To ensure that heating and plumbing work without interruption: how to choose a water filter for a gas boiler? Filter for heating a private home Do you need a filter for heating?

Filter for mechanical cleaning of coolant.

A mesh filter for heating is a device used to clean the coolant from various solid mechanical particles (scale, rust, scale, sand and other sludge) circulating through the heating system.


The design of the mesh filter consists of the following parts:

  1. Brass, bronze, cast iron or stainless steel body. There are models with both flange and coupling connections to the pipeline. Brass and bronze are used to make filters ranging from ½ to 2 inches in diameter. Cast iron and steel are typically used to produce filters with a diameter of 1½ inches, but smaller models are also available;
  2. Cork. Connects to the housing either with a flange or thread. Allows you to remove the filter element for further cleaning or replacement. To avoid leakage, the plug is equipped with a sealing gasket (ring);
  3. The filter element is in the form of a fine-mesh cylindrical mesh. The mesh is made of stainless steel and connected to each other using electric contact welding.

Filter with tap.

Some filter models are equipped with magnets that attract iron-containing particles.

Mesh filters can vary in degree of purification:

  • rough cleaning (cell sizes from 300 to 500 micrometers);
  • finer cleaning (ability to retain particles with a size of 100 microns).

Operating principle

The steel mesh located inside the housing completely covers the passage opening. As a result of this, the coolant passing through the mesh leaves solid particles of contaminants on its walls.

Strainer DN40 installed on the return line in front of the gas boiler.

Cleaning the filter element

The first sign that the filter needs to be cleaned is increased hydraulic resistance in the system, which is recorded by pressure gauges. A clean mesh also creates resistance, but it is nothing compared to the resistance created by a dirty mesh.

It is recommended to wash the dirty mesh with water using a brush with stiff polymer bristles. To begin with, you should shut off the flow of coolant to the section of the pipeline with the filter (turn off and close the shut-off valves). Next, unscrew the plug, remove and clean the mesh. If it is impossible to clean the mesh, it is recommended to replace it with a new one.

Important! The mesh filter will fully perform its function only if the filter element is evenly installed in special grooves. Therefore, when replacing a worn mesh with a new one (or installing an old one after cleaning), you must ensure that its edges do not bend.

Mesh filters for cleaning coolant.

There are types of mesh filters that allow you to remove contaminants without disassembling the device. As a rule, the design of such models includes: a pressure gauge (showing the degree of filter contamination); drain valve with the ability to connect an outlet hose; two-layer filter mesh (the first layer traps large particles, the second smaller ones).

In order to determine the degree of filter contamination using a pressure gauge, it is necessary to measure the pressure in a static state (without coolant circulation) and in a dynamic state. If in the dynamic position the pressure on the pressure gauge is much higher than the pressure in the static position, then the filter needs to be cleaned.


Installation of the strainer must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, which should be read before installation. However, there are general installation recommendations that are suitable for most models:

  • The filter must be installed in the correct direction (indicated by the arrow on the device body);
  • For horizontal installation, the filter is mounted with the plug with the mesh down;
  • If the device is mounted on a vertical pipeline, the coolant flow should move from top to bottom (the plug “looks” down). If the flow moves from bottom to top, a standard oblique filter will not perform its function. In this case, all solid contaminants will settle at the junction (corner) of the horizontal and vertical pipelines;

Note! A universal mesh filter has been developed especially for heating systems in which there are sections of a vertical pipeline with coolant moving from bottom to top. For this filter, the compartment with the mesh is located at an angle of 105° relative to the direct flow, i.e. turned towards the flow. Thanks to this, solid contaminants are retained in the “dirt trap” compartment, and do not settle in the lower part of the pipeline. In addition, this design creates turbulence inside the compartment, which does not allow colloidal particles to accumulate on the mesh.

  • After installing the filter, its housing should not experience pressure from the pipes connected to it;
  • To clean or replace the mesh, the pipeline next to the filter must be equipped with shut-off valves that allow shutting off the flow of coolant to the area.


January 21, 2016December 9, 2016

Owners of private houses who live in them all year round know that installing and maintaining a heating system is not a cheap pleasure, so it is important to pay attention to protecting complex equipment from various hazards and contaminants. For this purpose, special filter elements are used.

In order for the heating system in the house to work properly for many years, it is necessary to install special filters that will protect pipes and radiators from clogging, rust, scale, and pollutants. Magnetic, mud, settling tanks and other types of structures will extend the life of expensive equipment and allow you not to worry about premature breakdowns.

The owners will only need to timely replace the filter elements and scheduled maintenance of the equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

What are filters for heating systems - types

The following types of heating filters are distinguished:

  1. Rough or pre-cleaning. They must be installed at the stage of connecting to the central water supply (if such a possibility exists). The most reliable model is a sedimentation tank with a flask for the accumulation of pollutants.
  2. Fine cleaning. Detains contaminants up to 100 microns in size.
  3. Magnetic devices. They attract metallized components - chips, rust, etc.

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Coarse filters are designed to retain large contaminants and can be installed simultaneously in several areas of the system. Presented in the following modifications:

  1. Sump tank: connects to the central heating system, at branch points (can be flanged, welded, threaded),
  2. Settler filter: a more modern model, dirt is retained in a special flask made of heat-resistant plastic (thanks to the transparency of the flask, you can control its filling level).
  3. Fine cleaning – installed as an addition to coarse cleaning devices. The main impact in such devices is taken by the square or cylindrical cassettes installed inside. Such devices can be attached to the wall, which is especially important for plastic pipes.
  4. Magnetic filters - consist of two magnets with opposite poles. Metal waste entering a magnetic field is attracted and retained by such a device. The design can also be equipped with a dirt filter. Magnetic models can be either removable and quite easily installed on the pipe, or non-removable. Recommended as an additional cleaning device.

