Which doctor treats Urethritis? Chronic urethritis in men Urethritis which doctor to contact.

Inflammation of the urethra is an unpleasant phenomenon that anyone can encounter in life.

It is generally accepted that pathology occurs mainly among the stronger sex. However, as medical practice shows, women are also subject to it. The disease reduces the quality of life, forcing a person to turn to a doctor for help.

What is inflammation of the urethra in men, patients want to know, and how it happens. Where to turn when symptoms appear, and what means can help in the fight against the disease?

  • Recommendations for the treatment of inflammation of the urethra
  • Antibacterial therapy
    • Antiseptics

Inflammation of the urethra: causes of pathology

There are a large number of various factors that can provoke negative processes in the mucous membranes of the urethral canal.

Causes of inflammation of the urethra in men can be as follows:

  • sexual contact with a person who is a carrier of an STD;
  • exposure for a long period of time to low temperatures on the body;
  • frequent errors in the diet or complete disregard for the rules of healthy eating;
  • the presence of inflammatory foci in other parts of the body;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • the use of certain drugs, including some antibiotics;
  • some medical manipulations (taking a smear from the urethral canal, cystoscopy, etc.);
  • irregular trips to the toilet to relieve the bladder;
  • neglect of hygiene recommendations;
  • some diseases of the endocrine type (diabetes mellitus, problems with the thyroid gland, etc.);
  • pathological changes due to an allergic reaction, etc.

In the fair sex, urethritis, as doctors say, can develop for the same reasons. True, in women, the disease quickly turns into inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, which is a great danger.

Types of urethritis provoked by STDs

Most common causes inflammation of the urethra is a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. They enter the male or female body during sexual contact.

In the representatives of the stronger sex, a significant part of STDs is manifested precisely by the symptoms of urethritis. Because of this, the diagnosis of the disease simply by signs becomes impossible.

Depending on the pathogen that provokes negative changes in the urethra, doctors distinguish several types of urethritis. The classification helps to choose the most best ways therapy, and therefore should not be neglected.


The candidal form of urethritis develops if the walls of the urethra are abundantly populated by a yeast-like fungus belonging to the genus Candida.

Doctors say that it is an opportunistic pathogen. Often lives in the human body, without provoking any negative changes that require correction. However, in some cases, if the reproduction of candida gets out of control, it begins to destroy the walls of the urethra.

Candidiasis of the urethra mainly develops against the background of other STDs. Also, with the irrational use of antibacterial, hormonal drugs for the treatment of other pathologies. The disease can proceed in a latent form, reminding of itself with very mild symptoms. As a result, diagnosis is often difficult.

Candidiasis can also be the result of traumatic injuries to the urethra. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane serves as an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.


Trichomonas is a pathogenic microorganism.
It can appear in the body after sexual contact with an infected person.

The chance of infection is minimal if a condom is used correctly. However, unprotected sex in most cases entails infection with pathology.

Trichomonas is a protozoan that affects the cells of the mucous membrane, causing inflammation. The microorganism, once in the body of a man, is able not to remind himself for a significant period of time.

The symptoms of trichomoniasis in the representatives of the stronger sex are erased. Often this disease develops chronic inflammation urethra. Accompanied by episodes of exacerbation and complete absence of symptoms.

Trichomonas urethritis is difficult to diagnose. Mainly due to the fact that there are no pronounced clinical symptoms.


Chlamydia is another pathogenic microorganism that can provoke inflammation in the urethra.

You can catch chlamydia, as in the case of trichomoniasis, if you neglect condom protection during sexual intercourse. Like other sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia in the stronger sex has poor symptoms. Able to proceed in a latent form for a long time.

A man suffering from chlamydia may not complain at all, but spread the infection among his sexual partners. At the same time, in a woman, chlamydia is more likely to cause not inflammation of the urethra, but an inflammatory process in the genital tract.


Symptoms of inflammation of the urethra caused by gonococci are characterized in most cases as quite bright.
Due to the symptoms, doctors rarely have serious difficulties in diagnosing gonorrhea. The disease, like other STDs, is transmitted from a patient to a healthy person if sexual contact occurs without a condom. It is generally accepted that gonorrheal urethritis has a vivid clinical picture.

However, doctors note that this statement is not always fully true. The fact is that pathology is able to proceed in a latent form, not reminding anything of itself. Such a development of events is typical for representatives of the stronger sex with strong immunity. It does not allow gonococci to fully infect the mucous membranes.

It is important to understand that STDs occur not only in adult patients, but also in children. A child can become infected if he is in close contact with a sick adult. In this case, the contact-household transmission path is mainly implemented. Symptoms in children are not much different from adults. Unless it is worth considering that not all children will complain about their problems.

Other bacteria

Nonspecific inflammation of the urethra is also found in medical practice. It develops if the symptoms appear not under the influence of uniquely pathogenic microorganisms, but under the influence of opportunistic microflora.

A negative reaction from the mucous membranes due to the action of non-specific microflora may occur after the placement of the catheter. Also after sexual intercourse with a random partner who, however, does not have an STD. The symptoms of nonspecific lesions of the urethra are not much different from those of STDs. Only a thorough analysis of biological materials can always indicate the real origin of the disease.

It is not correct to proceed when making a diagnosis from complaints or anamnesis, without relying on laboratory data.

Inflammation of the urethra: symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the urethral mucosa in men are the same, regardless of the origin of the disease.
True, doctors additionally divide urethritis into 3 main forms, attributing certain signs to them.

Such a division helps to correctly navigate the diagnosis and select the most effective and reliable diagnostic methods.

  • Total urethritis

Total inflammation is quite rare in practice. With it, the urethra is affected throughout its entire length, and the symptoms can be mistaken for prostatitis. The patient feels pain when urinating. Complains of difficulties with this process, weakening of the jet and other unpleasant sensations.

  • front form

Anterior inflammation develops mainly if a man suffers from an STD. In this case, only the anterior part of the urethra is affected by the inflammatory process. A man complains of itching, burning, soreness that appear already during urination or at the end of it.

  • back form

Posterior inflammation occurs in deeper processes. In this case, pain appears immediately after the start of the process. It can both persist throughout the entire act, and disappear at its end. In some cases, in addition to the appearance of problems with the process of urination, men note the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the penis, a rash, and other unpleasant phenomena. True, both the smell and the rash are not directly related to urethritis and are rather a manifestation of the disease. What provoked, among other things, inflammatory processes in the urethra.

Which doctor to contact for inflammation of the urethra

Often among the representatives of the stronger sex, the question is voiced of which doctor to contact if symptoms appear that indicate urethritis.

