"Red flower. Summary of red flower garshin Red flower brief

This story became not only the most famous of all written by Garshin, but also reflected personal life experience, although it is not autobiographical. Garshin himself suffered from a terrible disease, the acute form of which he suffered in 1880. It was a manic-depressive psychosis.
A new, violent patient finds himself in a provincial psychiatric hospital. Doctors fail to remove the attack and the person, without stopping, walks from one corner of the ward to another. He does not sleep, more precisely - almost does not sleep. They feed well, and for this patient the doctor prescribes enhanced nutrition, but he is still losing weight. The man, it can be seen at once, had a good upbringing and education, and even now, when he found himself in a lunatic asylum, he, realizing this regrettable fact, tries to preserve not only the intellectual integrity, but also the very properties of his human nature. Man is concerned about the presence of evil in this mortal world.

Now he thinks, or rather, it seems to him that he is at the center of some huge enterprise, working without stops and interruptions, with one single goal - to destroy evil, constantly and mercilessly. Around him, a person represents the most prominent people of this vast world, who tirelessly help him in the process of destroying universal evil.
Summer is coming. A man discovers a poppy, as many as three bushes. All patients take care of flower beds. Three poppy bushes found by a man are located next to the porch. They are bright red in color and a person understands that it is in these flowers that there is the embodiment of evil collected from all over the world. They are bright red because they have absorbed into their buds all the blood innocently shed by numerous victims. He must, he is obliged, this is his destiny: to destroy these flowers and with them evil, all-encompassing world evil.

The man picks the first flower and, hiding it on his chest, shuns everyone. He asks, he begs not to approach him.
A person feels how the poison comes from this flower, but he is ready to take this poison himself, let it be better than the flower to kill someone else! The man is ready to die. He is a soldier in the struggle of mankind against evil, and he is on the first line... No one has yet tried to fight the world's evil alone, with all evil at once. And he has to, this is the meaning of his existence.
In the morning, a person is found barely showing signs of life. He is tired in this endless fight against evil, he is poisoned by the poison coming from the red flower.
Three days have passed and the man pulls out the second flower. The watchman protests, but he simply does not understand the full depth of the struggle and its necessity! Hiding the flower again on his chest, the person feels how evil curls from the red bud in long, spreading strips.
This opposition to world evil exhausts a person even more. The doctor orders to put on a straitjacket - he is concerned about the patient's well-being. I tie the man to the bed. This evil is trying to resist - so the man thinks.

The man resists. He must pick another flower, must destroy this evil! Who, if not him? He tries to explain everything, to convey the depth of the danger, he says that if he is not released, everything is lost - he is the only one on earth who can win this fight. Other people will die immediately if they touch this insidious source of evil. Everyone listens to him and sympathizes, but they do not want to understand and therefore do not pay attention to warnings.
The man decides that he must deceive his overseers. He pretends and pretends to be calm, but after waiting for the night, he managed to free himself from the straitjacket that binds him, as well as the ropes that tighten his arms and legs. A man shows incredible strength: he bends a rod on a window grate and climbs over a stone fence. The hands are covered in blood and all the nails are broken off, but it doesn't matter! Here is the flower! He rips it off...
Morning comes. The man was found dead. His face expresses complete calm and peace. A clutched red flower sticks out in his hand - he was buried with it.

Summary the story "Red Flower" was retold by Osipova A.S.

Please note that this is only a summary. literary work"Red flower". This summary omits many important points and quotes.

Once a lunatic asylum in one of the small towns was replenished with a new patient. Exhausted by sleepless nights, the employees hardly brought the violent man because of another attack.

His physical looseness was halted by the strong canvas that cinched his arms across his chest. The patient was taken to the ward of an overcrowded hospital. His aggression and impotence increased greatly after the doctors' assistants tried to wash in the bathroom. The sick consciousness led to trials, during which he imagined himself executed. After the attack ended, the patient fell asleep.

In the morning, accompanied by colleagues, the doctor asked a series of questions to the patient, receiving in response a strange speech about the absence of time and space. The restless behavior of the patient, despite a good appetite, led to a sharp weight loss and a deterioration in mental state.

Unlike the night time, when his rested mind was normal, the bustle of the day covered him with a wave of unconscious actions.

In his opinion, each person hid a secret from him and represented a danger. The protagonist felt like the force that is able to fight evil on earth. His sick mind constantly strove to discover the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurring phenomena around him.

One day through glass door establishments overlooking the garden, he was very curious about the blooming red flower. However, it was impossible to get a closer look at it, since during rainy times, patients were forbidden to go outside.

When the weather cleared up, the patients went out for a walk. During their stay in the hospital, each of those present was engaged in planting flowers in the garden and caring for them. Among them, the newcomer again saw that same scarlet flower. Having made a lot of efforts to rip it off, he was noticed by the watchman. From that day on, he tried to find a way to destroy these red flowers, after which his condition deteriorated noticeably.

