How is the foundation built and what is good about it? Calculation of the Tise foundation. Calculation of the load of the Tise pile.

The TISE foundation costs two to three times less than other options, and the low cost in no way affects its quality and safety.

Individual construction in the country is developing rapidly. Developers with a good cash reserve build their own houses, caring only about their reliability - they care little about the cost of this enterprise.

Another thing is people with modest capabilities. They have to carefully calculate costs at each stage of construction. It is for this category of developers that TISE has developed a unique technology that allows them to build an inexpensive but reliable foundation for housing.

So, what is the foundation of TISE? This is a pile-tape structure consisting of reinforced concrete supports and a reinforced concrete grillage ().

The peculiarity of this design lies in the shape of the pile: in its lower part there is a hemispherical extension. This form of support helps to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation and prevents it from being squeezed out on heaving soils.

TISE piles bear the load of heavy stone and light frame houses equally well (), without shrinking.

The purpose of the grillage is to connect all the supports into a single structure. It does not contact the ground, evenly distributing the load from the house between the piles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the TISE type foundation include:

  • low cost;
  • no need to use heavy construction equipment;
  • autonomy of work during construction: to perform technological operations, no connection is required;
  • high speed of construction and minimal labor costs;
  • the possibility of independent construction by individual developers who do not have experience or special skills;
  • ease of installation of utilities even at a fully constructed facility.

Disadvantages of TISE foundation technology:

  • this construction method cannot be used in swampy areas, waterlogged and silty soils;
  • using only manual labor: this makes the construction process very difficult on rocky and hard soils. True, they have now begun to produce TISE drills with a mechanical drive powered by a light gasoline engine;
  • it is not possible to build a basement under the entire house;
  • a blind area of ​​increased width is required.

The above disadvantages of the TISE foundation are offset by advantages, so this technology can be considered the most economical and progressive for private construction.

The main and only working tool that you will need when building a foundation using TISE technology with your own hands is the TISE-F drill.

Structurally, it is made in the form of a sliding rod, equipped with two handles and cutting edges. Its weight is only 7.5 kg. The tool is equipped with cutters and a locking mechanism. The plow is lifted by means of a cord, one of the ends of which is attached to the crossbar.

The rod can be extended to any length using a threaded lock. It also transmits torque.

The plow is mounted on a movable bracket between the drill and the rod. It is released at the drilling level where the expansion of the TIS pile is planned. The role of a soil accumulator is played by the drill body.

Drilling technology

Drilling using TISE foundation technology consists of several simple operations:

  1. The piles are being marked.
  2. At the drilling sites, the turf is removed.
  3. A hole is dug exactly in the center of the future pile with a diameter equal to the diameter of the drill and a depth of 0.15 m. This operation can be performed using a shovel or a special device included with the drill.
  4. The plow is removed from the bar, and a handle is installed on its upper part.
  5. The initial length of the rod is set (for this there are three holes in its body).
  6. The kit also includes an extension cord. If it needs to be used, it is mounted on a bar instead of a handle. The latter is transferred to the end of the extension cord.
  7. During the drilling process, the soil is collected in a container. As it fills, the storage tank is lifted and released from the ground.

Piles using TISE technology have a small diameter, so it is necessary to carefully control the verticality of the well: concrete does not bend well, and if it deviates from normal, it may burst during operation.

After reaching the design mark, the well is expanded in its lower part.

This is done like this:

  • two bolts on the container are unscrewed;
  • The plow is installed and secured: first read the instructions for the drill. There you will see that there are three installation positions for this part - depending on the size of the extension (400, 500, 600 mm);
  • a cord is attached to the bracket (crossbar), by means of which the plow is raised to the transport position;
  • after the plow is lowered into the hole, the cord is released - the tool takes its working position;
  • the drill is rotated counterclockwise, cutting out a hemisphere in the ground.

It is more convenient to build TISE piles with a partner.

Foundation calculation

Before starting practical work, you need to find out how many supports can withstand the load from your building.

