the path of their distribution. They are famous for their simple charming flowers that appear directly from the axils of the leaves in early or mid-spring, and then single flowers can be seen throughout the season. Bright white color looks great on shiny green leaves. Grows in shade, partial shade.

Price: 100 rubles.

Hautyunia heart-shaped, or Chameleon.

A hardy ground cover plant. Note that it can grow indefinitely. The leaves are heart-shaped with green, yellow and red uneven stripes, the color changes like a chameleon from lighting. Blooms in August with small white flowers. Height is about 20 cm. It has a certain smell, so there are no mice growing there. If a chameleon came out, frosts are unlikely.

Price: 100 rubles.


Petiolate hydrangea.

Height: 30 cm. Annual growth.

This is a liana that has many aerial suckers-roots, with the help of which it is attached to the bark of trees or to another support, climbing to a height of about 25 m. Without support, it will spread along the ground like a ground cover plant. Blooms in white umbrella-shaped caps.

Price: 350 rubles.

Dyusheneya, ornamental strawberry.

Height: 10 cm. Flower diameter: 2 cm.

This is a very beautiful groundcover that will delight lovers of low flowers from early spring to late autumn with its bright flowers. This unusual climbing plant will also be a wonderful decoration of the backyard on slopes, steps, etc., thanks to its rosettes - antennae.

Price: 100 rubles.


Planting sedum and caring for it in the open field do not take much time and effort from gardeners. Delicate graceful plants are unpretentious, resistant to drought and temperature extremes. Their flowering is not lush, but stonecrops have the ability to emphasize the brightness of roses and the luxury of clematis. Landscape designers form entire compositions from sedums, decorate hedges and alpine slides with them. Planted in spring, single stonecrops grow rapidly, forming a motley flower carpet of various shades interspersed with fresh green leaves.

Over 600 varieties and hybrids of sedums are described in the botanical literature, strikingly different from each other.

Growing methods

Most sedums are perennials, but there are also annual and biennial stonecrops. Despite belonging to succulents, in the wild, plants prefer to settle in temperate latitudes, away from the scorching sun that burns delicate stems and leaves. The undoubted advantage of sedums is their high decorative effect even in the absence of flowering. Breeders have created varieties with leaves of various color shades. By combining them when planting, you can get the original flower bed. A multi-level composition looks great in the garden, made up of stonecrops of different heights and taking into account the color range of representatives of several varieties and hybrids. It combines ground cover plants and tall sedums well.

These representatives of the extensive Crassulaceae family number about 600 varieties and hybrids, differing from each other in height, growth rate and color not only of flowers, but also of thick fleshy leaves. Without exception, stonecrops are wonderfully combined with both tall and short plants. They are planted together with early-flowering varieties to maintain a high decorativeness of the site after cutting peonies or daisies. Flowering of stonecrops persists throughout the summer and early autumn, which is used by the owners of adjacent plots for decoration:

  • garden paths;
  • alpine slides;
  • garden borders;
  • slopes of the hill.

Tip: You should not grow sedums to form lawns if you intend to move on them. Delicate stems will quickly break, and the restoration of the bushes will have to wait several weeks.

Stonecrops of various colors are grown in wide flat pots or elongated containers. Tanks are located near terraces, gazebos, pools. If desired, the pots are interchanged, making up different compositions.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of stonecrops does not cause any particular difficulties even for beginner gardeners. Before planting, it is worth considering that the joint cultivation of varieties and even some species will cause hybridization, changes in the appearance of plants. They are characterized by cross-pollination, so there is no preservation of the original characteristics. Gardeners do not have to conduct experiments in breeding - every year new sedums, amazing in their diversity, will appear in their flower beds every year.

Note: The most famous varieties of common stonecrop are the result of free pollination, and not the crossing of species.

Reproduction by seeds

In the southern regions, small seeds are germinated in the spring directly in open ground. Sowing sedum in middle or northern latitudes is carried out in plastic pots or seedling containers. To obtain strong seedlings, soil is prepared from equal parts of upper peat and fertile soil. During planting, the seeds are not buried, but only slightly pressed into the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a thin layer of calcined river sand. The surface of the container is covered with glass or polyethylene film and the containers are sent to a cool place (temperature about 5 ° C) for 10-14 days. This is how stratification is carried out, or long-term keeping of seeds under certain conditions to accelerate their germination. When planting in flowerbeds with germination, morning spring frosts will help, and when sown in small pots, they are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. What is the next care:

  • daily, the coating from the containers is removed for ventilation and prevention of putrefactive processes, and the accumulated condensate is removed with a napkin;
  • regularly irrigate the soil with a spray gun;
  • constantly remove germinated weeds.

