Is the shadberry taking root well? Irga: an overview of the berry bush and the secrets of its cultivation

People are strange creatures, capable of tirelessly caring for capricious plants and completely not noticing the unique beneficial properties of “tenacious” unpretentious crops. This is exactly what Irga is. This shrub grows in almost every garden, but not everyone discovers its wonderful properties. Meanwhile, the fruits of serviceberry can treat the most common diseases, ranging from seasonal vitamin deficiency to cancer prevention. In this article we will tell you how to plant shadberry on your site, how to care for it and what benefits you can get from this plant.

The common serviceberry is a fast-growing shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family. The fruits have a beautiful dark blue or purple color depending on the variety. Irga is a long-liver and does not require special care. Thus, one shrub in natural conditions can live up to 50 years, producing from 5 to 10 kg of berries every year. At the same time, dying trunks are replaced by new ones after a few years.

The beneficial properties of serviceberry berries have long been known in folk medicine, but today few people have ever heard of such a plant. The juicy pulp contains a lot of useful elements: sugars, a whole complex of vitamins, tannins, carotene, coumarins, pectins, etc.

In this case, you only need to plant it on the site and provide minimally comfortable conditions and care - the shadberry will cope completely independently. It is not afraid of severe drought or wind, can grow on any soil (except swampy) and tolerates harsh Russian winters well. This endurance is explained by the morphological structure of the shrub - its roots go deep into the ground (2 m or more), receiving maximum nutrition from the bowels of the earth. Irga can grow and produce useful fruits even in urban environments where the air is heavily polluted.

Often an adult shrub of serviceberry is confused with a real powerful tree. Up to 25 trunks can grow from one base, the height of which sometimes reaches 8 m.

Beneficial features

Irga (photo) is an excellent remedy for seasonal vitamin deficiency and is used to prevent colds and viral diseases. If you regularly consume shadberry, the chances of getting an acute respiratory infection or the flu are minimized. You can eat it either fresh or dry, frozen, in the form of jam, jam or compote. Even after heat treatment, the berries retain a large amount of vitamins.

People suffering from or at risk of cardiovascular disease are also recommended to eat serviceberry berries regularly. Thanks to the beta-sitosterone they contain, blood cholesterol levels are noticeably reduced. Irga prevents heart attacks, varicose veins, improves immunity, removes toxins from the body, and also reduces harm from exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which is extremely useful for all residents of large cities.

Contraindications for use

Despite the obvious benefits of serviceberry berries, they have a number of contraindications for consumption:

  1. Since it lowers blood pressure, it is better for hypotensive patients to refrain from treatment with berries.
  2. The active substances in the composition may cause drowsiness, so it is better to take medications with irga at night.
  3. The fruits increase blood clotting, so they are not recommended for people suffering from thrombophlebitis.

Important: if you collect shadberry in the forest, be careful not to confuse it with buckthorn. Buckthorn fruits can only be consumed a year after picking, otherwise you may get severe poisoning.

Types of serviceberry

All varieties of serviceberry, and there are about 20 of them, are very similar in appearance to each other - they all have white inflorescences with tassels, they all bloom almost at the same time, and the fruits differ only in shade, ranging from purple to crimson. True differences between species are noticeable when considering the morphology of plants and are more related to the origin and resistance to the conditions of the Russian climate.

Irga smooth

It is considered one of the most beautiful and elegant varieties. It is distinguished by wide spreading branches, purple foliage and hanging inflorescences in tassels. The flowers are replaced by juicy dark purple berries, and the foliage turns bright reddish colors.

The smooth serviceberry was first discovered in eastern North America. In natural conditions, it can be found on hillsides and dry forest clearings. This is a large shrub whose height can reach 5-10 m.

Features of cultivation:

  1. When growing seeds, sowing occurs during cold weather or in early spring. Pre-planting material should be stratified at +1+5C, but this method is almost never used due to low germination.
  2. Irga also takes root rather poorly from cuttings. Often it is grafted onto other varieties or onto mountain ash.
  3. It tolerates drought well and requires almost no watering.
  4. It is not necessary to cover for the winter.
  5. A good honey plant.
  6. Can grow in urban environments.

Irga canadensis

A fairly large shrub, the height of which can reach 12 m. It is distinguished by penetrating shoots of a reddish hue, white tassel inflorescences and dark purple berries. It is often used for decorative purposes, since it blooms very beautifully, and closer to autumn the foliage changes color to crimson.

Features of cultivation:

  1. Before sowing, seeds should be stratified for 2-3 months at +1+5 C.
  2. It is best propagated by rhizome shoots and cuttings.
  3. Virtually no watering required.
  4. It tolerates rejuvenating planting “on a stump”, pruning and decorative haircut.
  5. Winter-hardy variety that does not require shelter.
  6. It bears fruit from the second half of July to August every year from the age of 5. The fruits are round, look like miniature apples, and very sweet.
  7. A good honey plant.
  8. Can grow in polluted urban environments.

Canadian serviceberry is also valued for its unique dense wood, which is highly polished and serves as a material for making interior items.

Irga spicata

Due to its low growth, it is used both as an ornamental and as a fruit species. A characteristic distinguishing feature is a whitish felt fluff on the back of young leaves, on the tops of the ovaries and pedicels. Unlike its “relatives”, in the fall it does not change the color of the foliage to bright purple, but looks most beautiful during the fruiting period, when all the branches are strewn with clusters of juicy berries.

In its natural environment, the spiked shadberry can be found on gravel and rocky coastal areas, ledges, rocks, in dry pine forests and mixed forests. The dimensions usually do not exceed 50-70 cm.

Features of cultivation:

  1. Propagated by shoots, cuttings, seeds, and dividing bushes.
  2. Seeds should be stratified for 3 months before sowing. at a temperature of +1+5C.
  3. During vegetative propagation, approximately 60% of cuttings take root.
  4. Like other varieties, it tolerates drought well.
  5. Frost-resistant (tolerates temperatures down to -50C), it should not be covered for the winter.

Irga Lamarca

A low-growing shrub known for its beautiful umbrella-like crown and copper-red foliage that turns orange in autumn. It is grown for decorative purposes and to produce tasty blue-black berries.

Lamarca is a natural hybrid of smooth and Canadian serviceberry. Maximum height – 60-70 cm.

Features of cultivation:

  1. The bush grows about 25 cm per year.
  2. It takes root on any soil with a pH level from 5.6 to 7.5.
  3. Lamarca is planted in late autumn or early spring.
  4. Propagated by cuttings, seeds, grafting or shoots (best by cuttings).
  5. Seeds require stratification for 3-4 months.
  6. A good honey plant.
  7. Frost-resistant.
  8. Sweet apple-like berries.

Irga ovalis (oval)

A small shrub up to 50 cm high with whitish felt leaves and young shoots. It loves warmth and tolerates drought well, so it is more suitable for the southern regions of the country.

Under natural conditions, the oval shadberry can be found on rocky screes, rocks, and light forest edges.

Features of growing irgi:

  1. Plant in mid-autumn or early spring.
  2. It is preferable to plant in lime-rich soils with good drainage. The denser the soil, the less comfortable the shadberry will feel.
  3. Propagated by shoots, seeds or division of bushes.
  4. Germination rate for seed propagation is 30%.
  5. Seeds should be stratified for 3-4 months.
  6. It tolerates decorative haircuts and pruning well.
  7. The shrub is able to overwinter at temperatures down to -29C without shelter.
  8. Fruits from July to August. The berries, up to 10 mm in diameter, are very juicy and sweet.

Oval shadberry has a powerful phytoncidal effect, so even being near a flowering bush can strengthen the immune system, not to mention eating the fruit.

Irga alnifolia

This variety of serviceberry loves moisture, which is what makes it different from all the others. It can also be recognized by its drooping young shoots with round, serrated leaves that turn yellow in the fall. It bears fruit in large quantities in large quantities (berry diameter is from 10 to 15 mm), which makes it a valuable fruit crop.

In the wild it is found along the banks of streams and rivers, on wet slopes and canyon slopes. Usually short in stature, but can reach 7-9 m.

Features of cultivation:

  1. The optimal time for planting is early spring and autumn.
  2. Propagated by dividing bushes, shoots and seeds (preferably rhizome shoots).
  3. It is better to sow seeds after 6 months. stratification.
  4. Cuttings root rather poorly.
  5. Requires regular watering.
  6. Loves moist, but not swampy soils.
  7. A winter-hardy variety, but at very low temperatures the tips of the shoots may freeze.
  8. Fruits profusely from 5 years old from mid-July to August.
  9. Alder serviceberry can grow in urban environments.

There are several decorative forms:

  1. Abundantly flowering irga - with very large fruits up to 30 mm in diameter.
  2. Jack's Amelasorbus is a natural hybrid with rowan. Able to withstand harsh winters.

Growing serviceberry

Despite the unique medicinal qualities of serviceberry, in many countries it is grown as an ornamental crop to decorate areas. And there is a logical explanation for this - in the spring the bush is covered with scatterings of pleasantly smelling flowers, around which bees swarm, they are replaced by purple and blue fruits, and in the fall the foliage is transformed, painting the bush in rich purple colors. Irga combines both eye candy and health benefits.

Planting and caring for irga is very simple; it is enough to provide the proper conditions. The plant loves sunny places on the south or west side. It grows on any soil, but in poor dry soil it develops poorly and bears fruit with small berries. In one area, it is enough to plant just 1-2 bushes to provide yourself with healthy supplies of vitamins for the whole year and decorate the landscape.

Soil preparation follows the same principle as for any berry crops:

  1. In spring or autumn, bushes are planted in holes 40-70 cm deep and about 50 cm in diameter.
  2. Medium-growing varieties should be placed in a row at least 2 m from each other, vigorous-growing varieties should be placed at a distance of 3-3.5 m with a row spacing of 4-5 m.
  3. In the first year after planting, it is recommended to water any variety abundantly, especially if the summer is hot.
  4. Young bushes are fed with humus or peat chips.
  5. The ground part should be shortened to 10 cm, leaving up to 5 developed buds above the soil.
  6. In the first year after planting, the growth will be insignificant, but after 2-3 years the bush will grow by 40-60 cm.

Important: Irga (especially the spicate one) is distinguished by abundant root growth, which must be constantly monitored. Also, you should not plant the bush next to garden paths or near a parking lot, since the juice from fallen berries can ruin the appearance of light-colored stones and cars, and it is quite difficult to remove it.

Irga care

A year after planting, the shadberry should be fed with ammonium nitrate, adding about 50 g of fertilizer to the soil. It is also recommended to add 100 g of superphosphate to the soil, scattering it evenly in circles around the tree trunks and slightly loosening it. In early spring, after fertilizing, the soil should be mulched again with humus or peat chips.

