Oak - Online magazine “Living Forest. Oak leaf roller - the enemy of green oak forests The young oak tree is covered with insects

The first section of the article is devoted to the protection of birches (BETULA). Here you will learn how to treat these trees from pests and diseases in spring, summer and autumn.

Real tinder. The causative agent is a fungus Forties fomentarius (L.) Gill. Causes white marble, sound-sapwood rot of the trunk. When damaged by this disease, the wood of deciduous trees turns brown, later becoming yellow-white with brown-black sinuous lines. Radial cracks appear with leathery films of the mycelium, large, perennial, hoof-shaped, with a wide base, fruiting bodies, 10-40 cm in diameter, form on the bark. The surface is gray or gray-black, sometimes brown with wide concentric zones.

worlds of struggle.

Cytosporosis. The causative agent is a fungus Cytospora horrida Sacc. In the affected bark, numerous black or dark gray tubercles are formed, protruding from the cracks. With this disease of the bark, young trees dry up.

Control measures. When treating trees for diseases in the spring, spraying is carried out before the leaves bloom with a Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Brown spotting. The causative agent is a fungus Marssonina betulae Magn. The spots on the leaves from mid-summer are brown, rounded or irregular in shape with a dark edge. With this fungal disease of trees, dark brown sporulation pads form in the necrotic tissue.

Control measures. Recycling fallen leaves. To treat trees from this disease, spraying with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes is carried out.

Spraying birch in spring, summer and autumn to kill tree pests

birch sapwoodScolytus ratzeburgi Jans. Black shiny beetle with an obliquely cut abdomen. Sapwood fly in June, live in families. The male gnaws a hole into the mating chamber, into which several females come. Each female gnaws a longitudinal uterine passage, and lays eggs on the sides in the egg chambers. The larvae of these pests of deciduous trees make radiant passages clogged with brownish dust, with cradles for pupae. With a large number of trees dry up.

Control measures. Removal of dried trees, spraying of trunks during the flight of beetles with Decis Profi. Injections with the same drug into the holes of the cortex - ampoule / 1 m2.

Big birch sawfly Cimbex femorata L. Black insect, 20-28 mm long, flying in June. The larva (false caterpillar) is green with a thin black longitudinal stripe on the back, feeds in July - August on the leaves. It pupates in a cocoon in the ground.

Control measures. For the treatment of these trees from pests, one of the preparations is sprayed: kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

Scoop brown-gray early Orthosia gothica L. A gray butterfly with a wingspan of 35-37 mm. The caterpillar is green, with a green head, and three whitish-yellow lines run along its back. Caterpillars feed in April - May on hardwoods and herbaceous plants.

Control measures. The same as against the birch sawfly.

Oak diseases and protection of trees in spring, summer and autumn

Here you will learn how to treat trees such as oaks (QUERCUS) for diseases in spring, summer and autumn.

Oak sponge. The causative agent is a fungus Daedalea quercina (L.) Fr.- causes dark brown heartwood rot. Fruit bodies are perennial, imbricate, in the form of flat caps, thickened at the base and with a sharp edge. The surface is brown, grayish-brown with indistinct zones.

Control measures. Removal of dead trees, uprooting of stumps. The fruiting bodies are cut off, the saw cuts are disinfected with a 3-5% solution of copper sulphate, covered with oil paint.

The causative agent is a fungus Nectria galligena Bres. Causes the appearance of brown drying spots on the bark, under which ulcers with raised edges are exposed, first closed, and eventually open, due to the death of wood.

As can be seen in the photo, with this disease, whitish-cream-colored sporulation pads are often visible on the trees around the ulcers:

Control measures. Pruning branches, removing dead trees. Ulcers are cleaned, disinfected with a 3-5% solution of copper sulfate, covered with oil paint. What else can be treated trees from this disease? Spraying is used before the leaves bloom with a Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

powdery mildew. The causative agent is a fungus Microsphaera alphitoides Griff, et Maubl.- causes the appearance of a dense white coating on the leaves and young shoots, in which small black fruiting bodies are formed. Leaves turn brown and dry.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying with preparations: fast, pure flower, keeper, thiovit Jet.

brown spot. The causative agent is the fungus Phyllosticta quercus Sacc. and Speg. - causes the appearance of light brown or light brown spots with a brown border. Small black pycnidia form on the upper side.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Oak pests and how to treat trees in spring, summer and autumn

Oak green leaflet Tortrix viridana L. Butterfly light green, wingspan 18-23 mm. The caterpillar is fusiform, dirty green, 15-18 mm long, the head is brown-black, the body is covered with black-brown warts with short hairs. The eggs hibernate on the bark, in the spring the caterpillars bite into the buds, skeletonize, and later gnaw the leaves. After feeding, they pupate in cocoons on leaves. One generation develops.

Control measures. How can you spray these trees from pests in the spring? Spraying is carried out with preparations: kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir, fitoverm.