After 2 weeks, the containers are brought into a warm room and continued growing at a temperature of about 20°C. Depending on the care and cultivar, the first seedlings of stonecrops appear in 15-25 days. The formation of 2 leaves on them serves as a signal for diving young plants into separate pots or holes. During the resettlement, special care is taken, as the seedlings are fragile and break easily.

Important: Sedums propagated by sowing seeds bloom only 2-3 years after planting in open ground.


This is the least labor-intensive method, therefore, it is most often practiced by gardeners. Particularly easy to propagate by cuttings are varieties that are not demanding on the soil and grow well on poor and sandy loamy soils. Such plants form shoots with aerial roots that quickly take root when in contact with the ground.

This is interesting: Birds and rodents unwittingly take part in reproduction, spreading sedums over fairly long distances.

Stonecrop cuttings of any variety are cut both in spring before or after budding, and in autumn after the end of the flowering period. Ten-centimeter pieces of strong shoots are distinguished by the greatest germination. In the process of cutting, the lower leaves are removed, and the cuttings are planted as follows:

  • spring planting is carried out directly on flower beds with loose soil, in which any organic matter is introduced;
  • cuttings cut in autumn are stored in a cool place in a container with water, regularly replacing it with fresh water.

Cuttings are buried in the soil by 1-2 knots, regularly loosened and watered. To accelerate root formation, planting is carried out in frequently ventilated greenhouses. Cuttings begin to grow in 3-4 weeks. During this time, a sufficient number of roots are formed and even the first shoots are formed.

The division of the bush

This method of breeding stonecrops also does not take much time for gardeners, but it is used only for tall plants. With the onset of sustained heat, a large 4-5-year-old bush is dug up and cleaned of adhering turf and earth. If during the inspection damaged or rotten roots were found, then they are removed with a pruner or garden shears, and then powdered with any fungicide. Substances to suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi are also used to treat the surfaces of bushes after their division.

A large plant is cut in such a way that large roots and buds remain on each part, from which young shoots appear. Before planting on the flower beds, delenki (landing unit) are dried in places protected from direct sunlight. After 5-6 hours, parts of the bushes can be planted in the adjoining area. This method is also practiced when rejuvenating a plant. Gardeners are waiting for the formation of powerful new shoots, and the old ones are gradually cut off.

Site selection

Stonecrops are planted in areas that are lit by the sun for most of the day. Sedums growing in the shade of tall bushes or trees stretch out unnecessarily and lose their color brightness. The lack of sunlight causes poor flowering and frequent rotting of the roots. And the foliage that has fallen from the trees in autumn often leads to the complete death of the plant. In sunny areas, stonecrops form correctly, and saturated bright shades predominate in their colors. But there are exceptions to the rule:

  • prominent and three-leaved sedums tolerate shading perfectly;
  • stonecrop shoots can quickly die in direct sunlight.

Both annuals and perennials are unpretentious and abundantly lay flower buds even in soil with a low nutrient content. Gardeners and landscape designers take advantage of this feature of stonecrops and plant them on rocky slopes or sandy areas.

Tip: The Caucasian variety of sedum grows even in calcareous soils, which in no way affects the quality of flowering and the formation of new shoots.

Despite their unpretentiousness, plants are sensitive to the regular application of complex, mineral or organic fertilizers. Planted in fertile garden soils (eg, loam) they quickly start to grow. In such cases, stonecrops are not fed - they increase the volumetric leaf mass, but flowering leaves much to be desired.

Before planting cuttings or cuttings, the area for the future flower bed is carefully dug up, removing the roots and stones remaining in the ground. Depending on the composition of the soil, add:

  • riding peat;
  • river sand;
  • leaf humus.

The depth of the holes for the cuttings should not exceed 20 cm. This size is quite enough to grow the roots of stonecrops located close to the surface of the earth. When planting parts of the bushes, the depth of the hole corresponds to the length of the rhizome. Sedums, especially ground covers, grow rapidly, so 20-25 cm are left between seedlings. If planting is done in areas where groundwater occurs or moisture often accumulates after rain, then drainage is not complete, which is used as fine pebbles or coarse sand. Garden work is considered completed after watering the seedlings.