Fruiting of irgi usually begins at 3-4 years of age, and from the age of 5 you can harvest abundant harvests of 5-10 kg from one bush (depending on the variety). During this period, additional fertilizing with organic (humus, compost) or mineral (ammonium nitrate, potassium compounds) fertilizers is required. In the first year you can add minerals, and the next - organic matter, etc.

In order for the shadberry to be pleasing to the eye and bear fruit well, it should be formed into a bush, periodically removing weak shoots. In the first couple of years, leave only strong shoots so that you end up with a bush of 10-15 powerful branches of different ages. Anti-aging pruning should be carried out no more than once every 3-4 years.

If the bush develops poorly in the second year after planting and is severely retarded in growth, at the end of spring it should be fed with nitrogen compounds, slurry, bird droppings or mullein (diluted with water 1:10 and 1:6, respectively).

Reproduction of serviceberry

Depending on the variety of serviceberry, cultivation and care occur differently. Most species propagate well by seeds, root cuttings or grafting. The seed method is mainly relevant for species forms. To get the seeds, collect the fruits and leave them in a cool place for several days, then chop them, remove the seeds and dry them in the shade. Serviceberry seeds are very small, so it is better to sow them to obtain seedlings in wooden or peat boxes with a light soil mixture (sand, turf, humus).

Before sowing, any seeds should be stratified in moist fine sand at a temperature of +1+5C. If you sow shadberry in the fall, dig the boxes in the garden and cover them with leaves or spruce branches. Bushes grown from seeds should be shortened by 1/3 of their length during planting. They will give the first harvest in 3-4 years, and abundant fruiting will begin in 7-8 years of life.

Varietal shadberry reproduces exclusively by vegetative means, which allows it to retain its medicinal and aesthetic characteristics. At the beginning of spring or late autumn, dig up root shoots or root cuttings up to 15 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter. In the first summer after planting, they need to be watered abundantly, and by autumn the sprouts will turn into small strong bushes, which, depending on the degree of development, can be sent for growing or planted in a permanent place.

Graft propagation is used quite rarely. Rootstocks are made from seedlings of rowan or another variety of serviceberry (it is better not to take serviceberry, so as not to get root shoots). Irga, grafted onto rowan, grows moderately quickly, bears fruit early and very abundantly, plus it does not produce root shoots, which makes care much easier.


Harvesting the serviceberry harvest is the most enjoyable and long-awaited part of the job. Since the fruits on the bushes ripen gradually and at different times, they can be collected in several stages, but it is better to wait for the entire bush to ripen.

Irga should be constantly protected from birds, who also love to feast on sweet, juicy berries. Thrushes, starlings and sparrows can completely destroy the entire crop, so the bush must be covered with non-woven protective material, for example, a large piece of gauze or a mesh with small cells. Covering should be done immediately after the first berries ripen and the protection should be left until the end of the fruiting period.

The benefits that just one bush of serviceberry can bring are invaluable. It decorates the landscape, pampers with the fragrant fragrance of flowers in the spring and bestows medicinal and tasty fruits in the fall. Healing jams are made from serviceberry berries, compotes are made, and they are even used in baked goods instead of raisins. It can prevent and cure many diseases, strengthen the immune system and simply lift your spirits.

Irga (Amelanchier) belongs to a genus of plants from the Apple tribe (Maleae) and the Rose family (Rosaceae). The plant, depending on the varietal and species characteristics, looks different. The crop is highly valued by gardeners for the healing properties of the crop.

Description of popular types of serviceberry

A deciduous shrub or small tree that grows naturally in different parts of the globe and can be represented by one of nineteen species. Ripe berries are most often bluish-black or reddish-violet, with a characteristic bluish coating.

Irga Lamarca

A.lamarskii is native to eastern Canada. Together with the flowers, foliage is formed. The leaves are oval, elliptical in shape with a short and sharp tip, as well as a rounded base, with jagged edges. Young foliage is gray-green in color, but in autumn it turns yellow-red or dark red. Ripe berries are very juicy and quite sweet.

Irga canadensis

A. canadadensis with a height of the aerial part within 0.5-8 m. The foliage is simple, ovate or oblong-ovate, with a rounded or tapered leaf base. The lower part of the leaves is fleecy. The flowers are collected in racemes, after flowering dark purple berries are formed.

Irga spicata

A.spicata is a perennial, up to 5-6 m high. The foliage is oval, with small serrations. In spring, the plant is strewn with white or pale pink flowers. The culture is resistant to diseases and pests, and is also characterized by an excellent level of frost resistance.

Irga alnifolia

A. alnifolia is a deciduous shrub plant or small tree with ovoid or almost rounded leaves located on medium-length petioles. The flowers are white, up to 30 mm in diameter, collected in racemes. After flowering, edible small purple fruits with good taste and marketable appearance.

Irga ovala (ovate-leaved)

A.ovalis - with an aerial part no more than 3-4 m high and a well-developed, fairly powerful root system located at a depth of 30-40 cm. The adult bark has a characteristic olive-brown color. The foliage is ovate, petiolate. Racemose inflorescences are represented by snow-white flowers . The fruits are black-blue in color with a pronounced bluish waxy coating.

Irga smooth

A.laevis grows up to 3.5 m and has a compact oval-shaped crown. The annual flowering period begins in the first half of May. The foliage is coppery brownish-pinkish in color. The inflorescences are racemose, represented by flowers of soft pink color. The berries are medium-sized, creamy-yellowish in color. The crop begins to bear fruit approximately in the fourth year.

Benefits of irgi and contraindications for use

The chemical and vitamin composition varies depending on the degree of maturity of the crop. Ripe berries are black, blue or purple in color and contain approximately 10-12% sugars, as well as 17-25% dry matter. The pulp contains vitamins and mineral components, including vitamin “C”, carotene, vitamins “E”, “A”, “PP”, “P” and “B”, as well as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, small amount of copper and cobalt, organic acids.

The healing properties are due to the significant content of antioxidants and active compounds represented by flavonoids, anthocyanins, coumarins, pectins and tannins. However, you should absolutely not consume a lot of berries if you have hypotension, chronic constipation, or any pathologies associated with impaired blood clotting.

Reproduction of irgi in open ground

The berry plant, regardless of its species characteristics, reproduces well in several ways, which are very successfully used in home gardening. You can use seed material for this purpose or give preference to the vegetative propagation option.

Useful properties of serviceberry (video)

Root shoots

Well-developed adult shrub plants quite often form numerous shoots, which can also be used for propagating berry crops. Young plants are dug up and transplanted to a permanent place in the spring or autumn, about three weeks before the onset of cold weather.


Cuttings are taken from the apical part of well-developed and healthy five- or six-year-old bushes in early summer. The standard cutting length can vary between 10-15cm. The lower leaves are removed from the chopped planting material, after which the cuttings must be placed for twelve hours in a solution based on root-forming stimulants. After soaking, they are planted at an angle in nutritious soil, under a greenhouse.

The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained within 23-25ºC. Ventilation and irrigation measures are carried out periodically. After the formation of a well-developed root system, you need to fertilize with slurry or a solution based on mineral fertilizers. The best solution for this purpose is a solution obtained after diluting 30 g of ammonium nitrate in a bucket of relatively warm water. It is necessary to care for the cuttings in the same way as for an already mature plant, with transplantation to a permanent place in the autumn.

By layering

Well-developed and healthy annual or biennial branches with strong growths are selected. Layers should be dug in in early spring, after sufficient heating of the soil. After young shoots develop well from the buds of the cuttings and reach a height of 10-12 cm, they should be sprinkled halfway with fertile soil. Fully rooted cuttings are separated from the mother bush in the fall or next spring, after which they are transplanted to a permanent place.


The seed material of the serviceberry is extracted from fully ripened fruits, after which it is immediately planted on fertilized beds. Sowing is done with a depth of 15-20 mm, after which the planting is watered and mulched. The process of natural stratification that went through the winter period the seeds germinate the following spring. Young plants obtained from seeds are planted in a permanent place in the third year.

How to plant irgi in the fall

Many gardeners prefer to plant berry seedlings purchased from nurseries or garden centers in their garden plots. Autumn planting is more preferable in most regions of our country. It does not involve frequent irrigation and fertilization. It is also more expedient and more profitable to purchase berry seedlings in the fall, and you can choose high-quality planting material based on the appearance of the plant and its root system.

Autumn planting allows the gardener to save time in the spring. It is best to plant seedlings that are one and a half to two years old. They are planted approximately 5-8 cm deeper than the growing depth in the nursery. Planting is carried out according to a 4x2 or 5x3 m pattern. To create a hedge, planting is done in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a distance in rows of 0.5-1.8 m.

Spring planting technology for irgi

The shrub plant prefers well-lit and fairly open areas, but can also grow successfully in the shade of trees with finely dissected leaves. In spring, it is advisable to plant in regions with favorable soil and climatic conditions.

After the site for planting has been selected, the soil is prepared. Deep digging, removal of weeds and, if necessary, application of fertilizers are carried out. For planting, deep furrows are made and planting holes with a width of 50-80 mm and a depth of 30-40 cm are arranged. After planting, abundant irrigation and mulching of tree trunk circles are required.

Caring for irga in autumn

In the autumn, the berry plant needs to be provided with proper care, which guarantees an easy overwintering. When preparing for winter, you need to perform proper pruning, fertilization and irrigation measures.

Pruning serviceberry in autumn

In the autumn, root shoots must be removed, and diseased, old and dry branches must be pruned. Pruning should be done using clean and sharp pruning shears.. After pruning, all removed branches and fallen leaves must be raked outside the site and burned.

How to plant shadberry (video)

Feeding and watering bushes

In the first three years after planting young berry seedlings, the garden plant has enough nutrition added during pre-planting preparation of the site. Usually, in the fourth year it will be necessary to apply mineral and organic fertilizers.

When feeding in the fall, preference should be given to phosphorus-potassium complexes. Before the autumn loosening of the soil, a tablespoon of potassium sulfate, 300 g of ordinary wood ash and 200 g of superphosphate are placed under each bush.

Preparing the berry garden for winter

For the winter period, properly prepared plantings of already mature and fully formed serviceberry or currant do not need to be covered with anything. It is advisable to cover young and recently planted seedlings in the northern regions with spruce branches or agrofibre in late autumn.

Caring for irga in spring

In early spring, you need to make a thorough inspection of berry plantings. All bushes and trees must be visually inspected for frozen or diseased, broken branches.

