Processing of tubers and root vegetables, cutting forms. Technological process for processing root and tuber crops

Potatoes are a unique food crop; their tubers contain an average of 23.7% dry matter, including 17.5% starch, 1-2% proteins, and about 1% mineral salts. Potato protein in its nutritional value is close to the protein of a chicken egg; 500g of fried or 600-700g of boiled potatoes can satisfy the human need for almost all essential amino acids (except for methylonine and cysteine).

In the southern regions of Europe, potatoes provide on average up to 10% of the population's annual need for vitamin C, and in the north and northeast up to 50-60%.

Potatoes are the only plant that a person can eat for a long time without adding other foods to the diet.

The most important role in determining the taste of potatoes belongs to amino acids. There are approximately 1 kg of fresh weight in potatoes. Most of them are proline and alanine, which give the tubers a sweet taste; but leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine make the tubers bitter.

Potatoes contain aspartic acid, which itself has no taste, but enhances the pleasant taste imparted by other substances (such substances are called taste enhancers). Glutamic acid also significantly improves taste. In tubers of such tasty potatoes as Early Rose, the content of glutamic acid increases to 2.3%, while in tasteless potato varieties it drops or, in extreme cases, remains at the same level.

Some mononucleotides are also considered to be potentiators. In the tubers of the most delicious potato varieties (Early Rose) there are twice as many of them as in tubers with low palatability (Voltman, Yubel, etc.). The content of mononucleotides increases noticeably when potatoes are cooked (probably as a result of thermal decomposition of RNA) and decreases in raw tubers, stored until spring.

The taste of the finished dish largely depends on the processes that occur when boiling or frying potatoes. The same amino acids, entering into various reactions during heat treatment, give dishes not only taste, but also aroma. The appearance of a golden yellow color is associated with melanoid formation.

The aroma of tubers also depends on fats, although there are not many of them (0.1%), which form the organoleptic properties of the product, affecting its texture.

The aroma of potatoes baked in ash is associated with the release of volatile substances, which are a mixture of acetone and ethanol.

Dimethyl sulfide appears in tubers during storage, and ethanol becomes less - as a result, the taste of potatoes greatly deteriorates.

Polyphenolic compounds, chlorogenic, caffeic and quinic acids worsen the taste of potatoes. The more phenols the tubers contain, the more noticeable the bitterness and the stronger the astringent taste.

Alkaloids have a particularly strong effect on the taste of tubers; they can even make them poisonous. Their content increases sharply when tubers are stored in the light. So the solanine content when storing potatoes in the light for hours rises from 20% to 50%. And if the corned beef tubers contain about 30%, then signs of poisoning already appear. During heat treatment, the content of alkaloids is greatly reduced due to their destruction, and simpler compounds are formed. The complete absence of alkaloids also reduces the taste of tubers, so their content should be 1.9-2.5 mg%.

Potatoes and vegetables are supplied to catering establishments in unprocessed form (fresh). Potatoes and vegetables can also be supplied in the form of semi-finished products: raw peeled potatoes, salted, fresh white cabbage, carrots, beets, onions - raw peeled. In addition, many types of products are supplied to enterprises fermented, salted, pickled, dried, canned, and frozen.

Vegetables supplied to food establishments must meet the requirements of current standards in terms of their quality. The amount of waste produced during cleaning depends on the season and is regulated by the recipe collector. However, these standards are maximum permissible, and it is necessary to strive to reduce the amount of actual waste. This can be achieved by proper organization of the workplace, strict adherence to the rules of machine operation, and the use of grooved knives for finishing.

Mechanical processing of potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting, sizing, washing, peeling and cutting. When sorting, rotten, broken specimens and foreign impurities are removed, and during calibration they are distributed by size. Potatoes and root vegetables are washed and peeled in vegetable peeling machines and protected by hand.

