Which steam humidifier to choose for your home. How to choose an air humidifier for an apartment: useful tips and recommendations

  • Doesn't sleep well
  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • Correct air humidity in the room where a child lives allows him not only to provide him with protection from viruses and allergies, but also to recover faster if an illness does occur. The respected children's doctor and author of many books and articles on children's health, Evgeniy Komarovsky, has repeatedly told parents about this.

    Many mothers and fathers, listening to the doctor’s advice, try to humidify the air in the children’s room using basins of water, an aquarium, steam, and wet towels hung over radiators. Sooner or later, the understanding comes that it is easier and more profitable to purchase a special device - an air humidifier. Evgeny Komarovsky talks about how to choose it and how to use it correctly.

    Benefits and harms

    The mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx perform important protective functions. They produce mucus that can bind viruses and slow their spread.

    If the mucus dries out due to the fact that the child breathes dry air or breathes through the mouth during a runny nose, then the biological fluid, which has changed its consistency, becomes dangerous for the baby. In dried nasal mucus, pathogenic bacteria begin to thrive.

    Many parents have noticed that the flowing snot one day turns into thick and green. This is a consequence of improper air humidity.

    A child who constantly breathes dry air is more likely to suffer from acute respiratory viral infections.

    During illness, they have a significantly higher risk of complications. The fact is that if, when you cough, the bronchial mucus begins to dry out in the bronchi, which also actively produce protective secretions against viruses, then this will most likely lead to bronchitis. If dried mucus begins to interfere with pulmonary metabolism, pneumonia will begin.

    Moist air during a period of flu or ARVI is generally one of the main “medicines”: viral infections recede faster, and the immune system learns to recognize viruses and resist them when the patient breathes moist air and drinks a lot of liquids. However, you usually do not need to buy any other medications from the pharmacy.

    Children who breathe insufficiently humidified air are more likely to suffer from various allergic reactions. They have a harder time withstanding the high temperature that accompanies various diseases, they get sick longer, their immunity is much weaker than their peers, who breathe air with relative humidity ranging from 50 to 70%. This is the level of humidity that Komarovsky recommends maintaining for a child’s room.

    To find out how saturated the air in a room is with moisture, you should take a device - a hygrometer. If the indicator does not reach 50%, then you should think about purchasing an air humidifier. It will help, without unnecessary fuss, running around with basins, jars of water and wet towels, to create the right microclimate in which the child will grow up healthy.

    The humidifier will only cause harm if parents grossly violate the rules for its operation. If there is humidity in a child’s room exceeding 75-80%, this will negatively affect his well-being and health.

    Types of humidifiers - pros and cons

    There are three types of humidifiers on sale today:

    1. steam;
    2. ultrasonic;
    3. "cold".

    Steam humidifiers are similar in principle to kettles: in order for the water to begin to evaporate, it is heated to a boil in the device by two electrodes. This is the cheapest and most accessible option for home appliances.

    When choosing a steam humidifier, you should make sure that it is equipped with a special humidity sensor, which commands the device to turn off immediately after the required set humidity in the room is reached. If there is no such thing in the humidifier, then you will have to buy it separately, which is not very convenient and expensive.

    Among the disadvantages of a steam appliance is a high level of energy consumption. But otherwise, this type of humidifier is very suitable for children's rooms - it is the most productive, creates the desired microclimate faster, and there is no need to buy consumables for it. The product works simply: water is poured in and the container is plugged into a power outlet.

    It should be remembered that humidification occurs with hot steam, and therefore you need to place the humidifier so that the child cannot reach it under any circumstances.

    Ultrasonic humidifiers are more expensive than steam humidifiers, but they have more benefits. Thus, with lower power consumption, these devices show fairly high performance.

    The operating principle of such a device is more complex: ultrasonic radiation is applied to a piezoelectric crystal, electrical vibrations become mechanical. The advantage of this technique is its small size and mobility of the atomizer, with which steam can be directed from any direction.

    Despite all their advantages, ultrasonic humidifiers are quite capricious: if you often fill them with too hard water, the filter quickly fails. This may cause a white residue to form on furniture and wallpaper. In addition, replacement filters for devices are not cheap.

    “Cold” humidifiers are the most expensive. They received this name for the principle of operation according to which the dry air that is currently available in the room is purified when entering the device. There is a wet cartridge inside, passing through which the air cools and is saturated with moisture.

    The performance of such equipment directly depends on the initial humidity. The higher it is, the slower the device will work, because there is no point in intensive humidification. Therefore, such a “smart” humidifier will always maintain the optimal level of humidity itself, without the intervention of household members.

    Such a device is very demanding on the quality of water with which the filter will be wetted. Water that is too hard will damage the filter. Therefore, it is better to use distilled water or, for extra money, buy special cartridges that “can” soften hard water and demineralize it.

    This humidifier does not produce streams of steam, like the previous two types, and therefore will not be of interest to the child. Another advantage is that the humidifier not only saturates the air with water, but also purifies it, since it works with smaller particles.

    Cold humidifiers consume as much electricity as ultrasonic ones. However, their performance is lower than that of ultrasonic ones, but they are self-regulating.

    The disadvantage of the device is that it is not capable of raising the relative humidity above 60%. In addition, the filter service life is no more than 3 months, so consumables will have to be purchased and replaced at least 4 times a year.

    Where to start choosing

    You should start choosing a device for the nursery by measuring the room.

    You must come to the store with a piece of paper on which the following will be indicated:

    • room area;
    • ceiling height;
    • a brief description of the type of room (how many windows, what the walls are made of, how much upholstered furniture and plants there are in the room).