Apple nutcracker Diplolepis quercusfoll L. Small insect 2.0-4.4 mm long with wings. Females hibernate in large (10-22 mm), juicy white-yellow galls on fallen leaves. In spring, eggs are laid on the kidneys, where the hatched larvae create small yellow-pink galls 2-3 mm in size with small hairs. Males and females emerge from these galls in June. After fertilization, the females lay their eggs in leaf tissue.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying during the flight with preparations: kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir, fitoverm.

Willow diseases and how to spray trees

The following describes how to spray a willow tree (SALIX) for diseases.

Stepwise (common, nectrium) cancer. The causative agent is a fungus Neonectria galligena The mycelium of the pathogen develops in the bark and sapwood for many years. At the same time, the affected wood dies off, and healthy tissues adjacent to it grow intensively, forming sagging in the form of rollers. The developing mycelium penetrates the healthy tissues of the influx, causing their death. A new influx arises nearby, which is also affected and dies.

Control measures. Pruning branches, removing dead trees. Ulcers are cleaned, disinfected with a 35% solution of copper sulphate, covered with oil paint. To protect these trees from the disease, treatment is carried out before the leaves bloom with a Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Cytosporosis. The causative agent is a fungus Cytospora chrysosperma (Pers.) Fr.- causes browning of the bark on thin branches, drying out and the formation of numerous dark gray tubercles in the affected bark - pycnidia. The affected bark gradually dies off, individual branches and trees dry up.

Control measures. Removal of dried branches and trees. Preventive and eradicating spraying of trees before leafing out with a Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Melampsora salicina (Lev.) Kleb.- causes the formation of yellow-orange sporulation pads on the underside of the leaf, covering the entire surface. The fungus is heterogeneous, intermediate hosts can be onions, larch, currants, euonymus. With a strong lesion, the decorative effect decreases and premature leaf fall is observed.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying in the spring with a Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

These photos show how trees are treated for diseases:

Willow pests and tree treatments

shoot aphid Clavigerus salicis L.A small sucking insect that feeds on young shoots and causes them to deform and develop abnormally. Doesn't migrate.

Control measures. When treating trees from pests in spring, summer and autumn, preventive and eradicating sprayings are carried out with one of the preparations: fitoverm, kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

Poplar red-winged leaf beetle. Blue-green beetle, 10-12 mm long, with red or yellow-red elytra and with a black dot on top. Two generations develop per year. Beetles overwinter in leaf litter. In May, they come out and gnaw out the tissues of the leaves, leaving the main veins. Females lay eggs on leaves in groups of 20-30. The larvae of the first generation feed in June-July, skeletonizing leaves from the upper side and later, gnawing out leaf tissues. They pupate in July on leaves, the pupae are attached to the leaf and hang upside down. The second generation develops in August-September. The leaf beetle also damages aspen and poplar.

Control measures. Collection of plant debris. Preventive and eradicating spraying with one of the preparations: fitoverm, kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

willow penny Aphrophora salicis Deg. A small insect 10-11 mm long, yellowish-brown, elytra with a yellow spot and an oblique dark stripe. The larvae are red-brown, motley, surround themselves with foamy secretions, feed on tissue juice.

Control measures. For spraying trees from these pests, drugs are used: fitoverm, kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

Diseases and pests of chestnut: photo and treatment of trees

The next section of the article is devoted to the fight against pests and diseases of the chestnut tree.

Endotium cancer. The causative agent is the fungus Endotia parasitica (Murr.) And. et And. The crown of the trees is openwork, the leaves are small, underdeveloped, they dry out and do not fall off, there are many dry branches.

Pay attention to the photo - with this disease of trees, numerous underdeveloped weak shoots grow on the trunks, which eventually die off.

The bark is red-brown, later yellow, cracking, fruiting bodies protrude in the cracks in the form of yellow, red-brown tubercles, under the bark - a fan-shaped mycelium of white-yellow or orange color develops. Over time, stepped depressed cancerous ulcers of various shapes and sizes form on the trunk and branches - from several centimeters to several meters.

Control measures. Use of healthy planting material, timely removal of dry branches and dried trees, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. Cleaning of ulcers, disinfection with 3% copper sulphate, coating with oil paint.

bacterial cancer. The causative agent is a bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Sm. et Town.) Conn.- causes the formation of grayish-white, brown growths-tumors up to 10-12 cm in diameter on the roots and root neck, which darken and rot over time. Affected young trees stop growing and gradually dry out. The infection persists in plant debris, is transmitted with planting material and soil pests.

Control measures. Culling, spraying with copper-containing preparations. Single tumors are cut, the sections are disinfected with 1-3% copper sulphate, covered with oil paint.

Red-brown spotting. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta spaeropsoidea Ell. et Ev. The spots are large red-brown or ocher, rounded or irregular in shape, often located along the edges of leaf blades. Over time, dotted black pycnidia form.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is the fungus JJncinula flexuosa Peck. - Delicate white cobwebbed coating on both sides of the leaf. By autumn, numerous small, dark fruiting bodies are formed.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, spraying with preparations: fast, pure flower, keeper, thiovit Jet.

