Oleg Yankovsky and all his women. ♥ღ♥Oleg Yankovsky's secret romance♥ღ♥

Tremulous Martha, modest Vera, young Olga... The most beautiful and talented actresses have always played the role of the beloved women of Oleg Yankovsky's heroes!

Natalia Gundareva

Natalya Gundareva and Oleg Yankovsky met in several films, but they were only a couple in the melodrama Sweet Woman. Natalya Gundareva played the prudent worker of the confectionery factory Anna, who sought to ensure her well-being at the expense of men in love with her, and Yankovsky played a simple hard worker Tikhon, who at first liked this woman accustomed to wealth ...
The actors met in this film by chance - the main role was played by Lyudmila Chursina, and Tikhon was planned to be given to Vladimir Vysotsky. The actor did not really like the role, and he refused. After long trials, the choice was made on Oleg Yankovsky. And then the director was expecting a new refusal - Lyudmila Chursina became disillusioned with the heroine, did not see herself paired with Yankovsky, and herself offered to take the young actress Natalya Gundareva instead. After the release of the film, there were rumors that Gundareva and Yankovsky had an affair on the set, but these were only rumors ... "Sweet Woman" was one of the first melodramas where Oleg Yankovsky had the main role, and he did not yet know what he would be to attribute novels with almost all partners on the set.

Elena Koreneva and Inna Churikova

In the film "The Same Munchausen" both actresses were the wives of the hero Oleg Yankovsky. Inna Churikova played the imperious Yakobina - the first wife of the baron, Elena Koreneva played the role of the reverent Martha - the second wife of the baron ...

The director did not really want to take Oleg Yankovsky for the role of the most famous deceiver. The actor played the roles of strong-willed, tough people, and they didn’t see a comedic color in him - they thought to invite Vladimir Zeldin, who played Munchausen in a theatrical production of the same play, and take Tatyana Dogileva for the role of Martha. However, Yankovsky turned out to have so much self-irony that it was soon impossible to imagine another Munchausen, and the artistic council did not approve Dogileva's candidacy ... During the filming, Elena Koreneva was almost always the only woman in the entire cast - Inna Churikova only came for a couple of days and left again. Koreneva said that Yankovsky often embarrassed her with hints, but never went further - he just liked to embarrass the girl, and this embarrassment made the image of her fragile Martha even more natural.
Together with Elena Koreneva, the actor no longer played, but Inna Churikova played again ex-wife the hero of Oleg Yankovsky in the film Guilty Without Guilt.

Galina Belyaeva

In the noble melodrama "My gentle and gentle beast ..." Oleg Yankovsky had the youngest movie lover - 17-year-old Galina Belyaeva. She played Olga, the young daughter of a forester, who always chose the wealthiest of all her admirers, and he - a desperately in love and jealous, but not rich forensic investigator ...
The student of the choreographic school, for whom this film became the debut, was terribly embarrassed by her adult and experienced colleagues. Everyone tried to cheer her up, cherish and cherish, because even from an innocent joke she fell into a stupor, blushed and could not work. Before the kiss scene, Oleg Yankovsky inadvertently asked his partner: “Daw, have you ever kissed?” - and the actress ran out of the frame. I had to console her for a long time and assure her that everything was fine, everything would work out ... Her heroine came out so charming that the actress instantly became a star - they spoke of her as the Russian Audrey Hepburn, and in every interview she thanked her colleagues for the support and especially Oleg Yankovsky.

Evgenia Glushenko

This movie couple from the movie “In Love of My Own Will” immediately attracted attention - the partners of the handsome Yankovsky before that were spectacular actresses, real dramatic heroines, and here suddenly there is such a game of contrasts ... His Igor Bragin even worked at a factory, wore stretched sweatpants and drank - it’s all the same was popular with women and was much brighter than the librarian Vera with a bunch and a shopping bag. He had to try very hard to fall in love with her ... And she had to work hard on herself in order to love not only him, but also herself.
Evgenia Glushenko was approved without trial, but a couple of her heroine were selected for a long time. The actress was specially “frightened” with foam pads, painted pimples and wrinkles, indistinct outfits, and an actor was needed who would look comical with her, but at the same time not look too prosperous. When the director had the idea to invite Yankovsky, the actress warmly supported the idea, saying that he would perfectly play the downtrodden gentleman. On the set, Glushenko and Yankovsky quickly found mutual language. They both said that they did not immediately understand how to play such a "forced love" to make it look authentic. But the success of the film proved that they succeeded!

Irina Kupchenko

The strongest "movie couple" Oleg Yankovsky. Together they starred in six films, and three times their heroes were spouses. The actors met in 1975, when they starred together in two films at once - “Alien Letters” and “Star of Captivating Happiness”. Three years later, they were invited for the first time to play the spouses - the Wizard and his wife in the fairy tale "Ordinary Miracle". The harmonious duet of Yankovsky and Kupchenko impressed the directors, and in the same year they were married in the drama "Turn". They played husband and wife again three years later - in the series "The Hound of the Baskervilles" from the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." After that, the actors made up a couple only twenty years later - in the melodrama "Come See Me", their heroes began an affair.

For Oleg Yankovsky, the film "Come See Me" was a directorial debut, where he also performed leading role. He immediately knew who he would invite to play his partner ... The actor said that from the first roles Kupchenko became his faithful and spiritual partner, and managed not to lose her individuality with age, which is now rare.

The actors were constantly credited with the novel and in real life, not believing that it is possible to play spouses so often and soulfully being just friends, however, Oleg Yankovsky was married all his life to actress Lyudmila Zorina, and Irina Kupchenko has been married to actor Vasily Lanov for more than forty years.

The performer of the role of Alice in "Flights in a dream and in reality" Elena Kostina talks about the affair with Oleg Yankovsky.

The role of Alice in the film "Flying in a dream and in reality" I got at the age of 17. I played the mistress of the hero Yankovsky, and the role of the wife was played by the real wife of Oleg Ivanovich - Lyudmila Zorina. It so happened that I, like my Alice, fell in love with Jankowski. Quite sincerely, childishly, with all the ardor of the first feeling. The love triangle existed on the screen, in life everything turned out much more complicated ...

I got my first movie role by accident. On the set was the smallest and inexperienced. There are solid stars around: Nikita Mikhalkov, Oleg Yankovsky, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Menshikov. I, a tenth grader, could only dream of such an environment! I was shy next to eminent actors, I was lost. Probably only one thing saved me: my partner, Yankovsky, was very protective of me.

In reality, I had absolutely no intention of becoming an artist, even despite my acting roots: my great-grandfather played with Eisenstein himself, my great-grandmother starred in silent films. Grandfather, People's Artist of the RSFSR Nikolai Sergeev, played Theophan the Greek in Tarkovsky's "Andrei Rublev", and his uncle, Mkhatov actor Mikhail Zimin, was remembered by the audience for his role as director in "We'll Live Until Monday."