    It is also advisable to tell the seller how often you can change the water in the device. If you are sitting at home, then the tank may be small in size, but if your parents are at work all day and the child is in kindergarten, then it is better to take a device with a large capacity in order to add water less often.

    Evgeny Komarovsky claims that the most difficult thing when choosing in a store is to evaluate the noise effects that a humidifier produces. In the space of a large shopping center, not a single type of device seems to make any noise. But it will be used in the bedroom, including working at night. It is important that the device operates as quietly as possible.

    If you have to choose a humidifier for the first time, you should not immediately choose an expensive and technologically complex model, says Komarovsky. Beginners don’t need a copy with a control panel, an “on-board computer”, and a lot of additional functions. First you just need to understand how the device is used and why this particular family needs it.

    Air humidifiers are indispensable devices, especially when the heating season begins, and radiator batteries begin to literally dry out the microclimate of houses and apartments. Today, many companies are engaged in the production of these devices, from first-tier brands to small firms that have only recently entered the market. One way or another, the choice is quite large, and it’s easy to get lost in it. To eliminate lengthy searches, below we will present the top 10 best models of 2018 for improving the microclimate in the house. But first, let’s figure out what is the difference between a humidifier and other units with similar purposes.

    Today, the climate technology market offers many modern gadgets that work on optimal parameters for air purity and humidity. And if almost everyone is familiar with an air humidifier, not everyone knows what an air washer or an ionizer is. To understand what copes better with the microclimate, you need to know the purpose of these devices.

    Air washing

    Thus, an air washer has expanded functionality compared to a humidifier: in addition to the usual spraying of moisture, it will have the ability sanitation of the surrounding area, which is achieved by various methods.

    The humidifier is suitable for use under normal conditions, while the sink is designed to solve some specific problems. For example, additional air purification is necessary for everyone who suffers from seasonal allergies. People with asthma often resort to using air washers, whose health directly depends on a healthy indoor microclimate. A conventional humidifier binds dust particles, causing them to settle on the surface more intensely, but, nevertheless, cannot guarantee the purity of the inhaled oxygen. Therefore, for people those suffering from asthma or allergies, there is no choice between an air washer or a humidifier. The first option will definitely be better.


    An air ionizer and a humidifier have more differences - these devices different tasks. The ionizer charges the air passing through the electrical voltage with negatively charged ions. The beneficial effect of using ionizers has been repeatedly confirmed by many independent studies. The functions of the compared devices are practically not related in any way; both perform their highly specialized tasks for the sake of a common goal - creating a favorable microclimate in the room.

    Air purifier

    If a humidifier is a highly specialized device, then an air purifier is a complex multifunctional device. Most often, an air purifier has a humidification function, being a complex all-in-one device. The main task of an air purifier is to work with dirt and dust particles flying in the air. Being drawn into a special hole, all the dust settles on the filters. As a rule, an air purifier is equipped with several filters: a primary filter, a wet filter, and a fine filter to retain the finest dust. In addition to moisturizing and cleaning, the cleaner can also have built-in ionizer, combining the functions of three devices.

    The disadvantage of these devices is that they are expensive and require constant maintenance with filter replacement.

    It is best to choose a device for personal use based on your needs. If the main task is air ionization, then a specialized device is suitable for this. When the range of tasks is somewhat broader, you can consider an air purifier. And if you only need increase in humidity levels, then, obviously, a high-quality humidifier will best cope with this. So, let's look at the best humidifier models of 2017.

    The rating of air humidifiers opens with a model from the domestic brand “Ballu”. This company is known to the buyer for high-quality heating equipment. The device is sold at a price of 2999 rubles. Its distinctive feature is unique design, making references to a famous cartoon character, developed under license from the Disney Corporation. The device is perfect for a child, since in addition to its attractive appearance, it has everything necessary for high-quality air humidification in the nursery.

    The maximum power level is 18 W, and the device is capable of serving up to 20 sq.m. area. Ultrasonic humidification principle, so water consumption remains relatively small. The volume of the liquid tank is only 1.5 liters. The maximum liquid consumption per hour is 180 ml. You can control the direction of humidification, adjusting it as needed, regardless of how the device body is installed, which is very convenient. The intensity of evaporation using a cooler that blows out fine dust can also be adjusted.

    On the front side of the device there is a sensor that indicates a low liquid level in the tank, and the body itself is equipped with a convenient backlight.

    A wonderful device, sold in several colors. The price of the device makes it attractive for a home with a nursery. One of the best models of 2018 on the market, which are primarily aimed at the children's target audience.

    • affordable price;
    • high reliability;
    • tightness of the housing at the joints;
    • low water consumption;
    • attractive appearance, several colors;
    • weighs little;
    • you can regulate the moisture level and its intensity;
    • there is an indicator.
    • a small number of settings;
    • poor equipment;
    • short power cord.

    Prices :

    In ninth place is a model with good reviews, produced by Boneko. The manufacturer entered the mass market of humidifiers back in 2015, and since then has gained significant popularity among a large number of users. The cost of the device is 7900 rubles. The main indicators of the device are as follows: ultrasonic air humidification, the maximum power is 130 W, suitable for a room of 60 sq.m. The liquid reservoir has a volume of as much as 6.5 liters. The maximum water flow is 550 ml per hour. The model is equipped with a hygrostat, as well as demineralizing cartridge.

    There is pre-heating of water and the ability to adjust the direction in which humidification will be carried out.