Chestnut moth. Chestnut mining moth, or Ohrid miner Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic. - red-brown butterfly with a wingspan of 7-9.5 mm. Caterpillar yellowish-green - 4.5-6 mm. Pupae overwinter in leaf litter, butterflies fly out in spring, lay eggs one at a time on leaves. Caterpillars form reddish-brown mines, rounded or irregular in shape.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of fallen leaves with mines in autumn. When spraying trees from these pests in spring, when the leaves bloom, preparations are used: kinmiks, fufanon, aktara, spark, Inta-Vir.

Watch a video of proper treatment in the spring from pests and diseases in spring, summer and autumn:

Maple diseases: how to spray trees in spring, summer and autumn

Here you will learn about the protection against pests and diseases of trees such as maples.

false tinder fungus. The causative agent is a fungus - Causes white heart rot of trunks, when the wood turns whitish-yellow and crumbles. Along the perimeter, black winding lines in the form of concentric rings are noticeable. Fruit bodies on the bark are woody perennial, of different sizes, cushion-shaped, hoof-shaped or prostrate. The surface is dark to black, with concentric grooves. Rot develops in the lower and middle parts of the trunk, which is why the affected trees suffer greatly from windbreak. Affects many hardwoods.

Control measures. Removal of dead trees, uprooting of stumps. The fruiting bodies are cut off, the saw cuts are disinfected with a 3-5% solution of copper sulphate, covered with oil paint. Preventive spraying of trunks and young trees in the spring before the leaves bloom with copper-containing preparations.

Stepwise (common, nectrium) cancer. The causative agent is a fungus Neonectria galligena- causes the formation of multi-stage cancerous wounds on the trunks and thick branches.

Control measures. Pruning branches, removing dead trees. Ulcers are cleaned, disinfected with a 3-5% solution of copper sulfate, covered with oil paint. In the treatment of this maple disease, the trees are sprayed before the leaves bloom with a Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is a fungus Uncinula aceris Sacc.- causes the formation of a white cobweb mycelium on the leaves and young shoots, in which black dotted fruiting bodies are formed by autumn. The leaves dry up prematurely and fall off.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive and eradicating spraying with preparations: fast, pure flower, keeper, thiovit Jet.

Black spotting. The causative agent is a fungus Rhytisma acerinum Fr. The spots are yellowish-green, large, 10-15 mm, rounded, with numerous angular black dots on the surface. By autumn, the spots merge, turn black, and become surrounded by a yellow border. Affected leaves dry prematurely, trees lose their decorative effect.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, preventive spraying with copper-containing preparations.

Maple pests and how to spray trees

maple big aphid Drepanosiphum platanoides Schr. Small sucking, yellowish-brown insect with long black antennae and legs. Eggs overwinter under the bark, in spring larvae and adults feed on buds and leaves, alone, 4-6 generations develop. In October, the females of these tree pests lay their eggs.

Control measures. To protect trees in the spring from these pests, spraying with one of the preparations is carried out: kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

Maple shooter. maple shooter Acronicta aceris L.- a grayish butterfly with a wingspan of 35-45 mm.

As you can see in the photo, the caterpillar of this pest of trees up to 50 mm long is covered with bunches of long yellow-red hairs, on the back there are a number of diamond-shaped spots with a black border:

It feeds from June to September, nibbling the leaves of many species.

Control measures. Collection of single caterpillars. To protect trees from these insects, spraying with preparations is carried out: kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

Diseases and pests of linden: photos and means for spraying trees

This section of the article is devoted to the processing of a linden tree from pests and diseases in autumn, summer and spring.

Infectious drying, or thyrostromosis. The causative agent is a fungus Thyrostroma compactum (Sacc.) Hoelm. On the bark of branches to the trunks, necrotic areas of a dark brown color appear, the bark dies off. In the affected bark, small black flattened fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed. The branches dry up, the crown thins, young trees quickly die.

Control measures. Removal of dried branches and individual trees. The best remedies for this tree disease are copper-containing preparations.

brown spot. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta tiliae Sacc. et Speg.- causes the formation of brown spots on the leaves, irregularly rounded in shape with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm with a bright purple rim. Pycnidia punctate, light brown, with spots on underside. Petioles are often affected.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, preventive spraying with copper-containing preparations.

cream spotting.Pathogen - mushroom Gloeosporium tiliae Oud. var. maculicolum All. - spots are small, 4-8 mm in diameter, cream-colored with a dark brown rim. Small dark sporulation pads form on the surface. Perianths and shoots are often affected.

Control measures. It is necessary to treat this disease of trees in the same way as for brown spotting.

Common spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch. A small pest, 0.25-0.43 mm long, feeding on the juice of plant tissues. Females hibernate under the bark and under the leaves, in the spring they move to young leaves. With a large number of ticks, the leaves turn yellow, deform and dry out. More than 10 generations develop over the summer. Damages almost all deciduous and herbaceous plants.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves. To treat trees from these insects, spraying is carried out from spring with preparations: phytoverm, fufanon, aliot, spark M, anti-mite.

red bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. A large sucking insect of bright color, 9-11 mm long. The body, ventral rim are red, the head, antennae, legs, spots on the elytra are black. Bed bugs overwinter in the crevices of the bark of trunks and stumps. In the spring they come to the surface and form large clusters. Females lay eggs in May. The larvae feed until autumn on the juice of leaves of trees and shrubs, and herbaceous plants. In autumn they descend and crawl into cracks in the bark.

