Heating radiators: how to choose the warmest. What types of radiators are better: a comparative review of all types of heating batteries Heating batteries for an apartment

It’s good to sit in a soft chair on long winter evenings and drink tea with lemon, watching the suffering of another Maria from a television series. It’s dark outside, only occasionally the howls of a snowstorm can be heard. The apartment is warm and cozy, you can hear crackling and rustling sounds from the radiator. But this shouldn’t happen! A high-quality device operates silently and heats the air well in the room.

In order not to torment yourself with constant music from the heating system and not to save your property as a result of leaking batteries, let's find out which heating radiators are best suited for an apartment.

Most multi-storey buildings have a central heating system, when the coolant heated in boiler rooms or thermal power plants is transferred to the consumer. But the water circulating through the pipes receives many harmful impurities that cause corrosion of devices. Residents often have unstable temperature conditions of radiators and the risk associated with pressure surges in the general heating network. What kind of batteries are best to install for heating in an apartment?

Experts advise choosing devices that can withstand possible troubles with honor:

  1. Due to poor-quality coolant, it is advisable to purchase batteries with a special internal coating or with walls made of chemically neutral material. Before buying heating radiators, pay attention to the thickness of the material: you need to choose batteries in which small abrasive particles that get inside cannot wipe the walls.
  2. The pressure in the heating systems of large modern houses is usually within 12-15 atmospheres, and in the so-called Khrushchev buildings it does not exceed 6-9. Therefore, when choosing a radiator, make sure that its declared pressure exceeds what is available in the heating system of the house.
  3. When choosing a heating battery for an apartment made of a certain material, it is advisable to know whether it can withstand water hammer. Not all radiators emerge from such situations undamaged.
  4. The main function of such a device is to heat the room. Therefore, batteries must have good heat dissipation and a normal service life, so as not to have headaches with frequent replacement of heating devices.
  5. The modern market is very diverse. You can choose the best radiators with suitable characteristics for heating your apartment.

Types of modern radiators and their differences

Let’s find out how and based on what points you can choose the right heating radiator for your apartment:

  • According to the material from which the battery is made. It affects the weight of the device, heat transfer, and relationship to the coolant.
  • According to the chosen design and size, based on the area of ​​the apartment, ceiling height, design.
  • In terms of power and operating pressure, based on the heating network available in the house.

Now you can name what heating radiators there are for an apartment, characterize them and decide what is best for creating a comfortable climate. Today, manufacturers can offer batteries: made of cast iron, aluminum alloy, steel, bimetallic.

Cast iron radiators

Such radiators first appeared in Russia more than 150 years ago. In the 20th century, cast iron batteries began to be crowded out by more modern competitors, but even today these devices occupy a significant part of the market.
The ageless popularity of these types of heating radiators for apartments is based on their characteristics, which make them ideally suited to the heating networks of multi-storey buildings.

The advantages of cast iron appliances include the following qualities:

  • Cast iron batteries do not corrode. Due to interaction with the coolant, the internal walls of the device are covered with a special black sediment, which prevents oxygen from destroying the cast iron. For safety and durability, a persistent coloring composition is applied to the outer surface of the battery.
  • Any coolant can be suitable for cast iron radiators. Bringing with it impurities from sand and debris, the liquid can cause irreparable damage to the inside of the device. But not the one made of cast iron. Because it is chemically passive and does not react with various substances, and its walls are thick enough to withstand the invasion of various environments. In addition, such radiators do not seethe and it is very rare to bleed air from them.
  • Many consider cast iron appliances to be the best heating radiators for an apartment, which can be perfectly combined with pipes made of any material. Their production pressure starts from 9 atmospheres and can withstand values ​​equal to 20 units. This suggests that such a radiator can easily withstand water hammer.

Take note! The design of the cast iron radiator allows you to remove or add sections. Maintenance in case of repair is also simple; they can be removed, disassembled and the inside cleaned.

Cast iron models have a number of disadvantages:

  • This radiator takes a long time to heat up, unlike other similar devices. But it cools down slowly after switching off.
  • A battery made of cast iron has a slow heat transfer compared to the same models made of steel or aluminum, which require less coolant to function, and they release heat one and a half times more.
  • Radiators also have an impressive weight, for example, one section weighs 5-6 kg. And almost a liter of water is poured into each department. A similar aluminum device requires only 0.4 liters.

Whether the traditional design of cast iron batteries can be considered a disadvantage is a moot point. Of course, such a choice is unlikely to be suitable for luxury housing with exclusive interiors. But in rooms designed in loft, Provence, and eclectic styles, it is quite appropriate to place them. Those who wish can also hide their least favorite shapes under various screens and panels. Or purchase for your apartment the best glamorous models of heating radiators, specially created in retro style. Pay attention to the photo.

Aluminum batteries, lightweight, with good heat dissipation, made a real revolution with their appearance on the heating market in the mid-60s of the 20th century.

The heat transfer of such batteries is quite high because aluminum has low inertia. It is possible to regulate the temperature in the apartment. The radiator is lightweight, easy to transport and easy to install; it is possible to independently assemble the required number of sections. The external surface of the battery has a special polymer coating that protects it from mechanical stress.

When deciding which heating radiators are best to choose for an apartment with a closed heating network, you can choose aluminum ones, because they suit any style and have a nice design. There are many interesting models of different heights and lengths, among which you can find ones that suit your taste and income.

But according to reviews from many buyers and the opinion of experts, it was decided that for heating apartments with a common heating system, the choice of such radiators is not entirely successful. There are several reasons for this:

  • Aluminum batteries require constant pressure of up to 12 atmospheres. It is unlikely that the heating networks of apartment buildings with periodically uneven pressure and the possibility of water hammer can be suitable for such conditions. And the existing coolant in them causes a lot of reproaches.
  • The coolant with oxygen circulating in the heating system is very unreliable for the described radiators. By reacting with aluminum, this gaseous substance can turn into hydrogen, which creates constant noise and air voids in the batteries. This ultimately leads to paralysis of the operation of such a radiator.
  • Installation of aluminum batteries eliminates the choice of connecting parts made of steel, copper, and brass. When these metals interact, reactions occur that lead to corrosion of the radiator surface. Surface discharges can also form. Therefore, a mandatory requirement for aluminum batteries is their installation with plastic pipes and grounding.

Having learned the advantages and weaknesses of aluminum appliances, we can say that they are more suitable for apartments and private houses with closed-loop autonomous heating.

The appearance of such radiators, which differs from conventional batteries, initially appealed to many consumers. Instead of massive cast iron sections, the device's lightweight ribbed plates looked like aliens from the Middle Ages. For some consumers, there was no need to raise the question of which heating battery is best for an apartment.

There are two types of steel appliances available:

  • panel ones have the form of plates, are unpretentious in operation and simple in design;
  • Tubular are a series of steel pipes that quickly heat up and cool down after being turned off.

