Interactive open day. Open day at the university: what to pay attention to What is needed for an open day

Many universities hold open days annually (sometimes twice a year - in spring and autumn), and they have accumulated vast experience in holding such events.

The article will be more helpful to beginners who are tasked with making a plan and organizing an open house. However, every year educational institutions try to introduce something new into the program and use the capabilities of a modern event, so experienced organizers will also find something useful for themselves.

Event announcement

Large universities such as Moscow State University do not need such advertising, since there are always a lot of people who want to sign up for the Open Day. They themselves eagerly search for information on the Internet several weeks before the event. Less popular institutions need to take care of advertising.

Where can you place an ad:

  • on the official website of the institute, university or college
  • in VKontakte groups (if your educational institution does not have groups on social networks, be sure to create one)
  • at the establishment's information stands
  • negotiate with schools about posting an advertisement (you can distribute flyers with a QR code, which is always interesting to solve :-))
  • send by email (if you have posted a subscription form for news for applicants on the website in advance. To avoid confusion, a separate address is created for each year. For example, [email protected].

Registration of participants

Ask all visitors to fill out a short questionnaire. What to ask:

  • contact information for further mailing (e-mail, telephone, city of residence)
  • what faculties (specialties) are you interested in?
  • Are applicants going to attend preparatory courses?
  • What do visitors expect from today's event?

Perhaps you can formulate a few more questions that will help analyze the composition of the audience.

Meeting of visitors

Not all educational institutions arrange something special for guests, since this part of the event often requires additional finances.

If you still decide to create a festive atmosphere on Open House Day, you can do one of the following:

If you are expecting a lot of guests, think about how to brighten up the minutes of waiting:

  • appoint several spare “tour guides”
  • set up stands with information for applicants
  • open additional classrooms where you can watch a presentation about your university or college
  • provide sufficient water


An important part of the event, especially for parents. I would like to see the classrooms, classrooms for practical training, equipment, get acquainted with innovative technologies, and simply get into the “spirit” of knowledge.

It is always noticeable when an excursion takes place spontaneously. You should not hope that teachers and students who spent a lot of time in the faculty building are ready to present it. The text and route of the excursion must be written in advance, enriched with interesting facts, famous names of graduates, dates and significant numbers.

Official part

There may be variations here. It's hard to come up with something new, here are just a few reminders:

  • Speech by the rector or dean of the faculty (Summing up the results of the previous admissions committee - passing scores, number of budget places, competition for a place)
  • Presentations by faculties about directions and specialties
  • A story about student events, clubs and additional education at a university or college
  • Information about pre-university education and preliminary testing
  • Presentation of rules for admission and submission of documents
  • Provide a list of persons who can study for free or enter into an agreement with a discount
  • Round table or questions from the audience

Provide an opportunity for visitors to ask questions and communicate with teachers and students of the educational institution. To ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible, assign a presenter with a handheld microphone to organize this part of the event.

Help spread the word about the event on social media

Modern people, for the most part, spend a lot of time on social networks. They will gladly (sometimes even unnoticed by themselves) talk about the Open Day on their VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki pages.

What can be done:

  • invite a famous graduate or representative of the KVN team who is well known to applicants and their parents. Let him be generous with his emotions and allow everyone to be photographed at the institution’s sign. Selfies will definitely end up on the Internet.
  • prepare graduates' gowns and caps for photo sessions (you can dream...) and invite a photographer. Let him take photos of guests in these outfits for free. We promise to send a link to the photo catalog to everyone who filled out the form. Naturally, on each photo we place the logo and name of the university or college.
  • order a funny tantamaresque (banner with slits for faces), which will also have all the necessary information. Tantamaresques look great on social media pages, believe me. In principle, visitors will also be happy to take pictures at the press wall with a beautiful collage about the life of the institute
  • If your students have some good omen, tell your guests about it. For example, to do well in a test, you need to rub your nose on a sculpture or bust of a famous scientist. More photos, smiles and guarantees of good luck!

Souvenirs with logo

Inexpensive souvenirs with the telephone numbers of the admissions committee and the logo of the institution can be given for filling out a questionnaire (this way you will significantly increase the subscription base of the official website).

