Drinking water purification project. How and with what you can purify water at home

MBOU "Larinskaya Secondary School"


on the topic of:


water purification"

Completed by a 4th grade student

Shamigulov Denis


primary school teacher

Pridannikova E.V.

Date of study: December - March, 2012.



2.2. Methods of water purification in field conditions.



A collection of interesting facts



Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,

And at the water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

The fog creeps into the forest.

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

curls like a silver ribbon.

We're used to

that water is always our companion.

You can't wash your face without it,

neither eat nor drink!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without water!

Water is the most common substance in nature, but still not fully understood. It is necessary to replenish the water balance in the body (a person should drink up to 3 liters of water per day), mineral waters treat intestinal and kidney diseases, dousing with cold water helps to cope with diseases of the cardiovascular system, calm the nerves, and strengthen the body.

Living natural spring water, not subjected to technological purification, evokes admiration and a desire to quench your thirst.

Dead water flowing from our taps can only cause disgust. If the water is cloudy and rusty, it is better to pass it through a filter for purification. What if the water is clean and transparent in appearance? Does this guarantee that it does not contain harmful impurities? Unfortunately no.

After reading an excerpt from the work of Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”, which we studied in a literary reading lesson:

“Meanwhile, the Needlewoman returns, strains the water, pours it into jugs; and what a trick: if the water is unclean, he will roll up a sheet of paper, put coals and coarse sand in it, insert that paper into a jug and pour water into it, and the water, you know, passes through the sand and through the coals and drips into the jug clean like crystal..." I decided to find out what other ways you can purify water at home and on the go.

According to forecasts, in 15 years at least 40% of the world's inhabitants will live in conditions of water scarcity.
Over the past half century, there have already been 37 local conflicts over access to water sources. It is becoming more and more obvious: the time is not far off when fresh water, and not oil, will be the most important export resource. Russia is lucky: it ranks second in the world (after Brazil) in terms of fresh water reserves. But here’s a paradox: today every second resident of the country is forced to use water for drinking that does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. And 22% of the population do not have access to centralized water supply sources!

According to recent studies, our health depends on the water we drink. “We drink away 90% of our diseases with water,” said Louis Pasteur, one of the scientists who discovered a method for disinfecting milk.

The article "Global Water Pollution and Health" from the Annual Research Reports on Environment and Resources states that water quality has become a major concern for global health.

Drinking water and clean water are not synonymous. Pure water, as opposed to drinking water, is a vague term. For a chemist, “pure water” means free from impurities; for a fisherman - the water in which fish live; for a microbiologist - water in which bacteria can live, and for a production worker - water that is suitable for production processes. Drinking water must always meet certain established standards.

H Clean water (H2O) is one of the most necessary conditions for human health.

The most important factors ensuring a long and healthy human life are:

Fresh air;

Absolutely pure water, which does not contain any chemicals or inorganic minerals;

The most natural food possible (as natural as it can be nowadays in the poisoned and polluted world in which we now have to live).

I am convinced that clean water helps improve the functioning of not only the body, but also the brain; in other words, it promotes more productive and accurate thinking. The explanation here is simple: 15 billion of our brain cells are 70% water.

Water pollution poses a great danger.

One of the reasons for human morbidity is the unsatisfactory quality of water that we consume throughout our lives. The quality of water depends on the substances dissolved in it.

Thus, this topic needs to be studied not only by SanPiN workers, biologists,

chemists, physicists, but also people, because It is very important for our body to receive clean water.

Object of study– water taken from a tap, pond, well.

Subject of study– the impact of water quality on human health, ways to improve the quality of drinking water.

Purpose of the study


1) Study literary sources on the topic of methods of water purification and the impact of water quality on human health;

2) Process the data obtained during the experiments;

3) Conduct water analysis from various water supplies (wells, river water intake, wells);

Research methods: physical and chemical methods, analysis, generalization, conversation.

Hypothesis: Currently, the quality of tap water has deteriorated. If water is the main source of life, and human health depends on its quality, then it is necessary to study methods of water purification.

    Research part

Research topic: methods of water purification.

Purpose of the study– study ways to improve the quality of drinking water at home and in the field.

To achieve the goal, the following work was carried out:

    School staff and relatives were interviewed about methods of purifying drinking water.

    The “Freezing” experiment was carried out.

    A taste test was conducted and analyzed among 4th grade students.

Survey participants were asked whether they were confident that the water from their tap was of good quality. 35 respondents said they were not sure.

Based on the results of a survey of school employees, it was revealed that out of 35 people surveyed, the most famous cleaning method was boiling. 35 people named him. 10 people – chlorination. 5 people named the freezing method. 4 – settling.

1 – distillation (chemistry teacher), 1 – ultrasound, ultraviolet rays

(physics teacher), 2 – using activated carbon and a funnel.

Purpose of experience: see the difference between tap water and pre-purified water.

Experience Freezing.

The experience is as follows. It is necessary to freeze water in two transparent plastic glasses: one tap water, the other purified. When the water in them freezes, remove them from the refrigerator and place them nearby to thaw. After 5 minutes, when the ice and frost from the surface of the glasses melt, we see the ice inside the glass.

We can immediately see the huge difference between ice from tap water and purified water. The ice in a glass in which tap water was frozen will be cloudy, not transparent, only there will be clear water around the edges. This is drinking water. Things are much better in a glass of purified water. The ice will be completely transparent.

Now ask yourself the main question:

What kind of water would you like to drink when the ice melts? From the first or second glass? I think the answer will be clear, because frozen purified water will look much fresher and tastier than its “sister” in the second glass.

ABOUT torture 2

Taste test.

This test is very simple.

To conduct a high-quality experiment, it is necessary that as many people as possible participate. I did this test in our class. There were 19 people present.