Spring preventive treatment

Berry is characterized by resistance to various diseases, and For the purpose of prevention in the spring, it is advisable to perform special treatment:

A very good result is obtained by spraying the above-ground part of the berry bush before flowering with a solution based on laundry soap diluted at the rate of 300 g per 10 liters of water or with an infusion of hot pepper diluted at the rate of 50 g per liter of water.

Sanitary pruning of serviceberry

In early spring, it is necessary to trim all branches that are frostbitten, diseased, or broken during the winter. Pruning of the aboveground part must be done even before the stage of active sap flow.

How to feed shadberry after winter

In the second year after planting, fertilizing is carried out to enhance the growth of the berry plant with a solution of mullein diluted on the basis of 0.5 liters of manure per bucket of water, a couple of tablespoons of urea per 10 liters of water or ammonium nitrate. Fertilizers are applied to 8-10 cm deep grooves laid in advance along the plantings. Also in the first half of June liquid fertilizers are applied, represented by a couple of tablespoons of sodium humate diluted in a bucket of water.

Features of growing serviceberry in the Moscow region

For cultivation in the Moscow region, a berry bush such as serviceberry is simply ideal. This plant is not picky and is also very resistant to various diseases and pests. Winter hardiness and drought resistance make berry plantings very easy to grow and care for., which includes fertilizing, watering, pruning and prevention.

Features of growing irgi (video)

Harvesting and storage methods

As a rule, harvesting occurs after two-thirds or more of the total volume of the crop has ripened. Harvesting is carried out in the first half of the day, after the dew has disappeared. The collected berries are used both fresh and for processing, including drying and canning.

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Reviews and comments

Irga is a very unpretentious berry bush. Its berries are valued for their healing properties and are rich in vitamins. It is by using these berries that you can defeat a number of diseases, such as vitamin deficiency, colds and viral diseases, and a number of others. This berry is considered a long-liver, regardless of the location and growing conditions.

The serviceberry is mainly used as an ornamental plant. In spring it blooms very beautifully and smells fragrant throughout the entire garden. Its white inflorescences are a bait for bees, which is why in the future it is well pollinated and bears fruit. And to get a healthy plant and a good harvest, you need proper care, starting from planting.

When should I plant shadberry?

When choosing a planting date, gardeners need to take into account climatic and zonal conditions.

The best time for planting seedlings in central Russia is autumn. Before the onset of the first frost, serviceberry seedlings planted from mid-September to early November have time to take root and gain strength for wintering.

Autumn is the most favorable time of year for planting irgi

In the northern regions of Russia, the planting of serviceberry should be postponed to spring. This is due to early autumn frosts. And in the spring, when the soil begins to thaw a little, you can plant bushes that are in a dormant period. With increasing sunlight and the onset of warmer days, the serviceberry begins to open its buds, without the risk of freezing.

You need to calculate as much as possible in what time you will plant fruit seedlings, take into account all the climate conditions and the region for growing. If you plant it late in the fall, the plant will simply freeze. It should also not be planted in early spring due to continued frosts.

An important condition for obtaining maximum yield from a plant is compliance with optimal planting dates. If this autumn planting period is missed, but the seedlings are prepared for planting, they can be preserved until spring using one of the methods suggested below:

  1. Plant in a container filled with sand or sawdust, and store in a cool, dark place. It is better if it is a basement or cellar;
  2. Bury it in the ground, while tilting the seedlings at an angle of 45 degrees from the soil and covering them with snow in winter;
  3. And the last way, wrap in a bag and place it in a place in the garden where a large snowdrift forms in winter.

When is it better to plant - spring or autumn?

According to experts, the best time to plant or replant all fruit and berry plants is autumn. If the terms and rules for autumn planting are followed, and the best planting material is used, your plant will easily take root.

Benefits of autumn tree planting:

  • Autumn planting causes little trouble, because frequent watering and fertilization are not required. Autumn is a time of abundant moisture;
  • It is more expedient and It’s more profitable to buy seedlings in the fall, because it is during this period that there is a large selection of planting material. The last leaves still remain on the seedlings, there is a well-developed root system, which can be used to select a healthy plant. Also, some sellers may display the ripe fruits of this plant;
  • Planting a plant in autumn will save the gardener's time in the spring, thanks to which he will be able to do other garden work;
  • The plant will suffer less damage, since at this time a period of rest begins.

If you follow the rules and timing of autumn planting, shadberry will easily take root

But there are also disadvantages when planting in the fall. These include:

  • Very cold winters, with deep freezing of the ground, which can harm the root system of the seedling;
  • In winter there are often trees exposed to rodent infestations;
  • Big troubles can cause planted bushes strong winds, a coarse snow crust formed, a small or large amount of fallen snow;

Important rules when landing, choosing a place

If you have a garden plot, then When planting irgi, first of all you need to determine the location. The serviceberry bush grows greatly over time and will occupy a fairly large area in the garden, so you need to plant it so that it does not interfere with the rest of the fruit and berry plants in your garden. The serviceberry also has abundant growth, which over time will clutter up your area and cause inconvenience. It is better to plant irgu somewhere in the corner of the garden. Approximate distance from other trees from 2 to 5 meters.

Irga is a spreading bush, so when planting you should maintain a distance of 2 - 5 m from neighboring plants.

You also need to consider the type of soil in which your plant will grow. Although the serviceberry is unpretentious to the types of soil, it nevertheless does not like the proximity of groundwater, since the root system goes 3-4 meters deep and will be in constant contact with moisture. This can lead to root rot. Therefore, it is better to plant on light, fertile soils. Such soils promote minimal formation of root shoots.

When planting irgi, the illumination of the area is important; it loves partial shade.. With strong shading, the plant will become very elongated as it grows, the berries will be small and not sweet. They may even fall off before they are ripe.

How to plant a bush

Irga reproduces well both by seeds and by root shoots. First you need to properly prepare the seedling for planting. It is better to choose a one or two year old shoot. You also need to select healthier bushes that are not damaged by insects or broken off. When choosing a seedling, species and varieties of serviceberry are considered important. When planting several plants, take into account the distance between them up to two meters.

It is advisable to plant Irgu seedlings at the age of 1–2 years in the fall

We have already mentioned that the choice of location and soil depends on the lighting, the presence of fertile soil, and the amount of space around the tree.

Where to start planting and further care

You need to dig a hole approximately two spade bayonets deep and approximately 40 to 60 cm wide. Carefully pour the earth to the side. You can put drainage at the bottom of the hole(broken brick, small stones, broken slate) so that moisture in the soil does not stagnate. You can add sand and black soil to the hole. Next, you need to sprinkle a little soil in the form of a tubercle at the bottom of the hole to make it easier to place our seedling on it. We place the shadberry on this tubercle and straighten the roots along it. Next, we fill it with earth, but so as not to bury the place where the trunk goes into the root system. The soil around the planted plant should be trampled down and watered abundantly.

Many gardeners advise cutting shoots to 15 cm after planting., so that a few buds remain on the branches.

We have already mentioned that serviceberry is an unpretentious shrub. It does not require significant maintenance. The main thing is watering as the earthen coma around the tree dries out and applying fertilizers. Used as fertilizers humus, potash fertilizers, superphosphate and organic mixtures.

If you decide to feed the plant with fertilizers, you should remember that you cannot apply fertilizer under the trunk and root itself. It is necessary to dig up the fertilizer half a meter from the bush, because the roots of the plant are large and it is able to receive fertilizer even from such a distance. You need to water with a sprayer, and not pour in one stream at the root, mainly in the evening.


The serviceberry bush very often grows thickened, so it is pruned. It is recommended to prune in the spring, when sap flow has not begun.. It is necessary to cut out dry or poorly developed tree shoots. Every year, a couple of stems are removed, leaving young shoots in their place. The tops of the branches are also trimmed a few centimeters to form a bush of the correct shape and also to avoid excessive thickening. They also cut out the lateral root growth so that it does not cause damage to other fruit trees on the site.

Pruning scheme and formation of the serviceberry bush

Pruning makes the serviceberry bush more attractive and also promotes better fruiting.

After cutting branches and shoots, it is necessary to close the cuts. This is done using garden varnish or paint based on natural ingredients. Cut dry branches and fallen leaves should be removed from under the bush, this is necessary in order to protect the plant from pests that can live in old leaves.

Reproduction and transplantation

You can propagate shadberry in several ways:

  • Seeds;
  • Root shoots;
  • Graft;
  • Cuttings;
  • Dividing the mother bush.


Young seedlings of serviceberry obtained from seeds

When propagating by seeds, you need to select the most ripened, undamaged berries. Release the seeds. Mix them with sand, as they are very fine. Seeds are sown in autumn in prepared beds. It is important that the seeds undergo stratification, that is, they are hardened by cold. You can also sow seeds in a bowl with sand and carry out stratification in a dark basement, periodically moistening the sand. In spring, such seedlings are planted in the ground.

Root shoots

Since shadberry produces a large number of lateral root shoots, this method is most common among amateur gardeners. The lateral stepson is carefully dug up from the side of the mother tree to cut the root connecting the main bush with the offspring. Next, we transfer the seedling to a new planting site and bury it in a previously prepared hole.


Grafting is one of the more complex methods of reproduction. It is used mainly by experienced gardeners. Vaccination can be carried out in the spring, after sap flow has begun.. Rowan is most suitable for rootstock.


Propagation of irgi by green cuttings

For cuttings, young shoots are cut, about 20 cm. Young cuttings are cut off from the leaves, but the top pair is left. It is necessary to keep such planting material in a growth stimulator solution for some time. Next, we bury them in sand up to 10 cm. Cover them with film. It is important that the sand does not dry out; occasionally we open the film for ventilation. After the cuttings take root, they need to be transplanted to a permanent place.

Dividing the bush

When dividing the main bush, you can get several ready-made, well-rooted plants. This transplant is carried out in the spring, before the buds open, or in the fall, when the leaves fall. This method is mainly used when you need to transplant a bush from one place to another.


Irga can be found in almost every garden. This is due to the fact that this plant is unpretentious in its cultivation, care and reproduction. Subject to all rules of agricultural technology, all gardeners receive the maximum yield of this berry, which brings many benefits to human health.

Irga occurs as a deciduous shrub or small tree.

This is an unpretentious plant. Genus Yablonevye, family Rosaceae.

The Latin name is Amelanchier, which means “honey”.

Preparing for planting shadberry in open ground

Before planting shadberry, choose a suitable place, remove weeds, and prepare the soil. Determined with planting time. Seedlings with a powerful root system are prepared.
Planting and caring for irga in the open ground is feasible for beginning summer residents.

