Medvedka damages. What does the bear look like and where does it live - a description of the insect

Medvedka- an insect that leads an underground lifestyle and causes great harm to seedlings and seedlings. It is capable of destroying up to 30% of seedlings in a few days. It feeds on almost all crops in the garden. While moving in the soil, it gnaws through the stem of plants at the base, damages the roots, as a result of which young, fragile seedlings die.

You need to start fighting with the bear in early spring and continue the fight until the first autumn frosts. The use of insecticides gives good results, and the use of homemade bait traps is also justified. In the article, we will consider methods for displaying a bear.

Medvedka: description of the insect

So what does an insect look like:

Stages of development of the pest:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • an adult.

What does the larva look like:

An adult (imago) lives one to two years. It hibernates at a depth of up to 1 m. This insect is called the "bear" for a large body with brown pubescence on the outside.

She also has several nicknames:

  • "Top" - as young larvae are gray in color;
  • "earth cancer" - so named for powerful developed claws;
  • "kapustyanka" - a nickname given for a special passion for cabbage seedlings.

In the photo - an ordinary bear.

Medvedka causes irreparable harm to the crop. She eats a variety of garden crops. Destroys young seedlings and seeds in the soil.

Gardeners have long been looking for the most effective way to permanently defeat the pest in the garden.

What does a bear eat in the garden:

How to determine the presence of a bear on the site?

The lifestyle of the bear is underground, it appears only for a short time on the surface of the soil.

Signs of the presence of a bear and how it affects plants:

  1. Yellowing of seedlings and death of seedlings with proper watering. Medvedka can gnaw their roots.
  2. Digs horizontal and vertical passages into the ground e, gnaws through the stems of vegetable and flower crops. The seedlings are lying on the ground with a broken stem.
  3. From dug horizontal passages, low tubercles appear on the ground, they are clearly visible after the rain. If you dig these tunnels, you can find a clutch of eggs and an adult insect.
  4. From vertically dug passages, holes are visible on the surface of the soil, sprinkled with a mound of earth.
  5. In the evening and at night, the bear makes sounds by rubbing its wings against each other. These sounds are similar to the chirping of a grasshopper, but louder. The chirping is heard at a distance of 600 m from the singing bear. Therefore, it is possible to find its shelter by sound and destroy it.

How to deal with a bear?

The removal of cabbage from the garden begins in early spring, when the air warms up to +12 ° C and continues until late autumn. You need to fight insects by all available means.

Folk remedies

Tool name How to apply?
chicken manure It is three times more nutritious than cow's and repels the bear with the smell. Use it in spring and early summer for watering young seedlings and for dry application.
Ammonia (ammonia solution) Ways to use ammonia:
  1. After planting the seedlings, pour water with ammonia. For 10 liters of water, take 4 tbsp. spoons of ammonia solution.
  2. Another way to deal with a pest is to wrap the stem of seedlings before planting in the ground with a cloth soaked in ammonia.
  3. Pieces of fabric are laid out between rows of seedlings. A specific pungent smell will scare away the bear from the plants.
Legumes Plant peas and other legumes in the garden. Their root system draws from the deep layers of the soil to the upper nitrogen, which makes it difficult for the bear to breathe.

Also, pea beans are soaked in Aktara, Decis or Confidor chemicals and scattered into holes, landing holes or burrows.

Leaves and husk Leaves of garlic, mint, onion peel laid out on the beds between crops that need to be protected from insects. You can also fight the insect with the help of garlic cloves, which are added to the hole when planting the plant.
odorous branches Branches of needles, chrysanthemums. The smell of these crops scares away the bear from the site. To combat insects, dig branches around the perimeter of the garden and between rows at a distance of 1–1.5 m.
Laundry soap Water with laundry soap or boiling water is poured into the passages that lead to the holes of the insect. Kapustyanka from such wetting either dies in a hole, or creeps out to the surface of the soil, where it needs to be destroyed.
Kerosene Kerosene with water. Take 100 ml of kerosene per 1 liter of water and fill the discovered labyrinths with this liquid. Medvedka dies underground or appears on the surface of the earth, where it must be caught and destroyed.
Sand with kerosene. Between the beds, sprinkle the earth with sand moistened with kerosene. The smell will repel pests. This protection is enough for a week.