The test is as follows. Each participant must be given a small amount of purified water in a glass.

Explain that we will be conducting a tasting. The first thing you need to do is rinse your mouth thoroughly, then spit the water into the sink.

    Have each student do this twice to ensure the mouth and tongue are completely clean. Now, quickly fill the glass with tap water and offer to carry out the same actions as in the case

with purified water.

    Ask them to describe their feelings and what difference they felt.

    If you carried out the test correctly, then at least you will hear a cry of disgust in response. This comes from the fact that a person begins to feel the difference

in the tastes of tap and clean water.

    After all, clean water contains no impurities or odors.

    In a test I administered in class, approximately 2/3 of the students spat tap water into the sink and reported feeling a strong aversion to tap water for some time.

Thus, based on all the work I have done, the following can be done: conclusion:

Water does not always meet GOST standards; this can lead to serious illnesses in the body. To prevent this from happening, drinking water must be purified from its main pollutants.

2.1. Methods for purifying water at home

Currently, the quality of tap water, and even spring water, has recently deteriorated significantly. Now people are adapting to this by purifying water in special ways.

Of course, with the development of science and progress, there are now many ways to purify raw water -




    ultraviolet ray treatment using special mercury lamps

    ultrasonic water treatment


1. The water in the city network is chlorinated. Chlorine is a dangerous gas that destroys all living things (in many civilized countries, water has long been ozonated). Even boiling does not destroy chlorine, but only converts it into salt, which is no less harmful to the body. Chlorine disrupts the functioning of the body's defense systems: immune and endocrine.

2. In addition to chlorine, water contains other harmful and toxic impurities: heavy metal salts, pesticides, nitrates, oxidizing agents, bacteria, viruses, dissolved iron and hardness salts. Less commonly - fluorine, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, phosphates.

3. The water pipes have long since rusted and do not meet safety requirements.

4. Boiled water also does not meet the requirements for drinking water.

People began to try to somehow purify water themselves without additional devices a long time ago. Based on some observations, rumors, and stories from neighbors and relatives, several methods have emerged for purifying water at home. There are several such methods, here are the most popular: boiling, settling, freezing. Let's look at each in more detail.

Draining stagnant water. It is better to collect water for drinking in the amount of 5-10 liters in the evening, during the period of maximum water intake, when the water does not stagnate in the pipes. You only need to collect water if it looks normal: it doesn’t smell very strong and is relatively clear. If dirty, cloudy or yellow water from rust suddenly flows in the evening hours, this is evidence of an accident in the centralized water supply system, and such water should not be taken.

Water settling. Water collected in the evening should be allowed to settle overnight - preferably in a closed glass, ceramic or enamel container, but not in an aluminum or steel pan. Then (if you are very concerned about the problem of heavy metals), you can perform the following operation: a flexible tube is carefully inserted (so as not to stir the liquid) into a vessel with water - so that its end is located at the very bottom. The first portion of water is sucked in, after which it begins to flow from the tube into the sink, and about a third of the settled water is drained. It is necessary that the lower third, into which impurities of heavy metals have fallen during settling, should be drained. They cannot be completely removed in this way, but the concentration in the remaining water can be reduced. After draining a third of the water, you need to check if there is any sediment at the bottom. If there is one, you need to lift the container with water (carefully so as not to shake it) and pour the water into another container, passing it through gauze folded in two or four. The remaining water and sediment should be poured into the sink.

Boiling water. Water needs to be boiled in an enamel kettle or saucepan. Boiling kills microorganisms. However, some germs and viruses survive in boiling water. Therefore, you need to boil water in a saucepan without a lid for at least 5-7 minutes.

The water treated in this way must be covered with a lid to prevent bacteria from entering from the air, cooled and poured into three-liter glass jars, tightly closing them with plastic lids. It is better to store water in the refrigerator.

Purification of drinking water using the freeze-thaw method: Melt water is obtained in the freezer, freezing time (usually 10-12 hours). The result is ice (pure frozen water without impurities). In this case, the water brine is drained into the sink, and the ice is defrosted. It is recommended to take melt water immediately after defrosting (its temperature should not exceed 10 degrees). It is recommended to drink water throughout the day in small sips, holding it in your mouth.

Doctors who know this secret of purification claim that water obtained in this way slows down the aging of the body and significantly rejuvenates it.

If you put it in a colander small silicon or shungite stones, and pass water through them, then all harmful impurities will remain on the stones.

In areas where there is little water, you should drink it with a small amount of vinegar: 1 liter of water - 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey, 3-5 drops of 5% iodine

(in such an environment, microbes die in a few minutes). Kombucha is also suitable for these purposes.

Make a wick from wool, lower one end of it into a bowl of water, and the other into an empty one. Water will begin to drip from a full dish into an empty dish that has already been well cleaned. This is one of the best ways - water can be passed through this purification several times;

10-15 rowan leaves per 1-3 liters of water make it clean in 2 hours (even swamp, hunters know this). The leaves can be reused, just rinse carefully with clean water and then leave for at least 3 hours. The leaves are dried in the shade and placed in a wooden box or cardboard box for storage.

- If there is no proven spring nearby and there are doubts about good quality tap or spring water, then you need to boil it, cool it and pour in sour berries - cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, peel or core of apples, etc. After the water has infused a little, you can drink it. Infusions of raspberries, rose hips, and black currants are also very useful.

For reference- one tablet of activated carbon can filter about 0.9-1 liters of water with a purification efficiency of up to 85-90%, then the performance drops sharply and the tablet must be changed.

Water can change its properties under the influence of words and thoughts - this has already been proven in the laboratory! Multi-volume works are written about this, scientific documentaries are made. Under the influence of evil and even simply indifferent words and thoughts, water changes its molecular structure. As a result, it becomes musty and turns into muck.