T-shirts and sweatshirts with the symbols of a university or college can be sold, inviting applicants to try on the image of students now. As a rule, sales on Open House Day are brisk.

Open day at the university - why is it needed?

Open Day Usually takes place in all universities; 1-3 such events can be held per year. On such days, you can get a lot of interesting and useful information at universities and institutes. Open days are intended not only for applicants, but also for their parents.

What it is?

IN Open day at the university prepare stands with brochures and booklets about the faculties. Applicants can consult with representatives and find out how to apply on a budget. The educational institution can tell applicants about how the educational process is going.

Much attention is paid to the future of faculty graduates. After all, applicants and their parents are interested not only and not so much in the study itself, but in the result. The result does not mean obtaining a diploma, but employment. Therefore, universities talk a lot about graduates, about practice and about what companies the educational institution cooperates with.

Why is this necessary?

Open Day allows one of the students to decide on . Many school students do not know where to go and what profession to choose. It is difficult to do this without visiting an educational institution. At the event, the student has the opportunity to look at the classrooms and laboratories at the university, see how the educational process takes place, read brochures and compare the attractiveness of different professions.

Parents also need an open day. Some parents cannot give advice to their child on choosing a faculty. Someone needs to make sure that the university actually produces in-demand specialists. In some cases, elders have to convince their children to prepare for university.

An open day is also an event where a future applicant receives a lot of useful information about the upcoming examination tests. Many applicants are worried and cannot begin to prepare for exams. Visiting a university will help relieve stress.

How can I find out about the event?

To attend the Open Day, you need to know about it in advance. Such events are usually held in late spring, mid-winter or at the beginning of the school year. A day off is chosen for the meeting. You can find out about the upcoming event via the Internet on the educational institution’s website. Such information is published in the university news section. Universities often publish major news on the main page of the website.

Almost every more or less famous university holds an open day several times a year. Open Day is an event aimed at high school students and their parents. It is carried out with the aim of familiarizing potential applicants with the structure of the university, with the features of the educational process and all that other stuff. If you are planning to attend this event at some university in the near future, then it will be useful for you to know what roughly awaits you.

Typically, it looks something like this:

1) General meeting. A classic presentation that includes an opening speech by the rector, speeches by deans of faculties, as well as speeches by some teachers. The last 20-30 minutes are reserved for questions from the audience. (Feel free to ask). Usually everything takes place in the largest room of the university.

2) Faculty presentation. All questions from those present are answered by those who are directly related to this faculty (dean, his deputy, heads of departments that are part of the faculty, teachers).

3) Tour of the educational building. They will take you around the entire building, show you where and how, invite you to sit in classrooms (most likely in the most decent ones), etc.

Attending an open day should benefit a potential applicant in the form of obtaining new, previously unknown information. We advise you to find out and ask representatives of the university management as much as possible. Especially for you, we have prepared a list of the most important questions that can be asked at the open day:

- Has your university passed state accreditation? (What is I accreditation and what pitfalls exist, read here).

- How many academic buildings do universities have? Are there enough classrooms for all students?

- What time does the first couple start?

- Is it possible to do an internship or internship abroad?

- Does the university have a dormitory? If yes, then who has the right to count on it?

- What is the passing score for the budget and contract departments?

- What entrance tests must be taken for a particular faculty?

- What are the conditions for admission for persons with secondary vocational training?


- What forms of training are possible?

- Is it possible to enter the Olympics?

- How many students are expelled? What are the main reasons?

- What general education subjects are studied in the first and second years?

- Does the university employ graduates?

- What is the professional level of the teaching staff? How many candidates and doctors of science are there?

- Is it possible to obtain a second higher education using a shortened program?

- How are things going with the sports life of students? Are there any sections, does the university have its own sports complex?

- Is it possible to attend classes freely?

- Is there a library? What is her fund?

- Is a deferment from military service provided?

- Is there a postgraduate course? What are the admission conditions?

- Additional education: programs, courses, conditions, prices.

- What place does the university occupy in the city ranking?

- Which famous people studied at the university?