The first doctor to visit for problems with urination is a urologist, if we are talking about a man. Urologists are considered male doctors.

However, with symptoms of urethritis, they can also help the fair sex. It is their competence to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases that can affect the urethra. If the inflammatory process in the organ is caused by a sexually transmitted disease, then you will have to contact a venereologist.
Venereologists specialize in the treatment of STDs and can help if you are infected with this type of bacteria.

If the inflammatory process is triggered by an allergic reaction, the help of an allergist immunologist may be required. At the discretion of the urologist, other medical professionals are involved in the diagnostic search and treatment.

Principles of diagnosis for inflammation of the urethra

What tests to take if unpleasant symptoms appear, indicating an inflammatory process in the urethra, people want to know.

There are several options depending on what the alleged cause of the pathology is.

  1. If you suspect an STD

Sexually transmitted diseases are diagnosed using laboratory techniques.

In most cases, the patient is recommended to pass urine or a swab from the urethra for analysis. The doctor can examine the obtained biological material in several ways. For example, culture, microscopy, PCR diagnostics, ELISA are used. All these methods are aimed at detecting the pathogen and identifying it. After the pathogen is identified, an appropriate therapy is prescribed.

  1. If you suspect an allergy

Allergic inflammation of the urethra is quite common, but it is not excluded immediately at the reception. If there is reason to suspect an allergy, tests are performed to identify the allergen. After selected therapy, which will help correct the symptoms.

  1. Other studies
  • Ultrasound diagnostics for suspected urolithiasis,
  • taking a biopsy if there is reason to suspect a tumor,
  • assessment of the prostate in case of suspected changes in this organ, etc.

The complex of studies in each case is selected on an individual basis.

Treatment of inflammation of the urethra is not an easy task that must be trusted to a competent doctor. The fact is that without determining the causes of the development of the inflammatory process, it is impossible to choose the best means to rid a person of symptoms. Naturally, self-treatment with a high degree of probability will only exacerbate the problems, which must be borne in mind.

Antibacterial therapy

What antibiotics to take in the inflammatory process, patients want to know. Just like that, it is impossible to answer this question easily. It must be understood that antibacterial agents are serious drugs that must be used with caution.

The choice of the drug is made on the basis of which particular bacterium caused the inflammatory processes.

For example, a doctor may advise:

  • ceftriaxone or azithromycin for gonorrhea;
  • Tinidazole or Metronidazole with a confirmed diagnosis of trichomoniasis;
  • Monural in the event that the infection occurs with purulent complications, etc.

Dosage, frequency of use of drugs are determined individually. These recommendations depend not only on the specific pathogen, but also on the general condition of the patient, the results of the tests.
After antibiotic therapy, control tests are always performed.

The task of these studies is to confirm that it was possible to get rid of the disease without a trace. Naturally, if the control tests gave unsatisfactory results, the doctor changes the tactics of antibiotic therapy.

Inflammation of the urethra: when antibiotics are not needed

When antibiotics are not needed to treat urethritis, only the patient's attending physician can decide. It's important to listen to your doctor. Since antibacterial agents have serious side effects, and it is not recommended to use them just like that. Naturally, recommendations are given individually.

It must be understood that if there is no bacterial pathology in the patient's body, there is no point in taking antibiotics. After all, these substances destroy only pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. If they are absent in the body, antibiotics have nothing to act on. For example, urolithiasis may not require the use of antibacterial agents, as well as tumor diseases.

You can refuse these drugs with a fungal infection. The need to refuse antibacterial agents in each case is decided individually. Naturally, it all depends on the cause of the pathology.

If the patient simply does not want to be treated with antibiotics because he considers these drugs dangerous or more harmful than inflammation in the urethra, the doctor's task is to convince him.


Antiseptics are another group of drugs often used for inflammatory processes in the urethra. These medicines do not destroy those bacteria that are already in the tissues. But they can get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses located superficially.

They are used not only in the treatment of diseases in order to speed up the healing process. But even if the patient needs prophylaxis.

Washing the urethra with inflammation with antiseptics helps not only get rid of superficially located bacteria.
But also prevent secondary infection. The fact is that the inflammatory mucosa becomes more vulnerable to negative external influences.

The likelihood of contracting STDs with urethritis is much higher than in normal conditions. To influence this likelihood, doctors recommend washing with antiseptics. Even if the pathology is not bacterial in nature. You can use, for example, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.

Immunomodulators for inflammation of the urethra

Immunomodulators are another drugs that can help treat inflammation of the urethra in men. Today they are mainly used in the event that a representative of the stronger sex has any STD.

The task of drugs is simple. With their help, they strengthen the immune defense of the body, help the body defend itself against bacteria more effectively. As a result, it is possible to reduce the time of antibacterial treatment, improve the general condition.

Immunomodulators are used mainly in the form of tablets. Means based on interferons, Viferon, Cycloferon, etc. are used.

Other remedies for treating inflammation of the urethra

In the fight against urethral disease, the stronger sex and women can be helped not only by antibiotics, antiseptics and immunostimulants. Often, doctors additionally recommend various ointments for the treatment of affected skin outside, candles for the fair sex.

The composition of ointments and suppositories may also include antibacterial drugs. The task of which is to accelerate the destruction of bacteria. In addition, it has been proven that topical antibiotics have a lesser negative effect on the body.

Additionally, physiotherapy, herbal medicine can also be used. The optimal treatment program for each patient is selected based on the cause of the disease, as well as its individual characteristics.

Inflammation of the urethra: possible complications of pathology

If the symptoms of inflammation of the urethra are not treated, in the future a representative of the stronger sex or a woman may face serious complications.

In men, the testicles and prostate are mainly affected. After all, pathogenic microorganisms can migrate to these areas, exerting their destructive effect on them. Naturally, the symptoms of urethritis in this case will be supplemented by other complaints.

In a woman, urethritis often ends with damage to the kidneys and bladder. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genitourinary system. After all, the fair sex is the owner of a short and rather wide urethra. Through which inflammation easily migrates to the organs located above.

Inflammation of the urethra: preventive measures

Prevention of urethritis is quite diverse.

Patients are advised not to forget about the rules of personal hygiene, safe sex.
When having sexual contact with a stranger, you should always use a condom. It is necessary to harden the body. Timely get rid of isolated foci of infection, regularly undergo preventive examinations.

Proper prevention can minimize the risk of developing urethritis.

Inflammation of the urethra is not an independent disease, but a symptom. Complaints may indicate a significant number of diseases, and therefore a thorough diagnosis is necessary!

If you suspect inflammation of the urethra, please contact the author of this article - a urologist, venereologist in Moscow with many years of experience.