My parents were engineers, although my mother always dreamed of a stage: she played the violin and at one time, possessing a coloratura soprano, even sang with Maya Kristalinskaya. This is probably why my mother would not mind if I entered a theater university. But I dreamed of becoming a biologist, I studied at the preparatory courses of the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University. My "youthful hobbies" led to the fact that at home I bred a whole zoo: snakes (and there were poisonous ones), eared rabbits, hedgehogs, chickens. In the evenings, a Moscow young lady from an intelligent family (the music school of the Gnessin School!) cleaned the bison cages in the zoo with great pleasure.

But one day the phone rang that changed my life. Mom's friend, actress Lyudmila Ivanova, said: “I'm filming here with Balayan ... Assistants are looking for a girl for the role, they lost their feet. Already tried 100 people! They need something special so that, on the one hand, she is pure and naive, and on the other, sexy. Do you want to show your Lena to the director?

So with light hand Lyudmila Ivanovna, I went to audition. In the lobby of the Bucharest Hotel, she fidgeted on the couch in great excitement, waiting for the director. In my view (I'm a conservative girl!) Roman Gurgenovich, as a "venerable" director, would certainly appear in a bow tie and a tuxedo, at worst - in a strict black suit and tie. At some point, a young man rushed past me in flared trousers, a shirt unbuttoned almost to the waist and with a huge cross on his chest. He looked at me briefly and disappeared. When we were finally introduced to Balayan, I was shocked! It turns out that these were the "brides".

Lena, we liked you, but Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky, your partner, will decide everything, - the director said to me at parting.

Very soon I forgot about the film "Flying in a dream and in reality." Studying began in the tenth grade, and suddenly they suddenly called: “Lena, they are waiting for you on the set.” And in order for me to be released from school on a film expedition, they sent a lightning telegram. After reading the following text: “You are urgently expected tomorrow in Vladimir. The filming involved tank divisions and troops. Your presence on this day is necessary! ”, The school principal immediately let me go without talking.

But the parents, on the contrary, tried to stop. Why does their 17-year-old daughter have to rush to the station at ten in the evening, go to an unfamiliar city and it is not clear where to shoot?

They sat on the couch, nervously holding hands, and I frantically rushed around the room and collected things. Soldiers rode in my reserved seat car, and I huddled in a corner, and so I sat all night without undressing.

Early morning. No one met me at the deserted Vladimir railway station. It turns out that the group simply forgot about the "artist Kostina". Thank God, there was only one hotel in the city, and I found it easily. The administrator, yawning indifferently, advised: “Yes, they all left for the shooting at the dawn. Go up to the 11th floor. Maybe you can find someone there?

I'm going to the elevator with my suitcase. On the 11th floor, the doors open and in front of me ... Yankovsky himself! Silent scene: we both froze in surprise. Do I need to say that Yankovsky was an idol for me? And suddenly this idol is standing in front of me! Tall, slender, elegant, despite the stretched sweater and frayed jeans. He silently measured me from head to toe with an appraising look... At this time, the elevator doors close, and I go to the first floor. It's been stupid. I quickly press the button and get up again. He stands still, as if waiting for me, and smiles.

Is it clear now! So, it turns out that Alice has arrived? Come on, come on...

I'm in a hurry to demonstrate politeness: "Oleg Ivanovich, hello." - "Yes, you don't need any" Oleg Ivanovich ", just call me Oleg and let's go straight to you." You are my partner...

Yankovsky picked up my suitcase and escorted me to his room.

Relax while we are on the set, do not be shy - lie down, sleep. There is food in the fridge. Well, let's see you tonight...

He locked me up and left. And I, tired, curled up on the sofa of someone else's room and instantly fell asleep.

In the evening, Oleg and I met at a rehearsal. The director chose the scene when the hero brings Alice an Uzbek melon. After 30 minutes of rehearsal, Yankovsky said to Balayan: “That's her! Definitely!”

I still remember how on the first day of shooting my arms and legs were shaking, because I didn’t know how to do anything. Nothing! But, thank God, everything worked out, apparently, the genes of grandparents worked. Or maybe it was the way my partner calmed and set me up for work.

From the very first day, we easily switched to “you”. Yankovsky was then barely over forty, in the prime of his glory. Behind him are "Shield and Sword", "Mirror", "Ordinary Miracle" and "Sweet Woman". But I didn’t have any reflections and feelings about “he’s a grown man, it’s somehow uncomfortable ...”. At 17 years old, this is no problem! Youthful maximalism, simplicity, naivety - all in one bottle.

All of us, members of the film crew, lived on the same floor. Stars, of course, in "suites". And I had a small room with a double bed. I brought a pile of textbooks with me: I had to study in order to keep up with my classmates. But, of course, I didn’t have time to open the textbooks - I had to spend a lot of time on the set.

Our group was amazingly friendly, we often had parties with or without reason. I remember one evening the whole creative team celebrated the birthday of one of the operators. And since my room was quite large, they decided to celebrate at my place. The banquet ended at five in the morning, and the actress Lyuba Rudneva, with whom we became friends on the set, stayed overnight with me.

Early in the morning she ran away to the shooting, leaving her house slippers by the bed. And suddenly, in the evening, my mother suddenly appeared from Moscow. The receptionist gave her the keys to my room. Mom opens the door and freezes on the threshold: plates of leftover food on the table, a battery of empty bottles and cigarette butts in an ashtray. She doesn't drink or smoke! To top it all off, her daughter's bed has someone's oversized slippers! Mom's legs buckled and she sank into a chair with a pale face: “I sent a clean, innocent girl to some brothel!” But my prudent relatives dissuaded my parents from this reckless step: what are you doing? The girl in this den will disappear, then she only has the road to the panel!

In a word, they scared, scared - and on you! It turns out, not in vain ...

And then she was “comforted” by friendly maids, they say, don’t worry so much - everything was decorous and noble. Filmmakers regularly “rest” like this. Well, Oleg Menshikov was the last to leave your daughter's room. "At five in the morning!" - they finally finished off their mother. Naturally, she immediately decided that the owner of these slippers was Menshikov. Alcohol, men - all the vices predicted by relatives are there!

Mom was so overwhelmed with feelings that she demanded to immediately take her to the set. An out of breath assistant came running to warn us about this.

Lena, your mother has arrived! She sits in a semi-conscious state in your room. The maid didn't have time to clean anything there. Nightmare! What to do? She wants to take you to Moscow!

Soon a car pulled up. Mom got out of it and resolutely went to the set. In her eyes, full of tears of indignation, it was clear that a scandal would break out. Balayan froze in confusion. Everyone looked at each other, because they were "partners in a serious crime", celebrating a birthday in my room. Saved the day Jankowski. I must say that Oleg Ivanovich's instinct was simply incredible. Instantly realizing how to pacify the impending storm, he rushed to cut across my mother.