Secrets of proper care

Caring for stonecrops, as well as planting, do not cause any particular difficulties to the owners of garden plots. Capricious are considered varietal sedums, bred by breeders during the pollination of parent plants. This statement is especially true in relation to stonecrops, whose foliage is dominated by unusual bright colors: red, pink, yellow, purple. In the absence of quality care, they begin to intensively form ordinary long green shoots that spoil the appearance of the flower bed. If the shoots are not regularly removed, the plant will soon become completely green.


Like all succulents, stonecrops easily tolerate even prolonged drought. After the first watering, which is carried out during the planting of the cuttings on the flower beds, the soil should dry out completely. Excessive moisture adversely affects the condition of the root system. Putrefactive processes develop, quickly spreading to fragile stems and leaves. If it rains regularly and often in the region where the gardener lives, then watering must be completely abandoned.

The introduction of water is carried out not under the roots, but near the plant during periods of severe drought. The best time to water is early morning or late evening after sunset. Otherwise, a dense crust forms on the soil, preventing the influx of fresh air. As a rule, for stonecrops growing in the middle latitudes, 1-2 water applications are sufficient for the entire growing season.

Flowerbed care

When deciding to plant any variety of sedum on a personal plot, the owner must take into account that the plant needs regular and frequent weeding. Sedums are not able to compete with any weeds due to the fragility of the shoots and lack of shade tolerance. Weeds are pulled out or weeded out 2-3 times a week, especially in the first month of cultivation. In the future, such a dense flower carpet is formed on the flower bed that rarely any other plant manages to break through it. Also, after planting, the soil is regularly loosened to ensure the flow of fresh air to the roots. They lie at a shallow depth, so maximum caution is necessary.

This is interesting: The caustic stonecrop is able to fight weeds on its own. During growth, it releases into the environment special organic substances that negatively affect not only neighboring plants, but also garden pests - insects and rodents.

After the end of the flowering period, dried inflorescences are carefully cut off. It's necessary:

  • to increase the decorativeness of the flower bed;
  • for rejuvenation of bushes;
  • to stimulate new bud set.

Once a week, plants are inspected and dried or rotten shoots, leaves, flowers are removed. Regardless of the species of stonecrop, after five years, the bushes need rejuvenation. As a rule, it is carried out by dividing the shoots and then rooting the cut cuttings. Sedums form new bushes so quickly that gardeners have to restrain their growth with the help of decorative stones laid out around the flower bed.

top dressing

Excessive fertilization, like overwatering, can seriously harm plants. Stonecrops will respond to top dressing with abundant flowering, but it will negatively affect endurance. "Overfed" sedums become absolutely defenseless against mold fungi and harmful insects. After flowering, they grow slowly and form buds poorly.

Warning: Excessive fertilization adversely affects the frost resistance of sedums. The probability of death of plants during even a non-severe wintering increases.

For smaller beds, fertilizers designed specifically for succulents would be ideal. They contain nutrients and biologically active substances that allow stonecrops:

  • optimally increase green mass;
  • bloom regularly.

For large plantings of stonecrops, complex dressings can be used, which include mineral and organic compounds. The introduction of only solutions of peat or manure will negatively affect the formation of buds, since the plant will spend all its energy on building up green mass. The best time for the first root feeding is a month before flowering. It will extend the budding period, give the flowers a brighter color. Plants are fed again after 4-5 weeks.

Preparing for the winter

With the advent of cold weather, the long stems of sedums begin to gradually become bare, shedding leaves. Gardeners sprinkle them with humus and loose soil to save them during the long wintering period. It also promotes the formation of new shoots in early spring and prevents the complete freezing of plantings. If stonecrops were planted to decorate alpine slides, then the bare stems and shoots are sprinkled with a thin layer of gravel or rubble.

Sedums belonging to tall varieties are cut in late autumn, preferably after the first frost, leaving about 3 cm. The procedure does not have any effect on the quality of wintering. You can get rid of dry stems in early spring. But the owners of household plots do not like the sight of dead wood in the middle of a snow-covered flower bed.

The most hardy in the middle latitudes are considered such varieties of decorative stonecrops:

  • false;
  • caustic;
  • prominent;
  • bent;
  • white.

And the Lydian and Spanish varieties create all the conditions for survival with a sharp drop in temperature. To do this, flower beds with non-frost-resistant varieties are sprinkled with straw or covered with spruce branches. Fallen leaves are not used - they cake, and sometimes even strong powerful shoots are not able to break through its thickness.

