Adjustment of old plastic windows. How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Hello dear readers!

We carried out a general cleaning of the house.

While my wife was washing the windows, it turned out that the handles were a little loose. It's easy to tighten them if you know how to do it. I have already taught my wife.

Now I gathered my thoughts and decided to write a useful post for you.

I tried to collect all the tips into detailed instructions, in which you will find not only information about setting up the handles, but also a lot of other things.

All you have to do is try them out.

The active use of metal-plastic windows in today's realities is caused by a number of advantages of these structural elements.

And if such indicators of windows as reliability, durability and aesthetics are initially included in their design, then in order to obtain high-quality consumer criteria (warmth, sound insulation), it is advisable to carry out timely maintenance of the systems.

Moreover, in order for the adjustment of plastic windows with your own hands to be carried out at the highest level, it will only be enough to stock up on a minimum set of tools (a set of star keys, pliers, a set of hexagons, screwdrivers) and accessories.

The list of main faults that can be corrected by the consumer independently includes the following items:

  • Rubbing of the window sash against the frame during the process of opening and closing it;
  • Loose fit of the sash to the base of the window frame;
  • Broken handle.

Do-it-yourself adjustment of PVC windows

To begin with, it is advisable to consider in detail the method of window adjustment. So, if it is necessary to change the location of the sash (for free opening), then it is advisable to carry out a series of sequential procedures:

  1. Open window;
  2. Turn the adjusting screw located in the end part of the sash (top hinge area) 3 - 5 turns clockwise;
  3. Close a window;
  4. Remove the protection from the bottom hinge;
  5. Using a hexagon, turn the lower hinge adjusting screw 3 to 5 turns clockwise;
  6. Check the functionality of the window and the absence of chafing during operation, and, if necessary, re-adjust the element.

In a situation where it is necessary to strengthen the degree of contact of the sash to the base of the frame, proceed as follows. First, for these purposes, a system of eccentrics is used, which are located at the end of the sash on the side where the handle is located.

Helpful advice!

When it is necessary to strengthen the degree of contact of the sash to the base of the frame, an eccentric system is used

To do this, the eccentrics must be moved to the appropriate position using pliers or a hexagon.

In some window models, the eccentrics are designed in such a way that in order to adjust them, you just need to pull the eccentric towards you, then make the necessary rotation, and only after that release the eccentric (it will be pressed due to the spring).

In general, experts recommend performing a similar procedure for adjusting eccentrics twice a year (the off-season period), increasing or decreasing the degree of compression.

However, using this method it is possible to adjust the window pressure from the side where the handle is located. When the user needs to increase the pressure on the sash from the side of the awnings, they proceed in a different way.

So, if it is necessary to ensure stronger pressing of the sash (from the side of the awnings) of a swing-type window structure, then use the adjusting screw on the lower hinge.

When it is necessary to carry out a similar procedure for a tilt-and-turn structure, it will be necessary to perform additional adjustment of the window sash pressure due to the upper hinge.

To do this, you should perform the procedures in the following sequence:

  1. Open the sash;
  2. Turn the sash handle to the “ventilation” position (simulating closing the window by pressing the lock);
  3. To increase the pressure on the sash, you should rotate the adjusting screw on the hinge clockwise, while to loosen the pressure, you need to rotate the adjuster in the opposite direction.

Certain types of window fittings are adjusted using special responds (usually located on the window frame on the handle side) which can be adjusted using hex keys.

So, to press the window sash more firmly to the base of the frame, you will need to move the sash outward (towards the street). They also use clamping mechanisms located on the frame on the awning side.

They are adjusted using a hexagon, and stronger pressure of the sash against the frame will be ensured when the tongue of the mechanism is extended more strongly.

A fairly common defect in a metal-plastic window is the tight rotation of the handle. Often this circumstance may be caused by the fact that the fittings do not have sufficient lubrication.

In this case, window repair comes down to simply lubricating the locking mechanism and all rubbing elements with machine oil or aerosol lubricant (for example, WD-40).

A similar method is used to adjust the doors of balcony blocks.

In a situation where it is necessary to completely replace the handle, you should pull the decorative cover of the handle towards you with your fingers and then turn it 90º (to free access to the screws).

By unscrewing the mounting screws, the handle can be easily removed. And the procedure for attaching the new handle must be performed in the reverse order.

It should be noted that the key to long-term and high-quality operation of a window depends on the timely completion of service operations, and even in the absence of visual defects, it is advisable to carry out these procedures at least once a year.

For this purpose, all main components must be lubricated, and the rubber seals must be moistened. It is also necessary to say a few words about the rules for using windows:

  • The window handle should only be turned when the sash is completely closed;
  • Do not allow the presence of foreign objects in the free cavity of the window frame;
  • The operation of windows should be carried out taking into account the completion of all finishing works (slopes).

However, it should be noted that despite the elementary nature of the described methods, troubleshooting and window adjustment should be started only after a detailed familiarization with the operating principle of the installation.

Otherwise, a more correct method would be the help of specialists in the specified field.


To correctly and safely adjust plastic windows, you need to know several features of their design in order to avoid any damage.

Next, we will tell you how to solve some problems that may arise with metal-plastic windows, and also share recommendations on how plastic windows should be adjusted correctly.

In order to independently adjust a plastic window, you need to use a 4 mm hex key, which is popularly called a “four”.

Types of adjustments

1. Let's first consider the horizontal adjustment of metal-plastic windows. To properly adjust the window, you must use the top and bottom hinges, which have a hole for a hex key.

By rotating the hex key clockwise, the sash is pulled to the hinge. The bottom of the window opposite the hinge should rise slightly.

2. If the hinge is to be moved away from the sash, the key should be rotated counterclockwise accordingly, which will cause the bottom of the sash to lower slightly.

The lower hinge is adjusted indoors when the window is open, and outside when it is closed.

The adjustment process is carried out the same way in two versions. By adjusting the frame in the horizontal plane, the frame can be moved up to 2 millimeters, and the bevel can also be eliminated.

3. Vertical adjustment of the window is carried out using the lower hinge. The hex key is placed under the cap that covers the hinge.

Elimination of the frame bevel in the vertical direction is also possible up to 2 millimeters.