Advantages of steel radiators:

  • They have good thermal conductivity. The thickness of the battery walls is less than that of cast iron, which causes faster heating.
  • They have a fairly long service life due to the simplicity of their design.
  • Easy to install due to its light weight. And you can connect them to the heating system in several ways.
  • The price of panel radiators is cheaper than similar aluminum models. But this does not apply to tubular types, which are much more expensive and are purchased for luxury housing.

Having decided to choose a steel radiator, you need to accurately calculate its power. It will become impossible to purchase additional sections and expand such a battery. A consultant in a store or a specialist installing heating equipment will help you make the necessary calculations and buy the right model.

They have steel radiators and a number of disadvantages:

  • Poor corrosion resistance. To avoid this, you need to keep the device constantly filled with water. In its absence, the inside begins to become covered with rust. Therefore, panel steel radiators are not suitable for centralized heating systems, which operate in most multi-storey buildings. They regularly drain coolant both during preventive maintenance and as a result of emergencies.
  • May not withstand water hammer. Occurring serious pressure surges in the heating system can cause the battery to lose its shape or burst at the seams. In working condition, they can withstand 6-10 atmospheres. Experts advise using batteries in houses no more than five floors high or in autonomous heating systems.
  • On low-quality radiators, the paint may begin to peel off after a few years.

Bimetallic radiators

Radiators, which are an alloy of tubular steel base and aluminum panels, were invented more than 60 years ago. Combining the technical components of two metals created modern heating radiators for apartments, which began to compete with cast iron counterparts.

Any model of such a radiator consists of two parts. The internal part is a steel circuit in which the coolant is located. The outer one is made of aluminum alloy panels that give off heat. The liquid, moving through steel pipes, heats the plates without coming into contact with them.

The combination of the best qualities of two metals: the high degree of heat transfer of aluminum with the long service life of steel - provided radiators with the opportunity to become very popular among homeowners and decide which radiators are better for central heating. Such batteries are produced in the form of monolithic panels without connecting seams, eliminating possible leakage, and devices consisting of separate sections. The second type allows you to increase or decrease the battery area using a system of gaskets and nipples. It is more affordable.

By choosing bimetallic radiators, you receive the following advantages:

  • The ability of monolithic models to withstand pressure of 35 atmospheres.
  • Compatible with any coolant due to the treatment of the internal surfaces of steel pipes with a special composition.
  • Fast heating and high efficiency due to heating of two metals.
  • The presence of thermostats that allow you to independently coordinate the temperature.
  • Light weight and relative ease of installation complement the stylish appearance.

No matter what shortcomings the heating system has, you can choose bimetallic radiators for your apartment and house. But long-term operation, due to the different expansion coefficients of steel and aluminum alloy, can lead to squeaks in the batteries and a decrease in their durability. Other disadvantages include the high price. But you always have to pay more for quality.

Division of radiators by class

Having found out what types of batteries there are for heating an apartment, they can be classified into several classes according to quality and cost:

  • Economy class includes inexpensive models made of cast iron and aluminum alloy.
  • The middle class consists of a wide selection of bimetallic and steel structures with reliable performance.
  • The premium class consists of models made of stainless steel, designer cast iron devices and some bimetallic structures.

You can visually evaluate which heating radiators are best for an apartment in the photo.

Before you begin assembling a heating system for a country house, it is imperative to develop its detailed design. In this case, first of all, you need to decide on the type of equipment needed, as well as make all the required calculations. for a private home, how to choose the right boiler and pipes for the mains, what type of wiring will be better in this or that case - read about all this further in the article.

Main design elements

To assemble a heating system in a country house you will need to purchase:

  • radiators;

    circulation pump;

    pipes for highways.

You will also need to buy an expansion tank. In modern heating systems, mainly only membrane equipment of this type is used.

What to consider when choosing radiators

When purchasing batteries, you should first pay attention to:

    their design features;

    maximum working pressure;


    number of sections.

Which heating radiator is best for a private home: main varieties

Modern industry produces several types of such equipment. In specialized stores you can find batteries:

    cast iron;

    of steel;

    made of aluminum;


All these types of heating radiators are quite suitable for a private home. The choice in this case depends mainly on the operational characteristics of a particular system and the financial capabilities of the owners of the building itself.

Cast iron batteries

The main advantages of radiators of this type are low cost and durability. Cast iron batteries are not subject to corrosion and can last faithfully for up to 50 years. In addition, they are undemanding to the quality of the coolant and can easily withstand quite serious pressure in the system - up to 12 atmospheres.

Cast iron models thus have a lot of advantages, and therefore in some cases they can be an excellent answer to the question of which radiators to choose for heating a private home. However, despite the large number of advantages, such batteries are installed quite rarely in residential suburban buildings. The thing is that Soviet radiators of this variety look too old-fashioned. It is almost impossible to fit them harmoniously into a modern interior. In addition, these batteries weigh a lot and can mainly only be used in buildings with very strong walls. For example, they are absolutely not suitable for a house built from foam concrete.

Cast iron heating radiators are suitable for a private home, but when deciding to choose just such models, it is worth keeping in mind that they are not particularly high in efficiency. Such batteries heat up rather slowly, and their heat transfer is not particularly large.

Steel models

Radiators of this type, unlike cast iron ones, warm up very quickly. This makes them simply ideal for heating systems with temperature control. In addition, steel batteries do not weigh too much. Therefore, they can be installed in buildings with walls made of any materials, including foam blocks or SIP panels.

Steel radiators for heating a private house are thus quite suitable. Their only disadvantages are their fragility and inability to withstand significant pressure. The second drawback for a private house usually does not play too big a role. After all, the pressure in the pipes in such buildings is most often not particularly high. If this indicator in the system does not exceed 7-8 atmospheres, you can safely buy steel models. However, you should also pay attention to the quality of the coolant. If an effective water purification system from a well or well is not installed in the house, you should still refuse to purchase such equipment. When using low-quality coolant, such radiators quickly rust and begin to leak.

When answering the question about which radiators to choose for heating a private home, you should also think about purchasing a relatively new type of steel equipment of this type, which recently appeared on the domestic market. We are talking about batteries made of stainless steel. Such radiators can last even longer than cast iron ones, are characterized by high efficiency and attractive appearance. However, such equipment, unfortunately, is quite expensive. Only owners of elite cottages can afford batteries of this type.

Aluminum models

The main advantage of such radiators is their attractive appearance. Aluminum batteries look very modern and easily fit into almost any interior. They are inexpensive, but, like cast iron, they are used extremely rarely in private homes. It's all about their increased demands on the quality of the coolant. In an acidic environment, aluminum reacts very quickly, releasing quite a large amount of gas. And this, in turn, leads to airing of the system and its failure.

Aluminum heating radiators for a private home are therefore only suitable when the lines use a sufficiently clean coolant. As for pressure, such models can easily withstand loads of up to 15 atm.