Control measures. What can be sprayed trees from these pests? To combat insects, spraying is carried out in the spring with one of the preparations: Fufanon, Kinmiks, Spark M, Inta-Vir.

Scoop yellow-brown early Orthosia stabilis Schiff. Brownish-red butterfly with a wingspan of 35 mm. The caterpillar is green, with five yellowish longitudinal lines on the back and small yellow dots. The penultimate ring has a transverse yellow stripe. Pupae hibernate, butterflies fly in April, caterpillars feed from the end of May - in June, roughly gnawing the leaves of trees and shrubs.

Control measures. Excellent means for treating trees from these pests are kin mix, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

Mountain ash diseases and how to treat trees

Stepwise (common, nectrium) cancer. Pathogen - mushroom Neonectria galligena- causes the formation of multi-stage cancerous wounds on the trunks and thick branches.

Control measures. Pruning branches, removing dead trees. Ulcers are cleaned, disinfected with a 3-5% solution of copper sulfate, covered with oil paint. Trees are sprayed before the leaves bloom with a Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Tubercular necrosis of the cortex. The causative agent is a fungus Tubercularia vulgaris Tode. Causes death (necrosis) of the cortex. Leaves and shoots turn brown and dry, numerous brick-red sporulation pads up to 2 mm in diameter appear on the surface of the bark, gradually turning brown. Many hardwoods and shrubs are affected.

Control measures. Pruning branches, removing dead trees. Preventive spraying in the spring with copper-containing preparations.

Septoria spotting. The causative agent is a fungus Septoria hyalospora Sacc. f. aucupariae Thum. - causes the formation of brown spots on the upper side of the leaf, and the fungus Septoria sorbi Lasch. on both sides of the sheet. By autumn, black dotted flattened pycnidia form in the tissues.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, preventive spraying in spring and early summer with copper-containing preparations.

Mountain ash pests: how can trees be treated in spring and summer

Mountain ash mite Eriophyes piri var. sorbi Na l. A very small sucking pest with two pairs of legs. Lives and feeds in the tissues of the leaf, causing the formation of irregularly shaped bulges - galls. Galls are numerous, on both sides of the leaf, from yellowish green to reddish brown and drying out. Ticks hibernate under the scales of the kidneys, in the summer several generations develop.

Control measures. Before bud break, spraying is carried out - preparation No. 30. Excellent means for spraying trees from these pests during the growing season are preparations: fufanon, fitoverm, spark M, anti-mite.

Rowan aphid Yezabura sorbi Kalt. Small sucking insect of yellow-green and yellow-brown color, forming large colonies. It feeds on the underside of the leaves, which causes them to deform, twist spherically into a large lump.

Control measures. Preventive and eradicating spraying from spring with preparations: fitoverm, kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

willow shield Chionaspis salicis L. A very small sucking insect, covered on top with a wide pear-shaped shield of light gray color, expanded in the back. Eggs overwinter under the shields of females, 40-80 pieces each. In the spring, bright red stray larvae are born and crawl along the branches. One generation develops. Damages many hardwoods and shrubs. With a large number, individual branches and young trees dry out.

Control measures. Spraying of stray larvae with preparations: fitoverm, aktara, kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

How to deal with diseases and pests of the bird cherry tree

Below you will find out how you can treat bird cherry trees from pests and diseases in spring, summer and autumn.

False tinder. The causative agent is a fungus Phellinus igniarius (L. et Fr.) Quel.- Causes white heart rot of trunks, when the wood turns whitish-yellow and crumbles.

Control measures. Removal of dead trees, uprooting of stumps. The fruit bodies are cut off, the saw cuts are disinfected with a 3-5% solution of copper sulfate, covered with oil paint. Preventive spraying of trunks and young trees in the spring before the leaves bloom with copper-containing preparations.

Brown spotting. The causative agent is a fungus Cercospora padi Bub. and Silver. The spots on the leaves are very small, 0.5-3 mm in diameter, irregular in shape, often merging, dropping out, whitish above, brown below. By autumn, small sclerotia are formed.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves. Preventive spraying from spring with copper-containing preparations.

Bird cherry pockets. The causative agent is a fungus Taphrina Pruni Fuck var. padi Jacz. leads to deformation and ugly growth of the ovaries into brown sac-like formations 1-3 cm long. There are no seeds in puffy hollow fruits, over time they become covered with a waxy, dirty-gray coating of sporulation, dry out and fall off.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying before flowering with copper-containing preparations.