Landing dates

Autumn planting of fruit and berry crops is considered preferable:

  • large selection of seedlings;
  • less need for watering;
  • saving time on necessary spring work;
  • minor injuries during planting (plant at rest).

Planting irgi in the fall will be successful if you follow the rules and planting dates. By this time, the seedling should have shed its leaves, but there is enough time for rooting before frost (2-3 weeks).

Disadvantages of planting in the fall include:

  • severe winter with freezing of the soil (roots may be damaged);
  • the appearance of rodents;
  • strong winds;
  • not enough snow.

In northern Russia and Siberia, shadberry should be planted in the spring due to early frosts in the fall. Bushes that are at rest can be planted in soil that is beginning to thaw. As the weather gets warmer, the shadberry will begin to open its buds, which will prevent them from freezing.

Choosing a location on the site

Irga is an unpretentious plant that will take root anywhere. But there will be no return from an unkempt tree.
The area at the dacha is prepared in advance by removing weeds.
When choosing a suitable location, you should take into account that it is a long-liver and requires space (3-4 m) as it grows.
Irga does not like swampy places; it will die if groundwater passes close to the surface.
Choose a place with sufficient lighting, without close groundwater.
It has enough partial shade and will take root near a fence or barn.

Advice! You should not plant shadberry near a parking lot: falling berries leave stains on the car.

Soil preparation

Irga grows well on sandy and loamy soils.

For planting to be successful, you need to prepare the soil:

  • mix the top layer of soil with humus (1-2 buckets);
  • add mineral fertilizers (superphosphate: 300-500 g; potassium salt: 150-200 g);
  • Transfer the resulting mixture to the planting hole.

Selection and preparation of planting material

You need to choose frost-resistant varieties, their yield is much higher, and the fruits are tastier. It is necessary to take into account the climate of the region and your own capabilities in providing care.
High survival rate of one- and two-year-old seedlings.

You need to choose them with healthy roots, without rotten or dried areas. The bark on the trunk must be without damage, the color must correspond to the variety.

Nurseries supply seedlings in large containers with a closed root system, which will not be damaged during transplantation. This is the best variant. This irga will quickly take root.
Seedlings are not limited in terms of planting time; it is carried out throughout the growing season.

Step-by-step landing instructions

Landing includes the following steps:

  1. dig a hole with a diameter and depth of 60-70 cm;
  2. place the selected soil nearby;
  3. lay drainage at the bottom of the hole (small stones, broken bricks, slate);
  4. mix the selected soil with compost or humus (1 bucket), 300 g of superphosphate, 200 g of potash fertilizers;
  5. fold part of the resulting mixture into a mound into the hole;
  6. place the seedling on a mound, straightening the roots;
  7. sprinkle with the remaining mixture, without covering the root collar, compact;
  8. pour out 1 bucket of water;
  9. wait for the water to be absorbed, add soil to the surface level;
  10. mulch the tree trunk circle;
  11. trim the bush, leaving up to four buds on each shoot.

Planting of several bushes is carried out in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between them of up to 1.5 m.

Caring for irga in open ground

Growing irgi does not take much time. The culture is extremely unpretentious.
The presence of a strong root system makes it possible to do without watering and fertilizing, and be content with poor soil.

The main principles of caring for irga:

  • choose the right landing site;
  • form a crown;
  • apply fertilizers in a timely manner;
  • carry out pruning;
  • remove weeds.

Watering rules

Irga is drought-resistant. Watering is needed in hot weather and when there is no rain.
2 buckets of water per bush 2 times a month is enough.

Newly planted irga requires regular weekly watering (1 bucket per bush). When growth reaches 15 cm, they switch to adult plant mode.

Selection and rules for applying fertilizers

The tree trunk circle is dug up once a year, simultaneously with the application of fertilizers:

  • humus (1 bucket);
  • superphosphate (300 g);
  • potash fertilizers without chlorine (200 g).

After this, water it.

Fertilizing with liquid organic matter is carried out from spring to mid-summer. Use an infusion of chicken manure, diluted with water 1:15, or infusion of mullein - 1:10.

Attention! Mineral fertilizers are applied before watering, organic fertilizers are applied after watering or rain.

Pruning serviceberry

The bush grows very quickly; to maintain its decorative appearance, serviceberry pruning is carried out periodically.
After planting, the plant is formed into a bush - then it will bear fruit abundantly. It is necessary to trim a tall shadberry for ease of harvesting; it is shortened by ¼ of the length.

By periodically removing weak shoots, leaving only strong 2-3 year old ones, we achieve the formation of a bush with 10-15 powerful branches, different in age.

If pruning is not carried out, the yield decreases, since the berries are formed only at the tops of the branches.
You should not remove more than three branches or shoots at one time, otherwise the plant will take a long time to recover.
The sections are treated with garden varnish.
All trimmed material and dry leaves are removed from under the bushes.

Trim time

Spring pruning is carried out before the plant wakes up (before the buds swell) to avoid injury. It is best to do this in the evening or on cool days.

Spring pruning:

  • increases productivity;
  • accelerates the ripening of berries;
  • removes thickening of bushes;
  • simplifies sanitization;
  • rejuvenates old plants.

Sanitary pruning is carried out a little later, when it is possible to clearly determine which branches have not overwintered, i.e. after the leaves bloom.

Autumn pruning is done after leaf fall. It is intended for the same purposes as the spring one, but frees up time in the spring for more important work, which is important for beginning gardeners.

Trimming methods

After inspecting all the plants and identifying sick, broken and damaged branches, they begin sanitary pruning.
It involves removing shoots (fatty shoots) and branches growing inward.
Thin, crooked and weak branches are cut almost flush with the ground, leaving stumps.

Numerous shoots from the roots thicken the bush and lead to weakening.
They fight the offspring by cutting them off and using them for planting.

Anti-aging pruning of an adult bush is carried out once every 3-4 years, it helps to increase productivity.
Formative pruning creates the correct crown of the tree and bush and makes the main branches strong.

Crown formation

The formation of the crown of the serviceberry is usually carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow.
This procedure is important for young plants.
At the same time, dry, broken branches and dense shoots are removed.

At the age of 8-10 years, vertically growing branches are shortened (by a quarter of the length), which inhibits the growth of the tree in height. Keep 10-15 of the strongest shoots that do not interfere with each other, the rest are removed to the stump.

Preparing for winter

In the fall, Irga needs:

  • thinning;
  • sanitary pruning;
  • feeding;
  • digging the tree trunk circle.

Remove and burn fallen leaves.

Irga is resistant to frost (up to -50 ° C), shelter for the winter not only in the Moscow region, but also in the northern regions of Russia is not needed.

Diseases and pests of serviceberry

Resistant shadberry is rarely susceptible to disease. Diseases, their symptoms and methods of control are given in the table:

Diseases Signs Methods and means of control
Gray mold (fungal disease) The appearance of spreading spots on the leaves, which gradually turn yellow, become covered with gray fluffy mold and fall off The reason is excess moisture, it must be eliminated;
if impossible, transplant to another place.
Treatment and prevention: spraying with Bordeaux mixture
Tuberculariosis (fungal disease) The leaves turn brown, dry out and fall off;
then the branches dry out, with the appearance of red tubercles
Cut off diseased branches and burn them;
spray with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.
Prevention: treat in spring
Phyllostictosis spot
(fungal disease)
The appearance of brown spots on the leaves, their wilting Burn the leaves;
before and after flowering, spraying with Bordeaux mixture

Serviceberry has many pests:

Reasons and methods of transplantation

Sometimes it is necessary to transplant a bush to another place - due to improper placement, the start of construction, or for other reasons.

Transplanting an adult plant

It is difficult to transplant an adult shadberry. She does not like this procedure; the older she gets, the worse she tolerates it.
For better rooting in a new place, it is dug up with a lump, which is wrapped in burlap or film and tied.

Place a flat support and move it to a new place. Then they carefully lower it into the hole, freeing it from the harness. Cover the roots with soil, as when planting.

From the main mature bush, you can get several plants with a good root system by dividing it. This is done in the spring, before the buds open, or in the fall, after the leaves have fallen. After replanting, it is necessary to compact the soil, water it abundantly and mulch.

Features of fruiting

Irga belongs to the pome crops, such as apple trees, pears, quince, rowan, and hawthorn, although its fruits are more often called berries. It is a monoecious and self-pollinating plant, although cross-pollination is also present.

All species are characterized by precociousness and self-fertility. The difference between varieties comes down to the shape of the berries, their size, taste, ripening time and yield.
The beginning of fruiting depends on the method of obtaining the plant.

Irga, obtained by shoots and root suckers, produces berries in the third year.

Plants grown from seeds are for the fourth or fifth season. The fruits are formed on last year's growths.
An adult plant has mixed buds. Leaves, shoots and flowers develop from them.

Reproduction of serviceberry

Reproduction of irgi is possible by seed and vegetative methods.

Dividing the bush

You can get several plants with roots suitable for transplantation by dividing an adult bush. First, it is thinned out, removing old branches and shortening young ones by one third.

Then they dig up the shadberry, trying to preserve the powerful roots as much as possible (up to 2 m in depth and in diameter). The soil is carefully removed from the dug bush and divided into several parts so that each has two viable shoots.

Such a transplant is carried out in early spring, when the buds have not yet bloomed, or in late autumn after leaf fall, two weeks before frost. This is used when it is necessary to transplant the shadberry to another place.

By layering

For these purposes, two-year-old strong shoots are used.

The procedure is carried out in early spring:

  • choose suitable shoots;
  • they dig up the ground under them;
  • Having drawn grooves, they lay them in them;
  • pinch the tops;
  • drop in;
  • after young shoots up to 10 cm long emerge from the buds, sprinkle half of them with earth;
  • When the length of the shoots reaches 15 cm, fill the soil up to half.

In the fall or next spring, the rooted cuttings can be transplanted.

Green cuttings

To propagate irgi from green cuttings:

  1. Cuttings up to 15 cm long are cut from an adult plant;
  2. remove the leaves, leaving the top two;
  3. place the root formation agent in the solution (the period of time in the solution is according to the instructions for the product);
  4. the cuttings are removed and washed with water;
  5. planted in a greenhouse, laying them at an angle;
  6. sprinkle with a layer of sand;
  7. water by spraying water and keeping the soil moist;
  8. after 3 weeks, ventilation begins, first during the day and then at night;
  9. transplant the seedlings into the garden bed, adding a little mineral fertilizer.

The following autumn they are transplanted to a permanent place.

The method is considered the simplest.

Grafting with cuttings

Grafting with cuttings is carried out in the spring, when the movement of juices begins.