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the genitourinary organs, urethritis is more common in women than in men. The development of the disease is facilitated by pathogenic microflora - bacterial, viral, fungal. Under various circumstances, it penetrates the urinary tract, causing inflammation. Only a urologist can determine the symptoms and treatment of urethritis in women. The doctor of this profile specializes in the elimination of diseases of the organs of the urinary system.

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra. Under the action of the pathogen, a pathogenic process develops, covering the walls of this anatomical structure. The disease is rarely limited only to the urethra, spreads to other organs of the urinary system. The lesion in 98% of cases passes to the bladder, causing cystitis. Inflammation of the urogenital tract is never eliminated on its own. The severity of the pain may decrease, but the improvement in well-being is a temporary phenomenon. After a certain period, the attack is repeated. Sometimes - with even greater intensity, which affects the general condition, performance.


Common causes of urethritis:

  1. Hypothermia (regular, or one-time, but intense)
  2. Non-compliance with hygiene measures (including the intimate part of those)
  3. The presence of urolithiasis, in which parts of the stones (stones) or sand are evacuated through the urethra, causing irritation
  4. Untimely change of pads contributes to the attachment and reproduction of pathogenic microflora in bloody and other secretions. This serves as a favorable condition for inflammation of the urethra.
  5. Irregular or vice versa, excessively active sex life
  6. Wearing tight, chafing underwear
  7. Eating too much salty, sour, spicy food. Such a diet contributes to irritation of the mucous membranes.
  8. The presence of diabetes
  9. Alcohol abuse
  10. Past trauma to the genitals
  11. Hard physical labor
  12. Postponed bladder catheterization or gynecological examination, if in both cases the doctor did not follow the rules of asepsis
  13. Frequent change of sexual partners, non-compliance with the rules of contraception with new contacts

Since there is an allergic type of urethritis, one should responsibly approach the issue of choosing personal hygiene products. A woman develops a lesion of the urethra due to intolerance to barrier contraceptives. The development of the inflammatory process contributes to the presence of a chronic disease - digestive tract, endocrine or reproductive system.

Type of urethritis

The reason for its development

Form Features

Gonorrheal Gonococci that have entered the urogenital tract during intercourse with an infected partner With persistent immunity, the first manifestations of the disease begin only a month after infection.
Trichomonas Entry of Trichomonas into the urogenital tract. A favorable condition is sexual intercourse. The clinical picture coincides with the symptoms of other forms of urethritis. The difference is the appearance of yellow watery discharge from the vagina. The secretion is characterized by an unpleasant odor.
Chlamydial Penetration of chlamydia into the urogenital tract. Infection occurs during intimacy. In 95% of cases, the lesion is transferred to the tissues of the cervix. Clinical manifestations are mild, blurred. Worried about pain during urination, episodes of urinary incontinence, increased urge at night. Symptoms are complemented by staining of urine with blood.
Candidomicotic Fungal microflora The appearance of cracks in the mucous membrane of the genitals. Every movement and stay in a sitting position causes soreness. Pathology is characterized by discomfort during intercourse.

A predisposing factor for the development of all forms of the disease is a decrease in immunity. Against the background of low resistance of the body, infection of the urogenital tract with pathogenic microflora occurs. Given this feature, subsequent treatment involves the mandatory strengthening of the immune properties of the body with appropriate drugs and vitamins.

When and why the body cannot resist the attacks of pathogens:

  • in the presence of a tumor process, after chemotherapy or irradiation of the neoplasm
  • in the early postpartum, postoperative period
  • after a recent blood transfusion
  • during pregnancy, lactation
  • in old age
  • with hormonal fluctuations (puberty, menopause)

Also, immunity is reduced by low-quality nutrition, hard physical labor, regular hypothermia, lack of sleep, and chronic pathology. The last factor includes even the presence of carious teeth, which serves as a focus of infection and reduces the body's resistance.

Forms of the disease

Urethritis is divided into several types depending on the nature of the microflora that caused the disease. The defeat of the urethra is classified into gonorrheal, trichomonas, chlamydia and candidiasis type. Based on the statute of limitations of the disease, it can be acute or chronic.


The incubation period is 3-7 days. Manifestations of the disease - cramps, discharge from the genital tract (secretion has a greenish, purulent hue). Urination is accompanied by pain, a feeling of irritation in the canal. Intimacy brings debilitating discomfort. The general condition of the patient is characterized by intoxication.


The incubation period of the disease ranges from 2 days to 2 weeks. During this time, the microorganism not only penetrates the urethra, but also begins to manifest itself as symptoms. Complications of pathology - cystitis, bartholinitis, infertility, vulvitis. Trichomonas does not penetrate the placental barrier. But if a woman has not treated the disease for more than 1 year before pregnancy, there is a high probability of premature birth. In the early period of gestation, the risk of detachment of the fetal egg increases.


The incubation period is from 1 to 4 weeks. The disease is accompanied by pain during intimacy, a feeling of irritation and the presence of hot air in the urethra. Urine takes on an unpleasant, putrid odor, is characterized by a cloudy tint. The main complications are cystitis, infertility and ectopic pregnancy due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Chlamydia, present in the body of a pregnant woman, is transmitted to the fetus in utero. The infection causes serious damage to the ENT organs, lungs, and eyes in a child.


Pathology is caused by fungal microflora. For a long time, it can pass in a latent form. Fungal microflora moves into the urethra:

  • from the digestive tract
  • during intimacy
  • due to visiting a public toilet

A disease of this form is a common consequence of a violation of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis). The phenomenon is preceded by inflammation of the intestine (colitis) or long-term use of antibiotics. The main complaint of patients is associated with pain during intimacy and copious vaginal discharge. Violation of the microflora of the vagina, characteristic of the course of this pathology, provokes the transition of the infectious process to the internal genital organs.

Signs and symptoms

In 90% of cases, the disease proceeds rapidly, which allows you to immediately pay attention to the health problem and begin therapeutic actions.

The clinical picture of the inflammatory process is united by the following manifestations:

  1. An increase in body temperature to subfebrile (low) levels
  2. Itching, swelling and redness of the vulva due to scratching of disturbing tissues
  3. Frequent urge to urinate, while the amount of urine is up to 30-50 ml per 1 urination
  4. The appearance of secretions from the genital tract. Secretion is characterized by a curdled or purulent consistency, copious amounts, white color. Causes itching on the genitals

The general well-being of the patient worsens due to intoxication. Asthenovegetative disorders are characteristic symptoms for the course of the inflammatory process: there is no appetite, irritability, weakness, and insomnia are observed.