But under the influence of positive words and thoughts and when reading prayers over water from absolutely any of the world’s religions, water is capable of turning from a rotten, muddy liquid into a living one! Better than any kind words and prayers, words like “I love you!” influence water. and thanks!". After their influence, water becomes a positively charged and beneficial source of energy for the body. The phrase “I love you, Lord!” works the same way. Praise be to you, God!” Science has recorded that water in this case changes its structure so much that it can hardly be called water; it changes its biochemical parameters. Such water can beneficially reconstruct all cells of living tissues and cure many diseases!

      Methods of water purification in camping conditions

Sodium permanganate (potassium permanganate) Well suited for treating raw water from streams and springs. But with potassium permanganate, the most important thing is to know how much to pour into the water, otherwise you can kill the entire intestinal microflora. Typically, several crystals slightly smaller than the size of a match head are added per liter of water. This amount of potassium permanganate is quite enough to kill foreign microflora (especially E. coli, dysentery coli and Staphylococcus silver).

Iodization method

Iodine (in the form of its alcohol tincture) is very suitable for treating water. As a method, water iodization is a disinfection method that uses iodine-containing compounds. As a bactericidal agent, iodine has been known for quite a long time and is widely used in medicine.

la purifying water while hiking can also be used

1. chamomile leaves

2. celandine

3. lingonberries

4. raspberry leaves

5. St. John's wort;

precisely those medicinal antiseptic plants whose bactericidal properties are generally recognized by medicine.

St. John's wort tea in camping conditions, it is not only healthy, but also a tasty drink, which is very easy to prepare from yellow flowers or leaves.

Celandine– a leader among medicinal plants with antibacterial action, it kills almost all pathogenic microorganisms known to science.

In Rus', this plant was even used to reduce warts and tumors.

While on a hike, you can also use the bactericidal properties of mushrooms, for example, raincoat, porcini mushroom, chaga, etc. In this regard, the raincoat is a living bactericidal adhesive plaster. Chaga infusion has a stimulating, separative, bactericidal, and antitumor effect.

Also, when traveling, you can use the healing properties of the natural mineral silicon. This colorful mineral of various colors and shades is distributed everywhere. But the healing properties of silicon became known only recently: in the late 70s of the 20th century.

Silicon water It is very easy to prepare on the go. You need to lower the silicon into a glass or enamel container with raw or boiled water. And keep it there all the time. The amount of silicon should be 1-3 g per 1-5 liter jar. To protect it from dust, cover the container with a clean gauze cloth and place it in a room with room temperature and daylight, protecting it from direct sunlight. After a day, you can wash your face, gargle, and lubricate wounds with water.

The simplest filter is an empty tin can or plastic bottle with two or three small holes punched in the bottom (cork) and two-thirds filled with fine sand, a piece of cloth is first laid out on the bottom of the jar or neck of the bottle. Water is poured from above and, passing through the thickness of the sand, flows out into the holes. For greater reliability, it is better to repeat the filtering process many times. If the water is very polluted, the sand should be periodically replaced with a cleaner one.
And if you fill a jar or plastic bottle with coal broken into small pieces, taken from a burnt-out fire, you will get a more technologically advanced carbon filter. Pure coal is obtained by burning wood in a container over high heat. Firewood should be hardwood, since coniferous wood gives the filtered water a specific taste and smell.

If you don’t have any “ware” at hand, you can use it as a filter housing. cap or hat, shirt sleeve, trouser leg or a cloth rolled into a bag, hanging them, for example, on a tree branch. To prevent filtered water from seeping through the fabric, it should be poured in a narrow stream into the recess made in the center of the filter.
Water should be poured into the filter in the center and in small portions, flowing freely through all layers, the water is filtered and clarified.

So there are quite a few ways to treat water in the field.


Having studied the influence of drinking water quality on public health and methods of water purification, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The goal of the research work was achieved by solving the assigned problems. Having studied several literary sources and analyzed this topic, we can say:

The water we consume must be clean. Diseases transmitted through contaminated water cause poor health.

Research work was carried out. The results of the study showed that tap water is not always suitable for drinking. In order to avoid various diseases, the sources of which enter the human body along with water, it is necessary to purify it from major pollutants in various ways.

Throughout the entire research work, the hypothesis was proven.

If water is the main source of life, then it has a huge impact on human health.

Thus, I believe that this topic is very important and relevant for humans, as well as for future generations.

To sum it up, I want to say that there is less and less drinking water on the planet and its quality is deteriorating. I encourage everyone to save money and not pollute water.


When working on the topic “Methods of water purification”, I am very grateful to my class teacher E.V. Pridannikova, 4th grade students, school director R.R. Chutbasov, school head teacher M.A. Urvacheva, teachers of our school, canteen workers for their understanding and assistance in conducting research, proofreading texts and finding errors in them, reprinting my works and evaluating them.

A collection of interesting facts

Animal instinct.

This experiment can be carried out with any pets, dogs, cats and even birds.

    For this we need 2 identical bowls and cups.

    Pour tap water into one, and purified water into the second and place them in the place where you usually put water for your pet. It is necessary to use identical bowls to ensure that the test animal is not accustomed to drinking from the same bowl.

Pets will almost always choose purified water because they perceive the quality and freedom of the water from contaminants (chlorine, odors and tastes).

This is the reason why many dogs and cats drink toilet water. The water has time to settle in the toilet tank and has time to dissipate excess chlorine. Many people know that an animal will instinctively drink the water that is purest. An instinct that has long been lost in humans.

Therefore, seeing what choice your pet has made, you should draw a conclusion about what kind of water you need to drink.