Many people ask the question: is it worth spending money on purchasing all types of filters? Perhaps only a coarse cleaning device will be enough? Experts assure that the most effective protection will be provided by all types of structures that will retain as much possible contamination and impurities as possible. The coarse filter can only cope with large particles, and this is not enough for the heating system to fully operate for a long time.


How does a filter work to purify water in a heating system?

As the name implies, a water purification filter is designed to protect the coolant from various contaminants that enter the system with the water flow. Installation of devices is recommended, first of all, in private houses where water comes from a well or reservoir.

Filters retain:

  • lime,
  • sand,
  • dirt,
  • dust,
  • gaseous impurities.

Mechanical models trap particles larger than 0.3 microns. It is convenient to rinse the mesh of such a device by hand under running water and put it back.

On what principle does the filter work in a heating system? Electronic options are more expensive, but trap contaminants up to 0.01 microns in size.

Manufacturers also offer carbon models that absorb unpleasant odors and chemical impurities well.

Cleaning heating systems using filters provides:

  • protection of expensive equipment,
  • increasing the service life of equipment,
  • savings on heating system maintenance.

How to install a filter in the heating system of a country house

Installation, maintenance, and cleaning can be done on your own. In general, the algorithm for installing a filter is as follows:

  1. Before starting work, flush the heating system if it is not new. Remove dirt, rust, and sediment from the pipeline.
  2. Check the compatibility of the equipment and the purchased filter.
  3. Install the device in front of a gas boiler or pump. If there is no pump, then the installation is carried out in front of the pipe entry point into the heating boiler.
  4. It is recommended to install shut-off valves before and after the structure, which will ensure ease of replacement and washing in the future.

If possible, the installation location should be convenient for maintenance, since the device will need to be washed regularly.

How often to service your home heating system - instructions

The filter must be cleaned at least once a month during the heating season. In order to clean, you must:

  1. Shut off the water in the area where the filter is installed.
  2. Place a container to drain the water, remove the plug of the device.
  3. Remove the mesh, clean it of dirt, and rinse it under running water.
  4. Put the mesh in place and tighten the plug.
  5. Open the valves.

VIDEO INSTRUCTION In case of severe contamination, complete dismantling of the device and subsequent replacement may be required.

In addition to cleaning and replacing filters, you must:

Before the start of the heating season, test the system, check the functionality of the boiler, flush the pipes,

Clean the boiler fireboxes, chimney, check the operation of the burner, eliminate leaks, adjust the gas pressure.

Careful attention to the heating system and its working elements will extend the life of the equipment and ensure its uninterrupted operation throughout the heating season.

Filter for heating (boiler, system): installation, types

Each of us has a heating system at home. It is impossible to imagine any modern home without heating devices that provide full temperature conditions at any time of the year.

However, you need to remember that it is not enough to simply install a pipeline, connect the boiler to it and put it into operation. It is also necessary to take care of the quality of the water inside the pipes. A filter for the heating system copes well with these tasks.

Filter in the heating system

What is a heating filter, why is it needed and what is it like? Let's figure it out now.

Why is it needed?

Let's imagine the design of the pipelines of an ordinary private house. Its heating system in 95% of cases consists of pipes and radiators that transport hot water.

Heating a house using pipes and water is an extremely convenient and effective way. However, many people forget that, just like when working with pipe systems for water supply, heating pipes and the heaters themselves also need to be protected from working with low-quality media.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the quality of the water in the pipes, even if we get the bulk of the water from a well drilled ourselves.

Tap water often contains coarse and small particles of dirt, sand, small fractions of waste, chlorine, etc. Let's not forget about small organic waste or various metal elements.

Cleaning unit at the inlet to the heating circuit

The same applies, although to a lesser extent, to the quality of water from a well. It also happens that a well was not drilled in the best area. For example, the soil on your site has too much iron. In this case, the water will gradually become saturated with small iron elements, which negatively affect the insides of the pipes in the heating system.

But this is only a superficial analysis of several reasons why you may need a water purification filter.

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What happens if you don't install a filter?

Many people will ask, why do you actually need a heating filter? What's the use of it? This is not a water supply system, the water from which we constantly use for personal needs, hygiene, food, etc.

These questions are very reasonable. We will try to answer them. The main thing you need to understand is the importance of the heating system as a structure. Few people pay attention to it, especially if there are no breakdowns inside the house. However, believe me, if the heating system of a private house fails, you will notice it immediately.

There are several vulnerable points in heating pipelines:

  • Heating circuit pipes;
  • Circulation pump design;
  • Boilers.

Heating pipes are no different from water supply pipes. Except perhaps for a slightly reinforced structure, because their task is to constantly transport hot water.

They also suffer from poor-quality or dirty media, rust, and become clogged with waste. Considering the need for uninterrupted pumping of large masses of hot water, the rate of sedimentation even increases.

Budget-friendly mud pan for heating system

Sooner or later, the space inside will become so clogged that the passage of liquid through it will simply become impossible. The pressure inside the system will increase, which can lead to the most unpleasant consequences (take into account the influence of hot water) up to a breakthrough or failure of heating devices.

The same applies to radiators. Although the radiator cavity still suffers less from precipitation.

The design of the circulation pump suffers in a similar way. Unlike pipes, the chamber and inlets of the circulation pump are almost not subject to the negative influence of sediment, but large particles of debris and metal elements can create problems for them.

Over time, the condition of a circulation pump operated in a poor-quality environment will greatly deteriorate to the point of complete failure. This is why many plumbers recommend installing mud filters or coarse filters in front of the inlet chamber of any pump, especially a circulation pump.