Select a rootstock, a tree onto which the shadberry cuttings will be grafted. You can graft onto another variety, but rowan is more often used due to its high compatibility with shadberry.
The cutting at the bottom is sharpened with a wedge and inserted into a cut in the bark of the rootstock. Press tightly and fix with special material or film to prevent displacement.

The method is complex due to poor survival rate; it is usually used by experienced gardeners and breeders to obtain varietal plants.

Propagation by seeds

For propagation by seeds, mature fruit seeds are used.
Plant immediately in the ground, deepening the seeds 2 cm, water and mulch.

Natural stratification takes place during the winter; young shoots will appear in the spring. Sometimes the seeds germinate in the fall, then they are covered with dry leaves for the winter.

They take care of the shoots, removing weeds. Three-year-old plants are ready-made planting material.
This method does not preserve varietal characteristics, retaining only specific ones.

Types of serviceberry

Types of serviceberry are not much different from each other; they are associated with adaptation to the region of growth and origin.

Irga is most often found in North America and European countries.

Canadian selection has significantly expanded the list of bred varieties.
It is worth evaluating the beneficial properties of serviceberry. The culture has a strong phytoncidal effect. Berries contain many vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Irga “oval”, or “common” (Amelanchier ovalis)

Deciduous shrub up to 3 m high, with a round crown, tap root system.
Grows on any soil, prefers soil with a high lime content, requires almost no watering, is resistant to dry weather, and frost-resistant. Not afraid of winds.
Does not root from cuttings.


  • seeds (germination rate is low, up to 30%);
  • dividing the bush;
  • shoots.

It tolerates pruning and decorative shortening of branches well.
Sweet and juicy fruits (up to 10 mm) ripen in July-August.
Planting time: early spring, mid-autumn.

Irga “Canadian” (Amelanchier canadensis)

  • reddish color of shoots;
  • snow-white large inflorescences in the form of brushes;
  • dark purple hue of berries;
  • leaves in autumn are purple.

An adult plant (5 years old) produces up to six kilograms of healthy berries. Ripening time: second half of July – early August.
Does not require watering, winter-hardy, does not need shelter.

Reproduces by all known methods. It is best to use cuttings and root suckers.
The Canadian shadberry tolerates pruning and decorative haircuts well. It grows in the polluted air of cities.
Planting in early spring or before winter.
It has valuable dense wood used in creating interior items.

Irga "Lamarck" (Amelanchier lamarckii)

A hybrid of “Canadian” and “smooth” serviceberry. A bush 60-70 cm high, with a beautiful umbrella-shaped crown, with amber-red leaves. In autumn - with orange, tasty blue-black berries, shaped like apples.

It is grown as an ornamental and berry crop.
Grows on any soil, frost-resistant.
Propagated by cuttings.

Irga “alnifolia” (Amelanchier alnifolia)

The variety is moisture-loving, unlike the others. Requires regular watering, loves moist soils (not swampy), and is frost-resistant. Height up to 9 m. Young shoots are lowered down.

Abundant harvests (up to 10 kg), large fruits (10-15 mm). Used as a fruit crop. Propagated best by root suckers.
Does well in city conditions.
Planting time is early spring and autumn.

Irga “spike” (Amelanchier spirata)

The bush is 50-70 cm high. It is distinguished by the presence of a whitish felt fluff on young leaves, on the upper part of the ovary and peduncle; the autumn foliage does not change color.
It is not afraid of drought, frost-resistant (down to -50 ° C), and does not require shelter for the winter.

  • seeds;
  • shoots;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

Planting in early spring, late autumn.

Although planting and caring for irga in open ground is simple, this crop is not familiar to most gardeners. Its unpretentiousness, beneficial properties of dark purple fruits and beauty should not be ignored.

Planting serviceberry - care, pruning, fertilizing. A hedge of planted serviceberry. Care, fertilization, pruning of serviceberry - currant.

Questions on the topic of the article “Planting serviceberry.”

1. Planting serviceberry. Soil preparation.
2. Planting serviceberry. Currant.
3. Planting serviceberry. Preparing the planting hole and planting.
4. Planting serviceberry. Hedge.
5. Planting serviceberry. Care.
6. Planting serviceberry. Fertilizer.
7. Planting serviceberry. Trimming.

Corinka is our shadberry, which has another name in gardening circles.

Planting serviceberry. Important: the place where the serviceberry plant will be planted should be close to where you will spend your time in the future. For what? You will have competitors for berries - sparrows in the first place. If you plant the serviceberry too far away, you won’t care for it and won’t see the berries. This is from personal experience.

Planting serviceberry. Soil preparation.

Before planting shadberry, it is important to properly prepare the soil.

Soil preparation consists of clearing the area from weeds, loosening the soil and adding the necessary components for the development of shadberry after planting.

For spring planting of irgi, the soil is prepared in the fall. If the area is clogged with weeds, then they are completely removed and the area is kept under black fallow until the time of planting the serviceberry.

For autumn planting of irgi, soil preparation begins in the spring, and the soil lies in black fallow all summer. If the area is free of weeds, then it is better to use it for growing early vegetables or annual crops before the autumn planting of shadberry.
Legume annual plants (peas, beans, etc.) improve the soil, saturating it with nitrogen.

In nature, serviceberry grows primarily in acidic soils, although it can also grow in alkaline soils. The growth and development of shadberry after planting depends on the quality of soil preparation on the site.

In order to create favorable conditions on heavy, loamy soil, humus (6-8 kg/m2), peat (10 kg/m2), and river sand (15-20 kg/m2) are added. For peaty soils, river sand (30 kg/m2) must be added.

Before planting serviceberry, manure or peat manure compost (10 kg/m2), as well as phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (40 g/m2), are added to the soil. These components need to be evenly scattered over the site and cultivated to a depth of 10-15 cm, which helps create a loose water- and breathable soil substrate.

All of the above are desirable agrotechnical actions for preparing the soil for planting shadberry.

Planting serviceberry. Currant.

Planting a serviceberry seedling depends on the condition of the seedling itself and the soil on your plot of land.

Planting serviceberry with an open root system.
Planting serviceberry with a closed root system. To learn about the advantages of shadberry seedlings with a closed root system for high-quality planting, follow the link to the “My Articles” section.

Planting serviceberry with an open root system: It is advisable to plant serviceberry with an open root system in early spring - in the period after the soil thaws and before the buds begin to bloom. It is also possible to plant irgi in late autumn - during the period from mass leaf fall to the first frost.

The hole when planting at the age of serviceberry (korinka) 3-5 years is 0.7 m in diameter and 0.5 m in depth. About the planting itself - below.

Planting serviceberry. Preparing the planting hole and planting.

Filling the hole when planting shadberry (korinka) depends on the type of soil on your plot of land. Although shadberry (curtain) is not demanding on soil care, it still prefers sandy loam soils.

Since almost all plantings of all types of serviceberry develop better on sandy loam soils, in areas with podzolic, clayey and peat soils, additional sand must be added to the planting hole when planting. In an area with heavy clay soil, add 10 liters of river sand to each planting hole.

When digging planting holes, the upper, fertile layer should not be mixed with the lower, less nutritious horizon. The topsoil layer, when removed from the hole, is placed on one side of the hole, and the bottom layer on the other. Fill the holes with humus (1-2 buckets) adding 300-500 g of phosphorus fertilizer, 150-200 g of potassium fertilizer (or 1 kg of ash). Make a mound in the center of the hole.

When planting, place the seedling of the serviceberry (korinka) in the center of the hole on a mound, spreading the roots along it and cover it with soil mixed with humus and ash. During landings Lightly shake the seedling of the serviceberry (curtain) so that the soil adheres better to the roots and periodically water it with water. Monitor the evenness of the shadberry (curtain) seedling when planting. And make sure that the level of the root collar is not buried. Although I am a supporter of the fact that the level of the root collar of the shadberry (korinka) when planting is above the soil level. This primarily applies to grafted seedlings. It’s better to make a small mound of 5 cm after planting. Fix the seedling of the serviceberry (curtain) between the pegs. There is no need to compact the planting site: the soil will settle on its own - then you will add more. With this care, the soil itself will compact around the roots.

An important addition when planting serviceberry. It is often advised to dip the roots in a clay mash when planting. I consider this to be incorrect advice: healthy and not dried out roots of serviceberry (curtain) do not need additional protection. In the soil, roots in clay will have difficulty breathing, which is undesirable.

Planting serviceberry. Hedge.

Irga as a breed has exceptional winter hardiness. Due to this property of the serviceberry, it is advisable to plant the serviceberry as a hedge along the edge of the site. It is better if it is planted from the prevailing winds in winter. Planting serviceberry in this case works both as a windbreak and for better snow accumulation.

Mature planted serviceberry bushes are capable of retaining a layer of snow up to 1 m thick. This tall winter-hardy shrub in areas with harsh winters is capable of protecting plantations of horticultural crops - strawberries, gooseberries, currants.

In preparation for planting serviceberry as a hedge, pull the rope tightly along the intended line of the future row of green fencing. Saskatoon planting is done “along the rope” - a smooth and beautiful planting line.

To plant a hedge from seedlings of 1-year-old serviceberry, dig a trench 30 cm deep and 40 cm wide. And if you intend to make a hedge from planting serviceberry, then you should repeat the method of such compact planting of serviceberry from the article “Useful properties of serviceberry.” So.

A hedge of planted serviceberry.
The dense planting of irgi will be appreciated by those gardeners who intend to create a hedge. It is enough just to plant 1-year-old serviceberry seedlings in a row with an interval of 0.5 m (in a trench prepared for planting serviceberry) and “forget” about it for a couple of years. Early in the spring, two years after planting, prune the serviceberry at a height of 0.8 - 1.0 m from ground level. At the same time, thanks to the property of serviceberry to produce root shoots abundantly, you will have a whole “comb” of serviceberry shoots growing from this year, which will later grow into an impenetrable planting of serviceberry hedges.

If you intend to plant serviceberry as separate plantings, then for each planted serviceberry seedling you need to provide a planting area of ​​up to 3 - 4 sq.m.

If you plan to plant the serviceberry in a row of separately planted and growing serviceberry bushes, then plant the serviceberry in the row at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. The direction of the row for planting irgi is preferably from north to south.

If you have heavy clay soil on your site, then to ensure long-term normal growth of serviceberry after planting, the size of the planting holes must be significantly increased to a size of: depth 0.5 - 0.7 m and width up to 0.7 m.

Planting serviceberry. Care.

Care after planting the serviceberry for the first time is to maintain the root zone of the serviceberry (curtain) in a moist state. So water according to the weather. Let's decide how long to water.
As soon as the shadberry (cinnamon) grows 5-10 cm, this is an indicator that new roots are growing and watering can be reduced to the optimal state: so that the soil continues to be moderately moist.