Bimetallic batteries

When answering the question about which heating radiator is best for a private home, you should think about purchasing a model of this particular type first. Bimetallic batteries are currently perhaps the most popular type of such equipment. The design of radiators of this type includes elements made of two types of metal - aluminum and steel (or copper). Hence their name. The advantages of bimetallic radiators, among other things, include:

    ability to withstand very high coolant pressure (up to 35 atm) and water hammer;

    attractive appearance;

    light weight;

    durability (can last up to 25 years).

In general, bimetallic heating radiators are best suited for a private home. Reviews of models of this type available on the Internet clearly indicate this. Country property owners consider such equipment to be of very high quality, easy to install and operate. In appearance, such radiators resemble aluminum ones, but at the same time they are much more reliable. Their design is such that they look like a monolithic product. Since the performance characteristics of such batteries are better than aluminum ones, they cost a little more (about 25%).

Radiators power

When calculating the heating of a private house, you should start by determining this particular indicator. The selection of radiators for a large cottage, of course, should be entrusted to specialists. If the system is assembled in a small one-story private house, this procedure can be carried out independently, according to a simplified scheme.

    total area of ​​the room;

    necessary compensation for heat loss.

The latter indicator, when using a simplified calculation scheme, is usually defined as 1 kW of power per 10 m 2 of room (or per 1 m 2 100 W). That is, in order to find out which batteries of what capacity are needed in a particular case, you should simply substitute the required value into the formula N=S*100*1.45, where S is the area of ​​the room, 1.45 is the coefficient of possible heat leakage.

Next, let's look at how to calculate heating radiators for a private house using a specific example. This procedure is actually quite easy to perform. For example, for a room 4 m wide and 5 m long, the calculation will look like this:

  • 20*100=2000 W;

    2000*1.45=2900 W.

Heating radiators are most often installed under windows. The required number is selected accordingly. Houses with an area of ​​20 m2 usually have 2 windows. Therefore, in our example, we will need two radiators with a power of 1450 W each. This indicator can be adjusted first of all by changing the number of sections in the battery. But, of course, in any case there should be just enough of them for the radiator to fit freely in the niche under the window.

The power of one section in different types of batteries may vary. So, for bimetallic radiators with a height of 500 mm, this figure is usually 180 W, and for cast iron - 160 W.

How to choose a boiler

So, we found out which heating radiator is best for a private home. If desired, for a country building you can choose either cast iron, aluminum, steel or bimetallic batteries. In this case, everything depends mainly on the quality of the coolant, the pressure in the system and the interior features of the premises. However, when drawing up a project, of course, you should determine the characteristics of other necessary equipment. In particular, it is necessary to calculate the boiler power. Modern industry produces four types of such equipment:

    gas boilers;


    liquid fuel;

    solid fuel.

These are the types of boilers that are mainly on sale today for heating private homes. How to choose a specific type of such equipment is actually not a very difficult question. Most often they are installed in houses. Installation of them is usually quite expensive. But at the same time, such equipment is quite economical and convenient to use. They are cheap, but are expensive to operate. Therefore, they are most often installed only if there is no gas main near the house.

Solid fuel and diesel heating boilers are used mostly in buildings built in remote areas. That is, where there is no gas supply and no power lines. Such equipment is usually quite expensive and not very convenient to use.

Boilers for heating a private house: how to choose power

In order to determine this indicator, a specialist is usually also hired. You can try to calculate the boiler power yourself only for a small country house. As when choosing radiators, in this case the basis is the fact that 1 kW of boiler power is required per 10 m 2 of room area.

Selecting a wiring diagram

Heating system lines can be laid in different ways. In small country houses, the simplest “Leningradka” or dead-end two-pipe system is usually used. In residential cottages with several floors, a collector circuit is more often used. In one-story houses of a very large area, a very efficient heating system can be installed, called

How to determine the required diameter of lines

When calculating the heating of a private house, you should, of course, calculate this indicator. If the diameter of the lines is incorrectly selected, the system will not work effectively. To buy suitable pipes, you first need to decide:

    with the thermal power of the system;

    optimal coolant pressure.

The first indicator is calculated by the formula Q=(V*Δt*K)*860, where V is the volume of the room, Δt is the difference in air temperatures indoors and outdoors, K is a correction factor (depends on the degree of insulation of the building and is determined using a special table) .

The optimal speed of coolant movement in the system is 0.36-0.7 m/s. The resulting value of thermal power and the selected pressure indicator should simply be inserted into the table for determining the diameter of the pipes.

As for the material of highways, in our time both in small country houses and cottages, metal-plastic is usually used. However, if desired, you can install steel or even expensive and very durable copper pipes in a private residential building.

Buying a circulation pump

When choosing this type of equipment, you should decide mainly on two indicators:

    with working pressure;

    with performance.

The second characteristic is calculated by the formula P = 3.6 x Q/(c x ΔT) (kg/h), where ΔT is the difference between the air temperatures outside and indoors, c is the specific 1.6 dimension.

The required pump pressure can be determined by the formula J= (F+R x L)/p x g (m), where F is the resistance of the reinforcement, R is the hydraulic resistance, L is the length of the section, p is the density of the working fluid, g is the acceleration of gravity .

To choose the right heating radiators, you need to know about their basic technical parameters. Otherwise, the result may not meet expectations. There are not many really important parameters for radiators, so even a non-professional can easily figure them out.

Features of choosing heating devices

Now people no longer need to hide or, because modern devices can become a worthy decoration of any interior. Radiators that are sold today may differ in color, size, material of manufacture and general design style, so it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Attention! Despite the fact that we are accustomed to light-colored batteries, the heat transfer of black devices is approximately ¼ higher solely due to color. Although when choosing a color, it is better to focus on the design of the home and personal preferences.

Regarding the shape, it must be streamlined. For safety reasons, it is advisable to avoid sharp corners altogether, especially if children live in the house. Before purchasing, familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of each of the existing types of radiators to determine which one is best suited for a particular room. The first thing you should pay attention to is the operating pressure of the devices.

Depending on the material, radiators are divided into:

The above-mentioned pressure, heat transfer coefficient, heat capacity, resistance to mechanical and chemical damage, as well as service life depend on the material.

Radiators in the interior

Also pay attention to the method of connection to the heating main. The connection can be side, bottom and universal. It is typical that modern radiators provide all these connection methods.

Attention! The environmental friendliness of the material used in the manufacture of heating devices is also very important. There should be no formaldehyde in the internal elements, and high-quality polymer coating on the surface is also welcome.

Now in more detail about each material.

Characteristics of aluminum radiators

Heating devices made from are considered one of the most popular types of radiators. Aluminum is a light and ductile metal, therefore, batteries made from it weigh a little and have increased heat transfer.

The devices consist of sections, each of which is a set of interconnected plates. Thanks to this, heat saving here is also at a fairly high level.

Advantages similar units are as follows:

At the same time, after turning off the heating, such radiators cool down quite quickly. Among the others shortcomings worth highlighting:

  • instability to chemical influences (the problem can be solved by polymer coating on the inner surface);
  • low strength;
  • poor quality of the threaded connection in the top valve for releasing air from the system.