The winter hardiness of varietal sedums is directly dependent on the frost resistance of the parent plants. For example, a white stonecrop is characterized by a wide habitat, so its hybrids are not afraid of even a strong drop in air and soil temperatures. Gardeners living in middle and northern latitudes prefer high-mountain varieties of sedums. Stonecrops, whose natural habitat is the southern regions, can suffer or die even with proper preparation for wintering.

Garden pest control

Like all succulents, stonecrops are very sensitive to fungal diseases. The worse the care of the plant, the higher the risk of invasion of mold microorganisms. With excessive watering, it can be argued with a 100% probability that the fungi will soon destroy the entire flower bed with sedums. The disease is visualized in the darkening of the leaves and stems, their loss of elasticity and resilience. Treatment with drugs with fungicidal activity will not bring the desired result. Blackened plants are uprooted and burned, and the remaining ones are carefully examined. Only in the absence of visible damage is it advisable to spray stonecrops with fungicide solutions.

Recommendation: A fungal infection can affect the flower bed after heavy, frequent rains. In this case, only the above-ground parts of plants can be damaged. They should be removed and treated with fungicidal preparations.

The invasion of insects in a flower bed with sedums is quite rare, since they are little attracted to fleshy stems and leaves. Sometimes such garden pests crawl or fly from neighboring plants to stonecrops:

  • caterpillars;
  • weevils;
  • thrips.

They are especially dangerous for broad-leaved species, for example, stonecrop prominent. It is raided from the end of June to the beginning of August by real sawflies. Actelik has proven itself well in the fight against these insects - a broad-spectrum insecticidal agent. There is an interesting way to save sedums from caterpillars. Gardeners lay crushed lettuce or cabbage leaves near the flower beds, and lay pieces of slate or boards on top. It remains only to destroy the pests gathered for the "treat".

Weevils and aphids are disposed of with the help of insecticides, spraying plants and watering the soil under them. Overly concentrated solutions can burn delicate thick leaves. Gardeners use preparations for succulents designed for processing blackcurrants.

Stonecrop - also called sedum, from the Latin Sedum - is a numerous genus of completely unpretentious plants that are members of the Tolstyankov family. It is worth pointing out that the family itself has more than 30 genera and 1.5 thousand species.

stonecrop ( Sedum) - occupies most of the family.

Stonecrop and sedum are the names of the same plant, the genus of which includes more than half a thousand different species. They, like cacti, prefer dry soil. Most often found in the mountainous regions of the Northern Hemisphere, where there is a rather dry climate. Although some species are found in the southern hemisphere.

Succulent stonecrops are divided into annual and perennial herbaceous plants. They are very popular with gardeners, as they perfectly cover the soil and can serve as a tint background for growing other plants.

Without human intervention, they usually grow in areas of Europe, North America and East Asia. The largest number of species can be found in the expanses of Mexico. And although the plant grows on its own, you should not think that growing a perennial stonecrop in a garden or at home does not require absolutely no effort.

Types and varieties of stonecrop: photos, names and descriptions of popular plant varieties

It is impossible to say exactly where the name of the plant came from. There are two main versions.

According to one version, the name of the plant comes from the word Sedo, which translates as “calm down”, “calm down”, “anesthetize”. The fact is that in ancient times, the aerial parts of the plant were actively used to relieve pain.

Adherents of the second version believe that the name comes from the word Sedeo, which means "sit" in translation.

As you can see in the next photo, a stonecrop plant, or sedum, seems to be “sitting” on a stone:

Also, if you look closely, it is noticeable that the leaves do not have petioles, but depart directly from the trunks.

Basically, the plant is intended for growing in gardens, with its help you can create a rather interesting design of the backyard.

At the same time, a number of species of stonecrops, or sedums, are used as houseplants.

Look at the photo, which shows several varieties and types of indoor stonecrop with the most minimal care requirements. Among them:

Sedum thick-leaved

Sedum Makino

Sedum linear "Variegata"

Siebold's sedum

Sedum Weinberg

Some species are poisonous. These include the large sedum (Sedum maximum). It is quite common in Europe, likes to grow on riverbanks and pine forests. Despite the beauty of the leaves, which grow densely and have a rich green color, gardeners avoid planting it in apartments, because the plant's juice is extremely poisonous.

Stonecrop indoor includes several types, including:

Sedum Morgana

Sedum red-colored

Sedum Steel

It should be understood that heat-loving species are grown under room conditions. Some of them need to be considered in more detail.