However, clogged pipes, radiators or failure of the circulation pump are not such a big problem. In any case, it can be solved by simply replacing individual components or cleaning them.

What cannot be dealt with so quickly is a boiler breakdown. It doesn’t matter whether you use an electric or gas heater, in any case it must be limited from working with contaminated liquid.

Without complete cleaning, the water in the heating chamber and tank will gradually clog the insides of the boiler. This will lead to a deterioration in its functional characteristics, frequent overheating, and in particularly advanced cases – to breakdowns.

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Where to install?

Let's figure out where and how the heating filter should be installed. Installing the filter depends on what device we are going to install.

The coarse filter is used the least, but you can’t do without it. Mud collectors, as they are popularly called, must be installed so that they sift out large waste from all the liquid that enters the heating system.

Fine filter with membrane

It is advisable to install a coarse filter at the inlet of the system or at the inlet to the pump structure. If the pipeline is large, with a huge number of radiators, then it is recommended to install mudguards at all forks, especially between floors.

Fine filters perform more specific tasks and more of them are needed per pipeline as a percentage. They work best in tandem with mud collectors, but only if they are installed after the first ones.

A magnetic filter, which performs rather specific tasks of removing metal particles from the flow, should be mounted at the entrances to the system, and also for safety, in front of the heater inlet pipe.

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Types and differences

When choosing a filter for a boiler, you need to pay attention to its types. We have already partially noted several of the most popular types of filters.

There are filters:

  • Rough cleaning;
  • Fine cleaning;
  • Magnetic.

Let's look at each option separately. Let's start with samples for rough cleaning, since not a single heating circuit of any private home can do without them.

Coarse filters or mud filters are simple fittings that filter out excess particles from the flow inside the circuit.

Screening is carried out by a mesh element. The filter itself is a coupling with an oblique design. Inside the coupling there is a mesh filter, and also, if you have a modern model, a small outlet for waste accumulation.

The mesh element does not interfere with the movement of the flow in any way and does not slow it down in any way. Its task is to remove large foreign particles, that’s all.

The fitting for fine cleaning is usually installed after the mud trap. A mesh or membrane filter with small pores is already installed on it. The average pore diameter is 100 µm.

Thus, the device manages to filter out most of the waste that can then turn into sludge. These include various magnesium salts, particles of chlorine, rust, etc.

Magnetic filter for boiler

It has been proven that the presence of coarse and fine filters has a positive effect on the condition of pipes and radiators in heating systems.

It remains to consider the magnetic sample. The magnetic filter is somewhat different from those we discussed above. In it, the main work, as is probably clear from the name, is carried out by a magnetic mechanism.

The magnetic sample performs a simple and very useful task - it removes all remaining particles of iron and rust. Moreover, it does this thanks to two or four magnets located inside the coupling.

The benefits that a magnetic cleaning device brings to the heating circuit and boiler can hardly be overestimated.

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Using coarse cleaning filters for heating (video)

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Installation and maintenance

We will give some tips on how best to use a combination of cleaning devices to maximize the service life of heating systems in a private home.

From our point of view, it would be correct to use all types of filters. Don't skimp. The cost of a filter is slightly more than the cost of a regular fitting, but repairing or cleaning pipes will cost you much more.

We recommend installing a coarse filter at the system entrances. If the flow is small and goes through a single pipe, then one sample is enough. Otherwise, it would be correct to install one filter in the liquid pumping station directly next to the pump, and the second at the inlet to the heating circuit.

Magnetic filters are mounted directly in front of the entrance to the heating circuit pipes and additionally on the inlet pipe to the heater.

The cleaning elements must be cleaned from time to time, and if they are too clogged, they must be completely replaced.

It is advisable to remove the parts once a season, preferably in the summer, wash them under running water and change the cassettes if necessary.

Monitor the condition of the membranes and meshes inside the couplings. Loss of ductility and excessive convexity indicate excessive wear of the membrane. In this case, it needs to be changed.

Heating portal » Water heating

Filters for heating systems

Cleaning filters will help extend the life of equipment and the entire system as a whole.

Every property owner is interested in high-quality and uninterrupted operation of life support systems. The latter include electrical networks, sewerage, water supply and, of course, the heating system. In the absence of any of the systems, housing cannot be considered fully comfortable or, at best, will be unfinished. In order for all improvement systems to function properly and serve as long as possible, metering and control devices are used, as well as various devices to improve operational efficiency. In heating systems with liquid coolant, one of the most important elements is the filter. What this element is and how to install it correctly will be discussed below. And now a little more about what it is intended for.

Why are filters needed for heating?

By periodically checking the condition of the cleaning filter, you can see how much dirt is circulating in the system

Dirt gradually accumulates in any heating system, even the most closed one. It is clear that this is not dirt from a country road, but microparticles of rust or salt deposits. But even they are enough to disable such parts of the heating circuit as a pump or a heating boiler. Moreover, the more complex and modern these devices are, the more they depend on the degree of purification of the coolant. This is explained simply: all modern equipment is stuffed with electronics, the worst enemy of which is dust and dirt. Particles invisible to the eye, carried by coolant under pressure, can cause significant damage to precision equipment. The salvation of a heating system is a simple water filter. With low cost and easy maintenance, it is good protection and can extend the service life of the entire system for a long time. It doesn’t matter which boiler is installed in your system. Whether it is a gas or electric boiler, a filter will not be superfluous in any case. And even more so in a system with forced circulation, that is, where the pump operates. In many models of gas boilers, filters are included in the equipment. In others, they are purchased optionally. When purchasing a modern gas boiler, you will only need to check its condition from time to time and perhaps occasionally replace the filters. If filter attachments are not supplied with the boiler or pump, you need to take care of purchasing and installing them in the system. By taking care in advance, you can protect yourself from the future considerable costs of repairing expensive equipment that may fail without proper cleaning of the circulating coolant.

