Viburnum ordinary. Saving viburnum from aphids Protecting viburnum from pests

Like other horticultural crops, viburnum is a target for many pests. Leaf-eating insects can cause considerable damage by destroying the leaves and flowers of the plant.

Kalina is one of the few fruit crops that can fully develop in the shade. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of pests, choose shady places for planting.

However, you can get rid of this misfortune by carefully monitoring the condition of the viburnum and treating the bushes in a timely manner with special preparations. How to deal with viburnum pests read in this article.

Black viburnum aphid. Description and signs of damage

Small bugs of dark color: brown, almost black. Egg clutches are hidden in the bark, on the branches of the bush. The larvae hatched in the spring begin to populate the young, just blossoming leaves and feed on their juice. As a result, the leaves begin to dry out and curl up, and the tip of the shoot changes its shape. This significantly slows down the growth of the bush.

It is noticed that the attack of aphids occurs three times a year. The season starts from May. During this period, it is recommended to treat viburnum with any broad-spectrum insecticides.

In summer, aphid larvae become adult flying insects that migrate in search of new viburnum bushes. At the end of summer, they begin to lay eggs, from which, after a successful wintering, a new generation of viburnum aphids appears.

Methods of dealing with black viburnum aphids

Natural ways to get rid of the pest include cutting grass near viburnum bushes: it is here that females most often hide laying eggs, as well as the use of insects useful for the summer resident, for which aphids are a natural source of food (flies hoverflies, ladybugs).

Viburnum aphid, very often affects young, only developing branches in the spring. It will help to reduce the number of pests without using harmful chemicals - sprinkling. Sprinkling is carried out in the evening, covering the entire crown of the plant. It is also recommended to carry out the fight against ants that spread aphids.

In the fight against pests of viburnum, natural plant-based preparations will help:

These methods are especially important during flowering and fruiting. On the eve of flowering viburnum, it should be sprayed with any infusion that has a strong odor. For example, from wormwood, needles, various odorous weeds, dandelions, etc. The procedure is carried out before bud break and after, or once a week - until the pest is completely destroyed.

  • infusion of potato tops (600-700 gr. dry tops per 10 liters of water)
  • infusion of celandine (2-3 kg of fresh or 1 kg of dried plants per 10 liters of water)
  • infusion of hot pepper (1 kg of pepper pour 10 liters of water).
  • Also, a noticeable result is obtained by spraying the bushes with a solution of laundry soap (200 g of soap grated and diluted in 10 liters of water).
  • Preparations with a chemical composition:

    • Before the buds bloom, it is recommended to treat the bush with a 60% infusion of nitrafen, at the rate of 200 gr. drug in 10 liters of water.
    • In early spring - during the growing season, it is recommended to treat the bush with a solution of karbofos or Fufanon (covering your face with a wet gauze bandage). However, spraying should be stopped a month before harvest.
    • As mentioned above, the main culprit in the spread of aphids are ants, so without fighting them it will be quite difficult to deal with aphids. For the destruction of ants, they use "Fufanon", "Aktara", "Confidor", "Rogor", etc.

    Viburnum leaf beetle Description

    A rather large beetle (up to 7 mm), the back is painted brown. Laying eggs (about 20 pieces), hides in young shoots of viburnum.

    At the end of spring, larvae appear from yellowish eggs, which begin to feed on the tender pulp of the leaves. Often their vital activity is so active and aggressive towards the plant that only “skeletons” remain from the leaves.

    At the beginning of summer, the larvae of the leaf beetle pest mature for further pupation, and hide underground to turn into young beetles there. Now, in a new guise, they again head to the viburnum, but this time not to eat the pulp of the leaves, but to gnaw holes in them.

    The most favorable conditions for mass reproduction of the leaf beetle are cold, damp and rainy weather. In this case, the number of pests can increase so much that the damage from them will be colossal: instead of leaves, only eaten cuttings and large veins remain on the viburnum.

    The beetle is dangerous because, after it has dealt with the foliage, it moves to the inflorescences of berries, which threatens the complete death of the crop and the plant itself. In this case, the damaged bush stops growing, and will not bloom the next year. In the middle of summer, it is time for female leaf beetles to lay eggs, which they hide under the bark.