4. Adjustment of the casement mode is carried out by eccentrics, which are located around the perimeter of the PVC window. When turning the handle, the eccentrics should go beyond the pressure pads, which are also located along the perimeter of the window.

By rotating the eccentric to the right, you can strengthen the pressure of the window to the frame; when rotating to the left, the pressure will loosen. There is a mark on the eccentric that indicates the degree of pressure.

If the risk is directed towards the seal, the window is pressed tightly against the frame, but if it is towards the outside, it is weakly pressed. In order to rotate the eccentrics, you can use pliers or a wrench.

Sometimes plates located on the window sash are used for clamping.

The appropriate level of window pressure to the frame depends on the time of year.

It is quite clear that in winter the pressure should be strong and in summer weakened. The pressure can be adjusted within a range of 0.8 millimeters.

5. You can adjust the loop pressure for both loops at once or for just one loop. This will depend on what hardware is installed on your window.

If necessary, adjust the lower hinge by first removing the cap and then rotating the bolt, which is located perpendicular to the window, in the desired direction.

6. The top hinge can only be adjusted on tilting sashes. When adjusting the top hinge, the frame must be supported, since it will only be supported by the bottom hinge.

Some plastic windows are equipped with a lock that prevents the open window sash from tilting. Lockers are a lever or a clip.

In order to tilt open the plastic window, you need to turn the handle to the ventilation mode while simultaneously pressing the lock.

When is PVC window adjustment necessary?

By adjusting, you can eliminate many problems with metal-plastic windows:

  • The window sash is sagging, causing the sash bottom to touch the plastic frame. Adjustment of horizontal or vertical plane is suitable.
  • Vertical or horizontal movement of the sash has resulted in the middle sash part touching the frame. To fix the problem, you need to move the sash evenly to one side.
  • When air enters through the seal, it is necessary to adjust the sash pressure.
  • To adjust a loose handle, turn the plate located at the base at a right angle and tighten all the screws with a screwdriver. The base of the handle can also be equipped with a ventilation control plate – “combs”.
  • Using machine oil, you can get rid of such a problem as the handle turning tightly. To lubricate hinges, eccentrics, clamping mechanisms and platforms, you can use any brushes or cotton swabs that you have at hand.


When is adjustment required? Here are the most common signs that a window is ripe for adjustment.

  • When opening (closing), the sash clings to the fittings or to the frame.
  • There is a noticeable draft coming from the window.
  • The handle became loose or, on the contrary, became very tight.
  • When the window is open, the handle is jammed and the window does not close.

I would like to warn you right away that some problems are the result of a violation of manufacturing or installation technology. Unfortunately, not all of them can be corrected by adjustments...

We will consider adjusting balcony doors separately!

Before we begin studying the topic “Adjusting plastic window fittings,” let's define the terminology. The fittings consist of several main units, each of which is responsible for its own area.

The part on the sash is usually called the “Locking mechanism”, and the parts attached to the frame are called “Taps”.

To work we need the following:

  • A set of hex keys.
  • A set of nozzles - stars.
  • Spatula for working with double-glazed windows.
  • Putty knife.
  • Rubber hammer.
  • Linings for double-glazed windows of different thicknesses.
  • Screwdrivers and pliers.
  • Lubricant for fittings.
  • Soft brush.

Much of the above may not be useful to you, but if you are going to start adjusting the fittings of plastic windows, it is advisable to prepare thoroughly.

Before moving on to practical exercises, I will make a short digression.


You should NOT adjust the fittings of plastic windows yourself in two cases.

Firstly, if the warranty period has not expired. You still don't know what you'll get, but you'll probably lose your warranty.

Secondly, if you are not confident in your capabilities. In this case, it would be more advisable to turn to professionals.

Well, with those who are used to solving their problems on their own, we move on.

Now let's decide which node is capable of what.

The lower hinge allows you to move the bottom of the sash up and down, left and right and adjust the pressure.

The trunnions of the locking mechanism are responsible for pressing the entire sash.

In some types of fittings, the clamp is adjusted by responders on the frame.

With the upper part of the tilt-and-turn mechanism, called “scissors,” you can move the top of the sash left or right and work with a clamp.

Now we will take each case and analyze it in detail. Go ahead.

Let's continue our analysis of the topic How to adjust plastic windows.

What to do if the bottom of the sash on the handle side catches on the sash or the frame - the sash is sagging. I want to say right away that large, heavy sashes MUST have a “microlift”.

This mechanism, at the moment of closing the sash, resting against a special answer, lifts the sash by 2-3mm, thereby relieving the load on the remaining parts of the fittings. For example, installing a balcony door without a lift is unacceptable!

And so, the sash sagged. This can be treated either by lifting the sash upward, or by moving the bottom of the sash towards the sagging side, and the top towards the hinges.

To raise the sash, remove the decorative cap from the bottom hinge, insert the hexagon into the hole from above and tighten the stop screw.

To move the bottom of the sash, rotate the screw on the frame part of the hinge.

The top of the sash can be moved with a screw located in the scissors on the side of the top hinge. To get to it, you need to open the sash and rotate the screw to the desired position of the sash.

In general, try not to keep the doors open for too long, so as not to sag.

  • If the handle is loose, remove the decorative plate underneath it, turn it 90* and tighten the two screws. If, on the contrary, the handle begins to turn more and more difficult, you can hear a crunching sound in the mechanism, then it’s time to do a complete revision of the window fittings.
  • How to adjust plastic windows, if the handle is turned further, to the “ventilation” position, the sash falls out and hangs on the scissors, resting on one lower hinge. This means that the blocker did not have time to work.

It is usually located on the locking mechanism in the area of ​​the handle and when the sash is open or tilted for ventilation, it is located at an angle to the locking mechanism. In this position, the blocker prevents you from turning the handle where it is not necessary.

In our case, to return the sash to its place, you need to move the plate to the sealing rubber with your finger, set the sash to the “just open” position (press the top of the sash from the hinge side) and turn the handle to the desired position.

How to adjust plastic windows if drafts appear.

First of all, carefully inspect the sealing rubber on the sash and frame.

If diaper rash, abrasions and tears are clearly visible, the tires need to be changed. If you decide that the rubber is in order, then you need to increase the pressure of the sash to the frame.

First, check the alignment of the locking rods (trunnions) on the sash with the strikers on the frame, as in “Adjusting the balcony door.”