Learn more about how to deal with Medvedka with folk remedies, learn from the video:

Traps and scarers

Method name How does it work?
dung heaps It is simple and effective to deal with a bear - scatter dung heaps around the site in early May. Insect lay eggs in them and will often appear there to care for masonry. After two or three weeks, these heaps of manure will need to be collected and burned along with the nests.
manure pits Build pits filled with manure in the garden before the onset of cold weather. They will gather hibernate larvae and adult insects. With the onset of frost, the contents of the pit must be scattered around the garden. The insect will freeze to death in the cold.
Traps with beer or honey Fill a three-liter glass bottle with beer to 1/3 capacity, tie the neck with gauze. Dig it at an angle into the ground. Medvedka gnaws through gauze and goes to the bank from which it cannot escape.
Lanterns In May, during the mating season, the bear begins to fly long distances. Under the included lights in the evening exhibited container with kerosene. Like any flying insect, it flies to a light source, hits a lantern and falls into a prepared container, where it dies.
Porridge Boil wheat or pearl barley. For 3 kg of finished porridge, add 100 ml of beer to attract the bear and the drug "Rembek", "Vofatoks" or "Bazudin" as a poison. Form the resulting slurry into balls and spread out into prepared beds and planting pits.
Rope Inside the greenhouse or around it is laid out on the ground rope soaked in kerosene. The smell repels the insect for a week.

ultrasonic repeller

The device digs into the ground, runs on batteries. It makes low-frequency sounds that scare away the insect from the site.

You can fight a pest with an ultrasonic repeller without fear of harming animals. These sounds do not cause discomfort to pets and people. The area of ​​action of repellers is from 80 sq.m.


There are several ways to deal with a bear with the help of chemicals: applying a chemical to the soil, soaking the roots before planting, and adding to baits.

Name of the drug Description
Soil preparations
"Medvetoks" The active substance is diazinon, blocks the insect's airways. Release form - granules. The drug is poured into the soil along the perimeter of the site where it is planned to plant plants in two weeks.

The poison begins to act after getting wet, so you need to water the prepared area, protection period - up to three weeks.

As part of millet groats treated with boric acid, kerosene, vegetable oil. Apply the preparation between the rows to a depth of 5 cm, at a distance of 50 cm.

After application, pour water over the treated area. Boric acid in the composition causes paralysis of the nervous system and death.

"Phenaksin plus"
The active substance is fenvalerate. Release form - granules, covered with an insect-attracting smell, poison is contained inside. Death occurs after two or three hours after taking the drug.

Apply two weeks before planting seedlings; dig holes at a distance of one meter and add 10 pieces of granules to them. And also fight with the bear, falling asleep 3-5 granules when planting the plant in the holes.

Preparations for the treatment of the root system and seeds
A drug based on thiamethoxam. Release form - suspension, granules or powder. The drug is used for root soaking and seed dressing plants before planting. The dilution rate for the treatment of roots and seeds is 1.4 g per 1 liter of water.
"Prestige" Suspension for soaking the root system, tubers before planting in open ground. The active ingredients are imidacloprid and pencycuron. The consumption rate of the drug is 35 ml per 500 ml of water.
Chemicals to add to baits
Release form - powder. The active substance is bensultap, a neurotoxin of annelids marine worms. Negatively affects the nervous system of the pest, death occurs within two to three days.

For 1 kg of bait, use 10 g of Bankola. Apply to the soil to a depth of 5 cm.

"Vofatoks" Release form - liquid and powder. Applies for soaking the root system plants and for mixing with bait. The drug blocks the work of the nervous system, paralyzes the pest, as a result of which it dies.

The consumption rate of the substance for soaking is 10 ml per 3 liters of water. To add 1 kg of porridge to the bait, 1.5 g of Wofatox powder is enough.

Can't deal with pests?

Rodents, insects, pests are a great danger to human health. They are often carriers of serious diseases: typhus, rabies, tularemia.

In addition, if pests appear in summer cottages, they can ruin the entire crop or damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

Preventive measures

Tips on how to deal with a bear to prevent an increase in numbers:

  1. Digging the soil to a depth of 50 cm in late autumn and early spring before the ground warms up. The larvae go to winter in the soil, burrowing no deeper than 50 cm. Fight during this period by deep plowing the soil at low air temperatures, which will lead to the death of the insect.
  2. Loosening the soil between rows crops from the end of May. In the process of loosening, the moves of the bear are destroyed and the laying of eggs is found. Found nests with eggs are destroyed before the appearance of larvae.
  3. The introduction of baits with poison during the construction of a greenhouse. The introduction of baits into the planting holes 10 days before planting seedlings.
  4. Freeing the area from large objects: logs, boards, slate.
  5. Mulching the soil with bark needles, straw, sawdust. When using them, the temperature of the soil decreases, and the bear loves well-heated soil.
  6. Do not scatter purchased cow dung over the area to dry. and store in a special container; be sure to disinfect it.

