Why in a dream they give the key. Why dream of keys to a house, apartment or car

The keys dream of unforeseen changes.

Lost the keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events, found - peace in the family and revival in business await you.

Spoiled keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door not locked with a key, she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreamed that she was locking the door with a key, she would marry. Lost the key - her reputation is at stake.

Nostrodamus claimed that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about the key as follows.

They opened the door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a predicament from which you will try to find a way out.

Found a key in a dream - great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

We saw two keys in a dream - an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

We saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys - you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials.

We saw a golden key in a dream - your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts.

They were looking for the keys to their house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. To lose the keys means to lose control over the situation, to lose the means of access to something. The loss of keys means the inability to get something important to complete a task, to find an approach to people or access to information. To find the lost key is to establish yourself in this situation, to feel like a "blacksmith" of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to reach your potential in yourself or in relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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  • Primary elements - fire, metal, wood.
  • Elements - heat, dryness, wind.
  • Emotions - joy, sadness, turning into confidence, anger as a gambling part of the search state.
  • Organs - heart, small intestine, lungs, large intestine, liver, gallbladder.
  • Planets - Mars, Venus, Jupiter.
  • The key is the most important symbol of life and a philosophical category, common for all people of the earth, without distinction into countries and nations. The key is a symbol of the possibility of moving forward: personal spiritual movement, the movement of evolution. Figuratively speaking, the key - the symbol, as it were, opens - unlocks the door leading to the Platonic ladder of ascent to Heaven. Twice in a person's life a symbolic door is unlocked: when he is born, it is a door from heaven to earth; when he dies, the same door opens in the opposite direction from earth to heaven and closes behind the departed. Not without reason, in the Christian worldview, the Apostle Peter, guarding the doors of Paradise, is depicted with keys on his belt. As an object, the symbolism of which repeatedly outweighs the form and practical application, the key in the space of sleep carries an extremely important semantic load. The key in a dream to see / hold / open to them / lose is the external yang (material form) in harmony with the internal yin (access to information), which should result in the maximum realization of possible movement. The key in a dream to receive / have - means the correspondence of the method of solving (actions) of the problem itself and the correspondence of the dreamer's internal capabilities to them. The key is to seek and find - it is possible to obtain the key only by overcoming impotence and gaining in return the joy and desire to move forward. Sleep is more than favorable: the meaning of life has been found. But this has nothing to do with immediate success. Open the door / chest with a key - find a specific answer, an adequate solution to the situation, correctly apply the available force. From personal experience and cultural experience, a person keeps innumerable options for action, but only one of them is the most effective. In this case, the key is a symbol of compliance with a specific goal and a way to achieve it. Finding/already having the key, but not being able to open it, means that the present course of action will not bring results: The key does not fit (there is a feeling) - it is the course of action that does not match the goal. The dreamer cannot open (the key in his hands does not work) - this means the absence of inner strength, when a person’s inconsistency with the task deprives the key of its symbolic meaning, an empty appearance of form remains, meaningless in the space of sleep. Such a dream is the need to reconsider both goals and ways to achieve them, and one's internal capabilities. Lose the key - lose the power of movement. Sleep is extremely unfavorable. Although it is not related to momentary success / failure, but the loss of one's own self does not bode well.
  • Golden key - in a dream it symbolizes a more emotional sphere of feelings and portends an interesting, but stormy course of events. Silver key - a penchant for logical analysis, for science without the obligatory explicit external expressions, emotional outbursts.

If you had a dream about the keys, then you should remember everything to the smallest detail. Decryption is affected by the number of keys, their purpose, as well as the actions that occur with them (search, find, lose, give away). Interpreters of dreams will help to explain what they see in more detail.

If you dreamed of an unlocked door with a key inserted into the keyhole, then you will have a kind and responsive admirer.

Dreamed of a wrench? Something breaks in the house

Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

A girl's dream promises a meeting with a man who will later become her lover. According to Medea's dream book, get ready for stunning news.