Your care after planting serviceberry can be simplified. If you watered the shadberry (curtain), mulch the tree trunk circle: mown grass, weeds, cardboard, roofing felt, etc. And water further as needed through the mulch on top or under the mulch. And do not forget, once the seedling has taken root, remove the fastening strap with which the shadberry (curtain) was tied to the peg after planting.

For the winter, planting shadberry (curtain) is not covered with anything. Perhaps, near the root neck of the serviceberry (curtain), make protection against mice for the winter: wrap it in an old nylon stocking. After 2-3 years and thereafter, mulch the tree trunk circle of serviceberry (curtain) with a layer of humus.

2 - 3 years after planting a 1-year-old shadberry seedling, at 3 years of age, the shadberry (curtain) will begin to bear fruit and continue to grow.

Planting serviceberry. Fertilizer.

Doses of mineral fertilizers applied under shadberry (curtain) after planting are for particularly advanced gardeners. By correctly using fertilizers applied to shadberry (curtain) after planting, you can obtain a significant increase in yield and berry size.

From the age of 4-5 years of planting shadberry (korinka), annually in the digging of the trunk circle, stepping back from the root collar 20-30 cm, you apply fertilizers: 1-2 buckets of humus, 300 g of superphosphate, 200 g of potassium chlorine-free fertilizer.

In the summer, your care for planting irgi needs to be continued. Until mid-summer, liquid fertilizers for shadberry (curtain): 50 grams of dissolved ammonium nitrate per shrub of shadberry or 5 liters of 10% solution of bird droppings. Apply liquid fertilizers for planting serviceberry (korinka) at night after rain or after abundant watering of serviceberry.

As the serviceberry (cinnamon) grows, increase the amount of fertilizer.

Planting serviceberry. Trimming.

Any pruning is an injury. Irga (cinnamon) is no exception. Pruning should be done less frequently and less. How?
1) planting irgi should be done in a sunny, illuminated place. In the future, for the entire period of growth of the serviceberry (corinka).
2) it makes sense to do pruning if you purchased a low-growing variety of serviceberry (curtain). Otherwise, your care for planting serviceberries is for the first few years. And then, when your stepladder is not enough to maintain the plantings to get serviceberry berries (curtains), I believe you will abandon this very care.
3) Start pruning the serviceberry (curtain) a year or two after planting, early in the spring before the sap begins to flow. Trimming all vertically growing shoots is conditionally 1/4 of the length of last year's growth of serviceberry (curtain). In subsequent years, when planting serviceberries, prune the side branches, thereby expanding the development of the serviceberry crown.

Pruning of annual shoots in shadberry plantings does not need to be covered with anything if the pruning is done in early spring and the cuts are dry. After pruning older branches in subsequent years, cover the places where you cut the shadberry (curtain) with oil paint on natural drying oil (garden varnish does not work in the cold).

According to the article “ Planting serviceberry. Care, fertilization, pruning" All.

Read other articles about shadberry (curtain).

Irga is a berry bush, but it is not found in every garden. Planting and caring for irga is not particularly difficult, but requires compliance with certain rules. The article discusses the features of planting and growing shrubs, as well as methods of its propagation.


Irga has become most popular in Europe and North America. In Canada alone, in recent years, breeders have developed many new varieties of serviceberry. They have not yet appeared on the territory of Russia, but there are several varieties that are considered the most suitable not only in terms of berries, but also as an ornamental crop.


There are about 25 species of serviceberry in nature, but only a few varieties are grown, and not all of them produce high-quality berries. Often shrubs are planted solely to decorate a garden or personal plot.

The shrub reaches a height of about three meters. It is characterized by a wide crown forming thin branches. They are initially gray in color, but as the plants mature they turn brown. The pinkish-white buds bloom for 10 days. At this time, the bush has an unusual appearance.

The species of serviceberry is capable of growing for 15 years, taking root in one place. The advantages include endurance, resistance to cold, drought and winds. Fruiting occurs 4 years after planting in open ground.

Ornamental plant - grows as a bush or small tree. In spring, white or pale pink flowers appear on the serviceberry. The advantages of this species include increased resistance to pests and diseases, and resistance to frost. The plant can even withstand frosts at temperatures of -50 degrees, for which it is especially valued by residents of the north of Russia.

The berries are small, weighing about 5-8 g. As they ripen, the peel changes from a pale green hue to crimson, then to dark blue or black. The plant has a well-developed, superficial root system. The height of the tree does not exceed five meters. The leaves are matte, ovoid, green in color. The taste of the fruit is good, sweetish, but cloying.

The blood-red shadberry is a shrub whose height reaches no more than three meters. Its fruits ripen late and have a flattened shape.

The berries have a mediocre taste and are not eaten by birds, due to the minimal seed content. The berries weigh no more than 8 g. The pulp of the fruit is light, like the juice. One bush produces up to 5 kg of berries.

This is a six-meter shrub or tree up to 10-12 meters high. When the leaves bloom, there are many, which gives the plant splendor, making it silvery. The plant is especially decorative during flowering, completely covered with clusters of white flowers. There are few fruits, but they are tasty and large, containing a lot of acids and sugars.

This species is characterized by good winter hardiness, but in severe winters it can freeze. Planting is carried out in spring or before winter. Cuttings are considered an effective method of propagation. The plant is easy to care for, it practically does not need watering and can be easily trimmed.

In the middle zone, the shrub grows in height, reaching 2-4 meters. At the end of May, white flowers form on it, then small berries are formed, the weight of which does not exceed 2 g. The brush can contain up to 14 berries. The harvest ripens quickly and is harvested several times. The berries have an excellent taste and contain acids and sugars in equal proportions.

Alder serviceberry is a moisture-loving plant. It is found on the banks of rivers, streams, and on wet slopes, but will not grow in swampy areas. The plant is recommended to be planted in spring or autumn. Two methods of propagation are used - from seeds and cuttings. Irga needs regular watering. Tolerates winter. Fruiting occurs 5 years after planting.

Irga Lamarca is an ornamental species cultivated in gardens and parks in Europe. It is rare in Russia, although the variety is considered very resistant to cold and pleases with its appearance throughout the season. Grows in oak and birch forests with acidic soils, also on peat bogs.

The size of the shrub is tall, the leaves, fruits and flowers are large. The leaves are 4-9 cm long, oval in shape and copper-purple in color, both in spring and autumn. The flowers are collected in a drooping raceme. The berries are dark blue. From one bush you get from 5 to 7 kg of berries.

Selection of location and soil

Irga is a fruit-bearing berry bush and requires indirect sunlight. The best harvest is harvested from plants planted on sandy loam soddy-podzolic and loamy fertile soils.

The plant is not afraid of shaded areas and lack of moisture, due to which it is permissible to plant it in the area along the fence. Also, shadberry is planted in the same way as other berry bushes, such as gooseberries or currants.

In the spring-autumn period, seedlings are inserted 8 cm deeper than they grew previously. This is necessary for the growth of more root shoots. Many gardeners choose the most convenient method for them - planting irgi as a hedge. This is how the area is transformed.


For planting, it is recommended to give preference to frost-resistant species and varieties characterized by a high yield of tasty berries. If irga is an ornamental plant, the yield in this case does not matter at all. The age of the seedlings should come first. It is believed that one- and two-year-old plants take root faster.

When choosing a seedling, gardeners pay attention to a healthy root system: there should be no signs of drying out or rot. It is equally important to inspect the trunk of the seedling so that it is well developed and there is no damage to the bark.

Nurseries offer seedlings with a closed root system, grown in large containers. It is better to choose them for planting. Such a plant will not have to waste time restoring the root system damaged during transplantation; it will take root faster and begin to grow. Container seedlings have no restrictions on planting time - planting is allowed throughout the entire growing season.

Irga is a long-lived plant, so the place for it is carefully selected, taking into account the size, as well as the requirements for growing conditions.

The choice of location is based on the following rules:

  • The area should be well lit - this will contribute to good yield.
  • The soil acidity value should not exceed 6.5-7.
  • Planting of irgi is done on soils with low groundwater levels.
  • The mechanical composition of the soil should be light (sandy loam or loose loam with a high humus content).

All weeds are removed from the selected area. It is better if the soil was kept under “black” fallow during the previous season. It is optimal to sow it with legumes - they improve fertility. Before digging, up to 10 kilos of rotted compost or humus and 40 grams of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added to each square meter.

Irgu is planted in the ground in early spring or late autumn. When planting in spring, make sure that the buds do not swell. When planting in autumn, the tree should already have shed its leaves, but there should be another 3 weeks left before frost - this is the time required for rooting. Each seedling needs an area of ​​up to 4 squares, so the distance between them should be about two meters. When forming a hedge, seedlings are planted at a distance of up to a meter from each other.

Procedure for planting a seedling:

  1. Dig a hole measuring 60x60 cm, throwing the top fertile layer into a separate pile.
  2. For a hedge, dig a trench measuring 40x30 cm.
  3. Mix the top layer with a bucket of humus, adding 200 g of potassium salt or 1 kg of ash, as well as 300 g of superphosphate.
  4. Pour a mound of the prepared mixture onto the bottom of the hole.
  5. Install the seedling, carefully straightening its roots. If there are damages, they are removed.
  6. Cover the root system with soil so that the root collar remains slightly above the level of the hole.
  7. Pour a bucket of water under the bush and mulch the soil with humus.

The video below will give you an example of planting irgi:

If damage to the root system is noticed during planting, it is necessary to shorten the trunk of the seedling, cutting it off by 4-5 buds.

Features of cultivation

There are some requirements regarding plant care. The growth and development of plants, as well as productivity, depend on their implementation.


Serviceberry bushes take root well after planting and do not require special care. The plants grow and bear fruit, but with regular and abundant watering, the number of fruits will become noticeably greater. Moist soil better protects the roots and allows the bush to always be healthy and strong.

Top dressing

When the tree is 4-5 years old, annually 300 g of superphosphate, 200 g of potassium fertilizer without chlorine, and several buckets of humus are added to the tree trunk circle for digging. Be sure to retreat 20-30 cm from the root collar. From spring to mid-summer, shadberry is fed with liquid organic matter - 5 liters of a 10% solution of chicken manure for each bush.

It is recommended to apply liquid fertilizers at night after heavy watering or rain, and scatter dry fertilizers around the tree trunk, retreating 30 cm from the bush, incorporating them into the soil, and then watering the area. As you grow, the amount of fertilizer increases.