What is a filter for water purification in a heating system?

Water filters are designed to be installed in a pipeline to purify the liquid flowing through them. According to their design, filter elements are mechanical, carbon and electronic. There is also a line of so-called reagent-free filters designed to soften water for a gas boiler. This is especially true for regions where water of high hardness is used in the water supply.

Using hard water without purification and softening leads to faster wear of equipment and the need for repair or replacement.

Carbon filters retain only the largest particles, but they perfectly adsorb odorous impurities. Installing a carbon filter helps keep the water in the system fresh and neutralizes odors. This is especially true when using water containing various chemical impurities, such as hydrogen sulfide.

Mechanical filters trap microparticles of dirt larger than 0.3 microns. The mesh of the mechanical filter for the heating boiler can be easily removed, washed under running water, and installed back. The frequency of this procedure is determined empirically and depends on the purity of the coolant used and the tightness of the system. But in any case, after the end of the heating season, you should rinse all components of the heating system of a private home, including the filter.

Electronic filters are more expensive than mechanical ones, but they also do a much better job of cleaning. Particles larger than 0.01 microns cannot pass through their cordon.

Installing a filter in the heating system

When installing, you must adhere to certain requirements

Installing, washing and replacing cleaning devices is easy to do yourself. But no matter what type of water filter element for a gas boiler you choose, there are a number of general points that should be taken into account during installation:

  • Before installation, it is necessary to flush the entire heating circuit (unless, of course, the installation is being carried out in a new, newly installed system). This is done so that the filter does not have to be removed or changed too soon;
  • if a filter element for water purification for gas boilers is purchased separately, you need to pay attention to its compatibility with a specific type of equipment, as well as its diameter;
  • install a filter in front of the pump or gas boiler. If the use of a pump in the system is not provided, then installation is carried out on the return line before the pipe enters the heating boiler;
  • It is advisable to install shut-off valves before and after the filter element. This way, if necessary, you can wash or replace the filter without draining all the coolant;
  • The installation site must be accessible for further maintenance, because from time to time the filter will need to be washed or replaced.

You can see how to properly install a filter for heating a private home in the video. We note that for more efficient operation of the boiler, pump and the entire system as a whole, in some cases it is advisable to use combinations of different filters and, of course, do not forget to periodically clean them.

A filter for a heating system is the key to long-lasting operation

This is what a filter element looks like, designed for installation in heating systems where hot water is used as a coolant. This is an important element in the heating system, as it ensures its uninterrupted and trouble-free operation.

Water purification filter for heating

It is designed to trap small particles of debris and water impurities, preventing them from entering the pump or boiler, as this can lead to consequences such as failure, the need for repairs, etc.

Today on the market there are samples of straight and oblique filters that are mounted directly into the main pipe. Both options are equipped with a mesh inside with very small cells (800 microns), which retains even the smallest particles of debris in the coolant

Design features

Heating system components

From the name itself it is clear that a filter for a heating system is an element that is responsible for the cleanliness of the incoming coolant.

According to the principle of their design, they are divided into the following types:

  • Coal;
  • Mechanical;
  • Electronic.

Carbon is designed to remove unpleasant odors, mechanical is capable of trapping small particles up to 0.3 microns in size, electronic – up to 0.01 microns. That is, all types of small particles of debris are removed from the coolant in the heating system, which can accumulate in the boiler and cause failure of the heating equipment.

It can be:

  • sand particles;
  • tiny particles of rust;
  • lime deposits;
  • dust containing various components;
  • gaseous impurities, etc.

Installation and maintenance features

Installation diagram of the filter (2) in the heating system

It is quite possible to install the filter with your own hands, but there are several important points that you should familiarize yourself with even before installation work. This will allow you to do everything correctly, even if you are not a professional in this field.

Important! A heating filter is installed only in front of the pump in the home heating system! Installation in another place is simply pointless, since coolant with particles of dirt and sediment will still get into the pump and boiler.

Heating filters can have different circumference diameters (15-100 mm), the choice depends on the diameter of the pipes in the place where installation is to be done. It must be installed in a vertical position, on special brackets.

  1. Before installation, you should thoroughly clean the heating system pipeline from rust, scale, metal particles and other types of contaminants;
  2. When choosing filters for a heating system, you must remember that it must correspond to the conditions of the working environment where it will be used (medium, temperature, pressure);
  3. For installation, it is recommended to choose a place that is as accessible as possible for inspection and maintenance in the future (not forgetting the technical requirements for the place of its installation - on the “return”, in front of the pump!);
  4. It is important that the diameter of the hole exactly matches the diameter of the pipes at the installation site. This will ensure reliable installation and eliminate the occurrence of mechanical stresses in the future (distortions, stretching, bending, etc.)

Maintenance and cleaning

Cleaning the device is simple:

  • Flushing the heating system from sediments with a reverse flow of water;
  • cleaning the mesh (unscrew the lid, pull out the mesh, clear it of accumulated debris and put it back in its place).

The mesh is easily removed; there is no need to completely dismantle it. This makes it easy to tackle the cleaning task yourself.

Advice: cleaning must be carried out at least once every six months. Only in this case can we talk about the effectiveness of using the filter element.

Why is it worth installing a filter on your heating system?

Photo of a working system

Many users may quite logically be interested in the question of whether it is necessary to install filters for heating systems? It is worth noting that even without organizing cleaning, the equipment can function normally, another question is how long?

First of all, such an installation is necessary to ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of heating equipment, eliminating emergency situations and failures.