On the lower hinge, the clamp is controlled by a screw located in the body of the part of the hinge that is on the sash. Depending on the brand of accessories, you will need a screwdriver, a hexagon or an asterisk.

But, unfortunately, not all manufacturers install bottom hinges with pressure adjustment on windows.

In this case, you will have to adjust the pressure on the hinge side using “scissors”, a “hidden clamp” and a pin on the “middle lock”.

An eccentric screw located on the scissors is responsible for the pressure in the area of ​​the upper hinge.

To make it available, do this:

  1. open the door
  2. press the blocker against the rubber with your finger
  3. turn the handle up
  4. and, carefully, move the top of the sash away from the frame so that the scissors become visible.

The blocker can be of a different design, where the blocking is performed by a movable plate, which is pressed by the sash against the frame.

This means that to unlock it you need to press the plate.

We insert the hexagon into the eccentric head and turn it in the desired direction (each brand has its own direction).

Pressing the blocker, we return the sash to its place.

Helpful advice!

On large sashes, on the hinge side, as a rule, a hidden clamp is also installed.

It is also adjustable (usually with a hexagon) according to the “winter - summer” type.

When rotating, the pressure plate extends and retracts, thereby changing the clamping force.

If an unregulated one is installed, and you are convinced that it does not work, you need to change it.

Depending on the brand of fittings, this is done either with a hexagon or pliers. On some trunnions, the eccentric is made in the form of a ring, which must be pulled away from the sash with your fingers and turned to the desired angle.

There are brands of accessories in which the clamp is controlled by the responses, I think you can decide. And in general, adjusting plastic windows is a very creative process! Especially the first time.

After all the necessary screws have been turned, we check the clamp.

This is done like this: you tear off a strip of newspaper the width of your palm and the length of two palms, and squeeze it between the sash and the frame, where there are no answers. If the strip comes out easily, add pressure.

So you check several points from all sides.

Yes, I missed one point. It happens that after lifting or tilting the sash, the trunnions begin to catch on the hinges or, on the contrary, do not reach them. In this case, the answers need to be shifted in the right direction.

We unscrew the self-tapping screw that secures the answer to the frame and, without removing the answer itself, lightly tap the answer along the frame with pliers and move it in the desired direction. We tighten the self-tapping screw.

And now - the most dangerous type of adjustment of plastic windows. This is a glass unit adjustment. There is a situation when the sash is raised all the way, and its lower part, on the side of the handle, clings to the frame.

That is, it sagged more than the travel reserve of the adjusting stop in the lower hinge. I’ll say right away that under normal conditions such a case practically never occurs, which means that one of three points was violated:

  1. Correct assembly.
  2. Correct installation.
  3. Correct operation.

Or perhaps all three! But, as they say, “it’s too late to drink Borjomi” - we’ll treat it. Another case is when the “pivot” sash sagged. In order to save money, such sashes are often equipped with NON-ADJUSTABLE fittings.

That is, the usual loops and constipation. Here, adjustment is possible ONLY with a double-glazed window.

So let's get started: using the screw in the bottom hinge, lower the sash as far as possible.

Carefully remove the glazing beads with a spatula (the sash is closed!!!), holding the double-glazed window (it’s better to work together).

We mark the beads “left”, “right”, “top” and remove the glass unit itself. We carefully place it on something soft (a doormat, rug) against the wall, placing, for example, several newspapers away from the wall.

Then we open the sash and place spacers on the frame in the very corner on the handle side, so that the sash rises by 5-7mm when closing. We close the sash, as if pushing (lifting) it onto the gaskets.

If we notice that at the moment of closing the entire sash rises, and not just the desired edge, then in the area of ​​the scissors, on the sash, we insert another one, without letting the sash go up.

Thus, in the place where the sash was rubbed, a gap (margin) of about 5 mm was obtained.

We insert the double-glazed window and secure it tightly on all sides with gaskets, according to the technology, helping ourselves with a spatula. The gaskets must be inserted very tightly, but carefully - glass is glass.

We hammer in the glazing beads with a rubber hammer, starting with the short ones.

We check the operation of the sash by removing the linings from the frame. If necessary, we make adjustments to achieve normal operation.

All this can be avoided if you install a “microlift” on the sash.

In some types of fittings, a blocker can be used as a lift. But only those that have a fairly powerful blocker are suitable.

This is done like this: the locker's response is installed in such a way that when the sash is closed, the blocker does not just press against the rubber, but, as it were, runs over the response, lifting the sash by 2-3mm.

But you need to check it very accurately so as not to break the lock. By the way, if you install a microlift on a non-adjustable sash, opening will not be necessary.

This was an adjustment of plastic WINDOWS, but we also have doors...

We remove the old rubber.

We clean the groove from any remaining glue and sealant. Now we need to determine what kind of tires we had.

Leading profile manufacturers mainly use four types of rubber:

  • Rehau
  • KBE 228

We determine which one we have. If the seal is not similar to any of these types, we take any one with a similar leg size.

If you have a choice, it is better to take a German one - the service life is almost twice as long.

We insert new rubber, starting from the top of the window (door).

Try not to stretch the rubber, but rather to gather it in. Be especially careful when inserting the seal in the corners.

Then tuck the tail end-to-end with the other end of the seal, smearing the ends with glue.

The help of one more person will not be superfluous here.

Let's turn the handle to the "open" position, but do not open the sash.

Remove the decorative trim from the top hinge.

Using a flat screwdriver (knife, chisel, etc.) we pull out the pin of the upper hinge, maybe not all the way, but only to disconnect the hinge parts.

We slightly tilt the sash towards ourselves and, lifting it up, remove it from the lower hinge.

We remove the upper loop (scissors) from the groove to make it more convenient to work.

We change the seal, as on the frame.

We assemble the mechanism and put the sash in place. We drive the pin of the upper loop and put on the decor.

We close the sash and check the operation; if necessary, we adjust the settings.

Now manufacturers are offered profiles with rubber already glued in. When a window (door) is assembled from such a profile, the rubber in the corners is fused during welding.

If it is difficult to remove rubber in the middle of the profile, it is possible, but in the corners it cannot be pulled out.

Let's do this. We tear out all the rubber that lends itself, helping ourselves with a screwdriver or something else.