Peeled potatoes quickly darken as a result of the oxidation of nitrogenous substances by atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, potatoes are kept in cold water for no more than 6 hours. After cleaning and washing, root vegetables are stored in trays, baking sheets and containers, so that they do not wither, covered with a damp cloth or plastic wrap.

When cleaning white, red, and savoy cabbage, polluted and rotten areas are removed. After this, the cabbage is washed. The heads of cabbage intended for cabbage rolls have the stump cut out without violating their integrity; The heads of cabbage intended for cutting are divided into two or four parts, and then the stump is removed and cut into strips or checkers, depending on further use.

In cauliflower, cut off the stalk 1 cm below the branch of the head, along with the green leaves. Darkened or rotten areas of the head are cut off with a knife or scraped off with a grater. The peeled heads of cabbage are washed.

Brussels sprouts have their heads and stems cut off. The heads of cabbage are cleaned of damaged leaves and washed.

Kohlrabi is peeled by hand, washed and cut into strips, cubes, and slices.

Sauerkraut is sorted before use, and coarsely chopped cabbage is crushed; For some dishes it is finely chopped. If the cabbage is very sour, it is also washed and squeezed.

Wash the zucchini and cut off the skin. Cut the zucchini into circles or slices. From zucchini used for stuffing, part of the pulp with seeds is removed.

Artichokes are sorted, the stem and the upper sharp ends of the scales are cut off, the core is removed and washed.

The asparagus is sorted, carefully peeled so as not to break off the head, and washed.

Parsley and celery are sorted, removing yellowed and wilted leaves, and washed in plenty of water.

Green onions, lettuce and other green vegetables are sorted, the roots are cut off and rotten and wilted leaves are removed, then washed.

Fresh cucumbers are washed, after which the stem and top are removed; yellowed, with rough skin, peel. Greenhouse and long-fruited cucumbers do not peel the skin.

Tomatoes are washed and the stem is cut off. For tomatoes intended for stuffing, part of the pulp is cut off along with the stem and the seeds are removed.

The remaining tops, roots and skin of the radishes are cut off, then washed.

Parsley and celery (root) are sorted, leaf petioles and small roots are cut off, washed and peeled by hand.

Garlic is divided into cloves, from which the skin and shell are removed.

1. Processing of tubers
1. Tubers are _____________________________________________

2. Potatoes are divided into varieties according to their intended purpose:
A) __________________________ B) _________________________

B) __________________________ D) _________________________
3. Complete the sentence:

Mechanical cooking of potatoes is carried out as follows:


4. Define mechanical cooking operations


  • Acceptance - ______________________________________________________________

  • Sorting - _______________________________________________________________

  • Washing - _______________________________________________________________

  • Calibration - ______________________________________________________________

  • Cleaning - _______________________________________________________

  • Slicing - ______________________________________________________________

5. Indicate the reason why raw peeled potatoes during storage

does it get dark in the air? How should it be stored to prevent it from darkening?





6. Give an explanation: Why green tubers should not be eaten

potatoes? _______________________________________________________



7. Determine the curly shapes of cutting vegetables from the picture:

  1. __________________________

  2. __________________________

  3. __________________________

  4. __________________________

  5. __________________________

8. Fill out the table: Form of cutting tuber crops:

Cutting form

Size, cm.

Heat treatment method

Culinary use

3-5cm. - length

0.2x 0.2 - section

3.5-5cm. length

0.7x 0.7- 1.0x 1.0 section

0.5x 2.5 - edge

2.0x 2.5 -section

1.0x 1.5 -section

0.3x 0.5 -section

Average tuber size

(no more than 4.0)



0.2- 0.5 - thickness

Frying using the main method. For preparing salads, baked meat and fish dishes.