A person must have normal water, otherwise he faces death! Take, for example, a sailor who survived a shipwreck. An ocean of water stretches around it, but sea water, salty. And if this poor fellow does not get fresh water, then after some time he will inevitably die. Another case: a traveler lost his way in a hot desert, and if he does not find water, he will quickly dehydrate and die. But before the end comes, thirst will mock the unfortunate man to his heart's content, causing him to suffer immensely.

Some animals, such as rabbits and hares, which eat mainly grass and other plant foods, which contain up to 85% water, never drink ordinary water if they can find natural food.

This is interesting

There is water in both stones and food,

and in all living organisms.

Spruce weight – 100 kg, of which 80 kg is water

Narcissus weight – 100 g, of which 85 g is water

Salmon weight – 2 kg,

of which 1.5 kg is water

Loss of large amounts of water by the body is dangerous to human life. In hot areas, without water, a person can die in 5-7 days, and without food, in the presence of water, a person can live for a long time. Even in cold zones, a person needs about 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day to maintain normal performance.

It is harmful to drink a lot of water on an empty stomach, immediately after exercise, and especially after a bath on an empty stomach. You should drink water slowly, in small sips. When swallowing water, try to hold it in your mouth for a while. This method of drinking is very useful. Drinking very cold water is harmful, and if there is no other choice, then you should drink such water after eating a sufficient amount of food.

The most expensive water in the world is sold in Los Angeles (USA). Its price is $90 per liter. According to sellers, the water has an ideal pH balance and exquisite taste for humans. The liquid is sold in special bottles decorated with Swarovski crystals. The water has gained great popularity among wealthy young people, who line up for it in the most expensive nightclubs in California. Hollywood stars have also been spotted among those wishing to purchase exclusive bottles.

A person drinks an average of 35 tons of water in his life.

Water can reduce the risk of heart attack if a person drinks more than five glasses of water a day. However, only clean drinking water has these properties.

The writer Griboyedov said in one of his works: “It is difficult to forget the taste of melt water from high mountain streams.” It is believed that it is thanks to melt water that the mountaineers live so long.

Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered in water. But only 1 percent of this water is drinkable!

There are about 1330 types of water in nature. They differ in origin (for example: rain, soil, from fresh snow, etc.), and also differ in the amount of substances dissolved in it.

American nutritionists recommend getting rid of excess weight using the “water” diet, which is becoming increasingly popular in the West. It has been discovered that when there is a lack of fluid, the body begins to send signals to the brain similar to hunger signals. As a result, people start eating when they should be drinking! By drinking 2-2.5 liters of water every day, a person can suppress hunger and reduce the amount of food consumed. But you need to drink water, since even tea or coffee contain active substances that are harmful to the diet.

There is a lake made of ink in Algeria. You can write on paper with the water of this lake and the ink never runs out.

There is a lake in Antarctica, the water in which is 11 times saltier than sea water and can freeze only at a temperature of -50 degrees C (if only you could fill it instead of antifreeze!)

A 2 percent reduction in body water levels can result in a 20% decrease in mental and physical performance.

There are about three million cubic kilometers of fresh water on Earth. Every day, 1 trillion tons of water evaporates from the surface of the earth.

If all the water in the world, contained in various reservoirs, is poured into the open ocean, its level will rise by 3 cm. By the way, in the last 100 years, sea levels around the world have been rising by more than a millimeter per year.

According to UNESCO, the cleanest water in the world is in Finland. The study, conducted in 122 countries, took into account the quality and quantity of fresh water.

Around the world, 1 billion 100 million people do not have access to water. So you and I are happy people!

There is flammable water in Azerbaijan! A match causes water to light up with a blue flame due to methane.

The most dangerous water in the world is located in Sicily in one of the lakes. From the bottom of the lake there are 2 sources of concentrated acid, poisoning the water.

A cubic centimeter of seawater contains 1.5 grams of protein and many other nutrients. Scientists have calculated that the Atlantic Ocean’s “nutritional value” is estimated at 20 thousand crops harvested per year across all land.

Recent experiments have shown that water charges food with energy, after which food particles transfer this energy to the body during the digestion process. It turns out that food without water has absolutely no energy value for the body.


    L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova. Literary reading.

    Science / Transl. from English MM. Zhukova, V.V. Svechnikova, S.V. Chudova, S.E. Shafranovsky. – M.: JSC “ROSMEN – PRESS”, 2006.

    Petryanov I.V., The most extraordinary substance in the world. Moscow, 1975 96 p.

    Sinyukov V.V. Known and unknown water - M.: Znanie, 1987. - 176 p.

    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Glass-of-water.jpg/409px-Glass-of-water.jpg glass of water

    http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Water

    Iodine: http://www.samaramedprom.ru/upload/Image/iod_big.jpg

    Water: http://green.uz/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/purewaterglass.jpg

Water is used constantly in everyday life, but what flows from the tap is not always safe, so in order to rid the water of harmful impurities there are certain water purification methods in everyday life, for example, boiling, settling, freezing and filtration using various modern technologies.


The most accessible and common method of water purification in everyday life is, of course, boiling. It must be boiled for at least 15 minutes, then allowed to settle and cool before use. Due to prolonged boiling in water, many bacteria and microorganisms die, but there are still those that can withstand prolonged boiling. This method of purification makes the water softer, because hardness salts become insoluble and settle on the walls of the kettle, chlorine and other dissolved gases evaporate, but it is impossible to store such water for a long time, because bacteria quickly begin to multiply in it. This method of water purification is imperfect, because there is practically no oxygen in the water, and under the influence of high temperatures, chlorine can form toxic compounds that are dangerous to human health, and, of course, boiling cannot rid water of such mechanical impurities as sand, rust and others.