The price of heating filters is not so high; its timely purchase and installation will cost much less than later repair or replacement of heating elements. Not to mention the fact that an accident in the heating system will lead to such unpleasant consequences as cold and discomfort in the house (after all, it is during the cold season that the thermal regime must be maintained).

The advantages of the installation include:

  • reliable protection of the system from blockages;
  • it is not necessary to change the water (coolant) so often;
  • the service life of heating equipment is extended;
  • cost savings;
  • confidence in the reliability and uninterrupted operation of the system.


Coarse filters on heating lines

It is enough to watch the video, which describes the installation technology, to understand that there is nothing complicated here.

The benefits of installing a cleaning system many times exceed the costs incurred. Moreover, cleaning the filters does not require special skills and does not cause any difficulties (read also the article “Antifreeze for heating systems: types, types and operating features”).

Practicality and a reasonable approach will ensure rational and justified savings of money, time, nerves and effort for the owner!

Page 2

The phrase in the name of the mechanism indicates what function it should perform in water circuits. Indeed, a safety valve for heating (shut-off valves) serves to relieve unexpected loads that may arise under certain circumstances, as well as to regulate the water flow in the pipes. But it is installed in different places, although its purpose remains the same.

Thermal valve for radiator heating

Types of safety valves

Types of check valves for bypass or boiler

Brass check valve for heating coupling

  • Coupled brass fuses are threaded on both sides and have an EPDM gasket on the input side, and the mechanism itself operates on a spring that holds a rod, which, at a certain pressure, is recessed, opening the passage. Any pressure from the reverse side only increases the blockage. Considering the simplicity of such a fuse, the price for it is rather symbolic, but it lasts quite a long time, since it always undergoes pressure testing after assembly.

Sectional view of safety valve for heating system SVI

  • But, unlike a regular straight-through valve, there are pressure-relief devices, like the one you see in the photo above. Such a mechanism, as a rule, is also made of brass, with a stainless steel spring and a rod plate made of heat-resistant plastic, and is mounted in the circuit after the circulation pump.
  • The cut-out image of the shut-off valve shows the principle of its operation - water presses on a plastic plate, which, in turn, compresses the spring, opening the passage. But if the pressure reaches a critical point (20 bar), then the plate is pressed against the safety rod and it opens the exit to the outside. The maximum operating temperature for this mechanism is 120⁰C.

Heater safety valve for boiler

  • In addition to the circulation pump, the heating bypass valve can also be installed on high-pressure tanks, for example, an electric boiler. Its operating principle will remain the same, only there is a device for draining water. This is done using a flag, which moves the rod and clears the passage.

Ball flanged check valve

  • These return devices are most often used in sewer systems to protect against backflow pressure. This can happen during the season of melting snow or heavy rains, when groundwater fills the city sewer system and the water level rises above the drain pipes.

Lift check valve

  • The essence of the operation of the lifting shut-off device is that when the water supply presses on the valve, it rises and allows the flow to pass. If the pressure drops, the rod is lowered onto the seat and flow return is eliminated. Such a check valve in a heating system is most often used in industrial facilities and for centralized boiler houses.

Check valve

  • In such mechanisms, the locking element is a disk, which is located perpendicular to the flow and moves along the axis. The mechanism can be made either as a coupling or with flange mountings. Used for systems with low pressure and relatively clean coolant.

Advice. Check valves can be spring-loaded (spring-loaded), where the flap is returned into place due to the pressure of the spiral. Or springless, where the damper returns under the pressure of the mass itself. When choosing, you should always take into account the degree of water contamination, since without force the stem may not close due to blockages.

Three way valves

Three-way valve

  • If we consider a three-way valve for heating, then its operating principle, as well as its purpose, is somewhat different from conventional safety devices. The need for such a mechanism in heating circuits is determined by the need to cool the coolant in low-temperature heating systems. Such units can be with manual mode switching or with a servo drive powered from a 220V network.

Three way flanged valve

  • A three-way valve is quite simple in design and has one inlet and two outlets, the flow into which is regulated by a damper. The damper can be either a rod or a ball, which, when rotated, redirects the flow into one of the holes. Such fittings also belong to the category of safety valves, since they are installed on low-temperature circuits, for example, where radiators are adjacent to a “warm floor” and at the same time operate from one source (boiler).
  • The fact is that the instructions for combined heating systems do not provide for different heaters, so the water enters the circuit the same and in order to reduce its heating, the supply pipe is fed from the return pipe (“return”). Thus, for heating using the “Warm Floor” system, the water temperature is lower than for radiators.

Three-way valve with servo drive

  • Mixing of the coolant can occur automatically and for this, sensors are installed on the low-temperature circuit, signaling to the servo drive and prompting it to act. When purchasing such a mechanism, you should not forget that the servo drive itself may be complete with the valve, but you can also purchase it separately and install it yourself by choosing the manufacturer that suits you.
  • Such a device, complete with electronics, can be very expensive, but, to paraphrase the well-known saying about the sheepskin, we can say that an expensive three-way mixing valve with a servo drive is worth the money, or the money spent on it. By using electronic shut-off valves, you will save yourself from the need to constantly monitor the system and will be able to leave the house with the heating on for a long period.

Advice. Three-way valves can be made of cast iron, steel or brass and are desirable for use in systems with varying flow rates and pressures. Thus, steel and cast iron devices are better suited for centralized and industrial facilities, and brass is very effective for home heating systems.


You can watch a video demonstrating the operation of a check valve to better understand its purpose. The question is often asked on forums about the need to install such a device in the heating circuit. Do not forget that this function is performed by both Mayevsky taps and some filters (read also the article “Expansion tank for heating: types, installation diagram, self-production”). Supply and return in the heating system how to determine


Of particular importance in installing heat supply in a house is an element such as a filter for the heating system. The scope of application of this equipment is those heating systems where the main heat carrier is hot water. Thanks to such a device, the entire heating circuit will function reliably and safely, since numerous harmful substances such as debris particles and various impurities in the coolant can cause significant harm to the entire system.