It is important to remember that the mullein is the main source of the appearance of the bear on the site.

Removing a bear from a vegetable garden or garden is a lengthy process that takes a lot of time. When this pest appears, you must immediately begin to fight it, choosing a convenient method.

Stories from our readers!
“Ants appeared in the bathhouse. I thought about how to deal with them, a friend advised me to use a modern ultrasonic repeller. I installed the device and began to wait for the result. I got rid of the insects.

Now I ordered it for a country house, so that the mice do not run. But the neighbor was not lucky, she bought a fake, of course there was no result. Be careful, order on the official website!"


You can fight the pest in the country using various methods: chemicals, folk recipes. The real way to get rid of the bear is to drive it away with an ultrasonic repeller.

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of a bear in a summer cottage than to remove it. To do this, every autumn you need to dig up the soil to the depth of a bayonet shovel. And also the refusal to use cattle manure will save the soil from infection.

Medvedka common

To date, the bear is already quite a familiar inhabitant in almost every garden. It multiplies rapidly and feeds on the roots or bulbs of plants, and also especially loves root crops. If you do not take action, then this, at first glance, clumsy insect is capable of destroying the entire crop.

The threat of the bear and where it comes from

It comes from the cricket family. It has a rather large size, some individuals can reach 5-6 cm in length. The common bear has well-developed forelimbs, which can also be called digging. Like a mole, she easily digs tunnels underground, destroying root shoots on her way. The people of this pest are called earthen cancer or cabbage.

What does it eat

Her diet includes all the vegetation in the garden, from flowers to melons. By laying eggs in the soil, one individual is able to reproduce up to 300 units of offspring at a time. The trouble is that not only adult insects, but also larvae are very active. Starting in early spring, they destroy crops, and in summer and autumn - a ripening crop of vegetables.

It is almost impossible to protect the site from attack. Most often, it enters the soil along with manure brought for fertilizer. This seemingly underground insect is also capable of flying at night.

Singing bear

The first sign of the presence of a pest in the garden is the characteristic voice of a bear. In the evening or at night, you can clearly identify her singing, a bit reminiscent of the chirping of a cricket. If you hear such sounds in your area, you should seriously worry about the further safety of all crops growing on the site. Another indicator of its presence in the garden are characteristic holes in the ground in the form of passages.

Folk methods of dealing with a bear

To properly deal with such a pest, you need to know well its behavior at different times of the year. It is customary to think that the bear lives only in the upper layers of the earth and loves moist warm soil. But starting from August, she actively moves to deeper layers and begins to prepare for wintering. That is why the methods of struggle in spring and autumn are radically different.

How to deal with a bear in the spring

The insect begins to show its activity already in the month of March, therefore, with the very beginning of the planting season, it is necessary to take the necessary measures.

The most common pest control methods are:

  • It is necessary to exclude all breeding sites of the bear on the site: these can be manure heaps, leaves or debris, compost pits. In rotting plant remains, the earth warms up well and attracts insects for laying eggs;
  • In April or early May, manure baits are laid out on the site. About a month later, they are checked for the presence of larvae and the insects themselves;
  • Before planting, it is necessary to plow the ground well, this will help to partially get rid of the bear and destroy its masonry. It is also recommended in early June to loosen the row spacing shallowly (no more than 15 cm in depth);
  • Since she loves cow dung, you should not feed plants with it, this can only attract insects from all over the area. As an alternative, you can use diluted chicken manure, it will not only fertilize the earth, but also scare away the bear;
  • Crushed egg shells are placed at the bottom of each planting hole (1 teaspoon under each bush), this will partially block the passage to the roots of the plant;
  • Along the edges of the plot, it is best to sow low marigolds (Chernobrivtsi), the bear does not tolerate the smell of these flowers, and the passage from neighboring plots will be closed to her;
  • Flood burrows with soapy water. 15 g of soap and 40 g of powder are diluted in a liter of water, the liquid is poured into the hole, and after a couple of minutes the insects die in the mink or crawl out, where they are collected and burned or dried and used for medicinal purposes;
  • Vegetable oil is also used: a few drops added to the hole and filled with 2-3 liters of water block the respiratory tract of the insect and kill it;
  • They use home-made traps in the form of glass jars buried in the ground, not far from the holes. The container is placed in the ground at an angle so that the surface of the soil is a couple of centimeters above the neck. In a jar, you can put a bait from a piece of manure or beer with a strong smell of malt. A pest that has crawled inside will not be able to get out along the glass walls of the vessel.