Bird cherry ermine moth Yponomeuta evonymellus L.. Silvery white butterflies with a wingspan of 23-25 ​​mm. Caterpillars are spindle-shaped, yellow-greenish-gray, 20-24 mm long, with grayish hairs on black warts. Younger caterpillars overwinter under the egg shield, since April they damage the buds and eat holes, skeletonize and completely gnaw the young leaves, live in groups. Butterflies fly from July to August. Females lay up to 40 eggs on the bark under the shield.

Control measures. How to deal with these tree pests? To combat the bird-cherry moth, spraying is carried out in the spring with preparations: fitoverm, kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

bird cherry leaf beetle Phytodecta quinquepunctatus F. The beetle is 5.0-6.5 mm long, yellow with or without black spots on the elytra. Larvae are flat, green, with 3 pairs of thoracic legs. Younger larvae skeletonize young leaves, older and adult beetles gnaw irregularly shaped holes on the leaves. One generation develops.

Control measures. To destroy these pests of trees, spraying is carried out with a large number of larvae or beetles with preparations: kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

Rose leafhopper Typhlocyba rosae L. Small sucking insect of yellowish color and 3-3.5 mm long. The eggs hibernate on the branches; from spring, the larvae feed on the juice of the leaves, on which numerous yellowish dots of necrosis appear. The leaves become marbled. The larvae feed in May-June, turning into nymphs and adult insects, which also feed on the underside of the leaves.

Control measures. Spraying with drugs: fitoverm, fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Now that you know how to treat trees for pests and diseases in spring, summer and autumn, do not miss the moment and try to protect your green spaces in a timely manner.

Oak is a massive, strong tree, along with other wild trees, they represent a special majesty due to sprawling bushes.

Oak is considered the king of the forest, the tree grows for quite a long time, it will take more than 70 years to see a thick trunk. The peculiarity of such a tree is that for the first few decades it grows in length, and then in thickness.

The roots of the tree grow deep into the ground, young shoots always grow from the main trunk.

Oak loves sunlight, you can see how an oak grows on the most illuminated edges of a pine forest, stretching into the sky. Oak tolerates drought well, tolerates frosty winters well, and also grows in any soil.

You can collect acorns after 14 years from the date of planting the tree, but if the oak grows in an open sunny place, the fruits ripen much earlier. To get a tree, it is necessary to plant an acorn in the ground.

In Russia, certain varieties of oak trees are planted, namely pedunculate or summer oak. The wood of such a tree is considered strong, suitable for building houses, furniture.

Often oak canvases are used in the construction of ships, yachts, as they are resistant to pests. Corks for bottles are made from oak bark; cork oak is specially grown for this.

Oak bark is widely used in medicine for the treatment of diseases of the mouth, throat, is included in the herbal collection, which helps with inflammation, some skin diseases, and burns.

Acorns are fed to pigs, and certain varieties are planted in parks as ornamental plants.

The chestnut-leaved oak has leaves of unusually beautiful shape; they are harvested for the herbarium in September.

How to grow oak?

To plant an oak tree, it is necessary that the acorn be fresh, this harvest, dry fruits, most likely will not sprout. Acorns are planted in the ground at the end of September before frosts or in the spring after them.

To plant acorns in the ground in the spring, they should be properly stored all winter. The temperature should be 0 degrees or slightly higher. The room should be humid, not stuffy. Most often, acorns are stored in the cellar.

In autumn, healthy fruits should be planted, which should be collected in dry weather, and then dried on the window for five days. Before sowing, it is necessary to check the acorns for the presence of pests, worms or insects, it is enough to open several healthy fruits from the total collected heap.

Seeds suitable for planting have yellow seeds inside, missing fruits inside are usually gray or brown.

You can check the suitability of seeds for planting by soaking in water, dead acorns will float to the top.

To plant an oak tree on your site, it is necessary to mark the landing site before planting, namely, to make long grooves 30 cm apart. Acorns are laid out in furrows at a distance of 10 cm from each other, after which they are covered with earth.

The tree sprouts for quite a long time, it will take time to see the first sprouts, about two months. First, the root grows into the ground, strengthens, then growth falls on the stem itself.

It is recommended to plant a tree all the same in the spring, as in the autumn the tree can sprout in adverse weather. Do not be upset if after three weeks you do not see shoots, give the seeds time, the germination rate largely depends on the variety, planting time, and also on the soil.

You can dig a little earth, if the seeds have sprouted, then everything is in order.

Planting an oak, the process, apparently, is not complicated, the main rule of a good harvest is to find healthy, full-fledged fruits.

seed care

Weeds practically do not appear among oak sprouts, in some cases it is recommended to weed the soil around the crop.

It is often impossible to water the seeds, in addition, in the fall, when the leaves fall, watering is completed. Excessive soil moisture during this period threatens the appearance of mold at the base of the trunks.

Pests of oak trees

In the summer, powdery mildew often attacks the tree, the seedlings will not die from this, but will slowly grow. Fungal disease is treated with sulfur.

The tree can dry out due to insects that eat the bark from the inside, as well as the leaves. There are more than 180 species of oak pests, including caterpillars, butterflies, and mice.

What is oak good for?