Lyudmila Petrovna, hello, dear!

She stopped in surprise.

How glad we are to see you! My God, it's good that you've come!

Oleg Ivanovich affectionately hugged his mother by the shoulders, she, dumbfounded, went limp, because it was “the same Munchausen” that the entire female half of the country raved about! She tried to babble something about her Lenochka, that, they say, she wants to pick her up. But Oleg Ivanovich interrupted her with fervor: “What are you, Lyudmila Ivanovna! You have such a talented daughter! I’ll explain everything to you now ... We celebrated a birthday, everything was absolutely decent ... You don’t have to worry.”

When my mother finally blushed with pleasure, talking with Yankovsky, he said, clasping his hands to his chest with an oath: “Don't worry, I personally check all Lena's lessons every evening! And I lock it with a key! I could hardly help laughing. Mom calmed down and left for Moscow, completely fascinated by his charm. Since then, Oleg asked me every evening with mock severity: “So what? Did you do the math? Can help".

Of course, Yankovsky did not check any lessons with me, and even more so he did not lock me in the room with a key. There was a kind of condescending cunning in his attitude towards me. Not that Oleg treated me like a child. He saw very well what I liked, and constantly teased. In the mornings he knocked on the room (I kept waking up the shift): “Wake up, sleepyhead, the bus has arrived!” Played with me like a cat with a mouse. He was either attentive, or mocking, or tender, or patronizingly distant ...

I was then, as they say, a girl in the body, plump, however, with a thin waist. I remember walking in sweaters with closed collars to “disguise” fullness. And Yankovsky could pinch my side in front of everyone and joke: “Now the sweater will burst! Stop eating pies!” Do I need to say that I blushed like cancer? And even more embarrassed by her magnificent forms ...

According to the script, the sculptor, a friend of the protagonist, brings Yankovsky to the studio and shows the sculpture of a naked Alice. Where to get the statue? They decided to sculpt from me. We urgently found a sculptor. I categorically refused to undress, although the local sculptor insisted on it, and posed in a tight turtleneck.

When Oleg Ivanovich saw the finished model, he suddenly became serious and could not help but compliment: “Yes-ah! The lines are well defined. I would like to see it in nature ... "

But he was rarely serious with me, for the most part he hid his courtship under jokes. For example, it will come up during a break, take it by the elbow and whisper something hot in your ear. From his words, I instantly became covered in spots. And the whole group watched with curiosity as he drives me into the paint. And everyone quietly laughed behind my back: they say, I wonder how it will end? Will the girl resist Yankovsky himself?

By the way, I often heard later in film circles that romance on the set is a common thing and that actresses get roles exclusively through bed. I can say that I was lucky - no one offered this. On the contrary, many years later, Roman Balayan admitted that if I hadn’t acted with him, he would have looked after me. But at work, alas, he never allowed himself such a thing.

Yes, and I was brought up differently, and many on the set were convinced of this. The claims were enough.

Of course, the male half of the film group flirted with me, the girl. Well, why not goof around? These were innocent little things: they invited me to drink tea, strove to sit closer, hug and kiss on the cheek, invited me to take a walk around the city. We tried to find some reason to talk, talk, make a compliment. Of course, it was pleasant for adult men to flirt with a pretty young girl. But to be honest, I liked Yankovsky the most. And whenever possible, I preferred to drink coffee and learn the role with Oleg Ivanovich. We sat side by side and rehearsed. Sometimes I looked up and ran into his very serious and attentive look. Oleg seemed to be studying me. I felt like he liked me too. At such moments, I immediately forgot about all his jokes ...

Yankovsky, I think, also stopped it. Oleg saw everything perfectly, but he realized that this was just a blind adoration for an inexperienced girl, and he was afraid to spoil everything with some actions. And I had no idea that we could have something - he's married!

By the way, Yankovsky's wife, Lyudmila Zorina, rarely came to Vladimir, only when episodes were filmed with her participation. As soon as she appeared, Yankovsky disappeared from sight. I remember how long we rehearsed the most dramatic scene - an unexpected meeting of all the participants in the "love triangle" in the car.

I was in complete despair, it seemed to me - I am absolutely wooden, I can neither speak nor move. Moreover, as luck would have it, I still can’t properly slap Yankovsky in the face. Balayan was terribly angry: “Yes, you must avenge him for all the women! He's cheating on his wife! Hit him right! Otherwise, you won't be an artist." And as soon as he said this, I, angry, slapped Yankovsky with a resounding slap in the face. Pause. Oleg turned pale, blushed, exhaled, and then said: “Yes-ah-ah ... You will be an artist!”

His wife did not particularly participate in the general cinematic feasts, she kept to herself. She probably looked at me - after all, her husband's partner. But, I think, I quickly calmed down when I saw the pure and innocent look of the child.

For some reason, I only pissed off Gurchenko. Lyudmila Markovna immediately took a dislike to me and constantly bullied me, at every opportunity she released hairpins at me. I remember sitting next to her on chairs, waiting for an invitation to the site. An assistant runs up to me: “Helen, would you like some coffee?” Gurchenko immediately explodes: “Why don’t you offer me ?!”

It was undisguised female jealousy. She did not digest young beautiful actresses next to her. It pissed her off that men showed me signs of attention. And she constantly said: “Well, what kind of artist are you? Look at you! You're just young, that's all!" Or, for a change, she “specified”: “Yes, they took you only because of your appearance. The fourth breast size - that's all your dignity. Well... still long hair! But you don’t represent anything like that.” She said it with hatred, bringing me to tears.

Soon snow fell in Vladimir, and we went to shoot the second part in Sochi. Filming took place in a marvelous place - Krasnaya Polyana. I remember sitting with Gurchenko on the bus, warming up, waiting for the start of filming. There was an awkward silence. I turn away and try to look out the window so as not to annoy her once again. But she still starts the conversation.

Well, dear, probably going to the theater? - in the voice of Lyudmila Markovna, I felt a joke.

I keep quiet, but it only turns her on more.

Here is my beautiful daughter! And sings and dances. But I do not allow her to go to the artist, because here you need a special talent. And where are you going? Look at you: fat, ugly, you can't do anything. Only from the fourth take the scene with you is filmed!

It so happened that at the age of 28 I became a widow. (Elena with her first husband Andrei)

This was not entirely true, but it sounded very insulting, especially from the lips of a respected artist. “If only from the fourth!” I thought, gritting my teeth. But I will not be daring to an adult woman? Not brought up that way. “Just don’t cry! Just don't cry!" - I keep repeating to myself, but tears are already treacherously dripping. Thank God, at that moment the assistant knocked on Lyudmila Markovna's window, they say, it's time to go to the site. Gurchenko with a victorious look (after all, she got her way!) Got off the bus. She really wanted to show me who was in charge here, and she did it with sadistic pleasure.