Purifying water at home by settling is also quite problematic, because the water should be left to settle for at least 7 hours, but if it is left to settle for longer, bacteria actively multiply in it. You can only use the top layers of settled water, and the rest contains harmful substances, chlorine and other impurities. In addition, such water necessarily needs additional processing, for example, boiling or freezing.


One more way to purify water at home is freezing and it is believed that pure water without impurities freezes first, and this is what people should drink. The liquid that does not freeze contains impurities and must be poured out. Freezing is a good way to clean and soften, but it is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process.


Filtration is considered the most effective and modern method of water purification. Experienced specialists select filters based on the quality of the source water to achieve the required degree of purification. Progressive innovative technologies make it possible to reduce the concentration of contaminants and harmful substances and completely remove pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. Mechanical filters allow you to purify water from mechanical impurities - sand, scale and other mechanical debris. Filters with a reverse osmosis system allow you to soften and remove all unnecessary impurities.

A large selection of the most efficient filtration systems using the most modern ways to purify water at home, will allow you to obtain high-quality clean water, which cannot be compared with freezing, and even more so with simple settling and prolonged boiling.

There are a wide variety of filters on the market: stand-alone jug-type filters, flow-through filters with several stages of cleaning, faucet filter attachments and membrane-type filters. Flow-through water purification filters differ from stand-alone pitcher filters in that they are built into the water supply system. They are also distinguished by a long service life of replaceable cartridges and the presence of a separate tap for clean water.

Separation of filters used in everyday life according to operating principle

  • Electrochemical - water purification occurs under the influence of an electric field, which ensures the passage of redox reactions, as a result of which microorganisms, toxic compounds, organic substances and heavy metal ions are destroyed. Advantages – no replacement of filter materials is required. Disadvantages - high cost and water cannot be drunk for several hours after purification, because its acidity increases.
  • Mechanical - microfilters (for cleaning from large impurities) and ultrafilters, which are capable of trapping very small bacteria. They are inexpensive, but the efficiency of water purification is insufficient.
  • Based on reverse osmosis - the use of semi-permeable thin-film membranes allows only water molecules to pass through and removes all impurities.
  • Sorptive - they often work on activated carbon, reduce color, remove odors, but do not provide removal of heavy and radioactive metals.

Purpose of the work: Purpose of the work: To study the influence of water resources on human health, the study of water quality and methods of purification and filtration of tap water. Objectives: Objectives: 1.Learn about the importance of water in human life; 2. Find out the functions of water in the body, the physical and chemical properties of water; 3. Familiarize yourself with the definition of water quality. 4. Consider ways to improve water quality. 5. Find out: how much and when to drink.

Relevance of the topic According to the research data (social survey of area residents), 99% of respondents drink tap water, the quality of which leaves “much to be desired.” Only 1% of respondents use filters or drink bottled water (which is also questionable).

CONTENTS: 1) Introduction 2) Physico-chemical properties of water 3) The influence of water resources on human health 4) Water pollution 5) Main sources of drinking water pollution 6) Methods of drinking water purification 7) Types of water filtration 8) Changes in water properties 9) Definition water quality 10) Conclusion

1. Introduction. Water is a very common substance on Earth. Almost 3/4 of the surface of the globe is covered with water, forming oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Much water exists as a gaseous vapor in the atmosphere; it lies in the form of huge masses of snow and ice all year round on the tops of high mountains and in polar countries. In the depths of the earth there is also water that saturates the soil and rocks.

2. Physico-chemical properties of water. Water has unusual properties. Its highest density is observed at a temperature of 4C. When fresh water bodies cool in winter, as the temperature of the surface layers decreases, more dense masses of water sink to the bottom, and warmer and less dense masses rise from below in their place. This happens until the water in the deep layers reaches a temperature of 4C. Thanks to this, life does not stop under the ice. Sea water freezes at a temperature of -1.91C. With a further decrease in temperature to -8.2C, sodium sulfate begins to settle, and only at a temperature of -23C does sodium chloride precipitate from the solution. Since part of the brine leaves the ice during crystallization, its salinity is less than the salinity of sea water.

3. The influence of water resources on human health. Unsatisfactory quality of drinking water and diseases are divided into four types: diseases caused by contaminated water (typhoid, cholera, dysentery, polio, gastroenteritis, hepatitis). skin and mucous membranes that occur when using contaminated water for washing (from trachoma to leprosy). diseases caused by shellfish living in water (schistosomiasis and guinea worm). diseases caused by insects living and breeding in water - carriers of infection (malaria, yellow fever, sanitary and hygienic standards of water supply.)

Sometimes drinking water contains a lot of salts of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (chlorides and sulfates). They give the water a salty and bitter-salty taste. Drinking such water leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluoride is contained in the water. Water fluoridation is believed to be effective in preventing tooth decay, especially in children. But besides useful impurities, there are others in water that are dangerous to the human body: - sulfides (hydrogen sulfide) - arsenic - lead - nitrate - uranium - cadmium - aluminum

4. Water pollution. Few people these days doubt that the water we drink and use in everyday life needs additional purification, no matter where it comes from - from a well, an artesian well or a water supply system. According to statistics from the Russian State Construction Committee, about 40% of the city's water supply network is now in emergency condition, not to mention country cottages and holiday villages, where the quality of natural water often exceeds sanitary standards. In their reports at scientific conferences, scientists are increasingly stating that what flows from our taps is not only non-potable, but not even “domestic” water.

5. Main sources of drinking water pollution. 1. Municipal waste. Municipal wastewater contains both chemical and microbiological contaminants and poses a serious danger. The bacteria and viruses they contain are the cause of dangerous diseases: typhus and paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis, bacterial rubella, cholera embryos, viruses that cause inflammation of the peri-cerebral membrane and intestinal diseases.