    Methods of dealing with viburnum leaf beetle

    A thorough examination of the tops of the viburnum in the fall is necessary in order to detect the pest's egg-laying in time and destroy them. A similar inspection should be carried out in early spring. With the advent of the first leaves, all the larvae will be on them. During this period, you need to have time to pinch off the leaves and destroy. After a couple of days, this procedure must be repeated.

    In order to prevent the active reproduction of leaf-eating pests of viburnum, it is recommended to treat viburnum bushes with chemicals even before bud break:

    • 0.3% solution of Karbofos,
    • 0.1% Fufanon solution or 0.15% Rogor solution.
    • If the amount of the pest began to increase rapidly, the treatment of plants with a 0.08% solution of "Aktara" or "Eleksara" will help.
    • It is also possible to carry out a double spraying (with an interval of 7-10 days) with FAS or Intavir preparations (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 liters of water).

    For the most part, females lay their eggs on the tops of young shoots, making deep tunnels, then they lay eggs in them. Therefore, by September, these shoots are already drying up. If the bush is young and not too tall and large, then the best way to get rid of laying eggs is to remove and then burn all dried shoots.
    Such a "cleansing" is necessary both in autumn and in spring, until new larvae appear. If you destroy the eggs, then there will be neither larvae nor adults.

    Viburnum Leaf Roll Description

    The larvae of the viburnum leafworm are caterpillars of a grayish or greenish-olive color, which immediately after appearing in the spring begin to actively eat the buds and young viburnum leaves.

    At the same time, they entangle the leaves with cobwebs, knocking them into a ball. Caterpillars pupate in the middle of summer.

    If the conditions are favorable, they are able to gnaw out large areas of foliage in a short time, which negatively affects the yield.

    How to deal with viburnum leafworm

    • Mechanical collection of nests along with pests and their subsequent burning will help get rid of the caterpillars.
    • Also, before blooming buds, it is recommended to treat the viburnum bush with nitrafen paste, and after they bloom, with karbofos.
    • During the period of the mass appearance of insects, it is necessary to apply 0.05% Inta-vir or Decis (dissolve 1 tablet in 10 liters of water). After two weeks, the procedure is repeated.

    Honeysuckle spiny sawfly Description

    This insect harms not only viburnum, but also honeysuckle. Its larvae are olive-colored with a bright pattern on the back, as well as rows of spines. They spend the winter in the soil, so that with the onset of spring they pupate and appear on the surface in the form of adult insects in full readiness for reproduction. At the same time, leaves begin to bloom on the viburnum, where the sawfly hides its egg clutches.

    The larvae that emerge from them damage the leaves by gnawing them around the edges. If the conditions are favorable for the life of insects, then viburnum bushes can be left practically without leaves.

    Methods of dealing with the honeysuckle spiny sawfly

    • An effective preventive measure to prevent the appearance of these pests is deep digging of the soil in October-November, in order to get rid of the sawfly larvae wintering in it.
    • Also, spraying with karbofos, which is carried out both before and after flowering, gives a good result.
    • If we talk about natural means of combating this insect pest, then we can adopt the treatment of viburnum with a mixture of tobacco, onion and garlic, or spraying with a decoction of wormwood.

    Viburnum gall midge Description

    A feature of this pest is the fact that it damages only viburnum flowers. He spends the winter, hiding in cocoons in the upper layers of the soil. During the period of the appearance of buds, already adult insects are selected to the surface, which begin to lay eggs inside the buds. The hatched larvae feed on the pulp from the inside, thereby disfiguring the shape of the bud.

How to deal with aphids on viburnum, many gardeners and gardeners are wondering. The plant attracts pests, creates a favorable environment for the development of their larvae, and promotes the spread of insects throughout the land. Protecting viburnum, preventing the spread of aphids is the responsibility of every gardener.

Viburnum pests

The most common pest of viburnum is. The insect spends its entire life on the bush. Adult individuals in late August, early September lay their eggs on the bark near the kidneys. In this state, they will have to winter.

In May, winged individuals appear. These are sexually mature females and males, ready for fertilization. After the mating process, the aphid spreads to other trees, lays eggs that are destined to winter. In the spring, the cycle repeats.

Black aphid on viburnum is a real disaster for the plantation of the plants surrounding it. It is necessary to start the fight early in the spring, even before the first leaves bloom.

On a note!