In the corners we mill out a groove for the rubber using a 4 mm drill bit or a vertical cutter of the same diameter.

We clean the milling area with a knife or chisel.

We insert new tires.

Detailed instructions for adjusting plastic windows

Nowadays, the popularity of plastic windows is no longer in doubt, because they are not only of high quality, but also affordable. Not to mention that they are easy to use and provide excellent noise protection.

But despite this, even the best quality windows require maintenance, so from time to time you need to call a specialist to adjust them. Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to adjust plastic windows without calling a specialist?”

It's actually not as difficult as it might seem. Therefore, after reading this article, you will be able to cope with minor problems yourself. Remember that this way you save not only money, but also time.

Now let's move on to the instructions themselves and consider the main problems.

What are the most common problems that you can fix yourself?

Most often you may encounter the following types of malfunctions, which you can easily eliminate on your own:

  • When closing, the sash touches the frame from the side or bottom
  • The sash does not fit tightly enough to the frame
  • Wear of striker plates
  • The handle is blocked when the sash is open in the “closed” mode, the window does not close
  • The sash is closed, but the window does not close, the handle does not turn
  • The handle is broken


After reading this article, you will be able to deal with minor problems yourself.

For repairs we may need the following tool:

  • Pliers
  • Hexagon (4 mm)
  • Screwdrivers (phillips and flathead)
  • Set of "stars"

Briefly about the general principles of adjusting window sashes

The sashes of almost all modern PVC windows can be adjusted in three planes, thanks to which you can achieve the correct position of the sashes in the frame and achieve the optimal degree of pressing of the seals along the entire perimeter of the sash.

The methods for adjusting the sash fittings, the appearance of its individual elements and the tool used for adjustment may vary depending on the manufacturer, but in general the general adjustment scheme looks as shown in the figures below.

Now let's look at what needs to be done to fix the problem in each of the above cases.

When closing, the sash touches the frame from below

In this case, you need to move the sash in the direction of the top hinge and up. The procedure is approximately as follows:

  1. We open the door.
  2. Using a hexagon, turn the adjusting screw located near the top hinge at the end of the sash clockwise several turns.
  3. We close the sash.
  4. Remove the cap from the bottom loop.
  5. We insert the hexagon into it and make several turns clockwise.
  6. We check the free movement of the sash and, if necessary, make adjustments until the problem is eliminated.

When closing, the sash touches the side of the frame

In this case, you need to move the sash in the direction of the hinges, to do this:

If the side of the sash only touches the frame from below, then it will be enough to move the sash in the direction of the lower hinge. This is easy to do using the adjusting screw located under the bottom hinge.

If the side of the sash touches the frame along its entire height, you will also need to move the sash in the direction of the top hinge.

Wear of striker plates

To check the striker bars, open the window and inspect them. Most often there is one strip on each side along the perimeter of the window. If wear is noticeable on one of them, this may indicate that there is unevenness in the fit of the window in the frame.

In order to solve the problem, you need to open the window, remove the plastic plugs from the adjusting bolts (they are located on the lower and upper hinges, on the same side as the sash) and use a hex key (four mm) to loosen the bolts themselves.

After this, adjust the position of the top half of the window. The adjusting screw will help you with this. First, you need to adjust everything relative to the frame “left - right”, and then go to the bottom screw and adjust the movement “up and down”.

It is very easy to monitor the accuracy of the adjustment. To do this, you just need to open and close the window until you understand that the sash fits tightly and evenly into the frame.

The sash does not fit tightly enough to the frame

On the side of the handle on the side end of the sash there is a system of eccentrics, with the help of which the tightness of the pressure to the sash frame is adjusted.

They may have different appearance depending on the manufacturer, but the principle of operation is the same in all cases.

By rotating the eccentrics with pliers or a hexagon, you can adjust the required degree of pressing of the sash to the frame.

If you need to adjust the degree of pressing of the window sash to the frame from the hinge side, this can be done using the adjusting screw located on the lower hinge.

If this sash is a tilt-and-turn sash, then you can additionally adjust the sash pressure using the top hinge.

To get to the adjusting bolt located on the scissors near the top hinge, you need to open the sash and then, after first pressing the lock, set the handle to the ventilation mode.

If you need to press the sash against the frame, you need to rotate the bolt clockwise; accordingly, you can loosen the pressure by rotating the bolt counterclockwise.

Some types of fittings are regulated exclusively using the responds located on the side of the handle. The position of the strike plates is adjusted using a hexagon.

Helpful advice!

To increase the pressure of the window sash to the frame, you need to move the bar towards the street.

The frame also has hex-adjustable clamping mechanisms on the hinge side. The more you extend the tongue, the more the sash will be pressed against the frame.

The handle is blocked when the sash is open in the “closed” mode, the window does not close

In order to prevent damage to the hardware mechanisms, the handle can only be turned when the sash is closed. To prevent accidental turning of the handle when the sash is open, there are special lockers located under the handle at the end of the sash.

Depending on the manufacturer, they also come in different types. Before unlocking the handle, you need to press the lock.

The sash is closed, but the window does not close because the handle does not turn

If the handle does not turn after closing the sash, this means that the clutch of the lock with the counter element located on the frame does not work.

This problem can be solved in two ways:

  1. Using the adjusting screw located under the lower hinge, move the sash slightly in the direction of the counter part of the blocker
  2. Having slightly loosened the fastening, insert any thin plate of hard material between the counter part of the blocker and the frame

It also happens that a plastic window does not close at all (for example, if the window opened in two positions at once). What to do in this case? Read my article “Plastic window does not close - what to do?”

The handle is broken

In order to replace the handle of a plastic window, you need to slightly pull the handle cover towards you and turn it 90 degrees.

This usually happens due to insufficient lubrication. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to lubricate the fitting mechanisms at least once a year. For these purposes, you can use aerosol lubricants or machine oil.

It is worth noting that monitoring the technical condition and lubrication of all mechanisms of window fittings must be carried out even in the absence of visible defects at least once a year.