Siebold's stonecrop ( Sedum sieboldii) with thick pink-green leaves - an ampelous perennial plant. It is believed that this species is native to Japan.

Under natural conditions, it grows on the island of Shikoku. But you can grow such a stonecrop at home. This type of sedum is planted in hanging planters, pots, baskets. It is often used as a greenhouse plant.

The stems of the plant are thin, have a reddish tint, they reach a length of up to 5-10 cm. The plant does not have the ability to root at the nodes.

As for the leaves, they are gray-blue or bluish-green, with a reddish tint along the edges, and have blunt jagged edges. Each leaf can reach up to 3 cm. The size of the smallest leaves is approximately 1 cm.

Take a look at the photo, which shows the type of stonecrop with the name Sedum sieboldii:

A feature of its cultivation is that its faded stems cannot be removed until spring. In the spring, the stonecrop is transplanted, the dried parts are removed. As a soil, a mixture of compost earth and coarse sand is used.

Popular varieties of this species:

Mediovariegatum - with grayish leaves, in the center of each of which there is a beige spot that turns red during the growing season.

Aurora - has purple-colored leaves.

If you carefully consider the indoor cultivated plant stonecrop, then the leaves seem to sit on the shoots, thereby forming whorls.

Flowering time August - end of September. If the weather conditions are favorable, then flowering can continue until mid-October. The flowers are located at the ends of the shoots and are collected in shields. The flower petals are pink, with a lilac tint, in the middle the color turns closer to cherry.

If the plant is grown in a temperate climate, then fruits are not formed. During the winter period, the leaves fall off and new ones appear with the advent of heat.

If you care for this type of stonecrop at home, then you should carefully study its needs. It is important to remember that there is the following rule: Sedum sieboldii must overwinter at a temperature of at least 5 ° C in order to form new shoots next year. In addition, too intense top dressing causes fading of colors.

Stonecrop Morgan ( Sedum organianum) , like Siebold's sedum, also hangs down, its leaves with gray hoarfrost are arranged like scales on shoots up to 1 m long. The homeland of this species: Mexico.

The leaves are oblong-elliptical, rounded, averaging 1.5 - 2 cm in length. They are quite fleshy, mostly 5 mm wide. You need to know that the leaves fall off at the slightest touch.

The flowers of this sedum (sedum) are arranged in the form of an umbrella, 10-15 pcs. The plant blooms profusely, the flowers are pink-red, approximately 1 cm in length. This view can often be seen in the windows of apartments.

The following photos show types of stonecrop in room conditions with a fairly large number of flowers:

The most popular variety of this species is Sedum Burrito, which differs in the shape of the leaves: they are more rounded and without a bluish tint.

It blooms in late spring - early summer with pale pink bells.

Stonecrop blushing- a compact plant whose shoots spread along the ground. Over time, they rise a little. The leaves are rounded and spindle-shaped, they are crowded in apical rosettes.

Red stonecrop leaves ( Sedum rubrodnctum) dark green, but in a warm, dry room they become reddish. Flowers have a beautiful bright yellow color.

The birthplace of Sedum Steel is Mexico. This stonecrop takes home care well, despite the fact that in nature it is found high in the mountains, at an altitude of up to two and a half meters above sea level.

This type of sedum is a perennial shrub, reaching a height of up to 20 cm. The leaves are ovoid, up to 12 mm long and up to 8 mm wide. The color is brownish-red with light fluff, in the same colors.

It is better to have a flowerpot on the sunny side, as it is a warm and light-loving plant. Do not apply mineral fertilizers to the ground, otherwise the leaves may lose their decorative effect.

Care must be taken not to overwater the plant, it is drought-resistant and it is better to under-water than to allow moisture to stagnate.

Take a look at the photo of this variety of stonecrop, where you can see the features of this flowering plant:

Its inflorescences are apical, paniculate, with yellow flowers. With proper care, it will bloom in August-September. Sedum Steel easily sheds leaves, from which new shoots can appear without human intervention.

Some types of stonecrop, in particular caustic ( Sedum acre ) can be found in the wild. This unpretentious species grows in infertile, dry soils and forms solid carpets, up to about 7 cm in height. In general they are green, but during flowering they are covered with yellow flowers.

In this form, there grade yellow queen(Yellow Queen), which is a spectacular perennial plant with small, fleshy, lime-lemon leaves.