Acute urethritis

It develops sharply - with an increase in body temperature, chills and a comprehensive deterioration in well-being. The woman pays attention to the deterioration of the ability to urinate. The process is accompanied by pain, a feeling of only partial emptying of the bladder. Urine is characterized by a persistent, unpleasant odor - fishy, ​​putrid or acidic. The urge to urinate is observed up to 5 times per hour, but the volume of urine is small. Sometimes, instead of a jet, urine is excreted drop by drop. The appearance of the so-called false urges indicates a high risk of the transition of the pathology to the higher urogenital regions.

Accompanying phenomena: ache in the lower back, pain above the pubis. Dyspeptic disorders - confirmation of the presence of an inflammatory process, and not an injury. Due to the high frequency of urges, the possibility of performing work or even household activities is excluded.

Chronic form

Consequence of not timely stopped acute form of urethritis. The protracted course of inflammation indicates that the root cause of its development is still not eliminated. The main symptoms of the condition:

  1. Dull pain in the lumbosacral region of the back, above the pubic symphysis
  2. Severe discomfort during intercourse
  3. Preservation of body temperature at subfebrile levels

Other symptoms of the inflammatory process of the chronic form are the periodic appearance of vaginal discharge, itching, and the regular formation of cracks in the mucous membrane of the genitals. If the disease becomes chronic, immunity decreases, which creates a favorable condition for the appearance of various pathologies. The frequency of urges is up to 1 time in 2 hours, but urine is characterized by an unpleasant, pungent odor, has a cloudy hue. The protracted course of inflammation is accompanied by signs of cystitis and pyelonephritis. An increase in the intensity of pulling sensations in the urethra and a burning sensation indicate an exacerbation of the infectious process.

Who is at risk

The most susceptible to the development of urethritis are those women who:

  • leads a promiscuous sex life
  • regular bladder catheterization
  • does not keep the body clean
  • engages in active sports (horse riding, weight lifting, which sharply increases the blood supply to the small pelvis)
  • works outdoors during the cold season
  • eats chaotically, approaches the composition of the diet thoughtlessly
  • abuses alcohol, caffeine
  • douching unnecessarily often
  • visits the pool or other public places (bath, sauna)

Individuals with diabetes and digestive disorders are also potentially susceptible to developing urethritis. An endocrine disease causes itching, which leads to scratching and damage to the canal. Dysbacteriosis, colitis, a tendency to constipation contribute to the movement of pathogenic microflora into the urogenital tract, inflammation of the urethra. An experimental attitude to the choice of personal care products also leads to the development of allergies and subsequent damage to the urethra.

Possible Complications

Due to the development of urethritis, a woman may experience:

  1. Endometritis (damage to the inner layer of the uterus)
  2. Colpitis (inflammation of the vagina)
  3. Adnexitis (damage to the uterine appendages)
  4. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder)
  5. Pyelonephritis (infection of the pelvicalyceal system)

Acute urethritis is dangerous by the transition to a chronic form. Then periods of exacerbation occur at least twice a year. Chronic urethritis is the cause of a decrease in the body's immune abilities. In both forms of pathology of the urethra, there is a weakening of sexual function due to inflammation and a decrease in libido.

Which doctor to contact

Urethritis in women is treated by a urologist. But initially you need to contact a therapist - to explain the events and actions that preceded the deterioration of well-being. Then list the disturbing symptoms. The therapist will conduct an initial examination, write out a referral to a urologist. This doctor directs the patient to undergo diagnostic measures in order to differentiate the pathology. If, on the basis of the survey, a relationship between urethritis and digestive disorders is established, the treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist. When the pathology is caused by the presence of a sexual infection, the therapeutic program is compiled by a venereologist.

Inflammation of the urethra against the background of a gynecological disease requires the immediate elimination of it. When the inflammatory process is caused by banal hypothermia, malnutrition or allergy to detergents– treatment is carried out by a urologist. Also, a specialist in this profile composes and oversees therapy if inflammation of the urethra is caused by pyelonephritis, stones.


To confirm the presence of urethritis, a woman will have to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures:

  1. Questioning, inspection. Gynecological examination reveals swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the genitals. The urologist draws a conclusion based on the patient's complaints, information about the events that preceded the deterioration in well-being. Additionally, he examines and observes hyperemia of the external opening of the urethra, irritation of the membrane around it
  2. Laboratory diagnostics. Blood test (clinical, biochemical), urine
  3. Smears for the microflora of the vagina
  4. PCR diagnostics, which allows to detect the presence of sexually transmitted diseases and infections that are hidden in the body
  5. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is a quick method for finding out how wide the inflammatory process is (whether it has moved to the bladder, kidneys)
  6. Urethroscopy - a procedure for examining the condition of the urethra using an endoscopic instrument

Additional research methods depend on the alleged underlying cause of the development of urethritis. The doctor may prescribe gastroscopy, MRI, bacteriological examination of urine, a blood test to determine glucose in it.


Urethritis is eliminated by a complex effect - medication, by correcting nutrition and making changes in lifestyle. Medicinal prescriptions that allow to stop the inflammation of the urethra are shown in the table.

Pharmacological group of the drug Name of the drug Dosage, frequency of use, duration of the therapeutic course Purpose of prescribing medication
Antibiotics Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime, Metrogyl 1 g / m, twice a day, with an interval of 12 hours. The duration of the course is 5 days. Metrogil - 100 ml twice a day, 5 days. Elimination of pathogenic microflora present in the urogenital tract.
Sulfonamides Biseptol 2 g twice a day with obligatory observance of an interval of 12 hours. The course is 5-14 days. Elimination of microbial microflora, relief of pain, dysuria, normalization of body temperature.
Fluoroquinolones Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin 1 ton twice a day, course duration - 14 days. Inhibition of pathogenic microflora. Restoration of the ability to urinate.
Antifungals Nystatin, Clotrimazole Nystatin tablets are prescribed for 500 thousand units 3 r. per day for a course of 14 days. The same drug in the form of suppositories is used vaginally. Clotrimazole is used in the form of suppositories - 1 rub / day (minimum). Relief of a fungal infection. This allows you to stop inflammation of the urethra, stop the process of secretion of curdled secretion from the vagina.
Antihistamines Diazolin, Suprastin Suprastin contains 25 mg of the main active substance in 1 t. Assign 1 t. 3-4 rubles / day. Or 1 ml IM once. Diazolin - 50 mg of the substance in 1 t., It is prescribed for ½ tab., 1 p. in a day Elimination of itching, swelling due to the relief of allergen activity

The diet involves the rejection of salty, sour, spicy foods and foods. It is forbidden to drink acidic juices, alcohol and coffee. The listed products negatively affect the condition of the inflamed urethral membrane, provoke urges and soreness. The recommended volume of the drinking regime is up to 1 liter of water per day (in addition to tea, decoctions, the liquid part of the first courses). In the acute course of urethritis, bed rest is recommended, restriction from labor activity, in the chronic form of the disease - not always. In both cases, you should refrain from intimacy until complete recovery. If the venereal origin of urethritis is confirmed, the patient's sexual partner is also treated.