I burst into tears! At that moment, my life seemed to stop: the great actress sentenced me to death! Yankovsky, who had been sleeping peacefully all this time in the back seat of the bus, turned out to have heard Lyudmila Markovna's words. He sat down next to me and began to wipe my tears. But I sobbed so much that I could not stop. Oleg was called to the site, but he asked: "Wait 10 minutes ..." and took me for a walk to a clearing in the forest, away from prying eyes.

I'm leaving today! I do not want! How am I going to look her in the eyes after that?

Len, calm down, she's a vampire. Gurchenko is jealous of your youth, understand this! She just takes her anger out on you: she sees how all the men look after you ...

Oleg consoled me for a long time, saying that I should be prepared for the fact that women will always envy me:

You are young, beautiful and talented. Trust me, life is just beginning, you'll see...

We returned. On the set, everyone immediately noticed my red eyes, and the fact that Jankowski and I took a long walk in the forest. After filming, the second director tried to open my eyes, naive: “Don’t even think about it, Oleg and Zorina have a friendly family! They do not have souls in each other! Yes, I myself saw that they had a good, even relationship. He loved his wife and owed everything to her, she pulled him out of Saratov to Moscow. Who would he be if she had not been invited to Lenkom?

Nevertheless, I was jealous of him, although I tried my best to suppress this feeling. “This is someone else's! Lena, this is someone else's! You can't build your happiness on someone else's misfortune! With my mind, I understood all this, but you can’t order your heart ...

I remember how, unsuccessfully breaking off the bungee in cold water, Yankovsky caught a cold, and we did not see each other for some time. I was already so used to his playful advances that when he was out of sight, I began to miss his compliments. And Oleg knew how to “sing” beautifully, spilled like a nightingale, they say, and a written beauty, and a goddess, and a Madonna!

How did I manage to hold on to flint while listening to such declarations of love? My head was spinning at his words. Then all night my heart was pounding so that I could not sleep until morning. Maybe it was necessary to spit on all the conventions and rush headlong into this novel with his head? But ... as it happened, it happened ...

Oleg always gave some touching little things, small bouquets of flowers. Once, somewhere in the market, he bought me funny slippers with cats. I confess, I was even offended: “How small!” She accepted all his attentions with an independent air, trying to show that she was used to it. But in fact, for the first time I was courted by such an adult, and even such a famous man.

I think Yankovsky used literally all his talents to defeat me. I might as well not try so hard. It was impossible to resist his charm. He immediately bribed me with his friendly guardianship. In Oleg there was not a drop of stardom, some kind of arrogance or arrogance.

And what a great help he helped me in my work! We can say that Yankovsky took patronage over a young and inexperienced actress. He literally babysat me. Of course, at first I was very shy in front of such a master, but gradually, thanks to his tact, I thawed out and was no longer as constrained on the set as at first. Oleg unexpectedly turned out to be a very simple, cordial and kind person. I have never seen such stars!

We spent a lot of time together, I easily went into his room, and he often ran to me. Rumors spread in the group, and curious people approached me more than once: “Lena, prick, what do you have there? Novel?" - “No, we're just friends ...” In response, everyone made huge eyes and whispered conspiratorially: “Come on! Watch out! He's the first seducer!"

I shrugged my shoulders - they say, what nonsense! After all, then I didn’t know anything about it, cinema gossip didn’t interest me. And what do I care about his past!

I am 17 years old, I am still a child, Oleg has a family ... Both ashamed and embarrassing, I didn’t even dare to think about it, what are you! For me, having a wife with Yankovsky was the main deterrent. My feelings were purely platonic, although when he suddenly touched my hand, I immediately blushed treacherously. And Oleg smiled rather.

I remember how I spent a sleepless night on the eve of filming the scene where we were supposed to kiss according to the script. I had never kissed before in my life, but here - with Yankovsky himself! My knees were shaking with excitement. It was then that everything turned out, as Gurchenko said, with four takes ...

They constantly gossiped behind our backs, many did not even doubt that Yankovsky and I had an affair in full swing. With all the ensuing consequences. But it ended up being nothing...

I was still a very young girl, not ready for an affair with an adult. married man. And Oleg had the wisdom not to take advantage of my naivety. But he could do it easily...

But despite young age, I understood that as soon as I give up, I would immediately lose him. Famous men often have one-day romances. Achieve victory, enjoy it for a day or two - and that's all ...

Now, from the height of my age, I understand: well, a short-term romance would happen, and as a result I would only get a wound. And good relationship that we had would be lost forever. I could never smile at a meeting and, looking openly into his eyes, say: “Hi, Oleg!” I would avoid him, tormented by the past ...

Shooting "Flights ..." went on for almost a year. This movie changed my whole life. I was lucky to have such intelligent, smart, talented people nearby. I went through a real school of excellence and realized that I want to be an actress. And a good actress! Probably dreamed of proving to Gurchenko that I could do it!

Throughout the year, we periodically met with Oleg, did not lose sight of each other even after the prime ministers had died down. I followed his brilliant work and remembered the words: “Len, you will be an actress. You will see!"

After filming, the first time I entered the Moscow Art Theater School for the course of Oleg Efremov. I was again lucky with the teachers and with the course. Nikita Vysotsky, Natasha Negoda, in the future the famous "little Vera", Sergey Veksler studied with me.

I remember how in our course they awarded the playful title “First Beauty”. "Crown" went, alas, to me. Why "alas"? Yes, because then I constantly had to prove that I was also an artist. As my classmates said about me: “Lena doesn’t have to do anything, just walk!”

Student time was remembered as the most fun. Most often we gathered at Natasha Negoda's on Stary Arbat. The studio apartment easily accommodated our entire course - 25 people. We enjoyed student life, nightly gatherings, stormy romances and light flirting.

A lot of people looked after me, including Nikita, the son of Vladimir Vysotsky. He was very much in love, but our relationship did not work out. I started a serious romance with one artist. Unfortunately, everything was very difficult. And although we already lived together, his mother set me a condition: “Either you quit acting, or ...” It was love-pain, passion-pain. Each time everything ended in tears, tantrums, parting for life. I remember that I suffered all the time: either from insane happiness, or from insane grief.

For Nikita Vysotsky, this was a big drama. I was given his words: he will never forgive me for the fact that I broke his life. And indeed, Nikita did not speak to me for several years. I heard from friends that he got married, then divorced, then remarried. Family life Nikita somehow didn’t work out, I must say that not everything went well with me in my personal life either.

The romance with the artist dragged on for a very long time. Probably, I should have agreed to his mother's condition and quit the profession, but then it seemed wild to me. She found a scythe on a stone ... His mother was an incredibly strong woman, and her son could not go against her will.