In view of this, before purchasing it is necessary to inquire about the operating pressure of the heating system. The maximum pressure of a particular product must be looked at in the data sheet, since it is different for different models.

But still, according to its characteristics, aluminum is excellent for the manufacture of radiators, and its fusibility has made it possible to significantly expand the model range. Today you can choose exactly the battery that fits perfectly into the interior of your home.

Table 1. Comparison of aluminum batteries from well-known brands

ManufacturerModelWeight, kgpower, kWtVolume, lPressure, bar.Dimensions, cmDistance between axles, cm
1. Rifar, Russian FederationAlum 5001,45 0,183 0,27 20 9x8x56.550
2. Fondital, ItalyCalidor Super-5001,32 0,193 0,3 16 9.7x8x55.750
2. Rovall, (Italy)Alux-5001,31 0,179 0,23 20 10x8x54.550
3. Radiatori 20000 S.p.A.500R1,6 0,199 0,58 16 9.5x8x57.750
4. FaralGreen HP-3501,12 0,136 0,26 16 8x8x4335
5. FaralTrioHP-5001,58 0,212 0,5 16 9.5x8x5850

Aluminum radiators from STOUT Bravo are ideal for installation in apartments and houses with individual heating. These heating devices are manufactured at the GLOBAL plant, Italy. Each stage of production is controlled by European specialists. Each section is manufactured by injection molding and is a monolith of two collectors and fins connecting the sections. Available center distance is 350 or 500 mm. Manufacturer's warranty – 10 years.

Prices for popular models of aluminum heating radiators

Aluminum heating radiators

Characteristics of bimetallic batteries

The main difference between bimetallic radiators is the use of two different metals in the manufacturing process - steel to create the core and aluminum to assemble the body. Thanks to this, the rod is very durable. Another advantage of such products is their high working pressure, which can reach 50 (!) atmospheres. Moreover, steel works well even with water that contains various impurities, while aluminum heats up quickly and gives off maximum heat.

In short, the use of two metals at once made it possible to obtain radiators that have the advantages of each of them. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the cost of these devices is the highest among all possible options.

Attention! are used primarily for heating industrial and public facilities. In residential buildings they are rare due to their high cost.

The service life is 20-25 years, which is quite normal.

Table 2. Comparison of bimetallic radiators

Manufacturer/ModelWorking fluid temperature, ᵒСWeight, kgVolume, lpower, kWtOperating pressureSection dimensions, cm
1. Sira Group/Gladiator-500110 1,6 0,42 0,185 30 8x8x42.3
2.Gordi/Gordi-500100 1,7 0,3 0,181 30 8x8x57.2
. Rifar/Rifar Monolit-350135 1,5 0,18 0,136 100 8x10x41.5
4.Tenrad/Tenrad-500120 1,44 0,22 0,161 24 7.7x8x55
5.Global/Style-350110 1,56 0,16 0,125 35 8x8x42.5

All the advantages of using bimetallic radiators are clearly expressed in the design of STOUT Space heating devices. These radiators are easy to install, they are suitable for rooms of any design and have a reliable design. The maximum pressure that a heating device can withstand is 100 atmospheres. Production - Russian plant "RIFAR", the largest in the country. Service life - 25 years, warranty from the manufacturer - 10 years. available from 4 to 14 - you can complete any object and select a radiator for a room of any size.

Prices for bimetallic batteries

Bimetallic batteries

Characteristics of cast iron radiators

Such batteries are the most common and well-known option for everyone, since they are installed in most standard apartments. Agree, old cast iron appliances can hardly be considered stylish and attractive. New models look better, but in terms of aesthetic indicators they are still significantly inferior to devices made from other materials.

As you know, cast iron is very heavy. Batteries made from it weigh a lot, which cannot but affect the complexity of transportation and installation.

Let's consider their main advantages.

But cast iron also has flaws, among which:

  • significant weight;
  • slow heating;
  • unaesthetic.

Attention! Despite the abundance of more modern analogues, many prefer to install cast iron batteries, trusting what has been tested for decades.

Table 3. Comparison of cast iron batteries from the most famous manufacturers

Manufacturer/ModelWeight, kgVolume, lHeating area per section, m²Power, WPressure, atm.Dimensions, mm
1. Konner, ModernUp to 4.75Up to 0.96- Up to 15012 80x60x565
2. World Cup-3Up to 71,38 0,25 156 9 120x90x570
2. World Cup-2Up to 6.30,8-0,95 0,2 100-142 9 100x80x570
2. World Cup-1Up to 4.80,9 0,1-0,16 110 9 70x80x570
5. MS-140Up to 7.11,45 0,24 160 9 140x93x588

Prices for popular models of cast iron radiators

Cast iron radiators

Low carbon steel is used in the manufacture of these devices. For protection purposes, the surface is coated with special enamel. If they are of good quality, then they have excellent performance parameters, including:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • durability;
  • resistance to various types of aggressive substances.

Such batteries can be tubular or panel.

Tubular devices

For their assembly, steel pipes with high quality polymer coating are used. The maximum load that the devices can handle depends solely on the thickness of the pipe walls. It is desirable that the pipes are made of stainless steel.

The service life of tubular devices significantly exceeds that of panel devices and is about 30 years. It is possible to connect using all the methods described above. The operating pressure is 10-16 atmospheres; more detailed data should be clarified in the product data sheet.

Prominent representatives of tubular radiators are models produced by Loten:

  • Loten Gray V;
  • horizontal LotenGrey Z.

These radiators are made of steel profile pipes with a rectangular cross-section. In addition to providing comfortable heating, the presented radiators demonstrate the latest trends in the design of heating devices, fitting perfectly into the interior of any home.

When creating Loten tubular radiators there were two main ideas:

  • create high-quality heating equipment: for the manufacture of radiators, high-strength metal with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm is used, due to which these heating devices have an operating pressure of 16 atm. Radiators withstand test pressure of 25 atm;
  • at the same time turn the battery into a stylish element of the interior of a home, office space, public location, etc.

The presented heater models can have a different number of sections, from 4 to 12. The length of the sections varies from 750 to 2000 mm. The price of each heating element is directly dependent on the following parameters:

  • number and length of sections;
  • connection type (side/bottom).

At no extra charge, you can purchase radiator models painted in colors that are at the peak of popularity in relation to interior design:

  • matte black;
  • classic white;
  • soft beige;
  • concrete gray.

However, lovers of bright furnishings can order any other colors and shades.

The presented radiator models are suitable for connection to a central as well as an autonomous system. The size range is really wide; you can equip the presented radiators with both a cozy small one-room apartment and a spacious country mansion.