All evening, a plan was ripening in the man’s head on how to protect those around him. He hid the plant on his chest, considering it a messenger of evil.

After dinner, this idea kept him awake. He pondered his mission on earth, which was to free people from something terrible. The power of thought has done its work. poisonous flower, having absorbed the world's evil, destroyed it from the inside. This was evidenced by a breakdown and incoherent speech.

Three days later, another flower was plucked. It seemed to the patient that by passing evil through himself, he was thus saving the world.

The next day, the doctor noticed the deterioration of the patient's condition. He gave the order to bind the patient. But the man, pretending to be asleep, freed himself from the canvas and got out into the garden, overcoming the iron barrier with difficulty.

The third flower was plucked. The next morning, the patient's lifeless body was found in bed. The crumpled red flower remained in his hand.

The story of V. Garshin "Red Flower" is a reminder that in the fight against evil, good must always win, although not everyone can do this.

A picture or drawing of a red flower

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Red flower

The most famous story of Garshin. While not strictly autobiographical, it nonetheless absorbed personal experience writer who suffered from manic-depressive psychosis and suffered an acute form of the disease in 1880.

A new patient is brought to the provincial psychiatric hospital. He is violent, and the doctor fails to relieve the severity of the attack. He constantly walks from corner to corner of the room, almost does not sleep, and despite the enhanced nutrition prescribed by the doctor, he is uncontrollably losing weight. He realizes that he is in a madhouse. An educated person, he largely retains his intellect and the properties of his soul. He is concerned about the abundance of evil in the world. And now, in the hospital, it seems to him that somehow he is at the center of a gigantic enterprise aimed at the destruction of evil on earth, and that other prominent people of all time who have gathered here are called to help him in this.

Meanwhile, summer comes, patients spend whole days in the garden, cultivating vegetable beds and caring for the flower garden.

Not far from the porch, the patient discovers three poppy bushes of unusually bright scarlet color. The hero suddenly imagines that all the world's evil is embodied in these flowers, that they are so red because they have absorbed the innocently spilled blood of humanity, and that its purpose on earth is to destroy the flower and with it all the evil of the world ...

He picks one flower, quickly hides it on his chest, and all evening begs others not to come near him.

The flower, it seems to him, is poisonous, and it would be better if this poison first passes into his chest than hit anyone else ... He himself is ready to die, “as an honest fighter and as the first fighter of mankind, because so far no one has dared fight all the evil in the world at once."

In the morning, the paramedic finds him a little alive, so the hero was exhausted by the fight against the poisonous secretions of the red flower ...

Three days later, he plucks the second flower, despite the protests of the watchman, and again hides it on his chest, feeling how evil is wriggling from the flower in long, snake-like streams.

This struggle further weakens the patient. The doctor, seeing the critical condition of the patient, the severity of which is aggravated by incessant walking, orders to put on a straitjacket and tie him to the bed.

The patient resists - because he needs to pick the last flower and destroy evil. He is trying to explain to his guards what danger threatens them all if they do not let him go - after all, only he alone in the whole world can defeat the insidious flower - they themselves will die from one touch to him. The watchmen sympathize with him, but do not pay attention to the patient's warnings.

Then he decides to deceive the vigilance of his watchmen. Pretending to calm down, he waits for the night and then shows miracles of dexterity and ingenuity. He frees himself from the straitjacket and fetters, with a desperate effort bends the iron bar of the window grille, climbs over the stone fence. With torn nails and bloody hands, he finally gets to the last flower.

In the morning he is found dead. The face is calm, light and full of proud happiness. In the stiffened hand is a red flower, which the fighter against evil takes with him to the grave.

Events are developing in a psychiatric hospital, located in the provincial town. A new patient is brought to the hospital, who behaves extremely restlessly and even poses a certain danger to others. This person does not stop walking from corner to corner of the ward allotted to him, in fact he does not sleep and constantly loses weight, although the doctor immediately prescribes him the most enhanced diet. The patient is well aware that he is in a mental hospital.

Despite his mental problems, the man has a considerable intellect, which largely remains intact, having previously managed to receive a solid education. This person is extremely disturbed by the huge amount of evil that is present in the world. During his stay in the hospital, it seems to a man that he lives in the epicenter of some huge enterprise, the task of which will be to destroy all the evil that exists in the world, and other extraordinary personalities who are also nearby will certainly help him achieve this goal.

Coming summer season and psychiatric patients medical institution they spend their daytime hours mostly gardening, growing vegetables and taking care of the flowers diligently. Not far from the porch, three poppy bushes with surprisingly bright colors catch the eye of a difficult patient. For inexplicable reasons, he gets the impression that it is these three flowers that have absorbed all the world's evil and are so red because of the innocently shed blood. A person makes a clear conclusion for himself that he is simply obliged to destroy these sinister flowers and thus save all the inhabitants of the planet.