1.Industrial waste. They are present in groundwater in slightly smaller quantities than in surface water. Most of this waste goes straight into rivers. In addition, industrial dust and gases settle directly or in combination with precipitation and accumulate on the soil surface. plants, dissolve and penetrate deep. Therefore, no one who is professionally involved in water purification will be surprised by the content of heavy metals and radioactive compounds in wells located far from metallurgical centers - in the Carpathians.

6. Methods for purifying and filtering tap water. On average across the country, almost every third sample of “tap” water does not meet hygienic requirements in terms of sanitary-chemical indicators, and every tenth sample does not meet sanitary-bacteriological indicators. For example: 1) Individual urban reservoirs contain from 2 to 14 thousand synthesized chemicals; 2) Only 1 percent of surface water sources meet the first class requirements for which the traditional water treatment technologies used in our country are designed. At the entrance to the apartment's water supply system, it is advisable to install a coarse filter with a stainless steel mesh or polymer cartridges that can retain suspended matter and rust.

7. Types of water filtration... Bulk-type purification systems. iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide.. Compact household softeners and ion exchange filters that soften and also remove iron, manganese, nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, heavy metal salts, organic compounds. Adsorption filters that improve organoleptic characteristics (taste, color, smell) and remove residual chlorine, dissolved gases, and organic compounds. Combined filters - complex multi-stage systems. Membrane systems - reverse osmosis systems for the preparation of drinking water, the highest degree of purification.

8. Change in water properties. 1. Boiling water. When water boils, bacteria are destroyed, colloidal particles of dirt coagulate, the water is softened, volatile organic substances and part of the free chlorine evaporate. But the concentration of salts, heavy metals, pesticides, and organic substances increases. Chlorine associated with organic matter, when heated, turns into a terrible poison - a powerful carcinogen-dioxin, which belongs to the category of poisons that are especially dangerous to health. We drink boiled water, but it worsens our health and slowly kills us.

2. Water settling. When water settles for at least 3 hours, the concentration of free chlorine decreases, but iron ions, heavy metal salts, carcinogenic organochlorine compounds, radionuclides, and some non-volatile organic substances are practically not removed.

Distillation of water. Distilled water is not suitable for regular use, as it does not contain the microelements necessary for the body. Its constant use leads to disturbances in the immune system, heart rate, food digestion and health.

Water filtration. Choosing a filter is a very difficult matter. In order to figure out which filter to buy (and there are a lot of them: carbon, membrane, bactericidal, complex, etc.), you first need to have information about the composition and characteristics of your water. Only then you need to select a filter based on the specified properties. Only a professional can do this. A home filter is essentially a mini water processing plant.

9. Determination of water quality. The best water is the water of springs, but not all of them, but those flowing through clean soil or rocky soil, which is better preserved from decay. Good water is in a spring open to the sun and wind, and in a stream flowing along a clay bed, since clay purifies the water, removes impurities from it, and makes it transparent. Rainwater is well absorbed by the body and contains a minimal amount of harmful impurities. It promotes better digestion and absorption of food. Retains skin moisture and keeps it in balance. But all this applies to clean rainwater.

Snow water is very cold. The warmth of her stomach barely warms her. Snow water should also be used with caution due to the high level of snow contamination. Through experiments, scientists have found that snow water is living water in the full sense of the word.

MELT WATER IS VERY USEFUL. In its structure, it is similar to water, which is part of the blood and cells. Therefore, its use frees the body from additional energy costs for structuring water. It is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis, cleanses the body of toxins, increases its defenses, stimulates reproductive mechanisms, and promotes rejuvenation of the body. Specific cleansing of various organs with melt water: Cleansing the nose with water. Cleaning the oral cavity: brushing teeth; massaging the gums with a brush; rinsing the mouth after eating with salt water. Rules for keeping your toothbrush between brushing your teeth. Tongue cleansing. Throat clearing. Cleaning the ears. Eye cleaning. Cleansing hair and scalp. DISTILLED WATER. P. Bragg, after 50 years, drank distilled water and advised others to do so. He considered it one of the healing agents and emphasized: “it is not dead water. It is the purest water a person can drink. Distilled water helps to dissolve the toxins that accumulate in the body of modern civilized man, it passes through the kidneys without leaving any inorganic stone residues there. This is soft water. Wash your hair in distilled water and you will see for yourself.” Bragg was wrong to extol the virtues of distilled water. One of the most important drawbacks of this water is its purity of microelements necessary for the functioning of the body.

WARM WATER. Warm and slightly heated water is beneficial for patients with epilepsy. Warm water, when consumed in large quantities, weakens the stomach, and if drunk in small portions and often, it rinses the stomach and weakens it. Hot water increases blood flow during menstruation, urine output, and soothes pain. It does not quench thirst immediately and often leads to dropsy and thinness, and dries out the body. STANDING WATER. It is undesirable to use this water, since standing water is oversaturated with microorganisms and carries negative energy. Standing water can cause tumors, intestinal ulcers, and various skin diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to determine its composition. THE WATER IS COLD. In moderation, it is most suitable for healthy people and for people with very porous skin, suffering from discharge from any organs. It helps with fainting, hangover, vomiting, dizziness, thirst, fever, liver and blood diseases, and poisoning. Drinking cold water in small sips stimulates the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines and promotes the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates appetite, improves digestion and promotes proper bowel movements.

10. Conclusion. Water is the matrix of life, the basis of metabolism, changing its structure, its physical and chemical properties, it regulates life processes. Without water, any form of life is impossible - carbon, silicon, etc. The water of blood and lymph delivers all the necessary metabolites to cells and tissues and removes metabolic products. Water is essential for the existence of all living organisms; Since ancient times, it was considered the primary source of life along with fire, air and earth. Water covers about 510 million square kilometers of the earth's surface (about ¾ of the surface). The total amount of fresh water on Earth is about 24 million cubic meters. km.