Each model can be with side or bottom connection. Heating systems that are suitable for this battery can be:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

The high quality of the material and the laconic style of the products will allow them to take a place not only in the apartment, but also in the list of your preferred interior items for many years. Their peculiarity is that they have a long service life (warranty - 5 years, service life - 30 years), so you won’t have to think about changing batteries soon. This means you can confidently trust the manufacturer and make a choice in favor of the devices reviewed.

Panel instruments

As the name suggests, such radiators are made in the form of panels. To do this, a certain number of steel plates are connected to each other. Thanks to this assembly, high heat capacity is achieved, while the thickness of each individual plate is insignificant. In addition, they weigh a little and provide the ability to connect in all available ways.

Attention! Before purchasing new heating devices, look at how your old ones are connected. It is advisable that new batteries do the same.

The cost of panel radiators is slightly higher than average; the operating pressure is 10 atmospheres. According to experts, such units are best used in autonomous heating systems. As for city apartments, the use of such batteries is unacceptable due to too high pressure in the central system.

Table 4. Comparison of steel radiators measuring 50x50 cm from the most famous manufacturers

ManufacturerConnectionWeight, kgVolume, lPower, W (at +70ᵒС)Maximum permissible liquid temperature, ᵒСPressure, atm.
1.DeLonghi RADEL(Italy)Lower14,9 3,1 1079 110 8,7
2. Purmo (Finland)Side + bottom13,6 2,6 926 110 10
3. Korado Radik (Czech Republic)Side + bottom15,6 2 914 110 10
4. “Lidea” (Belarus)Side + bottom15,1 3,3 1080 110 8,6
5. Buderus (Germany)Side + bottom14,1 3,15 913 120 10
6. Kermi (Germany)Side + bottom17,7 2,7 965 110 10

Prices for steel radiators

Steel radiators

As a conclusion

It is worth noting that any of the described types of batteries can be used for heating systems in residential premises. Although the purchase of bimetallic devices is often impractical, because their advantages are almost the same as those of aluminum, and the cost is several times higher. Therefore, it is better to let them continue to remain in industrial and public facilities.

It is undesirable to install aluminum appliances in apartments due to pressure drops in the system, which negatively affect the metal. The optimal and proven option for apartments over the years is cast iron batteries. One way or another, you need to focus on financial capabilities and personal wishes.

For those who do not want to dive into independent calculations, we recommend using a special calculator for calculations, which takes into account almost all the nuances that affect the efficiency of heating a room.

When restoring a heating system or installing a new one, a logical question arises - which radiators to choose so that they are not only efficient and heat the home well, but also fit perfectly into the interior. Despite the fact that the appearance of the heating elements is important, first of all you should pay attention to technical characteristics, such as operating pressure, maximum temperature, and the material from which the batteries are made. However, which heating radiators for an apartment are best to choose among all the variety presented on the heating systems market? Let's try to understand the basic criteria for choosing heating devices.

Read in the article:

Which is the best heating radiator for an apartment?

Water entering the heating system from a centralized water supply goes a long way, carrying various chemical and mechanical impurities that slowly but surely lead to the destruction of pipes and heating elements. Frequent water hammers also play an important role in the failure of the radiator, causing the devices to burst and leak, flooding everything around with hot water. Therefore, before choosing heating radiators for an apartment, you need to study the basic criteria that high-quality and efficient heating devices must meet.

What you should pay attention to first of all is the metal from which the radiator is made, in particular its physical and chemical parameters. The battery must withstand pressure 1.5 times higher than that created in the heating circuit. For example, in Soviet houses this figure does not exceed 5-8 atm, while in the heating circuit of modern high-rise buildings it is 12-15 atm.

The market offers a huge selection of radiators of any color, configuration and material.

Also, the metal from which the heating battery is made must be resistant to sudden pressure surges in the system, to the so-called “water hammer”. For your information, if you notice that clicks and hums are heard in the pipes, then it is better to contact utility workers, since this is a sure sign that not everything is in order with the pressure and it is better to immediately prevent the possibility of an accident.

Before choosing a heating radiator battery, you should consider that the water in our water supply is full of various chemical compounds and mechanical particles, so the metal used to produce heating devices must be able to resist corrosion and other damage.

The efficiency indicator is heat transfer. Accordingly, if you want the room to be warm in winter, you need to choose heating radiators that have high heat output.

Service life. Everything is clear here, because the larger it is, the less often the heating batteries will have to be changed, which means there is an opportunity to save significant money and effort.

The design of the radiator is very important, since the heating device must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. The huge range of heating devices on the market allows you to purchase batteries for every taste and budget, but at the same time it makes it difficult to choose.

So, before choosing heating batteries for your apartment, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and only then make a purchase and begin installing them.

Main types of heating radiators for apartments

As we have already understood, choosing radiators is not an easy task, and in order to make your task easier, you first need to learn a little about the types of heating radiators in the apartments of modern houses.

Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron radiators

Nondescript and massive cast-iron heating radiators are familiar to the older generation from the days of the USSR. Modern cast iron radiators look more neat and elegant. Like everything in this world, a cast iron heating battery, the price of which varies depending on the model and manufacturer, has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • long service life, which is over 50 years;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • undemanding to the cleanliness of the coolant;
  • long-term heat retention in cases of heating system shutdown;
  • acceptable cost.

The disadvantages are that cast iron batteries take a long time to heat up, are heavy, difficult to install and are practically not protected from water hammer.

General technical characteristics of cast iron heating radiators MS-140-500

The standard section has a volume of 4 liters and a weight of 7.5 kg. The heating area is 0.23 m2. Heating occurs due to convection currents (no more than 20%), and the rest is due to radiation. That is why cast iron batteries are mounted under windows.

Heating batteries made of steel

Steel heating radiators are available in two versions - panel and tubular. Schematically, panel batteries look like two steel panels, 1.2 mm thick, with stamped channels for coolant and welded together. To make the radiator more efficient, 2-3 panels are connected parallel to each other. As a result, such a steel three-panel battery, the same size as its cast iron counterpart, weighs almost the same, and with a thickness of 160 mm. even exceeds it. When deciding to buy steel heating radiators for your apartment, you need to take into account that the performance of panel batteries in terms of heat transfer is no better than models made of cast iron.

Among the positive aspects of panel radiators it is worth noting:

  • Efficiency reaching up to 77%;
  • high heat transfer;
  • environmental Safety;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages for owners of steel panel heating radiators include:

  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • inappropriate installation in high-rise buildings due to the high risk of water hammer;
  • Convection inherent in this type of battery contributes to the formation of drafts.

Consumer interest in tubular steel heating radiators is more due to the variety of shapes, which allows this heating device to fit into almost any interior. Tubular batteries are stronger than panel batteries due to their 1.5 mm wall thickness and can withstand up to 16 atm. For this reason, steel radiators are installed only in houses with autonomous heating.

The advantages of this type of battery are:

  • high working pressure;
  • greater efficiency compared to panel analogues;
  • corrosion protection.

In principle, when comparing panel and tubular radiators, it is worth noting that their strengths and weaknesses are almost the same. However, having the ability to withstand higher operating pressures, tubular steel radiators are much more expensive than their panel counterparts.