Having plucked one flower, the man hides it on his chest and insists that no one around him should approach him that evening. In his opinion, the plant exudes poison, and the patient believes that it is better for him to die than for anyone else. The patient of the clinic is ready to die without any hesitation, seeing in himself the first fighter for the purification and subsequent happiness of mankind.

The next morning, the paramedic sees that the man is in an extremely serious condition, he can hardly be called alive, since the unfortunate person was completely exhausted by the struggle with the hated flower. But after three days, the mentally ill person also picks the second flower, despite the objections of the watchman, and again hides it on his own chest. He again feels how the poppy literally radiates evil, and this time the battle is even more difficult, the man is completely deprived of all strength, both moral and physical. The doctor, seeing that the condition of this man is becoming critical, gives the order to tie him to the bed, having first put on him a straitjacket.

The patient violently resists, because he still has to pick the last remaining flower and thus finally put an end to the evil of the world. He diligently explains to the guards that they are in great danger if they do not allow him to do what he planned, because, apart from him, no one in the whole world will be able to cope with the evil flower, any other person will have to die as a result of just touching poppy.

The watchmen feel sorry for the patient, but they absolutely do not want to listen to his words, intending to fulfill the duties assigned to them by the official instruction. But the man does not give up, seeing that no one pays attention to his warnings, he decides to deceive the overseers.

After waiting for nightfall, the patient acts very dexterously and at the same time cautiously. He gets rid of the straitjacket he is wearing and, with all his remaining strength, bends the iron bar of the window grille, after which he tries to climb the stone fence.

A man washes his hands in blood, cuts off all his nails, but still gets to the flower he needs. The next morning, people find this mental hospital patient dead. However, his face seems absolutely calm, enlightened and even happy. In his hand, the deceased clutches a poppy, which he is destined to take with him to another world.

Red flower
V. M. Garshin
Red flower

The most famous story of Garshin. Although not strictly autobiographical, it nevertheless absorbed the personal experience of a writer who suffered from a manic-depressive psychosis and suffered an acute form of the disease in 1880.

A new patient is brought to the provincial psychiatric hospital. He is violent, and the doctor fails to relieve the severity of the attack. He constantly walks from corner to corner of the room, almost does not sleep, and despite the enhanced nutrition prescribed by the doctor, he is uncontrollably losing weight. He realizes that he is in a madhouse. An educated person, he largely retains his intellect and the properties of his soul. He is concerned about the abundance of evil in the world. And now, in the hospital, it seems to him that somehow he is at the center of a gigantic enterprise aimed at the destruction of evil on earth, and that other prominent people of all time who have gathered here are called to help him in this.

Meanwhile, summer comes, patients spend whole days in the garden, cultivating vegetable beds and caring for the flower garden.

Not far from the porch, the patient discovers three poppy bushes of an unusually bright scarlet color. The hero suddenly imagines that all the world's evil is embodied in these flowers, that they are so red because they have absorbed the innocently spilled blood of humanity, and that its purpose on earth is to destroy the flower and with it all the evil of the world ...

He picks one flower, quickly hides it on his chest, and all evening begs others not to come near him.

The flower, it seems to him, is poisonous, and it would be better if this poison first passes into his chest than hit anyone else ... He himself is ready to die, “as an honest fighter and as the first fighter of mankind, because so far no one has dared fight all the evil in the world at once."

In the morning, the paramedic finds him a little alive, so the hero was exhausted by the fight against the poisonous secretions of the red flower ...

Three days later, he plucks the second flower, despite the protests of the watchman, and again hides it on his chest, feeling how evil is wriggling from the flower in long, snake-like streams.

This struggle further weakens the patient. The doctor, seeing the critical condition of the patient, the severity of which is aggravated by incessant walking, orders to put on a straitjacket and tie him to the bed.

The patient resists - because he needs to pick the last flower and destroy evil. He is trying to explain to his guards what danger threatens them all if they do not let him go - after all, only he alone in the whole world can defeat the insidious flower - they themselves will die from one touch to him. The watchmen sympathize with him, but do not pay attention to the patient's warnings.

Then he decides to deceive the vigilance of his watchmen. Pretending to calm down, he waits for the night and then shows miracles of dexterity and ingenuity. He frees himself from the straitjacket and fetters, with a desperate effort bends the iron bar of the window grille, climbs over the stone fence. With torn nails and bloody hands, he finally gets to the last flower.

In the morning he is found dead. The face is calm, light and full of proud happiness. In the stiffened hand is a red flower, which the fighter against evil takes with him to the grave.