Such traps will help not only to clean the soil from pests, but also to collect insects for the manufacture of medicines. Medvedka has medicinal properties and is actively used both in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis and many other diseases.

How to deal with a bear in the fall

Due to the fact that at the end of summer the bear goes deep into the soil, other methods of dealing with it are used. The most common of these are manure traps. On the site they dig holes up to half a meter deep, fill them with bait and cover with earth. Pests crawl into them for wintering. When the cold comes, the pits open and scatter manure around the site, as a result of which insects die from frost.

It is necessary to fight with a bear regularly. To ensure that the measures taken and the work done are not in vain and are as effective as possible, it is best to take care of the health of the garden together with the neighbors.

Preparations for the fight against the bear

In addition to folk methods of struggle, special preparations can also be used. The most popular is Borevin. The tool is made on the basis of the mushroom of the same name. The diluted preparation is poured into the wells of insects and wait until they appear on the surface. Dead individuals must be collected and destroyed (burned) so that they are not eaten by animals or birds. Be vigilant when working with Borevin, as contact with the substance causes an allergic reaction in a person.

A proven remedy is Rembek. This drug is also effective against garden ants and Maybug larvae.


Many will refuse to use chemicals so as not to harm wildlife. Therefore, as a safe alternative, you can use electronic, such as Green Belt or do-it-yourself repellers. Medvedka, like the mole, does not tolerate the vibrations of the earth, so she leaves the garden.


Medvedka is one of the most malicious pests of horticultural and horticultural crops. There are many methods of insect control, both folk and preparative. The most humane and safest is the use of special repellers.

Medvedka is a malicious garden pest, in one night it can spoil the ground part of plants, tubers and roots hidden underground. Medvedka larvae cause harm no less than adults, they feed on roots, seeds of plants and destroy larvae of other insect species. Loosening the soil in the beds, the larvae violate the root system of crops, leading them to death. In this article - a description of the bear and its larvae; recommendations on how to deal with it; photo and video techniques for the destruction of the pest.

Medvedka - evil in the garden beds

Medvedka is a pest that is found everywhere; these insects do not have a specific range. Medvedki belong to the order Orthoptera. In total, about 100 species of bears are known in nature. A full-fledged life of a bear begins with the onset of darkness, during the day it hides in the thickness of the earth.

The body of the pest reaches a maximum of 8 cm. Outwardly, the bear resembles something between a shrimp and a locust, has antennae, powerful tentacles, on which it moves quickly. Medvedka is a universal pest: it swims well, crawls quickly, flies (it reaches a height of 5 meters in flight). But best of all, the bear knows how to dig the ground; for this, the insect has special devices on its body. Garden beds, where the bear settled, in a short time turn into an intricate labyrinth of intersecting underground passages.

The insect is able to damage all the beds in a short time

In the warm season, the bear lives in the upper layers of the soil, for the winter the pest burrows into compost heaps to a depth of 2 meters. One of the measures to get rid of the pest is to dig up compost heaps at the end of winter, when the earth has not had time to warm up. Medvedka nests are disturbed, and sleeping pests are manually removed.

The ideal habitat for the bear is moist, crumbly garden soil, under such conditions the pest can exist for up to 5 years.

Advice! The fight against the bear should be started immediately after the discovery of the pest, using agrotechnical and chemical methods.

Medvedka - from egg to adult

A female bear can lay up to 500 eggs in a nest. The nest itself has a rounded shape up to 10 cm in diameter.

Advice! When destroying the nests of the bear, it is not necessary to dig out the beds to a great depth - the eggs are in a layer of 10-15 cm from the surface of the earth.

It takes about 3 weeks for the offspring to appear. The hatched larvae outwardly resemble adult bears, they are smaller in size (up to 30 mm) and do not yet have wings. Otherwise, the larvae are an exact copy of adults: the head has a mustache, eyes, powerful jaws and tentacles. It is noteworthy that the eyes of the larva have a circular view of 360 degrees. The forelimbs are reduced to claws, the body is protected by a powerful shell.

To the sexually mature state, the larva goes through 4 stages over a period of one to two years. Young bears grow up faster under favorable conditions - abundant nutrition and high soil moisture. During this period, the larva molts several times, changing the outer shell.