Aluminum radiators

Heating radiators are also produced in two modifications - cast and extruded. This nuance must be taken into account when deciding which aluminum radiator to choose for your apartment.

Sections of cast batteries are made separately from an alloy of aluminum and silicon (silumin). Sewing occurs at increased pressure, which makes it possible to obtain sections of very different shapes that can withstand 6-16 atm. For strength, the walls of the batteries are made thick, and for free circulation of the coolant, expanded channels for water are created. Cast sections can be combined into a single battery

The elements of extruded aluminum batteries are made separately, by extrusion, and then joined together. This method is cheap, but in such a radiator you cannot remove or add a section.

Structurally, aluminum batteries are more advanced than their cast iron counterparts. The aluminum section has a depth of 110 mm. versus 140, the heating area is 0.4 m 2, and the volume is 0.5 l. Heat transfer by convection and radiation is approximately the same - almost 50% each. When adding new sections, the heating area increases to 0.5 m2, which increases the share of the convection component to 60%. The heat transfer indicators of an aluminum heating radiator are in the table presented after the types of batteries.

Positive characteristics of aluminum heating radiators:

The disadvantages are:

  • short service life;
  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • vulnerability to water hammer;
  • tendency to leak.

And let’s complete the list of advantages and disadvantages with the rating of an aluminum heating radiator.

PhotoManufacturerModel and dimensions of 1 element (W/H/D), mm.Heat dissipation of 1 battery cell, WApproximate cost of 1 section, rub.
Termal (Russia)Standard Plus 500 (79/531/72)198 From 460
Oasis (Russia)Al 500/80 (79/531/72)170 From 480
SiraALICE ROYAL 95/500 (80/580/95)190 From 580
GlobalISEO 500 (80/582/80)180 From 800
Royal ThermoIndigo 500 (80/591/100)185 From 670

Bimetallic batteries: pros and cons

The design of these heating devices successfully combines the strength of steel and the thermal conductivity of aluminum. Bimetallic radiators are able to withstand pressures of up to 35 atm, and are well resistant to water hammer. When deciding which heating radiators are better for an apartment, bimetallic or made of another material, it is worth taking into account that radiators made of two materials can be connected to the heating system in several ways to ensure maximum efficiency.

The image below shows a sectional view that clearly shows the structure of this heating device.

The advantages of bimetallic batteries include the following:

  • high level of heat transfer;
  • resistance to hydraulic shock;
  • For normal operation, a small volume of coolant is required;
  • ease of installation;
  • attractive appearance.

Among the few disadvantages:

  • lower heat transfer compared to aluminum analogues;
  • high price.

The given table of heat transfer of a bimetallic heating radiator and batteries made of other materials will help determine the choice of the desired design.

Related article:

Technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, connection methods, criteria for the right choice, review of companies, nuances of do-it-yourself installation - read in the publication.

In principle, we have dealt with the types and brief characteristics of heating radiators, and now it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic calculations of the required number of sections, heat transfer and other characteristics.

How to calculate the required number of radiator sections

When reconstructing or creating a new heating system, in order not to suffer from the cold in a poorly heated room, you first need to carry out some calculations that will allow you to select and install effective heating devices. To select the necessary heating devices, as we have already found out, you need to know the material from which they are made, their resistance to corrosion, the heat transfer of the heating radiator, the table given above, the number of sections and much more. The required number of heating radiators is calculated in two ways - by the volume of the room or by its area. It is also necessary to take into account the expected pressure in the central heating battery.

Basic calculations to determine the number of sections and thermal power

Calculation by area

It is believed that in order to compensate for the thermal losses of the building and create a temperature regime that is comfortable for humans, it is necessary to provide thermal power within the range of 100 W/m2. You can use a calculator to determine the required number of heating radiator sections or make simpler calculations using the formula

N = S × 100 / Pc, Where

  • N – number of heating elements of the battery;
  • S – area of ​​the room;
  • PC thermal power of one element of the heating structure (data is indicated in the technical data sheet of the battery).

Calculation by volume

To make a more accurate calculation of the number of heating radiator sections, they resort to calculating the volume of the room that will be heated. Moreover, for a brick house the power of the heating system should be 34 W/m2, and for a panel house – 41 W/m2. Calculations are made using almost the same formula as given above, but slightly modified:

N = S × h × 34(41) / Pc , Where

  • h - ceiling height.

Of course, when deciding to purchase a one-piece, non-separable battery, there is no need to divide the calculations by the thermal power of 1 radiator element. Then the resulting value will mean the total power of the heating battery that is required for a particular room.

It’s worth noting right away that these formulas will only be true for standard average conditions. For this reason, when making calculations by volume or area, it is necessary to take into account correction factors determined by the minimum winter temperature prevailing in the region of residence, the location of the room, the degree of insulation of the walls, the number and type of windows, and the location of doors. Even the installation diagram and location of the radiators can play a big role in calculating the thermal power of the battery.

It is quite difficult to list all this in one article and therefore it is best to use a special calculator.

Calculator for calculating the required thermal power of heating radiators

Send the result to me by email

This calculator makes it possible to calculate the number of heating elements of the selected type of heating battery. To get the result, you just need to enter the required data. In the event that calculations are made only to identify the required total thermal power, then the cell where the specific rated power of one radiator element is requested may not be filled in.

  1. Use the slider to indicate the area of ​​the room, m2
  2. Number of external walls.
  3. Orientation of external walls according to cardinal directions.
  4. Insulation of external walls.
  5. Average air temperature in the region during the coldest period of the year.
  6. Ceiling height.
  7. What is located above the room that is supposed to be heated.
  8. Type and number of windows in the room.
  9. Height and width of windows, mm.
  10. The number of doors leading from the room onto an uninsulated balcony or street.
  11. Thermal power of one heating element of the selected battery model, indicated in the product passport.

Which heating batteries are best for an apartment - prices, models, manufacturers

Every person wants his home to have a warm and comfortable environment during the cold season, in the creation of which heating batteries play an important role. Only a high-quality and efficient modern heating radiator for an apartment can provide warmth and tranquility when there is bad weather and cold outside. The heating systems market offers a huge range of heating devices, which to some extent complicates the choice. To make the task easier, you should read the review of heating radiator manufacturers and their products.

Cast iron radiators

Nowadays cast iron radiators are not installed as widely as before. If in the last century sectional radiators made of cast iron carried only a functional load, now they have also become an original piece of furniture.

ManufacturerPhotoModelMain characteristicsAverage cost, rub.
Konner (Russia) Hit-300Working pressure – 1.2 MPa

Heat dissipation – 120 W

The coolant volume in the section is 0.61 l.

6,000 for 10 sections
Modern-500Working pressure – 1.2 MPa

Coolant temperature – 110˚C

Heat dissipation – 150 W

The coolant volume in the section is 0.9 l.