If you are interested in adjusting plastic windows, it is useful to remember that:

  • it is necessary to periodically check the condition of the rubber seals to prevent their wear;
  • if you remove decorative plastic plugs, do it carefully, as they are very fragile; make sure not to deform them or crush them during the main work;
  • if your frame or window opening itself is deformed, you will not be able to adjust the windows yourself;
  • If you are not sure that you can do everything yourself, it is better to entrust the work to a trusted specialist. This way you can be sure that everything is done with high quality and you won’t need to redo anything.

I suggest watching a video that clearly shows how to adjust a plastic window with your own hands.

Metal-plastic windows have a number of advantages: they transmit light well, allow the room to be ventilated at different intensities, provide reliable heat and sound insulation, are easy to maintain, and are durable (on average, their service life is 15-20 years). It would seem that if you change the windows, you can forget about them. But it was not there. In order for everything to work correctly, you sometimes need to adjust the plastic windows.

Adjusting plastic windows is necessary at the beginning of the winter and summer seasons and is within the power of everyone

The main adjustment of plastic windows is carried out by specialists during their installation. But over time, even on high-quality frames and sashes, some problems may appear related to violations of operating techniques or deformation of fasteners, moving mechanisms, and seals.

Most often, issues of adjusting plastic windows have to be dealt with in the following cases:

  • seasonal changes in clamping density to ensure comfort in different conditions (winter-summer);
  • the appearance of drafts if air is blown in from the street through tightly closed windows;
  • sagging or displacement of window sashes, which leads to friction and catching on the frame;
  • malfunctions in the operation of window handles, when they do not hold well, do not turn completely, or do not open (do not close) at all.

Many of these problems can be easily resolved by adjusting the plastic windows yourself. If you are unable to determine the cause or believe the problem is serious, it is best to seek help from a window repair and maintenance professional.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to pay a specialist for routine repairs than to later buy new parts or completely change the broken window structure

For those who have sliding windows and doors, if there is a malfunction in their operation, it is enough to adjust the roller carriages intended for fastening the sashes. If your sashes open or tilt and you decide to adjust the plastic windows yourself, you will need some tools.

Prepare immediately:

  • set of hex keys. First of all, you will need a hexagon with a diameter of 4 mm, which is often called a furniture key, as it is used when assembling furniture;
  • a 3 or 4 mm Phillips screwdriver, preferably with a star bit (usually marked T or TX);
  • pliers (pliers);
  • a lubricant with machine oil and WD-40 all-purpose aerosol lubricant.

To adjust the window yourself, you will need tools. The photo shows a set of hex keys of different diameters

Hexagons are small metal rods bent into an “L” or “S” shape. The shape of the key is not important, but S-shaped ones are considered more convenient to use. Star attachments may be required when adjusting plastic windows with fittings of certain brands and models. Basically, craftsmen attach all the fittings using ordinary screws and screws, for which a Phillips-head screwdriver will suffice.

Adjusting plastic windows for winter

Before the onset of cold weather, many people want to make sure that the windows are closed more tightly and do not allow the slightest cold draft into the house. If the sash is pressed weakly, you may find that the flame of a lit candle or match brought to a closed window fluctuates greatly and even goes out.

The photo shows the end side of a window sash with fittings; the pressure adjustment mechanisms are clearly visible.

The clamping mechanisms are called locking pins (eccentrics). When the handle is turned to close the sash, they move behind the pressure pads located along the perimeter of the frame. Each sash usually has three eccentrics, which are set to the same position (by default, to the middle, universal position). To strengthen or loosen the pressure, they need to be rotated and moved. This adjustment of plastic windows is not difficult to do.

In different models of fittings, the trunnions can simply be turned using pliers or a wrench (standard), and also have a hole for a hex key. Some models use mechanisms that are adjusted without tools at all - the eccentric is pulled out by hand and locked in the desired position.

If you move the eccentric rollers, turning them clockwise, the sash will be pressed against the frame more strongly, and if it is counterclockwise, it will move away from the frame, reducing the pressure. There are often small stripes on the surface of the trunnions, which make it easier to determine the degree of pressure. The closer the strip is to the seal, the stronger the pressure on the sash. The adjustment range of the trunnions is ± 2 mm. In some designs of window fittings, the clamping density is adjusted by twisting special plates located on the window sash with a key.

In addition, there is a clamping mechanism on window hinges. There it is also adjusted using a hexagon. When the key is rotated (counterclockwise when the hinges are on the left, or arrow when the hinges are on the right), the tongue extends, increasing the pressing density of the sash. On the hinges, the clamping adjustment stroke is ± 0.8 mm.

When preparing for the winter period, it is better to maximize the density of the window sashes to the frame.

In the summer, it is recommended to loosen the pressure to a medium or minimum value in order to provide greater air access and reduce wear on the seals. When making adjustments, it is important to ensure uniform pressure along the entire perimeter of the window, so each pin must be twisted in the same direction and set to the same position.

Professionals in the repair of plastic windows warn that it is better to adjust the pressure density in the minimum ranges, especially for the first time. The fact is that the seals on the sashes wear out over time, dry out, and you have to press harder and harder. If you squeeze them too hard from the very beginning, the rubber will lose its properties much faster. Then the situation will be corrected not by adjusting the pressure, but by replacing the sealing tape. By the way, there is nothing complicated about this: the old rubber is removed, and the new one is inserted into a special groove.

A worn rubber seal is easy to replace: the old rubber is removed and the new one is inserted into a special groove

To do everything correctly, we recommend that you additionally look at what the trunnions (eccentrics) look like and how the sash pressure changes when adjusting plastic windows in the following video. This will make it easier for you to carry out the necessary preparation of windows for the winter season.

Sometimes it happens that the sashes move a little, lower, begin to sag and rub against the frames below or on the side when opening and closing. This problem can lead to complete structural failure, requiring window replacement. Small adjustments will allow you to solve it, which you can handle with your own hands in literally half an hour.

Let's look at how to make this adjustment of plastic windows yourself. Instructions for beginners:

  1. Open the window. Locate the adjustment screw at the end of the sash (usually it is located closer to the top).
  2. Take a suitable hex key and use it to turn the screw clockwise when you need to raise the sash mechanism, or counterclockwise to lower it.
  3. Check whether the window operation has changed when closing and opening. If the situation improves, adjust it in the same way until it is completely corrected.
All tightening of the screw should be done little by little, with minimal adjustments, constantly checking the functionality of the window.