    The installation is only floor-mounted, the power comes from a 220 V network. In the “warm steam” mode, the water consumption will be increased, and in the standard mode it will be no more than 400 grams per hour. Reliable device for medium sized rooms. The cost of the device allows us to classify it as middle class with a balanced list of built-in features. A high degree of reliability, increased tightness at the joints and necks ensure long-term and trouble-free operation. The device will be of interest to anyone who wants to buy a humidifier that has all the capabilities within its main tasks. A wonderful choice for a wide range of consumers.

    • thoughtful design;
    • interesting case design;
    • remarkable level of tightness;
    • strong plastic that does not form scale;
    • heating water before grinding;
    • high performance;
    • large liquid tank;
    • two water flow modes;
    • large service area;
    • low power consumption.
    • price;
    • There is no additional cartridge included;
    • the cost of consumables is quite high.

    Prices :

    The ultrasonic humidifier from the Neoklima company continues the rating of the best. The company specializes in the production of cooling systems and heating equipment. The ranges of presented devices include a wide variety of prices, from the most affordable to top-end all-in-one models. In this case, we are talking about a specialized device that has only one function - air humidification. The model itself is inexpensive, the price tag for it is within 1,390 rubles. The maximum power level of the device is only 30 W, but this is quite enough to operate the ultrasonic motor. The humidifier is capable of serving a room up to 20 sq.m.

    Considering the silent operation and small volume of humidified area, the device is best suited for a children's room.

    The device can operate up to 9 hours without adding liquid. The volume of the water tank is only 2.6 liters, so the dimensions of the humidifier remain very compact, convenient for carrying and transportation. The maximum moisture consumption is 280 ml/h. Included in delivery demineralizing cartridge. The intensity of evaporation, as well as the speed of rotation of the cooler, can be controlled using appropriate adjustments. The device operates from a regular 220 V network. A wonderful humidifier, suitable for small rooms, children's rooms or bedrooms. An affordable price, a strong, small-sized case and a well-known brand make the model from Neoklim an interesting option for purchase.

    • different color solutions;
    • low electricity consumption;
    • strong body;
    • proven brand;
    • tank tightness;
    • strong fixation on the floor;
    • long-term operation without topping up.
    • equipment;
    • few adjustments;
    • small service area.

    Prices :

    Seventh place is occupied by one of the best ultrasonic humidifiers on Yandex.market from the Polaris brand. Thanks to its high performance characteristics, the device is perfect for both home and apartment. Famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky recommends that there should always be a fixed level of humidity in the children's room, which can be easily achieved using the proposed model. Its cost is 2390 rubles. This is the best ultrasonic humidifier in terms of efficiency: the maximum power consumption is only 23 W.

    The serviced area does not exceed 40 sq.m. The device can work for almost a day without adding liquid (21 hours). The volume of the water tank is only 5.5. liters This duration is achieved thanks to low moisture consumption, 350 ml/h. The model is equipped with a reliable hygrostat and comes with an ionizer. On the front part there is a section for controlling the device. The panel has a thermometer and a timer in increments of up to 8 hours. Bright electronic display perfectly readable in the dark. In addition to the buttons, there is an indicator on the body of the remaining amount of water. A reliable and functional model, a good offer at a balanced and fair price from a well-known manufacturer.

    • high degree of reliability;
    • wide functionality;
    • efficiency;
    • high performance;
    • perfect for a children's room;
    • convenient control;
    • timer;
    • built-in ionizer.
    • no remote control;
    • there is only one sensor;
    • short power cord.

    Prices :

    The 2018 rating continues with the traditional humidifier from the famous brand “Kovai”. Despite the rather high cost of the device (21,990 rubles), the demand for it is quite high. This is primarily due to natural operating principle- This is the main distinguishing feature from ultrasonic and steam analogues. The power of the device is only 56 W. The volume of the water tank is 4.5 liters. The model has a built-in accurate hygrostat that provides accurate information. There is also a built-in pre-filter and ionizer. A pleasant surprise was the presence flavoring functions.

    Given the wide range of capabilities, this model can be positioned as an air purifier and humidifier in one device.

    The instrument panel has a convenient timer in 1, 2, 4 and 8 hour increments. The declared noise level at maximum load is only 45 dB. The weight of the device is 6.3 kg. A wonderful model that can be used as a purifier, humidifier and ionizer. A great example of an all-in-one device. Some may be put off by the high cost, but the device is definitely worth the money. Considering that traditional humidifiers have greater performance and functionality than their counterparts, we can safely recommend the device to everyone for whom this particular function is primarily important.

    • multifunctionality;
    • performance;
    • low noise level;
    • strong and reliable body;
    • famous manufacturer;
    • convenient timer;
    • easy operation;
    • built-in flavor.
    • high price;
    • weight of the device;
    • expensive consumables.

    Prices :

    In fifth place is air purifier with humidification function. The Panasonic brand is known to many domestic users for its wide range of household appliances. The model in question is sold at a price of 22,990 rubles in two colors, black and white. The main function of the device is cleaning, but there is also a built-in humidifier. Power is 43 W. The serviced area is no more than 40 sq.m. Fluid consumption does not exceed 0.5 liters at maximum load. The device has a pre-filter and an air ionizer. The control unit controls the fan speed and moisture evaporation.

    The maximum noise level, according to the developers, is 51 dB at peak load. If the device operates at minimum load, the noise level does not exceed 18 dB, which makes it one of the quietest in today's rating.