Thus, a dirt filter for heating retains all these substances, preventing them from entering the most important elements of the heating circuit - the heating boiler and circulation pump. Damage to them can cause the entire system to fail, and repairs are usually quite expensive. Therefore, it is very important that the mud pan for the heating system was installed correctly, and for this, first of all, you should study all its technical and operational characteristics, which will be discussed further.

Design and types of dirt filter

As mentioned above, filters for the heating system are designed to protect it from the ingress of hazardous substances by cleaning the coolant circulating in the circuit.

Dirt filters for heating may differ in the type of their device, therefore, based on the design of these mechanisms, it is customary to distinguish the following samples:

  • carbon filters;
  • mud collectors operating on a mechanical basis;
  • electronic systems.
If we talk about the differences in these units, the principle of operation of the carbon filter is based on the absorption of unpleasant odors; harmful substances with a diameter of up to 0.3 microns cannot pass through a mechanical device, and the electronic filter traps particles up to 0.01 microns in size.

When talking about the types of contamination of the heating system, one should distinguish between certain elements that pose a danger to its operation.

Among them it is worth noting the following:

  • fine sand elements;
  • rust residues;
  • lime particles;
  • gaseous impurities;
  • ordinary dust mixed with various substances, etc.

Rules for installing a filter for a heating system

The design of the heating system sump must take into account certain features that are extremely important to take into account during the work process. It is quite possible to install this equipment with your own hands, having additionally studied photos of such products and studied videos on their installation, so you will not need any special construction skills to perform installation work.
It is very important to remember one point: installing the filter should only be done in front of the circulation pump, and not behind it, otherwise installing a sump tank will not bring any benefit and the system will continue to get dirty.

Filters may also vary in circumference size. Thus, the most common cross-section parameters are from 15 to 100 mm. Which option to use in a particular case depends, first of all, on the diameter of the heating pipe.

The sump filter for heating should be mounted exclusively vertically, and the mountings are specially designed for this purpose. Do not forget also about installing shut-off valves, with the help of which you can save yourself from the need to periodically remove water from the system in case of contamination.

Installation of a sump for a heating system

In order to install a magnetic filter for heating or a filter of any other type, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations that can simplify the entire work process:
  1. Even before installation begins, it is necessary to carefully prepare the system pipes, cleaning them from rust and other harmful particles.
  2. When deciding which type of sump design to use for a particular heating circuit, you need to be guided solely by its operational characteristics, in particular, the conditions under which the equipment will be used - operating pressure, temperature readings, etc.
  3. It is better to choose a location for installing the sump tank where access to the device will be as convenient as possible, taking into account that the filter should be mounted in the area in front of the circulation pump.
  4. One of the prerequisites for installation is that the cross-section of the filter opening must be identical to the cross-section of the pipe. This measure will ensure the strength of the connection and will prevent the mechanism from subsequently moving aside.

Dirt filter cleaning standards

The procedure for removing dirt accumulated inside the filter is not difficult at all:
  • the coolant circulating in the opposite direction will allow you to wash out sediments from the heating system;
  • The mesh included in the filter design can be easily removed, cleaned and then put back in place.
The filter cleaning procedure should be performed at least twice a year, which will allow the equipment to operate at maximum efficiency and protect it from premature failure.

Benefits of using a heating filter

Among the advantages that the installation of cleaning elements for heating brings with it, it is worth highlighting the following:
  • the filter provides high-quality protection against any kind of contamination;
  • draining the water in the system and filling the circuit with new coolant does not need to be done frequently;
  • installation of a mud trap definitely allows you to save financial costs;
  • a system equipped with such a filter will work long and reliably.
Thus, the list of advantages of the cleaning element only confirms the fact that its installation is a guarantee of stable operation of the entire heating system and the absence of the need for any repair work.

Excessive pressure in the heating system, a sharp temperature jump - all this leads to steel elements and pipes rusting ahead of time. Then the water becomes clogged, which negatively affects the performance of boilers and other heating systems. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to install a water purification filter in the heating system.

Water always contains impurities of foreign elements. If you do not install a special filter, these suspensions will penetrate into the heating equipment, spoiling the condition of the pipes and the equipment itself. In addition, when the liquid in the boiler and radiator heats up, a sediment forms, settling like limescale.

Home heating equipment must include:

  • rough cleaning;
  • “fine” filtration;
  • magnetic cleaning structures (detain chipped pipes and possible rust impurities).

Coarse filtration of heating equipment

The coarse filter allows you to effectively retain most large suspended particles. It is necessary to study the heating system diagram in order to install it in several places at once.


Elementary design with a mesh catcher. The mud trap is installed on the main connection if we are talking about a central heating system. For circuits belonging to the autonomous type, everything is a little more complicated. The mud trap must be installed on special branches.

By location, a filter of this type can be:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

By filter connection method:

  • flanged;
  • threaded;
  • welding

The mud trap is made of brass or steel. The most popular are brass models. They are able to withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees. Steel models are characterized by similar performance, however, they are prone to rapid corrosion.

The installation of the device must be carried out in the direction of movement of the main coolant, otherwise strong resistance will arise (of the hydraulic type). The sump mesh must be regularly cleaned of accumulated suspended matter (the water must first be turned off).


A more “advanced” unit, designed for installation in a heating structure, allows you to forget about preventive maintenance for a long time. The dirt filter with a built-in sump has a special flask located in the lower part. All foreign particles of dirt contained in the water sink to its bottom. The advantage of such a flask is that it is made of transparent, high-temperature resistant plastic. A person has the opportunity to constantly visually monitor the degree of its filling.