Consider in the photo a variety of stonecrop called the Yellow Queen and its flowers that look like stars:

Inflorescences consist of shortened branches with almost sessile flowers of a poisonous yellow color. Dense flowering occurs in mid-summer. The fruits are formed in August - early September, this is a box with seeds inside.

It is quite difficult to find the differences between stonecrop caustic and stonecrop hexagon.

Consider in the photo these types of stonecrops with names:

Both the caustic and hexagonal sedum have yellow leaves and stems, but in the second species the leaves are arranged on the stem in such a way that it actually appears to be hexagonal.

In addition to the well-known variety Yellow Queen, the following varieties are also popular in this type of stonecrop:

elegans- with twisted, grayish leaves, shaped like sea coral.

Aureum- the tops of the shoots are painted yellow.

Blue Forest- with blue-green rounded leaves and bright flowers.

A notable feature of these varieties are their fleshy stems and leaves. These are drought-resistant and winter-hardy plants that bloom from mid-spring to late summer.

Also suitable for growing on poor soils stonecrop white ( Sedum album) , which is quite aggressive to fertile soil and grows rapidly with a low carpet.

The bases of the stems creep along the ground, which is why this species is used as a ground cover plant. It blooms in May with numerous, small, fragrant flowers. All varieties tolerate cold winters and the harsh climate of central Russia.

Such varieties of stonecrop are popular:

Coral Carpet- low bushes reach 5 cm in height, the leaves acquire a purple hue by autumn.

Atoum- have flat foliage that turns red in the summer in the sun.

Faro Form- has very small leaves, forms a low carpet (up to 1 cm). It turns red in summer and turns brown in autumn.

Hillebrandty- a variety with large leaves that acquire an orange-red hue in summer.

Mural– stems and leaves are completely reddish-brown.

Pay attention to the photo, depicting the type of white stonecrop and its varieties Coral Carpet And Mural:

The leaves of these plants have different shades of red and brown. They change under the influence of sunlight and depending on the time of year.

Care for stonecrop at home: how to get rid of pests

Pests and diseases quite rarely overcome plants of the genus stonecrop. Almost all domesticated species do not give their owner much difficulty in caring for themselves.

The description of the ornamental plant sedum states that broad-leaved species, such as the sedum stonecrop, can be affected in late June or early August by caterpillars of true sawflies from the Tenthredinidae family.

As soon as pests have been detected, the plant should be treated with Aktelik. You can also lure pests with cabbage or lettuce leaves spread nearby and destroy them.

Cold, damp weather can harm sedum species such as:

  • Ordinary.
  • Prominent.
  • Red dot.

The leaves and stems of these species are affected by fungal infections and become covered with dark spots.

The following video shows the affected stonecrop, and tells what to do with it:

All shoots and leaves that are covered with fungus are cut and burned.


Aphids are found on large-leaved stonecrops. Treating the plant with insecticides will help get rid of it. Unfortunately, there are no special preparations for Crassulaceae, but they can be treated with insecticides, which are used when irrigating blackcurrant bushes. This tool will not damage the stonecrop and will not burn the surface of the sheets.

It is quite rare that stonecrop is damaged by thrips, recently introduced to Europe. This leads to curvature of the stems.

When planting and caring for stonecrop flowers, you may encounter the following trouble - shoots can damage the weevil. It is also called the furrowed bevel or the furrowed elephant.

How can stonecrop be propagated, which methods are best suited? You can do this in the following ways:

  • Using cuttings.
  • By planting seeds.
  • The method of dividing the bush.

Growing a sedum plant from seeds is also commonly practiced. It is worth sowing seeds in spring or autumn in boxes or bowls that can be placed in a greenhouse or dug into a garden bed. In this case, the plant will begin to bloom only in the second year. Sometimes the first flowers appear after 3 years.

The main thing is to keep track of what their location will be. It should be bright and sunny. In summer, the plant needs a place protected from direct sunlight, located in the open air.

With proper care during the cultivation of stonecrop seeds, hybrid plants may appear. The main thing is not to flood the soil and give them enough light. Many consider this method difficult, since seed germination is small, and seedlings behave rather capriciously.

These plants are well pollinated, it is difficult to obtain the required variety, most likely, another hybrid will be grown. As a rule, seed propagation is used in breeding.

Reproduction of indoor stonecrop: how to plant cuttings and leaves

Often gardeners choose cuttings as the easiest and most reliable way to propagate sedum. The smallest pieces of shoots that accidentally fall into the garden during pruning have a real chance of taking root. In nature, they are often carried by small rodents or birds, so the plant is easily transferred to new areas.