Diameter according to the size of medium tubers,

0.2- 0.3 - thickness

4.0 -5.0 – height

3.5- 4.0 – diameter

3.0 -4.0 diameter

1.5 -2.5 -diameter

2.0 – 3.0 – width

0.2 -0.3 - thickness

4.0-5.0 – height

Deep frying

9. Complete the sentence: ___________________________________________________________________ is obtained from potato waste
10. Indicate the organoleptic methods used to determine

compliance of potato quality with technical conditions:

1) ________________________________________________________________

2) ________________________________________________________________

3) ________________________________________________________________

4) ________________________________________________________________

5) ________________________________________________________________

11. Calculate:

  1. How many kg. semi-finished products can be obtained from 200 kg. potatoes in
September, if the amount of waste from September 1 to October 31 is

25%. __________________________________________________________




2) What % waste will be if you buy 800 kg. potatoes,

and 560 kg of semi-finished products were received.






  1. Determine the net mass of peeled raw potatoes obtained
Gross weight 200 kg.






  1. Determine the quantity of potatoes needed in October to obtain 50 kg. Raw peeled potatoes.




2.Processing of root vegetables
1. Root vegetables are _____________________________________________________

2. Underline the correct answer: Root vegetables include:

Sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, parsley, rutabaga, radish, radish, onion, kohlrabi.
3. Indicate methods for processing root crops at POP.

1) _______________________________________

2) _______________________________________

3) _______________________________________
4. List in the correct sequence the operations when processing carrots:




5. Fill out the table: Shape of cutting root vegetables:

Cutting form

Size, cm.

Heat treatment method

Culinary use

3.0 – 5.0 length

0.2 x 0.2 section

3.0 – 4.0 length

0.4 x 0.4 section




2.0 – 2.5 diameter

0.1 – 0.3 thickness


0.2 – 0.3 thickness

Length no more than 3.5

0.2 – 0.3 thickness

For marinades, cold appetizers, (decoration).

6. Indicate the nutritional value of root vegetables:

Rutabagas, radishes contain __________________________________________

Parsley, celery contains _____________________________________

Carrots, beets contain ________________________________________
7. Continue the algorithm for processing parsley and celery:


3. Processing cabbage and onion vegetables.

1. Determine the type of cabbage vegetables:
______________ ______________ _____________ _____________

______________ _______________ ______________ _______________
2. Which type of cabbage cannot be used for stewing?


3. Draw up an algorithm for operations when processing white cabbage.

G) _______________________________________________________________

D) ________________________________________________________________
4. Fill out the table: Shape of slicing cabbage vegetables:

5. Add: Onions are valued for their content _____________________________________________________________________

6. Onion vegetables are divided into varieties according to taste:
A B C) _________________

7. Create an algorithm for operations when processing onions:
A) _____________________________________________________________

B) ______________________________________________________________

IN) ______________________________________________________________

G) ______________________________________________________________

8. Fill out the table:

Shape of cutting onion vegetables:

Cutting form

Size, cm.

Heat treatment method

Culinary use


Half rings (straws)


Small cubes (crumbs)




9. Answer: Why are onions chopped immediately before cooking?


10. Fill in the blanks:

To cut onions into strips, cut them ____________________

axles into two halves, lay cut side down and chop from the __________ side

into half rings with a thickness of ________________ mm.
11. Indicate how the processing of green onions differs from leeks?



4.Processing of fruit vegetables.
1. Underline the correct answer: Fruit vegetables include:

tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, beets, zucchini, kohlrabi, Jerusalem artichoke.
2. Complete the sentence: Fruit vegetables contain ___________________



3. Fill out the algorithm:

Mechanical cooking of tomatoes consists of:

4. Fill out the table: Form of cutting fruit vegetables.

Type of vegetables

Slicing methods

Culinary use





Squash squash


Bean pods


5. Match the columns using the arrows:

Sequence of mechanical cooking of fruit vegetables:
A) eggplants 1) calibrate

2) remove seeds

3) washed

4) remove the stalk

B) capsicum 5) scalded

6) cut lengthwise

7) cut off the skin

8) sort

B) cucumber 9) sliced
6. State: Why are corn cobs peeled just before

cooking? __________________________________________________________

7. Specify: Requirements for the quality of fruit vegetables:

5. Processing of salad and dessert vegetables.
1. Underline the correct answer: Dessert vegetables include:

Lettuce, spinach, artichoke, rhubarb, asparagus, tarragon, basil.
2. Continue the sentence: Salad vegetables contain a large amount

vitamin A _________________________________________________________
3. Indicate the types of operations when processing lettuce:



4. Describe the mechanical cooking of an artichoke:




5. Fill out the table:

6. Indicate the purpose for which processed artichokes are tied with twine:




7. Match using the arrows:

Sequence of mechanical cooking

salad and spinach vegetables:
A) rhubarb 1) calibrate

2) sort

3) remove the skin

B) asparagus 4) washed

5) bandage

6) cut

6. Processing of canned vegetables.
1. Continue the sentence: Canned vegetables are supplied to the populace

in the following form: _____________________________________

2. Fill in the algorithm for the sequence of operations when processing sauerkraut


3. Indicate which vegetables are supplied to the POP in dried form:


4. Match the columns using the arrows:

Before use, dried vegetables are processed:
A) greens 1) pour boiling water

B) potatoes 2) sprinkled with water

C) carrots 3) pour cold water for 3 hours

D) onions 4) used without processing

5. Indicate which vegetables are supplied to the POP in frozen form, at what

What temperature are they stored at? _____________________________________________________

6. List the form of cutting salted vegetables: ________________________

7. Processing vegetables for stuffing.

2. Specify: To prepare vegetables for stuffing, remove:

Zucchini _________________ pepper _____________________

Tomatoes_________________ cabbage _____________________

3. Fill out the algorithm:

Technological process for preparing zucchini for stuffing:

4. Complete the sentence:

For cabbage rolls, it is better to use _________________________ cabbage.
5. Indicate which vegetables are pre-cooked

before stuffing: _____________________________________________
6. Please indicate: Quality requirements for stuffed tomatoes: ____________

8. Quality requirements. Shelf life.
1. Determine the shelf life of peeled vegetables: (enter the names of the vegetables)

In cold water 2-3 hours

In sodium bisulfate solution up to 48

hours, at a temperature of 4-7 C.
12 hours, at a temperature of 0-4 C, at


covered with a damp cloth.
3 hours at a temperature of 2-12 C,

spreading out in a layer of 5-10 cm.

2. Indicate the factors influencing the amount of waste:

A) ______________________________________________________________

B) ______________________________________________________________

IN) ______________________________________________________________
3. Please indicate: Use of waste:

Potato ________________________________________________________

Beet ___________________________________________________________

Greenery ___________________________________________________________
4. Fill in the blanks:

Parsley, dill, salad are placed in a layer of __________, covered

And stored at a temperature of __________

no more _______________________________________________________

5. Match the time of year with the amount of waste.

when processing potatoes:

6. Conclude: The importance of vegetables in human nutrition



7. Find and write down useful tips: What is the best way to preserve vegetables?


11. Processing of mushrooms.
1. Continue the sentence:


2. Match the columns using the arrows: Groups of mushrooms:

A) spongy 1) morels, lines, truffles

B) lamellar 2) white, boletus, boletus

C) marsupials 3) milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, volushki
3. Determine the primary processing of fresh mushrooms:

A) first remove the skin from the caps of ________________________

B) after cleaning, immediately soak in cold salted water__________

4. Create an algorithm for processing champignons:

5. Fill out the algorithm for processing dried mushrooms:
6. Complete the sentence:

mushrooms need to be kept in ______________________ or _______________

Instructions: The proposed test has 10 tasks.

  1. Indicate by what criteria potatoes are sorted.

  1. Specify methods for processing root crops:
Answer: _________________________________________________________

  1. Indicate complex shapes for cutting carrots.
Answer: _________________________________________________________

  1. Specify the sequence of operation when processing cabbage

Answer: _________________________________________________________

  1. Specify the sequence of operations when preparing zucchini
for stuffing.

Answer: _________________________________________________________

  1. between temperature and storage time of sulfated potatoes.
1) 15C a) 48h.