    The device weighs quite a lot, 8.3 kg, but it compact dimensions make it much easier to carry the device. A strong, reliable device that fully justifies its price. A well-deserved participant in today's top 10. It's a rare case when the price tag completely justifies the content. Excellent assembly and classic body shapes will not leave anyone indifferent who primarily relies on quality and reliability. High performance and energy efficiency make the Panasonic model attractive and interesting as a candidate for purchase.

    • high degree of reliability;
    • possibility to choose colors;
    • low noise level;
    • low fluid intake;
    • compact dimensions;
    • functional ionizer;
    • low level of electricity consumption.
    • quite high price;
    • poor equipment;
    • expensive filter to replace.

    Prices :

    On the fourth line is a steam humidifier from the manufacturer Bauer. The device can be attributed to the middle price segment, its cost does not exceed 6,400 rubles. The maximum power of the device is 380 W. The serviced area does not exceed 50 sq.m. The volume of the water tank is five liters, and the maximum liquid flow is 350 ml/h. The kit also includes a demineralizing cartridge. In addition to the main functions, it is possible to spraying aromatic oils, which significantly expands the functionality of the device.

    The device is powered from a regular 220 V network. The control unit is mechanical. There is a low water quantity indicator on the front of the device. Pleased with the light weight of the model - only 2.8 kg. The dimensions are very compact, which makes it easy to move the humidifier from room to room. Considering steam operating principle, it can be argued that the device can purify the air in the room. This property allows us to recommend this model for use in a children's room, where, in addition to humidification, it may often be necessary to clean the air from dust.

    • steam humidification;
    • easy;
    • low moisture consumption;
    • convenient control of the device;
    • sealed fluid reservoir;
    • high performance;
    • strong body;
    • nice design.
    • short power cord;
    • expensive replacement cartridge;
    • short cord, you must use a carrier.

    Prices :

    The top three is opened by an ultrasonic air humidifier from the Timberk company. The company entered the Russian market long enough to acquire an impressive army of fans. The best humidifiers in today's rankings have qualities that set them apart from the countless models on the market. First of all this affordable price, which already includes impressive technological potential. The cost of this device is only 3310 rubles. The model is available in two colors, classic white and unusual green. The maximum operating power is 38 W, and the serviced area of ​​the room should not exceed 30 sq.m. The water tank has a volume of 3300 ml. The highest moisture consumption is at 280 ml/h.

    The direction in which humidification will occur can be adjusted, as well as the speed of rotation of the cooler, and the intensity with which evaporation occurs.

    The device has built-in flavor, which significantly expands its functionality. The device control unit is mechanical. On the front side there is a liquid level sensor that turns on when there is not enough water in the tank. The dimensions are quite compact, so the device can be easily moved from one room to another. The weight of the model is only 2 kg. Considering the low cost of the device and an impressive range of capabilities, we can safely recommend it to anyone looking for a simple, but at the same time functional humidifier. Perfect for a wide range of buyers.

    • well-known and trusted manufacturer;
    • high degree of reliability;
    • long service life;
    • strong body;
    • modern and bright design;
    • a light weight;
    • compact dimensions;
    • built-in option for room aromatization;
    • Perfect for use in a children's room.
    • small volume of the fluid reservoir;
    • short power cord;
    • no filtering function.

    Prices :

    The second place in today's rating belongs to the device from the highly specialized manufacturer “Stadler Form Fred”. This is a mid-range steam machine that stands out unusual design. In appearance, the device resembles a flying saucer, which, no doubt, will appeal to children. Quiet, almost silent operation will be another advantage in favor of using the model in a nursery. The cost of the humidifier is 8670 rubles. For the specified price, the user receives a fairly impressive list of benefits. Peak power consumption is no more than 300 W. The serviced premises should not exceed the size of 50 sq.m.

    In terms of operating time, the device is an absolute record holder - as much as 30 hours at minimum load. The liquid reservoir has a volume of 3.6 liters and an average flow rate of 360 ml/h. The humidifier is equipped with an extremely accurate hygrostat. The kit also includes a demineralizing cartridge, which is enough for a long period of use. Adjustment is possible in two directions: the intensity of the cooler and the evaporation of moisture. Installation only on a flat horizontal surface, without the possibility of wall mounting. A regular 220 V outlet serves as a power source. The proposed model will cope perfectly with the problem arid air in the nursery. The device is suitable for a wide range of buyers.

    • wide functionality;
    • high reliability;
    • strong body;
    • sealed water compartment;
    • good performance;
    • long service life from bay to bay (at minimum power up to 30 hours);
    • bright and unusual design;
    • The hygrostat is taken outside.
    • high price;
    • few adjustment options;
    • meager supply package.

    Prices :

    The best air humidifier in today's rating is a device from domestic brand"Atmos". The manufacturer is expanding its presence in the climate control equipment market year after year, providing worthy competition to well-known Western companies. A mid-price device, sold at retail at an average price of 4,050 rubles. This is one of the most economical devices in its class, with a maximum power consumption of only 25 W. The serviced area should not be more than 35 sq.m. The water tank has a volume of 4.2 liters, the flow rate does not exceed 250 ml per hour. The control unit is equipped with a bright display that is easy to read in the dark and a convenient timer with several setting options. On the front side there is a liquid level indicator.

    For use at night, the body is illuminated, so the model can also be used as a night light.

    An excellent device that can fit into almost any interior of a nursery, bedroom or small living room. The bright, distinctive design attracts attention, making a lasting impression. Recommended for use in children's rooms.