Since ancient times, oak has been known for its medicinal properties. In the course is the bark, leaves, fruits.

The bark has an astringent effect and is used to treat stomach ulcers, gastritis, and liver disease. Decoctions of oak bark are used in the treatment of gums, namely the reduction of their bleeding. Oak is a part of various useful ointments, dry collections.

Infusion of oak acorns helps with skin diseases, with burns, with bleeding from the stomach, with food poisoning.

For diarrhea in children, a decoction of oak bark is used, and oak decoction is used for tonsillitis, uterine tone, and pharyngitis.

A cooled decoction of oak bark helps to effectively eliminate burns, frostbite, locally anesthetizes them.

Oak photo

Oak is known for its strength and longevity, its average height is 35 m, its diameter is about a meter. But a tree with a huge crown and a strong trunk can be harmed by a small greenish moth. This is an oak leafworm, its voracious larvae eat the buds of the leaves. With mass reproduction, pests completely expose the crown of the tree. The leaf roller lives in the European part of Russia, the Crimea, and the Caucasus. Comprehensive measures have been developed to combat insects, including surveillance, the use of entomophages and chemicals.

Description of the species

The green oak leafworm is a pest of the forest, a monophage that destroys oak foliage. They appear wherever there is a forage base. In the south of the habitat, protracted breeding outbreaks occur, causing significant damage to forestry. The family of leaf rollers includes about 10 thousand species. A characteristic feature is the folding of the eaten leaves into a tube. Caterpillars pull them together with a web and hide inside.

The species Tortrixviridana is represented by butterflies with a wingspan of 18-23 mm. The forewings are green or yellow-green. Gray fringe on outer edge. The hindwings are monophonic, gray, the fringe is several shades lighter. Males and females look the same, females are larger.

Distribution area

Oak leaflet is found in Europe, in Iran, Israel, Asia Minor, in northern Africa. In the Russian Federation, it is noted in the oak forests of the Crimea, the Caucasus and the European region.

Reproduction and development

Imago appear in May-June. They are thermophilic, flying at daytime temperatures above +17°C. In cool days they are not active, hiding among the leaves. Night hours are spent on tree branches, bushes and grass. Mating takes place in June. A fertilized female lays 2-3 eggs on the thickenings between the branches, in the bumps and recesses of the bark. The size of the egg is less than 1 mm. The number of masonry is 50-60 pieces. The pest undergoes a two-year development. One generation is replaced per year. After laying, the female dies.

Information. From above, the eggs are covered with secretions of the female, hardening and darkening in the air. The brown color of the shield makes it difficult to detect masonry.

The eggs remain to overwinter. In severe frosts, when the temperature drops below -25°C, the development of embryos stops, diapause begins. In spring, rounded greenish eggs darken. In April, caterpillars appear from them. The appearance of the young growth coincides with the swelling of the oak buds. Caterpillars climb into the kidneys and eat the contents. Inside the shelter, they are protected from predators, so a large number of leafworm larvae survive.

Impact of weather conditions

In cold spring, caterpillars hatch from eggs. By their appearance, the buds are already blooming, turning into leaves. For larvae of the first age, this is rough food. They eat poorly, the number of surviving offspring is reduced. An early thaw is no less destructive. The caterpillars emerge from the shell, and the buds are still covered with tough scales. The weak jaws of insects are not able to gnaw through the course and they die of hunger. Caterpillars easily tolerate spring frosts, but the cold destroys young leaves. The amount of food decreases, its chemical composition changes. These factors negatively affect the larvae. They begin to get sick, become vulnerable to all viruses and infections.

leaf roller caterpillar

The integument of the body of a young caterpillar is gray-green. The head and thoracic legs are black. Under favorable conditions, it develops in 18-25 days. There are 5 instars and 4 molts before pupation. Adult caterpillars grow up to 17-18 mm. The typical coloration is light green with a brown head and shield.

There are many black warts and long light hairs on the body. There are claws on the thoracic and ventral legs. The development of the caterpillar proceeds according to the schedule:
  • The first age - 4 days, spends inside the oak buds.
  • The second age - 2-3 days, moves to the leaf, eats the top and edges.
  • The third age is 3 days, the larva wraps itself in a leaf, it bends the edge of the leaf plate and fixes it with a cobweb.
  • The fourth age - 5 days, eating the leaf continues.
  • Fifth, last age - takes about a week. Feeding stops, pupation begins.

Information. The disturbed caterpillar falls from the leaf, but it does not fly to the ground, but descends on cobwebs to the lower branch.

The pupa is brown, 8-10 mm long. The cocoon has a wide ledge and 8 setae. The pupa lies in a bag of cobwebs, one edge of which is open. Departure of adults is extended from June to July.


Caterpillars of the green leafworm eat a large number of green leaves, starting from the top of the tree. Damage leads to a reduction in the yield of acorns. Leafless areas are often attacked by powdery mildew. With mass outbreaks of reproduction, the pest completely destroys the foliage. Trees growing on dry soils cannot recover and die. Outbreaks are periodic, but prolonged, lasting up to 8 years. In the forest-steppe, foci occur in well-heated areas of mixed forests and parks. In the steppe - on old ravine oak forests, massifs with rare filling.