2) 25C b) 6h.

3) 7C c) 24h.

7. Match columns between types of potato cuts

cubes and their sizes.

1) large cube a) 0.3x0.5

2) medium cube b) 2.0x2.5

3) small cube c) 1.x1.5

8. Match columns between types of onion slicing.

1) rings

2) rings a) onions

3) small sleepers

4) half rings b) green onions

5) large sleepers

6) straw

9. Set the sequence.

The technological process for processing pickled cucumbers consists of

from operations.

  1. peel off the skin

  2. washed

  3. cut out the seeds

  4. cut off the stalk
10.The technological process for processing dried mushrooms consists of

from operations.

  1. washed

  2. soak

  3. sorting through

  4. washed

Based on knowledge

Potato tubers are rich in starch, contain proteins, sugars, minerals, vitamins C and group B. Potatoes occupy an important place in the diet, therefore they are processed in mass quantities in catering establishments. For preparing dishes, it is better to use table varieties of potatoes that have thin and dense skin, a small number of small eyes and good taste.

Mechanical cooking of potatoes can be done using mechanical, chemical and thermal methods. The most common of them is mechanical.

Mechanical method. With this method, the potato processing process consists of the following operations: sorting and sizing, washing, peeling and finishing.

Sorting potatoes in mechanical sorting machines or manually. When sorting, rotten, beaten potatoes, foreign impurities (stones, chips, lumps of earth) and sprouted tubers are removed, since the eyes of such potatoes contain a toxic substance - solanine. Calibrating potatoes in size in order to reduce waste during machine peeling, since large tubers are peeled faster and by the end of peeling the entire potato, a layer of pulp, which contains a large amount of nutrients, is cut off from them.

The washing up potatoes helps to quickly peel them and improves sanitary conditions for further processing. At the same time, contaminants are removed from the surface of the tubers, so that sand does not fall on the moving parts of the potato peeler, maintaining the rough surface of the grating discs and increasing their service life. Higher quality starch is obtained from washed potato peelings. Wash potatoes in washing machines, potato peelers with a disk without an abrasive lining, washing and cleaning machines, or manually in bathtubs with grated flooring.

Cleanse potatoes in batch or continuous potato peelers. When using a batch potato peeler, first open the water supply valve, turn on the machine and load the potatoes through the hopper. Potatoes are peeled by rubbing against the rough surface of the disk and the walls of the potato peeler. Peeling removes the skin and some of the surface cells from the potato. The duration of cleaning is 2-2.5 minutes; with longer cleaning, a layer containing a large amount of starch is removed. The peeled potatoes are unloaded without turning off the electric motor. To do this, open the machine door and the potatoes go into the container provided.

Cleaning up Potato cutting is done by hand using a root or groove knife. When finishing cleaning, the eyes, cavities, dark spots, and remaining skin are removed from the peeled tubers. The processed potatoes are washed in cold water.

At enterprises of the vegetable processing industry and large procurement factories, thermal methods are used - steam and fire.

Steam method. Potatoes are treated with high pressure steam. In this case, shallow boiling of the surface layer occurs. When unloading potatoes from the machine, the skins fall off due to the pressure difference, and during washing they are easily removed.

Fire method. Potatoes are fired in a cylindrical oven at a temperature of 1100-1200 °C. The firing duration is 6-12 seconds. After firing, the potatoes go into a washing machine, where the skin is peeled off and washed off with water using brush rollers.

Cutting forms. Peeled potato tubers are used for heat treatment whole or pre-cut. Potatoes are cut into simple or complex shapes.

TO simple, the most common forms of cutting include: straws, sticks, circles, slices, slices (Fig. 3). Cutting by hand is a labor-intensive process, so special tools and vegetable cutting machines are widely used to make it easier. When cutting straws and slices manually, use a shredder technique.


Rice. 3 Forms of cutting potatoes and root vegetables 1 - slices; 2 - circles; 3 - straw; 4 - blocks; 5-cubes; 6 - lobules.