Also, try to “pick out” a couple of students and ask them to tell them in detail about the life of the university. It is best to do this right at the porch, i.e. in the smoking room, people are most inclined to talk there. Although, this is not necessary - you can read student reviews about your educational institution on our website, in the appropriate section.

The dates of the open day should be clarified either by calling the educational institution or looking at the official website. As a rule, 4 open days are held a year - in mid-autumn, before the New Year, at the beginning of spring and at the end of the school year.

The faculty at the open day must be selected in advance!" >

User responses:

  • There is no information on the Internet about planned open days in 2012

  • Most of us have an idea of ​​an Open Day as a rather formal event. On a specially designated day, parents come to the university with their applicant children, sit down at their desks, and the dean of the faculty tells what awaits each applicant. For example, how many points to score to pass a competition, what to eat and how much to sleep before exams, which graduates of the department have achieved outstanding results in adult life. However, this approach tells virtually nothing about what future students will learn and what they will deal with in the educational process.

    The Faculty of Communications, Media and Design at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) has long turned Open Day into an interactive event and a real holiday for future students and their parents. Taking into account all the technologies that students master during their studies, each event immerses applicants in the intricacies of future professions, involving them in an interactive process. Roman Abramov, director of the Faculty’s Center for Multimedia Production, talks about the organization, production and management of the entire Open Day project.

    Director of the Center for Multimedia Production, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Lecturer at the Media Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

    Implements an interactive Open Day program, deploys mobile multimedia editorial offices and produces media projects. Since 2012, he has been teaching Technologies for the Production of Electronic and Print Media at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

    He studied programming at the Altai State Industrial and Economic College and management at the Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. Worked as an editor at the Altapress Publishing House (Barnaul). Since 2011 he has been working at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow).

    When and why did the interactive Open Day appear?

    The Faculty of Communications, Media and Design of the National Research University Higher School of Economics has been holding interactive Open Days in the “Journalism” educational program since 2011, and since 2014 - also in the new “Media Communications” program. Initially, the idea of ​​an interactive Open Day was to move away from the standard format, when on the appointed day applicants come to the university with their parents, they are seated at their desks and answer questions about admission. This format, in fact, does not give applicants a real opportunity to see where, what and how they will study. Our task is to actually show what we teach. Therefore, we created an interactive format so that applicants and their parents could see that our students know how to film, edit, communicate with people, can interview and work on the radio - in general, do all those things that are related to multimedia journalism and media communications.

    How are these problems solved?

    As a result of competent planning and preparation for each interactive Open Day, the result is a real holiday for applicants and their parents. Parents like that they can calmly communicate with the heads of educational programs, and with teachers, and with students of all courses. Applicants like the involvement in the process, the opportunity to see the media kitchen, and talk with peers. For students, interactive preschool education is an additional opportunity to “test” their skills.

    It is worth noting that everything that happens at the Open Day, from 12 noon until the very end, is done by the students themselves. If at the preparatory stage we help them, then in the process itself we try not to interfere with what is happening. We have administrators and producers who negotiate among themselves, collect the necessary information from each other, and take comments from guests and teachers. Students themselves manage the entire process.

    How do you prepare for the event?

    We are sending out a newsletter to our students with an offer to become a member of the team preparing for the interactive Open Day. We already have guys with whom we are preparing this event not for the first time, we know what they can do. Typically, these students occupy key producer positions to coordinate the work of the participants. Depending on the number of applications submitted, we either work with everyone who has expressed their desire to participate, or conduct a preliminary selection. At the general meeting, we decide what will happen and how: what formats we will keep from previous DODs, what we will change, what guests we will have, we discuss the format of the broadcasts.

    We have at our disposal a radio studio, a television studio, a site where parents gather, and another large site, the content of which changes from time to time. At DOD, students can work as hostesses, photographers, cameramen, layout designers, SMM specialists, sound engineers, editing directors, correspondents, TV and radio presenters, and even proofreaders, whose work many people do not know about. Those students who work on media platforms, for example in a television studio or radio studio, work with the equipment themselves, set the lights, turn on cameras and microphones, record, and coordinate issues and topics of meetings with guests.