The pest has the ability to migrate to other plants, but lives exclusively on viburnum. During the entire growing season of the shrub, insects develop several generations.

professional tools

If an aphid attacked the viburnum, it can be dealt with professionally based on insecticides. The active components of the drug block nerve impulses, cause paralysis, and quick death. The minimum dose of poison is enough to cause death.

The advantages of this method of struggle are high efficiency, quick results, preservation of properties up to 20 days. The insecticidal agent destroys adults, larvae of all ages.

The drug is sold as a concentrate. Before use, prepare a solution by diluting it in a certain amount of water. Usually 10 liters. During work, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves, carry out the procedure in the morning, in the evening in dry, calm weather.

The most effective means:

  • Actellik;
  • Karbofos;
  • Prestige;
  • Fufanon;
  • Decis;
  • Inta Vira.

Which drug to use is an individual decision. All of them act immediately, the mass death of aphids is observed within a week, they retain their properties for up to 20 days.

Folk recipes

The fight against aphids on viburnum is carried out by all known methods. very diverse and unique, make it possible to do without chemistry.

  • In order to save viburnum, to overcome thoroughly black aphids, it is necessary to cut out the shoots in late autumn, which is located at the roots. It is in this place that the aphid lays eggs, leaves to winter. In the spring, when the shrub begins to bloom, pour hot water over the ground at the root.
  • Natural enemies of insects are capable of destroying aphids - lacewing larvae, hoverflies.
  • You can spray viburnum with a solution of onion peel. Pests do not tolerate this smell, they try to hide from it faster. 200 g of husks are combined with 500 g of wood ash, 200 g. Pour 10 liters of water. Leave to infuse for 5 days. Before use, add, filter the finished product. It is necessary to spray the viburnum in May even before the first leaves bloom, or during the flowering period. Repeat the procedure every week until the pests are gone.
  • Spices are added to the water - cinnamon, red, black pepper, soapy water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle or spray bottle. The first time you need to spray the viburnum in the spring, then you should do it every month with a break of 7-14 harvests.
  • You can get rid of aphids with a strong tincture of

Like other garden crops, it is affected by pests. The greatest harm to viburnum is caused by: black viburnum aphid, viburnum leaf beetle, viburnum leafworm, honeysuckle spiny sawfly, viburnum and honeysuckle gall midges, green lobed moth.

Black viburnum aphid

Adults are dark brown or brown-crimson. The eggs overwinter on the bark near the kidneys. The larvae hatching in the spring inhabit the leaves and suck out the juice from them. Damaged leaves curl, the tops of the shoots are deformed. At the beginning of summer, winged individuals appear, which populate new plants. In August-September, females lay wintering eggs. This aphid is migratory. Lives only on viburnum. It is particularly damaging to young plants. During the growing season of viburnum, the pest develops several generations.

Control measures. Cutting and destruction of basal shoots, where eggs often hibernate. Use (ladybugs, lacewing larvae, hoverfly flies) that feed on aphids. Treatment (before bud break) with 60% nitrafen paste (200-300 g per 10 l of water). Spraying during the growing season with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 liters of water), but no later than 30 days before harvesting. Treatment with herbal preparations: infusions of potato tops (1.2 kg of green or 0.6-0.8 kg of dry tops per 10 liters of water); pepper (1 kg of pepper pods, cut in half, or 0.5 kg of dry chopped fruit per 10 l of water); celandine (3-4 kg of fresh plants or 1 kg of dry plants per 10 l of water) or a solution of laundry soap (200-300 g per 10 l of water).

viburnum leaf beetle

Brown-yellow beetle 5-7 mm long. The larva is greenish-yellow, with a dark brown head. The eggs overwinter in depressions made by the beetle in young non-lignified shoots. One clutch consists of 18-24 very small round yellowish eggs. Larvae hatching in May feed on young leaves, strongly skeletonizing them. Pupation occurs in June in earthen cradles at a depth of 2-3 cm. Young beetles, hatched after 1 month, gnaw holes of various sizes in the leaves. As the leaves grow, the damage increases. During the years of mass reproduction of the leaf beetle (cold, rainy summer), only petioles and large leaf veins remain on viburnum bushes. Heavily damaged bushes have little growth and do not bloom the next year. In late July and early August, the beetles lay wintering eggs.