For a woman, a vision prophesies a love affair on the side, secret dates and thrills. The main thing is that others do not reveal your secret, otherwise you will have to pay for what you have done.

Pregnant night dreams with a key indicate that she ascribes to herself non-existent diseases. Do not self-medicate.

For a man, a dream portends a quick solution to long-standing problems. According to Miller's dream book, a date awaits you with a woman whom you have long sympathized with.

For a family man, the key seen in the kingdom of Morpheus predicts the receipt of unusual news. The dream also promises the disclosure of a secret.

To forget the keys in a dream - to dissatisfaction in love.

Interpretations depending on the details

A significant role is played by the details of sleep, which should be reproduced in memory. The more you can remember, the more accurately you will interpret night vision.

Bundle or box

To see a bunch of keys in a dream - to a promotion at work and getting a responsible position. According to the dream book of Nostradamus, you will travel to different countries and learn a lot of new things..

According to the dream book of Pythagoras, if there were ten keys in the bunch, then this is a favorable sign. A business in which you put a lot of effort will bear fruit that will please you. If a young girl had such a dream, then she should remember what happened in her life ten days ago. The events that happened that day will affect her fate.

The Muslim dream book interprets night vision with a large bunch of keys as an opportunity to achieve power in the future.

If there is only one key left in the bundle, then everything that you are doing now is meaningless. Do not waste time on nonsense, look for a useful activity.

Seeing a box with keys in a dream is a profit. Such information is offered in Miller's dream book. But Martyn Zadeka is sure that you will make friends with an influential person.

Dreamed of a padlock with a key? There will be obstacles along the way. You will spend a lot of time and effort to overcome them.

Seeing a housekeeper in night dreams is a tempting offer that you cannot refuse.

From your own and someone else's apartment, from the door

If you dreamed of the keys to your home, then soon you will discover the secret. According to the family dream book, insight awaits you, and after a long time of useless searches, you will find the answer to your question.

Did you see a key or a bunch of keys from someone else's house in the kingdom of Morpheus? You want to reach your potential and show off your skills and talents to others. According to the idiomatic dream book, you will solve the problems that have piled up thanks to your tenacious mind.

The keys to the door in night vision promise the disclosure of other people's secrets. It will happen completely by accident. According to the esoteric Tsvetkov, an exciting event awaits you, which will be remembered for a long time.

Drop the keys in night dreams - to gossip and condemnation.

Video: what are the keys to the apartment dreaming of

From the machine

Dreamed of car keys? A pleasant event awaits you, you will have a good time. For a woman, a dream portends an interesting acquaintance, and for a man - a long journey.

If the keys to the vehicle belonged to you in night vision, then you will make a major purchase. To dream of other people's keys to a car - to proceedings with colleagues or distant relatives. The conflict will arise on financial grounds.

If you dreamed about the keys to a truck, then get ready for a change of job or place of residence. According to the modern dream book, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Stringing keys on a ring - for easy money, winnings.

Broken or rusty

A broken key in a dream predicts trouble. It is especially bad if you saw such a dream on the eve of important events. Be mentally prepared for failure and spending money. According to the family dream book, a vision promises separation from a loved one. human.

If a woman dreamed of a broken key, then a quarrel with her beloved awaited her. For a man, night dreams promise proceedings at work. Be extremely careful not to make an annoying mistake.

If the key in the kingdom of Morpheus was rusty, then you are in danger of serious health problems. According to Medea's dream book, dreams are not destined to come true, but according to the family - there will be obstacles in your way.

It is interesting. Seeing a new key in a dream is a good sign. You will have new ideas, the implementation of which will allow you to get rich.

In the hand or in the keyhole

If you dreamed that you were holding a key in your hand, then in reality you are in control of the situation or are the leader in the relationship. According to the healer Akulina, you will be promoted. For the unemployed, such a vision promises a new position. According to the modern dream book, life changes are coming.