    • there is a backlight for the case;
    • domestic manufacturer;
    • good assembly;
    • tightness of the fluid reservoir;
    • silent operation;
    • low power consumption;
    • bright design.
    • short power cord;
    • few settings;
    • not an informative timer.

    Prices :


    An air humidifier is a specific, highly specialized device, so it is extremely necessary to know exactly where to place the device in order to maximize all its capabilities. First of all, it is worth remembering that you cannot install a working humidifier. next to the heater on(oil, convector type, etc.). Such a proximity can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of a short circuit of the device due to moisture getting on it.

    It is better to place a humidifier in the room between the bed (or other furniture) and the device that dehumidifies the air. This will reduce the negative impact of the heating device to a minimum.

    Important: in no case should you install a humidifier near a door or doorway, because in this case there is a high probability of knocking over a working device, forgetting about its location.

    Not recommended due to low performance factor put the device on the window. Otherwise, the main thing is to adhere to the recommendations indicated above. Maximum performance from any type of humidifier is guaranteed when it intercepts and neutralizes the heater's effects, acting as a humidifying "shield" between the heat source and the wearer.

    As can be seen from the rating, ultrasonic and steam humidifiers are the most common. At the heart of the work steam humidifier lies the principle of heating water to a state of evaporation. The moisture obtained in this way is thrown out through the nozzle under pressure. When water is heated, it is purified and the steam is purified. Humidifiers of this type will be more relevant for a children's room or in a room where it is necessary to keep the air not only humidified, but also cleaner. The disadvantage of such devices is the too rapid consumption of moisture due to heating.

    Ultrasonic humidifier differs from steam in its operating principle. In contrast to the latter, the release of fine dust through the nozzle occurs due to the crushing of water droplets using an ultrasonic wave. There is no heating inside the device, so the steam almost always remains at room temperature. The downside is the lack of any cleaning or filtration, only humidification.

    Which humidifier to choose, steam or ultrasonic, depends on your needs: both do their jobs well, but each in its own area. Where minimal cleaning is required, steam will be preferred.

    When imagining an ideal home, few people think about the air quality in it as one of the key criteria. Most often, people imagine completely different images, such as space, light, warmth, silence, a cozy interior. However, this is a very important aspect that must be taken into account and controlled. Air humidity in rooms where people spend a lot of time can significantly affect the health of all family members. That's why every person needs to know how to choose a humidifier for their home.

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      Signs of dry air

      It is not so easy to understand that the air in the apartment has become too dry. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in the cold season due to the startup of central heating equipment. The following may indicate that you need to purchase a humidifier:

      1. 1. There is a feeling of dehydration. Sometimes there is excitement and fatigue at the same time.
      2. 2. The skin becomes dry and itchy at the same time.
      3. 3. Family members are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases. Children are especially susceptible to them.
      4. 4. A feeling of irritation appears in the eyes and throat mucosa.
      5. 5. The skin on the lips is cracking.

      In addition to the effects that dry air has on a person and his family, too low a humidity level affects the health of houseplants.

      Lack of water vapor leads to the appearance of yellowness and curling of their leaves. Flowers have to be watered more often than usual. All this suggests that it’s time to figure out how to choose the right one.

      Benefits of use

      The device maintains the relative humidity level within normal limits. It is especially important to install it in rooms where people sleep and spend a lot of time. The device allows:

      We test different models of air humidifiers

      Children's room

      A child's respiratory system is not as well developed as an adult's, and this is especially true for infants. Babies are very sensitive to respiratory diseases, so a good humidifier should be in their room. It will protect children from excessive dryness of mucous membranes, allergies, strengthen their immune system and make them feel better, even if their nose is clogged.

      If you choose a model that can also add aromatic oils, air humidity control sessions will turn into healing therapy for babies. In appearance, such devices are often quite original.

      This is done using a device called a hygrometer. The recommended level is 45−55%. This indicator is relative humidity, expressed as a percentage, more precisely in the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to its maximum saturation. When the specified value is exceeded, condensation occurs.

      It is also useful to know that humidity levels affect how the body perceives air temperature. The subjective perceived temperature in a room may differ from that on a thermometer. For maximum comfort, it is recommended to provide lower humidity in summer and higher humidity in winter.

      Humidifiers come with a built-in humidity sensor or even automatically start the device when the levels in the apartment are below the minimum.

      Types of devices

      There are two main categories of humidifiers on the market: traditional and ultrasonic. Traditional ones are also divided into 2 types: cold and hot steam. A cold air humidifier does not heat the air that evaporates indoors, so it is suitable for any season and works by spraying a stream of water or passing ventilated air over a container of water. It should be cleaned frequently and thoroughly to avoid bacteria buildup. In winter, this device can lower the room temperature and is recommended for people suffering from asthma and allergies.

      A hot air humidifier kills bacteria and germs in the room due to the high temperature of the steam produced. Therefore, this is a good option, especially for young children. It reduces the risk of disease, but provided that the device is placed where children cannot reach it. These humidifiers are recommended for people with allergies. The devices are raised, so they are not suitable for the warm season.

      The operating principle of ultrasonic humidifiers is that ultrasound enters the water in a container. It disperses it into fine particles and distributes it indoors using a fan. Ultrasonic equipment is also capable of generating hot and cold air. As a rule, these devices are quieter than traditional ones.

      The ionization function is an indoor method. Now Russian homes are under attack from both dust and positive ions emanating from electronic devices (computers, household appliances, phosphorescent lighting). They cause fatigue and must be balanced by a system that generates negative ions. The ionizer produces positive ions. It gets dirty and must be cleaned periodically.