Fighting methods

Only the caterpillars of the oak leafworm have a negative impact on forest and park plantations; adults do not feed. To combat the pest, special measures and preventive supervision have been developed.

Agrotechnical measures

  • Establishment of plantings with a priority selection of late forms of oak.
  • Planting of mixed, densely closed parks and forests.
  • Formation of a dense layer of shrubs.
  • In the conditions of a personal plot, leaf rollers are harvested by hand, sticky trapping belts are installed on trees.

The use of entomophages


With a strong infection, the extermination of the oak leafworm is possible only with the use of insecticides or biological pesticides. The procedure is performed at the time of oak buds blooming. Spraying is carried out on the crown in the morning or evening hours. The preparations "Kinmiks", "Karbofos", "Lepidotsid" are used.


Green oak leafworm prevention measures include removing the bark from trees where it has been seen during the summer. The plant material is burned. Work is carried out in autumn. In winter, pest eggs will be left without shelter and freeze. Prevention includes surveillance of eggs and adults. This procedure is time consuming, especially when searching for clutches. Butterflies are collected for counting using light traps. After a winter with low temperatures, the overwintered clutches are counted so as not to spend extra money on processing.

Diseases of plant leaves.

Poplar rust (Melampsora populina Kleb.).

Leaf disease of plants, the primary infection causes aecidiospores, which are formed on the leaves and needles of the intermediate host. The fungus develops inside the leaf blade. In summer (June), yellow or orange uredopustules appear on the underside; they form several times during the summer, which contributes to the infection of other plants. In case of severe damage to plants, uredospores can appear on the upper side of the leaf and on non-lignified shoots. Affected leaves turn black, curl and fall off; telitospores hibernate on them, which germinate in spring and infect the intermediate host.

spatial isolation between plantings of poplars, larch and pine; spraying trees for diseases (fungicides).

Birch rust (Melampsoridium betulinum Kleb.).

Leaf disease of plants, spreading on the underside of the leaf, orange pads of uredospores appear in summer, replaced by telitospores by autumn. Leaves turn yellow and fall off. The fungus hibernates on fallen leaves; in spring, larch needles, which are an intermediate host, become infected with basidiospores. Aecidiospores of larch infect birch. The disease causes premature leaf fall, delays growth and lignification of shoots.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: spatial isolation of birch and larch; spraying plants from diseases with fungicides.

Powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew usually affects young leaves or non-lignified shoots. Weakened plants are more likely to fall ill. Wet weather and warm summers stimulate the development of powdery mildew, but plant disease also develops in arid regions. Powdery mildew severely affects hardwoods: oak, birch, ash, fruit crops, etc.

Powdery mildew of oak (Microsphaerd alphitoides Grif).

Infection of leaves with powdery mildew of oak occurs with bag spores and vegetative mycelium. On the leaves affected by the disease, a white powdery coating appears on both sides, consisting of mycelium hyphae. Later, with the formation of conidia, the plaque becomes more dense and powerful. Mature conidia cause secondary infection of leaves and shoots with the disease. At the end of summer, fruiting bodies appear on the leaves - cleistothecia - brown, almost black, which overwinter.

In diseased plants, the content of chlorophyll decreases, the process is inhibited photosynthesis, respiration (gas exchange) and transpiration are disturbed. Shoots do not ripen well and are often beaten by frost.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: destruction of fallen leaves in plantations that are a source of infections; when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to spray the plants against diseases with fungicides, spraying the plants against powdery mildew is carried out after 10-15 days several times during the summer; systemic drugs are the most effective.

Maple powdery mildew is caused by the fungus Uncinula aceris Sacc. A white powdery coating appears on the affected leaves due to the growth of the mycelium. Infection with the disease occurs in summer with conidia, in autumn brown cleistothecia appear.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: the same as with oak powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew of apple and pear (Podosphaera leucotricha Salm.) sometimes appears on leaves, shoots and flowers in early spring in the form of a white bloom. Leaves turn brown, curl, flowers fall. The fungus overwinters on shoots and fallen leaves.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: spraying apple and pear trees with fungicides in spring.

Leaf spots.

Leaf spot disease of plants is caused by various phytopathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses, as well as adverse environmental factors. Separate parts of the tissue die off, the color, structure, shape change, i.e. various spots appear.

White leaf spot of poplar (septoria).

This plant disease is caused by the fungus Septoria populi Desm. In summer, small light gray, sometimes white spots of various sizes with a reddish-brown border appear on the leaves. On the surface of the spots there are black dots - pycnidia of the fungus. Conidia ripened in pycnidia are carried by wind, water and infect leaves.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: collection and composting of fallen leaves; spraying plants against diseases in early spring with eradicating fungicides, as well as spraying plants during the growing season.

Black spotting of maple leaves.