Important! For the first year, the larva of the bear is not able to turn into an adult, therefore, pests go into hibernation at any stage.

Pest and larvae control measures

To destroy these malicious pests, all measures are good: warning, scaring, destruction of nests, destruction of adults and larvae.

It is possible to prevent the resettlement of bears in the area by digging the beds in early spring and late autumn - this is how nests with eggs and wintering individuals are destroyed. A good result is the frequent loosening of the beds in the summer season.

It is difficult to fight insects, it is better to carry out preventive work

Manure baits located on the site help to get rid of the nests of the bear in time. The female uses manure heaps to build nests, after about 10 days it is worth inspecting the traps, the discovered egg clutches are destroyed.

It is useful to water the soil with an infusion of onion scales, cover it with a sand mixture soaked in kerosene (take up to 70 ml of kerosene per 1 kg of sand) - the smell will scare away the pest.

Advice! An old woolen sock is impregnated with kerosene, put on a hose, watered the ground. Periodically, the sock is dipped into a solution of kerosene.

Marigolds and chrysanthemums planted on the site scare away the bear with their pungent smell. In autumn, it is useful to chop the stems and leaves of these plants and plant them in the soil.

In addition, the fight against the bear is carried out with the help of traps - banks of water are laid in the ground at night, the upper part of the bank should be at ground level. In the morning, pests are selected from traps and destroyed.

There are also special means for combating the bear, for example, the Medvetoks insecticide, which is laid out under each plant when planting.

How to get rid of a bear: video

Fighting Medvedka: photo

Medvedka is an insect 35-50 mm long, with short leathery elytra and front digging legs. It lives in the soil and only occasionally appears on the surface. Flying in the evening and at night. Swims well. In warm weather, it makes burrows at the very surface, and winter burrows reach a depth of 50-100 cm.

Mass yield is observed at a temperature of 12-15°C. After mating, which takes place underground, the females build a nest. Oviposition consists of 100-350 or more eggs. Embryonic development lasts 10-20 or more days. For the normal development of eggs, 100% humidity is required.

Medvedka larvae, after hatching from eggs, remain in the nest under the protection of the female for 2-3 weeks. Damages the underground parts of various plants (cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc.). Seedlings dry out, damaged plants are easily pulled out of the soil. In root vegetable crops and in potato tubers, the bear eats large cavities, also damages seeds, gnaws and tears the roots.

Protective measures

At the end of September it is necessary to dig holes up to 0.5 m deep, fill them with manure (preferably horse) with straw. Medvedka gathers in the pits. Late in autumn or winter, they dig them up, scatter manure and the bears die from the cold. Medvedka can be caught in half-liter jars filled with 2/3 water, dug into the soil at surface level in places of mass accumulation of insects. At the beginning of the growing season (at the end of May and during June), the aisles are loosened 2-3 times to a depth of 10-15 cm, dug out eggs and larvae die.

When planting vegetable seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, etc.), you can use 1-1.5-liter plastic bottles. The upper and lower parts are cut off, the rest is cut into several parts up to 10-15 cm high. Then these parts are placed in the ground so that at least 5 cm remains above the surface, where seedlings are planted. It is possible at the beginning of May to lay out baits from fresh manure, into which the pest crawls to make holes and lay eggs, and after 3-4 weeks the bait heaps are looked through, the bear and eggs are destroyed.

Medvedka also dies from eating baits made from eggshell powder moistened with sunflower oil, which is embedded in the ground. Plants are not damaged by a bear if you put a clove of garlic in the hole before planting.

In autumn, you can use a mixture of water and kerosene (100 g per 10 liters of water), which is poured into the pest holes at the rate of 30 g each.

Scaring away the bear

Marigolds sown between vegetable crops, as well as green alder branches spaced at a distance of 1.5 m, which are replaced with fresh ones from time to time, scare away the bear. In addition, there is a solution of washing powder that is detrimental to the bear, which is poured into minks.

A plot inhabited by a bear can be watered in summer with an infusion of onion husks at the rate of 900 g of onion husks and waste, filled with 10 liters of warm water and infused for 4-5 days. Then, before use, the infusion is diluted with water (1:5) and the plants are watered after rain 2-3 times in 5-7 days; In the absence of rain, the area is watered. An infusion of chicken manure is also used at the rate of 2 kg per 10 liters of water. After thorough mixing and dilution with water (1: 5), dry soil is watered. In soil fertilized with chicken manure, the pest does not live.