Control measures. Spraying plants before flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 l of water). During the growing season, treatment with infusion of pepper (1 kg of pods cut in half or 0.5 kg of dry chopped fruits per 10 liters of water), tomato shoots (4 kg of green or 1 kg of dried mass per 10 liters of water) or (3 kg of green or 1 kg dried mass per 10 liters of water).

viburnum leaflet

Damages viburnum and. The caterpillar is dark bluish-gray or olive-green in color, yellowish on the sides, covered with light hairs, the head is light brown. Caterpillars that hatch in spring eat the buds, later damage the leaves, braiding them with cobwebs and knocking them into a ball. They pupate in the middle of summer in feeding places. With mass development, the viburnum leafworm destroys many leaves, which leads to a decrease in yield.

Control measures. Collecting and burning nests with caterpillars. Spraying before bud break with 60% nitrafen paste (200-300 g per 10 l of water). Treatment of plants from the beginning of bud break until the appearance of buds with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 l of water).

Honeysuckle spiny sawfly

Damages viburnum, decorative and edible honeysuckle. The body of the larva is olive in color with two transverse rows of white spines, the back has a dark marbling or reticulate pattern, the sides are light gray, and the head is yellow. The caterpillars overwinter in the surface layer of the soil. They pupate in spring. Adults appear during the period of leaf blooming. The females lay their eggs on leaves. Hatching larvae feed on leaves, eating them around the edges. With severe damage, young plants can be completely bare.

Control measures. Autumn digging of the soil. Spraying the bushes before and after flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 liters of water). Processing with a decoction of wormwood (700-800 g of dried grass per 10 liters of water) or tobacco, garlic and onions (200 g of tobacco waste or tobacco dust, 200 g of crushed garlic bulbs and 150-200 g of onion scales per 10 liters of water).

Viburnum and honeysuckle gall midges

Infects flowers. In the first pest, the larvae are white, in the second - yellow. They hibernate in cobweb cocoons in the upper layers of the soil. Adults appear when the buds are exposed. The females lay their eggs inside the buds, where the larvae also develop. The buds acquire an ugly shape, greatly increase, swell, turn red, the corolla thickens, the stamens and pistil remain underdeveloped, the flowers do not open. The pest develops one generation.

Control measures. Late autumn and early spring loosening of the soil. Spraying before and after flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 liters of water).

Green Lobe Moth

Damages viburnum, buckthorn and other crops. The caterpillar is yellow-green, with two pairs of ventral legs, a brown-red line along the back and spots and dots of the same color. Damages only flowers, gnawing out flower ovaries.

Control measures. Spraying before and after flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90g per 10l of water).

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Viburnum pests

1. Viburnum leaf beetle ( Galerucella viburni Payk).

A light brown beetle up to 6 mm long in August lays eggs (up to 700 pieces!) In depressions made on young shoots. The shoots dry up, but clutches successfully overwinter in them. At the beginning of May, the larvae emerge from the eggs and immediately begin to intensively feed on young leaves and shoots. In early June, they go into the soil to pupate. In July, beetles appear, eating huge holes in the leaves. With a larger number of leaf beetles do not disdain berries and shoots.

Measures to combat viburnum leaf beetle

Autumn and spring pruning of dried and damaged shoots, removal of leaves with leaf beetle larvae.

Spring treatment before the leaves bloom and in August during the release of leaf beetles with one of the preparations according to the instructions: " Fufanon", "Karbofos", "Actellik", "Aktara". Double processing " Intavir with an interval of 7-10 days.

2. Viburnum aphid ( Aphis viburni Scop.)

Black viburnum aphid-leafroller is a small insect up to 7 mm long. From overwintering eggs, larvae appear when the leaves open. They actively reproduce, feeding on the juice of the plant. The leaves curl, deform and dry out.

Measures to combat viburnum aphids

The first treatment - before bud break - will help to significantly reduce the number of overwintered eggs, so it is better not to postpone it. Alternate drugs: Arrivo, Fury, Fufan (aka Fufanon) and Karbafos. Biological preparations can also be used: "Fitoverm", "Akarin" ("Agravertin KE", "Aversectin"), Iskra", "Intavir". They quickly decompose and do not cause addiction in aphids.

3. Other pests of viburnum

The viburnum moth and the comma-shaped scutellum strongly affect the viburnum. To combat them in May, the plant is treated with "Karbofos" (90 g / 10 l of water), and in August they are sprayed " Fufanon" or " Spark".