To hold a bunch of keys in your hands in a dream means to be the main thing in business. If another person had the keys in a dream, then you will have to obey someone else's will.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus the key was in the keyhole, then problems in personal life are possible, against the background of which depression and apathy will develop. According to Azar's dream book, you will get something for the house, change the interior.

If in a dream you were given a key that does not fit the lock, then beware of deception.

Video: interpretation of dreams about keys

key material

To see a golden key in a dream - to decent pay and profit. The following information is recorded in the dream books on this subject:

  1. Idiomatic. Desires will come true, everything will turn out the way you want.
  2. Imperial. Joy and stormy emotions await you.
  3. Nostradamus. The works will be noticed by the management and appreciated.
  4. Esoteric. You will be lucky.
  5. XXI century. You will make friends with an important person who will help you move up the career ladder.

If the key in the kingdom of Morpheus was copper, then you will work hard, but the end result will certainly please you. According to the American dream book, you are lucky in love.

To see an iron key in a dream - to a joyful event or the acquisition of valuable things. But the esoteric Tsvetkov reports that for a while it is better to abandon the solution of serious matters and new beginnings. Now is not the most favorable period for this.

The silver key in night dreams tells you that you think logically, thanks to which you always achieve success and solve difficult problems.

Collecting keys in night dreams - to unexpected happiness.

To see in a dream many different keys - to cardinal changes and responsible actions

Interpretation of sleep by key size

A big key in a dream promises good opportunities. You will quickly find the right solution and get out of a difficult situation. According toapostle Simon the Canaanite, you will make a good deal and get rich.

Seeing a medium-sized key in a dream, know that changes are coming. The main thing is not to sit back and expand your social circle, then you can succeed in your endeavors. According to the modern dream book, a long journey awaits you in the company of an interesting companion.

If in a dream the key was in the hands of a stranger, then they are waiting for you to lead from afar

Actions in a dream

The interpretation of a dream will not be complete if you do not remember the actions taking place in it.

To open the door

If you dreamed that you open the door inside the room with a key and want to leave the room, then in reality you are ready for changes. It's time to rethink your lifestyle and make changes to it. The same applies to people with whom you regularly communicate. Perhaps there is a person in the environment who unnerves or tires you with conversations. Keep contact with him to a minimum. Make friends with positive people who charge you with good emotions.

Opening the front door from the outside in night dreams is a discovery that you will make in the near future. For a girl, such a dream prophesies an acquaintance with a boyfriend. However, you should not trust him much, otherwise he may deceive or offend you.

If in a dream you opened a secret door, you will soon find out someone's secret. The information will blow your mind.

It is interesting. Turn the key in the lock - to the successful completion of the work begun. So says the esoteric dream book.

To see the key to the intercom in the kingdom of Morpheus - to make important decisions. However, before you do so, think carefully.

Close the door

If in night vision you locked the door inside the room, then you have secrets that your loved ones should not know. You hide secrets from relatives and acquaintances in every possible way and are constantly afraid that they will find out the truth.

If in a dream you closed the door from the outside, then you will meet a new love and formalize the relationship. For a girl, a dream promises marriage. According to Freud, the dream reports that the dreamer is dissatisfied with his sex life, and the woman who sees such a vision is terrified of an unwanted pregnancy.

To close the bedside table with a key in the kingdom of Morpheus - to a creative discovery or an exciting journey. According to Grishina's dream book, the cherished desire will soon come true, the main thing is not to tell anyone about it.

Knocking on a closed door in a dream - to vain hopes and regret about missed opportunities.

Find the keys

Finding keys in a dream is a good omen. Here is how famous interpreters of dreams decipher the vision:

  1. American dream book. Great luck.
  2. Vanga. Success in business.
  3. Grishin. The joy of motherhood.
  4. Denise Lynn. Fast problem solving.
  5. David Loff. Self-assertion and control over the situation.
  6. Miller. Happy marriage.
  7. Modern dream book. Rise in business.
  8. Freud. Success in love.
  9. Healer Akulina. You will have a great time with your best friends.
  10. Gypsy dream book. It's time to start new business, success is guaranteed.