This method allows you to adjust plastic windows by pressing the sash to the horizontal plane, eliminate the distortion or move it by ±2 mm (range of permissible adjustments). If there is no positive result, you need to return the adjusting screw to its original state and try another option.

Do not forget about the adjusting screw, which is located under the protective cover (cap) of the lower hinge

To eliminate friction between the sash and the frame, vertical adjustment (with a stroke of ± 2 mm) of the window is also used, for which the lower hinge screw is responsible. You can get to it both from inside the house by opening the sash, and from the outside with the window closed. Procedure:

  1. Carefully remove the protective cap from the bottom hinge.
  2. Rotate the adjusting screw in the desired direction (clockwise – the canopy rises, counter-clockwise – lowers), turning it half a turn with a hex key.
  3. Check how the window works. Adjust further if necessary.

For clarity, we offer the following video:

Doors that provide different modes of ventilation, that is, folding ones, sometimes require reinforcement of the structure from the canopy side.

Window flap in ventilation mode

Adjustment of plastic windows that move only along the vertical axis is done by tightening the adjusting screw on the lower hinge. It is located horizontally, that is, perpendicular to the plane of the window. If the design involves winter (micro-slot) ventilation, then you will also need to adjust the top hinge. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. Open the window flap.
  2. Turn the knob to the ventilation mode position. Some window models are equipped with locks (in the form of a lever or clip), which are responsible for tilting the sash only from the closed position. In this case, you need to press the lock and simultaneously turn the handle.
  3. The pressure of the upper sash is adjusted with a screw or hexagon, which must be turned clockwise (to tighten the fit) or counterclockwise (to loosen the system). Allowable adjustment stroke ±2.5 mm.
Important: when adjusting the top hinge in ventilation mode, hold the window sash, as it will only be fixed on one bottom hinge.

Adjusting the handles

Problems with handles on plastic windows and doors arise quite often. Let's look at how we can fix them.

The handle doesn't hold tightly

When the handle dangles, it is necessary to tighten the fastening screws. To do this, the plug under the handle is turned 90° and the screws located on the plate under it are tightened with a suitable screwdriver.

Typically, fasteners have a slot for a Phillips screwdriver

The handle is difficult to turn

A common cause of such troubles is insufficient lubrication. Accordingly, to eliminate them, you need to lubricate all moving parts (eccentric rollers, hinges, clamping mechanisms and platforms) with machine oil. After this, it is recommended to remove the plug under the handle, use a screwdriver to find out where there are difficulties in the movement of the roller, and adjust them by tightening the screws.

For lubrication, use universal aerosols or machine oil, which is applied from an oil can, using a brush or a cotton swab.

The handle doesn't turn

Sometimes it happens that the handle rotation locks fix its position when the window is open. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to the fittings, or rather to the locking lock itself. For models marked AUBI, you need to point the sash vertically, press the metal plate with the spring and move the handle to the desired position. Other models (ROTO, GU, etc.) are adjusted by a metal tab located directly under the handle. You need to press on it and turn it parallel to the sealing gasket.

The handle is broken

It's easy to replace a broken handle yourself. New ones are sold in window manufacturing companies as component parts. On the old handle, turn the decorative cap to get to the mounting screws. They are unscrewed, a new handle is installed and screwed into place with the same screws.

Main window adjustment points

To summarize, let us once again list the main points for adjusting plastic windows:

  • on the lower hinge there are screws that adjust the position of the entire sash vertically and the lower corner of the sash horizontally;
  • on the upper hinge the clamping force is adjusted and the upper part of the sash is leveled horizontally;
  • The eccentric locking pin on the end surface is responsible for adjusting the tightness of the window sash against the frame.

When starting to adjust plastic windows, check all the listed points for possible deformation. If they break, call a repairman immediately. If debris is found in the moving mechanisms, clean and lubricate, and then check how the window works.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Today, metal-plastic windows are a popular product among all users. Almost every apartment in the building has PVC windows installed in at least one room. But during operation, various problems may arise. For example, windows can jam, Maybe do not turn the handle or there may be other problems with opening and closing windows. In order to solve the problem, you need to know how to adjust plastic windows.

It is worth noting that PVC windows stop functioning correctly not only due to a long period of use. And given the average service life of windows (more than 15 years), it is unlikely that owners of such double-glazed windows should have any difficulties. However, problems do happen, quite often. And if you can’t call a specialist or don’t want to spend extra money on repairs, you can make basic adjustments to the plastic window yourself, which will help get rid of most problems.

When and for what problems is adjustment necessary?

Of course, you need to adjust PVC windows yourself as needed. As soon as a certain problem arises, you should immediately look for ways to eliminate it. Even with correct initial “calibration,” problems may arise later. They are associated with improper operating techniques, deformation of fasteners, violations of structural integrity, tightness, etc.

What problems can be eliminated using self-adjustment of PVC windows?

Advice: If you cannot independently and accurately determine the cause, you need to seek help from a specialist. Still, it is better to pay for minor repairs than to replace broken parts of a metal-plastic structure.

Tools required for adjustment

In order for plastic windows to be adjusted independently, you will need a few tools. Configuration is carried out using:

  • A set of hexagons (a 4 mm hexagon must be included in the kit);
  • Cross-shaped and star-shaped screwdriver bits (as a rule, they should be marked “T” or “TX”);
  • Phillips screwdriver size 3 or 4;
  • Pliers;
  • Universal WD-40 aerosol and regular machine oil.

Mainly used only hexagon, which in everyday life is called a furniture key. This is a small L-shaped metal hexagonal rod, which can be made in an S-shape for ease of use.

Star attachments are necessary for working with certain models of fittings, so it is better to take several of these attachments. As a rule, the fittings are fastened by craftsmen with ordinary screws and a Phillips screwdriver, so to adjust them you will need the latter.

The adjustment process is greatly simplified if the operation of the sliding windows is disrupted. In this case, all work comes down to setting up the roller carriages intended for attaching the sash.

Main adjustment points for PVC windows

There are a total of five adjustment points on the window that help you make the correct settings. Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Using all of the above points, you can calibrate all existing window positions. As a rule, all manufacturers produce standard window models, so if your metal-plastic double-glazed windows were not made to order, then there will be no difficulties in determining each adjustment point.