When planting and caring for indoor sedum sedum, it does not require much work. It is often enough to simply tear off or cut off the shoot and stick it into the moistened ground, then it will take root on its own.

To get more planting material, use the method of winter cuttings. This technique is practiced for the prominent sedum, which is most often used for landscaping the backyard territory.

At the end of flowering, before the first frosts, healthy, without any damage, flower shoots are cut off. Before planting stonecrop shoots in the ground, they are laid out on racks in a dry, warm room.

Over time, the leaves from the shoots will fall off, instead of them, shoots with roots will appear. You need to wait until they grow to 4-5 cm in length, then break off and plant in the soil.

They take root at a temperature of 18-22 °, while it is not scary if the temperature is lower. It is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of light falls on the cuttings, and to avoid excessive watering, otherwise the shoots will rot. In late spring, shoots can be planted in open ground, and by autumn they will begin to bloom.

To propagate stonecrop with apical cuttings, you just need to cut off the top and put it in water or stick it in moist soil, and this unpretentious plant will sprout by itself.

If you use the last method - dividing the bush, then it is worth starting in early spring. It doesn’t matter if these are indoor or garden flowers, it is necessary to dig out the rhizome in early spring, when the plant is just “waking up”.

The root taken from the ground must be divided into two parts so that both have both rhizomes and buds, from which shoots will subsequently grow.

You can divide the bush into four or five parts, the main rule: each part has rhizomes and buds.

Another commonly used method is leaf propagation, which is well suited for indoor stonecrops - the method is the simplest and least laborious.

What is required for this method:

  • Pot or other container.
  • Substrate intended for an adult plant.
  • Water at room temperature.
  • Stonecrop leaves.

Pour the soil intended for transplanting an adult plant into a pot, moisten it. Then just lay out the leaves on the surface. After 7-10 days, the leaves will take root, and young shoots will begin to grow.

How to grow stonecrop at home

In room conditions, stonecrops bloom less frequently than in nature. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that plants lack sunlight. Also, for the proper growth and flowering of stonecrop, a certain temperature is needed: in summer it is room temperature, but in winter the temperature regime should be from 5 to 12 ° C.

For good flowering, it is necessary to maintain low humidity: sedums tolerate dry air well. Choose the substrate the same as for cacti.

Special watering stonecrop is not needed. It is only necessary to maintain a certain humidity. Top dressing is also important: in the summer, sedums need to be fed every 4 weeks with fertilizer for cacti.

Transplantation is carried out if necessary. In general, the plant can safely grow in the same soil for about 5 years.

Below is a series of photos of beautiful indoor sedum flowers and various compositions created from them:

By combining different types with each other, experimenting, you can achieve the emergence of new, stunning hybrids that can decorate any room.

Sedum is a succulent plant, a close relative of which is the fat woman or money tree, beloved by flower growers. However, this flower resembles its relative only remotely. It is resistant to harsh climates, less demanding on the soil, and extremely unpretentious indoors. It has Russian names - ochitnik, zhivuchnik, skripun-grass, etc.

In this article on sedum, we will talk about the main types, varieties and varieties of this flower; about the features of reproduction, planting and caring for stonecrop when growing it at home and in the garden.

There are over 600 species of sedum in the world. For indoor floriculture, you can choose any plant: an ampelous one, the branches of which will hang picturesquely from the pot, a ground cover covering the surface of the pot with its processes and creating a hat, or a stand-alone plant in the form of a small tree. A mixture of different types of sedum can be effectively used in small compositions from different families of succulents.

Stonecrop has proven itself well as a perennial garden plant, but it also breeds and grows well in room conditions. It must be remembered that this plant does not like abundant watering and that in winter it should have a dormant period. In summer, indoor stonecrop can be safely taken out into the street, planted in flower pots decorating balconies - the warm summer air will only benefit the stonecrop.

Stonecrop Adolf ( Sedum adolphia)

It has green fleshy leaves with a slight coating. The shape of the leaf of some representatives is similar to the Nussbaumer Stonecrop, only the color is different. There are also plants with wider leaves. It takes on a reddish tint in bright sunlight.

Stonecrop Adolf

Stonecrop Morgan ( Sedum Morganianum)

Indoor plant. The stems hang from the pot and are densely covered with round, elongated, slightly pointed leaves, vaguely resembling bananas. Perhaps that is why his nickname is "Monkey Tail". The color of the leaves is bluish green. The leaves easily break off from the stem, even from a slight touch when transferring the pot from one place to another, but the leaves also take root easily.