Did you happen to find the keys to the car in a dream? This means that you will soon make a major purchase.

To see an old key in a dream - to receive information that will affect future events


If you lost your keys in a dream, then get ready for trouble. Here is what dream books say about this:

  1. English. Bad outcome.
  2. Vanga. Failures in love and disappointment.
  3. Oriental. Unpleasant trips, hassle.
  4. Imperial. A black streak is coming in life.
  5. Small Velesov. Death of a loved one.
  6. Medea. Meet an old friend who makes you feel like a loser.
  7. Russian. You will get into trouble.
  8. Family. Your relative will disappoint you.
  9. Modern. Problems at home and at work.
  10. XXI century. Gossip, self-doubt, blues.

It is important. If a girl in the kingdom of Morpheus has lost the key, then her reputation is in jeopardy. According to the modern dream book, quarrels with a loved one are possible.

Give or receive

If in a dream you gave the key to another person, then by your own stupidity you will ruin your reputation. According to the English dream book, if a girl in night dreams gives the key to a man, then soon she will marry him.

Did you hand over the keys to a friend or relative in a dream? This person will need your help soon.

To give the keys to the deceased in the kingdom of Morpheus - to losses and frustration. Such a dream also promises illness and disappointment in people. To avoid negative consequences, be sure to remember the deceased upon awakening. It does not interfere with visiting the church and lighting a candle for the repose.

It’s good if the dead man asked for a key in a dream, but you refused him. You will avoid serious trouble.

Passing the key to an opponent in a dream is a bad sign. The vision prophesies problems in personal life, jealousy and betrayal.

If in night dreams you received a key from another person, then the truth will be revealed to you. The information obtained will be useful to you in the future.

If you dreamed that a dead man gave you the keys, then get ready for trouble and a showdown. This dream serves as a warning. Do not talk anything superfluous, do not condemn other people, otherwise the conflict cannot be avoided.

Did you dream that your opponent gives you the keys? This is a good sign. The heart of a man belongs to you completely and without a trace, he does not look at others.

Get the keys from the enemy in night vision - to reconciliation.

If in a dream you saw a bunch of keys with a keychain, then your act will please your loved ones.


If in a dream you were busy looking for a key, then in reality you abandoned your work and do not fulfill your obligations. Here is what is written in the dream books about this:

  1. Vanga. Your behavior offends relatives.
  2. Imperial. You have many problems that you are unable to solve.
  3. Nostradamus. You are looking for a way out of a difficult situation.
  4. Ukrainian. You don't keep your word.
  5. XXI century. You are neglectful of official duties.

If in a dream you were looking for a key and found it, then things will get better, you will achieve what you want.

If in a dream you saw a key keeper, then look for allies in a new business, and then it will bring profit

Steal yourself or have been stolen from you

If in a dream you stole the keys, then you will learn valuable information dishonestly. According to the Eastern dream book, a vision promises an unpleasant adventure..

Did you dream that you stole the key and then returned it to its owner? You have done something wrong, and you regret it. If you offended someone, then ask for forgiveness, and your soul will feel better.

If in a dream your keys were stolen, then get ready for problems with the law. There is a possibility of imprisonment. It is important for the interpretation of what the stolen keys were from:

  1. From the house. Problems in the family are provided.
  2. From the car. Avoid long trips, driving at night or in bad weather. Vision warns of a car accident. It's up to you to avoid it.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus thieves took away the keys to the safe, then your secret will be revealed. Get ready for judgment and gossip.

Break the key in a dream - to receive bad news.


Hiding keys in night dreams - to the desire to be alone. You are tired of communication and want to relax. It doesn't matter where you hide it.