Design advantages

  1. Visual inspection of the filter flask. When it is filled, a pre-installed tap at the bottom turns on, and the accumulated contaminants are drained.
  2. The percentage of air in the water is reduced, and metal elements of heating equipment are not so susceptible to corrosion.
  3. Simple installation, affordable cost.

“Fine” cleaning of heating equipment

Owners of autonomous heating structures prefer fine filters. It can have the shape of a square or cylinder. When choosing a design, it is taken into account that the manufacturing material can withstand high temperatures.

Important parameters when choosing equipment for home heating:

  1. It is desirable to be able to attach the equipment to the wall. This is extremely convenient for a plastic pipeline.
  2. The material from which the equipment is made. The main water filtering element (cassette) should be metal, since metal is most resistant to high temperatures.
  3. Attention is drawn to the maximum permissible pressure value for the selected model.

Important! If antifreeze is installed, installing a fine filter is strictly prohibited. It is also not necessary if the coolant was treated during installation.

Magnetic filters for heating systems

The unique performance properties of magnetic filters have made them popular for heating systems. The design is really very simple. These are two magnets (opposite poles), located “facing” each other. Once there, metal impurities will simply remain on the surface.

Types of designs of magnetic water filters:

  1. Removable type. A design of two plates that are mounted directly on the heating pipe. The equipment is characterized by ease of installation; if necessary, it will not be difficult to replace replaceable elements.
  2. Fixed type. The design looks like an ordinary pipe made of special alloys (ferrimagnetic). This model is characterized by a large working resource. It should also be noted that the magnetic field performance is much better than that of removable equipment.

The cost of magnetic filters varies, taking into account the capabilities of a particular model. The simplest design can easily be installed by the average buyer.

The question often arises about whether it is necessary to install all three types of filters for a heating system. For an autonomous design, a sump tank will be sufficient. If we are talking about a central heating system, it is recommended to install all three types of water purification filters (the liquid in the water supply contains more different impurities).

You can install cleaning equipment for home heating yourself. Nowadays, manufacturers always include instructions in the box with the selected design. If you strictly follow it, the equipment will work correctly.

The filter for the heating system plays an important role, whether it is central or autonomous heating. If you do not take care of installing the liquid purification structure, the pipes will quickly become clogged. As a result, the heating system will heat worse, and the apartment or private house will be “shrouded in cold.”

Owners of private houses quite often face such a problem as poor-quality water for the boiler. And there are especially frequent cases when the boiler stops working. As a rule, suddenly, and, as a rule, a person does not immediately understand what to do about it and where to run. The water softening and purification market offers owners of private residences boiler filters for every taste and budget.

The main causes of failure of gas boilers and heating boilers

The case when the boiler completely unexpectedly stops working is not so rare. Often the reason for a sudden stop of the boiler operation can be simple improper operation. Even service company workers can make mistakes and connect the water outlet hose in the wrong place. Although in most cases the reason is the lack of a scale filter for the boiler.

The boiler doesn't need much. Enough water gets on the body and becomes dirty, and not only the injectors can become stuck. It is much worse when the board burns out due to liquid ingress. In any case, the owner of a private boiler room must remember that even wet cleaning must be carried out carefully. Excessive moisture can cause connections to deteriorate.

One of the most common causes of breakdowns of any boilers operating on electricity is voltage surges in the network. The next option is network saturation. This often happens in holiday villages, there is not enough tension for everyone, when the village is jam-packed, and there are guests in almost every house. Any voltage surges are extremely dangerous for modern electric boilers. Even boiler water filters can suffer from such fluctuations. That’s why most boiler houses today are crammed with automation to work at the right time. Plus, a voltage stabilizer will not hurt, which will help you disconnect the system from electricity in a timely manner without problems or burnt-out contacts. But it is best to choose such a stabilizer with a specialist, so as not to choose the wrong model.

The next common cause of breakdown of boilers and boiler equipment is the quality of the water used. It is simply impossible to imagine a boiler house in the Moscow region operating on Moscow untreated water. Very hard water leads to irreparable damage to equipment. Rust and rotten gaskets are just a small part of what poor-quality water can do in a heating system.

Another aspect of the boiler room that suffers greatly from bad water is the heat exchangers. Moreover, in order to permanently damage the heat exchanger, just one heating season is enough. It will have to be changed completely. To protect boiler rooms from such a problem, you need to buy a filter for the boiler, and sometimes not only that.

The next big cause of boiler breakdowns is the burner. Of course, this reason applies primarily to gas boilers. They operate from two types of burners:

  • Inflatable;
  • Atmospheric.

The inflatable burner has the most problems. It has a complex mechanism and a large number of spare parts, as a result, something constantly breaks down. The weak point of an atmospheric burner is ignition. The electrodes need to be cleaned and constantly checked to ensure there are no blockages, jams, etc.

There are two more reasons why boiler rooms fail: weather and faulty installation. If you connect the pipes incorrectly, even the most durable cast iron boiler will simply explode after a couple of days of operation. As for the weather, at very low temperatures the pressure in gas boilers drops catastrophically. In this case, you will either have to freeze or install a boiler using a different fuel nearby so as not to be left without a gas boiler.

Which boiler is better to choose in which case?

Today there are not many types of boilers, and each has its own defenders and champions. The most popular types of installations are:

  • Gas;
  • Electrical;
  • Solid fuel.

Any of these boilers operate using water. Because the latter is a coolant. And if the quality of the water suffers, then, first of all, any heating system will need a filter for the heating boiler. Only in very rare cases are they not used. This happens when a village has its own sewage treatment system or the user has at least taken care of a magnetic filter for the boiler.