Stonecrop Morgan / Flowering

Sedum burrito ( Sedum burrito)

This species is easily confused with Sedum Morgana. Its difference is in the color of the leaves - the stonecrop burrito has a bright green color, and the shape of the leaves is not pointed, but rounded.

Sedum burrito

Sedum Steel ( Sedum Stahlii) — Stahl

It does not hang from the pot, but grows upwards, shoots can reach 15-20 cm in height, the leaves fit snugly to the stem, are ovoid in shape. The color of the leaves is brown-red.

Sedum Steel

Sedum mexican ( Sedum mexicanum)

Ampelous plant with long shoots. Its leaves are elongated, thin, needle-like. This plant blooms with yellow flowers. Gardeners love to use this flower to decorate summer planters on balconies, along with annual flowers.

Mexican Sedum / Flowering

Sedum Siebold ( Sedum Sieboldii)

This is an ampelous plant, with long, about 20-25 cm, stems. Its leaves are bluish-green (some varieties have a different color), round in shape. It is well suited for outdoor hanging planters, for decorating rockeries and alpine slides in the summer. However, this type of stonecrop does not tolerate frost well, so for the winter bring it into a room where the temperature will not fall below 10˚. The heat in winter will also have a bad effect on this flower, since winter for it is a dormant period. In autumn, it will shed its leaves, and in winter it should be placed in a cool place in partial shade. Watering at this time of the year should also be kept to a minimum.

Sedum Siebold / Flowering

Stonecrop Nussbaumer ( Sedum nussbaumerianum)

This sedum grows in a small bush, with pointed, fleshy leaves of a lemon-pink hue.

Stonecrop Nussbaumer

Stonecrop red-colored ( Sedum rubrotinctum)

A well-known indoor view comes from Mexico. A distinctive feature are red fleshy leaves. The plant acquires a rich red hue in bright sunlight. Flowering yellow flowers with a short pedicel.

Stonecrop red-colored



Sedum loves the sun, south windows are perfect. Good lighting is required throughout the year, so in winter it is recommended to use phytolamps for additional lighting.


Sedum needs to be watered infrequently. One or two times a week in the summer is enough, and in winter you can water even less often - once every one to two weeks. If the ground near the flower is dry by 1-2 cm, feel free to water it. Water should be taken settled, at room temperature. When the flower dries out, leaves may fall off, but it does not like too wet soil.


Doesn't matter for sedums. Feels good in rooms with dry air. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.


The best temperature for room stonecrop in summer is + 25-28 degrees, and in winter + 10-15 degrees (at a higher temperature it stretches in length). In the summer, sedums can be planted in flower beds to decorate rockeries and alpine slides. Needs room ventilation.


The flower practically does not need to be fed, in rare cases, in the spring and summer, fertilizer for cacti or succulents can be applied, taking the amount of fertilizer half that indicated.

Transplant and soil

A young plant needs to be transplanted once every 2 years, an adult once every 3 years. It is better to choose a pot that is shallow and wide, since sedums have a superficial root system. The pot must have drainage holes. Lay pebbles on the bottom so that water does not stagnate at the roots of the plant. It tolerates transplant very well.

The soil should be loose, well-permeable to water; stonecrop is suitable for succulents and cacti with the addition of charcoal.


Sedum also reproduces quite easily. There are several ways to make stonecrop at home:

  • leaf
  • cutting
  • seeds

The easiest way is to break off a leaf and put it on the ground in a pot. No need to sprinkle with earth or water - just wait. By the way, the leaves of sedum break off quite easily, for example, if you accidentally hit the plant. Place the leaf in a pot of soil. The leaf will first dry up scrapped, and then small roots will appear, and after them tiny leaves.

Of course, a large plant will grow from a leaf for a very long time, so you can carefully divide the bush and plant part of the plant, or break off a small shoot, dry it for several days, and then plant it in the ground. The earth should be slightly damp, do not flood the process.

The most labor-intensive way is to grow sedums from seeds, but this way you can grow quite rare varieties that are not easy to find in stores.

Diseases and pests

  • Due to the lack of sunlight, the stem stretches, the leaves fall.
  • The roots rot due to abundant watering or stagnation of moisture in the pot.
  • From lack of water, the plant wilts, the leaves wrinkle.

Garden plants - sedums are distinguished by the variety of cultivated species, colors and shapes. So, they require certain growing conditions.

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