TO complex(curly) cutting forms include: barrels, pears, garlic, balls, spirals, shavings (Fig. 4). In this case, potatoes are cut manually using the grinding method. To obtain complex shapes, you can use special tools (Fig. 5).

Rice. 4 Shapes for cutting vegetables:

1 - barrels; 2 - garlic; 3 - pears; 4 - spirati; 5 - balls.

Straw. Raw large potatoes are cut into thin slices, placed one on top of the other and chopped crosswise into strips 4-5 cm long, with a cross-section of 0.2X0.2 cm. They are used for deep-frying (in a large amount of fat).

Cubes. The potatoes are first cut into slices, cut into sticks, and then cut into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections (in cm): large - 2-2.5, medium - 1 - 1.5, small - 0.3-0.5. Raw potatoes are cut into large cubes for stewing and making soups; medium - for preparing the “potatoes in milk” dish and for stewing; boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes for garnishing cold dishes and for salads.

Slices. Raw potatoes (small ones) are cut in half and cut into slices along the radius, which are used to prepare pickles, stews, braised beef, and deep-frying.

Bars. Raw potatoes are cut into slices 0.7-10 cm thick and cut into sticks 3-4 cm long. Used for frying, preparing borscht (except naval and Siberian borscht), pickle soup, soups with pasta and other dishes.

Rice. 5 Tools for cutting vegetables into shapes

Slices. Small or medium-sized boiled potatoes are cut in half lengthwise, then in half again and chopped crosswise into slices 1-2 mm thick. Large tubers are cut lengthwise into cubes and chopped crosswise into slices. The slices are used to make salads and vinaigrettes.

Circles. Boiled or raw potatoes are trimmed, giving them the shape of a cylinder, then cut crosswise into thin circles 1.5-2 mm thick. Raw potato slices are used for frying, and boiled ones are used for baking fish and meat.

Barrels. Medium-sized potatoes are cut on two opposite sides, then peeled, shaped into a barrel, and used boiled as a side dish.

Garlics. Raw potatoes are first peeled into barrels, then cut lengthwise into several pieces. A small notch is made along the edge of each part. Used for making soups.

Balloons. Balls of various sizes are cut out of raw potatoes using special grooves or the grinding technique is used. Large balls are used for deep-frying, medium ones - for deep-frying and boiled as a side dish for cold dishes.

Shavings. Cut the raw potatoes on two opposite sides so as to form a cylinder 2-3 cm high, trim it around the circumference, cut a ribbon 2-2.5 mm thick and 25-30 cm long. Then give this ribbon the shape of a bow and tie it with thread . Used for deep frying.

Spiral. Using a special tool, the potatoes are cut into a spiral. Used for deep frying.

Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato are processed and cut like potatoes.



Main objectives of the classes:

1. Develop students’ practical skills in organizing a workplace, processing vegetables and mushrooms, cutting, using tools, utensils, and equipment.

2. Teach students to use raw materials and electricity economically, to use equipment with care, and to follow safety rules.



Material and technical equipment

Equipment: production tables

Equipment, tools, dishes: pans, colander, sieve; chef knives and cutting boards marked “OS” (raw vegetables); carving knife for curly slicing vegetables.

Raw materials: tubers and root vegetables.

Sequence of technological operations

Operation No. 1. Organizing the workplace, sorting and washing vegetables.

When organizing a workplace, the sequence of all operations of the technological process must be ensured: sorting, washing, cleaning, finishing, slicing.

Sorting and calibration contribute to the rational use of vegetables for preparing certain dishes and reduce waste during mechanized processing. During sorting and calibration, foreign impurities, rotten and beaten specimens are removed, and vegetables are distributed according to size and quality.

Vegetables are washed manually. The water temperature should be 10... 15 C.

Operation No. 2. Peeling vegetables.

Vegetables are peeled manually using knives marked “OS”.

Operation No. 3. Cutting vegetables.