Gas and electric boilers are most commonly used in Russia. Solid fuel boilers are being used less and less, as are liquid fuel boilers. Still, fuel consumption in such quantities today cannot be called profitable.

Electric boilers are good because they heat water using ionization - this helps to minimize the formation of scale deposits. Another type of boiler is using heating elements. These boilers are very susceptible to the formation of scale deposits on the heating element. But at the same time, an electric boiler is a boiler without soot and scale. No debris, smoke or a lot of work to remove this sediment. But electricity is quite expensive. At the same time, electric boilers are small in size and operate silently.

If such a boiler suddenly makes noise, then there is clearly a problem somewhere in its operation and a specialist must be called. It should also be noted that such a boiler has an increased fire hazard.

A diesel or solid fuel boiler is more economical than an electric boiler. But no one here considers how much it costs to constantly clean and stop the boiler for preventive maintenance. The bodies of such boilers can be made of steel or cast iron. Cast iron is stronger, but it is also more inconvenient, large and bulky. Such boilers can work for a long time, but if one burns out, it is impossible to restore it. The heating system of such a boiler requires special attention. You need to constantly clean everything so that the system does not clog. But such devices are able to heat much larger rooms than electric boilers. But anti-scale devices, such as AquaShield, are needed here like air.

And the most used in Russia today are gas boilers. This is due to the cheapness of gas. There are wall-mounted and floor-mounted types. They are easy to use. Wall-mounted gas boilers do not have much power. Floor-standing ones generally require a separate room with good ventilation. Such boilers also contain combustion products, but there are fewer of them than solid fuel boilers. You can adjust the temperature in them, but they are also quite bulky. It will not work to say that some boilers are the best, because... there are always limiting factors.

Operating principle of a polyphosphate filter

It is possible to protect the boiler room from the formation of scale and harmful deposits only by installing a filter for a diesel boiler or any other boiler equipment. The main thing is that nothing unnecessary is deposited in the boiler and that the surfaces are not contaminated with unnecessary elements. It doesn’t matter whether it is a filter for a gas boiler or an electric one. There should be no scale in the boiler room. Any heating and the formation of limescale kills almost completely. And because of this phenomenon, it would be extremely wasteful to lose the boiler room.

Whatever softener you use, the polyphosphate device does the same thing. It prevents the formation of harmful plaque. At the same time, it does not work on the entire household and heating system in the house, for example, but on a specific device. For example, this device could be a boiler or a heat exchanger. Such a device can be mounted directly into the water supply hose. The design of the device is simple - a transparent flask filled with sodium polyphosphate. When water passes through such a filter medium, hardness salts remain in it, and water enriched with sodium comes out. But this water is exclusively for technical purposes, because... There is too much sodium in the water. But there is no scale.

Over time, the sodium from the load is completely washed out and the backfill needs to be changed. Therefore, the polyphosphate filter for the boiler is very inferior in quality to other installations. And he is giving up his positions. But at the same time, in the niche of inexpensive softeners, it confidently holds a leading position.

No chemistry! Why is it better to choose magnetic and electromagnetic filters?

The main struggle is between two types of water filters for the boiler. One of them is a reagent - ionic, and the other is a non-reagent device. Most often, the latter is represented by an electromagnetic device, but, for example, a filter for a diesel boiler can also be magnetic.

The main disadvantage of chemical devices is their reactivity. The consumer does not want to constantly bother with cleaning, replacement, and constant spending on reagents. And there is practically no usefulness, only harmfulness. Although the same ion exchange device works much better than a magnetic one, they choose a magnetic one because it has no replaceable parts. Today, consumers live in an age of high speeds and value their time and health very much. And chemistry always remains chemistry. Here you can easily get poisoned, and confuse the doses and change the cartridge at the wrong time. As a result, is it worth changing all the benefits of a filter for a heating boiler without any harmful additives or backfill for something that requires constant care? The consumer choice is obvious. And he stubbornly votes for the electromagnetic option using rubles. The only thing that can stop him is the same ruble.

If the budget is insufficient, the user will be forced to take cheaper devices. Then you will have to not only remove scale, but also constantly change the filter parts of the softener. In this sense, if the water allows, it is better to take a magnetic filter for the boiler. Although it is less powerful, it is easy to use and you do not need to change cartridges every month. Although quite whimsical. It is affected by flow speed, different directions of water and even temperature.

An electromagnetic filter is the salvation of any boiler. This is not only reliable protection against the formation of harmful and dense scale deposits, it is a high-quality cleaning agent. Thanks to constant irradiation, gradually old deposits inside any equipment begin to soften and are gradually washed out of the equipment. And there is no need to add calgons, arrange washings, or disassemble equipment. Therefore, for boiler houses, installations such as AquaShield are, without exaggeration, the best. Although drinking water is not guaranteed, boiler houses do not need it.

If the consumer has a sufficient budget, then it is better to combine an expensive electric boiler with an electromagnetic softener. Or combine a cheaper gas boiler with an electromagnet. This is the most optimal combination in terms of quality equals money spent.

There will be no old scale with such a set of equipment, even if it was there before. At the same time, gas is quite accessible to Russian consumers. The use of a polyphosphate device can only be recommended if nothing else is available. If you don’t have enough money, then it’s better to install at least a simple cleaning device, so as not to be left without a boiler at all. The cost of a heating system is always higher than a cleaning and softening system. And in the heating system, saving on treatment facilities is more expensive. Buying a new even the simplest cast iron boiler is expensive and difficult. Plus we need to add difficulties with delivery and installation. This means that the main task of any engineer is to keep his heating system in the best working condition.