It just so happens that tap water is often the only source of water for a modern city dweller. At the same time, such water in our country almost never meets the quality criteria, either for drinking or for cooking.

Not everyone can afford special filters, devices, and their components. What can be done in this case, how to purify water at home yourself?

Homemade water purification methods

These methods are simple and do not require any costs, or these costs are insignificant. The most famous of them are boiling, freezing, settling, as well as cleansing with activated carbon, silver, and shungite.


The main advantage of boiling is the guaranteed total destruction of bacteria. When boiling, chemical elements such as chlorine, ammonia, radon and some other heavy compounds decompose.

Boiled water is safe for consumption. A certain cleaning method by boiling exists, but has its disadvantages:

Firstly, this is a change in the structure of water. Boiling “deadens” water, since in this process, along with the destruction of harmful substances, oxygen is removed.

Secondly, in the process of evaporating some of the water, the concentration of salts in the remaining liquid increases. Salts in the form of scale and limescale are deposited on the walls of the dishes. Particles of this sediment fall into our stomach every day.

It is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such processes: these include kidney stones, arthrosis, and liver dysfunction.

Important! Several years ago, scientists proved that during the boiling process one unsafe substance is formed - chloroform. It is a derivative of ordinary chlorine and, when ingested for a long time, promotes the formation of cancer cells. Conclusion - the boiling method should not be the main and only method of water purification.


The essence of the method is to filter the liquid by crystallizing it. Freezing gives the best cleaning results. But in order to get truly purified water, it is not enough to simply freeze and defrost it. To achieve high-quality cleaning, you need to ensure that the freezing process occurs smoothly.

After freezing, you need to remove the frozen water located in the middle of the container; it is this that should not be consumed. When a liquid freezes, the main component crystallizes in the coldest place. That is, only clean water freezes first, and if it is separated from impurities and heavy metals, the purification is a success.

You can remove frozen liquid from the middle like this:

  • remove and place the central part under warm water, leaving it there until a thawed area forms in the center. After all, it is there that all the heavy metals and pollution that are undesirable for us will accumulate.
  • The ice that remains is the most valuable. This will be the most purified water.


This method is based on the fact that heavy metals will settle and the upper layers of water will become cleaner.

Most often, settling is used to remove chlorine from tap water.

The method is suitable if nothing else can be done. The water should stand for at least 2-3 hours and not be stirred.

After settling, the percentage of chlorine in the upper third of the tank will decrease significantly.

But settling does not in any way solve the problem of cleaning from dirt, bacteria, and pathogens. Therefore, after settling, the water still cannot be consumed without boiling.

Water purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is part of many coagulants (lat. coagulatio coagulation), so we can assume that this method really works. Activated carbon is able to cope with unpleasant and specific odors, if any, and also, like a sorbent, it will “pull out” all harmful impurities from the liquid.

The cleaning process is as follows:

  • Five tablets of activated carbon are tightly wrapped in gauze and placed at the bottom of a container of water.
  • Cleaning time is five to six hours. Next, activated carbon begins to act.
  • After this, the water can be safely consumed. The method is simply irreplaceable in extreme conditions: on a hike, during military operations, and even on a desert island.


No less interesting is the method of purifying water with silver, which came to the world from Ancient India. The ancient inhabitants noticed the amazing properties of silver and copper dishes; the effect of water was especially strong if the contents of the vessel were exposed to the sun. Water that has received a charge of silver ions is not only completely disinfected, but also improves metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

“Silver water” has long won many adherents of this method around the world. Hundreds of scientific treatises have been written on the topic of water positively charged with silver ions. The whole “salt” is as follows: water enters into a chemical reaction with silver molecules, enriching it with positively charged ions.

Important! A concentration of 20-40 mcg makes silver water healthy and safe to drink.

For external use - masks, lotions, cleaning dishes - doctors recommend a concentrate - 10,000 mcg, which in its effect can be compared to a powerful antiseptic.

Carefully! It is absolutely forbidden to drink such a solution - this will lead to poisoning. Like everything useful, silver water has a downside, so the main thing is not to overdo it.

To purify water using homemade silver, simply immerse a silver spoon, bracelet or other silver jewelry in a decanter.

Water interacts with silver for 2-3 days and only after that it becomes ionized. With such an ionization period, there is no risk of obtaining a concentrate - this would require much more time.

Water purification with shungite

Another method that has gained wide popularity recently is water purification with shungite.

Shungite is a natural mineral. The uniqueness of the stone is explained by the rare form of carbon molecules called fullerenes. Shungite is used to condition water. When interacting with a liquid, the globular carbon of shungite shares its miraculous qualities with it. Possessing bipolar properties, it is able to mix with components of living and inanimate nature.

Shungite water is prepared as follows:

  • Rinse the shungite thoroughly.
  • Pour at the rate of 150 g per 2-3 liters of water.
  • Infusion for 3 days.
  • Can be used for bathing, drinking, cooking.

“Water” and “life” are related and complementary concepts. No water - no life.

The human body consists of two-thirds water and everyone, on average, drinks neither more nor less throughout life - about 75 tons of water. That is why it is very important to monitor the purity of this vital product.

How to purify water at home is up to you. The main thing is to make the right choice and enjoy the taste - after all, there is nothing more amazing than real clean water.

Today we’ll talk about ways to purify water at home and find out which water is better to drink, because only clean water, free of harmful impurities, can be truly beneficial for humans. We talked about how important water is for health and how much you should drink it in the article.

Unfortunately, the state of the ecology on earth is such that there is almost no absolutely clean water suitable for drinking left in nature. Probably the purest water is in mountain springs, as it is given by nature itself without the harmful influence of man. But its availability is very limited.