      How to choose the right humidifier? - Everything will be fine. Issue 906 from 1.11.16

      There are so many different humidifiers on the market today that choosing a model should be carefully considered. You need to evaluate all the details and functions that they have. There is a whole list of criteria worthy of attention.

      The type of air they work with is one of the key considerations. You can choose a cold or hot steam model, depending on the season for which you want to use it, the temperature at which a person feels good, and the need to destroy bacteria and viruses in the house. Other important parameters:

      The air purification or ionization function can be especially useful in homes with a lot of electronic equipment, in children's rooms or in areas where there is a lot of dust. The following options are also relevant:

      A longer power cable may be important if the device is going to be placed in a small child's room. The humidifier can be placed at a height where the baby cannot access it.

      The ideal weight and size will depend on where the device is placed. A small and simple design model is suitable if you plan to move it from one room to another. But the size is directly related to the capacity of the tank, so you will have to choose one.

      There is no need to indulge in horror as the cold season approaches. The likelihood of getting sick and experiencing unpleasant consequences of exposure to dry air can be eliminated if you purchase. This device will help you get through an unpleasant period easily and naturally.

    More and more users are complaining about the microclimate in their apartment. It is not always possible to increase the humidity level by opening windows, that is, natural ventilation of rooms. In addition, many modern heating devices (convectors, heat fans) greatly dry out the air, causing oxygen saturation to decrease. It is in such cases that various types of humidifiers come to the rescue.

    Devices are usually divided into four groups. Home humidifiers are divided into cold humidification devices (using cold steam), hot humidification devices (respectively, hot steam), as well as devices using modern ultrasonic humidification. The last, fourth type (atomizer), which works on the principle of atomization, is found mainly in industry, and will be discussed last.

    Let's look at all types of humidifiers in order.

    Operating principle. The operation of such devices is based on cold evaporation of water(i.e. without thermal heating). Humidification itself occurs due to the fact that water molecules evaporate (the process of saturation with moisture occurs). The device has a special tank for water, from where it flows into the pan, and from there it is redirected to special evaporation devices (this can be a cartridge, filter, or disk).

    The most affordable devices work with replaceable paper filters, which quickly fail. They have to be changed frequently. The water in such evaporators rises, gradually filling the expansion chamber with moisture, from which the moisture then enters the room. In more expensive models, instead of thin paper filters, special plastic disks are used, which accumulate moisture due to gradual rotation inside the device. Next, the cooler comes into operation, which, with the help of blowing evaporative elements, expels the humidified air into the room.

    Along with humidification, the air in the rooms where such devices operate also cleared(due to the fact that the cooler moves air through filters on which dust and dirt settle). This function has been adopted by entire climate control systems – models of humidifiers, also called air “washers”.

    An obvious advantage of traditional humidifiers is the automatic regulation of humidity levels.

    The higher the humidity in the room, the lower the performance of the device, and there is no need to monitor this process (let alone regulate it). This circumstance allows you to save a lot of money, since these devices do not need a hygrostat.

    . If we talk about the performance of the system, it will be equal to 3-9 liters per day. In this case, the electricity consumption will be only 15-60 W, depending on the power of the model.

    Minuses. First of all, it is impossible to use tap water. These humidifiers work best with distilled water. If you use a regular one from the tap, the cartridge will quickly become clogged with deposits evaporated from the water (you will have to change consumables much more often). However, there are “softening” cartridges on sale; they can easily cope with hardness, although they are more expensive.

    Steam humidifier

    Design and principle of operation. In the polluted air of a large metropolis, for example, Moscow, when in the summer the windows remain closed in order to prevent smoke from entering the apartments, this device may be the optimal solution to the problem of insufficient humidity.

    Such devices operate on the principle of an electric kettle, heating the system using a spiral or ceramic plate.

    Working principle of hot evaporation humidifier

    During the boiling process, the water begins to evaporate. When the liquid completely boils away, a special relay is activated and the device turns off. A feature of this type of device is a higher degree of safety requirements. For example, you can turn on the device only if it is assembled and the electrodes are hidden inside the housing to avoid accidental contact. Increased fire safety measures make steam humidifiers as reliable as regular electric kettles with automatic shut-off.

    The steam oxygen humidifier is equipped with hygrostat(special sensor for measuring air humidity). This device turns off the device after the specified room humidity has been reached. If this sensor is faulty, the humidity level in the room may significantly exceed the comfort zone. Steam humidifiers are also equipped with inhalers. These are special attachments that allow you to use the device in clinics (or at home for therapeutic purposes).

    Power and Performance: from 6 to 17 liters of liquid per day, depending on the cost of the model. The power of this type of device is higher than its predecessors, about 200-800W, but the power consumption is correspondingly higher.

    Minuses: higher cost (compared to cold steam humidifiers) due to the complexity of the design (additional sensors, ceramic or metal heater). The advantage is faster humidification of the room due to increased power and intensity of work.

    Ultrasonic freshener-humidifier

    Operating principle. This type of humidifier is considered to be the most effective. In it, liquid from the reservoir flows onto a special plate, which vibrates in the ultrasonic range. With the help of vibration, water breaks up into tiny drops, water dust, which is light in weight and easily rises into the air with the help of a cooler located inside the case.

    Humidifiers with an air freshener function may create fog in the room.

    At first glance, it may seem that the steam that escapes from the neck of the device is hot, although in reality it is not. It is cold, wet, and poses no harm to the owner.