It assumes the following aspects:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene (including the intimate part of it)
  • Timely elimination of diseases of the urogenital tract. Prevention of their transition to a chronic form
  • Refusal to eat foods that irritate the mucous membrane
  • Use of barrier contraception at the beginning of sexual activity with a new partner
  • Avoid wearing overly tight underwear
  • Timely change of sanitary napkins
  • Regular blood glucose testing (in the presence of a hereditary predisposition to diabetes)

Maximum protection against hypothermia and moderate exposure to water will minimize the risk of developing urethritis. Also to preventive measures the emergence of such a rejection of the idea of ​​​​treatment with drugs that the doctor did not prescribe. Uncontrolled intake of medications contributes to the inhibition of the protective ability of the body. Against the background of a weakening of this, a wide range of pathologies develops, including urethritis.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of urethritis

The most frequent patients of the urologist are men who seek treatment for urethritis. The disease manifests itself at any age, and passes with severe symptoms.

Severe itching and pain during urination do not allow a man to wait out a relapse without going to the doctor.

If the acute form of the disease is not treated, the inflammatory process will spread to the prostate gland and testicles, which will bring with it even more painful processes.

What is urethritis in men?

Urethritis in women and men proceeds differently. If the disease in the female body is almost asymptomatic due to the anatomical features of the urinary tract, then men suffer from this disease more. Male urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra caused by a variety of reasons. The most common among them is any sexually transmitted disease that promotes inflammation.

After pathogenic microbes enter the urethra, after a few hours, fatigue and weakness appear, preceding the main symptoms of urethritis. Urethritis also has a non-infectious origin, but rarely. Factors in such cases are allergic reactions, trauma to the genitals, metabolic disorders or malnutrition.

Urethritis in men can adversely affect reproductive function and lead to a serious violation of the functionality of the genitourinary system. Therefore, the identification of signs that indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the urethra is an indicator of contacting a doctor for advice for an examination and complex treatment.

Symptoms and signs of inflammation of the urethra

The first symptoms of urethritis in a man appear, depending on the incubation period of the pathogen, from several hours (allergic) to several years (tuberculous). The most typical among all types of urethritis are the following symptoms:

  • Burning, itching, pain when urinating.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Frequent urination.

Hyperemia or high temperature with urethritis, as a rule, is not observed. Allocations depend on the pathogen and are of a different nature. Often this is a selection of green or white color with an unpleasant smell, which appear in the morning and form yellow crusts on the penis. With inflammation of the urethra, redness and gluing of the external opening, pain in the lower abdomen, cloudy urine can be observed.


Urethritis in a man can be triggered by several reasons. As already mentioned, the most common are venereal diseases. But inflammation of the urethra can occur if a man ignores the rules of personal hygiene, because dirt quickly collects on the genitals and pathogenic bacteria multiply.

E. coli, which remains on the surface of the intimate zone after bowel movement, very actively increases its population on the skin. When it gets deep into the urethra, signs of the development of urethritis immediately appear. Pathogenic microbes that affect the urethra include:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • coli.

Urolithiasis can also cause the development of urethritis. Stones that are in the kidneys, under certain conditions, can end up in the urethra of a man, causing inflammation. Medical interventions also often cause inflammation, since microscopic abrasions very quickly become infected with an infection in the body, and then become inflamed.

Diagnosis - what tests to take?

The presence of any of the above symptoms is a reason for a visit to the urologist, who should make a diagnosis based on laboratory and clinical data.

During the initial examination, the doctor examines the discharge from the urethra by pressing, examines the swelling and redness of the lips of the urethra, feels how painful and compacted the urethra is and whether the inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged.

Each patient with suspected urethritis is examined for HIV infection and syphilis, and is also sent for the following tests:

  1. Urogenital smear.
  2. Urethral culture for sensitivity to antibiotics.
  3. PCR studies to identify pathogens of urethritis.
  4. General urine analysis.
  5. Three glass urine sample.
  6. Urethroscopy.
  7. General blood analysis.
  8. Biochemistry of blood.
  9. Rheumatic tests, if urethritis appeared after a sore throat.

How to treat urethritis in men - drugs

Before starting treatment, the doctor warns that during the treatment of urethritis, sexual intercourse, oral sex, and masturbation are completely prohibited. If the disease is caused by a sexual infection, then the treatment of the sexual partner is mandatory.

The diet should also be observed, excluding spicy, salty, pickled, fried, spicy foods.

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, and drinking water it is necessary to consume at least 2 liters daily to improve metabolism and speedy recovery.


It is impossible to cure urethritis without antibiotics. The type of medication, dosage and treatment regimen for urethritis is determined by the doctor, depending on the causative agent of the disease and based on the type of pathology. General antibiotics for urethritis are not prescribed, since each microorganism has its own sensitivity to drugs.

  • For the treatment of gonococcal urethritis, antibiotics such as Azithromycin, Cefipmaxone are prescribed.
  • For the treatment of Trichomonas urethritis, "Trinidazole", "Metronidazole" are more suitable.


An excellent analgesic effect is given by antiseptic drugs, which are not only prescribed in the form of oral tablets.

For example, "Chlorhexidine" for urethritis is prescribed not only for external use, but also for washing the bladder.

Effective antiseptic drugs include: "Miramistin", "Furacilin".

Ointments and suppositories

In the complex of antibacterial therapy, local preparations (ointments and suppositories) are used, which accelerate the healing process.

For example, the antiviral ointment "Acyclovir" will be effective in the treatment of viral urethritis caused by herpes.

Rectal suppositories are equivalent in their effectiveness to injections, so urologists often prescribe them for treatment different kind urethritis in men: Metronidazole, Hexicon, Indomethacin, Cifran.


These are substances that affect the functioning of the human immune system. It is known that the higher the immunity, the faster the recovery will come. Immunomodulators are mandatory medicines for the treatment of urethritis in men. They are prescribed in addition to antibiotics so that they do not suppress the immune system.

Effective drugs of domestic production: Timalin, Mielopid.


During the treatment of urethritis, the deficiency of vitamins in the body must be replenished, so doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes with vitamins A, E,

C, D and minerals. A proper diet can make up for the lack of some vitamins, but not to the full extent. For example, vitamin A is found in the form of esters in animal products, so with a strict diet, its reserves cannot be replenished in the required norms.