Foundation calculations using TISE technology are performed according to the classical scheme:

  • the total load from the building is calculated (it is the sum of the weight of all building materials, wind and snow loads);
  • The bearing capacity of one bored pile is determined: it is better to entrust this part of the calculation to specialists, for example, from the architectural department of the city administration. They will ask you for the cadastral number of your plot, check the data of geological research in the area in the register - and, using just one formula, they will quickly make a calculation;
  • divide the load by the load-bearing capacity of the pile - and you will determine their number.

Now all you have to do is place the supports on the foundation plan. Placement of piles should begin from the corners of the building and the intersections of walls. Distribute the remaining supports evenly around the entire perimeter of the foundation. After that, all you have to do is take the markings to the area.

Pouring piles

To fill the supports, concrete grade M300 () is used. Crushed stone fraction – no more than 25 mm.

Along the axes of the well, install four reinforcing bars A-4 with a diameter of 14 mm. Their length should exceed the depth of the hole by 15-20 cm. After this, pour concrete into the well, periodically compacting it with an internal vibrator. If you don't have such equipment, use a long stick. The purpose of the operation is to eliminate the possibility of voids forming in the concrete mass.

Immediately after pouring, the pile head is concreted. You can use a large diameter plastic pipe.

Rules for grillage construction

When building a foundation using TISE technology, you should not make the grillage too high. A massive monolith will become an additional burden on the piles and on the developer’s wallet.

A technically unjustified increase in the consumption of expensive concrete will negate the main advantage of the TISE pile-grillage foundation - low cost. The width of the reinforced concrete belt must correspond to the thickness of the wall. If in the future you plan to cover the house with bricks, take this into account when determining the width of the grillage.

Before installing the formwork, make a cast-off - use cords to mark all the axes of the future structure (). This must be done because when drilling and pouring pile supports, their exact axial location is difficult to maintain. But the grillage must be made in compliance with the perpendicularity and parallelism of all its sides. Otherwise, the walls of the house will rise at random.

The grillage is reinforced at the bottom. The reinforcing mesh must be connected to the rods released from the pile heads. The pouring should be done at one time - there should be no seams in the reinforced concrete body.

Video about the foundation of TISE.

The desire to build your home cheaply and reliably is increasingly forcing developers to look for more efficient new construction innovations. Wood concrete houses, aerated concrete or foundations using TISE technology have long since come into the construction of low-rise buildings and have become commonplace. Foundation systems on TISE piles, which have increased load-bearing capacity, are slowly but surely gaining popularity in individual construction, often even where their use does not bring any particular benefits.

What is the TISE foundation and where is it used?

This is a technology borrowed from the field of industrial construction, which was developed for the construction of high-rise reinforced concrete structures in problem areas. Building a house on a foundation using TISE technology made it possible to solve a number of specific problems:

  • To ensure the construction of a foundation with high load-bearing capacity with a minimum amount of excavation work, which improves the ecology in the area adjacent to the construction site;
  • Make the house structure insensitive to any ground vibrations, for example, metro, trams and railway transport;
  • Avoid destruction of the house frame due to soil heaving, especially for areas with a large depth of soil freezing.

For your information! The last point is most often the main argument in favor of using the TISE foundation.

The fundamentally universal foundation using TISE technology is not much different from any other pile support systems. The main and main difference lies in the design of the TISE pile itself. It resembles an inverted screw with a countersunk head; at the bottom of the pile there is a hemispherical expansion, with a diameter twice the cross-section of the main shaft.

The TISE pile, unlike other support options, is cast in the ground from a concrete mixture, which significantly simplifies the technology and minimizes the cost of transportation and installation of foundation supports. But for casting, you will need to make a well with a depth below the freezing point, and this, for example, for the Moscow region can be 120-150 cm. In practice, the pouring depth is carried out in the region from 150 to 250 cm. There are few reasons for such wastefulness, but they exist. Firstly, the concrete body of the TISE pile in the ground contributes to deeper freezing of the soil, so they try to bury the support lower; secondly, the warmer lower layers of soil with temperatures from +3 o C to +5 o C warm up part of the concrete structure and reduce the risk its destruction.

