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Many people sometimes have a question, "Balzac's age" - how old is it? In fact, this is a rather vague concept, because this time for everyone comes in different ways. In a common sense, this is the age from 30 to 40 years. In most cases, this term is applied exclusively to women, and even in an ironic sense. "Balzac age", so they say about a lady who can no longer be called young, but has not yet reached "wise" years. At this age, hopes for a romantic relationship have not yet disappeared; a woman still longs for love and tenderness with great force. It is a pity that now she has a huge life experience, a store of knowledge, from which there is no escape. Now she is well versed in men and will not believe their flattering words. And sometimes you really want to forget everything and surrender to the will of the current. This term became popular after the story was printed " thirty year old woman by the popular French writer Honore de Balzac.

"The novel of Balzac is located separately" thirty year old woman". Although in fact this work can hardly be called a novel. It is a series of separate scenes that are scattered throughout the book like a mosaic. When you read it, you understand that the author never intended to combine them under one plot. And this is true , it turns out, the book is collected from separate stories.The first of them was published in 1831 in a small-circulation newspaper, Caricature.
This story is called "Napoleon's Last Parade". The plot is quite simple, but the author's mastery of his language is striking. The young lady asks her father to go with her to the parade, which was held in the Tuileries, because she fell in love with the young colonel. Balzac rips the covers off the lives of the French townspeople of that time. Shows their way of life and customs, what they dreamed about and what they aspired to.
A month passes and in the next story called "Two Meetings" Honore shows how the wife of a general lives. Some exalted ladies prefer to believe that this is the same handsome colonel from the previous story. She hates her husband, so she got herself a lover, and her daughter, looking at her mommy, runs away with some strange man who claims to be a pirate. After a while, she realizes that he is not a "Parisian pirate", but a real Byronian corsair"

"Unfortunately, this story turned out to be very weak, in the spirit of Balzac's first "black" novels.
A few months later, the newspaper publishes his next work, "Date." Which is a five-part novella. In this story, the plot is revealed and we understand that indeed in the second part the general's wife is the same girl who ran to the Tuileries parade. Her husband is no longer sweet, and she fell in love with the stiff Englishman A. Grenville.
After some time, these stories were processed, supplemented and combined. Now they are published under the common name for all short stories "The Same Story". And only 11 years later, in 1842, Honore de Balzac finally completed his work completely.
According to connoisseurs of this author's work, this work looks the least complete, all its chapters are almost unrelated to each other. However, there are ideal moments in this story ... "

("Prometheus or the Life of Balzac" by André Maurois)

“It seems to me that I already have a Balzac age, Anna Ivanovna thought shockedly, looking at herself in the mirror. She began to recall those sad thirty-year-old women who at this age fell into melancholy”
("Near gentlemen" Mamin-Sibiryak)

In our time, the threshold of the Balzac age, in contrast to the 19th century, has noticeably shifted. After all, all this time, medicine has not stood still, new drugs and means for skin rejuvenation have been invented, special diets etc. Now 40 and even 50 years can rightfully be considered a Balzacian age. All this is purely individual, this age depends on how you lived before, whether you had bad habits. In general, it is difficult to imagine the definition of Balzac's age and a woman who lays sleepers on a railway.

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Looking at age now and before are two different things. Many young women will be surprised to learn how old this is - Balzac. It seems as if we are talking about a woman who has already lived and experienced experience. But in fact, this is from 30 to 40 years - a period that, by modern standards, is considered the most fruitful in a person's life. And it's all about the significant difference between the period of the last century and the present.

Photo by wundervisuals/E+/Getty Images

At the time of Honore de Balzac, who wrote the masterpiece “The Thirty-Year-Old Woman”, girls of 16 years old were considered young beauties. During these years they got married, gave birth to children, shone in society. And then everything is a period of extinction. After 20 years, the girl was by no means young, and at the age of 30-40 she was considered, if not an old woman, then already elderly.