    How an executive producer oversees preparations for an interactive Open House

    I organize the collection of applications from students, meetings, develop a program and keep my finger on the pulse while preparations for the preschool education are underway. We communicate with producers when questions arise regarding the organization and when the next deadline approaches. 12-20 hours before the start of the preschool period, I check if everything is ready. It’s important for me to play it safe and check that later, 15 minutes before the start, none of the planned items “fly out”. It is important to know that all the equipment is working, that we checked the live broadcast, and checked with the guests whether they will definitely come to the television studio or radio studio. It is very important that all producers monitor the readiness and work on their sites. Based on the experience of previous events, we try to maximally work out those moments where we need to secure ourselves in advance.

    Trust is also very important. I trust the main core of producers, with whom we worked on more than one or two DODs. Moreover, knowing them, I already have a rough idea of ​​what they might suddenly forget, and I try to work through these very moments in advance. “We already turned on this thing, right? Let’s try to turn it on again.” In general, it is important to control things that do not depend on you and your decisions. In all other respects, we are as flexible and interactive as possible, so we can resolve any situation.

    Interactive methods and programs for producer-performer communication in the preparation process

    We used to use Basecamp and now we use Wunderlist. At the moment, this is the best option for us, which allows us to coordinate all work on one platform. Naturally, we have general mailings addressed to all those working on the project, and we also include online chats where we exchange thoughts, questions and necessary files. Without all this, it would simply be impossible to do such events, because it is not possible to organize meetings on every issue, otherwise everything can be resolved remotely. We are planning to try Slack for these purposes.

    Mechanisms for informing applicants and their parents about the Open Day

    On our website there is a registration form for everyone who wants to attend the Open Day. We have a team of students who manage our social media pages. We are discussing with them in advance the format in which we will inform our target audience about DOD on our Facebook and VKontakte pages.

    We usually expect about 200 people (parents and children). In March, for example, we had more than three hundred guests. I believe one of the reasons for this high number is the good work we have done on social media. Even if you are not our target audience, you probably have acquaintances or friends who may be interested in our educational programs. We try to ensure that information reaches everyone who needs it through general contacts.

    A day before the Open Day, all registered guests receive a newsletter with the event program and a map: we are located approximately at an equal distance from three metro stations, so we decided to plan the optimal route in advance. We also write that if guests do not have the opportunity to come to the DOD, but it is important for them to follow the events, then they can always watch the online broadcast.

    What does the event consist of?

    We operate various sites: from television and radio studios to sites with master classes, where students not only tell and show why this equipment is needed and how it works, but also explain how to make news on the radio and go on television. A mandatory attribute of every preschool educational institution is a newspaper. In previous years, we designed it right in front of the guests. Now we have moved the process of preparing the newspaper outside the DOD, because quality turned out to be more important for us.

    The number of these sites and their functionality depend on the concept of preschool education and may change. In the fall it was “Media is us.” We talked about how students and applicants are already part of the media. Great emphasis was placed on those students who study with us. In March, the common theme was “Who else if not you?” We tried to show applicants that by applying to us, they themselves will be able to change the world of media and influence it. On April 26, we had an Open Day, which was organized as a media quest, the main topic of which was media communications.

    In May, it turned out that on Sunday we had an Open Day, and the next day schoolchildren wrote the Unified State Examination in literature, therefore, not all applicants were able to come, so the emphasis was placed specifically on adults, on parents who worry about their children. But this does not mean that we have forgotten about applicants. An Open Day was held in June, which was entirely online. It is aimed exclusively at the regions, because this component is, in fact, very important, and many universities forget about it.

    Online broadcasting is an important part of every Open Day. It is necessary for those applicants and parents who cannot come to us. Anyone who wants to become a student of our faculty, but lives in a remote region, can follow what is happening on the website. We answer questions not only from those present, but also to those sent by people watching DOD online.

    What does each side get as a result?

    We try to separate the flow of parents and the flow of applicants, because for parents, as a rule, official information is still more important. This is the number of points required for admission, preparation for entrance examinations. It is more interesting for applicants to communicate with students and understand whether they are interested in what we teach.