DIY TISE foundation

In addition to a lot of positive aspects, universal foundations using TISE technology have quite a lot of nuances and conditions for using the pile system. For example, the TISE foundation, unlike the tape version, does not forgive mistakes; miscalculations and technology violations are much more expensive than in the classic version. Therefore, before starting work, you will need to calculate the TISE foundation.

Estimated calculation option for the number and size of TISE piles

There are many recommendations and techniques, including practical ones, based on an accurate geological study of the soil and the choice of method for reinforcing the foundation. But, without experience and full engineering knowledge, it is better not to use complex methodological recommendations, but to estimate the number of TISE piles and the step of their installation.

The procedure for assessing the parameters of a TISE pile foundation:

  1. Based on the sketch and accurate data on the geometric dimensions of the house, materials of walls, ceilings, roof frame, roofing material, the weight of the house is calculated as scrupulously as possible. To the obtained value it is necessary to add the weight of furniture, equipment and the mass of snow cover of maximum thickness;
  2. It is necessary to drill at least three points of a pit, one meter deep, in the area where the construction of the TISE foundation is proposed, classify the soil and determine the load-bearing capacity of the pile in tons using reference data from the table;
  3. Next, we divide the weight of the building by the tabular standard for the specific size of the support foot of the TISE pile. We get the number of TISE supports. It remains to divide the length of the foundation strip by the number of supports, and we obtain the required pitch between the piles.

Advice! The distance between the TISE supports depends on the thickness of the grillage; for a section of 30 cm, an average step value of 1.2-1.5 m can be taken.

In addition to the pencil method of estimating the number of piles, you can resort to specialized programs that allow you to work as accurately as possible with the parameters of the TISE foundation. Most often, this method is used if the construction budget is limited, or documentary detail is needed when drawing up an estimate for the construction customer.

Preparation for installation of TISE foundation piles

The most difficult stage in the construction of foundations using TISE technology is drilling pits or wells for piles. Today, almost the entire volume of drilling for TISE piles in the private sector is carried out using Tise-F hand drills. The work is hard, productivity is highly dependent on the density of the soil. Before you start drilling holes, make a standard marking of the foundation on the site, fill out the TISE pile lines and drilling points. The soil removed to the surface can be placed in a wheelbarrow or on a tarpaulin; during breaks, it can be removed along with debris and pieces of turf.

  • First, we drill at all points where the piles are located to a depth of about 80-90% of the calculated value. Preliminary drilling is best done with a tool without a side attachment, this makes it easier to work;
  • A couple of buckets of water are poured into each drilled well, and after an hour and a half they begin to form an expansion or cavity under the support heel of the TISE pile. Soaked soil will be easier and faster.

Important! When drilling, try to control the drilling vertical as much as possible; when installing a reinforcing frame made of steel rod, this will allow you to correctly install the reinforcement in the well.

With a large diameter of the heel, it is quite difficult to select soil from the cavity, but this must be done at any cost. You can add water or rotate the drill with jerking movements - the main thing is that the blade or plow of the tool carefully cuts out the cavity of the required size.

Casting piles using TISE technology

Before pouring concrete, you will need to perform two more important operations - install waterproofing and reinforcement. The quality of the formation of the side surface of the pile and the resistance of the support to freezing in a humid environment depend on the quality of the waterproofing layer. There is no need to explain the importance of correct installation of reinforcement; this is the key to the strength of the TISE pile, which works both in compression and in tension.

For waterproofing, a standard sheet of roofing material is used. A sheet one meter wide is cut to the size of the depth of the well plus the removal of waterproofing above the ground surface. The workpiece is rolled into a pipe along the diameter of the well, and the seam in the upper part of the insulation is sealed with mastic. The amount of waterproofing above the ground must be adjusted to the size of the bottom of the foundation strip plus 3-5 cm. The waterproofing is lowered into the well and secured with spacer slats.