The modern view of age has changed dramatically, but the expression remains. Speaking of Balzac's age these days, experts lean more toward 45 years. Moreover, in recent years there has been a tendency to increase it to 50-55 years, because the attitude towards thirty-year-olds has long been out of line with the concept.

Estimation of the term by specialists

Developmental psychology has developed significantly since the time of Balzac. According to science, between the ages of 30 and 40, people experience a severe midlife crisis. For some, it starts earlier, for others later, but the vast majority of women experience a serious reassessment of values ​​precisely at the Balzac age. In The Thirty-Year-Old Woman, 30 years was seen as an opportunity to become independent, to experience a second youth. Today is a period of crisis, the most complex restructuring of the personality, the ratio of the desired and what has already been achieved. And the second youth for modern women comes after 40, even closer to 50, which is why the terms of the Balzac age were postponed by 10-20 years.

Photo by Geber86/E+/Getty Images

But the most interesting thing is that with every decade, the "Balzac age" continues to shift. What can I say, in most European countries, women in their 60s and 70s believe that their life has just begun: they feel great, travel a lot and enjoy every day. In addition, for a long time for the fair sex, age is not an obstacle to this. to look good and dress fashionably.

The woman's age is ca. 30 years. The term was fixed after the publication of O. Balzac's story "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (1842), which describes marital relations in a bourgeois family.

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)

See what the "Balzac age" is in other dictionaries:

    Balzac's age The expression became common after the appearance of the novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (fr.) Russian. French writer Honore de Balzac. The heroine of this novel, Vicomtesse de Bossean, was independent, ... ... Wikipedia

    The expression became common after the appearance of the novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) by the French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850). The heroine of this novel, Vicomtesse de Bossean, was distinguished by independence, independence of judgment and ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Balzac age- The age of the woman is from thirty to forty years. “Am I entering the Balzac age?” thought Anna Ivanovna, remembering those thirty-year-old ladies who fell into despondent disappointment (Mother's Sibiryak. Near the gentlemen). Everyone knows the "epidemics" of love ... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 age from 30 to 40 years (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Razg. Shuttle. About the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. BMS 1998, 93; F 1, 71; BTS, 57; SHZF 2001.16. Named after the French writer O. de Balzac (1799–1850), after the publication of his novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Balzac age- wing. sl. The expression arose after the release of the novel by the French writer Honore Balzac (1799-1850) The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831); used as a playful description of women aged 30-40 years. In the same meaning, expressions arose from here ...

    balzac age- about the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. The expression arose under the influence of the works of O. Balzac, the heroines of which are women of that age. The turnover came into active use after the appearance of the writer's novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1842) ... Universal optional practical dictionary I. Mostitsky

    balzac age- about the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. The expression arose under the influence of the works of O. Balzac, the heroines of which are women of that age. The turnover came into active use after the appearance of the writer’s novel “The Thirty-Year-Old Woman” (1842) ... Phraseology Handbook

    balzac age- About the woman's age from 30 to 40 years. Named after the French writer O. de Balzac (1799 1850) after the publication of his novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Balzac age, or All men are their own ... Wikipedia


  • White Moor, Stishov Maxim. Maxim Stishov is a well-known screenwriter and producer, author of the blockbuster "Balzac's age, or All men are theirs ...", he writes prose solely for his own pleasure. He rarely writes, but...
  • Balzac women. The age of love, Sergei Nechaev. “For the night of love it is not a pity to give one’s life”, “Love is our second birth”, “Whoever has the power to rule a woman can rule the state” - this is what Honore de Balzac said, who is rightfully called ...

However, the first impression is deceptive not only about people, but about all things in life in general. For example, various quotes and expressions can be interpreted incorrectly in exactly the same way, while their original meaning can be distorted beyond recognition. It is to such expressions that "Balzac" refers.

History of the term

The history of the term dates back to the 19th century. This century was extremely rich in outstanding musicians, poets, architects, scientists, politicians, and inventors. It was in such a century rich in colorful events that one of the greatest French prose writers, Honore de Balzac, worked. In the middle of the century, he published his well-known and popular work The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (La Femme de trente ans). It was after the publication of this that the "Balzac age" was born.