5,400 for 10 sections
Legenda 600Working pressure – 1.2 MPa

Coolant temperature – 110˚C

Heat dissipation – 180 W

The coolant volume in the section is 1.85 l.

18,500 for 10 sections
Guratec Apollo 300Dimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 466/76/225

Thermal power – 120 W

Weight – 9.4 kg

from 6000
DianaDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 400/65/175

Thermal power – 106 W

Weight – 9.3 kg

from 36,119 for 5 sections
FortunaDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 640/63/200

Thermal power – 150 W

Weight – 14.8 kg

from 102,790 for 9 sections
JupiterDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 752/70/136

Thermal power – 114 W

Weight – 7.3 kg

from 8000
Era 90/4Dimensions (H/D/W), mm. – 838/187/304 mm.

Thermal power – 836 W.

Weight – 45 kg. (4 sections)

ROCA (connection kit, included in the price of radiators)

The connection kit includes: thermal valve, shut-off valve, air remover.

Demir Dokum (Türkiye) Nostalgia 350 1 sectionDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 510/76/199

Thermal power – 140 W

Weight – 7.8 kg

Volume – 1.9 l

Tower 4036 1 sectionDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 360/60/174

Thermal power – 55 W

Weight – 3.5 kg

Retro Lux 300 1 sectionDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 475/80/250

Thermal power – 122 W

Weight – 7.9 kg

Volume – 1.6 l

RetroStyle Leeds 600 1 sectionDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 745/70/145

Thermal power – 121 W

Weight – 7.5 kg

Volume – 1.8 l

York 400 1 sectionDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 600/65/175

Thermal power – 110 W

Weight – 8.5 kg

Volume – 1.8 l

Windsor 350 1 sectionDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 510/80/210

Thermal power – 140 W

Weight – 8.5 kg

Volume – 1.9 l

Bristol 600 1 sectionDimensions (H/W/D), mm. – 760/80/245

Thermal power – 240 W

Weight – 14.5 kg

Volume – 3 l


KatieBooRussia, Nizhny Novgorod: Cast iron radiator Konner – It has been warming us for several years now. Cast iron = reliability.

Advantages: European design: good heat dissipation; reliability

Disadvantages: no

The cast iron old Soviet radiators were replaced several years ago with cast iron ones from the Konner brand. Bimetal and aluminum were not considered; the water in our pipes requires the most reliable and non-contact metal. 12 battery sections (maximum quantity) for a room area of ​​16 sq. m: battery width is about 70 cm, height is 60 cm. Weight is around 50 kg. Manufacturer – China. The service life is given as 50 years, for me this is almost an eternity. Lateral connection. Classic design.

More details on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5324947.html

Overview of steel batteries

When deciding which heating radiators are best to install in an apartment, you need to take into account that steel batteries in the form of sections are produced very rarely; they are mainly panels. This type of radiator is well suited for closed heating systems.

ManufacturerPhotoModelMain characteristicsAverage cost, rub.
Kermi (Germany) FKO 22 0510Double-panel radiator with side connection and fins to increase heat transfer.

Heat dissipation – 1930 W

Coolant volume – 3.25 l. in one panel

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 1,000/500/100

Weight, kg. – 28.2

from 2650 for 1 section
Arbonia Karotherm KM90Heat dissipation – 481 W

Coolant volume – 5.9 l.

Weight, kg. - 19

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 500/943/22

from 100000
Terma (Poland) Aero HHeat dissipation – 290 W

Weight, kg. – 8.7

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 900/325/80

from 41000
KZTO "RADIATOR" Harmony 2-500-12Heat dissipation – 2,160 W

Weight, kg. – 46.8

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 841/545/128

Coolant volume – 0.65 l.

from 2250 per section

A_l_e_x_Moldova, Tiraspol: Kermi steel radiators – High-quality radiators for autonomous heating.

Advantages: Excellent heating, low inertia.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for central heating, not convenient to clean inside.

KERMI radiators consist of two stamped steel plates, protective side plates and a top grille.

The filling is standard, but slightly different from the equipment of conventional heating batteries. On the top right there is a control valve for manually adjusting the temperature of the radiator, accordingly, the air temperature in the room. In the upper left part of the radiator there is a valve for bleeding air into the system. There is a plug in the lower left part. In the lower right part there is an inlet for water intake and an outlet for draining water back to the boiler.

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_471980.html

Popular models of aluminum radiators

We present a rating of heating radiators for apartments made of aluminum. Aluminum heating radiators are most popular among owners of country cottages. Manufacturers present both budget models and designer ones.

ManufacturerPhotoModelMain characteristicsAverage cost, rub.
Sira ALICE ROYAL 95/500Heat dissipation – 1,140 W

Weight, kg. – 5.5

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 480/580/90

Coolant volume – 0.33 l.

from 560
Global (Italy) ISEO 500Heat dissipation – 1,080 W

Weight, kg. – 7.86

Coolant volume – 0.44 l.

from 790
Oasis (Russia) Al 500/80Heat dissipation – 1,020 W

Weight, kg. – 5.22

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 480/582/80

Coolant volume – 0.32 l.

from 420
OJSC Zlatmash (Russia) Thermal Standard Plus 500Heat dissipation – 1,188 W

Weight, kg. – 6.2

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 474/531/73

Coolant volume – 0.12 l.

from 400

Bimetallic radiators

Bimetallic heating radiators are perfect for both apartments and country cottages. They are characterized by good performance and excellent appearance.

ManufacturerPhotoModelMain characteristicsAverage cost, rub.
Royal Thermo PianoForte 500Heat dissipation – 1,110 W

Weight, kg. – 12.6

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 480/591/100

Coolant volume – 0.205 l.

from 1500
Global (Italy) Style Plus 500Heat dissipation – 1,110 W

Weight, kg. – 11.64

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 480/575/95

from 1041
SIRA RS 500Heat dissipation – 1,206 W

Weight, kg. – 13.1

Dimensions (W/H/D), mm. – 480/572/95

Coolant volume – 0.19 l.

from 850
Rifar BaseHeat dissipation – from 136 W

Coolant volume – 0.18-2 l.

Weight – from 1.36 kg.

SANTEKHPROM RBS 500Heat dissipation – from 185 W

Coolant volume – 0.217 l.

Weight – from 2.34 kg.


kalella, Russia, Moscow: Bimetallic radiator Global Style 350 - It will perfectly warm your entire home and children's curds!

Advantages: In the review

Disadvantages: If you scrape with a knife, you will scratch.

The cold season will soon end, followed by summer and the hot time of repairs. What is the first thing they change when they start, if not a major renovation, then at least a thorough one? That's right, windows, doors and central heating radiators. I changed the last one several times. Initially, in the house in which I live, large cast-iron accordion batteries were installed, a monster of the Soviet era, perhaps for the first time after installation they heated normally, but since I began to remember myself, we have been cool in the winter. Then the heating system revolution took place in our home.