Although the shadberry tolerates pruning without complications, this procedure is carried out only when necessary. To do this less often, follow some recommendations:

  • plant the plant in a well-lit area so that the rays of the sun penetrate into the very thick of the bush;
  • trim only low varieties of irgi, since tall bushes cannot be trimmed when fully grown even when using a ladder;
  • pruning is done 1-2 years after planting the bush;
  • the procedure is carried out in early spring before sap flow begins.

The first years of growth of the serviceberry leave only a few of the strongest zero shoots from the root shoots, the rest are removed. When the shrub has enough trunks, the two oldest are removed annually, and the same number is left in return from the root growth - this contributes to the annual rejuvenation of the plant without reducing productivity.

In young plants, all vertical shoots are shortened by a quarter of last year's growth. In other years, the side branches are pruned to stimulate the crown to grow wider, otherwise in the future it will be difficult to remove ripe berries from the branches that have grown upward. It is not necessary to treat cuts on annual shoots, but on adult branches it is necessary to treat them with garden varnish (but not in cold weather).

In addition to pruning to form the crown, a sanitary procedure is also carried out. To do this, remove broken, dry shoots that thicken the plant, that is, branches growing inside the bush. Be sure to fight root growth. To rejuvenate an old bush, it is pruned, as they say, “to the stump.”

Irga in autumn

In the autumn, after the end of fruiting, they carry out sanitary and thinning pruning of the serviceberry, if necessary, apply fertilizers, digging up the area and getting rid of fallen leaves. These are all procedures that are carried out for a plant at the end of the growing season. Irga overwinters without shelter, which is facilitated by increased resistance to frost.


There are several ways to propagate shadberry. These include cuttings, grafting, growing from seeds, and dividing the bush. Irgu is also propagated by layering. Each method has its own characteristics and negative aspects.


Propagation by green cuttings of serviceberry is carried out successfully and with virtually no difficulties. The effectiveness of the method lies in the possibility of rooting 95% of cut shoots. Green cuttings are cut during intensive growth of shoots - this is the period from the end of June to July 10. Cuttings are cut from the top of 5-6 year old branches. The length of the cuttings should be at least 12-15 cm. The lower leaves are removed from them, leaving only two pairs of upper leaves.

Next, you need to process the lower cut of the cuttings in a root former and plant them obliquely at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Plant the cuttings in greenhouses where the correct humidity regime is maintained - at the level of 70-80%. The cuttings take root in 3-4 weeks. After this, the films are removed so that the plant grows in the open air. Regularly water the plants and apply fertilizer. In the spring of the following year, the plants are replanted.


In the first or second month of summer, cuttings are taken from 5-year-old bushes from the top of 5-6 year-old branches. The length of the cuttings should be no more than 15 cm. The lower leaves are removed from them, leaving a few upper ones. Place the cuttings in a root former for 12 hours, then rinse the roots in clean water. The plant is ready to be planted in clean soil in a cool greenhouse. This is done at an angle at a distance of 4 cm. Sprinkle the soil on top with a 10 cm thick layer of sand. It is better that the cuttings are 20 cm below the greenhouse ceiling.

After planting the cuttings, water them carefully. The optimal temperature in the greenhouse is set at 25 degrees. To do this, sometimes remove the top of the greenhouse and ventilate the cuttings. It is important to keep the soil moist. After rooting the cuttings, the film is removed during the day, and after complete strengthening, the plants are no longer covered.

After 20-25 days, the cuttings will have a strong root system, which will allow them to be transplanted into a temporary bed, where they are fertilized with manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8. Caring for cuttings is the same as caring for adult plants. The following autumn, the plants are transplanted to a permanent site.

Reproduction by layering

This method requires taking well-developed branches of a one- or two-year-old plant. It is advisable to do layering in early spring. The soil is furrowed near the bush, where the cuttings are laid. The laid shoots are secured with metal brackets, and the tops of the shoots are made shorter. After green shoots grow from the buds of the allotted branches (to a height of 10-12 cm), sprinkle them with soil to half the height, repeat the procedure after 3 weeks. In the fall, transplant to a permanent place.

Growing from seeds

This method is considered the best for reproduction. But its disadvantage is the duration of the procedure. Seeds are bought in specialized stores or collected independently from ripe berries. Seeds should not be dried, mixed with sand or stored in a cold room before sowing. If you prepare the seeds in advance, germination will be quick. They are placed between cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide and wrapped in plastic wrap. Store this way for 4 months.

In spring, seeds are sown under film at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Shoots will appear in 14-20 days. It is allowed to sow seeds in beds prepared in advance in the fall. So after sowing in open ground, the seeds will sprout in the spring.

Dividing the bush

This method is used only in extremely rare cases, if there is a need to transplant a bush from one area to another. The best time for the procedure is considered to be early spring, before the buds swell, or autumn, a month before frost.

The bush is removed from the ground and trimmed. After removing the old branches and carefully shaking off the soil from the roots, divide the rhizome into several parts. Sometimes an ax is used. Each part is checked - it must have a healthy above-ground part, consisting of at least two shoots, and a well-developed root system. It is recommended to remove old roots and trim the rest. Next, parts of the bush are planted in prepared holes.

Diseases, pests and prevention

Irga is a plant that is characterized by good health. But sometimes shrubs are exposed to certain diseases and pests:

Name of disease/pest


Fighting methods

The ripening of serviceberry fruits does not occur simultaneously on the cluster, which brings a lot of inconvenience during harvesting, but at the same time gives it an unusual color. Starting with the largest fruits at the base of the inflorescence-truss, they successively change their hue from red to dark purple.

The harvest is harvested several times as the berries ripen. Fruits for fresh consumption are stored for several days at room temperature. When stored in the refrigerator at 0 degrees, the shelf life increases significantly.

This video will tell you how to harvest only a ripe harvest of serviceberry:

Beneficial features

Saskatoon contains sugars (glucose and fructose) and some organic acids. When the berries ripen, vitamin C accumulates in them in large quantities. The fruits are also rich in vitamins A, B, B2, carotene, mineral salts, tannins, microelements - manganese, copper, iodine, iron, cobalt.

Irga is used to make homemade wine, candied fruits, jam, jelly, preserves, compote, and marshmallows. Berries can be frozen, canned, or dried. The juice can be easily squeezed out a week after picking the berries. Irgu is often used as a substitute for raisins.


City: Krivoy Rog

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It just so happens that plants that require constant care and attention are always given the best place in the garden, and unpretentious modest bushes are always given a place in the backyard, because they absolutely don’t care where they grow. A similar situation very often occurs with irga, and yet this berry is not only a bottomless storehouse of vitamins, but also a wonderful ornamental shrub that can decorate any area. And all this combined with ease of care, cultivation and reproduction. You will learn from this article how to choose the right place for planting, which variety of serviceberry to choose and much more, including photos of the varieties of this berry.

The shadberry is most widespread in Europe and North America. In Canada alone, in recent years, breeders have developed many new varieties of serviceberry. They are not yet available in our regions, but there are several species that are considered the most suitable both as an ornamental and as a berry crop.

Planting serviceberry

Irga is considered a long-liver, because the shrub grows for about 70 years, and its trunks eventually become like trees. You can choose absolutely any place for planting, because shadberry is unpretentious and can grow in any shade; it is not afraid of winds and drought. If you have a sunny place for the shrub, then it will be ideal, because in this case the branches will not have to stretch upward in search of sunlight. But even if such a place was not found, the shadberry will easily tolerate it. This berry is also not demanding on soil. The main thing is that the place is not swampy. But it’s worth remembering that the more fertile the soil, the healthier your plant and the higher the yield.

Advice. Gardeners advise not to plant game near a car park, because falling dark berries can leave marks on the car. In addition, they leave marks on paths made of light stone.

The area for shadberry can be prepared in advance by clearing it of weeds. Before planting, the site is dug up with the addition of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. For 1 sq. m accounts for up to 40 g of each type of fertilizer.

Blooming serviceberry

Seedlings one or two years old are suitable for planting. If you plan to plant several bushes, it is recommended to plant them in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of up to one and a half meters from each other. The layer of soil dug from the hole must be mixed with sand and compost, maintaining a ratio of 3:1:1. You need to add a little humus, potassium and phosphate fertilizers to the bottom of the pit. The seedling is sprinkled with the previously made mixture and watered generously. When the soil absorbs moisture, you need to add soil, leveling the hole to the level of the surrounding surface, and mulch the soil on top. Afterwards, the bush must be trimmed so that no more than 4 buds remain on each shoot.

Plant care

Many gardeners claim that after planting irgi, you don’t have to remember about it until the time when you need to harvest. But it will still be nice if the bush receives minimal attention from you. It consists of regular watering. Sometimes the plant requires pruning so that the beautiful ornamental shrub does not lose its visual appeal. And the rejuvenation of the bush benefits the harvest. From time to time it is necessary to weed out weeds if they appear near the bush.

Advice. Irga has a very developed root system, so experts recommend watering it only during drought, using a sprayer, at the same time washing off dust from the leaves.

Fertilizer and feeding

The first fertilizers for the shrub begin to be given when the shrub reaches 5 years. Once a year, the tree trunk circle must be dug up with fertilizers. Necessary:

  • superphosphate - 300 g;
  • potash fertilizers without chlorine - 200 g;
  • humus - 1 bucket.

An unpretentious plant sometimes needs to be fed

In addition, from spring to mid-summer you can feed the game with liquid organic matter. Chicken manure diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 works well. One bush requires about 5 liters of solution.

Advice. Liquid fertilizers are best applied in the evening, after thoroughly watering the bush. Dry fertilizers are dug up along with the trunk circle, after which the plant is watered.

Reproduction of serviceberry

Saskatoon reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively, but one must remember that when propagated by seeds, only species characteristics remain, while varietal characteristics are lost.

  • At propagation by seeds It is enough to extract them from ripe berries and immediately plant them in the ground. You should not place seeds deeper than 2 cm. Also, be sure to water them well and leave a layer of mulch on top. In winter, the seeds will undergo natural stratification and young shoots will appear in the spring. By the way, shoots may appear this fall. Within two years it is necessary to remove weeds around the shoots, and in the third year the plants can be moved to their main habitat.

Serviceberry seeds
  • Another method of reproduction is green cuttings. To do this, cuttings up to 15 cm long are cut from an adult bush, on which all leaves are removed except the top two. The lower cut must be placed in a root-forming solution for the period specified in the instructions for the product, after which the cuttings should be washed with cold water and planted in a greenhouse at an angle. Sprinkle a small layer of sand on top. The distance between the greenhouse dome and the tops of the cuttings should be at least 20 cm. When watering the cuttings, make sure that the water does not pour onto the root part, but splashes. The temperature in the greenhouse must be kept at 25 degrees and ventilated periodically. It is also best to keep the soil slightly moist. After three weeks, the cuttings will have taken root sufficiently, and it will be possible to open the greenhouse during the day, and after some time, when the shoots have become stronger, at night. At this time, the cuttings can be transplanted into a small bed and a little mineral fertilizer can be added. Already next fall, young plants will be ready to be transplanted to their permanent habitat.