And in the profession, not everything was so smooth. By the time the studio ended, Oleg Nikolayevich Efremov was very ill, and we, the students, showed ourselves in the theater. I called Oleg Yankovsky and Nikolai Karachentsov, with whom I managed to star in the film A Little Favor, and asked my former partners to attend the show at Lenkom. None of my classmates believed that two venerable actors would come to watch some kind of student show. But both came to support me, moreover, they began to persuade Mark Zakharov to take me to the theater: “Lena is very capable.

I met a real man, our son Pasha was born, but after 12 years my husband and I separated ...

She sings and dances!" To which Zakharov replied: “This is all, of course, good, but ... it turns out that she will play the roles that my Sasha plays! I can’t accept another heroine into the theater.”

Well, they didn’t take it - and they didn’t take it ... But they began to actively invite me to the cinema. I traveled half the world with filming: “Destroy the 30th”, “Accident at the Airport”, “If I want to, I will fall in love”, “Connoisseurs are investigating”, many other paintings ...

One day I had to urgently go to Mosfilm. I jump out of the house early in the morning without makeup, sleepy, I catch a ride. A chic foreign car stops. On the way, we talked with the driver, he seemed a very interesting conversationalist. I just, one might say, parted bloody with the artist and was in complete despair, confident that all men are bastards, life was not a success. And now I’m sitting next to a handsome, smart interlocutor and I think: “Well, there are normal men! And he has a good car, and smart, and single! Why don't I get these?"

The car slowed down at the checkpoint of Mosfilm, trying to get money, but the driver shakes his head. “Aha! - think. - Now my phone will ask ... "But, to my surprise, he said nothing, I shrugged my shoulders and left. And four days later he found me. By what miracle - is unknown. Andrew and I got married very quickly. But six months later tragedy struck...

In the yard were the dashing 90s. The first self-supporting banks appeared in the country. My husband, as an experienced legal adviser, helped resolve problems and traveled to talks with arguing bankers. The times were harsh. One day I heard my husband talking very harshly on the phone with someone, and it shocked me: “Something wolf appeared in you.” “If I don’t become a wolf, they will kill me!”

That evening I was waiting for my husband at the Cinema House at the premiere of my film Gentlemen Artists. But he didn't even show up at the banquet. They did not dare to tell me that a tragedy had happened, they called the director. It turns out that one of the bankers brought two grenades with him to the meeting “for persuasiveness”. The one that Andrei accidentally took from the table turned out to be without a check and exploded in his hand. And the second detonated in the banker's pocket. Both died, the rest were in intensive care. So right from the banquet I went to the morgue for identification. At 28 she became a widow. How I survived the death of my husband, I don’t understand! It was after this tragedy that fate once again brought Yankovsky and me together...

We met again by chance - on the plane. It turned out that we were flying to Greece to shoot in one picture. Ten years have passed since the day we - an adult famous actor and an aspiring schoolgirl artist - collided at the elevator door. Only I was already 10 years older and no longer blushed when meeting his eyes. Oleg, seeing me, was pleasantly surprised.

How are you, Lena? What's new?

We sometimes crossed paths before: either at the Cinema House at premieres, or somewhere at a theater premiere. He was always surrounded by his family, his son Philip, with whom we studied together at the Moscow Art Theater School. "Hello" - "Hello", smack-smack. Oleg's wife always behaved with me evenly, smiling softly and calmly. I think that if Lyudmila suspected something, then she got used to everything for a long time and did not pay attention ...

We flew to Athens for three hours. Oleg eagerly asked about everything, and I told him as much as I could. There have already been so many things behind me: the institute, and work in the cinema, and resentment, and disappointment, and betrayal ... But most importantly, Oleg met me in the most difficult period of my life: I had just lost my husband ...

At first glance, it became clear to us without words that now everything has changed. Three seconds was enough to read it in each other's eyes. There were all the prerequisites for this: we parted well, without offense, without any claims to each other, insults. And it was also clear that our mutual sympathy has not disappeared anywhere, it is still alive ...

Oleg was stunned by how much I have changed. Ten years ago, I was still a teenager with chubby cheeks, a kind of fluttering beauty butterfly, a naive flower, and here in front of him was an experienced matured woman who can no longer be given slippers with cats.

You have become completely different! Oleg admitted. - I see a serious smart woman who has experienced a lot. Your eyes have even changed.

Yes, I grew up, but the trail of those wonderful relationships that we experienced in my youth remained. And then, both of us had a common picture behind us, and even what - “Flying in a dream and in reality”! Rumor has long married us. There, on the screen, we were already lovers, but in life we ​​never became ... And there is a mutual desire to make up for what we once missed ...

The wonderful actress Lyudmila Ivanova is my godmother both in life and in cinema.

My youthful love at once flashed again. Then there were "flights" in a dream, and now the flights were already in reality ...

At the Athens airport we were met by a Greek director. Oleg and I and another actress were settled in a luxurious villa near Athens. Beautiful sea view from the huge balcony, the park, the swimming pool, the visiting cook who cooked the food...

The director took us to our rooms. "The most best room, Oleg Ivanovich, we left for you. Separate entrance, own bathroom, balcony. Nobody will bother you here."

But Oleg Ivanovich, to the surprise of the director, chose another, walk-through living room, next to my room. There was a door between us, so you could get into mine from his room. The director sincerely did not understand why Yankovsky deliberately made such inconveniences: “Oleg Ivanovich, why do you need this? What, you don't know women? They change clothes ten times a day. Lena will not give you life! Want to sleep, and she will walk back and forth! Oleg shrugged his shoulders and smiled broadly: “It is convenient for me to live here. Let him walk ... it's okay.

The Greek still could not understand why a world-class star chooses a walk-through room when he is offered such excellent conditions. There was not even a bed in the living room, only a narrow sofa. The director made another attempt to persuade Yankovsky: “You will have to unfold this sofa every time!” Oleg shrugged his shoulders: "It's okay!"

There were two weeks left before filming. All this time, an interpreter came to us, with whom we, sunbathing on the balcony, spent days and nights learning the text of the role in English ...

It was a wonderful time! Sun, sea, Greece. We both had the feeling that we were suddenly on a desert island completely alone. We did not advertise our relationship. And in the film crew, extremely intelligent people gathered ...

At the weekend, the two of us went swimming in the dirty Athenian sea. They hooliganized, raged, ran along the beach like little children. I remember how once Oleg began to pretend to drown, flounder in the waves and scream heart-rendingly: “Lena, save me! I'm drowning! And I, playing along, bravely rushed into the sea to pull a drowning man ashore. Oleg was very funny in shorts - thin arms and legs, narrow shoulders. He was still deliberately hunched over, laughing at himself. But when he put on a suit, he became a real dandy! You couldn't take your eyes off him!

We loved to wander around the fish markets and look at the mountains of the freshest lobsters, lobsters and other marine reptiles. I remember sitting in a local cafe, absolutely stunned by the heat, and eating lobsters. We, as always, were fooling around and laughing at something. Suddenly Oleg became serious: “You know, I have never met someone like you ...” It was so unlike the eternal mocker Yankovsky.