    There is a feeling that in the end it is not the applicants who get more pleasure, but the students. It so happens that they really love the place where they study. Yes, they know how to layout newspapers, write texts, shoot videos, edit sound, go on air, and Open Day is a way to talk about what they like here and are proud of what they do. This all brings applicants and students very close. It often happens that children go to our Open Days starting in the 9th grade, and then they come to study with us. Here they meet people they have already seen and know. They are not afraid to come to us, because they understand what awaits them, and there are already friends here. This is a small media community that is formed even before the moment when applicants who come to our events become our students. This involvement is important for them, as well as for us.

    Sometimes we cannot find out about something by only reading reviews on the Internet and listening to stories from friends and acquaintances - this is why free tastings were invented, for example, you can try the new products offered in a supermarket. But what to do if you can’t try it, but can only feel it for yourself? This is why there is an Open Day at colleges and universities, allowing you to briefly plunge into the world of the specialty you have chosen, or even choose. If you want to know more about this event - how it works, who needs it and how to find out about it - then welcome to this article!

    Open Day

    This is a planned action that is carried out in higher and secondary educational institutions in order to attract and interest new students. Every year, all private and public institutions prepare as best as possible for this event. Teachers and students prepare interesting material, decorate universities and colleges, and conduct advertising campaigns and leaflets. And all this is for future freshmen who want to spend their fun student years in this institution, and for the heads of institutions themselves, this becomes some kind of competition. Over the years, Open Day has become a tradition at every university and college.

    Why is it carried out?

    It often happens that a child dreams of a career that is completely different from the ideas of his parents, and then how to convince them? This is why this campaign exists, you can bring your parents and show all the colors and delights of this profession, convince them and try to realize your dream with peace of mind.

    Sometimes graduates simply don’t know what they want - who they should be next and what they should devote their lives to. In this case, parents can take their child to a university or college, or he himself can go to Open Day - look, get acquainted with the specialties and decide for himself what he would like to become.

    It also often happens that schoolchildren themselves are adamant and have already clearly decided that they do not need all this - they will go straight to work. Then this event can also help, where they will introduce all the delights of student life and explain that higher education will sooner or later become necessary for their specialty, and the later, the less time for full-fledged study and the more worries.

    Often, after visiting several institutions, a future student is completely determined about who he should be and which institution he should attend.

    When is Open Day at universities and colleges?

    Every city in almost every country in the world holds a similar event; usually in Russian cities, higher education institutions organize this event several times a year. You can find out when and how the Open Day will be held at the university that interests you in the admissions office of the institution itself, and most educational institutions have their own website, where you can find out all the details you are interested in - telephone numbers, reception days required for admission. Sometimes students and teachers themselves can come to your school - hold a conversation, answer questions and distribute leaflets and brochures containing all the information.

    How and where does this event take place?

    In well-known universities, such as Moscow State University, Open Day begins with the gathering of everyone in the foyer of the main building. Next, the teachers kindly escort the graduates and their parents to the assembly hall, where everyone takes their place. After which the leaders appear on the stage. Starting this event, they talk in general terms about the institution itself, about all the advantages and benefits - for example, what the scholarship will be, what benefits you can count on and what is required for admission on a budgetary basis. You can also ask them questions that concern you, to which they will answer in detail. Later you will be invited to visit the department you are interested in and learn much more about it.

    Usually the establishment has clear signs where and how to get there. Along the way, you have the right to inspect the buffet or dining room, classrooms, restrooms and everything that interests you. The appearance of a university or college also plays a big role for many. If everything is planned and clean, then this indicates a high level of interest in attracting new students, which means that the training will be appropriate.

    At the department, the teachers and heads themselves give a detailed demonstration of the specialty, talking about its pros and cons. They show what you can learn and what knowledge you will have, how it will be useful to you in later life.


    We hope you found this article useful and were able to learn a little more about this tradition of all colleges and universities. And most importantly, when examining a particular institution, do not hesitate to ask questions, talk with the administration and teachers, as this is what will help you determine the level of the institution you are interested in.