    The advantage of this type of humidifier is high humidity accuracy indoors, which is difficult to achieve with traditional models. In addition, the temperature of the steam that comes out of the device is approximately 40 degrees, and this value is the most acceptable. Among the advantages, low noise during operation can be noted.

    Some models of air fresheners/humidifiers include not only a hygrostat, but also control Panel(in some cases it may be sensory). There are devices with a remote control, however, all these innovations negatively affect the cost of the device itself.

    Today there are also decorative models. The design of such devices allows them to be given various shapes (for example, an apple-shaped humidifier). It should be noted that a decorative air humidifier is most often ultrasonic, but there are also traditional devices.

    This type of device should only be filled with distilled water. The volume of liquid used is 6-13 liters per day with a fairly low power consumption of electricity (only 30-60 W).

    Atomizer (spray type device)

    An adiabatic humidifier, or atomizer, is found only in industry. The principle of distributing moisture under pressure through special nozzles makes it possible to treat fairly large rooms, so there is no need to use it at home. A drop of water dust released into the air from the neck of the atomizer has a volume of only 3-9 microns. It is completely converted into steam, being at a distance of 20-50 cm from the nozzle operating under pressure (right next to its nozzle).

    The power of the atomizer exceeds all of the analogues listed above combined, and ranges from 50 to 250 liters per hour. This allows you to saturate an entire workshop or warehouse with moisture if storage requires special conditions.

    The dimensions of the adiabatic oxygen humidifier are small; it can be mounted on a wall. The main, and perhaps the only, disadvantage is his price, it is measured in thousands of dollars (depending on additional option packages that manufacturers can equip their models with).

    Among the advantages of this type of humidifiers, we can note the possibility of operating all year round(both in hot and cold weather) and relatively low energy consumption. Adiabatic devices have a wide range of configuration options; many options can be installed during the assembly process at the user’s request, whereas in traditional and ultrasonic devices there is no such possibility.


    So, we found out what types of air humidifiers there are and how they work. As you can see, the choice (both in price and operating principle) is quite wide. The range of prices and capabilities opens up a lot of scope for analysis before purchasing. We hope that our article helped to understand the existing diversity.

    The microclimate in the house plays an important role. Not only the comfort of staying indoors, but also the health of all residents of the house depends on it. You can create a favorable microclimate yourself. First of all, you need to pay attention to air quality. It must be clean and moisturized. For this it is better to use air humidifiers.

    A humidifier for the home is a necessary thing in the modern world.

    Today, many equipment manufacturers offer a wide range of products that can be used in any home every day. This is what a humidifier belongs to.

    People come to the decision to purchase this product out of a desire to improve the air quality in their home for the better. But how to choose an air humidifier for an apartment without making mistakes?

    Everyone knows that there are many microparticles in the air, even in the cleanest house, that negatively affect human health. The mucous membrane in the nose dries out, and breathing becomes difficult.

    Microparticles of water deposit all the dust on the floor. Lack of humidity also negatively affects the condition of flowers and wooden furniture. But the most important motivation for purchasing is the birth of a child. After all, dry air is very harmful to the baby. Children with weakened immune systems are very sensitive to the indoor microclimate.

    Why is a child’s body so sensitive to dry air? Let's figure it out.

    Dry air is like a sponge. It absorbs all moisture from the environment, including from plants and humans (skin, hair, respiratory tract). As a result, the nasal mucosa dries out. This creates crusts that make breathing difficult. Crusts, covering the surface of the mucous membrane, cannot stop the harmful particles contained in the air.

    The mucous membrane allows all microorganisms and viruses to enter the respiratory organs. As a result, the child sleeps poorly, feels unwell, and is in poor mood. And, most importantly, immunity gradually decreases. In this case, there is a risk of developing respiratory infectious diseases. The dangers include the likelihood of developing allergies.

    The problem with dry air is acute in winter. After all, all heating devices (radiators, fireplaces, radiators, hot pipes) significantly dry out the air in the house.

    Statistics say that in winter, air humidity in houses and apartments does not exceed 20%. By the way, this indicator was recorded in the Sahara Desert.

    Therefore, you need to worry about the microclimate and find out how to choose a humidifier for your home.

    Which to choose?

    Many manufacturers offer several options for humidifiers. They do not require installation and are operational up to 24 hours a day. Some of them can be easily installed in the bedroom. After all, the noise created during operation of the device is almost minimal.

    So, we talked about the fact that the indoor microclimate is very important for human health. So what should it be? For humans, the optimal air humidity is from 40 to 60%.

    Many customers, having decided to purchase a quality device for their home, get lost in such a variety of products. They often turn to specialists with a request: help them choose a humidifier. Let's review each type of humidifier. Let's list their pros, cons and operational safety.

    The operation of this device is to heat water and generate sterile steam, which provides humidification. It can reach 60%. At the same time, the productivity of such a device is considered the highest: up to 700 grams of water evaporate per hour.

    It is ideal for use in rooms where it is necessary to maintain high humidity. They are often used in places where plants grow (greenhouses, greenhouses).

    Here you can create a microclimate that is close in its parameters to tropical. During operation, the steam humidifier does not require special care or additional materials.

    The disadvantages of this device include high power consumption. It is worth considering that it also does not have a built-in hygrostat. It must be purchased separately to control the humidity level in the room.

    Considering all the above-mentioned characteristics of a steam humidifier, we can conclude which humidifier to choose for flower shops, greenhouses and home flower corners.

    • sterile steam;
    • the ability to use plain tap water;
    • minimum noise level;
    • suitable for aromatherapy;
    • does not require the use of additional consumables;
    • high productivity (up to 60%);
    • If there is no water, the device automatically turns off.

