Two prime numbers whose difference is. Two prime numbers whose difference is Two prime numbers whose difference is 2

Two prime numbers whose difference is 2 are called twins. Find in the table all pairs of twin numbers, how many such pairs are among the first 500 numbers and among the numbers from 500 to 1000. Which ones are the biggest? Scientists still do not know if the largest pair of twins numbers.

Two prime numbers whose difference is 2 are called twins. Find in the table all pairs of twin numbers, how many such pairs are among the first 500 numbers and among the numbers from 500 to 1000. Which ones are the biggest? Scientists still do not know if the largest pair of twins numbers.

Detect Language Klingon Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Клингонский Клингонский (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Cheva Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Target:

Results (English) 1:

Two prime numbers equal 2 difference referred to as twins. Find all the pairs in the table of numbers how many such pairs of twins among the first 500 primes among numbers from 500 to 1000. Which one is the largest? Scientists still do not know if the biggest pair of numbers of the twins.

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Results (English) 2:

Two prime numbers whose difference is 2 are called twins. Find the table all the pairs of twins how many couples among the first 500 numbers and among the numbers from 500 to 1000. What are the greatest? Scientists still do not know if the greatest number pair of twins.

Prime numbers whose difference is 2 are called twins. It is curious that in the natural series there is even a “triplet” - these are the numbers 3,5,7. Prime numbers whose difference is 2 are called twins. It is curious that in the natural series there is even a “triplet” - these are the numbers 3,5,7.

(3, 5), (5, 7), (11, 13), (17, 19), (29, 31), (41, 43), (59, 61), (71, 73), (101 , 103), (107, 109),(137, 139), (149, 151), (179, 181), (191, 193), (197, 199), (227, 229), (239, 241 ), (269, 271), (281, 283), (311, 313), (347, 349), (419, 421), (431, 433), (461, 463), (521, 523), (569, 571), (599, 601), (617, 619), (641, 643), (659, 661), (809, 811), (821, 823), (827, 829), (857 , 859), (881, 883) First twin primes

Twins can gather in clusters, forming fours of the form (n-4, n-2, n + 2, n + 4), for example (5, 7, 11, 13,) or (11, 13, 17, 19,). How many such clusters are is still unknown. Twins can gather in clusters, forming fours of the form (n-4, n-2, n + 2, n + 4), for example (5, 7, 11, 13,) or (11, 13, 17, 19,). How many such clusters are is still unknown.

prime numbers whose difference is 2 are called twins from 1 to 100 from 100 to 200


from 1 to 100 - 3 5; 5 7; 11 13; 17 19; 29 31; 41 43; 59 61; 71 73 from 100 to 200 - 101 103; 107 109; 137 139 149 151; 179 181; 191 193; 197 199 didn't seem to miss any

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