The majority of the country's population uses tap water. I think there is no need to say that often this water is not ideal and needs additional purification. Of course, at water intakes, drinking water is purified and disinfected from microorganisms that can cause the development of intestinal infections and other diseases. However, the cleaning system itself is far from ideal: in order to save money, chemical reagents such as chlorine are used, which is harmful to health. Chlorine destroys the intestinal microflora, harms the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, washes calcium from the bones, and causes allergies.

Maybe these diseases are a lesser evil than getting dysentery or more terrible diseases such as hepatitis, typhoid or cholera, but the benefits, taste, and most importantly the delayed harmful effect of these impurities on our health make us think. The fact of the condition of the pipes of urban Russian water supply systems makes one shiver: settled and accumulated dirt from the water itself, plus rust from the pipes - pre-purified water passes through such a tunnel to our taps.

Which water is best for drinking?

And yet, let’s try to figure out what to choose from all the evils for a city dweller.

Distilled water

The water is passed through a special installation, where it is completely purified from impurities and all salts, but the purest H2O cannot be recommended for drinking due to the fact that it is devoid of micro and macroelements and salts beneficial to the body. So the need for calcium is met by 30% with water.

Bottled water

Manufacturers of bottled liquid extract this water from deep wells, further purify it, add the necessary minerals and sell it to us. Water should not be stored in a plastic container at all and it is necessary to control its shelf life, which is not always observed by the retail chain. If water is stored in glass containers, there is no doubt and such water can serve as an example of purity and usefulness. This method has practically no complaints and is considered good, but it is expensive and it is not possible to buy such water everywhere.

Although violations and high-profile revelations occur here, the results of inspections turned out that more than half of the popular brands of bottled drinking water contain a large number of various microorganisms that exceed permissible standards several times. Therefore, sanitary doctors say that it is safer for human health to drink ordinary tap water of proper quality.

Boiled water

The oldest, most reliable and accessible method of cleaning is boiling tap water that has been standing for several hours. We kill all the microflora at once, it is important not to boil the water so that salts of harmful heavy metals, if they are in the water, do not turn into even more harmful compounds. However, such water is dead because its structure is damaged, the microelements necessary for the body have precipitated and there is practically no benefit from it. There is a danger that chlorine, when boiled, turns into an even more harmful compound, chloroform, which is a carcinogen. Therefore, it is important not to boil water for a long time.

Systems and filters for water purification

Today, the most recognized methods of water purification are household filters.

Reverse osmosis systems

The most advanced and capable of purifying water to a crystal spring state is a reverse osmosis system, which contains membrane purification technology. Water passes through a multi-stage membrane system and each time it loses its mineral composition. The output is almost pure H2O or distilled water, which is not the healthiest and therefore requires mineralization. This is the downside of cleaning. In addition, the system is very expensive and requires constant replacement of filters, so it is not yet affordable for most residents of our country.

Filter jugs

More accessible today and in almost every home there are filters that retain all kinds of harmful impurities dissolved in water. A filter jug ​​is capable of retaining dirt and impurities and removing chlorine, but heavy metal salts will remain in the water.

Three-stage water purification system

There are stationary filters that are embedded in the water supply; they are simpler and therefore cheaper. They are able to partially purify water, which does not require further mineralization.

The only downside of this system is the additional financial cost of the system itself and the periodic replacement of cartridges.

On my own behalf, I can say that in my house there is one of these budget options for the three-cartridge Aquaphor systems: stage 1 - pre-cleaning, stage 2 - water softening and stage 3 - deep sorption cleaning. There are no complaints about the system, but Aquaphor cannot cope with softening our water. Since water, when boiling in a kettle, forms the same precipitate of calcium salts in the form of scale on its walls, of course less than it would have been without a filter.

Unconventional methods of water purification

In addition to the main methods of water purification listed above, non-traditional methods can be used in everyday life:

  • Cleansing with minerals: shungite, silicon, mountain quartz, which with their surface absorb harmful impurities, bacteria, microorganisms and increase the transparency of water, making it tastier, because they change its structure and recharge. Water purified in this way improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and.
  • Silvering of water- the oldest and long-known cleaning method. Clean silver coins or objects sink to the bottom of the jug, and thanks to silver ions, the water is purified from pathogenic microflora.
  • Activated carbon used as an excellent absorbent and used in industrial filters. It is enough to wrap a few coal tablets in a clean cloth and place them in water for 10-12 hours. The coal will absorb all the dirt, the sediment will settle at the bottom and the water will become cleaner.

  • Water purification weak acid solution: vinegar, lemon, ascorbic acid are acceptable in everyday life. The method is based on the ability of acids to bind elements that are excessively harmful to our body.
  • Mineral cleaning shungite found my supporters. Shungite- a unique ancient mineral mined only in Karelia. It has a special rare formula of carbon molecules called fullerenes. Water infused with shungite self-purifies and becomes not only clean, but also healthy.

All these methods of cleaning have the right to exist, because we find ourselves in various life situations. Sometimes no stationary system, no matter how good it is, can be used, but these are the methods that will begin to work.

And although science does not confirm or offer us an evidence base for the results of such cleaning, as well as guarantees of its effectiveness, it is still important to know these unconventional methods.

There is another way to purify water -. Such water is not only clean, but also healthy.

That's all for today. Drink clean water - the source of health and longevity.

And in conclusion, advice: do not forget about, even if there are any bacteria and microorganisms in the water - this is also good for us, thereby strengthening the protective functions of the body. After all, you cannot live in a completely sterile environment, eat and drink perfectly clean, focusing only on the benefits of everything. The human body must be prepared for all the adversities that life presents to us.