Viburnum diseases

In cold rainy weather, young shoots are affected by various fungal diseases: gray mold, phyllostic blotch, fruit rot, powdery mildew.

In wet weather, spots appear on the leaves, a plaque of sporulation of fungi. Plant growth slows down, tissue transpiration worsens, young shoots dry out, severely damaged leaves fall off ahead of time. The plant is poorly prepared for winter, has a "pathetic" appearance, and yields are reduced. The infection persists in plant debris.

How to deal with viburnum diseases

To prevent diseases such as spotting and powdery mildew, viburnum must be treated with tobacco, garlic or onion infusion throughout the season. Do not forget to remove plant debris, thin out the bushes, carry out sanitary pruning.

In case of severe damage by rot, before blooming leaves and after flowering, the bushes are treated with Bordeaux mixture or preparations "Hom", "Abiga-Peak".

In the current summer season, all summer residents of our region complain about aphid attacks. It affects literally all fruit and berry plantations: currants, bird cherry, plums. With particular cruelty in our summer cottage, she managed black aphid: she literally stuck around branches, leaves and flowers viburnum, not allowing it to grow or bloom. Arriving one day at the dacha and seeing the attack of aphids, they decided: urgently needed spray aphids on viburnum. Because folk remedies to cook for a long time, and the effect of them is not so pronounced, we decided to use powerful artillery: chemistry.

Aphids on viburnum: photo

In places there are no aphids, in places there are miserable heaps. But the damage from their attack is obvious: the leaves are dry, twisted. Branches are bare. The flowers are hatching, but it is not yet clear whether to wait for berries this year or not. Certainly, process aphids on viburnum needed immediately, as soon as possible. It is best to visit the dacha more often, otherwise the pests can overcome the unfortunate plants in an instant. And no one but you and me will protect them.

Chemical agents for aphids on viburnum

Baba Tanya's favorite insecticide, which she handles all plants against insects - "Intavir" (analogue - "Inta-Ts-M"). And he was used.

Baba Lyusya uses another chemical agent to combat aphids and other pests: "Tan-rek".

In general, in modern stores the range of insecticides is quite wide. And for convenient spraying, we always use the Zhuk garden sprayer. Alternatively, chemical solutions can be sprayed from a spray bottle or even from a broom. This is not so convenient, but as an emergency measure it will do.

How to process aphids on viburnum: folk remedies

Not all summer residents like to use chemistry on their own plot. Categorically. No problem. Folk remedies, how to deal with aphids on viburnum, many have been invented. The question is how effective they are. To be honest, we haven't checked. But if you have a positive experience in using folk remedies against aphids, we will be glad if you share in the comments below 😉

So, here are such folk remedies called gardeners on the forums effective in the fight against black aphids on viburnum:

  • Soap treatment, which can be prepared from a cheap special laundry detergent like "Lotus" or laundry soap. It is enough to spray 1 bucket of soapy solution on the plant 1-2 times a week. And then wash off the remnants of dead aphids with a strong stream of water.
  • Treatment in dry weather with a preparation of biological origin "Fitoverm" 2 times, after 2 weeks. Biological preparations Lepidocid or Bitoxibacillin, Iskra-bio act similarly against aphids on viburnum. It makes sense to use them in the initial stage of settling viburnum with pests.
  • Salt treatment(it should be cool when spraying). Dosage not specified.
  • Ammonia solution: 1 st. spoon on a bucket of water. Re-treatment required after 2 weeks.
  • Infusion of horseradish. Grind the leaves and roots, put in a bucket and fill with water up to half. Let it brew for 3-4 hours and spray the viburnum bush.
  • Soda solution: Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda ash and dissolved in 1 liter of water. Add 1/4 bar of laundry soap (cut).
  • Infusion of ash: 200-300 g of wood ash is poured into hot boiling water and allowed to brew. the cooled solution is filtered and soap is added.

An interesting way to deal with ants and aphids (and they are closely related) was described on one of the forums:

  • While the tree is young, a car tire cut in half is passed through it. Around the tree you will get an annular groove. It is filled with water, thus constructing an insurmountable barrier for the ants. Ants do not swim and are afraid of water, so they will not climb such a tree. It is proposed to build a concrete groove 15 cm deep around mature trees.

Here she is, our sufferer in all her "glory". We hope that our experience and knowledge will be useful for you in the question of how to process aphids on viburnum 😉