To scare away the bear, you can use sand moistened with kerosene at the rate of one glass per bucket of sand. In this case, the sand is poured onto the ground, watered with kerosene, thoroughly shoveled for 5-10 minutes, and then scattered on the site with planted seedlings (0.25-0.5 l per 1 m2).

Radical measures to combat Medvedka

The most radical measure to combat Medvedka is the use of chemicals. To do this, the roots of seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet pepper before planting in open ground are moistened in a suspension of the preparation Actara 25 WG (1.5 g / l of water for 250 plants) at a temperature of 18-23 ° C and an exposure of 90-120 minutes.

To protect potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage from medvedka, medvedtoks-U (300 g per 1 hundred square meters) is used by introducing into furrows 3-4 cm deep along the perimeter or between the beds, followed by sprinkling with earth and watering at the rate of 10 l / m2 after planting the tubers or seedlings.

The roots of seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cabbage before planting in open ground can also be soaked in a suspension of Prestige 290 FS (100 ml per 10 liters of water at an exposure of 6-8 hours).
Makar Ruban, Ph.D. biol. Sciences, Kyiv

Fenoxin plus - a radical method of dealing with a bear

These are granules with an attractive smell for a bear and a deadly taste. In the manure, where the bears are very fond of settling, they make a hole and pour granules into it. By all means, the hole is covered from birds and domestic animals, which may also want to feast on and for which a lethal outcome in this case is also guaranteed.

In addition, in those places where bears are seen, and these are usually beds, they make grooves 3-5 cm deep, and lay out the granules at a distance of 20-30 cm. Again, they cover from birds and other animals you need. If the granules do not bite off the bears (for example, they have changed their location), then the granules themselves will dissolve over time from watering, and they will not bring harm to plants and people who feed on these plants.

If you know that you did not use the drug in vain, then repeat the treatment in two weeks, when new bears hatch from the laid eggs.

Natural (natural) enemies of the bear

The natural enemies of the bear are birds (rooks, starlings, crows, herons, etc.), insectivores (hedgehogs, shrews, moles, lizards), ants (destroy eggs), ground beetles (eat larvae), nematodes of the river. Oxyurius and Telestomum, ticks r. Neothorombium, Caloglyphus and Rhizogliphus. In winters with thaws, there is a mass death of bears from fungal diseases.

Another natural enemy of the bear is the anathema wasp Larra. Somehow, Larra discovers prey in the underground passage, drives her out of there and paralyzes her with three blows of the sting. The wasp then lays one egg under the base of the prey's front leg and flies away. After 5 minutes, the bear comes to life and crawls into its cave, turning into a living food warehouse for the wasp larva. However, unfortunately, this wasp is much less common than the bear.

Beer trap for bears

You can fight with a bear without the use of expensive drugs. Here's what to do in the spring.
Pour 50-100 g of beer into glass bottles and tie the neck with a piece of gauze. Dig bottles obliquely at an angle of 45 ° to the soil surface and sprinkle with earth with a layer of 3-4 cm.
They can’t get back (or maybe they don’t want to?). In one or two weeks, the bottle is filled, then you have to dig it out and pour fresh beer for the bears in another bottle. This method is quite effective. For a day 3-4 bears!

Medvedka is afraid of the smell of pine needles

I read in some newspaper that the bear is afraid of the smell of fir. But the potatoes have already been planted, the tops are large. I decided to cut larch branches and sketch them between the potato rows. When digging potatoes, I did not find a single bear.
In the fall, I prepared dry larch needles, you can pine and spruce. Now I want to try, selectively when planting, along with potatoes, pour larch needles into the hole.

Fighting a bear with rotten fish

It turns out the bear does not tolerate the smell of rotten fish. When planting seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and other crops, you need to put 1-2 pieces of cheap fish in the hole. Fish heads, scales, entrails are also suitable.
The fish in the ground quickly rot and the bear avoids this place. Beds with crops of beets, carrots, lettuce, etc. surround the perimeter with a small fish and sprinkle it with earth.
By the time the seeds germinate, the fish will begin to spoil. This will prevent the bear from destroying the seeds and seedlings.

I fight with a bear so ...

Try it - instead of water, pour fermented beer into the bear's hole, the result will exceed all your expectations!

You can get rid of the pest with the help of millet porridge. A small saucepan is being cooked. The drug from the Colorado potato beetle "Regent" is added to the cooled porridge. Then balls roll from the porridge, which fall in each turn dug by the bear. Here is the victory from the pest for a season or more.

