Play Zombie House Defense 3. Zombie Defense

Description of the flash game

Zombie Defense


The invasion of the dead has led to the fact that now the zombies are capturing more and more settlements, and now they have reached you. In the online game "Protection from zombies" you will protect your house from the invasion of walkers who have occupied it from almost all sides. The game is a tower defense genre, where reaction speed and accuracy are important. To protect your home, at the beginning you only have stones with which you will throw walkers making their way to the door. But do not underestimate the stone, because if you hit them in the head, then nothing will remain of the dead almost immediately.

But gradually, it will be possible to open such types of weapons as: a rifle, a pistol, a grenade and more. At the first level, the player needs to protect the house, and in the second, as it turned out, the zombies are interested not only in a warm place, but also in cold food from the refrigerator, which they will try to take with them. You cannot allow this. Subsequent levels of the flash game "Zombie Defense" will be even more interesting and difficult. Indeed, in addition to ordinary zombies, those with protection on their heads and weapons in their hands will appear. So get ready for a serious battle.

Worried about zombies breaking into your home? Here are ten ways to stay safe.

With jaw-dropping zombie movies like AMC's The Walking Dead and soon-to-be cult movies like Dead Snow, many are beginning to ask the question: what do I need to protect my family and home from zombies? Well, without further ado, here are ten simple ways to help you prepare for a zombie attack and build a zombie-resistant house.

1. Build your home in a remote area: in the mountains, in the forest, in the desert or on the moon, as did M.J. (Michael Jackson, you can make sure here: - approx. Akai). Zombies concentrate in areas with a large human population, as human flesh is their source of unlife, so living in a remote area with only a few inhabitants will increase your chances of survival.

2. High fences. Building a high smooth fence will prevent zombies from getting on your land plot. Muscle tissue breaks down during decomposition, rendering zombies unable to climb walls.

3. Trapping holes. Dig a few wide holes in the ground, cover them with large tree branches and leaves. If the zombies find a way to breach your perimeter, a trap pit provides the same protection as a high fence.

4. Make all doors out of solid wood or metal. Zombies don't have much strength due to muscle breakdown as mentioned above. The power of zombies is not a threat to a well-fortified door. Windows in case of zombie invasion should also be strengthened.

5. Well water versus tap water. Dig a well in your area, in the event of a zombie epidemic, you will not be able to rely on centralized water supply. Workers at your local waterworks can become zombies, and everyone knows that zombies have absolutely no work debt.

6. Generators and fuel. Considering the zombie's work debt, or lack of it, it's best to have a generator in your home in order to ensure your preferred lifestyle. A strong supply of fuel will be needed to ensure continued use of the generator.

7. Sound distraction. Zombies have acute hearing. If your yard is large enough, install speakers around the perimeter. If a penetration occurs through it, play loud sounds to lure the zombies away from your home and your loved ones. The generator will come in handy here.

8. Weapons. If you find that there is no other choice but to fight, a sharp long machete or a scythe - a good choice weapons, so you'll be able to keep your distance while chopping off the heads of your undead opponents.

9. Get a mobile home. The best way avoid zombie attacks - be constantly on the move. Mobile House - a good option, it will allow you to escape from the attack of the undead without giving up the comforts of home.

10. If you can't win, join them. True, you can end up eating your first child, so at least you won't have to pay for his college education.

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If something catastrophic will happen tomorrow in the world would you like to stay in your current home or would you prefer to take refuge somewhere else?Of course, there is little space, but they have a high probability of surviving the apocalypse. BUTreinforced house with steel sliding walls or mobile, since the ability to change location can be much more useful in such a situation.Some amazing examples do exist, and while they weren't specifically built to survive the apocalypse, they can handle a zombie attack. "with a bang".

Safety without frills

This sheltered house is located in Warsaw, Poland and was designed byKVK Promes. The owners wanted more security, and the architects found a very smart way to meet this request, as well as offer their customers houses that are able to blend in harmoniously with the environment and ensure the safety of the owners. The house was designed as a compact cube with the possibility of complete blocking of access from the outside. concrete monolith however, he hides a secret within himself. Its exterior walls have the ability to slide, opening interior spaces and forming patio.

Photo - kwkpromes

Concrete ark on a hillside

located in Krakow, Poland this house is special in many ways. First of all, you can see that he as if levitating, but in fact only one of its corners touches the ground, while the rest of the house hangs over the edge of the hill. In addition to this, these wide windows can be protected by large shutters, creating complete security.

Photo - kwkpromes

Sheltered home in the middle of the rainforest

Steelsliding walls- a very correct decision if you want to prevent people from entering your family den. In addition, the remote location is a big plus, in the context of the apocalyptic scenario, which leads us to this interesting building designed byOlson Kundig. It is small and designed to be used as a holiday home, and the huge shutters let in a lot of light or can be left closed when the house is not in use. The fact that the house is on stilts protects it from the dampness found in temperate rainforest areas.

Photos - Olson Kündig

Wooden hut on a sleigh

You can move it without even making any changes to the structure, not to mention it can be quite fun in the winter. The hut was built by architects Crosson clarke on the beach at New Zealand. The facade is clad in wood and blends well with environment. The most remarkable detail is the fact that the hut was built on two wooden skids. As with all other zombie-proof houses, there are shutters that can close inner space for increased safety and weather protection.

Photos - Сrosson clarke

small writer's office

D omic in Washington, was designed Olson Kundig, to serve as writer's office with the possibility also to be used as a holiday home. It has one continuous wooden wall framed with glass on three sides. On these three sides, the architects designed three wooden podiums that can be used as shutters.

Photos - Olson Kundig

Tiny house in the forest

This little building was built Olson Kundig, could potentially be used as a cozy hideout. Nowadays it's just a cozy little house in the woods with cedar ceiling and floor, outdoor shower, wood burning stove and a steel panel that can cover windows for security.

Photos - Olson Kundig

lone steel tower in australia

When those metal shutters are closed, this little structure looks like a fortress, plus worn finish gives it a great cover and disguise. This home was designed byCasey Brown Architecture. The lower level is framed by large glass walls that can only be seen when the shutters are open. It also has passive heating, ventilation technology and water collection systems.

Photos - Casey Brown Architecture

How about hiding in a huge boulder?

Good stealth can pay off when survival is at stake. Take a look at the amazing structure designed by the architects bureau A . This is a tribute to the Swiss novelist Ramyu. From afar, you would not guess that this boulder can serve as a shelter for several people. It's very smart and interesting solution not only in the context of the apocalyptic world, but also as a lodge for enjoying the mountainous surroundings.

Photo - a-bureau

Rest house in a bunker

You may be wondering why we haven't mentioned the bunker yet. But someone actually turned the old bunker into a personal holiday home. Of course there is lack of comfort that other houses can offer. The bunker is partially recessed into the ground and hasraw concrete walls, ainterior living space nine square meters with a low ceiling.