The reinforcing frame of the foundation pile is most often welded in advance from a 10-12 mm reinforcement bar with side jumpers. The lower ends of the rods are connected and reinforced with welded elements made of thicker metal. The upper ends extend above the cut of the TISE pile to the height of the foundation or grillage. All that remains is to install the frame in the well and align its position so that the ends of the rods are in the same vertical plane with the threads of the horizontal reinforcement of the foundation.

This method of manufacturing the TISE foundation frame does not provide a full-fledged heel of the TISE pile, and this is one of the most significant disadvantages of the technology. In some cases, the frame is made up of separate rods with ends bent to the side. After installing 6-8 rods in the well, they are deployed and oriented so that the bent parts of the reinforcement diverge radially in different directions, thereby strengthening the heel of the TISE pile. The axial part of the TISE pile is strengthened by installing a conventional welded frame of four rods with ligation with peripheral elements.

Before pouring concrete into the well, the upper part of the waterproofing, protruding above the surface, is put into a rigid collapsible form made of wood or metal and covered with sand. For a standard TISE pile with a shaft diameter of 25 cm, 60 to 90 liters of solution will be required, depending on the embedment depth. The volume is considerable, so it will be most convenient to use a manual or electric concrete mixer. In addition, this will allow for good mixing of all components of the solution, which means uniform shrinkage of the foundation and a minimum of surface defects.

It is most convenient to fill through a horn or sleeve. After filling more than half of the pile cavity, it is necessary to casing the solution. To do this, we take a crowbar and tamp the solution, trying to completely fill all the voids in the area of ​​the heel of the TISE pile. Similarly, we fill and compact the second half of the foundation support cavity.

Advice! When pouring, control the level of the foundation concrete so as not to cover the ends of the reinforcement that are to be tied to the foundation tape.

Specialists involved in consultations on the arrangement of the TISE foundation believe that with normal viscosity of the solution, part of the cement with water will flow into the bottom of the sole and form a clay-cement cushion. Thus, the bearing capacity of TISE foundation piles should increase by at least 40-60% of the calculated value.

Assembly of the TISE foundation

In the classic version, the foundation of the yew is built in the form of a grillage, resting on piles at a height of 5-10 cm above the ground level. This method of constructing a TISE foundation allows you to protect the concrete mass from moisture and soil heaving.

The assembly of the supporting strip of the grillage occurs according to a scheme similar to the casting of a strip foundation. Before starting to assemble the panel structure for casting the foundation support mass, the space between the heads of the TISE piles must be filled with sand to create support for the bottom formwork panel.

Next, the lower and side walls of the formwork for the future foundation are installed on the sand and gravel backfill; the wooden structure must be carefully leveled horizontally so that when pouring the solution, the moving mass of concrete does not flow to one side. The sides are reinforced with wooden stakes and supports. For a small frame house of 5x8 m, it will be enough to make a foundation grillage 30 cm high and 25 cm wide.

At the next stage, it is necessary to lay film or roofing felt waterproofing on the bottom of the formwork; the edges of the roofing felt insulation of TISE piles are cut with a “chamomile” and run under the film layer of the foundation formwork.

The most labor-intensive stage in casting a foundation strip is the correct laying and tying of reinforcement bars. A 10 mm steel rod is used to reinforce the grillage and foundation. To strengthen the foundation, a lower layer of reinforcement of four threads is laid at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom and a similar top layer.

Tying the threads of the foundation reinforcement can be done according to the diagram suggested in the figure.

While pouring the tape solution, anchor bolts or fasteners are embedded into the concrete body, with the help of which the base of future walls will be attached, covered with film, and kept for at least two weeks until the casting gains preliminary strength. In extreme heat during the first couple of days, it is necessary to spray the structure with water once a day.