  1. Under the pillow You are exhausted by quarrels with your loved one, but do not rush to break off relations. Take a break, and when you get bored, continue the conversation.
  2. Under the rug by the door. Recently, relations with household members have become tense. The reason is simple - everyone pulls the blanket over himself and does not listen to the opinions of others. You need to reconsider your outlook on life and make adjustments.
  3. In a boot. A close friend has tired you with his complaints and discontent. Stop talking to him for a while.

According to the dream book of the white magician Longo, hiding a key in a dream is a sign that you are not sure about the correctness of your actions.

Many dreams about keys report the need to make the right decision in a given situation, portend a new stage in life or gain knowledge that will be useful to you in the future. If the interpretation of sleep is negative, then do not despair, because now you have been warned of impending troubles and will be able to prepare for them.

The key is an ancient symbol, meaning power, power, self-confidence. It is no coincidence that there are such expressions as “the key to success”, “pick up the keys to some person”, “golden key”. Often the keys appear in a dream in a variety of situations, which raises questions: why is the key to the door dreaming? What portends - joy or the appearance of problems? Let's see what the dream book says about such a multifaceted symbol as a door key.

Holding a door key in your hand in a dream is a good sign. This means that at present you have a high level of influence, you have enough funds and personal energy. This is a dream with tremendous potential! Also, such a dream may indicate that you will be able to solve a long-standing problem or find an answer to some question that has been tormenting you for more than a year, as well as establish relationships with an influential person.

The dream may be telling you that you are ready to "take the leap" in your life. You just have to decide: maybe it's time for you to change your apartment, car, job. Do it! Your subconscious tells you that everything will be fine with you.

Much depends on the appearance of the key and your attitude towards it in a dream: if you see a shiny new key, then the solution to the problem will be quick and easy. If the key is old, covered with rust, then you will have to face obstacles.

If you unexpectedly find the key - this is a 100% sign of good luck and luck! In what area you are lucky, it is difficult to say, but the fact of the onset of pleasant events in your life is beyond doubt. Some dream books interpret the found key as a sign of the onset of a period of peace and understanding in the family, between spouses.

A whole bunch of keys portends good luck in financial matters. Get ready, soon you will become much richer or take an important position!

A dream about car keys can talk about a possible trip or some very quick pleasant changes in life.

The key sticking out in the lock portends an early meeting with a loved one in an intimate setting. Dreaming of a golden key speaks of the fulfillment of a very significant desire for you.

Doors, open!

Sometimes in a dream we do not just hold the key in our hand or find it, but we open or close the lock. In this case, it is important with what feelings you did it and where the door led.

Remember what kind of room you opened in a dream. If this is a house, then we are talking about changes in your real life. If you open the basement, then you will be able to "pick up the key" to your subconscious. The basement is also a symbol of fears, so such a dream may seem disturbing. The good news is that its meaning is generally positive - you will be able to cope with some of your phobia. The bad news is that in order to do this, you will have to face this fear in real life…

The room symbolizes financial affairs, so the dream in which you open a room can be a harbinger of significant profits or means a solution to a long-standing financial problem. The attic is reminiscent of unfulfilled plans, forgotten dreams. It is possible that the dream in which you open the door to the attic portends the realization of an old dream. Or maybe you will understand: in order to move on, you will have to fulfill your long-standing plans, which you have long forgotten about. They will be relevant again!

Thus, seeing the key to the door can mean the following:

  • luck,
  • sexual Interest,
  • new achievements
  • new job,
  • promotion,
  • financial achievements
  • reconciliation with enemies
  • fast pleasant trip,
  • good deal.

What can it mean if you close the doors in a dream?

If in a dream you close yourself in a room, this indicates your desire for loneliness. Some experts believe that sometimes this is a warning against excessive talkativeness. If you close the door of the house behind you, leaving it, then this may mean that you are keeping some secret or refusing to resolve some issue that is important to you. This is not always a bad thing: sometimes some decisions are really better to be postponed until later.