I am watering the path. When the water is absorbed, I strongly press the board into the ground, plywood of any width can be used. The next day I raise it: if the bear is here, then there will definitely be moves. I fill these passages with soapy water.

The eggs and larvae of the bear are well destroyed by loosening the row spacing to a depth of 10-12 cm in the period from the third decade of May to the beginning of the second half of July.

Poisonous baits from boiled grains of corn, wheat, barley, oilcake mixed with metaphos (50 g per 1 kg) are laid out against the bear. 30 g of vegetable oil are added to them and laid out under heaps of manure at the rate of 30-50 g per 1 sq. m. Baits can also be laid out 2-3 days before sowing or between rows after germination or planting seedlings, planting them in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Recipe for bait from barley, wheat, millet: for 2 kg of bait, take 50 g of karbofos and 30 g of sunflower oil. The grain is boiled in salted water. First treated with oil, then karbofos and mixed well. The baits are embedded in grooves to a depth of 2-3 cm. m).

Before planting tomatoes and peppers in the ground, I prepare pieces of cloth. I use any dense material. I cut pieces 15 cm long and 8 cm wide. Before planting, I soak them in water. I tie the stem of the tomato with raw rags so that it remains in the ground and at the top. Medvedka does not touch such tomatoes. And over the summer, rags rot. There is no harm from them to tomatoes.

My method, in principle, is not original, but someone may come in handy.
When I plant tomato seedlings in open ground, I place each plant in 6-8 cm segments from an old watering hose. To make it more convenient to do this, I cut the rubber along one side, push the edges of the cut apart and insert the lower part of the stem inside. Rubber immediately restores its original shape. I do not close the root of the seedling, it freely looks out from the bottom of the segment.

To scare away the bear from greenhouses, small grooves are made along the greenhouse grooves (grooves) and sand moistened with kerosene is poured.

Medvedka can be caught for honey

Medvedka can be caught on honey. Take a jar, smear it with honey from the inside below the neck and dig it level with the soil. Top cover with a bent piece of iron or cardboard, then with straw. Medvedka climbs onto the honey and falls to the bottom of the jar.

About other pests

I plant a little potato, so I use this method to fight the Colorado potato beetle. I collect
celandine, pour boiling water and leave overnight, then add 1 teaspoon of washing powder or liquid soap to a bucket of solution and spray the potatoes with a broom once a week.

Onions, garlic, mint, savory, marigolds are planted next to vegetables against aphids. Chrysanthemums planted near currants and gooseberries relieve bushes from powdery mildew. Slugs are afraid of garlic, parsley, lavender.
Lyudmila Saenko, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Windmills against the bear

I managed to get rid of this pest very simply.
My plot is located about a hundred meters from the ravine, into which everyone is dumping all sorts of garbage. It was from this hole that hordes of bears crawled into my garden. In one country newspaper I learned about an old method of dealing with them. It is necessary to put windmills on the site at a distance of 5-10 m from each other. For this, it is better to use iron pipes (wooden stakes rot quickly) 3 meters high. Attach a light metal propeller to the top of the pipe so that it rotates easily and creates more noise. Medvedki, apparently, perceive the vibration and noise from the propellers as a natural disaster. In any case, for many years now, harmful insects have bypassed my garden.

Aspen vs Medvedka

It is necessary to prepare stakes from aspen with a diameter = 2-4 cm, a length of 25-30 cm and hammer them into the ground to the entire height of the stake in the places where the bear is settled. To score randomly through 1-2 meters from each other.
Stakes are harvested from the branches of aspens fallen by the wind in the forest, small aspen. You can chop them from sawn logs, but always with bark. Medvedka will not be on the site. This is the old proven way.

Medvedka(Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L.) is an adult insect 35-50 mm long, polyphagous. Distributed on almost the entire European continent (with the exception of Norway, Sweden and Finland), in North Africa and Asia, in the Transcaucasus and Kazakhstan. In Russia, the bear is common in the central regions, with the exception of some northern and northeastern regions. The color of the abdomen is brown above, lighter towards the bottom. The chest and head are also brown. The structure of the body of the bear is such that its cephalothorax is about three times smaller than the abdomen. The armor on the chest is hard and there the bear can partially hide its head. The mouth apparatus of the bear is framed by two pairs of tentacles. On the head of the bear there are two compound eyes and antennae. The elytra are shortened in the form of a triangle, the hind wings protrude from under them - long and membranous, which fold in the form of a fan. The forelegs are short and powerful, with extended lower legs and strong teeth, adapted for digging.
Medvedka eggs are round-oval, 2-2.5 mm long and 0.9-1.3 mm wide; as the embryo develops, the egg increases in volume, reaching a length of 4 mm.
Larvae are similar in body shape to adults, but without wings.