Maple leaf black spot is caused by the fungus Rhytisma acerinum Fr. In the middle of summer, light spots appear on the leaves, black ones appear in autumn. resinous spots with a yellow border. They form conidia. On the fallen leaves, marsupial sporulation is formed - apothecia, which are the source of infection, so the fallen leaves must be burned.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: the same as with white spotting of poplar.

Red-brown spotting of sweet cherry (coccomycosis).

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Coccomyces hiemalis Higg. It affects the leaves and stalks of sweet cherries and cherries, to a lesser extent apricots, plums, cherry plums. Dark red angular spots appear on the upper surface of the leaves. Leaves turn yellow and fall off. Fruit quality is deteriorating. Pink conidia appear on the underside of the leaf and infect other leaves. The fungus overwinters on fallen leaves.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: destruction of fallen leaves; in early spring, before the buds swell, eradicating spraying of fruit trees; spraying fruit trees in summer with fungicides; repeated spraying of fruit trees with fungicides after 10-15 days; in the nursery 6-7 treatments of fruit trees during the growing season.

Willow scab.

The causative agent of willow scab is the marsupial fungus Venturia chlorospora (Ces.) Wint. In the spring, the affected leaves wither, blacken and die. The disease passes from dead leaves to the shoot, causing its deformation and blackening. Conidia of the fungus, formed near the veins of dead leaves, are the source of infection. The fungus overwinters on fallen leaves. Wet weather in spring and summer stimulates the development of the disease.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: cutting and destruction of affected shoots, destruction of litter; early spring spraying of trees willow fungicides; in summer, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to re-spray willow trees.

Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Wint).

Apple scab affects leaves, cuttings, stalks, flowers, shoots and fruits. A green-brown coating of sporulation of the fungus appears on the leaves, scaly spots on the shoots. Affected leaves and imported apple trees fall off, shoots die off, fruits crack. The fungus overwinters on fallen leaves and becomes infected in the first half of summer.

Methods for combating plant leaf diseases: destruction of fallen leaves; early spring spraying of apple fruit trees before buds swell; spraying apple fruit trees during the period of isolation of buds, in the phase of a pink bud and after flowering as the disease develops; with severe damage to fruit trees, apple trees carry out several treatments with fungicides in 10-15 days.

Climatic changes and human activities have led to the fact that over the past years in the Moscow region there has been a drying out of oak forests and separately growing mature oaks. The reason for the death of oaks is the increased incidence of powdery mildew, bacterial dropsy (bacterial cancer) and the attack of pests (mainly oak green leafworm). First of all, mature trees, aged from seventy years or more, suffer.

Mature oaks react extremely negatively to construction work carried out in the immediate vicinity, to changes in climatic and soil conditions (changes in temperature, compaction of roots - trampling, backfilling of roots with imported soil or soil from a pit, stagnant waterlogging of soils). Unfortunately, even if we treat trees with care and prevent human damage, it is impossible to protect plants from climate change. Weakened trees are attacked by pests. Currently, the main danger for oaks is the oak leafworm, the outbreak of which began in 2012 and by 2016 had not yet reached its peak. Outbreaks of this pest are characterized by a protracted course, up to 6-8 years. Oak quite effectively resists the attacks of leaf-eating insects, since it is able to compensate for the lost crown by releasing new leaves to replace those eaten by pests. However, any attacks of insects, even the most insignificant ones, undermine the defenses of trees. Subsequently, oaks often fall ill with powdery mildew, bacterial dropsy, and chronic diseases become aggravated. These pathological processes are provoked by pests.

Signs of oak weakening are easy to determine by visually assessing the condition of the crown. In the crown, drying or dry branches of the second and subsequent orders will be noticeable, even dying large skeletal branches can be found. The foliage of weakened trees is paler, smaller than that of healthy ones, and starting from mid-June, the first signs of powdery mildew and (or) bacterioses (white and brown spots on the leaves, twisting of the leaves, drying out of young shoots) can already be noted in the crown.

The treatment of oaks should be aimed at eliminating the causes that caused their weakening and at fighting diseases and pests. If the trees suffer from bacterial dropsy, measures are required to improve the soil, if necessary, work is carried out to clean artificially poured or chemically poisoned soil, and eliminate stagnant waterlogging. Antibacterial treatment is carried out - soil spillage with antibiotics, intra-stem injections, spraying. If there is a drying of oaks from powdery mildew, then they are treated with fungicidal (antifungal) drugs.

If the tree has been attacked by pests, then it is carried out with insecticidal or biological preparations, and injections also give a good result. When carrying out work on the treatment and protection of oaks, it must be taken into account that insects are often carriers of various diseases. And if a tree was attacked by insects in May, then by the middle of summer, as a rule, consequences arise - the first manifestations of diseases. And by the end of summer, oaks that have not been cured in time will lag significantly behind in growth, they will lose their foliage earlier than healthy ones. Significantly increases the risk of a massive attack of pests next year. Therefore, when processing oak from leafworms and other insects, antiseptic and fungicidal preparations are added to the mixture to prevent diseases that are likely to occur in an attacked tree.