Tip: Immediately after you find these points, check them for deformation - in this case, you will need to immediately contact a specialist. And if debris is found, you need to remove it and try again to carry out the action that was previously performed with difficulty.

General features of adjusting PVC windows

How to properly adjust plastic windows and how to do it yourself? It must be remembered that there are different window models. They provide different fittings, double-glazed windows and strength. We tried to summarize all existing options and derive common features that allow you to customize windows.

Horizontal adjustment

To move the frame or eliminate a slight bevel, it is necessary to use horizontal adjustment, which is carried out using bottom And top loops. The hinges themselves have special hexagon holes. The lower hinge allows adjustment from both the outside and the inside (accordingly, you can adjust the window open or closed). As a result of turning the key clockwise, the sash with the hinge will be tightened. As a result of this action, the bottom of the window, which is on the opposite side of the hinge, will rise. Accordingly, when rotating counterclockwise, the lower part of the window will lower.

Horizontal adjustment of plastic windows can also be carried out independently in the area of ​​the top hinge, as a result of which the top of the sash will already be adjusted, but this must be done only with the window open. It should be noted that the shift is within 2 mm.

Vertical adjustment

Metal-plastic windows can be calibrated vertically using bottom hanging loop. To do this, you must open the plug to ensure free access to the hexagon. The sash will begin to rise when the hexagon is rotated clockwise, and in the opposite direction the sash will begin to fall. As with the horizontal adjustment, the shift range is 2 mm.

Adjusting the sash pressure

It is used when there is blowing from a PVC window. The quality of the pressure can be checked as follows: a lit match is brought to a closed PVC window and the movement of the flame is observed. If it deviates to the side, then there is a gap in the window.

In this case, the pressure is adjusted using eccentrics, which are located along perimeter of fittings(this method is used to adjust plastic windows for the winter). As a result of turning the handle, they move beyond the clamping pads. Since the setup is not particularly difficult, you can also do it yourself.

The sash pressure is adjusted using eccentrics (trunnions)

The sash will be pressed against the frame if the eccentric is moved clockwise. Accordingly, when the eccentric is moved counterclockwise, the sash will move away from the frame. There is a small strip on the surface of the eccentric, with which you can determine the degree of compression of the sash and frame. The closer this strip is to the seal, the stronger the sash is pressed.

The adjustment range is within 1-2 mm. More or less strong pressure on the sash is allowed at different times of the year - In summer you can loosen it, and in winter you can tighten it more. This is done to ensure air supply - more air will flow in the summer, and less in the winter.

Tip: Do not clamp the sash and frame too hard. This can lead to premature wear of the seal.

Adjusting the hinges

The tilt window has two hinges that can be adjusted to improve functionality. The lower hinges are adjusted using a horizontal screw located on them. In order to adjust the pressure of the upper hinges, you need to open the PVC window for ventilation (turn the handle so that only the upper part of the window opens). In this case, you need to hold the window with your hand, since it will only be held on one, lower hinge. Adjusting the hinges helps determine the degree of compression of the window with hinges. The acceptable range is within 2.5 mm. As the distance increases, the window will adhere less to the hinges and more air will be provided. As the distance decreases, the window will fit more tightly to the hinges and provide reliable protection from air coming from outside.


We can draw the following conclusion: the adjustment of all positions of the adjustment points can be carried out even without experience. The only requirement is to be careful. Incorrect calibration may cause the window to no longer function correctly. As a result, you will have to call a technician to re-set it up.

Adjusting plastic windows video

In this section, we invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article on how to adjust plastic windows.

A plastic window, even the highest quality and correctly installed, requires periodic maintenance. It can last for several years without any problems, but over time it may feel friction when opening or closing. The second problem is that there is air blowing from under the seal, and the third is that the handle turns with force. All these breakdowns are not complicated and can be easily fixed, and it is not at all necessary to call a specialist: adjusting plastic windows yourself is a matter of minutes. All you need to do is tighten or loosen a few screws. The main thing is to know where and how. More on this in photo and video format.

Winter and summer mode

Most often, plastic windows need to be adjusted for the new season: in winter, complete tightness is desirable, and in summer, you can let in a little fresh air. This is achieved by adjusting the sash pressure density. It's easy to do it yourself. Once you figure it out, you’ll be surprised how simple everything is...

The window sash is pressed to the frame using pins. These are movable metal protrusions on the side surface of the sash. When the handle is turned, they move behind the mating metal plates mounted on the frame. In order to be able to adjust the tightness of the fit of the sash and frame, they have an eccentric - either they themselves are made of an oval shape, or in the center of the round protrusion there is an adjustment with an offset center. By changing the position of the trunnions (see photo), you change the degree of pressure, that is, eliminate the draft from under the sash.

As you can see, the shapes of the locking protrusions can be different. Various tools can be used to adjust them. If your window has eccentrics like those in the picture on the left - oval-shaped protrusions - change their position using pliers: clamp it and turn it in the desired direction.

If the locking tab is round, as in the picture on the left, it can be slotted for a screwdriver or hex key. After examining them, you will easily understand which tool you need: a regular screwdriver or a No. 4 hexagon. Insert a key or screwdriver into the slot and also turn it to the desired position.

Place all the protrusions in the same position. Please note that they are not only on one side of the sash - the outer one, but also on the inner side (at least one, but there is one), and can also be at the top and bottom. Set all the existing locking lugs in the same position, otherwise the frame will warp and there will be blowing from under it.

When adjusting the fittings of plastic windows, remember that weak pressure corresponds to the summer mode of closing plastic windows, standard or strong pressure corresponds to the winter mode. If you carry out maintenance work in winter, first set it to the standard position and check if there is airflow. It is not recommended to immediately pinch the rubber bands on new PVC windows. In this position, the rubber seal installed around the perimeter is strongly pressed. Because of this, over time it loses elasticity. A normal seal has a 15-year warranty, but still... If the pressure is immediately set to maximum, the rubber will deteriorate faster. As a result, once again setting the winter position on the plastic windows, you will find that it is still blowing from under the sash, and the rubber is all cracked. This means it's time to change the seal. This is also not very difficult, but it takes more time, and you still need to buy tires.

So: the winter and summer positions of plastic windows are set by changing the position of the locking lugs - trunnions. Everything is explained in detail in the video below. After viewing, adjusting plastic windows yourself will finally cease to be a problem.