The main character of this literary work- Vicomtesse d'Aiglemont - was distinguished by a rather independent behavior, expressive expression of feelings and independent judgments that went against the dominant public opinion. For the first time after the publication of the novel, the term was used with some irony in relation to women whose behavior clearly resembled the behavior of the main character of the work. Later they began to call women aged 30-40 years old. Critics of Balzac's contemporaries noted that the writer "invented" a woman of thirty years.

More than a hundred years later, the meaning of the expression has changed the meaning in the most radical way. Now, when the expression “a woman of Balzac’s age” is mentioned, it is considered that it means a woman over 40 years old, which, by definition, is fundamentally wrong.

On the Internet, you can find articles and forums where a woman of 40-50 years old is described as “Balzac”, and arguments are given in favor of the statements. There is some sense in this, of course. Since thirty years in the XIX century is quite commensurate with the present 40 years. However, it is important to remember what is the history of the expression.

Perhaps many people have experienced a negative reaction from women as soon as the latter heard the term in their address. As a rule, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are offended by the fact that they, they say, were called old. This only indicates that lovely ladies simply do not know the true meaning of this expression.

Balzac age

Balzac age
The expression became common after the appearance of the novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) by the French writer Honore de Balzac.
(1799-1850). The heroine of this novel, Vicomtesse de Bossean, was distinguished by her independence, independence of judgment and freedom in expressing her feelings.
Sometimes there is another translation of the name - "Woman at thirty."
In the first years after the publication of the novel, this expression was used ironically in relation to women who looked like or aspired to be like the heroine of a Balzac novel. Later, the original meaning of this expression was forgotten, and it began to be used in a different, narrower sense - it began to denote the age of a woman.
Allegorically: a woman aged 30 to 40 years (jokingly ironic).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

Balzac age

The expression arose after the release of the novel by the French writer Honore Balzac (1799-1850) "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (1831); used as a playful description of women aged 30-40 years. In the same meaning, the expressions arose from here: "Balzac's woman", "Balzac's heroine".

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004

See what "Balzac Age" is in other dictionaries:

    Balzac's age The expression became common after the appearance of the novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (fr.) Russian. French writer Honore de Balzac. The heroine of this novel, Vicomtesse de Bossean, was independent, ... ... Wikipedia

    Balzac age- The age of the woman is from thirty to forty years. “Am I entering the Balzac age?” thought Anna Ivanovna, remembering those thirty-year-old ladies who fell into despondent disappointment (Mother's Sibiryak. Near the gentlemen). Everyone knows the "epidemics" of love ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 age from 30 to 40 years (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    The woman's age is ca. 30 years. The term was fixed after the publication of O. Balzac's story The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1842), which describes marital relations in a bourgeois family. (Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms) … Sexological Encyclopedia

    Razg. Shuttle. About the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. BMS 1998, 93; F 1, 71; BTS, 57; SHZF 2001.16. Named after the French writer O. de Balzac (1799–1850), after the publication of his novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Balzac age- wing. sl. The expression arose after the release of the novel by the French writer Honore Balzac (1799-1850) The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831); used as a playful description of women aged 30-40 years. In the same meaning, expressions arose from here ...

    balzac age- about the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. The expression arose under the influence of the works of O. Balzac, the heroines of which are women of that age. The turnover came into active use after the appearance of the writer's novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1842) ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    balzac age- about the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. The expression arose under the influence of the works of O. Balzac, the heroines of which are women of that age. The turnover came into active use after the appearance of the writer’s novel “The Thirty-Year-Old Woman” (1842) ... Phraseology Handbook

    balzac age- About the woman's age from 30 to 40 years. Named after the French writer O. de Balzac (1799 1850) after the publication of his novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Balzac age, or All men are their own ... Wikipedia


  • White Moor, Stishov Maxim. Maxim Stishov is a well-known screenwriter and producer, author of the blockbuster "Balzac's age, or All men are theirs ...", he writes prose solely for his own pleasure. He rarely writes, but...