It so happened that our real romance began many years after "Flights ..." It was stormy, beautiful, passionate and captured us from the very first day. That long-standing restraining message “no, no, no” has finally lost its meaning. The veto imposed on our relations, as if by magic, was lifted by someone from above...

I remember how we took pictures against the backdrop of the temple of the sun god. Oleg in an elegant white suit and I in a white shirt and trousers. And all the passers-by looked at us - our couple looked so impressive.

It was then that he told me how during the filming of "Flights ..." they argued with me: "The three of us, Merezhko and Mikhalkov, made a playful bet on who would be the first to achieve your favor." At first I was offended, and then it became funny to me: grown-up guys, but what did they do! The dispute, it turns out, they blew everything - I didn’t get anyone.

And you were stupid, naive, with wide-open eyes of a child and believed everything in the world. Everything was taken at face value. Yes, it was a sin to offend you! We argued, and then we watched you and realized - uh-uh! Yes, she is a child! Better not get involved...

Oleg is a very subtle person, he perfectly felt what a terrible state I was in after the death of my husband. He was shocked by this story, he sympathized with me very much, he tried to support me, surround me with tenderness, attention. I think Oleg was given to me from above as a reward for all my suffering. I finally breathed a breath of fresh air.

Our puzzles in this meeting coincided. It was no longer necessary to seduce, care for someone, talk a lot and uselessly. It's just that I have already matured and realized: life ends so quickly that it would be a crime to pass by such a gift of fate. She gives a chance, and to miss it is a crime! I think that for Oleg I was a long-standing unfulfilled story. As a hunter, it was important for him to realize that he eventually overtook his prey ...

I'm sure it wasn't a holiday romance. Absolutely! It was a part of our life that we once could, but did not live. We opened up to each other, Oleg confided his family problems to me, told me about his sores ...

The most important victory in my life is a child. Pasha, at the age of 7, already plays on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater, learns English, mastered the guitar, is passionate about football

With pleasure we cooked together, cut vegetables, made salads. Most of all, Oleg loved pasta, and with any sauce. Could eat three deep plates. After the third, puffing, he leaned back in his chair, patting his swollen belly contently. "Oleg, stop, you'll burst!" - "Oh, I would still eat ..."

We have never spoken on the topic “Maybe this is for life ...” Stupid! Why create illusions? I knew that this would never happen, and Oleg felt that I understood this. He would never leave his wife, marriage is sacred to him. Everything was so simple and easy..

I didn't claim anything. We're adults! I had no idea to take Oleg away from the family. It's like Bunin's "Sunstroke": it burned and left a burn mark for life. Thank God, everything did not result in some kind of continuation with insults, tears, reproaches and hatred for each other.

It was important for me to confirm that I was still alive, loved and still beautiful. Oleg, feeling this, often said: “Fly! Spread your wings! You are beautiful, and all men will be yours!”

So we "flew" back to Moscow. Of course, we were sad that we were parting, but the sadness was somehow bright. I thought that filming in Greece was my salvation. Everything ended, but it was so beautiful and romantic... Our chance meeting in Greece brought me back to life. After Andrei’s death, I was like in a dream, I didn’t communicate with anyone, I didn’t eat, I lost terribly thin, started smoking, went all the time in black. It was the first loss in my life, I still could not come to terms with it. Oleg breathed life into me, made me believe in myself and gave me the opportunity to return to life. He, like a mantra, kept repeating: “You will definitely be happy! You are a talented actress, you will act a lot. Everything will work out for you!”

After Greece, we often crossed paths at premieres at the Cinema House, warmly hugged, kissed. I congratulated him on the premiere of Come See Me. Each time he asked: "How are you?" I saw in his eyes: he remembers everything, and he knew that I would never forget about it. Oleg has remained in my life like a holiday calendar sheet, like a magnificent dream, like a wonderful journey to a distant island...

And the thing is amazing: it was worth returning home, how everything went differently. It was as if they took me by the shoulders and shook me hard: “You are alive, start all over again!” If not for Oleg Ivanovich, I would have been depressed for a very long time. Some work started again for me, invitations to the cinema rained down, I began to go out “to people”.

My fate suddenly changed as soon as I bought a new car ... A man whom I had been visiting for many years about car repairs volunteered to help. It turned out he was secretly in love with me. And three months later, after driving lessons, he moved in with me. I met a real man and was madly in love with him. We happily lived together for 12 years, our son Pasha was born. Alas, we broke up, but we continue to communicate as the parents of our son.

The most important victory in my life is a child. Pasha, my boy, is already playing on the stage of the Sovremennik Theatre, despite his 7 years old, he is learning English, has mastered the guitar, and is passionate about football. And she studies at the Impromptu theater studio, where, at the suggestion of my godmother Lyudmila Ivanova, I teach 15-16-year-olds. With them, I have already staged about 25 performances. In addition, all these years I have been playing on the stage of this wonderful theater, which is directed by Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivanova.

You know, I think I have the gift of foresight. I always knew that I would have a child. And now I am sure that new interesting works await me ahead, that my personal life will also improve. We just have to wait and believe...

When Yankovsky died, I was invited to television - they arranged an evening in his memory. I was going to tell you about how Oleg taught me acting, how we starred in "Flights ...", because he will forever remain in my memory as a great actor and an extraordinary person with incredible charm.

Selecting our common photos for the program, I suddenly came across a picture where our heroes are kissing. Oleg's inscription was preserved on the back: “Fly! Spread your wings! You'll be fine, I know..."

Oleg Yankovsky is beloved by the audience, a bright and original film and television artist. Managed to work as a film director. He received the title of national in 1991.

The most beloved by the audience actor's reincarnations in films:

  • "Mirror";
  • "Alien Letters";
  • "Ordinary miracle";
  • "Doctor Zhivago";
  • "Tsar".

Father - Jan, later they began to call him Ivan - a guards officer, holder of the Order of St. George. Jan served in the military with Tukhachevsky. As Oleg Ivanovich said, his father "burned out" for his friendship with Tukhachevsky. In the 30s of the twentieth century, he was arrested and released twice. In the military 40s, the actor's father worked at a smelter and uranium mining plant. In the 50s, the family of Oleg Yankovsky came to Saratov, after moving Ivan Pavlovich died. Orphaned sons remain.

Ivan Pavlovich was a lover and connoisseur of the theatre. Yankovsky's mother, being young, dreamed of being a ballerina. The library, collected by his father, was carefully preserved by the actor's mother.

Admission of Oleg Yankovsky

The brothers were very fond of the performances of the Saratov Theater for Young Spectators. One of them attended amateur art classes, the other - a theater group.

Rostislav moved, he became an actor in the Minsk Russian Drama Theater. To make it easier for my mother, 14-year-old Oleg moved to Rostislav. Oleg made his debut in Minsk. He replaced the actress who played the boy. The director Salynsky said about Oleg: “Look what organics the guy has!” Oleg did not quite feel the importance of the game, somehow fell asleep and did not make it to the stage in time.