The TISE foundation can be used for two and even three-story frame buildings. But we must take into account that an average building of 350-370 tons on soft soil will require at least a hundred TISE supports, which is quite difficult and time-consuming to do manually. In addition, unlike most foundation schemes, TISE supports require very careful sequential execution of all technological operations and good quality cement.

TISE foundation is a unique, universal and economical system for constructing the foundation of a building. Thanks to its advantages, it has now found wide application not only in low-rise construction, but also in the construction of permanent structures on different types of soil. Even if the house is planned to be built on heaving soils, TISE technology remains the best option in this case. A foundation based on it will never lose its original technical characteristics and will retain its original value for a long time, thereby preserving the integrity of the entire building.

The TISE foundation is a universal foundation. TISE technology provides a special support system, which is based on the use of piles. They have a hemispherical extension at the end. They are responsible for the stability of the foundation of the house under the influence of various loads and movement of soil masses. Such piles can be installed using a TISE drill equipped with a mounted plow and a soil accumulator. It makes holes in the ground with a diameter of up to 25 cm with a spherical hole at the end, with a diameter of 40 cm to 60 cm.

The supports, depending on the expected loads (the latter are installed using special calculations), are located in increments of 1.5 m-2 m. Each of them can withstand up to 16 tons of loads.

Advantages of this type of foundation

The universal foundation of TISE and its advantages:

  • economical consumption of building materials, compared to other types of foundations for a house under the same conditions;
  • If you want to speed up the progress of construction work, take the TISE foundation as the basis of the house. Reviews indicate a fairly high speed of construction of this structure, thanks to the use of a special drill and a reduction in the volume of excavation work;
  • If you care about the durability of the house, again you need to use the TISE foundation. Photos of the building on which this foundation was based indicate the integrity of the structure throughout the entire period of its operation;
  • a foundation using TISE technology, the organization video of which will greatly simplify the process itself, involves the simultaneous construction of grooves and niches, which cannot be done with a block base.

Do not forget that the TISE columnar foundation is a unique variation of the usual columnar analogue. However, here the first type has significant advantages over the second. So, when organizing a regular columnar base, the house should be unloaded onto it immediately. Otherwise, within a year the soil will simply push out the installed pillars. For a design using TISE technology, this will never happen. The TISE pile foundation does not involve the use of heavy special equipment to drive reinforcement into the ground.

Disadvantages of this foundation

TISE foundation disadvantages:

  • before organizing the structure, an accurate calculation is carried out, errors in which lead to undesirable consequences in practice;
  • the base receives cold, and therefore its increased thermal insulation is assumed;
  • the TISE foundation adopts its disadvantages from similar structures - a columnar foundation or a pile-strip foundation;
  • construction of foundations using TISE technology involves the use of semi-dry mixtures.

Consequently, the requirements for the quality and degree of purification of the components of the semi-dry component are increasing.
When deciding whether to use a foundation using TISE technology, reviews with negative aspects will serve the builder well. They will point out to him the problematic aspects of the design, and this will contribute to their correct elimination.

Norms and calculations of the TISE foundation

First of all, the calculation of the TISE foundation is carried out according to the standards prescribed in and. This takes into account the specific gravity of all building materials that take part in the construction of the building. The necessary data can be found in. We should not forget about the loads carried by household appliances and interior items. So, according to established standards, per square meter. living area accounts for 200 kg of load. For an attic space you should take 100 kg per 1 square meter.

An experienced builder, before starting to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the foundation for a building, will also take into account the snow loads that may occur during the cold season. They are individual for each region of the country.

The load-bearing capacity of piles under the TISE foundation, a video of the construction of which is now offered for viewing by leading construction experts, can be calculated using an excerpt from about foundations and foundation structures.


So, the TISE foundation is a universal structure that can be used on different types of soil and for the construction of buildings of various weights. Numerous advantages more than cover the insignificant list of disadvantages of this building base. The latter can be easily eliminated. If you need to save money, but at the same time not lose on the quality of the foundation for your house, use the TISE foundation. The price for the construction of this structure is significantly lower compared to similar columnar, pile and strip structures.