How to adjust a window so it doesn't blow

Sometimes, plastic windows, even after moving the trunnions to the position of strong pressure, are not airtight - there is a blow from under the sash and replacing the rubber does not help. This usually happens when the house shrinks. In this case, they say that the window sags. When this happens, contact between the locking lug and the strike plate is lost. When you turn the handle, the protrusion-trunnion should go behind the plate, pressing the sash. If this does not happen and drafts occur, the heat is blown out of the room.

Where are the trunnions (pressing lugs) usually located?

When a plastic window sag, the adjustment is different: you need to move the sash so that those protrusions that do not reach the plates catch on them.

First you need to decide which of the trunnions do not reach the locking plates. This is done mechanically. First, inspect the sash, remember where the protrusions are. Close the window. Grasp the sash frame where the trunnions are installed and pull it towards you.

If there is contact, the frame remains motionless, if not, it moves. So you check in which places there is no contact and determine in which direction the sash needs to be moved. This is done by adjusting the lower and upper loops.

Bottom Hinge Adjustment

If the PVC window somewhere below does not close, we will move the sash using the lower hinge. There are two adjustments: one in the horizontal plane - moves closer to the hinge or further from it, and the second - in the vertical - raises or lowers the sash a couple of millimeters.

To move the lower part of the sash closer or further to the hinge, it is opened. At the bottom of the sang there is an adjustment hole for a hex key (sometimes for an asterisk).

A hexagon is inserted into it, turning it clockwise brings the lower corner closer to the loop, and turning it counterclockwise moves it away. Move the sash a little and try to close/open it. Once the result is achieved, stop. If the resource is turned all the way, but there is no result, return everything to its original position: this is the wrong adjustment.

This screw can be used to correct the situation if, when closing the window, the sash touches the frame at the bottom. By bringing it a little closer to the loop, you will eliminate this problem.

There is a second adjustment screw on the bottom hinge. To get to it, you need to place the sash for ventilation and remove the decorative trim. It can be easily removed, you just need to pull the bottom edge towards you a little (1-2 mm) and pull it up. After removing the protective cap, you will see a recess in the upper part. A 4 mm hexagon is inserted into it. Turning it clockwise raises the sash slightly, turning it counterclockwise lowers it.

We talk in detail about how to remove the decorative cover on the hinge, how and how to adjust the bottom hinge on a PVC window in the following video.

Adjusting the top hinge

If the top corner of a plastic window does not close, you need to move it. To do this, open the window at least 90°. You can do less, but it will be inconvenient to work. There is a hinge at the top of the sash. It differs in design from the bottom one, but it also has a hole for a hexagon.

The adjustment screw is on the side. By rotating it, we move the sash further from the hinge (if the trunnions farthest from the hinge do not close) or closer to the hinge. One thing - there must be a gap of several millimeters between the sash and the hinge: it is necessary for the tilt and turn mechanism to fit there. Therefore, turn the key half a turn and check how the window opens/closes.

Sometimes this adjustment does not help. Then it is required press the top corner against the frame. There is another screw for this - on the tilt and turn mechanism. To have access to this screw, you will have to open the window in two positions at once. To do this, open the sash and press the lock. It usually comes in two designs - in the form of a locking loop or a tongue (see photo below).

The blocker is retracted all the way, holding it, the handle is turned for ventilation, the upper edge of the sash is pulled slightly towards you, and the rotating mechanism is opened. A device that holds the sash open. On one of the plates there is a protrusion for the same hex key. By turning it, you can adjust the tightness of the upper corner of the sash. It is necessary if the upper corner of the plastic window does not close.

You can watch the video again to see how to adjust plastic windows yourself. Explanations to the point, accessible and without unnecessary words.

The plastic window does not close

Sometimes the geometry of the window opening changes so much that even moving the sash to the maximum, we do not get the desired result: the plastic window does not close. What to do in this case? If there is an adjustment on the mating part, as in options a and b in the photo, try to get by with a little damage - tighten it further here. The principle is the same: insert the hex key and rotate it clockwise, pushing it to the maximum.

If a few millimeters are missing not in depth, but sideways, then will have to be installed under the mating part of the lining. They are cut from a piece of white plastic. The maximum thickness is 3-4 mm. First, unscrew the screws and remove the stops. Two gaskets are cut out: one is installed from below, the second from the side. As a result, the stop moves 3 mm deeper into the sash.

They are first installed on the desired place of the lining, on them there is a stop, which is screwed with a self-tapping screw. Protruding pieces of plastic are cut off with a sharp knife. Check whether the window closes or not.

If this does not help, there is another way: move the sash frame. It is quite flexible and can be moved about 5mm. The procedure is as follows:

If you look closely, you can see that the frame is slightly curved. The main thing is that the window now closes. In 99% of cases this is enough. If you are unlucky and all these tricks do not produce results, you need to remove the slopes and also bend the frame.

You can watch all the steps described above in the video.

Adjusting and replacing handles

A fairly common problem: the handle is difficult to turn. If the problem is not eliminated in time, due to excessive efforts, it breaks, leaving a short stump with which you definitely can’t do anything.

First, how to make the handle close again easily. The locking mechanisms must first be cleaned and lubricated. First, accumulated dust and dirt are removed, wiped dry, then all moving parts are lubricated. You need to use pure oils, without alkalis and acids. The best option is machine oil, you can use any analogue or modern product from a spray can.

Having lubricated all the rubbing and moving parts, open/close the sash several times and turn it on its hinges. Everything should move smoothly, without jerking.

If there are still problems, most likely during the process of adjustments or changes in the geometry of the window, the blocker has shifted. It should fit easily into the mating part and press tightly against the frame. Then the handle turns easily. Move the sash and try again.

Now about how to change the handle. The fastener on which it is held is hidden under a decorative overlay. If you look closely, you will see that there is a thin lid. You grab it with your fingers or pry it with your nails, pull it slightly toward you and turn it to one side. Two bolts open. They are unscrewed, the handle is removed, and a new one is put in its place.

We looked at the most common problems and how to fix them. Now not only is adjusting plastic windows not a problem for you, you can also do minor repairs yourself. You can also carry out maintenance yourself (lubrication once a year).