Mom was very worried about separation from her sons. Oleg returned to her and finished school. He intended to enter the medical institute, but found out about the recruitment to the theater school in Saratov. However, the reception has already ended. Oleg went to the director to clarify the order of admission. Yankovsky was unexpectedly enlisted.

As a sophomore, Oleg met his future wife. Lyudmila Zorina, the wife of Oleg Yankovsky, was then a third-year student at the same Saratov School.

The arrival of popularity. The variety of roles embodied by the actor

Love, recognition, popularity came to the age of forty.

The role of Tarkovsky is Italian filming on location. At the same time, the premieres of the films “In love of their own free will” took place in parallel with “Flying in a dream and in reality”.

Of course, the topic: Oleg Yankovsky's personal life was the subject of close attention of the audience.

The role in the film "Nostalgia" could have gone to the director's favorite actor, Solonitsin. However, he passed away. Yankovsky received an offer from Tarkovsky for the title role. The script was about a contemporary writer who was looking for material related to an 18th century composer.

Oleg Yankovsky played roles in films of bright, talented, diverse directors:

  • Andrey and Valery Todorovsky;
  • Mark Zakharova;
  • Roman Balayan;
  • Karen Shakhnazharova;
  • Tatyana Lioznova;
  • Gleb Panfilov;
  • George Danelia.

It was easy for him to fit into any creative, interesting work. The actor was able to do both drama and comedy.

In the 1990s, the artist's craving for comedic colors, for tragic farce, manifested itself. This manifested itself in the roles of that period.

The most striking theatrical roles of Oleg Yankovsky

The most beloved audience of those that Yankovsky embodied on the stage were:

  • touching and quivering Myshkin;
  • resolute, sober-minded Hamlet;
  • discreet aging Trigorin;
  • lonely Peter the Great.

Classics, novels by Oleg Yankovsky and his woman

In 2006, a new TV series Doctor Zhivago was released. In the credits it says "based on". The series is very different from the novel. Yankovsky plays the negative lawyer Komarovsky. Pasternak described it extremely negatively. The actor did not portray him unequivocally, as performers in other film adaptations. His character is memorable. Critics did not approve of this film adaptation, but appreciated the magnificent Yankovsky.

In 2009, Sergei Solovyov completed the film Anna Karenina. Back in the 1990s, he picked up actors, but funding stopped. The director resumed filming, but, after a certain period, the work was again interrupted. The role of the main character, Anna, instead of the deceased Metlitskaya, was given to Tatyana Drubich. The performers have gotten much older. The director noted that it was good for Yankovsky. His eyes said: he knew "life's bitterness" - an experience that was useful for Karenin. The life of a man who truly loved his wife is shown.

The plot of the movie "The Tsar" tells about the conflict between Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Abbot Philip, a former rector at the Solovetsky Monastery. Igumen was delivered by John to the capital and elevated to the rank of archbishop. Philip became metropolitan, hoping to persuade John to live like a Christian. The director is delighted with the saint, since this man "himself made a sacrifice, trying to stop the unthinkable bloodshed." Lungin unsuccessfully searched for the performer of the role of metropolitan. John Okhlobystin advised to invite Yankovsky. The director later said about Yankovsky that there was no better actor in the country at that time than he was. They made a pectoral cross, an exact reproduction of the one that belonged to St. Philip. At the end of the work, Yankovsky asked Okhlobystin to consecrate this cross.

"Tsar" was shown in Cannes three days before Yankovsky's death. He introduced himself to the Lord in Moscow on May 20, 2009.

Children of Oleg Yankovsky: son Philip, working as an actor and film director. He is married to a famous actress, Oksana Fandera.

Tremulous Martha, modest Vera, young Olga... The most beautiful and talented actresses have always played the role of the beloved women of Oleg Yankovsky's heroes!

Natalia Gundareva

Natalya Gundareva and Oleg Yankovsky met in several films, but they were only a couple in the melodrama Sweet Woman. Natalya Gundareva played the prudent worker of the confectionery factory Anna, who sought to ensure her well-being at the expense of men in love with her, and Yankovsky played a simple hard worker Tikhon, who at first liked this woman accustomed to wealth ...
The actors met in this film by chance - the main role was played by Lyudmila Chursina, and Tikhon was planned to be given to Vladimir Vysotsky. The actor did not really like the role, and he refused. After long trials, the choice was made on Oleg Yankovsky. And then the director was expecting a new refusal - Lyudmila Chursina became disillusioned with the heroine, did not see herself paired with Yankovsky, and herself offered to take the young actress Natalya Gundareva instead. After the release of the film, there were rumors that Gundareva and Yankovsky had an affair on the set, but these were only rumors ... "Sweet Woman" was one of the first melodramas where Oleg Yankovsky had the main role, and he did not yet know what he would be to attribute novels with almost all partners on the set.

Elena Koreneva and Inna Churikova

In the film "The Same Munchausen" both actresses were the wives of the hero Oleg Yankovsky. Inna Churikova played the imperious Yakobina - the first wife of the baron, Elena Koreneva played the role of the reverent Martha - the second wife of the baron ...

The director did not really want to take Oleg Yankovsky for the role of the most famous deceiver. The actor played the roles of strong-willed, tough people, and they didn’t see a comedic color in him - they thought to invite Vladimir Zeldin, who played Munchausen in a theatrical production of the same play, and take Tatyana Dogileva for the role of Martha. However, Yankovsky turned out to have so much self-irony that it was soon impossible to imagine another Munchausen, and the artistic council did not approve Dogileva's candidacy ... During the filming, Elena Koreneva was almost always the only woman in the entire cast - Inna Churikova only came for a couple of days and left again. Koreneva said that Yankovsky often embarrassed her with hints, but never went further - he just liked to embarrass the girl, and this embarrassment made the image of her fragile Martha even more natural.
Paired with Elena Koreneva, the actor no longer played, but Inna Churikova once again played the ex-wife of the hero Oleg Yankovsky in the film Guilty Without Guilt.

Galina Belyaeva

In the noble melodrama "My gentle and gentle beast ..." Oleg Yankovsky had the youngest movie lover - 17-year-old Galina Belyaeva. She played Olga, the young daughter of a forester, who always chose the wealthiest of all her admirers, and he - a desperately in love and jealous, but not rich forensic investigator ...
The student of the choreographic school, for whom this film became the debut, was terribly embarrassed by her adult and experienced colleagues. Everyone tried to cheer her up, cherish and cherish, because even from an innocent joke she fell into a stupor, blushed and could not work. Before the kiss scene, Oleg Yankovsky inadvertently asked his partner: “Daw, have you ever kissed?” - and the actress ran out of the frame. I had to console her for a long time and assure her that everything was fine, everything would work out ... Her heroine came out so charming that the actress instantly became a star - they spoke of her as the Russian Audrey Hepburn, and in every interview she thanked her colleagues for the support and especially Oleg Yankovsky.