Vegetables are cut mechanically by hand using an “OS” knife. Tools and equipment are placed to the right of the worker, and the product being processed is to the left.

Slicing vegetables is necessary for more uniform cooking. It gives dishes a beautiful appearance and improves taste.

For tubers and root vegetables, there are two forms of cutting: simple and complex. The simplest, most common forms of cutting are:

Simple forms of cutting tubers

Straw. Raw large potatoes are cut into thin slices, placed one on top of the other and chopped crosswise into strips 4–5 cm long, with a cross-section of 0.2X0.2 cm. They are used for deep-frying (in a large amount of fat).

Bars. Raw potatoes are cut into slices 0.7–10 cm thick and cut into sticks 3–4 cm long. Used for frying, preparing borscht (except naval and Siberian borscht), pickle soup, soups with pasta and other dishes.

Cubes. The potatoes are first cut into slices, cut into sticks, and then cut into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections (in cm): large – 2–2.5, medium – 1–1.5, small – 0.3–0.5. Raw potatoes are cut into large cubes for stewing and making soups; medium – for preparing the “potatoes in milk” dish and for stewing; boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes for garnishing cold dishes and for salads.

Slices. Raw potatoes (small ones) are cut in half and cut into slices along the radius, which are used to prepare pickles, stews, braised beef, and deep-frying.

Slices. Small or medium-sized boiled potatoes are cut in half lengthwise, then in half again and chopped crosswise into slices 1–2 mm thick. Large tubers are cut lengthwise into cubes and chopped crosswise into slices. The slices are used to make salads and vinaigrettes.

Circles. Boiled or raw potatoes are trimmed into a cylinder shape, then cut crosswise into thin circles 1.5–2 mm thick. Raw potato slices are used for frying, and boiled ones are used for baking fish and meat.

Forms of cutting potatoes and root vegetables

1 – slices; 2 – circles; 3 – straw; 4 – blocks; 5-cubes; 6 – lobules.

Potato tubers are rich in starch, contain proteins, sugars, minerals, vitamins C and group B. Potatoes occupy an important place in the diet, therefore they are processed in mass quantities in catering establishments. For preparing dishes, it is better to use table varieties of potatoes that have thin and dense skin, a small number of small eyes and good taste.

Mechanical cooking of potatoes can be done using mechanical, chemical and thermal methods. The most common of them is mechanical.

Mechanical method. With this method, the potato processing process consists of the following operations: sorting and sizing, washing, peeling and finishing.

Sorting potatoes in mechanical sorting machines or manually. When sorting, rotten, beaten potatoes, foreign impurities (stones, chips, lumps of earth) and sprouted tubers are removed, since the eyes of such potatoes contain a toxic substance - solanine. Calibrating potatoes in size in order to reduce waste during machine peeling, since large tubers are peeled faster and by the end of peeling the entire potato, a layer of pulp, which contains a large amount of nutrients, is cut off from them.

The washing up potatoes helps to quickly peel them and improves sanitary conditions for further processing. At the same time, contaminants are removed from the surface of the tubers, so that sand does not fall on the moving parts of the potato peeler, maintaining the rough surface of the grating discs and increasing their service life. Higher quality starch is obtained from washed potato peelings. Wash potatoes in washing machines, potato peelers with a disk without an abrasive lining, washing and cleaning machines, or manually in bathtubs with grated flooring.

Cleanse potatoes in batch or continuous potato peelers. When using a batch potato peeler, first open the water supply valve, turn on the machine and load the potatoes through the hopper. Potatoes are peeled by rubbing against the rough surface of the disk and the walls of the potato peeler. Peeling removes the skin and some of the surface cells from the potato. The duration of cleaning is 2–2.5 minutes; with longer cleaning, a layer containing a large amount of starch is removed. The peeled potatoes are unloaded without turning off the electric motor. To do this, open the machine door and the potatoes go into the container provided.