The easiest way to propagate irgi is through green cuttings.
  • Another way to propagate irgi is layering. To do this, choose strong young shoots up to two years old. It is best to dig in in early spring. First you need to dig up the ground under the selected shoots, draw grooves in it and lay the shoots in them. The tops need to be pinched. When the young shoots from the buds of the buried branches reach 10 cm, cover them halfway with soil. After a couple of weeks, the shoots will lengthen by another 15 cm, cover them halfway with soil again. Already in the fall you can transplant the rooted cuttings to the place you need, or you can do this next spring.

Diseases and pests of serviceberry

Irga has a fairly strong immune system, but still gets sick from time to time tubercularosis. With this disease, the plant's leaves first turn brown, after which they begin to dry out and fall off. Following the leaves, the branches also dry out, on which small red tubercles appear. If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to cut off the diseased branches and burn them, and spray the plant with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate. For prevention purposes, you can spray the bush in the spring.

Rust damage

In addition to tuberculosis, you can sometimes find phyllostictosis spot. It is also manifested by wilting of the leaves, on which brown spots appear. The leaves must be burned, and the plant must be treated with Bordeaux mixture before and after flowering.

The third most common disease is gray mold. It manifests itself as spots on the leaves that spread, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and then become covered with fluffy gray mold and fall off. The cause of this disease is most often excess moisture, so first of all, eliminate the cause, if possible; if not, transplant the shadberry to a less humid place. For treatment and prevention, as in the first two cases, Bordeaux mixture can be used.

Digitalis moth

Irga, planting and caring for which will not bring you unnecessary trouble and will not take up a lot of time, will not only decorate your site, but will also reward you with a lot of tasty and healthy fruits.

Growing serviceberry: video

It is difficult to find a more unpretentious plant, including for northern latitudes, than serviceberry. Planting this shrub in your summer cottage will bring both decorative and practical benefits. Its fruits are extremely useful. They contain pectins, fiber, vitamins C, A and B, carotene and many other substances essential for human health. In addition, serviceberry is an excellent honey plant that attracts bees. Meanwhile, this plant is unpretentious and requires minimal care.


Serviceberry has a huge variety of species, of which the following are most often used in households.

  • Irga common. This variety grows in arid zones, in rich calcareous soils. Without shelter it can winter only in warm climates. The fruits are dark, bluish-black, with a whitish coating.
  • Blood red shadberry. This species is the shortest: it does not even reach 2.5-3 meters in length. It bears fruit well: on one bush you can collect up to 5-6 kilograms of dark, sweet fruits.
  • Irga Lamarca. The most decorative look, attractive throughout the season. Like the Canadian one, Lamarck's serviceberry is an ideal rootstock for pear and apple trees, increasing their winter hardiness.
  • Canadian serviceberry. This species is the tallest: reaches 7-8 meters. On an adult bush of Canadian serviceberry, you can collect up to 6 kilograms of sweet fruits.
  • Alder serviceberry reaches 4 meters in height. Unlike other species, its flowers are odorless. The berries are large and tasty, up to 15 mm in diameter. From one bush you can collect about 9-10 kg of berries.

When choosing a plant for your site, you should rely on the climatic characteristics of the region and the specific conditions of maintenance and care that you can provide for it. Additionally, the choice of plant species varies depending on its primary purpose. So, if its main role is decorative, it is worth purchasing Lamarck’s shadberry, and if you are determined to get a harvest, feel free to buy Canadian or alder.

Choosing a landing site

Before purchasing seedlings, it is worth selecting a suitable place for planting on your site. Despite the fact that serviceberry does not require special care and grows well even in sandy loam soil, it does not tolerate swampy lowlands and dampness. It cannot be planted in places with high groundwater levels: due to humidity, the root system will stop developing and subsequently die. The best types of soil for the development of seedlings are sandy loam and loamy soil.

The serviceberry is often called the “queen of the backyard,” meaning that it is usually planted in inconspicuous corners of the garden: under a wall, near a fence, behind the toilet, etc. However, one should not assume that since the serviceberry is unpretentious, it does not matter where it is planted . If you plant a plant in the shade and do not give it any care at all, the seedlings will grow poorly and stretch upward without producing side shoots, and the fruits will be small and tasteless. In order for the irga to grow well and bear fruit, it should be planted in partial shade, for example, near a fence. The plant does not like direct sun.

For each bush it is worth allocating a free space measuring 3 by 4 meters. If you plan to plant several bushes, you should place them in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of more than a meter from each other.

Irga is a long-liver, it grows for more than 70 years and becomes stronger with age, overgrown with bark and taking on the appearance of a real tree. A supply of free space around the seedlings is necessary so that adult bushes do not interfere with each other’s development.

You should not plant shadberry near a parking lot or light paved paths. Falling fruits can leave marks on the car, as well as on asphalt and light-colored stone paths. This is due to the presence of a rich bloody or eggplant-colored pigment in ripe fruits.

Planting options

You can plant shadberry in both autumn and spring, however, most gardeners recommend the autumn period.

Planting irgi involves several successive stages.

  1. Site preparation: weeding, digging up the planting area and adding potassium-phosphorus fertilizers at the rate of 40-50 g per square meter of soil.
  2. Digging a hole up to 2 shovels deep and 70-80 cm in diameter.
  3. The soil dug from the hole is mixed with compost and sand in a ratio of 3 to 1.
  4. Humus and a little potassium-phosphate fertilizer mixture are placed at the bottom of the hole.
  5. Seedlings over 1 year old are placed in holes and sprinkled with soil previously mixed with compost.
  6. The soil around the seedling is watered abundantly.
  7. After the water is absorbed, the ground must be leveled and trampled, and then mulched (covered with a protective layer of compost, sawdust or leaves).
  8. The bush is pruned so that each shoot has no more than 4-5 buds.

Plant care

Irga grows very quickly and does not require special care. Some gardeners do not care about the plant at all, paying attention to it only when harvesting. This is the wrong approach. Irga needs little, but still regular care.

Serviceberry has an extensive root system, so it should only be watered during severe drought. It is advisable to use a spray bottle to wash the leaves at the same time. A strong root system can create significant problems for a summer resident: as it spreads, it suppresses other plants in the radius and has to be destroyed.

If the soil around the serviceberry is sufficiently fertile, the roots will not actively spread in search of nutrients; accordingly, there will be fewer of them, and the plant’s nutritious juices will go not to them, but to valuable fruits.

To do this, the soil around the plant must be fertilized regularly. So, the entire trunk circle of the bush is dug up with the addition of special fertilizers:

  • buckets of humus;
  • 300-400 g of superphosphate;
  • 200-300 g of potash fertilizers that do not contain chlorine.

The procedure should be carried out once a year after the bush reaches 5 years of age.

You can also feed the plant with a liquid organic mixture of chicken manure and water in a ratio of 1 to 10. One adult bush will need about 5-6 liters of organic mixture.

Experienced gardeners advise fertilizing shadberry with liquid organic matter in the evening, immediately after abundant watering. The dry mixture is dug up along with the soil around the trunk of the plant and only then watered.

From time to time, shrubs need a routine maintenance procedure such as pruning. It is needed so that the irga does not lose its attractiveness. In addition, pruning rejuvenates the plant and improves yield.

So, caring for irga will not cause problems even for an inexperienced gardener. Unlike most ornamental shrubs and trees, it does not need constant monitoring, but is content with rare watering and fertilizing, as well as periodic pruning.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of irgi occurs in several ways.

  • Dividing bushes (root shoots can only be divided in adults, but not in old bushes).
  • Creating layering (the most popular method among beginner gardeners).
  • Propagation by seeds (this method is the most effective, but also the most time-consuming).
  • Grafting a cutting (used to obtain a standard tree shape).

To grow shadberry from seeds, you need to select the most ripe, large fruits, select seeds from them, and without pre-drying, mix them with sand and place them in a cool and dark place (basement, balcony, etc.).

To make the seeds germinate faster, you can carry out the following manipulation:

  1. The seeds are placed between layers of cotton wool soaked in water or hydrogen peroxide and packaged in cellophane.
  2. The bag of seeds is left in a cold and dark place for 4 months (this procedure can be started in late autumn, so that by the beginning of spring, the seeds are ready for planting).
  3. The seeds are planted in a mini-greenhouse at intervals of 20-25 cm. After 20 days, the seeds “wake up”.

The second method of growing seeds: in the fall they are sown in pre-dug beds, to a depth of 2 cm, covered with a layer of sand and watered. As with the first method, seedlings will appear in the spring.

Growing serviceberry by grafting cuttings is suitable only for experienced and skilled gardeners. This is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure. In the fall, it is necessary to prepare cuttings (cut from last year's growth) and bury them in the ground or sand until spring. There is no need to touch them at this time; they also do not need care.

In the spring you can start propagating cuttings. As a rootstock, you can take a two-year-old rowan. It is dug up in the spring, when the plant wakes up. The roots of the rootstock are cleaned of dirt and washed. Two cuts are made on the trunk - one above the bud and the other below it.

The lower end of the shadberry stalk (the end must be sharpened in advance with a wedge using a sharp knife) is inserted into a cut on the trunk of the rootstock. The joints of the cuts are tightly wrapped with polyethylene, and the plant is planted in a greenhouse.

Propagating irgi by root shoots and dividing the bush is much simpler than the cutting method. In the first case, it is enough to dig up any of the young shoots (no more than 15-20 cm) from the growth around the bush and transplant it to a prepared place.

Growing shoots by dividing an adult serviceberry bush will also not cause any particular difficulties. It is enough to select a bush that is 5-6 years old, remove all the old branches and, using a shovel, cut the bush so that 3-4 strong young shoots remain in each compartment.

Growing serviceberry by dividing the bush is an important component of plant care. So, if you carry out this procedure every 3 years, the bush will rejuvenate and produce a good harvest.

So, planting irgi is a fairly simple undertaking even for a novice gardener. It is enough to buy seedlings or dig up several shoots of serviceberry, prepare the soil and plant the plant. Caring for this plant is also not difficult: it is enough to occasionally fertilize the plant, prune it, and even less often - water it.

At the same time, serviceberry is a universal plant that will not only decorate your garden, but also provide you with healthy and tasty fruits.