    Disadvantages of a humidifier:

    • high power consumption (up to 600 W);
    • You must additionally purchase a hygrostat or hygrometer. Otherwise, you can over-humidify the air in the room;
    • There are models in which the outlet steam temperature is not regulated (up to 55 degrees). In this case, the device may be dangerous for children and pets. They may get burned by the steam. Such steam also has a negative impact on the condition of the furniture.

    This device is often called passive or traditional. It is one of the safest devices. The main task of such a humidifier is to accelerate the normal evaporation process.

    Water is poured into a special container, from which it flows onto a special cartridge or filter. Gradual evaporation occurs on it. The device has a specially built-in fan, which blows out the already humidified air.

    To increase the humidification of a room, you can place the device in a warm place or in a place where air circulates the most.

    For classic humidifiers, paper filters are used. Passing through them, the air is not only moistened, but also purified. Sometimes cartridges contain antibacterial impregnation.

    In this case, the operation of the additional element is about 3 months. You can also use disc filters, which allow you to get a more moisturizing effect. But this is also reflected in their cost.

    If you have purchased a passive humidifier, you need to remember that the contaminants accumulated on the filter are an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.

    The device must be thoroughly washed every 2 days. Filters need to be dried and water needs to be changed.

    The use of such a humidifier for large rooms is not acceptable, because it is characterized by low performance.

    The maximum humidity that such a device can provide is 60%.

    Pros of using this humidifier:

    • low noise level;
    • minimal energy consumption;
    • provides clean, humidified air;
    • safe for children.

    Disadvantages of a humidifier:

    • low productivity;
    • requires constant care;
    • not intended for use in large rooms.

    Most often, ultrasonic humidifiers are chosen for home use. This is evidenced by numerous reviews. The devices combine many customer requirements: attractive appearance, affordable cost, simple operating principle and breadth of application.

    This type of device belongs to new developments in the field of air humidification. They consume a minimum of electricity and are practically silent during operation. Often in models you can see a built-in hygrostat, which allows you to regulate the level of humidification in the room.

    These devices, just like the previous ones, can be actively used to humidify greenhouses, greenhouses and winter gardens to maintain optimal conditions for plant growth. In addition, ultrasonic humidifiers are used in buildings where antique items are located that require maintaining a special level of humidity. This includes furniture, musical instruments, parquet, etc.

    An ultrasonic humidifier can be installed in any room where people are most often present. Often this is the living room, bedroom, nursery and kitchen.

    The advantage of this device is its versatility.

    You can take it with you even on the road, as long as you have access to electricity. This is also facilitated by the compact size of the device.

    The device control can be mechanical or electronic. Some models have a display where you can see the current level of humidity in the room.

    There are also special touch buttons that can be used to configure the operation of the device. Lower cost models only have a rotary knob for mechanical control. It can be used to regulate the level of humidity in the room.

    When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to its functionality. Some models of ultrasonic humidifiers have a special replaceable cartridge designed for decarbonization.

    It retains the salts that are in the water, so hydration occurs only with clean water particles. For the same reason, during operation of the device, a white coating does not form on the surface of the furniture.

    The service life of such a filter is about 3 months. This indicator directly depends on the hardness of the water and the degree of contamination of the filter.

    If there is no filter, then it is better to choose distilled water. Otherwise, a white coating will form on the furniture (salts will be present in microparticles of water, which after drying will become white).

    If there is no water in the device, it will automatically turn off. This humidifier creates virtually no noise, and if desired, you can direct the steam flow in any direction.

    This is a good humidifier for a child's room.

    Pros of using this humidifier:

    • minimum noise;
    • adjustable humidification;
    • built-in hygrostat;
    • low power consumption;
    • high productivity;
    • Automatic shutdown if the water runs out.

    Disadvantages of a humidifier:

    • it is necessary to use distilled water or special decarbonizing filters;
    • cannot be used for aromatherapy.

    There are three types of such humidifiers: hot or cold steam, ultrasonic.

    The difference between these devices and the ones listed above is that the former are additionally equipped with an ionization function.

    Scientists have long proven that long-livers are people who live in the mountains. After all, clean mountain air, saturated with negative ions, has a positive effect on health.

    Manufacturers of air humidifiers with ionizers wanted to achieve this effect. Such a device in the air creates an effect like “after the rain”.

    This is very important for the health of children who often get sick. If you do not know how to choose the right humidifier, contact a consultant. They will listen to your wishes and offer several options.

    This device is the answer for people who ask the question of how to choose the right humidifier for a nursery. This humidifier is ideal for children's rooms.

    This is evidenced not only by the opinion of experts, but also by numerous consumer reviews. It will not only cope with air humidification efficiently, but also clean it.

    This device has virtually no drawbacks. It does not require additional consumables for operation and consumes a minimum of electricity.

    Caring for the device is quite simple - you need to periodically wash the tray, which is made of high-quality plastic.

    Special plastic discs with an adsorbing surface are used as a filter. Constantly rotating, they are washed with water from the pan.

    Passing between the disks, dry air is moistened and purified. The surface of the discs attracts dust particles, which are washed off with water in the tray. Here the water is disinfected using an antibacterial system.

    Some models of air humidifiers have a special compartment into which you can pour a selected bouquet of aromatic oils.

    The built-in electronic hygrostat allows you to control the humidification of the room.

    Now you know how to choose a humidifier for the nursery and for the whole house in general. Among this variety, you can understand which humidifier is best to choose. The main thing is to know for what purposes it will be used.