Cleaning up Potato cutting is done by hand using a root or groove knife. When finishing cleaning, the eyes, cavities, dark spots, and remaining skin are removed from the peeled tubers. The processed potatoes are washed in cold water.

At enterprises of the vegetable processing industry and large procurement factories, thermal methods are used - steam and fire.

Steam method. Potatoes are treated with high pressure steam. In this case, shallow boiling of the surface layer occurs. When unloading potatoes from the machine, the skins fall off due to the pressure difference, and during washing they are easily removed.

Fire method. Potatoes are fired in a cylindrical oven at a temperature of 1100–1200 °C. The firing duration is 6–12 seconds. After firing, the potatoes go into a washing machine, where the skin is peeled off and washed off with water using brush rollers.

Cutting forms. Peeled potato tubers are used for heat treatment whole or pre-cut. Potatoes are cut into simple or complex shapes.

TO simple, the most common forms of cutting include: straws, sticks, circles, slices, slices (Fig. 3). Cutting by hand is a labor-intensive process, so special tools and vegetable cutting machines are widely used to make it easier. When cutting straws and slices manually, use a shredder technique.

Rice. 3 Forms of cutting potatoes and root vegetables

1 – slices; 2 – circles; 3 – straw; 4 – blocks; 5-cubes; 6 – lobules.

TO complex(curly) cutting forms include: barrels, pears, garlic, balls, spirals, shavings (Fig. 4). In this case, potatoes are cut manually using the grinding method. To obtain complex shapes, you can use special tools (Fig. 5).

Rice. 4 Shapes for cutting vegetables:

1 – barrels; 2 – garlic; 3 – pears; 4 – spirati; 5 – balls.

Straw. Raw large potatoes are cut into thin slices, placed one on top of the other and chopped crosswise into strips 4–5 cm long, with a cross-section of 0.2X0.2 cm. They are used for deep-frying (in a large amount of fat).

Whetstones. Raw potatoes are cut into slices 0.7–10 cm thick and cut into sticks 3–4 cm long. Used for frying, preparing borscht (except naval and Siberian borscht), pickle soup, soups with pasta and other dishes.

Rice. 5 Tools for cutting vegetables into shapes

Cubes. The potatoes are first cut into slices, cut into sticks, and then cut into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections (in cm): large – 2–2.5, medium – 1–1.5, small – 0.3–0.5. Raw potatoes are cut into large cubes for stewing and making soups; medium – for preparing the “potatoes in milk” dish and for stewing; boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes for garnishing cold dishes and for salads.

Slices. Raw potatoes (small ones) are cut in half and cut into slices along the radius, which are used to prepare pickles, stews, braised beef, and deep-frying.

Slices. Small or medium-sized boiled potatoes are cut in half lengthwise, then in half again and chopped crosswise into slices 1–2 mm thick. Large tubers are cut lengthwise into cubes and chopped crosswise into slices. The slices are used to make salads and vinaigrettes.

Circles. Boiled or raw potatoes are trimmed into a cylinder shape, then cut crosswise into thin circles 1.5–2 mm thick. Raw potato slices are used for frying, and boiled ones are used for baking fish and meat.

Barrels. Medium-sized potatoes are cut on two opposite sides, then peeled, shaped into a barrel, and used boiled as a side dish.

Garlics. Raw potatoes are first peeled into barrels, then cut lengthwise into several pieces. A small notch is made along the edge of each part. Used for making soups.

Balloons. Balls of various sizes are cut out of raw potatoes using special grooves or the grinding technique is used. Large balls are used for deep frying, medium balls are used for deep frying and boiled as a side dish for cold dishes.

Shavings. Cut the raw potatoes on two opposite sides so that you get a cylinder 2–3 cm high, trim it around the circumference, cut off a ribbon 2–2.5 mm thick and 25–30 cm long. Then give this ribbon the shape of a bow and tie it with thread . Used for deep frying.

Spiral. Using a special tool, the potatoes are cut into a spiral. Used for deep frying.

Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato are processed and cut like potatoes.