Popular vitamin complexes for urethritis: "Bio-max", "Pikovit forte".

Treatment of urethritis with folk remedies

It is impossible to cure urethritis by folk methods alone. But decoctions and tinctures of herbs will help alleviate the condition. We offer several folk recipes, which will help with chronic urethritis and will be an excellent prevention of relapse:

  • Infusion of black currant leaves. Great replacement vitamin complex and antiseptic. Take 30 gr. dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour, then strain. Drink three times a day before meals (for 15 minutes). If possible, eat fresh blackcurrant berries for food. The duration of admission is not limited.
  • Infusion of oak bark. It will help relieve burning sensation and pain when urinating. Brew with boiling water (1 cup) a tablespoon of oak bark, leave for three hours. The resulting remedy should be drunk 1 tbsp. l. 3 times / day before meals in a warm form. Also, the infusion is used for men in the form of baths or lotions.
  • Infusion of cornflower flowers. Pour boiling water over one teaspoon of dried cornflower flowers, leave for an hour, then consume 2 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times / day until the natural microflora is restored and the inflammatory process passes.


Treatment of the disease urethritis in men is mandatory, because ignoring the inflammatory process can lead to damage not only to the urethra, but also to the scrotum, testicles, and prostate gland. It is difficult to treat urethritis, but diseases of the reproductive system can lead to inability to bear children, and such processes are often irreversible.

In men, a complication of urethritis can lead to: prostatitis, funiculitis, seminal vesicles, the formation of epidirmitis or orchitis.

Chronic desquamative urethritis can lead to keratinization of the epithelium, and staphylococcal pathology to a more complex consequence of urethritis - narrowing of the urethra, which occurs due to scarring of the mucosal tissue. Such a disease leads to a violation of the outflow of urine, throwing it into the kidneys with the formation of renal failure and pyelonephritis.

Types of male urethritis

Male urethritis is divided into several types and types. It can be infectious and non-infectious, primary and secondary, that is, it enters the urethra from already infected organs. The classification of urethritis in men is also carried out according to its characteristics (types of pathogen).

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Urethritis in men - causes, symptoms and treatment

Urethritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the urinary tract. It is equally diagnosed in both women and men. You can get urethritis at any age. Pathology can be infectious or non-infectious. Urethritis in men must be treated immediately after the onset of negative symptoms in order to avoid dangerous complications.


According to the peculiarities of the course of urethritis in men, there are 2 types:

  • primary - develops in the urethra;
  • secondary - the infection penetrates the urethra from another focus of inflammation.

Depending on the infectious agent, the disease is divided into 2 types:

  • specific;
  • nonspecific.

Specific urethritis is caused by viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens.

Nonspecific urethritis in men is provoked by streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli. Pathology occurs with violations of the digestive system or against the background of a cold. Mixed urethritis causes tubercle bacillus.

According to the localization of the inflammatory process in the urethra, there are 3 types of urethritis:

  • front;
  • rear;
  • total.

Depending on the type of pathogen, urethritis can be of several types:

  • trichomonas;
  • candidal;
  • gonorrheal;
  • non-gonococcal;
  • herpetic.

In rare cases, there are such types of urethritis as torpid, ureaplasmic, congestive and desquamative.


Urethritis occurs against the background of the following reasons:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystoscopy;
  • catheterization;
  • allergic reactions;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • chronic infectious foci in the body;
  • congestion in the pelvis;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • decreased immunity against the background of stress, unbalanced nutrition, bad habits and beriberi.

The most common cause of urethritis is the frequent change of partners and promiscuity.

With unprotected intercourse, gonococci, the herpes virus, ureaplasma, chlamydia, streptococci, gardnerella and papillomas can penetrate into the urethra. The danger of infectious urethritis lies in the fact that the disease has a latent incubation period.

Its duration ranges from 3 days to several weeks. A man does not know about his illness, so he can infect other partners.

Important! The disease becomes chronic with weakened immune system, spread of infection to other organs and untreated acute urethritis.

Nonspecific urethritis occurs due to such reasons:

  • inflammatory chronic pathologies;
  • violation of metabolism in the body;
  • frequent consumption of marinades, salty and spicy foods, alcoholic beverages;
  • congestive urethritis;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • physical and emotional stress.


Acute urethritis in men is characterized by several symptoms:

  • yellow-green purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • itching and burning;
  • sharp pain;
  • swelling of the urethra;
  • blood at the end of urination.

Subacute urethritis is accompanied by a decrease or complete disappearance of secretions. They are sometimes seen in morning time days in the form of crusts from the urethra, gluing the external opening of the urethra.

With chronic urethritis, a man complains of neurotic phenomena. Discharge from the urethra increases with the use of alcoholic beverages, sexual arousal or hypothermia. Also, the chronic form is characterized by severe pain, burning and itching.

Note! If a man has total urethritis, then the inflammatory process extends to the entire urethra. Symptoms of the disease are similar to the clinical picture of prostatitis.

Trichomonas urethritis in men causes pain in the groin area, itching and burning. In the acute form, the patient is concerned about bleeding in the semen and frequent nighttime urination.

With a sluggish disease, the patient may notice signs of urethritis after intercourse - mucous discharge and sudden pain in the groin.

In some cases, patients prone to allergic reactions have a rash on the penis.

With candidal urethritis in men, pain and burning sensation occur when urinating. 10-12 hours after infection, the patient may notice a discharge with an unpleasant odor. He also begins to be disturbed by frequent urges to the toilet. If you do not start treatment of candidal urethritis, then diseases such as cystitis, balanitis and balanoposthitis may join.

Gonorrheal urethritis in men usually manifests itself after 7 days. When the posterior urethra is affected, the patient's body temperature rises, there is severe pain and burning in the canal. There are purulent formations in the urine, it becomes cloudy. With a long course of the disease, slight bleeding may occur.

Chlamydial urethritis in men is accompanied by pain when urinating, itching of the genitals, swelling of the glans penis and redness. Also, the patient may have pain and swelling of the testicles, white or yellow discharge appears, and urination becomes more frequent.


To detect urethritis, you should undergo a comprehensive examination, including a general and bacteriological analysis of urine, a blood test and scraping from the urethra. Additionally, an ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys may be required. With its help, the doctor will be able to detect infections on these organs. In a chronic process, urethrography is necessary.