What does it mean if you lose the key? Unfortunately, all dream books interpret the symbol in the same way. This is a negative sign: lost profits, loss of love, relationships. You can lose control of the situation, your business partners will deceive you.

If you yourself give someone the key, then be vigilant, take a closer look at your real life. Maybe you yourself refuse some benefit and give your energy to other people.

If the key breaks, then expect big trouble in life. Such a dream portends the death of a loved one, separation, a damaged reputation or loss of money.

Loss and prolonged unsuccessful search for the key speak of neglect of one's duties at work.

The key to the door, according to dream books, can have a different meaning. As is often the case with dream interpretations, some of the descriptions contradict each other. Let's see what the most famous dream interpreters say about this symbol.

Freud's dream book

From Freud's point of view, the key is an erotic symbol. The father of psychoanalysis believed that the situation in a dream, when a man opens the door with a key, speaks of his sexual aspirations. If he is disappointed in his wife, he may dream that he is locking the door. The loss of the key symbolizes a break or quarrel with a partner (the meaning is suitable for both men and women).

Miller's dream book

From the point of view of the famous dream interpreter Miller, if a woman closes the door with a key, then this means a quick wedding. Losing the key is a bad sign, luck will turn its back on you. Even serious trouble can happen.

  • Primary elements - fire, metal, wood.
  • Elements - heat, dryness, wind.
  • Emotions - joy, sadness, turning into confidence, anger as a gambling part of the search state.
  • Organs - heart, small intestine, lungs, large intestine, liver, gallbladder.
  • Planets - Mars, Venus, Jupiter.
  • The key is the most important symbol of life and a philosophical category, common for all people of the earth, without distinction into countries and nations. The key is a symbol of the possibility of moving forward: personal spiritual movement, the movement of evolution. Figuratively speaking, the key - the symbol, as it were, opens - unlocks the door leading to the Platonic ladder of ascent to Heaven. Twice in a person's life a symbolic door is unlocked: when he is born, it is a door from heaven to earth; when he dies, the same door opens in the opposite direction from earth to heaven and closes behind the departed. Not without reason, in the Christian worldview, the Apostle Peter, guarding the doors of Paradise, is depicted with keys on his belt. As an object, the symbolism of which repeatedly outweighs the form and practical application, the key in the space of sleep carries an extremely important semantic load. The key in a dream to see / hold / open to them / lose is the external yang (material form) in harmony with the internal yin (access to information), which should result in the maximum realization of possible movement. The key in a dream to receive / have - means the correspondence of the method of solving (actions) of the problem itself and the correspondence of the dreamer's internal capabilities to them. The key is to seek and find - it is possible to obtain the key only by overcoming impotence and gaining in return the joy and desire to move forward. Sleep is more than favorable: the meaning of life has been found. But this has nothing to do with immediate success. Open the door / chest with a key - find a specific answer, an adequate solution to the situation, correctly apply the available force. From personal experience and cultural experience, a person keeps innumerable options for action, but only one of them is the most effective. In this case, the key is a symbol of compliance with a specific goal and a way to achieve it. Finding/already having the key, but not being able to open it, means that the present course of action will not bring results: The key does not fit (there is a feeling) - it is the course of action that does not match the goal. The dreamer cannot open (the key in his hands does not work) - this means the absence of inner strength, when a person’s inconsistency with the task deprives the key of its symbolic meaning, an empty appearance of form remains, meaningless in the space of sleep. Such a dream is the need to reconsider both goals and ways to achieve them, and one's internal capabilities. Lose the key - lose the power of movement. Sleep is extremely unfavorable. Although it is not related to momentary success / failure, but the loss of one's own self does not bode well.
  • Golden key - in a dream it symbolizes a more emotional sphere of feelings and portends an interesting, but stormy course of events. Silver key - a penchant for logical analysis, for science without the obligatory explicit external expressions, emotional outbursts.