Medvedka is a formidable pest of agricultural crops. There are frequent cases when it completely destroys all seedlings of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and many other crops. It is very difficult to fight it without knowing the biology of the pest. This type of insect has adapted very well over millions of years of existence and has a high survival rate. In addition to plant food, adult bears also feed on animal food: earthworms, dragonflies, ladybug larvae (all of them are extremely useful for humans), as well as pupae of various butterflies, caterpillars and May beetles. Medvedka has a formidable defensive weapon: unexpectedly disturbed, she sprinkles liquid excrement at the troublemaker. You have to be careful and protect your eyes.
Bears appeared on Earth approximately 3.5 million years ago. Now in the world there are about 100 species of this insect, on the territory of our country - 3 species, of which the most common, right up to the Leningrad and Kirov regions, is the common bear. Medvedka is the closest relative of the cricket and grasshopper, although outwardly it differs from them.

Medvedka prefers damp, sunlit places on the plains, near rivers and ponds. Especially loves well-manured and humus-rich soils in irrigated areas. In dry years, it leaves its homes and moves closer to water bodies. Medvedka, if necessary, is able to swim and dive. After sunset, it can come to the surface and, despite its massive body (about 5 cm long), fly short distances with a loud buzz. During the breeding season (June-July), you can hear the "singing" of the bear. Medvedka is an underground insect. It rarely appears on the surface, and mainly at night.
In winter, the bear leaves in the stage of an adult insect, nymph or larva. It overwinters in the ground at a depth of up to 1.5 meters or more, or in manure and compost heaps.
With the advent of spring, the activity of the bear begins. She lays horizontal passages near the surface of the soil, along which she gets to the roots and tubers of plants and destroys them. Medvedka does not disdain sown seeds. Part of the diet of the bear is made up of earthworms and small insects.

In addition to the common mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa), the eastern mole cricket (Gryllotalpa africana Palis.) is harmful in the Far East, and the one-spined mole cricket (Gryllotalpa unispina Sauss.) is harmful in the Astrakhan region, in the Transcaucasian and Central Asian republics.
It is hardly possible to completely get rid of this formidable pest, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce its number, minimizing crop losses.

Measures to combat the bear:
- timely autumn digging of beds (immediately after harvesting to destroy nests and partly bears and their larvae), regular loosening of row-spacings in spring to the depth of laying eggs, fertilizing manure without eggs, larvae and adults of the pest;
- in the spring against the bear, poisoned baits are used from corn grains boiled in a solution of sodium arsenic acid (400 g of poison and 5 kg of corn are taken per 10 liters of water) or in the form of dough from flour (most often corn) mixed with Parisian greens ( for 1 kg of flour 50 g of poison);
- good results are given by baits (from bran or any grains, for example, pearl barley), poisoned with sodium silicofluoride (1 part of poison per 10 parts of grains soaked in water);
- bran baits (10 kg) with hexachlorane (100-200 g) or use zinc phosphide. The bait is embedded approximately 5 cm into the soil;
- for the destruction of the bear in greenhouses, in addition, they apply a seed in the fall of the soil with chloropicrin at the rate of 150-200 cc per 1 sq. m.
- to protect greenhouses from creeping bears, they dig grooves around the perimeter into which naphthalene or sand moistened with kerosene is poured.
- in order to destroy the bear, it is recommended to dig holes 50-70 cm deep in autumn in heavily populated areas and fill them with manure. Medvedka willingly settles in these pits for the winter. In late autumn or winter, pits are dug up, manure is scattered, and the bears that have settled there are destroyed;
- repelling bears with pungent odors. To do this, garlic, mint are planted on the beds with damaged plants, heads or tails of salted fish are buried in the holes between the rows to a depth of 4-5 cm, alder branches are stuck at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other (they are replaced when dry);
- after planting seedlings around each plant within a radius of 8-10 cm, a groove 3-4 cm deep is made, bulbous peel is laid in it with a solid mass, and the groove is covered with earth; when planting seedlings, the bottom and walls of the hole are lined with pine needles collected in the forest. It turns out, as it were, a pot of them, it saves seedlings from replacing.