Effective drugs for urethritis in men

The doctor selects the treatment regimen for urethritis after bacteriological examination. Often the course of treatment includes antibiotics in the form of tablets and injections. They depend on the type of disease:

  1. Non-specific urethritis - the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs such as tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline and ceftriaxone.
  2. Specific urethritis - Oletetrin, Rifampicin, Spiramycin and Cefodizim.
  3. Candidal urethritis - Amphotericin, Nystatin and Levorin.
  4. Trichomonas form - Nitazol, Metronidazole and Trichomonacid. The last medicine is injected into the patient's urethra. I repeat the procedure regularly for 5-6 days.
  5. Gonorrheal - Metronidazole, Natamycin, Chlorhexidine, Fusidin and Tinidazole.
  6. Chlamydial - Azithromycin, Doxycycline and Levomycetin. If the disease has become chronic, then in combination with antibiotics, bougienage of the urethra is carried out.
  7. Mycoplasmosis - Tetracycline.
  8. Herpesvirus form of pathology - Acyclovir, Penciclovir and Ribavirin.

Chronic urethritis requires the introduction of an antibacterial drug into the urethra. Also, the treatment is supplemented with drugs containing adrenal hormones: Dexamethasone and Prednisolone.

Outside the stage of exacerbation, it is effective to carry out physiotherapy - laser therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasonic exposure and magnetotherapy.

Note! During the treatment of urethritis should give up sexual activity and alcohol. It is necessary to eat well and maintain water balance. After eliminating the acute process, it is effective to use antiseptic ointments.

In addition, the patient should limit the consumption of smoked meats, marinades, fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks.

How to cure urethritis with folk remedies

In combination with medicines, it is useful for urethritis to use folk remedies. They support immunity, relieve inflammation and other acute symptoms of the disease. To the most popular means traditional medicine include the following:

See also: Cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts): symptoms and prevention of the disease


If left untreated, urethritis can lead to such serious complications:

  • kidney inflammation;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • inflammatory process in the testicles;
  • balanoposthitis.

Prostatitis often causes various pathologies of the reproductive system, causing sexual dysfunction and infertility. In the absence of treatment of gonococcal urethritis in a man, damage to the joints, organs of the genitourinary system and irreversible processes in the urethra are noted.


To prevent urethritis in men, doctors recommend following a number of rules:

  1. Avoid mechanical damage to the penis and hypothermia.
  2. Do not engage in promiscuity.
  3. Timely treat inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  4. Use contraceptives during intimacy.
  5. Do not tolerate the urge to urinate.
  6. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene.
  7. Increase immunity by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
  8. Warm up and play sports.
  9. Avoid severe stress and emotional overstrain.
  10. Quit smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  11. Eat a balanced diet, reducing the intake of spicy and fatty foods.

Urethritis in men - signs of inflammation, how to cure with medication and folk remedies

Men often visit a urologist different ages faced with urethritis.

This disease is manifested by severe symptoms in the form of pain and burning during urination, which brings discomfort.

If left untreated, the acute form of the disease can turn into a chronic one, which will give serious complications to the male genitourinary system. Familiarize yourself with the types and principles of treatment of urethritis.

Inflammation of the urethra in men is called urethritis. Under the urethra understand the urinary canal in the form of a thin hollow tube with a bend, the length of which is 16-24 cm, and the width is up to 8 mm.

Pathogenic microbes, viruses or fungi are able to settle in the walls of this duct and cause an inflammatory process on its mucous membrane.

Pathology is more common in men who have an active sex life, neglecting barrier contraceptives.

Due to the special structure of the male urethra, the pathogenic microflora multiplies rapidly. This leads to swelling of the mucous membrane, retention of urine outflow, and complications are acute pain, intoxication. Urethritis is manifested by severe pain, accompanied by the spread of infection up the genitourinary organs in the absence of treatment.

A specific inflammatory process in the urethra is caused by genital infections. It affects young men who often change sexual partners or who have sex without using a condom. The main causative agents of specific urethritis are trichomonads, Candida fungi, mycoplasmas, gonococci, chlamydia. Other causes of the disease:

  • severe hypothermia - leads to acute inflammation, exacerbates chronic pathology;
  • urolithiasis - injury to the mucous membrane of the urethra when moving sand or stones;
  • catheterization, cystoscopy - diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that can cause complications;
  • allergic reactions - inflammation against the background of the penetration of foreign agents into the body;
  • cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis - inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of men;
  • chronic foci of infection in the body;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene;
  • weakening of the immune system against the background of stress, psycho-emotional stress, malnutrition, beriberi or hypovitaminosis, bad habits.

Nonspecific urethritis is caused by microbes: E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus. The disease takes a chronic form as a result of:

  • weakness of the immune system;
  • spread of pathology to other organs;
  • incorrect or incompletely completed treatment of acute urethritis.


There are several types of classification of the disease, depending on various factors. Known Species:

  1. According to the infectious agent - specific and nonspecific urethritis in men. The first type is caused by bacterial (including gonorrheal), viral, fungal pathogens. Nonspecific urethritis is a purulent inflammation, the development of which is promoted by staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli. The disease develops against the background of a cold, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Mixed urethritis can cause tubercle bacillus.
  2. According to the course of the disease - chronic and acute urethritis in men. The latter is characterized by severe pain, severe itching and burning. The chronic process starts with improper treatment or its absence, its symptoms are not pronounced, but it is more dangerous.
  3. According to the features of the flow - primary and secondary urethritis. The primary one is formed in the urethra, while the secondary infectious agent enters the urethra from another inflammatory focus.
  4. According to the localization of inflammation on the wall of the urethra - total, anterior, posterior.

Signs of urethritis in men differ depending on the nature of the inflammation. In the chronic type of the disease, the swelling of the urethra disappears, the discharge becomes smaller in volume.

In the absence of therapy, bacterial strains will penetrate into the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, leading to the development of prostatitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis and other complications.

The acute course is characterized by symptoms:

  • profuse purulent discharge from the urethra of a yellow-green color;
  • subfebrile condition - a persistent increase in body temperature;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • swelling of the urethra;
  • itching, burning, sharp pain;
  • bleeding at the end of urination.


Suspecting signs of urethritis, a man should contact a urologist for advice and analysis. The doctor takes into account complaints, examines the genitals, studies the causes of the disease.

In laboratory diagnostics, bacterial culture is carried out from the urogenital tract. This helps to identify the type of microbe causing the disease.

Using the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction), the pathogen is quickly and accurately determined from a urological smear.

A man takes a urine and blood test to determine the level of damage to the urinary tract, rheumatic tests are taken. Microscopy of a smear from the urethra is performed to study the material at the cellular level.

Of the instrumental methods, ureteroscopy is used, which is performed after the weakening of the acute process to examine the walls of the urethra. It is possible to conduct ultrasound diagnostics to visualize the bladder, prostate, kidneys.

In a chronic process, urethrography is performed - an x-ray study of the urethra after the introduction of a radiopaque substance into it.