Evgenia Glushenko

This movie couple from the movie “In Love of My Own Will” immediately attracted attention - the partners of the handsome Yankovsky before that were spectacular actresses, real dramatic heroines, and here suddenly there is such a game of contrasts ... His Igor Bragin even worked at a factory, wore stretched sweatpants and drank - it’s all the same was popular with women and was much brighter than the librarian Vera with a bunch and a shopping bag. He had to try very hard to fall in love with her ... And she had to work hard on herself in order to love not only him, but also herself.
Evgenia Glushenko was approved without trial, but a couple of her heroine were selected for a long time. The actress was specially “frightened” with foam pads, painted pimples and wrinkles, indistinct outfits, and an actor was needed who would look comical with her, but at the same time not look too prosperous. When the director had the idea to invite Yankovsky, the actress warmly supported the idea, saying that he would perfectly play the downtrodden gentleman. On the set, Glushenko and Yankovsky quickly found a common language. They both said that they did not immediately understand how to play such a "forced love" to make it look authentic. But the success of the film proved that they succeeded!

Irina Kupchenko

The strongest "movie couple" Oleg Yankovsky. Together they starred in six films, and three times their heroes were spouses. The actors met in 1975, when they starred together in two films at once - “Alien Letters” and “Star of Captivating Happiness”. Three years later, they were invited for the first time to play the spouses - the Wizard and his wife in the fairy tale "Ordinary Miracle". The harmonious duet of Yankovsky and Kupchenko impressed the directors, and in the same year they were married in the drama "Turn". They played husband and wife again three years later - in the series "The Hound of the Baskervilles" from the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." After that, the actors made up a couple only twenty years later - in the melodrama "Come See Me", their heroes began an affair.

For Oleg Yankovsky, the film "Come See Me" was a directorial debut, where he also played the main role. He immediately knew who he would invite to play his partner ... The actor said that from the first roles Kupchenko became his faithful and spiritual partner, and managed not to lose her individuality with age, which is now rare.

The actors were constantly credited with the novel in real life, not believing that it was possible to play spouses so often and soulfully being just friends, but Oleg Yankovsky was married all his life to actress Lyudmila Zorina, and Irina Kupchenko was married to actor Vasily Lanov for more than forty years.

10 years have passed since the filming of "Flights ...". I was already an experienced, grown-up woman who cannot be given slippers with cats Photo: from the personal archive of E. Kostina

We spent a lot of time together, I easily went into his room, and he often ran to me. Rumors spread in the group, and curious people approached me more than once: “Lena, prick, what do you have there? Novel?" - “No, we're just friends ...” In response, everyone made huge eyes and whispered conspiratorially: “Come on! Watch out! He's the first seducer!"

I shrugged my shoulders - they say, what nonsense! After all, then I didn’t know anything about it, cinema gossip didn’t interest me. And what do I care about his past!

I am 17 years old, I am still a child, Oleg has a family ... Both ashamed and embarrassing, I didn’t even dare to think about it, what are you! For me, having a wife with Yankovsky was the main deterrent. My feelings were purely platonic, although when he suddenly touched my hand, I immediately blushed treacherously. And Oleg smiled rather.

I remember how I spent a sleepless night on the eve of filming the scene where we were supposed to kiss according to the script. I had never kissed before in my life, but here - with Yankovsky himself! My knees were shaking with excitement. It was then that everything turned out, as Gurchenko said, with four takes ...

They constantly gossiped behind our backs, many did not even doubt that Yankovsky and I had an affair in full swing. With all the ensuing consequences. But it ended up being nothing...

I was still a very young girl, not ready for an affair with an adult married man. And Oleg had the wisdom not to take advantage of my naivety. But he could do it easily...

But despite my young age, I understood that as soon as I gave up, I would immediately lose him. Famous men often have one-day romances. Achieve victory, enjoy it for a day or two - and that's all ...

Now, from the height of my age, I understand: well, a short-term romance would happen, and as a result I would only get a wound. And the good relationship we had would be forever lost. I could never smile at a meeting and, looking openly into his eyes, say: “Hi, Oleg!” I would avoid him, tormented by the past ...

Shooting "Flights ..." went on for almost a year. This movie changed my whole life. I was lucky to have such intelligent, smart, talented people nearby. I went through a real school of excellence and realized that I want to be an actress. And a good actress! Probably dreamed of proving to Gurchenko that I could do it!

Throughout the year, we periodically met with Oleg, did not lose sight of each other even after the prime ministers had died down. I followed his brilliant work and remembered the words: “Len, you will be an actress. You will see!"

After filming, the first time I entered the Moscow Art Theater School for the course of Oleg Efremov. I was again lucky with the teachers and with the course. Nikita Vysotsky, Natasha Negoda, in the future the famous "little Vera", Sergey Veksler studied with me.

I remember how in our course they awarded the playful title “First Beauty”. "Crown" went, alas, to me. Why "alas"? Yes, because then I constantly had to prove that I was also an artist. As my classmates said about me: “Lena doesn’t have to do anything, just walk!”

Student time was remembered as the most fun. Most often we gathered at Natasha Negoda's on Stary Arbat. The studio apartment easily accommodated our entire course - 25 people. We enjoyed student life, nightly gatherings, stormy romances and light flirting.

A lot of people looked after me, including Nikita, the son of Vladimir Vysotsky. He was very much in love, but our relationship did not work out. I started a serious romance with one artist. Unfortunately, everything was very difficult. And although we already lived together, his mother set me a condition: “Either you quit acting, or ...” It was love-pain, passion-pain. Each time everything ended in tears, tantrums, parting for life. I remember that I suffered all the time: either from insane happiness, or from insane grief.

For Nikita Vysotsky, this was a big drama. I was given his words: he will never forgive me for the fact that I broke his life. And indeed, Nikita did not speak to me for several years. I heard from friends that he got married, then divorced, then remarried. Nikita's family life somehow did not work out, I must say that not everything went well in my personal life either.

The romance with the artist dragged on for a very long time. Probably, I should have agreed to his mother's condition and quit the profession, but then it seemed wild to me. She found a scythe on a stone ... His mother was an incredibly strong woman, and her son could not go against her will.

And in the profession, not everything was so smooth. By the time the studio ended, Oleg Nikolayevich Efremov was very ill, and we, the students, showed ourselves in the theater. I called Oleg Yankovsky and Nikolai Karachentsov, with whom I managed to star in the film A Little Favor, and asked my former partners to attend the show at Lenkom. None of my classmates believed that two venerable actors would come to watch some kind of student show. But both came to support me, moreover, they began to persuade Mark Zakharov to take me to the theater: “Lena is very capable.