More details on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_57104.html


Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

If you want to determine which heating battery is best for an apartment, then first of all you should not discount the difference in the source of coolant, that is, perhaps both centralized and autonomous. For the effect of heating the room, there is practically no difference here, but the pressure in the circuit differs, therefore, the source material from which the device is made must be of appropriate strength. But when choosing a radiator made of any metal or alloy, there are also some nuances that will have to be taken into account.

Difference in pressure between centralized and autonomous heating systems

Pressure difference in the system with centralized heating

In order to select heating radiators for an apartment in a multi-storey building, you will have to take into account the possible operating and pressure testing pressure in the system. First of all, you should consider the load on the circuits when connecting to centralized boiler houses or CHP plants. In this case, we are not interested in static (gauge) or dynamic pressure - we will leave that to the designers.

The pressure in the system is influenced by the following factors:

  • power of equipment (pumps) supplying water to the consumer;
  • diameter of risers and sunbeds in the system;
  • height of the apartment in the house (number of storeys);
  • wear of the pipeline (emergency situations).

Taking into account all the factors listed above, the working pressure can be:

  • 1-5 floor – 2-4 atm;
  • 6-9 floor – 5-7 atm;
  • 10th floor and above – 12 atm.

To identify defects and prevent breakthroughs from water hammer during startup, a pressure test is used that exceeds the working pressure by 0.5-1.5 times, that is, such a test involves a load of up to 15 atmospheres, which not every radiator can withstand.

In autonomous heating systems, this issue is most often not even considered, since there the pressure does not exceed 1-3 atmospheres, and when this threshold increases, the safety valve on the boiler is activated. There are, of course, some brands of boilers where the heat exchanger is capable of withstanding up to 7 atmospheres, but this is the safety margin of the unit, and not the need of the circuit, so the valve will operate at 4 atmospheres or before reaching this mark.

Selection of radiators

All heating devices can be divided not only by the original material of manufacture, but also by their design. They are mainly divided into four types:

  1. Sectional - they are also called columnar, since the vertically located sections resemble columns. Devices of this type are prefabricated structures, therefore, to change the power, you can add or remove the required number of sections.
  2. Tubular - are two horizontal pipes Ø50-75 mm, connected by vertical tubes of smaller diameter. They are used only for centralized heating.
  3. Panel - made mainly of metal, although there are also concrete options. Power depends on the volume of the tank.
  4. Plate – designed as an economical option for materials. They are a horizontal pipe with plates welded onto it, which promotes convection heat transfer.

Heating radiators - which ones are better?

Differences in materials

Let's consider a number of options, taking into account the source materials. That is, the choice of heating devices depends on these parameters; they may or may not be suitable simply due to technical or aesthetic characteristics.

Aluminum heating devices

Aluminum radiators of different sizes and power

There is a lot of talk about aluminum radiators as some kind of know-how or just some kind of super-structure that can provide the maximum heat transfer and energy savings for the boiler. In fact, this is far from true, and more precisely, it is not true at all. The only truth here is that aluminum has very good heat dissipation and... Yes, that's all! It is heat transfer that lies in the artificially created excitement around aluminum; in addition, this metal has more critical disadvantages.

Firstly, this is a low resistance to pressure and, in order not to go into calculations, let’s say that they are suitable exclusively for autonomous heating, where the operating pressure does not exceed 2-3 atmospheres. In addition, aluminum itself is a rather “delicate” metal and water with its salts and alkalis will destroy it. Consequently, the use of aluminum depends entirely on the quality of the coolant, which is only possible in the private sector or.

To be more precise, you have to add antifreeze-type drugs to the water (more on this separately). Not a single centralized boiler house in the world has yet provided the proper conditions for aluminum radiators!

Copper heating devices

Copper heaters made according to the “buleryan” principle

It would be wrong to remain silent about copper heaters made on the convector or “buleryan” principle - these are perhaps the best devices based on the principle of heat transfer, although they are used extremely rarely. Of course, this is not so surprising, since copper is the most expensive of the non-ferrous metals (precious ones are not taken into account). Here, plate radiators and those made according to the “buleryan” principle behave best, although I did not mention them in the “Selection of radiators” header, but this is not so important.

Note. Most often, such devices are made in the form of plate structures - they are much cheaper, but less effective. The Buleryan system has the highest heat transfer of all possible at the moment!

Of course, copper is stronger than aluminum and can be used in high-rise buildings, it is very effective, beautiful and convenient, but... too expensive. Firstly, if you need to find out which heating battery is best for an apartment, then first of all you are interested in heat transfer and pressure resistance, that is, service life. Secondly, you will ask how much it costs and the second question will most often be fatal... You will politely refuse and buy another heating device, especially since they are more suitable for autonomous heating.

Cast iron radiators

Cast iron radiators are known to all people

Finally, we have come to such familiar and familiar cast-iron radiators that are familiar to any resident of an apartment in a multi-storey building, but I want to warn you - do not consider them “suck” - this is not just a delusion, but basic technical illiteracy. First of all, cast iron is one of the metals that is least susceptible to corrosion, and this is very convenient in high-rise buildings, since there is no fear of rusting when draining the coolant. In addition, cast iron itself is a weak heat-conducting material, that is, it takes a long time to heat up, but it takes a long time to cool down. It was this factor that became the decisive argument when choosing heaters for the apartments of Soviet citizens!

But that’s not all - cast iron can withstand operating pressure up to 16 MPa (maximum pressure testing or water hammer), and also maintain temperature (this has already been mentioned, but it’s not superfluous). Some people may not be happy with the appearance of a cast iron battery, but do not forget that this is one of the most effective for central heating systems! For autonomous structures, cast iron is unacceptable due to the duration of heating of the sections.

Steel radiators

Panel type steel radiators

First of all, we can mention that the technical characteristics of steel heating devices are no worse (and even better) than those of cast iron radiators, but the problem is that ordinary black steel is susceptible to corrosion. There is no point in understanding the characteristics of materials - this is not the topic, just a steel battery will not last long, although it does not care about any pressure changes. Such devices can be of any configuration listed in the “Selection of radiators” section.

Note. From personal practice. A steel radiator of 6 sections leaked in the 5th year of operation. The rib on the bottom rusted; I first repaired it with dry welding, and at the end of the heating season I simply removed it and threw it away.

Bimetallic radiators

Bimetal radiators of different sizes

Now let's talk about the best household heating appliances - those that can withstand the highest pressure and temperature in the heating circuit and at the same time have the longest service life. So, the walls of such a device are made of two metals - steel and aluminum, therefore, one element is responsible for the maximum strength of the heater (steel), and the other for the maximum heat transfer efficiency (aluminum). Such a tandem can be called the most successful option of all devices for centralized or autonomous heating systems of radiator circuits.

Features of choosing radiators


Perhaps you will not dispute the question of which heating radiators are better for an apartment if the answer suggests itself - bimetallic ones. But don’t rush into buying and first understand the classification of such devices - research is never superfluous!