Treatment of urethritis in men

Most cases of diseases are successfully treated at home, but for some therapeutic procedures, a man will have to visit the hospital. Only severe forms of the disease require hospitalization of the patient. Principles of treatment of urethritis:

  • refusal of sexual activity during therapy;
  • maintaining water balance, drinking plenty of water;
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • means of immunotherapy;
  • local treatment after the acute process subsides (instillation (introduction) of drugs into the urethra itself, the use of ointments);
  • nutrition correction: rejection of fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, pickled, salty foods, carbonated drinks;
  • hypothermia, stress should be avoided.

The medicine for urethritis in men is prescribed only by the attending physician after bacteriological examination and determination of the pathogen. Incorrect selection of the drug can cause complications. Antibiotics are often used in the form of tablets, injections, suppositories:

  1. With nonspecific urethritis - Doxycycline, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Ceftriaxone, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides.
  2. With specific inflammation of the urethra - Spiramycin, Oletetrin, Doxycycline, Cefodizim, Cefotaxime, Cefoxitin, Rifampicin, Spectinomycin.
  3. With gonorrhea - Miramistin, Natamycin, Nitazol, Chlorhexidine, Tinidazole, Cidipol, Metronidazole, Furazolidone, Cefaclor, Fuzidin, Spiramycin.
  4. With candidal urethritis - Amphotericin, Levorin, Clotrimazole, Nystatin.
  5. With chlamydia - fluoroquinolones, Doxycycline, Levomycetin, Azithromycin.
  6. With trichomonas form - Metronidazole, Nitazol, Trichomonacid. The last drug is administered by insertion into the urethra. A 1% solution is used. The procedure is carried out every day in a course of 5-6 days.
  7. With mycoplasmosis - Tetracycline.
  8. With the herpesvirus form of the disease - Penciclovir, Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, Ribavirin.

Chronic gonorrheal urethritis requires the introduction of an antibiotic solution into the urethra. Therapy is supplemented by taking drugs based on adrenal hormones (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).

Therapy can be supplemented by washing the urethra with antiseptics, prescribing immunostimulants (Timalin, Mielopid), multivitamins (emphasis on vitamins A and E).

Physiotherapy is applied outside the stage of exacerbation - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, laser exposure, treatment with ultrahigh-frequency pulses are carried out.


To maintain immunity, fight the inflammatory process, mitigate the acute signs of urethritis, you can use some methods of traditional medicine. They can be used after consultation with the doctor. The most popular of them:

  1. You need to chop fresh parsley leaves, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for several hours under the lid, filter. In case of exacerbation, it is required to take a mixture of 50 ml every two hours.
  2. In a glass of boiling water, you need to take a teaspoon of crushed yellow Zelenchuk (it has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties). It will take 15-20 minutes to insist the mixture, then it is drunk warm instead of tea during the day. As a substitute for Zelenchuk, currant leaves are well suited.
  3. Decoction of oak bark. Used for purulent discharge, swelling, itching. It has an astringent and antiseptic effect. A tablespoon of raw materials should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. The tool is used to wash the urethra.
  4. Cornflower infusion will restore the balance of microflora, destroy pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to brew a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Take the mixture should be 50 ml before each meal.

Complication of male urethritis

If the disease is not treated or treated insufficiently, this can lead to the further development of the inflammatory process. From the focus of chronic infection, pathogens will enter other organs and tissues, causing:

  • pyeloferitis (inflammation of the kidneys);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • orchitis (inflammatory process in the testicles);
  • prostatitis;
  • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis).

Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) can lead to diseases of the reproductive system, lead to sexual dysfunction and infertility. If you do not treat gonococcal urethritis, accompanied by congestion in the urethra, it will end with a complex lesion of the joints, organs of the urinary system, and irreversible damage to the urethra.

To minimize the risk of urethritis, men need to follow certain rules. Prevention measures:

  • avoid injury to the penis;
  • maintain water balance;
  • avoid frequent change of sexual partners, promiscuity;
  • timely treat any infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • observe personal hygiene;
  • use barrier methods of contraception;
  • do not tolerate the urge to urinate, empty the bladder on time;
  • increase immunity, play sports, temper;
  • avoid stress, overexertion;
  • give up alcohol, smoking;
  • stick to proper nutrition.

Most of us, until we encounter severe symptoms, are not even interested in which doctor treats urethritis? If this unpleasant disease occurs, it is better, without wasting time, to go to the doctor and start complex therapy as soon as possible. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will actively spread and lead to complications.

Which doctors treat urethritis?

With urethritis, which doctor to contact and which ones, you definitely can’t say. This disease is inflammatory in nature, so you need a doctor who specializes in the urinary tract. Accordingly, an andrologist or gynecologist can help, but not everything is so simple. Andrologists deal with the penis, epididymis, prostate, urethra, ureters and urethra in men, while gynecologists help women cope with various disorders.

In fact, there are still urologists, but many believe that these are exclusively male doctors. This opinion is erroneous, since in general these specialists deal with inflammation of the genital organs, urinary canals, kidneys and fight opportunistic microflora.

Doctors against male urethritis

Men are often afraid to go to the doctor with urethritis - they are scared away by shame and fear of treatment. You need to overcome yourself and start the right therapy as soon as possible, otherwise the disease will develop into a chronic form and cause more serious disorders. In advanced cases, male infertility, the development of prostate adenoma, and much more are possible. Thus, for the treatment of urethritis, men need to contact doctors such as andrologists and urologists, and sometimes venereologists.

Good andrologists specialize in andrology and urology, and sometimes have an additional specialization in venereology. You are unlikely to find such doctors in district clinics, so it is better to contact good private medical institutions.

If you quickly decide which doctor a man should contact with urethritis, the disease can be overcome in a couple of weeks. to do this, you can even contact an ordinary andrologist at the nearest clinic.

What should women do?

When a woman discovers symptoms of urethritis in herself, she wonders which doctor to contact? Many go to gynecologists, and this is indeed the right decision, but you can also make an appointment with a urologist. Gynecologists specialize in sexual disorders, which are often the main causes of female urethritis.

As for urologists, they specialize more deeply in genitourinary systems, including women. The field of activity of such doctors does not separate patients by gender and age, so women should not be shy about contacting them. Turning to a specialist, a woman with urethritis will be prescribed tests (urine, blood, vaginal discharge), cystoscopy, PCR and ultrasound. has its own specifics and a list of appointments, so you should not experiment.

After determining the causative agent of urethritis in women, the doctor will prescribe pharmaceutical preparations. Treatment should be comprehensive, so it usually includes special, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physiotherapy and immunomodulators. In addition it is possible.